def add_offline_conversions( self, payload: List[Mapping[Text, Any]]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Uploads offline conversions. The uploaded results represents as partial failures. For detail: Args: payload: The offline conversions to uplad. Returns: The partial failures. Raises: DataOutConnectorAuthenticationError raised when authentication errors occurred. """ service = self._get_service( ServiceType.OFFLINE_CONVERSION_FEED_SERVICE, True) try: partial_failures = service.mutate(payload) except (googleads_errors.GoogleAdsServerFault, google_auth_exceptions.RefreshError) as error: raise errors.DataOutConnectorAuthenticationError( error=error, msg= 'Failed to add offline conversions due to authentication error.', error_num=(errors.ErrorNameIDMap. RETRIABLE_ERROR_OUTPUT_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED)) return partial_failures
def create_user_list( self, user_list_name: Text, upload_key_type: UploadKeyType = UploadKeyType.CONTACT_INFO, membership_lifespan: int = MEMBERSHIP_LIFESPAN_DAYS, app_id: Text = None) -> int: """Creates a new user list. Args: user_list_name: The name of the user list to upload. upload_key_type: One of the keys listed in UploadKeyType. membership_lifespan: Number of days a user's cookie stays. app_id: Mobile app id for creating user list. Returns: The ID of the new user list. Raises: DataOutConnectorAuthenticationError raised when authentication errors occurred. DataOutConnectorValueError if a new user list cannot be created. """ service = self._get_service(ServiceType.ADWORDS_USER_LIST_SERVICE) new_user_list = { 'xsi_type': 'CrmBasedUserList', 'name': user_list_name, 'description': 'A list of users uploaded from Adwords API via TCRM', 'membershipLifeSpan': membership_lifespan, 'uploadKeyType':, } operations = [{'operator': 'ADD', 'operand': new_user_list}] try: result = service.mutate(operations) except (googleads_errors.GoogleAdsServerFault, googleads_errors.GoogleAdsValueError, google_auth_exceptions.RefreshError) as error: raise errors.DataOutConnectorAuthenticationError( error=error, msg='Failed to create user list due to authentication error.', error_num=(errors.ErrorNameIDMap. RETRIABLE_ERROR_OUTPUT_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED)) if (upload_key_type == UploadKeyType.MOBILE_ADVERTISING_ID and app_id is not None): new_user_list['appId'] = app_id if 'value' in result and len(result['value']): return result['value'][0]['id'] else: raise errors.DataOutConnectorError( msg='Failed to create user list. (response error)', error_num=(errors.ErrorNameIDMap. RETRIABLE_ADS_HOOK_ERROR_FAIL_CREATING_USER_LIST))
def get_user_list_id(self, user_list_name: Text) -> int: """Converts user list name to user list ID. Searches for a ServiceType.AdwordsUserListService list in Google Ads and returns the list's ID if it exists and raises an error if it doesn't exist. Args: user_list_name: The name of the user list to get the ID for. Returns: user_list_id: ID of the user list. Raises: DataOutConnectorAuthenticationError raised when authentication errors occurred. DataOutConnectorValueError if the list with given user list name doesn't exist. """ user_list_meta_data_selector = { 'fields': ['Name', 'Id'], 'predicates': [{ 'field': 'Name', 'operator': 'EQUALS', 'values': user_list_name }, { 'field': 'ListType', 'operator': 'EQUALS', 'values': 'CRM_BASED' }], } service = self._get_service(ServiceType.ADWORDS_USER_LIST_SERVICE) try: result = service.get(user_list_meta_data_selector) except (googleads_errors.GoogleAdsServerFault, googleads_errors.GoogleAdsValueError, google_auth_exceptions.RefreshError) as error: raise errors.DataOutConnectorAuthenticationError( error=error, msg='Failed to get user list ID due to authentication error.', error_num=(errors.ErrorNameIDMap. RETRIABLE_ERROR_OUTPUT_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED)) if 'entries' in result and len(result['entries']): user_list_id = result['entries'][0]['id'] else: raise errors.DataOutConnectorValueError( msg="""Failed to get user list ID. List doesn't exist""", error_num=errors.ErrorNameIDMap. ADS_HOOK_ERROR_FAIL_TO_GET_USER_LIST_ID) return user_list_id
def _get_service( self, service_type: ServiceType, enable_partial_failure: bool = False) -> common.GoogleSoapService: """Gets AdWords service according to the given service type. Partial failure detailed explanation: Args: service_type: AdWords service to create a service client for. See all available services in ServiceType. enable_partial_failure: A flag to allow request that valid operations be committed and failed ones return errors. Returns: AdWords service object. Raises: DataOutConnectorAuthenticationError raised when authentication errors occurred. DataOutConnectorValueError if the service can't be created. """ try: adwords_client = adwords.AdWordsClient.LoadFromString( self.yaml_doc) adwords_client.partial_failure = enable_partial_failure except googleads_errors.GoogleAdsValueError as error: raise errors.DataOutConnectorAuthenticationError( error=error, msg= ('Please check the credentials in the yml doc, it should contains' ' a top level key named adwords and 5 sub key-value' ' pairs named client_customer_id, developer_token, client_id,' ' client_secret and refresh_token.'), error_num=(errors.ErrorNameIDMap. RETRIABLE_ERROR_OUTPUT_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED)) try: service = adwords_client.GetService(service_type.value, self.api_version) except googleads_errors.GoogleAdsValueError as error: raise errors.DataOutConnectorValueError( error=error, msg='Couldn\'t get service from Google Adwords API', error_num=errors.ErrorNameIDMap. RETRIABLE_ADS_HOOK_ERROR_UNAVAILABLE_ADS_SERVICE) return service
def add_members_to_user_list(self, user_list_id: int, payload: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> None: """Adds new members to a Google Ads user list. Args: user_list_id: The ID of the user list to upload. payload: A batch of payload data that will be sent to AdWords API. Raises: DataOutConnectorAuthenticationError raised when authentication errors occurred. DataOutConnectorSendUnsuccessfulError if the member list uploaded haven't been processed successfully by the API. """ service = self._get_service(ServiceType.ADWORDS_USER_LIST_SERVICE) mutate_members_operation = { 'operand': { 'userListId': user_list_id, 'membersList': payload }, 'operator': 'ADD' } try: response = service.mutateMembers([mutate_members_operation]) except (googleads_errors.GoogleAdsServerFault, google_auth_exceptions.RefreshError) as error: raise errors.DataOutConnectorAuthenticationError( error=error, msg= 'Failed to add members to user list due to authentication error.', error_num=(errors.ErrorNameIDMap. RETRIABLE_ERROR_OUTPUT_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED)) try: if response['userLists'][0]['dataUploadResult'] == 'FAILURE': raise errors.DataOutConnectorSendUnsuccessfulError( 'Failed to add members to the user list.', error_num=errors.ErrorNameIDMap. RETRIABLE_ADS_HOOK_ERROR_FAIL_ADDING_MEMBERS_TO_USER_LIST) except (KeyError, IndexError): raise errors.DataOutConnectorSendUnsuccessfulError( 'Failed to add members to the user list.', error_num=errors.ErrorNameIDMap. RETRIABLE_ADS_HOOK_ERROR_FAIL_ADDING_MEMBERS_TO_USER_LIST)