def __init__(self): self._g = Graphistry() self._g.load_config() cl_priv_file = open(join(cwd, "container_lists/private.txt")) cl_pub_file = open(join(cwd, "container_lists/public.txt")) self.images = { 'public':, 'private': } self.images['private'].append(self._g.config.vizapp_container.value) self.images['private'].append(self._g.config.pivotapp_container.value) cl_priv_file.close() cl_pub_file.close() self.docker = docker.from_env()
class Cluster(object): def __init__(self): self._g = Graphistry() self._g.load_config() cl_priv_file = open(join(cwd, "container_lists/private.txt")) cl_pub_file = open(join(cwd, "container_lists/public.txt")) self.images = { 'public':, 'private': } self.images['private'].append(self._g.config.vizapp_container.value) self.images['private'].append(self._g.config.pivotapp_container.value) cl_priv_file.close() cl_pub_file.close() self.docker = docker.from_env() def docker_lowlevel_api(self): return docker.APIClient(base_url='unix://var/run/docker.sock') def pull(self, reauth=False): self._g.registry_auth() docker = self.docker_lowlevel_api() if reauth: self._g.registry_auth() click.secho("Pulling Private Images", fg="magenta") for image in self.images['private']: for line in docker.pull(image, stream=True): click.secho(pretty_line(line), fg="magenta") click.secho("Pulling Public Images", fg="blue") for image in self.images['public']: for line in docker.pull(image, stream=True): click.secho(pretty_line(line), fg="blue") def launch(self): launch_file_source = join(cwd, 'bootstrap/') launch_file = 'deploy/' if not exists('deploy'): local('mkdir deploy') copyfile(launch_file_source, launch_file) local("sed -i 's!<VIZAPP_CONTAINER_NAME>!{0}!g' {1}".format( self._g.config.vizapp_container.value, launch_file)) local("sed -i 's!<PIVOTAPP_CONTAINER_NAME>!{0}!g' {1}".format( self._g.config.pivotapp_container.value, launch_file)) tls = isdir('ssl') ssl_dir = getcwd() + '/ssl' local('cd deploy && chmod +x') if tls: local( 'export SSLPATH="{ssl_path}" && export SSL_SELF_PROVIDED="1" && export SHIPYARD="1" && cd deploy && bash' .format(ssl_path=ssl_dir)) else: local('cd deploy && export SHIPYARD="1" && bash') click.secho("", fg="yellow") click.secho("Graphistry Launched. Please Browse to:", fg="yellow") click.secho("{0}".format(self._g.config.graphistry_host.value), fg="yellow") def compile(self, include_config=False): """ Generate dist/graphistry.tar.gz. Run pull beforehand. :return: """ try: bcrypt_image = self.docker.images.get('bcrypt:latest') except docker.errors.ImageNotFound: self._g.create_bcrypt_container() self.pull() images = self.images['public'] + self.images['private'] + [ 'bcrypt:latest' ] try: # Check that images exist so we can build, if not raised NotFound kills the process click.secho('[graphistry] Saving Images:', fg='yellow') for tag in images: click.secho('\t- {0}'.format(tag), fg='yellow') # Build dist directory and python wheelhouse click.secho('[graphistry] Building Dependency Wheelhouse for CLI', fg='yellow') wheelhouse_dir = expanduser('graphistry-cli/wheelhouse') if not exists(wheelhouse_dir): local('mkdir -p {0}'.format(wheelhouse_dir)) local('cd graphistry-cli/wheelhouse && pip wheel -r {0}'.format( join(cwd, 'requirements.txt'))) # Check for TLS state | TODO: We can just check the config boolean tls = isdir('ssl') maybe_ssl = ' ssl ' if tls else '' # Grab the current config to be used on the on-prem deploy if requested if include_config: click.secho( '[graphistry] Copying configuration for distribution.', fg='yellow') config = expanduser('~/.config/graphistry/config.json') if exists(config): copyfile(config, 'deploy/config.json') maybe_config = ' ./deploy/config.json ' if tls else '' # Compile the docker containers. This is done last because it takes forever. click.secho('[graphistry] Saving containers from docker.', fg='yellow') local('docker save -o containers.tar ' + ' '.join(images)) local( 'echo -e "#\!/bin/bash\ndocker load -i containers.tar" > && chmod +x' ) # Make easy entrypoint into bootstrap script click.secho( '[graphistry] Make easy entrypoint into bootstrap script.', fg='yellow') local( 'echo -e "#\!/bin/bash\ncd graphistry-cli && bash \$1" > && chmod +x' ) # Build the package click.secho( "[graphistry] Compiling Distribution Bundle [dist/graphistry.tar.gz]. " "This will take a a few minutes.", fg='yellow') if not exists('dist'): local('mkdir dist') cmd = "touch dist/graphistry.tar.gz && " \ "tar --exclude='./graphistry-cli/.git' " \ "-czf dist/graphistry.tar.gz ./deploy/ " \ "graphistry-cli " \ " containers.tar " if include_config: cmd = cmd + "httpd-config.json pivot-config.json viz-app-config.json " + maybe_config + " " + maybe_ssl local(cmd) except NotFound: click.secho("Containers not found, use `pull`.", fg="red") def load(self): if exists("containers.tar"): local("docker load -i containers.tar") else: click.secho( "Container archive not found. Run complie or ask your administrator for one.", fg="red") def keygen(self): """ Generate API key token based on an inputted tracking identifier. Requires Graphistry to be running. :return: """ toolbar_quip = revisionist_commit_history_html() click.secho('[graphistry] Generating API key token.', fg='yellow') username = prompt( 'User name or email, no special characters or spaces (enter for autogen): ', bottom_toolbar=toolbar_quip) try: local( 'docker exec monolith-network-nginx wget -q -O - "http://vizapp:3000/api/internal/provision?text=%s" ; echo' % (username)) except: click.secho( "ERROR: could not generate API key; is Graphistry running or did you include special characters and spaces?", fg="red") def stop(self): """ Stop all running containers :return: """ try: local( 'docker stop $(docker ps -a -q) && docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)' ) except: click.secho("ERROR: could not stop containers; were none running?", fg="red")
def update(): _g = Graphistry() _g.login() _g.save_config()
def config_offline(): _g = Graphistry() _g.template_config(airgapped=True)
def config(): _g = Graphistry() _g.template_config()
def load_investigations(): _g = Graphistry() _g.load_investigations()
def init(): _g = Graphistry() _g.create_bcrypt_container() _g.login() _g.save_config() _g.template_config() _g.load_investigations() _c = Cluster() _c.pull() _c.launch()