class Hangman: ''' This class provides the context for the graphics and logic modules, as well as handling input, menus, events and resources. The original intent was to let it serve as a model-view controller, where Logic represented the model and Graphics the main view. ''' def __init__(self): ''' Initializes window, canvas, gameplay options and menus, loads resources (settings, images, dictionaries) and sets up debugging. ''' # Window self.size = Size(650, 650) self.root = self.createWindow(self.size) self.icon = self.loadIcon('icon.png') # Internal settings self.validState = False # Not ready to accept guesses self.DEBUG = tk.BooleanVar(value=False) # Print debug messages self.VERBOSE = tk.BooleanVar(value=True) # Print verbose debug messages # Logging self.messages = [] self.logger = Logger('Hangman') # Resources self.dictData = self.loadDictionaries('data/dicts/dictionaries.json') self.dictNames = [name for name in self.dictData.keys()] self.flags = self.loadFlags() # Gameplay settings self.restartDelay = 1500 # Delay before new round begins (ms) self.revealWhenLost = False # Reveal the word when the game is lost # TODO: Save reference to current dict (?) self.DICT = tk.StringVar(value=choice(self.dictNames)) # Select random dictionary self.characterSet = self.dictData[self.DICT.get()]['characters'] # TODO: Make this dictionary-dependent # Menus self.menubar = self.createMenus() # Events self.bindEvents() # Game play = Graphics(self.root, *self.size, characterSet=self.characterSet) # Renderer self.logic = Logic( # Logic self.wordFeed = self.createWordFeed(self.DICT.get()) # Provides a stream of words and hints self.chances = # Initial number of chances for each round self.word = None # Initialized later on self.hint = None # Initialized later on # Audio self.effects = self.loadAudio() def play(self): ''' Starts the game ''' self.restart() self.root.mainloop() def createWindow(self, size): ''' As per the title ''' root = tk.Tk() root.resizable(width=False, height=False) root.title('Hangman') return root def createMenus(self): ''' As per the title ''' # TODO: Nested dict or JSON menu definition (?) # TODO: Desperately needs a clean-up (...) menubar = tk.Menu(self.root) # New game menubar.add_command(label='New', command=self.restart) # Settings settings = tk.Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) settings.add_command(label='Difficulty', command=lambda: print('Moderate')) # Languages languages = tk.Menu(settings, tearoff=0) self.DICT.trace('w', lambda *args, var=self.DICT: self.setDictionary(var.get())) # TODO: Extract traces # TODO: Use appropriate flag for N, name in enumerate(self.dictData.keys()): code = self.dictData[name]['iso'] # Language code languages.add_radiobutton(label=name, image=self.flags[code], compound='left', var=self.DICT, value=name) else: self.logger.log('Found %d dictionaries.' % (N+1), kind='log') settings.add_cascade(label='Language', menu=languages) menubar.add_cascade(label='Settings', menu=settings) # About box menubar.add_command(label='About', command=self.about) # Dev menu debug = tk.Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) debug.add_checkbutton(label='Debug', onvalue=True, offvalue=False, variable=self.DEBUG) debug.add_checkbutton(label='Verbose', onvalue=True, offvalue=False, variable=self.VERBOSE) menubar.add_cascade(label='Dev', menu=debug) # Quit menubar.add_command(label='Quit', command=self.quit) # Attach to window self.root.config(menu=menubar) return menubar def bindEvents(self): ''' Binds callbacks to events ''' self.root.bind('<Escape>', lambda e: self.quit()) self.root.bind('<Key>', lambda e: self.onKeyDown(e)) def onKeyDown(self, event): ''' Responds to key presses ''' # TODO: Make sure guesses can't be made in a transitory state (✓) # TODO: Tidy up # TODO: Shortcuts, key bindings with JSON (?) # Validate the guess # Make sure the game is in a valid state (eg. not between to rounds) if not self.validState: self.logger.log('Cannot accept guesses right now', kind='log') return elif not self.validGuess(event.char): return else: self.guess(event.char) def about(self): ''' Shows an about box ''' messagebox.askokcancel('About', 'Hangman\nJonatan H Sundqvist\nJuly 2014') def loadAudio(self): ''' Initializes mixer and loads sound effects ''' mixer.init() files = ['strangled.wav', 'ding.wav'] return namedtuple('Effects', ['lose', 'win'])(*map(lambda fn: mixer.Sound('data/audio/%s' % fn), files)) def loadFlags(self): ''' Loads all flag files and creates a map between those and their respective ISO language codes ''' codes = [('en-uk', 'UK.png'), ('es-es', 'Spain.png'), ('in', 'India.png'), ('sv-sv', 'sv.png'), ('en-us', 'USA.png')] # Maps language codes to flags flags = {} for iso, fn in codes: image ='data/flags/%s' % fn) image.thumbnail((16,16), Image.ANTIALIAS) flags[iso] = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image) return flags def loadIcon(self, fn): ''' Loads and sets the title bar icon ''' icon = ImageTk.PhotoImage('wm', 'iconphoto', self.root._w, icon) return icon def loadDictionaries(self, fn): ''' Loads JSON dictionary meta data ''' # TODO: Dot notation # TODO: Load associated resources for convenience (?) with open(fn, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as dicts: return json.load(dicts) def setDictionary(self, name): ''' Sets the dictionary specified by the name and restarts ''' self.logger.log('Changing dictionary to %s' % name, kind='log') self.wordFeed = self.createWordFeed(name) self.characterSet = self.dictData[name]['characters'] self.restart() # TODO: Research Python annotation syntax # TOOD: Check if ST3 has support for the same #def guess(self : str, letter : str) -> None: def guess(self, letter): ''' Guesses one letter ''' # TODO: Write a slightly more helpful docstring # TODO: Clean this up result = self.logic.guess(letter) self.logger.log('\'%s\' is a %s!' % (letter.upper(), result), kind='log'), result in ('MATCH', 'WIN'), str(self.logic)), # TODO: Let Graphics take care of the representation for us (?) # TODO: Clean up the 'switch' logic #{'WIN':, 'LOSE': self.lose}.get(result, lambda: None)() # return { ('MATCH', 'WIN'): } if result == 'WIN': elif result == 'LOSE': self.lose() def validGuess(self, letter): ''' Determines if a letter is a valid guess ''' # TODO: Make this configurable (list of requirements?) # Normalize input letter = letter.upper() # Check all requirements if letter not in self.characterSet: # Make sure the character is a guessable letter self.logger.log('\'%s\' is not in the character set!' % letter, kind='log') return False elif len(letter) != 1: # Make sure the guess is only one letter self.logger.log('\'%s\' does not have exactly one letter!' % letter, kind='log') return False elif self.logic.hasGuessed(letter): # Make sure it's not a repeat guess self.logger.log('\'%s\' has already been guessed!' % letter, kind='log') return False else: return True def win(self): ''' Victorious feedback, schedules the next round ''' self.logger.log('Phew. You figured it out!', kind='log') self.scheduleRestart() def lose(self): ''' Failure feedback, schedules the next round ''' # TODO: Show correct word before restarting (?) self.logger.log('You\'ve been hanged. Requiescat in pace!', kind='log') if self.revealWhenLost: # Reveal answer self.scheduleRestart() def scheduleRestart(self): ''' Schedules a new round and disables guessing in the interim ''' self.validState = False # Disable guessing between rounds self.root.after(self.restartDelay, self.restart) def restart(self): ''' Starts a new game ''' self.logger.log('\n{0}\n{1:^40}\n{0}\n'.format('-'*40, 'NEW GAME'), kind='log', identify=False) # TODO: Enable identify options in Logger.log self.word, self.hint = next(self.wordFeed) self.validState = True # Ready to accept guesses again def quit(self, message=None, prompt=False): ''' Exits the application ''' # TODO: Find a way to close Python #print('\n'.join(self.messages)) self.root.quit() def createWordFeed(self, name): ''' Creates a word feed from the dictionary specified by the name ''' # TODO: Give class a reference to words (?) # TODO: Wise to hard-code path (?) # TODO: Handle incorrectly structured dictionaries self.logger.log('Creating word feed from \'{name}\'.'.format(name=name), kind='log') fn = self.dictData[name]['file'] with open('data/dicts/%s' % fn, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as wordFile: words ='\n') while True: try: line = choice(words) word, hint = line.split('|') # Word|Hint yield word, hint except ValueError as e: words.remove(line) # Remove the culprit from the word feed self.logger.log('Removing invalid definition ({0}).'.format(line), kind='error')