def _slq_red_var_vnge(matrix, lanczos_steps, nvectors):
    """Approximates Von Neumann Graph Entropy (VNGE) of a given matrix.

  Uses the control variates method to reduce the variance of VNGE estimation.

    matrix (sparse matrix): Input adjacency matrix of a graph.
    lanczos_steps (int): Number of Lanczos steps.
    nvectors (int): Number of random vectors for stochastic estimation.

    float: Approximated von Neumann graph entropy.
    functions = [lambda x: -np.where(x > 0, x * np.log(x), 0), lambda x: x]
    traces = slq(matrix, lanczos_steps, nvectors, functions).ravel()
    return traces[0] - traces[1] + 1
def _slq_red_var_netlsd(matrix, lanczos_steps, nvectors, timescales):
    """Computes unnormalized NetLSD signatures of a given matrix.

  Uses the control variates method to reduce the variance of NetLSD estimation.

    matrix (sparse matrix): Input adjacency matrix of a graph.
    lanczos_steps (int): Number of Lanczos steps.
    nvectors (int): Number of random vectors for stochastic estimation.
    timescales (np.ndarray): Timescale parameter for NetLSD computation. Default
      value is the one used in both NetLSD and SLaQ papers.

    np.ndarray: Approximated NetLSD descriptors.
    functions = [np.exp, lambda x: x]
    traces = slq(matrix, lanczos_steps, nvectors, functions, -timescales)
    subee = traces[0, :] - traces[1, :] / np.exp(timescales)
    sub = -timescales * matrix.shape[0] / np.exp(timescales)
    return np.array(subee + sub)