def offer_single_export(self, rec, prefs, mult=1, parent=None): """Offer to export a single file. Return the filename if we have in fact exported said file. """ default_extension = prefs.get('save_recipe_as', 'html') # strip the period if one ended up on our default extension if default_extension and default_extension[0] == '.': default_extension = default_extension[1:] exp_directory = prefs.get( 'rec_exp_directory', get_user_special_dir(USER_DIRECTORY_DOCUMENTS)) filename, exp_type = de.saveas_file( _('Save recipe as...'), filename='%s%s%s%s%s' % (exp_directory, os.path.sep, rec.title, os.path.extsep, default_extension), filters=self.get_single_filters(), parent=parent) if not filename: return if not exp_type or not self.can_export_type(exp_type): de.show_message( label=_('Gourmet cannot export file of type "%s"') % os.path.splitext(filename)[1]) return return self.do_single_export(rec, filename, exp_type, mult)
def offer_single_export (self, rec, prefs, mult=1, parent=None): """Offer to export a single file. Return the filename if we have in fact exported said file. """ default_extension = prefs.get('save_recipe_as','html') # strip the period if one ended up on our default extension if default_extension and default_extension[0]=='.': default_extension = default_extension[1:] exp_directory = prefs.get('rec_exp_directory', get_user_special_dir(USER_DIRECTORY_DOCUMENTS) ) filename,exp_type = de.saveas_file(_('Save recipe as...'), filename='%s%s%s%s%s'%(exp_directory, os.path.sep, rec.title, os.path.extsep, default_extension), filters=self.get_single_filters(), parent=parent ) if not filename: return if not exp_type or not self.can_export_type(exp_type): de.show_message(label=_('Gourmet cannot export file of type "%s"')%os.path.splitext(filename)[1]) return return self.do_single_export(rec, filename, exp_type, mult)
def offer_multiple_export(self, recs, prefs, parent=None, prog=None): """Offer user a chance to export multiple recipes at once. Return the exporter class capable of doing this and a dictionary of arguments for the progress dialog. """ if len(recs) < 950: # inelegantly avoid bug that happens when this code runs # on large numbers of recipes. The good news is that this # that that will almost only ever happen when we're # exporting all recipes, which makes this code irrelevant # anyway. ext = prefs.get("save_recipes_as", "%sxml" % os.path.extsep) exp_directory = prefs.get("rec_exp_directory", get_user_special_dir(USER_DIRECTORY_DOCUMENTS)) fn, exp_type = de.saveas_file( _("Export recipes"), filename="%s%s%s%s" % (exp_directory, os.path.sep, _("recipes"), ext), parent=parent, filters=self.get_multiple_filters(), ) if fn: prefs["rec_exp_directory"] = os.path.split(fn)[0] prefs["save_recipes_as"] = os.path.splitext(fn)[1] instance = self.do_multiple_export(recs, fn, exp_type) if not instance: de.show_message( okay=gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, cancel=False, label=_('Unable to export: unknown filetype "%s"' % fn), sublabel=_("Please make sure to select a filetype from the dropdown menu when saving."), message_type=gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, ) return return instance
def offer_multiple_export (self, recs, prefs, parent=None, prog=None): """Offer user a chance to export multiple recipes at once. Return the exporter class capable of doing this and a dictionary of arguments for the progress dialog. """ ext = prefs.get('save_recipes_as','%sxml'%os.path.extsep) exp_directory = prefs.get('rec_exp_directory','~') fn,exp_type=de.saveas_file(_("Export recipes"), filename="%s/%s%s"%(exp_directory,_('recipes'),ext), parent=parent, filters=self.get_multiple_filters()) if fn: prefs['rec_exp_directory']=os.path.split(fn)[0] prefs['save_recipes_as']=os.path.splitext(fn)[1] instance = self.do_multiple_export(recs, fn, exp_type) if not instance: de.show_message( okay=gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, cancel=False, label=_('Unable to export: unknown filetype "%s"'%fn), sublabel=_('Please make sure to select a filetype from the dropdown menu when saving.'), message_type=gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, ) return import gourmet.GourmetRecipeManager main_app = gourmet.GourmetRecipeManager.get_application() print 'Connect',instance,'to show dialog when done' instance.connect('completed', lambda *args: main_app.offer_url('Export complete!', 'Recipes exported to %s'%fn, url='file:///%s'%fn)) return instance
def offer_multiple_export(self, recs, prefs, parent=None, prog=None): """Offer user a chance to export multiple recipes at once. Return the exporter class capable of doing this and a dictionary of arguments for the progress dialog. """ if len(recs) < 950: # inelegantly avoid bug that happens when this code runs # on large numbers of recipes. The good news is that this # that that will almost only ever happen when we're # exporting all recipes, which makes this code irrelevant # anyway. ext = prefs.get('save_recipes_as', '%sxml' % os.path.extsep) exp_directory = prefs.get( 'rec_exp_directory', get_user_special_dir(USER_DIRECTORY_DOCUMENTS)) fn, exp_type = de.saveas_file( _("Export recipes"), filename="%s%s%s%s" % (exp_directory, os.path.sep, _('recipes'), ext), parent=parent, filters=self.get_multiple_filters()) if fn: prefs['rec_exp_directory'] = os.path.split(fn)[0] prefs['save_recipes_as'] = os.path.splitext(fn)[1] instance = self.do_multiple_export(recs, fn, exp_type) if not instance: de.show_message( okay=gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, cancel=False, label=_('Unable to export: unknown filetype "%s"' % fn), sublabel= _('Please make sure to select a filetype from the dropdown menu when saving.' ), message_type=gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, ) return import gourmet.GourmetRecipeManager main_app = gourmet.GourmetRecipeManager.get_application() print 'Connect', instance, 'to show dialog when done' instance.connect( 'completed', lambda *args: main_app.offer_url('Export complete!', 'Recipes exported to %s' % fn, url='file:///%s' % fn)) return instance
def offer_multiple_export (self, recs, prefs, parent=None, prog=None): """Offer user a chance to export multiple recipes at once. Return the exporter class capable of doing this and a dictionary of arguments for the progress dialog. """ if len(recs) < 950: # inelegantly avoid bug that happens when this code runs # on large numbers of recipes. The good news is that this # that that will almost only ever happen when we're # exporting all recipes, which makes this code irrelevant # anyway. ext = prefs.get('save_recipes_as','%sxml'%os.path.extsep) exp_directory = prefs.get('rec_exp_directory', get_user_special_dir(USER_DIRECTORY_DOCUMENTS) ) fn,exp_type=de.saveas_file(_("Export recipes"), filename="%s%s%s%s"%(exp_directory, os.path.sep, _('recipes'), ext), parent=parent, filters=self.get_multiple_filters()) if fn: prefs['rec_exp_directory']=os.path.split(fn)[0] prefs['save_recipes_as']=os.path.splitext(fn)[1] instance = self.do_multiple_export(recs, fn, exp_type) if not instance: de.show_message( okay=gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, cancel=False, label=_('Unable to export: unknown filetype "%s"'%fn), sublabel=_('Please make sure to select a filetype from the dropdown menu when saving.'), message_type=gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, ) return import gourmet.GourmetRecipeManager main_app = gourmet.GourmetRecipeManager.get_application() print 'Connect',instance,'to show dialog when done' instance.connect('completed', lambda *args: main_app.offer_url('Export complete!', 'Recipes exported to %s'%fn, url='file:///%s'%fn)) return instance
def offer_multiple_export(self, recs, prefs, parent=None, prog=None, export_all=False): """Offer user a chance to export multiple recipes at once. Return the exporter class capable of doing this and a dictionary of arguments for the progress dialog. """ if (not export_all) or (len(recs) < 950): # inelegantly avoid bug that happens when this code runs # on large numbers of recipes. The good news is that this # that that will almost only ever happen when we're # exporting all recipes, which makes this code irrelevant # anyway. ext = prefs.get('save_recipes_as', '%sxml' % os.path.extsep) exp_directory = prefs.get( 'rec_exp_directory', get_user_special_dir(USER_DIRECTORY_DOCUMENTS)) fn, exp_type = de.saveas_file( _("Export recipes"), filename="%s%s%s%s" % (exp_directory, os.path.sep, _('recipes'), ext), parent=parent, filters=self.get_multiple_filters()) if fn: prefs['rec_exp_directory'] = os.path.split(fn)[0] prefs['save_recipes_as'] = os.path.splitext(fn)[1] instance = self.do_multiple_export(recs, fn, exp_type) if not instance: de.show_message( okay=Gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, cancel=False, label=_('Unable to export: unknown filetype "%s"' % fn), sublabel= _('Please make sure to select a filetype from the dropdown menu when saving.' ), message_type=Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, ) return return instance