def make_sim_graphs(school_graphs, school_akws):
	Takes school graphs dict and school author-kw dict and makes a keyword similarity graph for each school.
	Returns dict keyed by school name with sim graphs as values.
	school_simgraphs = {}
	for school in school_graphs:
		collab_graph = school_graphs[school]
		akw = school_akws[school]
		sim_graph = gu.make_sim_graph(akw, collab_graph)
		school_simgraphs[school] = sim_graph

	return school_simgraphs
	def test_sim_graph_making(self):
		akw = {
				1: {"keywords": ["java", "python", "django"]},
				2: {"keywords": ["java", "python", "graphs"]},
				3: {"keywords": ["software", "graphs", "programming"]}

		col_graph = nx.Graph()
		col_graph.add_node(1, {"name": 'bob', 'in_school': True, 'paper_count': 12})
		col_graph.add_node(2, {"name": 'alice', 'in_school': True, 'paper_count': 10})
		col_graph.add_node(3, {"name": 'eve', 'in_school': True, 'paper_count': 20})
		col_graph.add_edge(1, 3)

		sim_graph = gu.make_sim_graph(akw, col_graph)
		self.assertEqual(sim_graph.number_of_nodes(), 3)
		self.assertEqual(sim_graph.number_of_edges(), 2)
		self.assertTrue(sim_graph.has_edge(1, 2) and sim_graph.has_edge(2, 3))
		self.assertTrue("java" in sim_graph[1][2]['sim_kw'] and "python" in sim_graph[1][2]['sim_kw'])
		self.assertTrue("graphs" in sim_graph[2][3]['sim_kw'])