def get_or_create_source(self, source_text): source_list = self.db.get_source_handles() for source_handle in source_list: source = self.db.get_source_from_handle(source_handle) if source.get_title() == source_text: return source source = Source() source.set_title(source_text) self.db.add_source(source, self.trans) return source
def get_or_create_source(self,source_name): source = None if source_name in self.skeys: source = self.db.get_source_from_handle(self.skeys[source_name]) else: source = Source() source.set_title(source_name) self.db.add_source(source,self.trans) self.db.commit_source(source,self.trans) self.skeys[source_name] = source.get_handle() citation = Citation() citation.set_reference_handle(source.get_handle()) self.db.add_citation(citation, self.trans) self.db.commit_citation(citation, self.trans) return citation
def get_or_create_source(self, source_text): "Return the requested source object tuple-packed with a new indicator." source_list = self.db.get_source_handles(sort_handles=False) LOG.debug("get_or_create_source: list: %s", source_list) LOG.debug("get_or_create_source: looking for: %s", source_text) for source_handle in source_list: source = self.db.get_source_from_handle(source_handle) if source.get_title() == source_text: LOG.debug(" returning existing source") return (0, source) LOG.debug(" creating source") source = Source() source.set_title(source_text) self.db.add_source(source, self.trans) return (1, source)
def get_or_create_source(self, source_name): source = None if source_name in self.skeys: source = self.db.get_source_from_handle(self.skeys[source_name]) else: source = Source() source.set_title(source_name) self.db.add_source(source, self.trans) self.db.commit_source(source, self.trans) self.skeys[source_name] = source.get_handle() citation = Citation() citation.set_reference_handle(source.get_handle()) self.db.add_citation(citation, self.trans) self.db.commit_citation(citation, self.trans) return citation
def addSource(sourceName, attribs, reftag, repository): snote = addNote(attribs[3], NoteType.SOURCE) sidno = db.find_next_source_gramps_id() source = Source() source.set_gramps_id(sidno) source.set_title(sourceName) source.set_author(attribs[0]) source.set_publication_info(attribs[1]) source.set_abbreviation(attribs[2]) source.add_note(snote.get_handle()) if reftag != None: source.add_tag(reftag.get_handle()) repoRef = RepoRef() repoRef.set_reference_handle(repository.get_handle()) source.add_repo_reference(repoRef) source.set_change_time(chgtime) with DbTxn(_("Add Source"), db) as trans: shandle = db.add_source(source, trans) return source
def buildSource(self, sidno, stitle, tag, repository, shandle, attribs): if shandle == None: shandle = id.create_id() # 26-merkkinen tunniste # repositoryType = RepositoryType() source = Source() source.set_handle(shandle) source.set_gramps_id(sidno) source.set_title(stitle) source.set_author(attribs[0]) source.set_publication_info(attribs[1]) source.set_abbreviation(attribs[2]) source.add_tag(tag.get_handle()) repoRef = RepoRef() repoRef.set_reference_handle(repository.get_handle()) source.add_repo_reference(repoRef) source.set_change_time(self.chgtime) # source.set_color("#000000") # print ("Source ") ; print(source.to_struct()) return ([source, shandle])
def importSourceHierarchies(db, filename, user): def findNextRidno(ridstrt): with DbTxn(_("Find next ridno"), db): prefix_save = db.get_repository_prefix() db.set_repository_id_prefix(ridstrt + '%05d') next_ridno = db.find_next_repository_gramps_id() LOG.debug('Next ridno = ' + next_ridno) db.set_repository_id_prefix(prefix_save) return next_ridno def findNextSidno(ridno): with DbTxn(_("Find next sidno"), db): prefix_save = db.get_source_prefix() db.set_source_id_prefix(ridno + '%05d') next_sidno = db.find_next_source_gramps_id() LOG.debug('Next sidno = ' + next_sidno) db.set_source_id_prefix(prefix_save) return next_sidno def checkTagExistence(otext): with DbTxn(_("Read Tag"), db): tag = db.get_tag_from_name(otext) if tag != None: LOG.debug('Tag found by name, no duplicates: ' + otext + ' ' + tag.get_name()) else: tag = Tag() tag.set_name(otext) tag.set_color("#EF2929") with DbTxn(_("Add Tag"), db) as trans: thandle = db.add_tag(tag, trans) LOG.debug('Tag added: ' + tag.get_name() + ' ' + thandle) return tag fdir = os.path.dirname(filename) fh = logging.FileHandler(fdir + '\\sourceimport.log') formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) fh.setFormatter(formatter) LOG.addHandler(fh)" fdir = " + fdir) cout = fdir + "\\sresult.csv" LOG.debug('ini file handling') config = configman.register_manager("importsources") ''' config.register("options.repositoryidrng", "1000") config.register("options.repositoryincr", "1") config.register("options.sourceidrng", "1000") config.register("options.sourceidincr", "1") ''' config.register("options.refstring", "r") config.load() ''' repository_idrange = int(config.get('options.repositoryidrng')) repository_incr = int(config.get('options.repositoryincr')) source_idrange = int(config.get('options.sourceidrng')) source_idincr = int(config.get('options.sourceidincr')) ''' refstr = config.get('options.refstring') ''' repository_idno = 0 source_idno = 0 ''' t_count = 0 r_count = 0 s_count = 0 c_count = 0 u_count = 0 ridno = None sidno = None reftext = 'Referenssi' reftag = checkTagExistence(reftext) chgtime = int(time.time())" chgtime = " + str(chgtime)) try: with open(cout, 'w', newline='\n', encoding="utf-8-sig") as csv_out: # csv_out.write(u'\uFEFF') # utf-8-bom r_writer = csv.writer(csv_out, delimiter=';') with open(filename, 'r', encoding="utf-8-sig") as t_in: rhandle = None t_dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff( t_reader = csv.reader(t_in, t_dialect)'CSV input file delimiter is ' + t_dialect.delimiter) for row in t_reader: rectype = row[ 0] # Record type = Gramps object id prefix character # LOG.debug('Row type: -' + row[0] + '-') if rectype == '#': LOG.debug('Comment row: ' + row[0]) c_count += 1 r_writer.writerow([ row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5], row[6], row[7] ]) else: idno = row[ 2] # Possibly previously assigned Gramps object id handle = row[3].strip( '"' ) # Possibly previously assigned Gramps object handle otext = row[4].strip() LOG.debug('Handle = ' + handle) ''' if rectype == 'T': LOG.debug('Tag row: ' + row[0]) thandle = '' t_count += 1 recobj = row[1] # Tag related to repositories or sources tag = None with DbTxn(_("Read Tag"), db): tag = db.get_tag_from_name(otext) if tag != None:'Tag found by name, no duplicates: ' + otext + ' ' + tag.get_name()) thandle = tag.get_handle() else: tag = Tag() tag.set_name(otext) tag.set_change_time(chgtime) tag.set_color("#EF2929") with DbTxn(_("Add Tag"), db) as trans: thandle = db.add_tag(tag, trans)'Tag added: ' + tag.get_name() + ' ' + thandle) tags[recobj] = tag try: r_writer.writerow([rectype, recobj, '', '"' + thandle + '"', otext, '', '', '', '']) except IOError: LOG.error('Error writing T-csv ' + IOError.strerror) ''' if rectype == 'R': LOG.debug('Repository row: ' + row[0]) rhandle = '' # source_idno = 0 r_count += 1 repotype = row[1] # repository type number if idno == '': if refstr == 'r': # repository type based numbering should be applied but not supplied by Gramps ridno = findNextRidno(rectype + refstr + '9') # repository_idno = repository_idno + repository_incr # ridno = rectype + refstr + str(int(repotype) * repository_idrange + repository_idno) else: ridno = db.find_next_repository_gramps_id() else: ridno = idno LOG.debug('Ridno = ' + str(ridno)) repository = Repository() if handle != '': with DbTxn(_("Read Repository"), db) as trans: repository = db.get_repository_from_handle( handle) if repository == None: LOG.error( 'Repository NOT found by handle: ' + handle + ' ' + otext) raise GrampsImportError( 'Repository NOT found by handle: ', handle + '/' + otext) repositoryType = RepositoryType() repositoryType.set(int(repotype)) repository.set_type(repositoryType) repository.set_gramps_id(ridno) repository.set_name(otext) repository.set_change_time(chgtime) if reftag != None: repository.add_tag(reftag.get_handle()) if handle == '': with DbTxn(_("Add Repository"), db) as trans: rhandle = db.add_repository( repository, trans) else: with DbTxn(_("Update Repository"), db) as trans: db.commit_repository(repository, trans) rhandle = handle try: r_writer.writerow([ rectype, repotype, ridno, '"' + rhandle + '"', otext, '', '', '', '' ]) except IOError: LOG.error('Error writing R-csv ' + IOError.strerror) elif rectype == 'S': LOG.debug('Source row: ' + row[0]) shandle = '' sidno = '' s_count += 1 attribs = (row[5], row[6], row[7]) if idno == '': LOG.debug('Ridno for sidno = ' + str(ridno)) if refstr == 'r': # repository type based numbering should be applied but not supplied by Gramps sidno = findNextSidno(rectype + refstr + '9') # source_idno = source_idno + source_idincr # sidno = rectype + refstr + str((int(repotype) * repository_idrange + repository_idno) * source_idrange + source_idno) else: sidno = db.find_next_source_gramps_id() else: sidno = idno LOG.debug('Sidno = ' + str(sidno)) source = Source() if handle != '': with DbTxn(_("Read Source"), db) as trans: source = db.get_source_from_handle(handle) if source == None: LOG.error( 'Source NOT found by handle: ' + handle + ' ' + otext) raise GrampsImportError( 'Source NOT found by handle: ', handle + '/' + otext) source.set_gramps_id(sidno) source.set_title(otext) source.set_author(attribs[0]) source.set_publication_info(attribs[1]) source.set_abbreviation(attribs[2]) if reftag != None: source.add_tag(reftag.get_handle()) repoRef = RepoRef() repoRef.set_reference_handle(rhandle) source.add_repo_reference(repoRef) source.set_change_time(chgtime) if handle == '': with DbTxn(_("Add Source"), db) as trans: shandle = db.add_source(source, trans) else: with DbTxn(_("Update Source"), db) as trans: db.commit_source(source, trans) shandle = handle try: r_writer.writerow([ rectype, '', sidno, '"' + shandle + '"', otext, attribs[0], attribs[1], attribs[2], '' ]) except IOError: LOG.error('Error writing S-csv ' + IOError.strerror) else: u_count += 1 LOG.debug('Unknown rectype: ' + rectype) raise GrampsImportError('Unknown record type ' + rectype) except: exc = sys.exc_info()[0] LOG.error('*** Something went really wrong! ', exc) return ImportInfo({_('Results'): _('Something went really wrong ')}) results = { _('Results'): _('Input file handled.'), _(' Repositories '): str(r_count), _(' Sources '): str(s_count), _(' Comments '): str(c_count), _(' Unknown types '): str(u_count), _(' Total '): str(t_count + r_count + s_count + c_count + u_count) }'Input file handled.')' Repositories ' + str(r_count))' Sources ' + str(s_count))' Comments ' + str(c_count))' Unknown types ' + str(u_count))' Total ' + str(t_count + r_count + s_count + c_count + u_count)) db.enable_signals() db.request_rebuild() return ImportInfo(results)