def __init__(self, input_dim, num_partials, lengthscales=None, variances=None, frequencies=None): gpflow.kernels.Kern.__init__(self, input_dim, active_dims=None) len_l = [] var_l = [] freq_l = [] self.ARD = False self.num_partials = num_partials if lengthscales.all() == None: lengthscales = 1. * np.ones((num_partials, 1)) variances = 0.125 * np.ones((num_partials, 1)) frequencies = 1. * (1. + np.arange(num_partials)) for i in range(self.num_partials): len_l.append(Param(lengthscales[i], transforms.Logistic(0., 2.))) var_l.append(Param(variances[i], transforms.Logistic(0., 1.))) freq_l.append(Param(frequencies[i], transforms.positive)) self.lengthscales = ParamList(len_l) self.variance = ParamList(var_l) self.frequency = ParamList(freq_l)
def __init__(self, input_dim, numc, lengthscales=None, variances=None, frequencies=None): gpflow.kernels.Kern.__init__(self, input_dim, active_dims=None) self.ARD = False self.numc = numc if lengthscales == None: lengthscales = 1. variances = 0.125 * np.ones((numc, 1)) frequencies = 1. * np.arange(1, numc + 1) self.lengthscales = Param(lengthscales, transforms.Logistic(0., 10.)) for i in range( self.numc ): # generate a param object for each var, and freq, they must be (numc,) arrays. setattr(self, 'variance_' + str(i + 1), Param(variances[i], transforms.Logistic(0., 0.25))) setattr(self, 'frequency_' + str(i + 1), Param(frequencies[i], transforms.positive)) for i in range(self.numc): exec('self.variance_' + str(i + 1) + '.fixed = ' + str(True))
def __init__(self, input_dim, energy=np.asarray([1.]), frequency=np.asarray([2 * np.pi]), variance=1.0, features_as_params=False): """ - input_dim is the dimension of the input to the kernel - variance is the (initial) value for the variance parameter(s) if ARD=True, there is one variance per input - active_dims is a list of length input_dim which controls which columns of X are used. """ gpflow.kernels.Kern.__init__(self, input_dim, active_dims=None) self.num_features = len(frequency) self.variance = Param(variance, transforms.Logistic(0., 0.25)) if features_as_params: energy_list = [] frequency_list = [] for i in range(energy.size): energy_list.append(Param(energy[i], transforms.positive)) frequency_list.append(Param(frequency[i], transforms.positive)) = ParamList(energy_list) self.frequency = ParamList(frequency_list) else: = energy self.frequency = frequency
def __init__(self, input_dim, variance=1., lengthscales=1., gamma=1.): gpflow.kernels.Stationary.__init__(self, input_dim=input_dim, variance=variance, lengthscales=lengthscales) self.gamma = Param(gamma, transforms.Logistic(0.00001, 2.))