def add_next_dominators(list_of_next_dominators: list, args: argparse.ArgumentParser): """ Description: Add next dominators to connected dominating set Args: list_of_next_dominators (list): A list with next dominators Returns: - """ import graph as g # Sort list of next dominators by how important are sorted_list_of_next_dominators = sorted(list_of_next_dominators.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1)) # Add next dominators until DS be connected for node in sorted_list_of_next_dominators: connected_dominating_set[node[0]] = node[1] g.add_node(node[0], False) add_dominator_to_all_nodes(node[0]) remove_nodes_from_dominatees([node[0]]) write_message(args, "[+] Add to DS node with name {}".format(node[0]), "INFO") connectivity_list = check_connectivity( dict_of_objects[list(connected_dominating_set.keys())[0]], [], connected_dominating_set) if len( set(connectivity_list) & set(list(dict_of_objects.keys())) ) == len(connected_dominating_set) and all_dominees_have_dominators(): break
def draw_graph(counter_total, counter_lives, counter_deaths, n=20): """Draw graph of survival depending on sequence. Parameters: counter_total - Counter object with total number of sequences counter_lives - Counter object with number of sequences without death date counter_deaths - Counter object with number of sequences with death date n - specifies how many of the sequences with highest death rate should be printed to output. If set to 0 then all sequences will be printed """ print 'Creating graph' node_labels = {} edge_labels = {} graph = nx.DiGraph() graph.add_node(0) node_labels[0] = 'End' i = 1 for k, v in counter_total.most_common(n) if n else counter_total.most_common(): lastI = 0 for medicine in reversed(k.split(';')): graph.add_edge(i, lastI) edge_labels[(i, lastI)] = medicine lastI = i i += 1 node_labels[lastI] = '{0}%'.format(100 * counter_deaths[k] / v) print 'Graph created' layout = nx.graphviz_layout(graph) print 'Graph layout created' nx.draw(graph, pos = layout, hold = True, node_color = 'w', node_size = 1000) nx.draw_networkx_labels(graph, layout, labels = node_labels) nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(graph, layout, edge_labels = edge_labels)
def amr_2_graph(sentence, graph): if sentence[0] != '(' or sentence[-1] != ')': raise Exception("Error: Initial and closing character should be parenthesis.") sentence = sentence[1:-1] if'([^:)(]*)([:)(].*)', sentence): root, sentence ='([^:)(]*)([:)(].*)', sentence).group(1, 2) else: root = sentence sentence = "" graph.add_node(root) while sentence.find(':') >= 0: terminal = False argument, sentence ='(:[^ ]+) ?(.*)', sentence).group(1, 2) child_node = None if sentence[0] == '(': subgraph, sentence = find_closing_parenthesis(sentence) child_node = amr_2_graph(subgraph, graph) else: child_node, sentence ='([^ ]+) ?(:.*)?', sentence).group(1, 2) if not sentence: sentence = "" terminal = True graph.add_edge(root, child_node, argument, terminal=terminal) return root
def toDOT(self, label=''): """ Convert a Structure object to a graph image via DOT. This is useful for visualizing the functional groups that make up the databases. The output is a string containing a graph in DOT format, which can be passed to graphviz to produce an image; neato is recommended. Atoms are visualized as vertices in the outputted graph. Vertices are labeled with the atom type(s) of each corresponding atom. Labeled atoms ('\*', '\*1', etc.) are color-coded, with a unique color for each label. Bonds are indicated with edges; multiple bonds are represented by multiple edges between the same pair of vertices. The edge line style is used to denote further semantic information: dashed lines indicate optional higher-order bonds, while dotted lines indicate benzene bonds. """ import pydot graph = pydot.Dot(size='5,4', rankdir='LR', graph_type='graph', simplify=True, fontsize='8', overlap='true', dpi='85',center="True") # List of atoms (vertices) for i, atom in enumerate(self.atoms()): # Generate vertex label from atom type labels label = ','.join([atomType.label for atomType in atom._atomType]) # Labeled atoms are color coded color = 'black' if atom.label != '': colors = {'*': 'red', '*1': 'red', '*2': 'green', '*3': 'blue', '*4': 'yellow', '*5': 'purple', '*6': 'orange', '*7': 'magenta', '*8': 'cyan'} color = colors[atom.label] # Create and add vertex to graph node = pydot.Node(str(i+1), label=label, color=color, fontcolor=color) graph.add_node(node) # List of bonds (edges) for i, bond in enumerate(self.bonds()): index1 = self.atoms().index(bond.atoms[0]) index2 = self.atoms().index(bond.atoms[1]) single = False; double = False; triple = False; benzene = False for type in bond._bondType: if type.order == 1: single = True if type.order == 2: double = True if type.order == 3: triple = True if type.order == 1.5: benzene = True label = [] if single: label.append('S') if double: label.append('D') if triple: label.append('T') if benzene: label.append('B') label = ','.join(label) # Create and add edge to graph edge = pydot.Edge(str(index1+1), str(index2+1), label=label, len='2') graph.add_edge(edge) return graph
def test_depth_first(): graph = Graph() A = graph.add_node('A') B = graph.add_node('B') C = graph.add_node('C') D = graph.add_node('D') E = graph.add_node('E') F = graph.add_node('F') G = graph.add_node('G') H = graph.add_node('H') graph.add_edge(A,B) graph.add_edge(A,D) graph.add_edge(D,E) graph.add_edge(D,H) graph.add_edge(D,F) graph.add_edge(B,C) graph.add_edge(C,G) output = graph.depth_first(A) assert output[0] == A assert output[1] == B assert output[2] == C assert output[3] == G assert output[4] == D assert output[5] == E assert output[6] == H assert output[7] == F
def add_API_nodes(name): """ Queries the API for a list of related nodes from the current_node and their relationships to be added to the database. The process is multithreaded.""" add_node(name) start_time = time.time() all_links = get_top_links(name) if all_links is None: return None # avoids stupid quotations breaking queries all_links = [ link for link in all_links if not contains_quotes(link["title"]) ] threads = [] for link in all_links: #print link q = Queue() print link try: link["name"] = link.pop("title") link.pop("ns") except: pass if not node_exists(link): print 'node does not exist ' add = lambda x: add_node(x) q.put(add) # otherwise always add relationship edge = lambda x, y, z: add_edge(x, y, z) q.put(edge) t = threading.Thread(target=process, args=(q, name, link)) threads.append(t) t.start() [thread.join() for thread in threads] print "--- adding nodes took %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time) return True
def load_nodes(graph): with open(AUTHORS_FILE,'r') as f: line = f.readline() while line != "": line = line[len("#index "):] # remove index prefix from line a_id = line.strip() # 1st line (stripped) is author's index line = f.readline() # read next line line = line[len("#n "):] # remove name prefix from line if line.strip() == "": # make sure name isn't empty line = "<empty_" + a_id + ">" name = line.strip() # 2nd line (stripped) is author's name auth = author.Author(int(a_id), name) # create author and graph.add_node(auth) # add it to the graph #if graph.number_of_nodes() % 100000 == 0: # print graph.number_of_nodes() while line.strip() != "": # ignore additional author details and read next line line = f.readline() line = f.readline()
def load_nodes(graph): with open(AUTHORS_FILE, 'r') as f: line = f.readline() while line != "": line = line[len("#index "):] # remove index prefix from line a_id = line.strip() # 1st line (stripped) is author's index line = f.readline() # read next line line = line[len("#n "):] # remove name prefix from line if line.strip() == "": # make sure name isn't empty line = "<empty_" + a_id + ">" name = line.strip() # 2nd line (stripped) is author's name auth = author.Author(int(a_id), name) # create author and graph.add_node(auth) # add it to the graph #if graph.number_of_nodes() % 100000 == 0: # print graph.number_of_nodes() while line.strip( ) != "": # ignore additional author details and read next line line = f.readline() line = f.readline()
def test_breadth_first(): graph = Graph() a = graph.add_node('a') b = graph.add_node('b') c = graph.add_node('c') d = graph.add_node('d') e = graph.add_node('e') f = graph.add_node('f') g = graph.add_node('g') h = graph.add_node('h') i = graph.add_node('i') k = graph.add_node('k') graph.add_edge(a, b) graph.add_edge(a, c) graph.add_edge(a,e) graph.add_edge(b, d) graph.add_edge(c, f) graph.add_edge(c, b) graph.add_edge(e,g) graph.add_edge(f,h) graph.add_edge(g,h) graph.add_edge(f,i) graph.add_edge(h,k) graph.add_edge(i,k) assert len(graph.breadth_first(a)) == 10 breadth = graph.breadth_first(a) assert breadth[0].value == 'a' assert breadth[1].value == 'b' assert breadth[2].value == 'c' assert breadth[3].value == 'e' assert breadth[4].value == 'd' assert breadth[5].value == 'f' assert breadth[6].value == 'g' assert breadth[7].value == 'h' assert breadth[8].value == 'i' assert breadth[9].value == 'k'
def test_graph(): # check for successful input graph = Graph() a = graph.add_node('a') assert a.value == 'a' b = graph.add_node('b') c = graph.add_node('c') d = graph.add_node('d') e = graph.add_node('e') f = graph.add_node('f') # check the get_nodes function assert graph.get_nodes()[0].value == 'a' assert graph.get_nodes()[1].value == 'b' assert graph.get_nodes()[5].value == 'f' # check if the add_edges and get_neighbors are working properly graph.add_edge(a, c) graph.add_edge(a, d) graph.add_edge(b, c) graph.add_edge(b, f) graph.add_edge(c, a) graph.add_edge(c, b) graph.add_edge(c, e) graph.add_edge(d, a) graph.add_edge(d, e) graph.add_edge(e, c) graph.add_edge(e, d) graph.add_edge(e, f) graph.add_edge(f, b) graph.add_edge(f, e) assert graph.get_neighbors(a)[0].node.value == 'c' assert graph.get_neighbors(a)[1].node.value == 'd' # testing the size method assert graph.size()==6 # check for empty graph graph2 = Graph() assert graph2.get_nodes() == None
def add_dominatee_to_CDS(args: argparse.ArgumentParser): """ Description: Add dominatee to CDS Args: args (obj): An object with all user input arguments Returns: - or ERROR_CODE """ import graph as g sequense_size = 1 next_node = 0 nodes_list = [] _add_dominatee = False while not _add_dominatee: try: nodes_list = [get_list_of_dominatees()[next_node][0]] except Exception as err: write_message(args, err, "ERROR") next_node = 0 sequense_size += 1 if sequense_size > 1: for i in range(int(args.k)): if next_node < len(get_list_of_dominatees()): nodes_list = find_sequense_nodes(nodes_list, get_list_of_dominatees()) if next_node >= len(get_list_of_dominatees()) or sequense_size > int( args.k): next_node = 0 sequense_size += 1 if sequense_size > int(args.k): write_message( args, "Input file with name {} cannot create {}-{} CDS", "INFO") return dom_list = [] for node in nodes_list: if len(dict_of_objects[node].get_dominators()) >= int( args.k) - sequense_size + 1: dom_list.append(node) if len(dom_list) >= int(args.k): break for node in dom_list: _add_dominatee = True connected_dominating_set[node] = 1 add_dominator_to_all_nodes(node) remove_nodes_from_dominatees([node]) g.add_node(node) next_node += 1 if sequense_size > int(args.k): write_message( args, "This input network cannot create {}-{}-MCDS".format( args.k, args.m), "INFO") return -1
def find_MCDS(args: argparse.ArgumentParser): """ Description: Minimize existing connected dominating set (CDS) Args: - Returns: - """ import graph write_message(args, "[!] CDS created. Need to minimize CDS and create MCDS", "INFO") write_message(args, "[!] Start to minimize CDS", "INFO") counter = 0 pbar = tqdm(total=len(connected_dominating_set), initial=counter) while counter < len(connected_dominating_set) and len( connected_dominating_set) > 1: # Remove dominator from DS to find out if it needs key = list(connected_dominating_set.items())[counter][0] value = connected_dominating_set.pop(key) write_message(args, "[!] Try to remove node with name {}".format(key), "INFO") # Check if every dominatee has dominator all_nodes = [] if int(args.algorithm) == 1 or int(args.algorithm) == 2: # for key1 in tqdm(connected_dominating_set): for key1 in connected_dominating_set: all_nodes = all_nodes + dict_of_objects[key1].get_N_of_u() if key1 not in all_nodes: all_nodes.append(key1) if int(args.algorithm) == 2: # for node in tqdm(dict_of_objects): for node in dict_of_objects: node_obj = dict_of_objects[node] if key in node_obj.get_dominators(): node_obj.add_temp_dominator(key) node_obj.get_dominators().remove(key) # Check if DS is connected without dominator connectivity_list = check_connectivity( dict_of_objects[list(connected_dominating_set.keys())[0]], [], connected_dominating_set) all_nodes = dict_of_objects[list(connected_dominating_set.keys()) [0]].remove_duplicate(all_nodes) if not len(set(connectivity_list) & set(connected_dominating_set) ) == len(connected_dominating_set) or not len( set(all_nodes) & set(dict_of_objects)) == len(dict_of_objects): connected_dominating_set[key] = value write_message( args, "[!] Node with name {} cannot be removed because CDS will disconnected" .format(key), "INFO") counter += 1 pbar.update(1) else: write_message( args, "[-] Node with name {} removed from CDS".format(key), "INFO") message = "New CDS with out node {} is [%s]" % ", ".join( [a for a in connected_dominating_set]) message = message.format(key) write_message(args, message, "DEBUG") if int(args.algorithm) == 2: # for node in tqdm(dict_of_objects): for node in dict_of_objects: node_obj = dict_of_objects[node] if key in node_obj.get_temp_dominators(): node_obj.get_dominators().append(key) node_obj.delete_temp_dominator(key) node_obj.clear_temp_dominators() else: import graph as g g.remove_node(key) write_message( args, "Try to remove dominator from neighbor for all nodes...", "INFO") # for node in tqdm(dict_of_objects): for node in dict_of_objects: node_obj = dict_of_objects[node] try: node_obj.get_dominators().remove(key) node_obj.add_temp_dominator(key) except Exception: pass write_message( args, "Check if network is connected without node {}".format(key), "INFO") if all_dominators_have_k_dominators(int( args.k)) and all_dominees_have_m_dominators(int( args.m)) and g._is_k_connected(args): # for node in tqdm(dict_of_objects): for node in dict_of_objects: node_obj = dict_of_objects[node] node_obj.clear_temp_dominators() write_message( args, "[-] Node with name {} removed from CDS".format(key), "INFO") else: connected_dominating_set[key] = value # for node in tqdm(dict_of_objects): for node in dict_of_objects: node_obj = dict_of_objects[node] if key in node_obj.get_temp_dominators(): node_obj.get_dominators().append(key) node_obj.delete_temp_dominator(key) node_obj.clear_temp_dominators() g.add_node(key) add_dominator_to_all_nodes(key) write_message( args, "[!] Node with name {} cannot be removed because CDS will disconnected" .format(key), "INFO") counter += 1 pbar.update(1) pbar.close()
import graph from collections import namedtuple import re, sys infile = sys.argv[1] infile = open(infile, "r") graph = graph.Graph() for i, line in enumerate(infile): if i == 1: s = line.split(', ') if i > 2: nodes = graph.get_nodes() words = line.split() if words[0] not in graph.get_nodes(): graph.add_node(words[0]) elif words[1] not in graph.get_nodes(): graph.add_node(words[1]) graph.add_edge(int(words[0]), int(words[1]), int(words[2])) print(graph.get_nodes()) graph.dijkstra(1, 10)
map = osmapi.OsmApi().Map(-3.9524, 38.9531 , -3.8877, 39.0086) for map_dict in map: # Selecionamos las vías list_nodes = [] if map_dict['type'] == 'way': if 'highway' in map_dict['data']['tag'] and map_dict['data']['tag']['highway'] in ['trunk', 'residential', 'pedestrian']: way_dict = osmapi.OsmApi().WayGet(map_dict['data']['id']) list_nodes.append(way_dict['nd']) for i, node in enumerate(list_nodes): if not graph.node_exist(node): if i == 0: node_aux = osmapi.OsmApi().NodeGet(node) node_dic = {'lat' : node_aux['lat'], 'lon' : node_aux['lon'], 'id' : node_aux['id'], 'edges' : []} graph.add_node(node_dic) else: node_aux = osmapi.OsmApi().NodeGet(node) node_dic = {'lat' : node_aux['lat'], 'lon' : node_aux['lon'], 'id' : node_aux['id'], 'edges': []} graph.add_node(node_dic) graph.add_edge(list_nodes[i], list_nodes[i-1], 0) graph.add_edge(list_nodes[i-1], list_nodes[i], 0) else: if i != 0: graph.add_edge(list_nodes[i], list_nodes[i-1], 0) graph.add_edge(list_nodes[i-1], list_nodes[i], 0) # Impresión de las aristas de los nodos. for i, node in enumerate(list_nodes): print("[nodo]",node,"->", graph.nodes[node]['edges'])
if 'highway' in map_dict['data']['tag'] and map_dict['data']['tag'][ 'highway'] in ['trunk', 'residential', 'pedestrian']: way_dict = osmapi.OsmApi().WayGet(map_dict['data']['id']) list_nodes.append(way_dict['nd']) for i, node in enumerate(list_nodes): if not graph.node_exist(node): if i == 0: node_aux = osmapi.OsmApi().NodeGet(node) node_dic = { 'lat': node_aux['lat'], 'lon': node_aux['lon'], 'id': node_aux['id'], 'edges': [] } graph.add_node(node_dic) else: node_aux = osmapi.OsmApi().NodeGet(node) node_dic = { 'lat': node_aux['lat'], 'lon': node_aux['lon'], 'id': node_aux['id'], 'edges': [] } graph.add_node(node_dic) graph.add_edge(list_nodes[i], list_nodes[i - 1], 0) graph.add_edge(list_nodes[i - 1], list_nodes[i], 0) else: if i != 0: graph.add_edge(list_nodes[i], list_nodes[i - 1], 0)