    def read_and_store_data(self):
        """Read and store KASCADE data matching HiSPARC data

        This function looks at the HiSPARC event data in the specified datafile
        and then processes and adds KASCADE data surrounding those events, for
        later coincidence processing.

        # Determine start and end timestamps from HiSPARC data
            timestamps = self.hisparc.col('timestamp')
            start = gpstime.gps_to_utc(min(timestamps))
            stop = gpstime.gps_to_utc(max(timestamps))
        except IndexError:
            raise RuntimeError("HiSPARC event table is empty")

        print "Processing data from %s to %s" % (time.ctime(start),
        self._process_events_in_range(start, stop)
def helper(hisparc, kascade, kascadefile):
    """Helper for quickly processing KASCADE data

    This function looks at the HiSPARC event data in the specified datafile
    and then processes and adds KASCADE data surrounding those events, for
    later coincidence processing.  Also, existing KASCADE data rows are
    inspected to determine the time window.

    :param hisparc: HiSPARC event table
    :param kascade: KASCADE event table
    :param kascadefile: KASCADE data file


        >>> import tables
        >>> import hisparc
        >>> data = tables.openFile('kascade.h5', 'a')
        >>> data.createGroup('/', 'kascade', "KASCADE data")
        /kascade (Group) 'KASCADE data'
          children := []
        >>> data.createTable('/kascade', 'events', hisparc.containers.KascadeEvent, "KASCADE events")
        /kascade/events (Table(0,)) 'KASCADE events'
          description := {
          "run_id": Int32Col(shape=(), dflt=0, pos=0),
          "event_id": Int64Col(shape=(), dflt=0, pos=1),
          "timestamp": Time32Col(shape=(), dflt=0, pos=2),
          "nanoseconds": UInt32Col(shape=(), dflt=0, pos=3),
          "ext_timestamp": UInt64Col(shape=(), dflt=0, pos=4),
          "energy": Float64Col(shape=(), dflt=0.0, pos=5),
          "core_pos": Float64Col(shape=(2,), dflt=0.0, pos=6),
          "zenith": Float64Col(shape=(), dflt=0.0, pos=7),
          "azimuth": Float64Col(shape=(), dflt=0.0, pos=8),
          "Num_e": Float64Col(shape=(), dflt=0.0, pos=9),
          "Num_mu": Float64Col(shape=(), dflt=0.0, pos=10),
          "dens_e": Float64Col(shape=(4,), dflt=0.0, pos=11),
          "dens_mu": Float64Col(shape=(4,), dflt=0.0, pos=12),
          "P200": Float64Col(shape=(), dflt=0.0, pos=13),
          "T200": Float64Col(shape=(), dflt=0.0, pos=14)}
          byteorder := 'little'
          chunkshape := (399,)
        >>> hisparc.kascade.helper(data.root.hisparc.cluster_kascade.station_601.events, data.root.kascade.events, 'HiSparc.dat.gz')
        Processing data from Tue Jul  1 16:29:31 2008 to Tue Jul  1 17:15:06 2008

    # Determine start and end timestamps from HiSPARC data
        ts = hisparc[:]['timestamp']
        hstart = gpstime.gps_to_utc(min(ts))
        hstop = gpstime.gps_to_utc(max(ts))
    except IndexError:
        print "There is no HiSPARC data yet."

    # Determine start and stop timestamps from KASCADE data
        ts = kascade[:]['timestamp']
        kstart = min(ts)
        kstop = max(ts)
    except ValueError:
        kstart = None
        kstop = None

    if hstart < kstart and kstart is not None:
        # This should never happen
        print "WARNING: HiSPARC data found which is earlier than KASCADE"
        print "data.  Please check your timestamps:"
        print "First HiSPARC data:", hstart
        print "First KASCADE data:", kstart
        print "The timestamps should not differ by much."

    if kstart is None:
        # There is no KASCADE data yet
        start, stop = hstart, hstop
        # To avoid duplicates in the case of an aborted previous run,
        # remove rows which share the latest timestamp, because we want to
        # reprocess that timestamp
        l = kascade.getWhereList('timestamp==%d' % kstop)
        kascade.removeRows(start=l[0], stop=l[-1] + 1)
        start, stop = kstop, hstop

    print "Processing data from %s to %s" % (time.ctime(start),
    process_events(kascadefile, kascade, start, stop)