def graph_worker_oneshot(inputlist, queue, print_queue):
    for duty in inputlist:
        name = duty[0]
        G = duty[1]
        algo = duty[2]
        param = duty[3]

        A = nx.to_numpy_matrix(G)
        x, l = eg.eigen_centrality(A)

        eg.info("Setup completed")
        start_time = time.time()

        if algo == "spectre":
            m = float(param)
            n = nm.shape(A)[0]
            B = eg.sample_simm_matrix2(A, int(round(n * m)))
            H = None
            algo += str(m)

        elif algo == "traj":
            H = traj.random_graph(G)

        elif algo == "sah":
            dists = param.split(",")
            H = sah.random_graph(G, dists[0], dists[1])

        elif algo == "modularity":
            m = float(param)
            n = nm.shape(A)[0]
            B = eg.modularity_clone_matrix(A, int(round(n * m)))
            H = gu.simm_matrix_2_graph(B)
            while nx.is_isomorphic(G, H):
                B = eg.modularity_clone_matrix(A, int(round(n * m)))
                H = gu.simm_matrix_2_graph(B)
            algo += str(m)

        elif algo == "25k":
            H = twok.gen_25k_graph(G)

        elif algo == "sbm":
            H = sbm.generate(G)

        eg.info("Graph Generated")

        stat = get_statistics1(G, H, time.time() - start_time, fraction=0.1)
        s = algo + "," + name + "," + str(len(G.nodes()))
        for el in stat:
            s += "," + str(el)
def modularity_clone_graph(G, m=0.9):
    names = G.nodes()
    A = nx.to_numpy_matrix(G, nodelist=names)
    n = nm.shape(A)[0]
    B = modularity_clone_matrix(A, int(round(n * m)))
    H = gu.simm_matrix_2_graph(B, names)
    return H
def graph_worker_oneshot(inputlist, queue, print_queue):
    for duty in inputlist:
        name = duty[0]
        G = duty[1]
        algo = duty[2]
        param = duty[3]

        names = G.nodes()
        A = nx.to_numpy_matrix(G, nodelist=names)

        eg.info("Setup completed")
        start_time = time.time()

        if algo == "modularity":
            m = float(param)
            n = nm.shape(A)[0]
            B = eg.modularity_clone_matrix(A, int(round(n*m)))
            H = gu.simm_matrix_2_graph(B, names)
            while nx.is_isomorphic(G, H):
                B = eg.modularity_clone_matrix(A, int(round(n*m)))
                H = gu.simm_matrix_2_graph(B, names)
            algo += str(m)

        elif algo == "traj":
            H = traj.random_graph(G)
            trnames = H.nodes()
            mapping = {trnames[i]: names[i] for i in range(len(names))}
            H = nx.relabel_nodes(H, mapping)

        elif algo == "25k":
            H = twok.gen_25k_graph(G, names)

        elif algo == "sbm":
            H = sbm.generate(G, names)

        eg.info("Graph Generated " + name)

        stat = get_statistics(G, H, time.time()-start_time, fraction=0.1)
        s = name + "," + str(len(G.nodes())) + "," + algo
        for el in stat:
            s += "," + str(el)
def modgraph(G, level):
        A = nx.to_numpy_matrix(G)
        n = nm.shape(A)[0]
        B = eg.modularity_clone_matrix(A, level)
        H = gu.simm_matrix_2_graph(B)
#        while nx.is_isomorphic(G, H):
#            B = eg.modularity_clone_matrix(A, level)
#            H = gu.simm_matrix_2_graph(B)
        return H
def get_statistics(G, H, A, B, x, l, duration):
    eg.info("Computing statistics...")
    if not H:
        eg.info("Building networkx graph...")
        H = gu.simm_matrix_2_graph(B)
    eg.info("Computing centrality...")
    y, m = (-1, -1)  #eg.eigen_centrality(B, maxiter=100000)
    # nx.write_weighted_edgelist(H,  "pgp_spectre0.9_" +
    #                            str(random.randint(0, 99999999)) + ".edges")

    eg.info("Computing centrality distance...")
    eigen_err = -1  #eg.vec_dist(x, y)
    eg.info("Computing clustering ratio...")
    clust_err = gu.average_clustering(A) / gu.average_clustering(B)
    # clust_err = nm.average(nx.clustering(G).values()) /\
    #     nm.average(nx.clustering(H).values())
    eg.info("Computing lambda ratio...")
    lambda_err = -1  #abs(l / m)
    eg.info("Computing degree correlation...")
    degree_corr = gu.correlation(gu.get_degrees(A), gu.get_degrees(B))
    eg.info("Check connectivity...")
    if nx.is_connected(H):
        conn = 1
        conn = 0

    eg.info("Distance distribution correlation...")
    distance_dist_corr = -1  #gu.correlate_dist_dict(gu.node_distance_dist(A),
    #                    gu.node_distance_dist(B))
    eg.info("Degree betweenness correlation...")
    degree_bet_corr = -1  #gu.correlate_dist_dict(gu.get_degree_betweeness(A),
    #                 gu.get_degree_betweeness(B))
    eg.info("K-coreness correlation...")
    kcore_corr = -1  #gu.correlate_dist_dict(gu.get_kcoreness(A),
    #                    gu.get_kcoreness(B))
    eg.info("Common neighbourhood correlation...")
    common_neigh_corr = -1  #gu.correlate_dist_dict(gu.get_common_neigh_dist(A),
    #                    gu.get_common_neigh_dist(B))
    eg.info("Modularity ratio...")
    Gm = gu.norm_modularity(G)
    Hm = gu.norm_modularity(H)
    modularity_ratio = Gm[0] / Hm[0]
    partition_ratio = Gm[1] / float(Hm[1])
    eg.info("Avg neighbourhood degree correlation...")
    avg_neigh_deg_corr = -1  #gu.correlate_dist_dict(gu.get_avg_neighbour_degree(A),
    #                    gu.get_avg_neighbour_degree(B))
    eg.info("Done with stats")
    return (eigen_err, degree_corr, clust_err, lambda_err, distance_dist_corr,
            degree_bet_corr, kcore_corr, common_neigh_corr, modularity_ratio,
            partition_ratio, avg_neigh_deg_corr, conn, duration)
def entropy_analysis(G):
    with open("entropy.data", "w") as doc:
        for e in G:
            name = e[0]
            g = e[1]
            # gu.connect_components(g)  # WARNING
            for alpha in [0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9]:
                names = g.nodes()
                A = nx.to_numpy_matrix(g, nodelist=names)
                n = min(A.shape)
                for i in range(10):
                    B = truncated_mod_approx(A, int(round(n*alpha)))
                    H = gu.simm_matrix_2_graph(sample_mod_matrix(B), names)
                    modratio = (community.modularity(
                        community.best_partition(H), H) / community.modularity(
                            community.best_partition(g), g))
                    entropy = mat_entropy(B)
                    deanonratio = deanon_ratio(g, H)
                    doc.write(name + "," + str(alpha) + "," +
                              str(modratio) + "," +
                              str(entropy) + "," + str(deanonratio) + "\n")
def get_statistics2(G, H, A, B, x, l):
    eg.info("Computing statistics...")
    if not H:
        eg.info("Building networkx graph...")
        H = gu.simm_matrix_2_graph(B)

    eg.info("Computing centrality...")
    y, m = eg.eigen_centrality(B, maxiter=100000)
    eg.info("Computing lambda ratio...")
    lambda_err = abs(l / m)
    eg.info("Computing centrality distance...")
    eigen_err = eg.vec_dist(x, y)

    inputs = [("avg_neigh_deg_corr", A, B), ("mod_ratio", G, H),
              ("comm_neigh_corr", A, B), ("kcore_corr", A, B),
              ("deg_bet_corr", A, B), ("dist_dist", A, B),
              ("degree_corr", G, H), ("clust_ratio", G, H)]
    mets = parallelism.launch_workers(inputs,
    res = {}
    for el in mets:

    eg.info("Check connectivity...")
    if nx.is_connected(H):
        conn = 1
        conn = 0

    eg.info("Done with stats")
    return (eigen_err, res['degree_corr'], res['clust_ratio'], lambda_err,
            res['dist_dist'], res['deg_bet_corr'], res['kcore_corr'],
            res['comm_neigh_corr'], res['mod_ratio'],
            res['avg_neigh_deg_corr'], conn)
def graph_worker_oneshot(inputlist, queue, print_queue):
    for duty in inputlist:
        name = duty[0]
        G = duty[1]
        algo = duty[2]
        param = duty[3]

        A = nx.to_numpy_matrix(G)
        # x, l = eg.eigen_centrality(A)

        eg.info("Setup completed")
        start_time = time.time()

        if algo == "1k":
            H = nx.random_degree_sequence_graph((nx.degree(G).values()))
            # B = nx.to_numpy_matrix(H)

        elif algo == "2k":
            joint_degrees = nx.algorithms.mixing.degree_mixing_dict(G)
            H = joint_degree_graph(joint_degrees)
            # B = nx.to_numpy_matrix(H)

        elif algo == "eig":
            precision = float(param)
            # B = eg.build_matrix(x, l, precision)
            B = eg.generate_matrix(x, l * x, precision, gu.get_degrees(A))
            H = None
            algo += str(precision)

        elif algo == "modeig":
            precision = float(param)
            B = eg.synthetic_modularity_matrix(A, precision)
            H = None
            algo += str(precision)

        elif algo == "spectre":
            m = float(param)
            n = nm.shape(A)[0]
            B = eg.sample_simm_matrix2(A, int(round(n * m)))
            H = gu.simm_matrix_2_graph(B)
            while nx.is_isomorphic(G, H):
                B = eg.sample_simm_matrix2(A, int(round(n * m)))
                H = gu.simm_matrix_2_graph(B)
            algo += str(m)

        elif algo == "laplacian":
            m = float(param)
            n = nm.shape(A)[0]
            B = eg.laplacian_clone_matrix(A, int(round(n * m)))
            H = gu.simm_matrix_2_graph(B)
            while nx.is_isomorphic(G, H):
                B = eg.sample_simm_matrix2(A, int(round(n * m)))
                H = gu.simm_matrix_2_graph(B)
            algo += str(m)

        elif algo == "modspec":
            m = float(param)
            n = nm.shape(A)[0]
            B = eg.modspec_clone_matrix(A, int(round(n * m)))
            H = None
            algo += str(m)

        elif algo == "franky":
            m = float(param)
            n = nm.shape(A)[0]
            B = eg.franky_clone_matrix(A, int(round(n * m)))
            H = None
            algo += str(m)

        elif algo == "modularity":
            m = float(param)
            n = nm.shape(A)[0]
            B = eg.modularity_clone_matrix(A, int(round(n * m)))
            H = gu.simm_matrix_2_graph(B)
            while nx.is_isomorphic(G, H):
                B = eg.modularity_clone_matrix(A, int(round(n * m)))
                H = gu.simm_matrix_2_graph(B)
            algo += str(m)

        elif algo == "25k":
            test25 = Estimation()
            gen25 = Generation()
            test25.load_graph("", graph=G)
            H = gen25.G
            # B = nx.to_numpy_matrix(H)

        eg.info("Graph Generated")

        stat = get_statistics1(G, H, time.time() - start_time)
        s = algo + "," + name + "," + str(len(G.nodes()))
        for el in stat:
            s += "," + str(el)
文件: test6.py 项目: lee818/test
partiton_ratio = []
d_pcc = []
for i in range(10):
    count += 1
    if count <= 10:
        #G = nx.read_weighted_edgelist("D:/software/python/spectral_graph_forge-master/spectral_graph_forge-master/toy.edges")
        #G = nx.read_weighted_edgelist("C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/lee/ego-Facebook/facebook/3980.edges")
        #G = nx.read_weighted_edgelist("C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/lee/ego-Facebook/facebook/348.edges")
        G = nx.karate_club_graph()
        #G = nx.generators.florentine_families_graph()
        A = nx.to_numpy_matrix(G)
        B_matrix = modularity_clone_matrix(A, 6)
        #B_matrix =entropy_analysis.truncated_mod_approx(A, 6)
        B = simm_matrix_2_graph(B_matrix, None)
        print("***************%dth running result***************" % (i + 1))
        print "***************now is the modularity of the original Graph B"
        m_b = kl_modularity.maximum_modularity(B)[0]
        print "***************now is the modularity of the original Graph G"
        m_g = kl_modularity.maximum_modularity(G)[0]
        print "***************this is the modularity ratio of the original Graph G and new graph B"
        print float(m_b / m_g)
        m_bg_result.append(float(m_b / m_g))

        print "##########now is the clustering########## "
        c_g = graph_utils.clustering(A)
        c_b = graph_utils.clustering(B_matrix)
        print "this is the clustering  of the original Graph G and new graph B"
        print c_b
        print c_g