    def _post_load_newdb(self, filename, title=None):
        """Called after load of a new database."""
        if not filename:

        if filename[-1] == os.path.sep:
            filename = filename[:-1]
        name = os.path.basename(filename)
        self.dbstate.db.db_name = title
        if title:
            name = title

        # apply preferred researcher if loaded file has none
        res = self.dbstate.db.get_researcher()
        owner = get_researcher()
        # If the DB Owner Info is empty and
        # [default] Researcher is not empty and
        # database is empty, then copy default researcher to DB owner
        if res.is_empty() and not owner.is_empty() and self.dbstate.db.get_total() == 0:

        fmt_default = config.get("preferences.name-format")


        config.set("paths.recent-file", filename)

        recent_files(filename, name)
def _get_styled(name, callname, placeholder=False,
                trans_text=glocale.translation.sgettext, name_format=None):
    Return a StyledText object with the name formatted according to the

    @param callname: whether the callname should be used instead of the first
        name (CALLNAME_REPLACE), underlined within the first name
        (CALLNAME_UNDERLINE_ADD) or not used at all (CALLNAME_DONTUSE).
    @param placeholder: whether a series of underscores should be inserted as a
        placeholder if first name or surname are missing.
    @param trans_text: allow deferred translation of strings
    @type trans_text: a GrampsLocale sgettext instance
    trans_text is a defined keyword (see po/update_po.py, po/genpot.sh)
    :param name_format: optional format to control display of person's name
    :type name_format: None or int

    # Make a copy of the name object so we don't mess around with the real
    # data.
    n = Name(source=name)

    # Insert placeholders.
    if placeholder:
        if not n.first_name:
            n.first_name = "____________"
        if not n.surname:
            n.surname = "____________"

    if n.call:
        if callname == CALLNAME_REPLACE:
            # Replace first name with call name.
            n.first_name = n.call
        elif callname == CALLNAME_UNDERLINE_ADD:
            if n.call not in n.first_name:
                # Add call name to first name.
                # translators: used in French+Russian, ignore otherwise
                n.first_name = trans_text('"%(callname)s" (%(firstname)s)') % {
                                             'callname':  n.call,
                                             'firstname': n.first_name }

    real_format = name_displayer.get_default_format()
    if name_format is not None:
    text = name_displayer.display_name(n)
    tags = []

    if n.call:
        if callname == CALLNAME_UNDERLINE_ADD:
            # "name" in next line is on purpose: only underline the call name
            # if it was a part of the *original* first name
            if n.call in name.first_name:
                # Underline call name
                callpos = text.find(n.call)
                tags = [StyledTextTag(StyledTextTagType.UNDERLINE, True,
                            [(callpos, callpos + len(n.call))])]

    return StyledText(text, tags)
def _get_styled(name, callname, placeholder=False,
                trans_text=glocale.translation.sgettext, name_format=None):
    Return a StyledText object with the name formatted according to the

    @param callname: whether the callname should be used instead of the first
        name (CALLNAME_REPLACE), underlined within the first name
        (CALLNAME_UNDERLINE_ADD) or not used at all (CALLNAME_DONTUSE).
    @param placeholder: whether a series of underscores should be inserted as a
        placeholder if first name or surname are missing.
    @param trans_text: allow deferred translation of strings
    @type trans_text: a GrampsLocale sgettext instance
    trans_text is a defined keyword (see po/update_po.py, po/genpot.sh)
    :param name_format: optional format to control display of person's name
    :type name_format: None or int

    # Make a copy of the name object so we don't mess around with the real
    # data.
    n = Name(source=name)

    # Insert placeholders.
    if placeholder:
        if not n.first_name:
            n.first_name = "____________"
        if not n.surname:
            n.surname = "____________"

    if n.call:
        if callname == CALLNAME_REPLACE:
            # Replace first name with call name.
            n.first_name = n.call
        elif callname == CALLNAME_UNDERLINE_ADD:
            if n.call not in n.first_name:
                # Add call name to first name.
                # translators: used in French+Russian, ignore otherwise
                n.first_name = trans_text('"%(callname)s" (%(firstname)s)') % {
                                             'callname':  n.call,
                                             'firstname': n.first_name }

    real_format = name_displayer.get_default_format()
    if name_format is not None:
    text = name_displayer.display_name(n)
    tags = []

    if n.call:
        if callname == CALLNAME_UNDERLINE_ADD:
            # "name" in next line is on purpose: only underline the call name
            # if it was a part of the *original* first name
            if n.call in name.first_name:
                # Underline call name
                callpos = text.find(n.call)
                tags = [StyledTextTag(StyledTextTagType.UNDERLINE, True,
                            [(callpos, callpos + len(n.call))])]

    return StyledText(text, tags)
def _get_styled(name, callname, placeholder=False, name_format=None):
    Return a StyledText object with the name formatted according to the

    @param callname: whether the callname should be used instead of the first
        name (CALLNAME_REPLACE), underlined within the first name
        (CALLNAME_UNDERLINE_ADD) or not used at all (CALLNAME_DONTUSE).
    @param placeholder: whether a series of underscores should be inserted as a
        placeholder if first name or surname are missing.

    # Make a copy of the name object so we don't mess around with the real
    # data.
    n = Name(source=name)

    # Insert placeholders.
    if placeholder:
        if not n.first_name:
            n.first_name = "____________"
        if not n.surname:
            n.surname = "____________"

    if n.call:
        if callname == CALLNAME_REPLACE:
            # Replace first name with call name.
            n.first_name = n.call
        elif callname == CALLNAME_UNDERLINE_ADD:
            if n.call not in n.first_name:
                # Add call name to first name.
                n.first_name = "\"%(call)s\" (%(first)s)" % {
                    'call': n.call,
                    'first': n.first_name

    real_format = name_displayer.get_default_format()
    if name_format is not None:
    text = name_displayer.display_name(n)
    tags = []

    if n.call:
        if callname == CALLNAME_UNDERLINE_ADD:
            # "name" in next line is on purpose: only underline the call name
            # if it was a part of the *original* first name
            if n.call in name.first_name:
                # Underline call name
                callpos = text.find(n.call)
                tags = [
                    StyledTextTag(StyledTextTagType.UNDERLINE, True,
                                  [(callpos, callpos + len(n.call))])

    return StyledText(text, tags)
def _get_styled(name, callname, placeholder=False, name_format=None):
    Return a StyledText object with the name formatted according to the

    @param callname: whether the callname should be used instead of the first
        name (CALLNAME_REPLACE), underlined within the first name
        (CALLNAME_UNDERLINE_ADD) or not used at all (CALLNAME_DONTUSE).
    @param placeholder: whether a series of underscores should be inserted as a
        placeholder if first name or surname are missing.

    # Make a copy of the name object so we don't mess around with the real
    # data.
    n = Name(source=name)

    # Insert placeholders.
    if placeholder:
        if not n.first_name:
            n.first_name = "____________"
        if not n.surname:
            n.surname = "____________"

    if n.call:
        if callname == CALLNAME_REPLACE:
            # Replace first name with call name.
            n.first_name = n.call
        elif callname == CALLNAME_UNDERLINE_ADD:
            if n.call not in n.first_name:
                # Add call name to first name.
                n.first_name = "\"%(call)s\" (%(first)s)" % {
                        'call':  n.call,
                        'first': n.first_name}

    real_format = name_displayer.get_default_format()
    if name_format is not None:
    text = name_displayer.display_name(n)
    tags = []

    if n.call:
        if callname == CALLNAME_UNDERLINE_ADD:
            # "name" in next line is on purpose: only underline the call name
            # if it was a part of the *original* first name
            if n.call in name.first_name:
                # Underline call name
                callpos = text.find(n.call)
                tags = [StyledTextTag(StyledTextTagType.UNDERLINE, True,
                            [(callpos, callpos + len(n.call))])]

    return StyledText(text, tags)
    def _post_load_newdb_nongui(self, filename, title=None):
        Called after a new database is loaded.
        if not filename:

        if filename[-1] == os.path.sep:
            filename = filename[:-1]
        name = os.path.basename(filename)
        self.dbstate.db.db_name = title
        if title:
            name = title

        # This method is for UI stuff when the database has changed.
        # Window title, recent files, etc related to new file.


        # apply preferred researcher if loaded file has none
        res = self.dbstate.db.get_researcher()
        owner = get_researcher()
        # If the DB Owner Info is empty and
        # [default] Researcher is not empty and
        # database is empty, then copy default researcher to DB owner
        if (res.is_empty()
                and not owner.is_empty()
                and self.dbstate.db.get_total() == 0):

        fmt_default = config.get('preferences.name-format')


        config.set('paths.recent-file', filename)

        recent_files(filename, name)
        self.file_loaded = True
    def _post_load_newdb_nongui(self, filename, title=None):
        Called after a new database is loaded.
        if not filename:

        if filename[-1] == os.path.sep:
            filename = filename[:-1]
        name = os.path.basename(filename)
        self.dbstate.db.db_name = title
        if title:
            name = title

        # This method is for UI stuff when the database has changed.
        # Window title, recent files, etc related to new file.


        # apply preferred researcher if loaded file has none
        res = self.dbstate.db.get_researcher()
        owner = get_researcher()
        # If the DB Owner Info is empty and
        # [default] Researcher is not empty and
        # database is empty, then copy default researcher to DB owner
        if (res.is_empty()
                and not owner.is_empty()
                and self.dbstate.db.get_total() == 0):

        fmt_default = config.get('preferences.name-format')


        config.set('paths.recent-file', filename)

        recent_files(filename, name)
        self.file_loaded = True