文件: lb94.py 项目: qsnake/gpaw
 def calculate(self, e_g, n_sg, dedn_sg,
               sigma_xg=None, dedsigma_xg=None,
               tau_sg=None, dedtau_sg=None):
     XCKernel.calculate(self, e_g, n_sg, dedn_sg, sigma_xg, dedsigma_xg)
     for s, n_g in enumerate(n_sg):
         n_g = n_g * len(n_sg)
         n_g[n_g < 1e-10] = 1e-10
         y_g = n_g**(1 / 3.0)
         x_g = sigma_xg[2 * s]**0.5 / (y_g * n_g) * len(n_sg)
         x_g[x_g > 500] = 0.0
         dedn_sg[s] -= (self.beta * x_g**2 * y_g /
                        (1 + 3 * self.beta * x_g * np.arcsinh(x_g)))
     dedsigma_xg[:] = 0.0
def create_xc(func, mode):
    isinstance(func, str)
    isinstance(mode, int)
    if mode == 0:
        xc = LibXC(func)
        xc = XCKernel(func)
    return xc
文件: lb94.py 项目: yihsuanliu/gpaw
 def calculate(self,
     XCKernel.calculate(self, e_g, n_sg, dedn_sg, sigma_xg, dedsigma_xg)
     for s, n_g in enumerate(n_sg):
         n_g = n_g * len(n_sg)
         n_g[n_g < 1e-10] = 1e-10
         y_g = n_g**(1 / 3.0)
         x_g = sigma_xg[2 * s]**0.5 / (y_g * n_g) * len(n_sg)
         x_g[x_g > 500] = 0.0
         dedn_sg[s] -= (self.beta * x_g**2 * y_g /
                        (1 + 3 * self.beta * x_g * np.arcsinh(x_g)))
     dedsigma_xg[:] = 0.0
def XC(kernel, parameters=None):
    """Create XCFunctional object.

    kernel: XCKernel object or str
        Kernel object or name of functional.
    parameters: ndarray
        Parameters for BEE functional.

    Recognized names are: LDA, PW91, PBE, revPBE, RPBE, BLYP, HCTH407,
    TPSS, M06L, revTPSS, vdW-DF, vdW-DF2, EXX, PBE0, B3LYP, BEE,
    GLLBSC.  One can also use equivalent libxc names, for example
    GGA_X_PBE+GGA_C_PBE is equivalent to PBE, and LDA_X to the LDA exchange.
    In this way one has access to all the functionals defined in libxc.
    See gpaw.xc.libxc_functionals.py for the complete list.  """

    if isinstance(kernel, str):
        name = kernel
        if name in ['vdW-DF', 'vdW-DF2']:
            from gpaw.xc.vdw import FFTVDWFunctional
            return FFTVDWFunctional(name)
        elif name in ['EXX', 'PBE0', 'B3LYP']:
            from gpaw.xc.hybrid import HybridXC
            return HybridXC(name)
        elif name == 'BEE1':
            from gpaw.xc.bee import BEE1
            kernel = BEE1(parameters)
        elif name.startswith('GLLB'):
            from gpaw.xc.gllb.nonlocalfunctionalfactory import \
            xc = NonLocalFunctionalFactory().get_functional_by_name(name)
            return xc
        elif name == 'LB94':
            from gpaw.xc.lb94 import LB94
            kernel = LB94()
        elif name.startswith('ODD_'):
            from ODD import ODDFunctional
            return ODDFunctional(name[4:])
        elif name.endswith('PZ-SIC'):
                from ODD import PerdewZungerSIC as SIC
                return SIC(xc=name[:-7])
                from gpaw.xc.sic import SIC
                return SIC(xc=name[:-7])
        elif name.startswith('old'):
            from gpaw.xc.kernel import XCKernel
            kernel = XCKernel(name[3:])
            kernel = LibXC(kernel)
    if kernel.type == 'LDA':
        return LDA(kernel)
    elif kernel.type == 'GGA':
        return GGA(kernel)
        return MGGA(kernel)
import numpy as np
from gpaw.xc.libxc import LibXC, short_names
from gpaw.xc.kernel import XCKernel, codes
from gpaw.xc.bee import BEE1

functionals = [LibXC(name) for name in short_names]
functionals += [XCKernel(name) for name in codes]
functionals += [BEE1()]
#name = 'LDA'
#name = 'PBE'
#functionals = [LibXC('MGGA_X_TPSS')]
#               XCKernel(name)]
#functionals = [f for f in functionals if f.type=='MGGA']

def f1(n_xg, xc):
    e_g = np.empty_like(n_xg[0])
    n_sg = n_xg[:1]
    sigma_xg = n_xg[1:2]
    tau_sg = n_xg[2:]
    dedn_sg = np.zeros_like(n_sg)
    dedsigma_xg = np.zeros_like(sigma_xg)
    dedtau_sg = np.zeros_like(tau_sg)
    xc.calculate(e_g, n_sg, dedn_sg, sigma_xg, dedsigma_xg, tau_sg, dedtau_sg)
    return e_g, np.concatenate((dedn_sg, dedsigma_xg, dedtau_sg))

def f2(n_xg, xc):
    e_g = np.empty_like(n_xg[0])
    n_sg = n_xg[:2]
    sigma_xg = n_xg[2:5]
    tau_sg = n_xg[5:]
    dedn_sg = np.zeros_like(n_sg)
def XC(kernel, parameters=None):
    """Create XCFunctional object.

    kernel: XCKernel object or str
        Kernel object or name of functional.
    parameters: ndarray
        Parameters for BEE functional.

    Recognized names are: LDA, PW91, PBE, revPBE, RPBE, BLYP, HCTH407,
    TPSS, M06-L, revTPSS, vdW-DF, vdW-DF2, EXX, PBE0, B3LYP, BEE,
    GLLBSC.  One can also use equivalent libxc names, for example
    GGA_X_PBE+GGA_C_PBE is equivalent to PBE, and LDA_X to the LDA exchange.
    In this way one has access to all the functionals defined in libxc.
    See xc_funcs.h for the complete list.  """

    if isinstance(kernel, basestring):
        name = kernel
        if name in [
                'vdW-DF', 'vdW-DF2', 'optPBE-vdW', 'optB88-vdW', 'C09-vdW',
                'mBEEF-vdW', 'BEEF-vdW'
            from gpaw.xc.vdw import VDWFunctional
            return VDWFunctional(name)
        elif name in ['EXX', 'PBE0', 'B3LYP']:
            from gpaw.xc.hybrid import HybridXC
            return HybridXC(name)
        elif name in ['HSE03', 'HSE06']:
            from gpaw.xc.exx import EXX
            return EXX(name)
        elif name == 'BEE1':
            from gpaw.xc.bee import BEE1
            kernel = BEE1(parameters)
        elif name == 'BEE2':
            from gpaw.xc.bee import BEE2
            kernel = BEE2(parameters)
        elif name.startswith('GLLB'):
            from gpaw.xc.gllb.nonlocalfunctionalfactory import \
            xc = NonLocalFunctionalFactory().get_functional_by_name(name)
            return xc
        elif name == 'LB94':
            from gpaw.xc.lb94 import LB94
            kernel = LB94()
        elif name == 'TB09':
            from gpaw.xc.tb09 import TB09
            return TB09()
        elif name.startswith('ODD_'):
            from ODD import ODDFunctional
            return ODDFunctional(name[4:])
        elif name.endswith('PZ-SIC'):
                from ODD import PerdewZungerSIC as SIC
                return SIC(xc=name[:-7])
                from gpaw.xc.sic import SIC
                return SIC(xc=name[:-7])
        elif name in ['TPSS', 'M06-L', 'M06L', 'revTPSS']:
            if name == 'M06L':
                name = 'M06-L'
                warnings.warn('Please use M06-L instead of M06L')
            from gpaw.xc.kernel import XCKernel
            kernel = XCKernel(name)
        elif name.startswith('old'):
            from gpaw.xc.kernel import XCKernel
            kernel = XCKernel(name[3:])
        elif name == 'PPLDA':
            from gpaw.xc.lda import PurePythonLDAKernel
            kernel = PurePythonLDAKernel()
        elif name in ['pyPBE', 'pyPBEsol', 'pyRPBE', 'pyzvPBEsol']:
            from gpaw.xc.gga import PurePythonGGAKernel
            kernel = PurePythonGGAKernel(name)
        elif name == '2D-MGGA':
            from gpaw.xc.mgga import PurePython2DMGGAKernel
            kernel = PurePython2DMGGAKernel(name, parameters)
        elif name[0].isdigit():
            from gpaw.xc.parametrizedxc import ParametrizedKernel
            kernel = ParametrizedKernel(name)
            kernel = LibXC(kernel)
    if kernel.type == 'LDA':
        return LDA(kernel)
    elif kernel.type == 'GGA':
        return GGA(kernel)
        return MGGA(kernel)
文件: lb94.py 项目: yihsuanliu/gpaw
 def __init__(self, beta=0.05):
     XCKernel.__init__(self, 'LDA')
     self.name = 'LB94'
     self.type = 'GGA'
     self.beta = beta
文件: lb94.py 项目: qsnake/gpaw
 def __init__(self, beta=0.05):
     XCKernel.__init__(self, 'LDA')
     self.name = 'LB94'
     self.type = 'GGA'
     self.beta = beta
def XC(kernel, parameters=None, atoms=None, collinear=True):
    """Create XCFunctional object.

    kernel: XCKernel object, dict or str
        Kernel object or name of functional.
    parameters: ndarray
        Parameters for BEE functional.

    Recognized names are: LDA, PW91, PBE, revPBE, RPBE, BLYP, HCTH407,
    TPSS, M06-L, revTPSS, vdW-DF, vdW-DF2, EXX, PBE0, B3LYP, BEE,
    GLLBSC.  One can also use equivalent libxc names, for example
    GGA_X_PBE+GGA_C_PBE is equivalent to PBE, and LDA_X to the LDA exchange.
    In this way one has access to all the functionals defined in libxc.
    See xc_funcs.h for the complete list.  """

    if isinstance(kernel, basestring):
        kernel = xc_string_to_dict(kernel)

    kwargs = {}
    if isinstance(kernel, dict):
        kwargs = kernel.copy()
        name = kwargs.pop('name')
        backend = kwargs.pop('backend', None)

        if backend == 'libvdwxc' or name == 'vdW-DF-cx':
            # Must handle libvdwxc before old vdw implementation to override
            # behaviour for 'name'.  Also, cx is not implemented by the old
            # vdW module, so that always refers to libvdwxc.
            from gpaw.xc.libvdwxc import get_libvdwxc_functional
            return get_libvdwxc_functional(name=name, **kwargs)
        elif backend:
            error_msg = "A special backend for the XC functional was given, "\
                "but not understood. Please check if there's a typo."
            raise ValueError(error_msg)

        if name in ['vdW-DF', 'vdW-DF2', 'optPBE-vdW', 'optB88-vdW',
                    'C09-vdW', 'mBEEF-vdW', 'BEEF-vdW']:
            from gpaw.xc.vdw import VDWFunctional
            return VDWFunctional(name, **kwargs)
        elif name in ['EXX', 'PBE0', 'B3LYP',
                      'CAMY-BLYP', 'CAMY-B3LYP', 'LCY-BLYP', 'LCY-PBE']:
            from gpaw.xc.hybrid import HybridXC
            return HybridXC(name, **kwargs)
        elif name.startswith('LCY-') or name.startswith('CAMY-'):
            parts = name.split('(')
            from gpaw.xc.hybrid import HybridXC
            return HybridXC(parts[0], omega=float(parts[1][:-1]))
        elif name in ['HSE03', 'HSE06']:
            from gpaw.xc.exx import EXX
            return EXX(name, **kwargs)
        elif name == 'BEE1':
            from gpaw.xc.bee import BEE1
            kernel = BEE1(parameters)
        elif name == 'BEE2':
            from gpaw.xc.bee import BEE2
            kernel = BEE2(parameters)
        elif name.startswith('GLLB'):
            from gpaw.xc.gllb.nonlocalfunctionalfactory import \
            # Pass kwargs somewhere?
            xc = NonLocalFunctionalFactory().get_functional_by_name(name)
            return xc
        elif name == 'LB94':
            from gpaw.xc.lb94 import LB94
            kernel = LB94()
        elif name == 'TB09':
            from gpaw.xc.tb09 import TB09
            return TB09(**kwargs)
        elif name.endswith('PZ-SIC'):
            from gpaw.xc.sic import SIC
            return SIC(xc=name[:-7], **kwargs)
        elif name in ['TPSS', 'M06-L', 'M06L', 'revTPSS']:
            if name == 'M06L':
                name = 'M06-L'
                warnings.warn('Please use M06-L instead of M06L')
            from gpaw.xc.kernel import XCKernel
            kernel = XCKernel(name)
        elif name.startswith('old'):
            from gpaw.xc.kernel import XCKernel
            kernel = XCKernel(name[3:])
        elif name == 'PPLDA':
            from gpaw.xc.lda import PurePythonLDAKernel
            kernel = PurePythonLDAKernel()
        elif name in ['pyPBE', 'pyPBEsol', 'pyRPBE', 'pyzvPBEsol']:
            from gpaw.xc.gga import PurePythonGGAKernel
            kernel = PurePythonGGAKernel(name)
        elif name == '2D-MGGA':
            from gpaw.xc.mgga import PurePython2DMGGAKernel
            kernel = PurePython2DMGGAKernel(name, parameters)
        elif name[0].isdigit():
            from gpaw.xc.parametrizedxc import ParametrizedKernel
            kernel = ParametrizedKernel(name)
        elif name == 'null':
            from gpaw.xc.kernel import XCNull
            kernel = XCNull()
        elif name == 'QNA':
            from gpaw.xc.qna import QNA
            return QNA(atoms, kernel['parameters'], kernel['setup_name'],
                       alpha=kernel['alpha'], stencil=kwargs.get('stencil', 2))
            kernel = LibXC(name)

    if kernel.type == 'LDA':
        if not collinear:
            kernel = NonCollinearLDAKernel(kernel)
        xc = LDA(kernel, **kwargs)
        return xc

    elif kernel.type == 'GGA':
        return GGA(kernel, **kwargs)
        return MGGA(kernel, **kwargs)