def astensor(x, *, dtype=None, device=None, escape=None): try: if x is None or (escape is not None and isinstance(x, escape)): return x except TypeError: raise TypeError(f"argument 'escape' must be a type or tuple of types.") if dtype is None: dtype = gf.infer_type(x) if isinstance(dtype, (np.dtype, str)): dtype = data_type_dict().get(str(dtype), dtype) elif not isinstance(dtype, torch.dtype): raise TypeError( f"argument 'dtype' must be torch.dtype, np.dtype or str, but got {type(dtype)}." ) if is_tensor(x): tensor = elif gf.is_tensor(x, backend='tensorflow'): return astensor(gf.tensoras(x), dtype=dtype, device=device, escape=escape) elif sp.isspmatrix(x): if gg.backend() == "dgl_torch": import dgl tensor = dgl.from_scipy(x, idtype=getattr(torch, gg.intx())) elif gg.backend() == "pyg": edge_index, edge_weight = gf.sparse_adj_to_edge(x) return (astensor(edge_index, dtype=gg.intx(), device=device, escape=escape), astensor(edge_weight, dtype=gg.floatx(), device=device, escape=escape)) else: tensor = sparse_adj_to_sparse_tensor(x, dtype=dtype) elif any((isinstance(x, (np.ndarray, np.matrix)), gg.is_listlike(x), gg.is_scalar(x))): tensor = torch.tensor(x, dtype=dtype, device=device) else: raise TypeError( f"Invalid type of inputs. Allowed data type (Tensor, SparseTensor, Numpy array, Scipy sparse tensor, None), but got {type(x)}." ) return
def nx(self): attr_flips = self.nx_flips if self.modified_nx is None: if attr_flips is not None: self.modified_nx = gf.flip_attr(self.graph.node_attr, attr_flips) else: self.modified_nx = self.graph.node_attr x = self.modified_nx if sp.isspmatrix(x): x = x.A elif gf.is_anytensor(x): x = gf.tensoras(x) elif not isinstance(x, np.ndarray): raise TypeError(x) return x
def astensor(x, *, dtype=None, device=None, escape=None): try: if x is None or (escape is not None and isinstance(x, escape)): return x except TypeError: raise TypeError(f"argument 'escape' must be a type or tuple of types.") if dtype is None: dtype = gf.infer_type(x) elif isinstance(dtype, tf.dtypes.DType): dtype = elif isinstance(dtype, (np.dtype, str)): dtype = str(dtype) else: raise TypeError( f"argument 'dtype' must be tf.dtypes.DType, np.dtype or str, but got {type(dtype)}." ) with tf.device(device): if is_tensor(x): if x.dtype != dtype: return tf.cast(x, dtype=dtype) return tf.identity(x) elif gf.is_tensor(x, backend='torch'): return astensor(gf.tensoras(x), dtype=dtype, device=device, escape=escape) elif sp.isspmatrix(x): if gg.backend() == "dgl_tf": import dgl return dgl.from_scipy(x, idtype=getattr(tf, gg.intx())).to(device) else: return sparse_adj_to_sparse_tensor(x, dtype=dtype) elif any((isinstance(x, (np.ndarray, np.matrix)), gg.is_listlike(x), gg.is_scalar(x))): return tf.convert_to_tensor(x, dtype=dtype) else: raise TypeError( f"Invalid type of inputs. Allowed data type(Tensor, SparseTensor, Numpy array, Scipy sparse matrix, None), but got {type(x)}." )
def A(self): adj_flips = self.edge_flips if self.modified_adj is None: if adj_flips is not None: self.modified_adj = gf.flip_adj(self.graph.adj_matrix, adj_flips) else: self.modified_adj = self.graph.adj_matrix adj = self.modified_adj if gf.is_anytensor(adj): adj = gf.tensoras(adj) if isinstance(adj, np.ndarray): adj = sp.csr_matrix(adj) elif sp.isspmatrix(adj): adj = adj.tocsr(copy=False) else: raise TypeError(adj) return adj
################### Surrogate model ############################ # Nettack takes no activation layer trainer =, seed=42).process().build(acts=None) his = trainer.train(splits.train_nodes, splits.val_nodes, verbose=1, epochs=100) # surrogate weights if gg.backend() == "tensorflow": w1, w2 = trainer.model.weights W = w1 @ w2 else: w1, w2 = trainer.model.parameters() W = (w2 @ w1).T W = gf.tensoras(W) ################### Attacker model ############################ target = 0 attacker = gg.attack.targeted.Nettack(graph, seed=123).process(W) attacker.attack(target, direct_attack=True, structure_attack=True, feature_attack=False) ################### Victim model ############################ # Before attack trainer =, seed=123).process().build() his = trainer.train(splits.train_nodes, splits.val_nodes, verbose=1,