def per_pass_compile_times(axis_size, run_data, include_opts): # Also plot a graph for each specific pass. for compile_pass in run_data['0.sml']: errors = [] y_data = [] x_data = [] for i in range(axis_size): # Get the data for the ith file: ith = run_data[str(i) + '.sml'] (min_err, max_err, value) = \ graph.generate_min_max_median(ith[compile_pass], delete_min_max=3) errors.append((min_err, max_err)) y_data.append(value) x_data.append(i) fig = graph.draw_line(x_data, y_data, error_bars=errors, x_label=gen_x_label_for(compile_pass, benchmark), y_label="Time (ms)", title=gen_title_for(compile_pass, benchmark)) if include_opts: no_opts = "_with_opts_" else: no_opts = "" graph.save_to( fig, benchmark + no_opts + run_data['name'] + '_' + compile_pass + '.eps')
def generic_compile_time_graph(axis_size, run_data, include_opts): # For this graph, split into TIR, byteR and AST. number = 4 if include_opts else 3 runs = run_data['runs'] x_data = [] y_data = [] errors = [] for i in range(axis_size): x_data.append(i) y_data_dict = run_data[str(i) + '.sml'] ast_times = \ sum_ast_times_from(y_data_dict, runs, include_opts=include_opts) tir_times = \ sum_tir_times_from(y_data_dict, runs, include_opts=include_opts) if include_opts: opt_times = sum_opt_times(y_data_dict, runs) byteR_times = \ sum_byteR_times_from(y_data_dict, runs, include_opts=include_opts) if include_opts: tuples = [ (ast_times[i], tir_times[i] + ast_times[i], ast_times[i] + tir_times[i] + opt_times[i], ast_times[i] + tir_times[i] + opt_times[i] + byteR_times[i]) for i in range(runs) ] else: tuples = [(ast_times[i], tir_times[i] + ast_times[i], byteR_times[i] + ast_times[i] + tir_times[i]) for i in range(runs)] if runs == 1: selected_tuple = tuples[0] errors = None else: # Do the min max selection by overall time. def select(x): return x[3 if include_opts else 2] def averager(tuple): s0 = 0.0 s1 = 0.0 s2 = 0.0 s3 = 0.0 if include_opts: for (a, b, c, d) in tuple: s0 += a s1 += b s2 += c s3 += d else: for (a, b, c) in tuple: s0 += a s1 += b s2 += c n = len(tuple) if include_opts: return (s0 / n, s1 / n, s2 / n, s3 / n) else: return (s0 / n, s1 / n, s2 / n) (min_err, max_err, selected_tuple) = \ graph.generate_min_max_median(tuples, narrowing_function=select, averaging_function=averager, delete_min_max=3) errors.append((min_err, max_err)) y_data.append(selected_tuple) if include_opts: labels = [ "Time spent in AST Representation", "Time spent in TIR Representation", "Time spent Optimising", "Time spent in ByteR Representation" ] else: labels = [ "Time spent in AST Representation", "Time spent in TIR Representation", "Time spent in ByteR Representation" ] fig = graph.draw_stacked_line(number, x_data, y_data, errors, y_label="Compile Time (ms)", x_label=gen_x_label_for(None, benchmark), title=(gen_title_for(None, benchmark)), legend=labels, ylim_max=gen_y_lim_for(None, benchmark)) if include_opts: opts_string = "_with_opts_" else: opts_string = "" graph.save_to( fig, benchmark + opts_string + run_data['name'] + '_compile_time.eps')
data_dict = {} for test in opt_data[opt]['tests']: if test['name'] in BENCHMARKS: data_dict[test['name']] = \ float(test[FIELD]) / float(no_opt_data[test['name']]) \ - 1 this_list = [] for benchmark in sorted(data_dict): this_list.append(data_dict[benchmark]) data_points.append(this_list) fig = graph.draw_grouped_bar(len(used_opts), len(BENCHMARKS), data_points, sorted(BENCHMARKS), labels=sorted(used_opts), bottom=1, label_rotation=70, figsize=(8, 6), xlabel="Benchmarks", ylabel="Code Size (Bytes)", title=("Code Size under Individual " "Optimizations")) graph.save_to(fig, 'individual_passes_code_size.eps') if not args.nohold:
opt_names = [] # This specifies where the bars are vertically centered. bottom_value = 1 if NORMALIZE[graph_no] else 0 for opt in sorted(groups): if opt != 'no_opts' or not NORMALIZE[graph_no]: opt_names.append(OPT_NAMES[opt]) data_list.append(groups[opt]) errors_list.append(errors[opt]) assert len(opt_names) == len(data_list) assert len(data_list) == len(errors_list) plot = graph.draw_grouped_bar(len(data_list), len(titles), data_list, titles, errors=errors_list, labels=opt_names, title=TITLES[graph_no], bottom=bottom_value, xlabel="Benchmark", ylabel=METRIC_NAME[graph_no], label_rotation=70, figsize=FIG_SIZE[graph_no], top_padding=TOP_PADDING[graph_no]) if FIG_SIZE[graph_no]: plot.gcf().set_size_inches(*FIG_SIZE[graph_no]) graph.save_to(plot, OUTPUT_FILES[graph_no]) if not args.nohold:
os.path.basename(benchmark_file) # Now get the data for the runs: stacked_data = get_data_from(data[benchmark_file]) processed_data[benchmark_name] = stacked_data benchmarks.append(benchmark_name) # This is stored in a category-major format. stacked_data_list = [] for category in CATEGORIES_LIST: this_data = [] for benchmark in sorted(benchmarks): this_data.append(processed_data[benchmark][category]) stacked_data_list.append(this_data) print stacked_data_list fig = graph.draw_stacked_bar(len(CATEGORIES_LIST), len(benchmarks), stacked_data_list, sorted(benchmarks), labels=CATEGORIES_LIST, x_label='Benchmark', y_label='Compile Time (ms)', title=('Compile Time Breakdown in MLC')) graph.save_to(fig, 'compile_time_breakdown.eps') if not args.nohold:
while str(measurement) + '.sml' in \ builtup_data[benchmark][compiler]: recorded_data = \ builtup_data[benchmark][compiler] \ [str(measurement) + ".sml"] \ ['subprocess_times'] (min_err, max_err, med_value) = \ graph.generate_min_max_median(recorded_data, delete_min_max=3) this_data.append(med_value) this_errors.append((min_err, max_err)) x_data.append(measurement) measurement += 1 y_errors.append(this_errors) y_data.append(this_data) # Draw the graph. plot = \ graph.draw_multiple_lines(x_data, y_data, y_errors, plotter.gen_x_label_for(None, benchmark), y_label='Compile Time (ms)', title=('Compile time against number of' ' function declarations'), legend=None) graph.save_to(plot, benchmark + 'compiler_comparison.eps') if not args.nohold:
data[compiler] = { 'x': range(xmin, xmax), 'y': yvals, 'errors': yerrors } x_values = [] y_values = [] y_errors = [] labels = [] colors = [] for compiler in COMPILERS: x_values.append(data[compiler]['x']) y_values.append(data[compiler]['y']) y_errors.append(data[compiler]['errors']) colors.append(COLOR_MAP[compiler]) labels.append(PRETTY_NAME_MAP[compiler]) fig = graph.draw_multiple_lines(x_values, y_values, colors, error_bars=y_errors, legend=labels, title=('Compile Time vs ' 'log2(type variables)'), x_label='log2(type variables)', y_label='Compile Time (ms)') graph.save_to(fig, 'type_blowup_comparison_graph.eps') if not args.nohold: