def query_google(company_name, google_apikey, country_codes=None, additional_keywords=None): additional_keywords = ['plant'] if additional_keywords is None else additional_keywords google_maps = Client(key=google_apikey) if country_codes is None: raise Exception(""" List of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes required, e.g. country_code_list=['DE']. See for codes.""") all_res = [] for cc in country_codes: country_res = google_maps.places(' '.join([company_name] + additional_keywords), region=cc).get('results') if country_res: all_res += [r for r in country_res if any( [company_name.lower() in r.get(f, '').lower() for f in ['formatted_address', 'name']]) and not any( [term in r.get('formatted_address', '').lower() for term in [f'near {company_name}', f'behind {company_name}']])] all_res = [r for r in all_res if not any([tag in r['types'] for tag in ['car_dealer', 'car_repair', 'store']])] addresses = pd.DataFrame([[d['name'], d['formatted_address'], d['geometry']['location']['lat'], d['geometry']['location']['lng']] for d in all_res], columns=['name', 'address', 'lat', 'lng']) addresses = addresses.assign( source='places_apis' ) return addresses
now = directions_result = gmaps.directions("Sydney Town Hall", "Parramatta, NSW", mode="transit", departure_time=now) lat_long = (gmaps.geocode( '326 Perkins Library, Durham, NC 27708')[0]['geometry']['location']['lat'], gmaps.geocode('326 Perkins Library, Durham, NC 27708')[0] ['geometry']['location']['lng']) print lat_long duke = gmaps.reverse_geocode(lat_long)[0]['formatted_address'] print duke local = gmaps.places('restaurant near ' + duke) print local['results'][0]['formatted_address'] print local['results'][0]['name'] directions = gmaps.directions(duke, whitehouse) print directions[0]['legs'][0]['distance'] for step in directions[0]['legs'][0]['steps']: print step['html_instructions'] embassies = [[38.917228, -77.0522365], [38.9076502, -77.0370427], [38.916944, -77.048739]] # TODO: write code to answer the following questions: # which embassy is closest to the White House in meters? how far? destinations = []
def get_detail_from_address(address: str, client: googlemaps.Client): return client.places(address)
def get_postal_code_from_address(address: str, client: googlemaps.Client): return client.places(address)['results'][0]['formatted_address'][-6:]
query = st.text_input(label="What kind of place do you want to search for?") radius = st.slider(label="Search Radius (m): ", min_value=0, max_value=25, value=10) op_time ="Place open now or later?: ", options=['Now', 'Later']) if (address != '') and (query != ''): geocode_result = gmaps.geocode(address) latitude = geocode_result[0]['geometry']['location']['lat'] longitude = geocode_result[0]['geometry']['location']['lng'] lat_long = (latitude, longitude) results = gmaps.places(query=query, radius=radius, location=lat_long, open_now=True) headers = results['results'][0].keys() data_path = str(query) + str(now) data_path = f'{data_path}' + '.csv' with open(data_path, 'w') as f: dict_writer = csv.DictWriter(f, headers) dict_writer.writeheader() dict_writer.writerows(results['results']) nr = nearest_restaurants(f"{data_path}") st.write("## Objectives: ") st.write("- Transforming Coordinates Into Data via Google Maps API") st.write("- Visualizing Data on a Map")
now = directions_result = gmaps.directions("Sydney Town Hall", "Parramatta, NSW", mode="transit", departure_time=now) lat_long = (gmaps.geocode( '326 Perkins Library, Durham, NC 27708')[0]['geometry']['location']['lat'], gmaps.geocode('326 Perkins Library, Durham, NC 27708')[0] ['geometry']['location']['lng']) print lat_long duke = gmaps.reverse_geocode(lat_long)[0]['formatted_address'] print duke local = gmaps.places('restaurant near ' + duke) print local['results'][0]['formatted_address'] print local['results'][0]['name'] directions = gmaps.directions(duke, whitehouse) print directions[0]['legs'][0]['distance'] for step in directions[0]['legs'][0]['steps']: print step['html_instructions'] embassies = [[38.917228, -77.0522365], [38.9076502, -77.0370427], [38.916944, -77.048739]] def nearest_embassy(wh, embassy_list): e_dist = distances(wh, embassy_list) shortest = min(e_dist)