class TestGraphAddNodeAttributes(UnittestPythonCompatibility):
    Test additional attribute storage for Graph add_node
    def setUp(self):
        Build empty graph to add a node to and test default state

        self.graph = Graph()

    def tearDown(self):
        Test state after node addition

        self.attr.update({'_id': 1, self.graph.key_tag: 10})
        self.assertDictEqual(self.graph.nodes[1], self.attr)

    def test_add_node_no_attribute(self):
        No attributes added should yield the default '_id' and 'key'

        self.attr = {}
        self.graph.add_node(10, **self.attr)

    def test_add_node_single_attribute(self):
        Add a single attribute

        self.attr = {'weight': 2.33}
        self.graph.add_node(10, **self.attr)

    def test_add_node_multiple_attribute(self):
        Add a multiple attributes

        self.attr = {'test': True, 'pv': 1.44}
        self.graph.add_node(10, **self.attr)

    def test_add_node_protected_attribute(self):
        The '_id' attribute is protected

        self.attr = {}
        self.graph.add_node(10, _id=5)

    def test_add_node_nested_attribute(self):
        Test adding nested attributed, e.a. dict in dict

        self.attr = {'func': len, 'nested': {'weight': 1.22, 'leaf': True}}
        self.graph.add_node(10, **self.attr)
class TestGraphAddNodeExceptionWarning(UnittestPythonCompatibility):
    Test logged warnings and raised Exceptions by Graph add_node.
    Same as for add_nodes
    def setUp(self):
        Build empty graph to add a node to and test default state

        self.graph = Graph()

    def test_add_node_none(self):
        Unable to add 'None' node when auto_nid False

        # no problem when auto_nid
        self.assertTrue(len(self.graph) == 1)

        self.graph.auto_nid = False
        self.assertRaises(GraphitException, self.graph.add_node, None)

    def test_add_node_hasable(self):
        When auto_nid equals False, the nid should be a hashable object

        self.graph.auto_nid = False
        self.assertRaises(GraphitException, self.graph.add_node, [1, 2])

    def test_add_node_duplicate(self):
        Duplication is no problem with auto_nid but without the previous node
        is updated with the attributes of the new one. A warning is logged.

        # With auto_nid
        self.graph.add_nodes([1, 1])
        self.assertEqual(len(self.graph), 2)

        # Without auto_nid
        self.graph.auto_nid = False
        self.graph.add_nodes([3, 3])
        self.assertEqual(len(self.graph), 3)

        self.assertItemsEqual(self.graph.keys(), [1, 1, 3])
        self.assertItemsEqual(self.graph.keys('_id'), [1, 2, 3])
def read_tgf(tgf, graph=None, key_tag=None):
    Read graph in Trivial Graph Format
    TGF format dictates that nodes to be listed in the file first with each
    node on a new line. A '#' character signals the end of the node list and
    the start of the edge list.
    Node and edge ID's can be integers, float or strings. They are parsed
    automatically to their most likely format.
    Simple node and edge labels are supported in TGF as all characters that
    follow the node or edge ID's. They are parsed and stored in the Graph
    node and edge data stores using the graphs default or custom 'key_tag'.
    TGF data is imported into a default Graph object if no custom Graph
    instance is provided. The graph behaviour and the data import process is
    influenced and can be controlled using a (custom) Graph class.
    .. note:: TGF format always defines edges in a directed fashion.
              This is enforced even for custom graphs.
    :param tgf:             TGF graph data.
    :type tgf:              File, string, stream or URL
    :param graph:           Graph object to import TGF data in
    :type graph:            :graphit:Graph
    :param key_tag:         Data key to use for parsed node/edge labels.
    :type key_tag:          :py:str
    :return:                Graph object
    :rtype:                 :graphit:Graph

    tgf_file = open_anything(tgf)
    if not isinstance(graph, Graph):
        graph = Graph()

    # Define node/edge data labels
    if key_tag:
        graph.key_tag = key_tag

    # TGF defines edges in a directed fashion. Enforce but restore later
    default_directionality = graph.directed
    graph.directed = True

    # TGF node and edge labels are unique, turn off auto_nid
    graph.auto_nid = False

    # Start parsing. First extract nodes
    nodes = True
    node_dict = {}
    for line in tgf_file.readlines():

        line = line.strip()
        if len(line):

            # Reading '#' character means switching from node
            # definition to edges
            if line.startswith('#'):
                nodes = False

            # Coarse string to types
            line = [coarse_type(n) for n in line.split()]

            # Parse nodes
            if nodes:

                attr = {}
                # Has node data
                if len(line) > 1:
                    attr = {graph.key_tag: ' '.join(line[1:])}
                nid = graph.add_node(line[0], **attr)
                node_dict[line[0]] = nid

            # Parse edges
                e1 = node_dict[line[0]]
                e2 = node_dict[line[1]]

                attr = {}
                # Has edge data
                if len(line) > 2:
                    attr = {graph.key_tag: ' '.join(line[2:])}
                graph.add_edge(e1, e2, **attr)


    # Restore directionality
    graph.directed = default_directionality

    return graph
class TestGraphAlgorithms(UnittestPythonCompatibility):
    def setUp(self):

        edges = {
            (5, 4): {
                'type': 'universal'
            (5, 6): {
                'type': 'universal'
            (11, 9): {
                'type': 'universal'
            (3, 2): {
                'type': 'universal'
            (2, 1): {
                'type': 'monotone'
            (9, 10): {
                'type': 'universal'
            (2, 3): {
                'type': 'universal'
            (9, 6): {
                'type': 'universal'
            (6, 5): {
                'type': 'universal'
            (1, 2): {
                'type': 'monotone'
            ('object', 12): {
                'type': 'universal'
            (6, 9): {
                'type': 'universal'
            (6, 7): {
                'type': 'universal'
            (12, 13): {
                'type': 'monotone'
            (7, 8): {},
            (7, 6): {
                'type': 'universal'
            (13, 12): {
                'type': 'monotone'
            (3, 8): {
                'type': 'universal'
            (4, 5): {
                'type': 'universal'
            (12, 'object'): {
                'type': 'universal'
            (9, 11): {
                'type': 'universal'
            (4, 3): {
                'type': 'universal'
            (8, 3): {
                'type': 'universal'
            (3, 4): {
                'type': 'universal'
            (10, 9): {
                'type': 'universal'

        self.graph = Graph(auto_nid=False)
        self.graph.directed = True = NetworkXGraph() = True

        self.nx = networkx.DiGraph()

        weight = 0
        for node in range(1, 14):
            self.graph.add_node(node, weight=weight)
  , weight=weight)
            self.nx.add_node(node, _id=node, key=node, weight=weight)
            weight += 1
        self.nx.add_node('object', _id=node + 1, key='object')

        weight = 0
        for eid in sorted(edges.keys(), key=lambda x: str(x[0])):
            self.graph.add_edge(*eid, weight=weight)
  *eid, weight=weight)
            self.nx.add_edge(*eid, weight=weight)
            weight += 0.05

    def test_graph_shortest_path_method(self):
        Test Dijkstra shortest path method

        from networkx.algorithms.shortest_paths.generic import shortest_path
        from networkx.algorithms.traversal.depth_first_search import dfs_preorder_nodes

        print(shortest_path(self.nx, 8, 10))
        print(list(dfs_preorder_nodes(self.nx, 8)))

        # In a mixed directed graph where 7 connects to 8 but not 8 to 7
        self.assertEqual(dijkstra_shortest_path(self.graph, 8, 10),
                         [8, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10])
        self.assertEqual(list(dfs_paths(self.graph, 8, 10)),
                         [[8, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10]])
        self.assertEqual(list(dfs_paths(self.graph, 8, 10, method='bfs')),
                         [[8, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10]])

        # Fully connect 7 and 8
        self.graph.add_edge(8, 7, directed=True)
        self.assertEqual(dijkstra_shortest_path(self.graph, 8, 10),
                         [8, 7, 6, 9, 10])
        self.assertEqual(list(dfs_paths(self.graph, 8, 10)),
                         [[8, 7, 6, 9, 10], [8, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10]])
        self.assertEqual(list(dfs_paths(self.graph, 8, 10, method='bfs')),
                         [[8, 7, 6, 9, 10], [8, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10]])

    def test_graph_dfs_method(self):
        Test graph depth-first-search and breath-first-search

        # Connectivity information using Depth First Search / Breath first search
        self.assertListEqual(dfs(self.graph, 8),
                             [8, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 10, 7, 2, 1])
        self.assertListEqual(dfs(self.graph, 8, method='bfs'),
                             [8, 3, 2, 4, 1, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11])

    def test_graph_node_reachability_methods(self):
        Test graph algorithms

        # Test if node is reachable from other node (uses dfs internally)
        self.assertTrue(is_reachable(self.graph, 8, 10))
        self.assertFalse(is_reachable(self.graph, 8, 12))

    def test_graph_centrality_method(self):
        Test graph Brandes betweenness centrality measure

        # Return Brandes betweenness centrality
            brandes_betweenness_centrality(self.graph), {
                1: 0.0,
                2: 0.11538461538461538,
                3: 0.26282051282051283,
                4: 0.21474358974358973,
                5: 0.22756410256410256,
                6: 0.3205128205128205,
                7: 0.0673076923076923,
                8: 0.060897435897435896,
                9: 0.21794871794871795,
                10: 0.0,
                11: 0.0,
                12: 0.01282051282051282,
                13: 0.0,
                u'object': 0.0

        print(brandes_betweenness_centrality(self.graph, weight='weight'))
        print(brandes_betweenness_centrality(self.graph, normalized=False))

        # Test against NetworkX if possible
        if self.nx is not None:

            from networkx.algorithms.centrality.betweenness import betweenness_centrality

            # Regular Brandes betweenness centrality
            nx_between = betweenness_centrality(self.nx)
            gn_between = brandes_betweenness_centrality(self.graph)
            self.assertDictEqual(gn_between, nx_between)

            # Weighted Brandes betweenness centrality
            nx_between = betweenness_centrality(self.nx, weight='weight')
            gn_between = brandes_betweenness_centrality(self.graph,
            self.assertDictEqual(gn_between, nx_between)

            # Normalized Brandes betweenness centrality
            nx_between = betweenness_centrality(self.nx, normalized=False)
            gn_between = brandes_betweenness_centrality(self.graph,
            self.assertDictEqual(gn_between, nx_between)

    def test_graph_nodes_are_interconnected(self):
        Test if all nodes directly connected with one another

        nodes = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

        self.graph = Graph()
        for edge in itertools.combinations(nodes, 2):
        self.graph.remove_edge(5, 6)

        self.assertTrue(nodes_are_interconnected(self.graph, [1, 2, 4]))
        self.assertFalse(nodes_are_interconnected(self.graph, [3, 5, 6]))

    def test_graph_degree(self):
        Test (weighted) degree method

        self.assertDictEqual(degree(self.graph, [1, 3, 12]), {
            1: 1,
            3: 3,
            12: 2

        # Directed graphs behave the same as undirected
        self.graph.directed = False
        self.assertDictEqual(degree(self.graph, [1, 3, 12]), {
            1: 1,
            3: 3,
            12: 2
        self.assertDictEqual(degree(self.graph, [1, 3, 12], weight='weight'), {
            1: 0,
            3: 1.3499999999999999,
            12: 0.35000000000000003

        # Loops counted twice
        self.graph.add_edge(12, 12)
        self.assertDictEqual(degree(self.graph, [1, 3, 12]), {
            1: 1,
            3: 3,
            12: 4
        self.assertDictEqual(degree(self.graph, [1, 3, 12], weight='weight'), {
            1: 0,
            3: 1.3499999999999999,
            12: 2.3499999999999996
def read_lgr(lgr, graph=None, edge_label='label'):
    Read graph in LEDA format

    Nodes are added to the graph using a unique ID or with the node data
    as label depending if the is True or False.
    Edge data is added to the edge attributes using `edge_label` as key.
    The data types for both nodes and edges is set according to the
    specifications in the LEDA header as either string, int, float or bool.

    :param lgr:             LEDA graph data.
    :type lgr:              File, string, stream or URL
    :param graph:           Graph object to import LEDA data in
    :type graph:            :graphit:Graph
    :param edge_label:      edge data label name
    :type edge_label:       :py:str

    :return:                Graph object
    :rtype:                 :graphit:Graph
    :raises:                TypeError if node/edge type conversion failed
                            GraphitException in case of malformed LEDA file

    # User defined or default Graph object
    if graph is None:
        graph = Graph()
    elif not isinstance(graph, Graph):
        raise GraphitException('Unsupported graph type {0}'.format(

    # Parse LEDA file
    lgr_file = open_anything(lgr)
    header = []
    nodes = []
    edges = []
    container = header
    for line in lgr_file.readlines():
        line = line.strip()

        if line:
            if line.startswith('#header'):
                container = header
            if line.startswith('#nodes'):
                container = nodes
            if line.startswith('#edges'):
                container = edges


    # Parse LEDA header
    if not header[0] == 'LEDA.GRAPH':
        raise GraphitException('File is not a valid LEDA graph format')

    # Node and edge data types and graph directionality
    node_type = data_types.get(header[1])
    edge_type = data_types.get(header[2])
    graph.directed = int(header[3]) == -1

    # Parse LEDA nodes
    node_mapping = {}
    for i, node in enumerate(nodes[1:], start=1):
        data = node.strip('|{}|') or None
        if node_type and data:
            data = node_type(data)
        nid = graph.add_node(data)
        node_mapping[i] = nid

    # Parse LEDA edges
    for edge in edges[1:]:
            source, target, reversal, label = edge.split()
        except ValueError:
            raise GraphitException(
                'Too few fields in LEDA edge {0}'.format(edge))

        attr = {edge_label: label.strip('|{}|') or None}
        if edge_type and attr[edge_label]:
            attr[edge_label] = edge_type(attr[edge_label])
        graph.add_edge(node_mapping[int(source)], node_mapping[int(target)],

    return graph
class TestGraphAddNode(UnittestPythonCompatibility):
    Test Graph add_node method with the Graph.auto_nid set to False
    mimicking the behaviour of many popular graph packages
    currpath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    image = os.path.join(currpath, '../', 'files', 'graph_tgf.png')

    def setUp(self):
        Build empty graph to add a node to and test default state

        self.graph = Graph(auto_nid=False)

        # empty before addition
        self.assertTrue(len(self.graph) == 0)
        self.assertTrue(len(self.graph.nodes) == 0)
        self.assertTrue(len(self.graph.edges) == 0)
        self.assertTrue(len(self.graph.adjacency) == 0)

        # auto_nid

    def tearDown(self):
        Test state after node addition

        nid = list(self.graph.nodes)

        # The nid should equal the node
        self.assertEqual(nid, [self.node])

        # The _id is still set
        self.assertEqual(self.graph.nodes[self.node]['_id'], 1)
        self.assertEqual(self.graph._nodeid, 2)

        # filled after addition
        self.assertTrue(len(self.graph) == 1)
        self.assertTrue(len(self.graph.nodes) == 1)
        self.assertTrue(len(self.graph.edges) == 0)
        self.assertTrue(len(self.graph.adjacency) == 1)

        # no adjacency
        self.assertTrue(len(self.graph.adjacency[nid[0]]) == 0)

        # node key
        self.assertItemsEqual(self.graph.keys(), [self.node])

    def test_add_node_string(self):
        Test adding a single node, string type

        self.node = 'first'
        nid = self.graph.add_node(self.node)

        # Added string should be unicode

    def test_add_node_int(self):
        Test adding a single node, int type

        self.node = 100

    def test_add_node_float(self):
        Test adding a single node, float type

        self.node = 4.55

    def test_add_node_bool(self):
        Test adding a single node, float bool

        self.node = False

    def test_add_node_function(self):
        Test adding a single node, function type

        self.node = map

    def test_add_node_object(self):
        Test adding an object as a single node.
        In this case the object is file

        self.node = open(self.image, 'r')
class TestGraphAddNodeAutonid(UnittestPythonCompatibility):
    Test Graph add_node method using different input with the Graph class
    set to default auto_nid = True
    currpath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    image = os.path.join(currpath, '../', 'files', 'graph_tgf.png')

    def setUp(self):
        Build empty graph to add a node to and test default state

        self.graph = Graph()

        # empty before addition
        self.assertTrue(len(self.graph) == 0)
        self.assertTrue(len(self.graph.nodes) == 0)
        self.assertTrue(len(self.graph.edges) == 0)
        self.assertTrue(len(self.graph.adjacency) == 0)

        # auto_nid
        self.assertEqual(self.graph._nodeid, 1)

    def tearDown(self):
        Test state after node addition

        nid = list(self.graph.nodes)

        # auto_nid
        self.assertItemsEqual(nid, [1])
        self.assertEqual(self.graph._nodeid, 2)

        # filled after addition
        self.assertTrue(len(self.graph) == 1)
        self.assertTrue(len(self.graph.nodes) == 1)
        self.assertTrue(len(self.graph.edges) == 0)
        self.assertTrue(len(self.graph.adjacency) == 1)

        # no adjacency
        self.assertTrue(len(self.graph.adjacency[nid[0]]) == 0)

        # node key
        self.assertItemsEqual(self.graph.keys(), [self.node])

    def test_add_node_string(self):
        Test adding a single node, string type

        self.node = 'first'
        nid = self.graph.add_node(self.node)

        # Added string should be unicode

    def test_add_node_int(self):
        Test adding a single node, int type

        self.node = 100

    def test_add_node_float(self):
        Test adding a single node, float type

        self.node = 4.55

    def test_add_node_bool(self):
        Test adding a single node, float bool

        self.node = False

    def test_add_node_function(self):
        Test adding a single node, function type

        self.node = map

    def test_add_node_list(self):
        Test adding a single node, list type

        self.node = [1.22, 4.5, 6]

    def test_add_node_set(self):
        Test adding a single node, set type

        self.node = {1.22, 4.5, 6}

    def test_add_node_object(self):
        Test adding an object as a single node.
        In this case the object is file

        self.node = open(self.image, 'rb')

    def test_add_node_image(self):
        Test adding an object as a single node.
        In this case the object is file and we do not convert it to unicode

        self.node = open(self.image, 'rb').read()
        self.graph.add_node(self.node, unicode_convert=False)
def read_gexf(gexf_file, graph=None):
    Read graphs in GEXF format

    Uses the Python build-in etree cElementTree parser to parse the XML
    document and convert the elements into nodes.
    The XML element tag becomes the node key, XML text becomes the node
    value and XML attributes are added to the node as additional attributes.

    :param gexf_file:      XML data to parse
    :type gexf_file:       File, string, stream or URL
    :param graph:          Graph object to import dictionary data in
    :type graph:           :graphit:Graph

    :return:               GraphAxis object
    :rtype:                :graphit:GraphAxis

    gexf_file = open_anything(gexf_file)

    # User defined or default Graph object
    if graph is None:
        graph = Graph()
    elif not isinstance(graph, Graph):
        raise GraphitException('Unsupported graph type {0}'.format(

    # Try parsing the string using default Python cElementTree parser
        tree = et.fromstring(
    except et.ParseError as error:
            'Unable to parse GEXF file. cElementTree error: {0}'.format(error))

    # Get XMLNS namespace from root
    xmlns = None
    for elem in tree.iter():
        if elem.tag.endswith('gexf'):
            xmlns = elem.tag.split('}')[0] + '}'

    if xmlns is None:
        raise GraphitException(
            'Invalid GEXF file format, "gexf" tag not found')

    # Add graph meta-data and XMLNS namespace
    for meta in tree.iter('{0}meta'.format(xmlns)):
        for meta_data in meta:
            tag = meta_data.tag.split('}')[1]
  [tag] = meta_data.text

    # GEXF node and edge labels are unique, turn off auto_nid['auto_nid'] = False

    graph_tag = tree.find('{0}graph'.format(xmlns))
    graph.directed = graph_tag.get('defaultedgetype', 'directed') == 'directed'

    # Parse all nodes
    nodes = tree.findall('.//{0}node'.format(xmlns))
    if not len(nodes):
        raise GraphitException('GEXF file containes no "node" elements')
    for node in nodes:
        attr = node.attrib
        attr = parse_attvalue_elements(node, attr, xmlns=xmlns)
                       **dict([n for n in attr.items() if n[0] != 'id']))

    # Parse all edges
    edges = tree.findall('.//{0}edge'.format(xmlns))
    for edge in edges:
        attr = edge.attrib

        # Edge direction differs from global graph directionality
        edge_directed = graph.directed
        if 'type' in attr:
            edge_directed = attr['type'] == 'directed'

        attr = parse_attvalue_elements(edge, attr, xmlns=xmlns)
                           n for n in attr.items()
                           if n[0] not in ('source', 'target')
                       ]))'Import graph in GEXF format. XMLNS: {0}'.format(xmlns))

    return graph