def draw(self): drawDirectionArrow(self.color, self.tailPoint, self.arrowBasePoint, self.tailRadius, self.scale, tailRadiusLimits=self.tailRadiusLimits, numberOfSides=6, glpane=self.glpane, scale_to_glpane=self.scale_to_glpane)
def draw(self): drawDirectionArrow( self.color, self.tailPoint, self.arrowBasePoint, self.tailRadius, self.scale, tailRadiusLimits = self.tailRadiusLimits, numberOfSides = 6, glpane = self.glpane, scale_to_glpane = self.scale_to_glpane )
def _draw(self, flipDirection = False, highlighted = False): """ Main drawing code. @param flipDirection: This flag decides the direction in which the arrow is drawn. This value is set in the leftClick method. The default value is 'False' @type flipDirection: bool @param highlighted: Decids the color of the arrow based on whether it is highlighted. The default value is 'False' @type highlighted: bool """ if highlighted: color = orange else: color = gray if flipDirection: #@NOTE: Remember we are drawing the arrow inside of the _draw_geometry #so its drawing it in the translated coordinate system (translated #at the center of the Plane. So we should do the following. #(i.e. use V(0,0,1)). This will change if we decide to draw the #direction arrow outside of the parent object #requesting this drawing.--ninad 20070612 #Using headPoint = self.tailPoint + V(0,0,1) * 2.0 etc along with #the transformation matrix in self.draw_in_abs_coordinate() #fixes bug 2702 and 2703 -- Ninad 2008-06-11 headPoint = self.tailPoint + V(0,0,1) * 2.0 ##headPoint = self.tailPoint + 2.0 * norm(self.parent.getaxis()) else: headPoint = self.tailPoint - V(0,0,1) * 2.0 ##headPoint = self.tailPoint - 2.0 * self.parent.getaxis() vec = vlen(headPoint - self.tailPoint) vec = self.glpane.scale*0.07*vec tailRadius = vlen(vec)*0.16 drawDirectionArrow(color, self.tailPoint, headPoint, tailRadius, self.glpane.scale, flipDirection = flipDirection)