def ztrack1_to_autoscale_element(lattice, t, p, z, autoscale_element=None, workdir=None, ccs='wcs'): lat_temp = Lattice('temp') if (autoscale_element): stop_element_index = lattice.element_index( lat_temp._elements = lattice._elements[:stop_element_index] z_stop = get_auto_element_z_ccs_beg(autoscale_element) stop_name = else: lat_temp._elements = lattice._elements z_stop = lattice[-1].z_end_ccs stop_name = 'END' if (workdir is None): tempdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=workdir) gpt_file = os.path.join(, f'track_to_{stop_name}') workdir = else: gpt_file = os.path.join(workdir, f'track_to_{stop_name}') lat_temp.write_gpt_lines(ztrack1_template(gpt_file), output_file=gpt_file) G = GPT(gpt_file, workdir=workdir, use_tempdir=False, ccs_beg=ccs) return G.track1_in_ccs(z, z_stop, pz0=p, t0=t, ccs=ccs)
def track_on_axis(element, t, p, xacc=6.5, GBacc=12, dtmin=1e-15, dtmax=1e-8, n_screen=1, workdir=None): if (workdir is None): tempdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=workdir) gpt_file = os.path.join(, f'{}') workdir = else: gpt_file = os.path.join(workdir, f'{}') element.write_element_to_gpt_file(ztrack1_template(gpt_file)) G = GPT(gpt_file, ccs_beg=element.ccs_beg, workdir=workdir, use_tempdir=False) G.set_variables({ 'xacc': xacc, 'GBacc': GBacc, 'dtmin': dtmin, 'dtmax': dtmax }) z_beg = np.linalg.norm(element._ccs_beg_origin - element._p_beg) G.track1_in_ccs(z_beg=z_beg, z_end=z_beg + element.length, ccs=element.ccs_beg, pz0=p, t0=t, weight=1, status=1, species='electron', xacc=xacc, GBacc=GBacc, n_screen=n_screen) return G
def autoscale1(lattice, t=0, p=1e-15, workdir=None, ztrack1_through=True, verbose=True, n_screen=200): ts = [] ps = [] zs = [] ss = [] runs = [] auto_elements = [ element for element in lattice._elements if (element.type in ['Map1D_TM', 'Map25D_TM', 'Sectormagnet']) ] if (len(auto_elements) < 1): if (verbose): print('autoscale1: no cavities to phase') print(f'\n> Tracking: BEG:END') ts.append(t) ps.append(p) zs.append(lattice[0].z_beg_ccs) ss.append(lattice[0].s_beg) fparticle = ztrack1_to_autoscale_element(lattice, 0, p, lattice[0].z_beg_ccs, workdir=None) assert fparticle is not None, f'Particle tracking from BEG to END failed.' assert np.abs( fparticle.screen[-1]['mean_z'] - lattice[-1].z_end_ccs ) < 1e-14, f'Error tracking to END: particle was not located at cavity entrance.' runs.append(fparticle) current_t = fparticle.screen[-1]['mean_t'] current_p = fparticle.screen[-1]['mean_p'] current_z = fparticle.screen[-1]['mean_z'] current_s = fparticle.screen[-1]['mean_z'] ts.append(current_t) ps.append(current_p) zs.append(current_z) ss.append(current_s) runs.append(fparticle) if (verbose): print(f' energy gain: {p2e(current_p)-p2e(p)} eV.') if (ztrack1_through): if (workdir is None): tempdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=workdir) gpt_file = os.path.join(, f'') workdir = else: gpt_file = os.path.join(workdir, f'') lattice.write_gpt_lines(ztrack1_template(gpt_file), output_file=gpt_file) G = GPT(gpt_file, workdir=workdir, use_tempdir=False) G = G.track1_in_ccs(lattice[0].z_beg_ccs, lattice[-1].z_end_ccs, pz0=p, t0=t, n_screen=n_screen) return (ts, ps, zs, ss, runs, G) # Only here if lattice contains rf_elements and bends # Check that auto_elements do not overlap: for ii, cav in enumerate(auto_elements[:-1]): if (ii + 1 < len(auto_elements)): next_cav = auto_elements[ii + 1] assert cav.s_end <= next_cav.s_beg, f'Autophasing Error: cavities {} and {} overlap and cannot be phased.' current_t = t current_p = p current_z = lattice[0].s_beg current_s = lattice[0].s_beg ts.append(current_t) ps.append(current_p) zs.append(current_z) ss.append(current_s) current_ccs = lattice[0].ccs_beg if (current_z < auto_elements[0].z_beg_ccs): print(current_z, auto_elements[0].z_beg_ccs) if (verbose): print(f'\n> Tracking: BEG:{auto_elements[0].name}') fparticle = ztrack1_to_autoscale_element(lattice, current_t, current_p, current_z, auto_elements[0], workdir=workdir) print(fparticle.screen[-1]['mean_z'], auto_elements[0].z_beg_ccs) assert fparticle is not None, f'Particle tracking from BEG to {auto_elements[0].name} failed.' assert np.abs( fparticle.screen[-1]['mean_z'] - auto_elements[0].z_beg_ccs ) < 1e-14, f'Error tracking to {auto_elements[0].name}: particle was not located at cavity entrance.' runs.append(fparticle) current_t = fparticle.screen[-1]['mean_t'] current_p = fparticle.screen[-1]['mean_p'] current_z = fparticle.screen[-1]['mean_z'] current_s = fparticle.screen[-1]['mean_z'] if (verbose): print(f' energy gain: {p2e(current_p)-p2e(p)} eV.') # Autoscale first element for ii, auto_element in enumerate(auto_elements): #print(current_z, auto_element.z_beg_ccs) assert np.abs( current_z - get_auto_element_z_ccs_beg(auto_element) ) < 1e-14, f'Error Phasing {}: particle was not located at cavity entrance.' ts.append(current_t) ps.append(current_p) zs.append(current_z) # phase t1 = time.time() run = autoscale1_element(current_t, current_p, auto_element, verbose=True) current_ccs = auto_element.ccs_end t2 = time.time() runs.append(run) current_t = run.screen[-1]['mean_t'] current_p = run.screen[-1]['mean_p'] current_z = run.screen[-1]['mean_z'] current_t = run.screen[-1]['mean_t'] current_p = run.screen[-1]['mean_p'] current_z = get_auto_element_z_ccs_end(auto_element) current_s = get_auto_element_s_end(auto_element) ts.append(current_t) ps.append(current_p) zs.append(current_z) ss.append(current_s) if (ii + 1 < len(auto_elements)): # Track to next cavity next_auto_element = auto_elements[ii + 1] msg = f'\n> Tracking: {}:{}' elif ( != lattice[-1].name): next_auto_element = None msg = f'\n> Tracking: {}:END' else: break if (verbose): print(msg) fparticle = ztrack1_to_autoscale_element(lattice, current_t, current_p, current_z, next_auto_element, workdir=workdir, ccs=current_ccs) runs.append(fparticle) if (next_auto_element): assert fparticle is not None, f'Particle tracking from {} to {auto_elements[ii+1].name} failed.' print(fparticle.screen[-1]['mean_z'], get_auto_element_z_ccs_beg(auto_elements[ii + 1])) assert np.abs( fparticle.screen[-1]['mean_z'] - get_auto_element_z_ccs_beg(auto_elements[ii + 1]) ) < 1e-14, f'Error scaling {}: particle was not located at next element entrance after tracking.' else: assert fparticle is not None, f'Particle tracking from {} to END failed.' current_t = fparticle.screen[-1]['mean_t'] current_p = fparticle.screen[-1]['mean_p'] current_z = fparticle.screen[-1]['mean_z'] if (verbose): print( f' energy gain: { (p2e(current_p)-p2e(ps[-1]))/p2e(ps[-1])} eV.' ) if (ztrack1_through): if (workdir is None): tempdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=workdir) gpt_file = os.path.join(, f'') workdir = else: gpt_file = os.path.join(workdir, f'') lattice.write_gpt_lines(ztrack1_template(gpt_file), output_file=gpt_file) G = GPT(gpt_file, workdir=workdir, use_tempdir=False) G = G.track1_in_ccs(zs[0], lattice[-1].z_end_ccs, pz0=p, t0=t, n_screen=n_screen) return (ts, ps, zs, ss, runs, G)
def autophase1(lattice, t=0, p=1e-15, z=None, workdir=None, ztrack1_through=True, verbose=True, n_screen=200): ts = [] ps = [] zs = [] runs = [] rf_elements = [ element for element in lattice._elements if (element.type in ['Map1D_TM', 'Map25D_TM']) ] if (len(rf_elements) < 1): if (verbose): print('autophase1: no cavities to phase') print(f'\n> Tracking: BEG:END') ts.append(t) ps.append(p) zs.append(lattice[0].z_beg_ccs) fparticle = ztrack1_to_autoscale_element(lattice, 0, p, lattice[0].z_beg_ccs, workdir=None) assert fparticle is not None, f'Particle tracking from BEG to END failed.' assert np.abs( fparticle.screen[-1]['mean_z'] - lattice[-1].z_end_ccs ) < 1e-14, f'Error tracking to END: particle was not located at cavity entrance.' runs.append(fparticle) current_t = fparticle.screen[-1]['mean_t'] current_p = fparticle.screen[-1]['mean_p'] current_z = fparticle.screen[-1]['mean_z'] ts.append(current_t) ps.append(current_p) zs.append(current_z) runs.append(fparticle) if (verbose): print(f' energy gain: {p2e(current_p)-p2e(p)} eV.') if (ztrack1_through): if (workdir is None): tempdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=workdir) gpt_file = os.path.join(, f'') workdir = else: gpt_file = os.path.join(workdir, f'') lattice.write_gpt_lines(ztrack1_template(gpt_file), output_file=gpt_file) G = GPT(gpt_file, workdir=workdir, use_tempdir=False) G = G.track1_in_ccs(lattice[0].z_beg_ccs, lattice[-1].z_end_ccs, pz0=p, t0=t, n_screen=n_screen) return (ts, ps, zs, runs, G) current_t = t current_p = p current_z = lattice[0].z_beg_ccs z_start = current_z if (current_z < rf_elements[0].z_beg_ccs): if (verbose): print(f'\n> Tracking: BEG:{rf_elements[0].name}') fparticle = ztrack1_to_autoscale_element(lattice, current_t, current_p, current_z, rf_elements[0], workdir=None) assert fparticle is not None, f'Particle tracking from BEG to {rf_elements[0].name} failed.' assert np.abs( fparticle.screen[-1]['mean_z'] - rf_elements[0].z_beg_ccs ) < 1e-14, f'Error tracking to {rf_elements[0].name}: particle was not located at cavity entrance.' runs.append(fparticle) current_t = fparticle.screen[-1]['mean_t'] current_p = fparticle.screen[-1]['mean_p'] current_z = fparticle.screen[-1]['mean_z'] if (verbose): print(f' energy gain: {p2e(current_p)-p2e(p)} eV.') # Check that rf_elements do not overlap: for ii, cav in enumerate(rf_elements[:-1]): if (ii + 1 < len(rf_elements)): next_cav = rf_elements[ii + 1] assert cav.z_end_ccs <= next_cav.z_beg_ccs, f'Autophasing Error: cavities {} and {} overlap and cannot be phased.' # Autophase first cavity for ii, rf_element in enumerate(rf_elements): assert np.abs( current_z - rf_element.z_beg_ccs ) < 1e-14, f'Error Phasing {}: particle was not located at cavity entrance.' ts.append(current_t) ps.append(current_p) zs.append(current_z) # phase t1 = time.time() run = rf_element.autophase(t=current_t, p=current_p, workdir=workdir, verbose=verbose) t2 = time.time() runs.append(run) current_t = run.screen[-1]['mean_t'] current_p = run.screen[-1]['mean_p'] current_z = run.screen[-1]['mean_z'] ts.append(current_t) ps.append(current_p) zs.append(current_z) if (ii + 1 < len(rf_elements)): # Track to next cavity next_rf_element = rf_elements[ii + 1] msg = f'\n> Tracking: {}:{}' elif ( != lattice[-1].name): next_rf_element = None msg = f'\n> Tracking: {}:END' else: break if (verbose): print(msg) fparticle = ztrack1_to_autoscale_element(lattice, current_t, current_p, current_z, next_rf_element, workdir=workdir) runs.append(fparticle) if (next_rf_element): assert fparticle is not None, f'Particle tracking from {} to {rf_elements[ii+1].name} failed.' assert np.abs( fparticle.screen[-1]['mean_z'] - rf_elements[ii + 1].z_beg_ccs ) < 1e-14, f'Error Phasing {}: particle was not located at cavity entrance after tracking to cavity.' else: assert fparticle is not None, f'Particle tracking from {} to END failed.' current_t = fparticle.screen[-1]['mean_t'] current_p = fparticle.screen[-1]['mean_p'] current_z = fparticle.screen[-1]['mean_z'] if (verbose): print( f' energy gain: { (p2e(current_p)-p2e(ps[-1]))/p2e(ps[-1])} eV.' ) if (ztrack1_through): if (workdir is None): tempdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=workdir) gpt_file = os.path.join(, f'') workdir = else: gpt_file = os.path.join(workdir, f'') lattice.write_gpt_lines(ztrack1_template(gpt_file), output_file=gpt_file) G = GPT(gpt_file, workdir=workdir, use_tempdir=False) G = G.track1_in_ccs(z_start, lattice[-1].z_end_ccs, pz0=p, t0=t, n_screen=n_screen) return (ts, ps, zs, runs, G)