def MYST_depth4_CCFF(ImWarp, STlayerN, dimShape, stddev, params): makeImageSummary("image", ImWarp, params) for l in range(STlayerN): with tf.name_scope("ST{0}".format(l)): [STconv1dim, STconv2dim] = dimShape STconv2fcDim = 6 * 6 * STconv2dim with tf.variable_scope("conv1"): weight, bias = createVariable([3, 3, 1, STconv1dim], stddev) STconv1 = tf.nn.conv2d( ImWarp, weight, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1 ], padding="VALID") + bias STrelu1 = tf.nn.relu(STconv1) STmaxpool1 = tf.nn.max_pool(STrelu1, ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding="VALID") with tf.variable_scope("conv2"): weight, bias = createVariable([4, 4, STconv1dim, STconv2dim], stddev) STconv2 = tf.nn.conv2d( STmaxpool1, weight, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1 ], padding="VALID") + bias STrelu2 = tf.nn.relu(STconv2) STmaxpool2 = tf.nn.max_pool(STrelu2, ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding="VALID") STmaxpool2vec = tf.reshape(STmaxpool2, [-1, STconv2fcDim]) with tf.variable_scope("fc4"): weight, bias = createVariable([STconv2fcDim, params.pDim], 0, True) STfc4 = tf.matmul(STmaxpool2vec, weight) + bias warpMtrx = warp.vec2mtrxBatch(STfc4, params) ImWarp = data.ImWarpIm(ImWarp, warpMtrx, params) makeImageSummary("imageST{0}".format(l), ImWarp, params)
def cSTrecur_depth2_CF(imageInput, p, STlayerN, dimShape, stddev, params): [STconv1dim] = dimShape STconv1fcDim = (params.H - 8) * (params.W - 8) * STconv1dim with tf.name_scope("cSTrecur"): with tf.variable_scope("conv1"): weight1, bias1 = createVariable([9, 9, 1, STconv1dim], stddev) with tf.variable_scope("fc2"): weight2, bias2 = createVariable([STconv1fcDim, params.pDim], 0, True) for l in range(STlayerN): with tf.name_scope("cSTrecur{0}".format(l)): warpMtrx = warp.vec2mtrxBatch(p, params) ImWarp = data.imageWarpIm(imageInput, warpMtrx, params) makeImageSummary("imageST{0}".format(l), ImWarp, params) with tf.variable_scope("conv1"): STconv1 = tf.nn.conv2d( ImWarp, weight1, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1 ], padding="VALID") + bias1 STrelu1 = tf.nn.relu(STconv1) STrelu1vec = tf.reshape(STrelu1, [-1, STconv1fcDim]) with tf.variable_scope("fc2"): STfc2 = tf.matmul(STrelu1vec, weight2) + bias2 p = warp.compose(p, STfc2, params) warpMtrx = warp.vec2mtrxBatch(p, params) ImWarp = data.imageWarpIm(imageInput, warpMtrx, params) makeImageSummary("imageST{0}".format(STlayerN), ImWarp, params) return ImWarp, p
def ST_depth1_F(ImWarp, p, STlayerN, dimShape, stddev, params): makeImageSummary("image", ImWarp, params) for l in range(STlayerN): with tf.name_scope("ST{0}".format(l)): ImWarpVec = tf.reshape(ImWarp, [-1, params.H * params.W]) with tf.variable_scope("fc1"): weight, bias = createVariable( [params.H * params.W, params.pDim], 0, True) STfc1 = tf.matmul(ImWarpVec, weight) + bias warpMtrx = warp.vec2mtrxBatch(STfc1, params) ImWarp = data.ImWarpIm(ImWarp, warpMtrx, params) makeImageSummary("imageST{0}".format(l), ImWarp, params) p = warp.compose(p, STfc1, params) return ImWarp, p
def cSTrecur_depth4_CCFF(imageInput, p, STlayerN, dimShape, stddev, params): [STconv1dim, STconv2dim, STfc3dim] = dimShape STconv2fcDim = (params.H - 12) // 2 * (params.W - 12) // 2 * STconv2dim with tf.name_scope("cSTrecur"): with tf.variable_scope("conv1"): weight1, bias1 = createVariable([7, 7, 1, STconv1dim], stddev) with tf.variable_scope("conv2"): weight2, bias2 = createVariable([7, 7, STconv1dim, STconv2dim], stddev) with tf.variable_scope("fc3"): weight3, bias3 = createVariable([STconv2fcDim, STfc3dim], stddev) with tf.variable_scope("fc4"): weight4, bias4 = createVariable([STfc3dim, params.pDim], 0, True) ImWarp = imageInput k = 1 for l in range(STlayerN): with tf.name_scope("cSTrecur{0}".format(l)): with tf.variable_scope("conv1"): STconv1 = tf.nn.conv2d( ImWarp, weight1, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1 ], padding="VALID") + bias1 STrelu1 = tf.nn.relu(STconv1) with tf.variable_scope("conv2"): STconv2 = tf.nn.conv2d( STrelu1, weight2, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1 ], padding="VALID") + bias2 STrelu2 = tf.nn.relu(STconv2) STmaxpool2 = tf.nn.max_pool(STrelu2, ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding="VALID") STmaxpool2vec = tf.reshape(STmaxpool2, [-1, STconv2fcDim]) with tf.variable_scope("fc3"): STfc3 = tf.matmul(STmaxpool2vec, weight3) + bias3 STrelu3 = tf.nn.relu(STfc3) with tf.variable_scope("fc4"): STfc4 = tf.matmul(STrelu3, weight4) + bias4 if k == 1: p = STfc4 else: p = warp.compose(p, STfc4, params) k = k + 1 warpMtrx = warp.vec2mtrxBatch(p, params) ImWarp = data.imageWarpIm(imageInput, warpMtrx, params) makeImageSummary("imageST{0}".format(l), ImWarp, params) warpMtrx = warp.vec2mtrxBatch(p, params) ImWarp = data.imageWarpIm(imageInput, warpMtrx, params) makeImageSummary("imageST{0}".format(STlayerN), ImWarp, params) return ImWarp, p
def cSTrecur_depth1_F(imageInput, p, STlayerN, dimShape, stddev, params): with tf.name_scope("cSTrecur"): with tf.variable_scope("fc1"): weight, bias = createVariable([params.H * params.W, params.pDim], 0, True) for l in range(STlayerN): with tf.name_scope("cSTrecur{0}".format(l)): warpMtrx = warp.vec2mtrxBatch(p, params) ImWarp = data.imageWarpIm(imageInput, warpMtrx, params) makeImageSummary("imageST{0}".format(l), ImWarp, params) imageWarpVec = tf.reshape(ImWarp, [-1, params.H * params.W]) with tf.variable_scope("fc1"): STfc1 = tf.matmul(imageWarpVec, weight) + bias p = warp.compose(p, STfc1, params) warpMtrx = warp.vec2mtrxBatch(p, params) ImWarp = data.imageWarpIm(imageInput, warpMtrx, params) makeImageSummary("imageST{0}".format(STlayerN), ImWarp, params) return ImWarp, p