def get_rst_csv(rasters, zones, csvfiles, percentile=90.0, overwrite=False, nprocs=1, separator=";"): queue = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=nprocs) for rast, csv in zip(rasters, csvfiles): print(rast, csv) queue.put( Module( "r.univar2", map=rast, zones=zones, percentile=percentile, output=csv, separator=separator, overwrite=overwrite, flags="et", run_=False, )) # wait the end of all process queue.wait() return csvfiles
def parallel_process(self, points): # Run the viewshed for a few points vshed_list = [] # Set up a processing queue queue = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=self.ncores) # Create a PyGRASS Module to run the viewshed calc viewshed_calc = Module('r.viewshed', overwrite=True, run_=False, observer_elevation=self.OBS_ELEVATION, memory=self.MEM_MBYTES, refraction_coeff=self.REFRACTION_COEF, input=self.elevation_name, quiet=True) stime = time.time() gscript.message('Queueing %s viewpoint calculations...' % len(points)) for site in points: ptname = site[2] tmpdir = os.path.join(os.environ['TMPDIR'], 'viewshed_%s' % ptname) if not os.path.exists(tmpdir): os.makedirs(tmpdir) # gscript.verbose(_('Calculating viewshed for location %s,%s (point name = %s)') % (site[0], site[1], ptname)) tempry = "vshed_%s" % ptname vshed_list.append(tempry) new_viewshed_calc = copy.deepcopy(viewshed_calc) vs = new_viewshed_calc(output=tempry, coordinates=(site[0], site[1]), directory=tmpdir) queue.put(vs) queue.wait() etime = time.time() self.print_timing(stime, etime, len(points)) return vshed_list
def import_files(directory): start = time.time() # queue for parallel jobs queue = ParallelModuleQueue(int(options['nprocs'])) import_module = Module('', flags='otb', overwrite=True, run_=False) maps = [] for f in os.listdir(directory): if os.path.splitext(f)[1] != '.laz': continue fullname = os.path.join(directory, f) basename = os.path.basename(f) # '-' is not valid for vector map names # vector map names cannot start with number mapname = os.path.splitext(basename)[0].replace('-', '_') maps.append(mapname) gs.message("Importing <{}>...".format(fullname)) import_task = deepcopy(import_module) queue.put(import_task(input=fullname, output=mapname)) queue.wait() if not maps: gs.fatal("No input files found") return maps
def main(): #create a list for parallel mapcalc modules and a mapcalc module to act as template mapcalc_list = [] mapcalc = Module("r.mapcalc", overwrite=True, run_=False) #get number of tiles in each row and col from arguments tile_rows = int(sys.argv[1]) tile_cols = int(sys.argv[2]) #Create que for parallel processes queue = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=sys.argv[3]) #Use temporary region that will be reset after execution of this script gscript.use_temp_region() input = "input_raster" #Read raster boundaries and resolution into numeric variables info = gscript.raster_info(input) no = float(info['north']) so = float(info['south']) we = float(info['west']) ea = float(info['east']) ro = int(info['rows']) co = int(info['cols']) ewr = int(info['ewres']) nsr = int(info['nsres']) #Start mapcalc module for each tile k = 0 for i in xrange(tile_rows): for j in xrange(tile_cols): #Set processing region to specific part of the raster (column+row) gscript.run_command('g.region', n=so + (i + 1) * ro / tile_rows * nsr, s=so + i * ro / tile_rows * nsr, e=we + (1 + j) * co / tile_cols * ewr, w=we + j * co / tile_cols * ewr, rows=ro / tile_rows, cols=co / tile_cols, nsres=nsr, ewres=ewr) #Create a copy of mapcalc template, give it mapcalc expression and put it into parallel que where it will be executed when a process becomes available. new_mapcalc = copy.deepcopy(mapcalc) mapcalc_list.append(new_mapcalc) m = new_mapcalc(expression="test_pygrass_%i = %s * (%i+1)" % (k, input, k)) queue.put(m) k += 1 #wait for all mapcalc modules to have finished execution queue.wait() #print mapcalc returncodes to check that everything went as expected for mapcalc in mapcalc_list: print(mapcalc.popen.returncode) #delete temporary region to restore the region that was in use at the start of the script gscript.del_temp_region()
def main(): #create a list for parallel mapcalc modules and a mapcalc module to act as template mapcalc_list = [] mapcalc = Module("r.mapcalc", overwrite=True, run_=False) #get number of tiles in each row and col from arguments tile_rows = int(sys.argv[1]) tile_cols = int(sys.argv[2]) #Create que for parallel processes queue = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=sys.argv[3]) #Use temporary region that will be reset after execution of this script gscript.use_temp_region() #Input raster (can be grass raster dataset or externally linked dataset such as tiff vrt etc.) input="input_raster" #Read raster boundaries and resolution into numeric variables info = gscript.raster_info(input) no = float(info['north']) so = float(info['south']) we = float(info['west']) ea = float(info['east']) ro = int(info['rows']) co = int(info['cols']) ewr = int(info['ewres']) nsr = int(info['nsres']) #Start mapcalc module for each tile k = 0 for i in xrange(tile_rows): for j in xrange(tile_cols): #Set processing region to specific part of the raster (column+row) gscript.run_command('g.region', n=so+(i+1)*ro/tile_rows*nsr, s=so+i*ro/tile_rows*nsr, e=we+(1+j)*co/tile_cols*ewr, w=we+j*co/tile_cols*ewr, rows=ro/tile_rows, cols=co/tile_cols, nsres=nsr, ewres=ewr) #Create a copy of mapcalc template, give it mapcalc expression and put it into parallel que where it will be executed when a process becomes available. new_mapcalc = copy.deepcopy(mapcalc) mapcalc_list.append(new_mapcalc) m = new_mapcalc(expression="test_pygrass_%i = %s * (%i+1)"%(k,input, k)) queue.put(m) k+=1 #wait for all mapcalc modules to have finished execution queue.wait() #print mapcalc returncodes to check that everything went as expected for mapcalc in mapcalc_list: print(mapcalc.popen.returncode) #delete temporary region to restore the region that was in use at the start of the script gscript.del_temp_region()
def main(elevation): # compute slope and aspect for r.sun Module('r.slope.aspect', elevation=elevation, aspect='aspect', slope='slope', overwrite=True) # initialize an empty queue and list queue = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=44) sun_name = 'sun_day{}_t{}' # set computational region Module('g.region', raster=elevation) # initialize a module instance with shared inputs for t in range(5,20): for d in range(1,366): print(d) sun = Module('', elevation=elevation, slope='slope', aspect='aspect', glob_rad='glob', time=t, step=1, day=d, threads=16, run_=False, overwrite=True) # create a copy of the module and set the remaining parameters m = deepcopy(sun)(glob_rad=sun_name.format(d,t), time=t) queue.put(m) queue.wait() Module('r.gdal.out', createopt="COMPRESS=LZW", input=[sun_name.format(d,t) for t in range(5, 20)], output='/mnt/tyson_swetnam/Data/goldwater/[sun_name.format(d,t) for t in range(5, 20)]', format='Gtiff', overwrite=True) # set color table Module('r.colors', map=[sun_name.format(d,t) for t in range(5, 20)], color='grey', flags='e')
def union_for_all_pairs(inputList): """ Calculates the geometric union of the overlayed polygon layers for all pairs in inputList THis is not a good idea! It is only an example! """ import copy from grass.pygrass.modules import Module, ParallelModuleQueue op_list = [] unionTool = Module("v.overlay", atype="area", btype="area", operator="or", overwrite=True, run_=False, quiet=True) qq = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=5) outputs = [] for lyr_a, lyr_b in inputList: new_union = copy.deepcopy(unionTool) op_list.append(new_union) un_result = "{}_{}".format(lyr_a, lyr_b) nu = new_union(ainput=lyr_a, binput=lyr_b, ouput=un_result) qq.put(nu) outputs.append(un_result) qq.wait() return outputs
def main(): global rm_regions, rm_rasters, rm_vectors, tmpfolder # parameters if options['s2names']: s2names = options['s2names'].split(',') if os.path.isfile(s2names[0]): with open(s2names[0], 'r') as f: s2namesstr = else: s2namesstr = ','.join(s2names) tmpdirectory = options['directory'] test_nprocs_memory() if not grass.find_program('', '--help'): grass.fatal( _("The '' module was not found, install it first:" ) + "\n" + "g.extension i.sentinel") if not grass.find_program('i.sentinel.import', '--help'): grass.fatal( _("The 'i.sentinel.import' module was not found, install it first:" ) + "\n" + "g.extension i.sentinel") if not grass.find_program('', '--help'): grass.fatal( _("The '' module was not found, install it first:" ) + "\n" + "g.extension i.sentinel") if not grass.find_program('i.zero2null', '--help'): grass.fatal( _("The 'i.zero2null' module was not found, install it first:") + "\n" + "g.extension i.zero2null") # create temporary directory to download data if tmpdirectory: if not os.path.isdir(tmpdirectory): try: os.makedirs(tmpdirectory) except: grass.fatal(_("Unable to create temp dir")) else: tmpdirectory = grass.tempdir() tmpfolder = tmpdirectory # make distinct download and sen2cor directories try: download_dir = os.path.join(tmpdirectory, 'download_{}'.format(os.getpid())) os.makedirs(download_dir) except Exception as e: grass.fatal(_('Unable to create temp dir {}').format(download_dir)) download_args = { 'settings': options['settings'], 'nprocs': options['nprocs'], 'output': download_dir, 'datasource': options['datasource'], 'flags': 'f' } if options['limit']: download_args['limit'] = options['limit'] if options['s2names']: download_args['flags'] += 's' download_args['scene_name'] = s2namesstr.strip() if options['datasource'] == 'USGS_EE': if flags['e']: download_args['flags'] += 'e' download_args['producttype'] = 'S2MSI1C' else: download_args['clouds'] = options['clouds'] download_args['start'] = options['start'] download_args['end'] = options['end'] download_args['producttype'] = options['producttype'] grass.run_command('', **download_args) number_of_scenes = len(os.listdir(download_dir)) nprocs_final = min(number_of_scenes, int(options['nprocs'])) # run atmospheric correction if flags['a']: sen2cor_folder = os.path.join(tmpdirectory, 'sen2cor_{}'.format(os.getpid())) try: os.makedirs(sen2cor_folder) except Exception as e: grass.fatal( _("Unable to create temporary sen2cor folder {}").format( sen2cor_folder)) grass.message( _('Starting atmospheric correction with sen2cor...').format( nprocs_final)) queue_sen2cor = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=nprocs_final) for idx, subfolder in enumerate(os.listdir(download_dir)): folderpath = os.path.join(download_dir, subfolder) for file in os.listdir(folderpath): if file.endswith('.SAFE'): filepath = os.path.join(folderpath, file) output_dir = os.path.join(sen2cor_folder, 'sen2cor_result_{}'.format(idx)) sen2cor_module = Module( 'i.sentinel-2.sen2cor', input_file=filepath, output_dir=output_dir, sen2cor_path=options['sen2cor_path'], nprocs=1, run_=False # all remaining sen2cor parameters can be left as default ) queue_sen2cor.put(sen2cor_module) queue_sen2cor.wait() download_dir = sen2cor_folder grass.message(_("Importing Sentinel scenes ...")) env = grass.gisenv() start_gisdbase = env['GISDBASE'] start_location = env['LOCATION_NAME'] start_cur_mapset = env['MAPSET'] ### save current region id = str(os.getpid()) currentregion = 'tmp_region_' + id grass.run_command('g.region', save=currentregion, flags='p') queue_import = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=nprocs_final) memory_per_proc = round(float(options['memory']) / nprocs_final) mapsetids = [] importflag = 'r' if flags['i']: importflag += 'i' if flags['c']: importflag += 'c' json_standard_folder = os.path.join(env['GISDBASE'], env['LOCATION_NAME'], env['MAPSET'], 'cell_misc') if not os.path.isdir(json_standard_folder): os.makedirs(json_standard_folder) subfolders = [] for idx, subfolder in enumerate(os.listdir(download_dir)): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(download_dir, subfolder)): subfolders.append(subfolder) mapsetid = 'S2_import_%s' % (str(idx + 1)) mapsetids.append(mapsetid) directory = os.path.join(download_dir, subfolder) i_sentinel_import = Module('i.sentinel.import.worker', input=directory, mapsetid=mapsetid, memory=memory_per_proc, pattern=options['pattern'], flags=importflag, region=currentregion, metadata=json_standard_folder, run_=False) queue_import.put(i_sentinel_import) queue_import.wait() grass.run_command('g.remove', type='region', name=currentregion, flags='f') # verify that switching the mapset worked env = grass.gisenv() gisdbase = env['GISDBASE'] location = env['LOCATION_NAME'] cur_mapset = env['MAPSET'] if cur_mapset != start_cur_mapset: grass.fatal("New mapset is <%s>, but should be <%s>" % (cur_mapset, start_cur_mapset)) # copy maps to current mapset maplist = [] cloudlist = [] for new_mapset in mapsetids: for vect in grass.parse_command('g.list', type='vector', mapset=new_mapset): cloudlist.append(vect) grass.run_command('g.copy', vector=vect + '@' + new_mapset + ',' + vect) for rast in grass.parse_command('g.list', type='raster', mapset=new_mapset): maplist.append(rast) grass.run_command('g.copy', raster=rast + '@' + new_mapset + ',' + rast) # set nulls grass.run_command('i.zero2null', map=rast, quiet=True) grass.utils.try_rmdir(os.path.join(gisdbase, location, new_mapset)) # space time dataset grass.message(_("Creating STRDS of Sentinel scenes ...")) if options['strds_output']: strds = options['strds_output'] grass.run_command('t.create', output=strds, title="Sentinel-2", desc="Sentinel-2", quiet=True) # create register file registerfile = grass.tempfile() file = open(registerfile, 'w') for imp_rast in list(set(maplist)): date_str1 = imp_rast.split('_')[1].split('T')[0] date_str2 = "%s-%s-%s" % (date_str1[:4], date_str1[4:6], date_str1[6:]) time_str = imp_rast.split('_')[1].split('T')[1] clock_str2 = "%s:%s:%s" % (time_str[:2], time_str[2:4], time_str[4:]) file.write("%s|%s %s\n" % (imp_rast, date_str2, clock_str2)) file.close() grass.run_command('t.register', input=strds, file=registerfile, quiet=True) # remove registerfile grass.try_remove(registerfile) if flags['c']: stvdsclouds = strds + '_clouds' grass.run_command('t.create', output=stvdsclouds, title="Sentinel-2 clouds", desc="Sentinel-2 clouds", quiet=True, type='stvds') registerfileclouds = grass.tempfile() fileclouds = open(registerfileclouds, 'w') for imp_clouds in cloudlist: date_str1 = imp_clouds.split('_')[1].split('T')[0] date_str2 = "%s-%s-%s" % (date_str1[:4], date_str1[4:6], date_str1[6:]) time_str = imp_clouds.split('_')[1].split('T')[1] clock_str2 = "%s:%s:%s" % (time_str[:2], time_str[2:4], time_str[4:]) fileclouds.write("%s|%s %s\n" % (imp_clouds, date_str2, clock_str2)) fileclouds.close() grass.run_command('t.register', type='vector', input=stvdsclouds, file=registerfileclouds, quiet=True) grass.message("<%s> is created" % (stvdsclouds)) # remove registerfile grass.try_remove(registerfileclouds) # extract strds for each band bands = [] pattern = options['pattern'] if "(" in pattern: global beforebrackets, afterbrackets beforebrackets = re.findall(r"(.*?)\(", pattern)[0] inbrackets = re.findall(r"\((.*?)\)", pattern)[0] afterbrackets = re.findall(r"\)(.*)", pattern)[0] bands = [ "%s%s%s" % (beforebrackets, x, afterbrackets) for x in inbrackets.split('|') ] else: bands = pattern.split('|') for band in bands: if flags['i'] and ('20' in band or '60' in band): band.replace('20', '10').replace('60', '10') grass.run_command('t.rast.extract', input=strds, where="name like '%" + band + "%'", output="%s_%s" % (strds, band), quiet=True) grass.message("<%s_%s> is created" % (strds, band))
def main(): settings = options["settings"] scene_names = options["scene_name"].split(",") output = options["output"] nprocs = int(options["nprocs"]) clouds = int(options["clouds"]) producttype = options["producttype"] start = options["start"] end = options["end"] datasource = options["datasource"] use_scenenames = flags["s"] ind_folder = flags["f"] if datasource == "USGS_EE" and producttype != "S2MSI1C": grass.fatal( _("Download from USGS Earth Explorer only supports " "Sentinel-2 Level 1C data (S2MSI1C)")) elif datasource == "GCS" and producttype not in ["S2MSI2A", "S2MSI1C"]: grass.fatal( _("Download from GCS only supports Sentinel-2 Level" "1C (S2MSI1C) or 2A (S2MSI2A)")) # check if we have the + i.sentinel.import addons if not grass.find_program("", "--help"): grass.fatal( _("The '' module was not found, " "install it first: \n g.extension i.sentinel")) # Test if all required data are there if not os.path.isfile(settings): grass.fatal(_("Settings file <{}> not found").format(settings)) # set some common environmental variables, like: os.environ.update( dict( GRASS_COMPRESS_NULLS="1", GRASS_COMPRESSOR="ZSTD", GRASS_MESSAGE_FORMAT="plain", )) # test nprocs Settings if nprocs > mp.cpu_count(): grass.warning( _("Using {} parallel processes but only {} CPUs available." "Setting nprocs to {}").format(nprocs, mp.cpu_count(), mp.cpu_count() - 1)) nprocs = mp.cpu_cound() - 1 # sentinelsat allows only three parallel downloads elif nprocs > 2 and options["datasource"] == "ESA_COAH": grass.message( _("Maximum number of parallel processes for Downloading" " fixed to 2 due to sentinelsat API restrictions")) nprocs = 2 # usgs allows maximum 10 parallel downloads elif nprocs > 10 and options["dataseource"] == "USGS_EE": grass.message( _("Maximum number of parallel processes for Downloading" " fixed to 10 due to Earth Explorer restrictions")) nprocs = 10 if use_scenenames: scenenames = scene_names # check if the filename is valid # usgs scenename format will be checked in if datasource == "ESA_COAH": for scene in scenenames: if len(scene) < 10 or not scene.startswith("S2"): grass.fatal( _("Please provide scenenames in the format" " S2X_LLLLLL_YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS_" "NYYYY_RZZZ_TUUUUU_YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS.SAFE")) else: # get a list of scenenames to download download_args = { "settings": settings, "producttype": producttype, "start": start, "end": end, "clouds": clouds, "datasource": datasource, "flags": "l", } if options["limit"]: download_args["limit"] = options["limit"] i_sentinel_download_string = grass.parse_command( "", **download_args) i_sentinel_keys = i_sentinel_download_string.keys() scenenames = [item.split(" ")[1] for item in i_sentinel_keys] # parallelize download grass.message(_("Downloading Sentinel-2 data...")) # adapt nprocs to number of scenes nprocs_final = min(len(scenenames), nprocs) queue_download = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=nprocs_final) for idx, scenename in enumerate(scenenames): producttype, start_date, end_date, query_string = scenename_split( scenename, datasource, flags["e"]) # output into separate folders, easier to import in a parallel way: if ind_folder: outpath = os.path.join(output, "dl_s2_%s" % str(idx + 1)) else: outpath = output i_sentinel_download = Module( "", settings=settings, start=start_date, end=end_date, producttype=producttype, query=query_string, output=outpath, datasource=datasource, run_=False, ) queue_download.put(i_sentinel_download) queue_download.wait()
def main(): # Inspiration: global rm_regions, rm_rasters, rm_vectors, rm_strds global name, scene_keys # parameters strds = options['input'] clouds = options['clouds'] shadows = options['shadows'] strdsout = options['output'] nprocs = int(options['nprocs']) test_nprocs() # test if necessary GRASS GIS addons are installed if not grass.find_program('r.series.lwr', '--help'): grass.fatal( _("The 'r.series.lwr' module was not found, install it first:") + "\n" + "g.extension r.series.lwr") if not grass.find_program('i.histo.match', '--help'): grass.fatal( _("The 'i.histo.match' module was not found, install it first:") + "\n" + "g.extension i.histo.match") strdsrasters = [ x.split('|')[0] for x in grass.parse_command('t.rast.list', input=strds, flags='u') ] strdstimes = [ x.split('|')[2] for x in grass.parse_command('t.rast.list', input=strds, flags='u') ] if clouds: cloudrasters = [ x.split('|')[0] for x in grass.parse_command( 't.rast.list', input=clouds, flags='u') ] cloudtimes = [ x.split('|')[2] for x in grass.parse_command( 't.rast.list', input=clouds, flags='u') ] if len(strdsrasters) != len(cloudrasters): grass.warning( _("Number of raster in <input> strds and <clouds> strds are not the same." )) if shadows: shadowrasters = [ x.split('|')[0] for x in grass.parse_command( 't.rast.list', input=shadows, flags='u') ] shadowtimes = [ x.split('|')[2] for x in grass.parse_command( 't.rast.list', input=shadows, flags='u') ] if len(strdsrasters) != len(shadowrasters): grass.warning( _("Number of raster in <input> strds and <shadows> strds are not the same." )) scenes = dict() for strdsrast, strdstime in zip(strdsrasters, strdstimes): scenes[strdsrast] = {'raster': strdsrast, 'date': strdstime} if clouds: if strdstime in cloudtimes: cloud_idx = cloudtimes.index(strdstime) scenes[strdsrast]['clouds'] = cloudrasters[cloud_idx] else: grass.warning( _("For <%s> at <%s> no clouds found") % (strdsrast, strdstime)) if shadows: if strdstime in shadowtimes: shadow_idx = shadowtimes.index(strdstime) scenes[strdsrast]['shadows'] = shadowrasters[shadow_idx] else: grass.warning( _("For <%s> at <%s> no clouds found") % (strdsrast, strdstime)) scene_keys = 'raster' num_scenes = len(scenes) if options['clouds']: # parallelize queue_mapcalc = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=nprocs) scene_keys = 'noclouds' grass.message(_("Set clouds in rasters to null() ...")) for scene_key, num in zip(scenes, range(num_scenes)): grass.message(_("Scene %d of %d ...") % (num + 1, num_scenes)) scene = scenes[scene_key] if options['cloudbuffer']: noclouds = "%s_nocloudstmp" % scene['raster'] else: noclouds = "%s_noclouds" % scene['raster'] scenes[scene_key]['noclouds'] = noclouds rm_rasters.append(noclouds) expression = ("%s = if( isnull(%s), %s, null() )" % (noclouds, scene['clouds'], scene['raster'])) # grass.run_command('r.mapcalc', expression=expression, quiet=True) module_mapcalc = Module('r.mapcalc', expression=expression, run_=False) queue_mapcalc.put(module_mapcalc) queue_mapcalc.wait() # buffer if options['cloudbuffer']: # parallelize queue_buffer = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=nprocs) for scene_key, num in zip(scenes, range(num_scenes)): grass.message( _("Cloud buffer %d of %d ...") % (num + 1, num_scenes)) scene = scenes[scene_key] noclouds = scenes[scene_key]['noclouds'] noclouds_buf = "%s_noclouds" % scene['raster'] scenes[scene_key]['noclouds'] = noclouds_buf rm_rasters.append(noclouds_buf) if float(options['cloudbuffer']) < 0: buffer = float(options['cloudbuffer']) else: buffer = -1.0 * float(options['cloudbuffer']) # grass.run_command('r.grow', input=noclouds, output=noclouds_buf, radius=buffer, quiet=True) module_buffer = Module('r.grow', input=noclouds, output=noclouds_buf, radius=buffer, run_=False) queue_buffer.put(module_buffer) queue_buffer.wait() if options['shadows']: # parallelize queue_mapcalc = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=nprocs) old_key = scene_keys scene_keys = 'noshadows' grass.message(_("Set shadows in rasters to null() ...")) for scene_key, num in zip(scenes, range(num_scenes)): grass.message(_("Scene %d of %d ...") % (num + 1, num_scenes)) scene = scenes[scene_key] if options['shadowbuffer']: noshadows = "%s_noshadowtmp" % scene['raster'] else: noshadows = "%s_noshadows" % scene['raster'] rm_rasters.append(noshadows) scenes[scene_key]['noshadows'] = noshadows expression = ("%s = if( isnull(%s), %s, null() )" % (noshadows, scene['shadows'], scene[old_key])) # grass.run_command('r.mapcalc', expression=expression, quiet=True) module_mapcalc = Module('r.mapcalc', expression=expression, run_=False) queue_mapcalc.put(module_mapcalc) queue_mapcalc.wait() # buffer if options['shadowbuffer']: # parallelize queue_buffer = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=nprocs) for scene_key, num in zip(scenes, range(num_scenes)): grass.message( _("Shadow buffer %d of %d ...") % (num + 1, num_scenes)) scene = scenes[scene_key] noshadows = scenes[scene_key]['noshadows'] noshadows_buf = "%s_noshadows" % scene['raster'] scenes[scene_key]['noshadows'] = noshadows_buf rm_rasters.append( noshadows_buf ) # TODO das hier scheint nicht zu funktionieren?! if float(options['shadowbuffer']) < 0: buffer = float(options['shadowbuffer']) else: buffer = -1.0 * float(options['shadowbuffer']) # grass.run_command('r.grow', input=noshadows, output=noshadows_buf, radius=buffer, quiet=True) module_buffer = Module('r.grow', input=noshadows, output=noshadows_buf, radius=buffer, run_=False) queue_buffer.put(module_buffer) queue_buffer.wait() # histogramm matching for ALL input scenes at once ! # add histogramm matching as an option to t.rast.aggregate # to be applied to the sets of maps to be aggregated grass.message(_("Compute histogramm matching ...")) nocloudnoshadows_rasters = [val[scene_keys] for key, val in scenes.items()] grass.run_command('i.histo.match', input=nocloudnoshadows_rasters, suffix='match', max=options['max'], quiet=True) newscenekey = "%s.match" % scene_keys for scene_key in scenes: scenes[scene_key][ newscenekey] = scenes[scene_key][scene_keys] + '.match' rm_rasters.append(scenes[scene_key][newscenekey]) scene_keys = newscenekey nocloudnoshadows_rasters = [val[scene_keys] for key, val in scenes.items()] if flags['q']: grass.message(_("Compute quart1 for each pixel over time ...")) quart1 = "tmp_quart1_%s" % os.getpid() rm_rasters.append(quart1) grass.run_command('r.series', input=nocloudnoshadows_rasters, output=quart1, method='quart1') grass.message(_("Compute median for each pixel over time ...")) median = "tmp_median_%s" % os.getpid() rm_rasters.append(median) grass.run_command('r.series', input=nocloudnoshadows_rasters, output=median, method='median') grass.message(_("Compute approximations for each pixel over time ...")) lwr_param = [{ 'order': 2, 'dod': 5 }, { 'order': 2, 'dod': 4 }, { 'order': 2, 'dod': 3 }, { 'order': 2, 'dod': 2 }, { 'order': 2, 'dod': 1 }, { 'order': 1, 'dod': 5 }, { 'order': 1, 'dod': 4 }, { 'order': 1, 'dod': 3 }, { 'order': 1, 'dod': 2 }, { 'order': 1, 'dod': 1 }] lwr_suffix_list = [] # parallelize queue_lwr = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=nprocs) for lwr_p in lwr_param: if len(nocloudnoshadows_rasters) > (lwr_p['order'] + lwr_p['dod']): grass.message("Approximation with order %d and dod %s ..." % (lwr_p['order'], lwr_p['dod'])) lwr = "tmp_%s_lwr_o%d_d%d" % (os.getpid(), lwr_p['order'], lwr_p['dod']) lwr_suffix_list.append(lwr) # grass.run_command('r.series.lwr', input=nocloudnoshadows_rasters, suffix=lwr, flags='i',**lwr_p, quiet=True) module_lwr = Module('r.series.lwr', input=nocloudnoshadows_rasters, suffix=lwr, flags='i', **lwr_p, run_=False) queue_lwr.put(module_lwr) queue_lwr.wait() for lwr in lwr_suffix_list: lwr_raster_list = [ x for x in grass.parse_command( 'g.list', type='raster', pattern="*%s" % lwr) ] rm_rasters.extend(lwr_raster_list) grass.message(_("Patching each scene ...")) patched_rasters_list = [] # parallelize queue_patch = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=nprocs) for scene_key, num in zip(scenes, range(num_scenes)): grass.message(_("Scene %d of %d ...") % (num + 1, num_scenes)) scene = scenes[scene_key] patch_list = [scene[scene_keys]] name = scene[scene_keys] patch_list.extend(["%s%s" % (name, x) for x in lwr_suffix_list]) if flags['q']: patch_list.append(quart1) patch_list.append(median) patched = name.replace('_%s' % scene_keys, strdsout) # grass.run_command('r.patch', input=patch_list, output=patched) scenes[scene_key]['patched'] = patched patched_rasters_list.append(patched) module_patch = Module('r.patch', input=patch_list, output=patched, run_=False) queue_patch.put(module_patch) queue_patch.wait() grass.message(_("Compute PATCHED count for each pixel over time ...")) count = "tmp_PATCHEDcount_%s" % os.getpid() rm_rasters.append(count) grass.run_command('r.series', input=patched_rasters_list, output=count, method='count') r_univar = grass.parse_command('r.univar', map=count, flags='g') if int(r_univar['min']) < int(r_univar['max']): grass.warning(_("Not all gaps are closed")) # TODO fill gaps? grass.message( _("Create strds <%s> for patched filled scenes ...") % strdsout) input_info = grass.parse_command('', input=strds) title, desc = False, False title_str, desc_str = None, None for key in input_info: if 'Title:' in key: title = True elif title: title = False if 'Description:' not in key: title_str = key.replace('|', '').strip() elif 'Description:' in key: desc = True elif desc: desc = False if 'Command history:' not in key: desc_str = key.replace('|', '').strip() grass.run_command('t.create', output=strdsout + '_tmp', title=("%s gaps(/clouds/shadows) filled" % title_str) if title_str else "mosaic", desc=("%s: gaps(/clouds/shadows) filled" % desc_str) if desc_str else ("%s: gaps(/clouds/shadows) filled" % title_str) if title_str else "mosaic", quiet=True) rm_strds.append(strdsout + '_tmp') # create register file registerfile = grass.tempfile() file = open(registerfile, 'w') for scene_key in scenes: scene = scenes[scene_key] file.write("%s|%s\n" % (scene['patched'], scene['date'])) rm_rasters.append(scene['patched']) file.close() grass.run_command('t.register', input=strdsout + '_tmp', file=registerfile, quiet=True) # remove registerfile grass.try_remove(registerfile) grass.message( _("Mosaicing the scenes with method %s ...") % options['method']) if not options['granularity'] == 'all': grass.run_command('t.rast.aggregate', input=strdsout + '_tmp', output=strdsout, basename=strdsout, granularity=options['granularity'], method=options['method'], quiet=True, nprocs=options['nprocs']) else: rasters = [ x.split('|')[0] for x in grass.parse_command( 't.rast.list', input=strdsout + '_tmp', flags='u') ] grass.run_command('r.series', input=rasters, output=strdsout, method=options['method']) grass.message(_("<%s> created") % strdsout)
def main(): """Do the real work """ #Parse remaining variables network_map = options['input'] # network_mapset = network_map.split('@')[0] network = network_map.split('@')[1] if len( network_map.split('@')) > 1 else None suffix = options['suffix'] layer = options['layer'] corridor_tolerance = options['corridor_tolerance'] cores = options['cores'] where = None if options['where'] == '' else options['where'] weights = options['weights'].split(',') s_flag = flags['s'] d_flag = flags['d'] r_flag = flags['r'] ulimit = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE) net_hist_str = grass.read_command('', map=network_map, flags='h').split('\n')[0].split(': ')[1] dist_cmd_dict = task.cmdstring_to_tuple(net_hist_str) dist_prefix = dist_cmd_dict[1]['prefix'] #network_prefix = dist_cmd_dict[1]['prefix'] #print(where) # in_vertices = dist_cmd_dict[1]['input'] #Check if db-connection for edge map exists con = vect.vector_db(network_map)[int(layer)] if not con: grass.fatal("Database connection for map {} \ is not defined for layer {}.".format(network, layer)) #Check if required columns exist and are of required type required_columns = ['con_id_u', 'from_p', 'to_p', 'cd_u'] if weights: required_columns += weights in_columns = vect.vector_columns(network_map, layer=layer) missing_columns = np.setdiff1d(required_columns, in_columns.keys()) if missing_columns: grass.fatal("Cannot find the following reqired/requested \ column(s) {} in vector map \ {}.".format(', '.join(missing_columns), network)) # weight_types = [] # Check properly if column is numeric for col in required_columns: if in_columns[col]['type'] not in [ 'INTEGER', 'DOUBLE PRECISION', 'REAL' ]: grass.fatal("Column {} is of type {}. \ Only numeric types (integer, \ real or double precision) \ allowed!".format(col, in_columns[col]['type'])) if col in weights: weight_types.append(in_columns[col]['type']) # Extract necessary informartion on edges from attribute table of # edge map table_io = StringIO( unicode( grass.read_command('', flags='c', map=network_map, columns=required_columns, separator=',', where=where))) try: table_extract = np.genfromtxt(table_io, delimiter=',', dtype=None, names=required_columns) except: grass.fatal('No edges selected to compute corridors for...') # Output result of where-clause and exit (if requested) if s_flag: print(table_extract) #grass.message("con_id_u|from_p|to_p") #for fid in $selected_edges_ud: # message_text = $(echo $table_extract | tr ' ' '\n' | # tr ',' ' ' | awk -v FID=$fid '{if($1==FID) print $1 "|" $2 "|" # $3}' | head -n 1) # grass.message(message_text) sys.exit(0) #Get unique identifiers for the selected undirected edges selected_patches = np.unique( np.append(table_extract['from_p'], table_extract['to_p'])) selected_edges = np.unique(table_extract['con_id_u']) # activate z-flag if more maps have to be aggregated than ulimit z_flag = None if len(selected_edges) < ulimit else 'z' #Check if cost distance raster maps exist pattern = "{}_patch_*_cost_dist".format(dist_prefix) patchmaps = grass.read_command('g.list', pattern=pattern, type='raster').rstrip('\n').split('\n') for patch in selected_patches: #Check if cost distance raster maps exist patchmap = "{}_patch_{}_cost_dist".format(dist_prefix, patch) if not patchmap in patchmaps: grass.fatal("Cannot find raster map {}.".format(patchmap)) #Create mapcalculator expressions for cost distance corridors, # assigning distance values corridormaps = {} if d_flag: pattern = "{}_corridor_*_cost_dist".format(dist_prefix) corridor_base = 'dist' else: pattern = "{}_corridor_[0-9]+$".format(dist_prefix) corridor_base = 'id' corridormaps[corridor_base] = grass.read_command( 'g.list', flags='e', pattern=pattern, type='raster').rstrip('\n').split('\n') for weight in weights: pattern = "{}_corridor_[0-9]+_{}".format(dist_prefix, weight) corridormaps[weight] = grass.read_command( 'g.list', flags='e', pattern=pattern, type='raster').rstrip('\n').split('\n') # Setup GRASS modules for raster processing mapcalc = Module("r.mapcalc", quiet=True, run_=False) reclass = Module("r.reclass", rules='-', quiet=True, run_=False) recode = Module("r.recode", rules='-', quiet=True, run_=False) # Setup paralel module queue if parallel processing is requested #print(weight_types) if cores > 1: mapcalc_queue = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=cores) if 'INTEGER' in weight_types: reclass_queue = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=cores) if 'REAL' in weight_types or 'DOUBLE PRECISION' in weight_types: recode_queue = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=cores) corridor_list = [] for edge_id in selected_edges: edge = table_extract[table_extract['con_id_u'] == edge_id][0] #print(e.dtype.names) if d_flag: corridor = "{}_corridor_{}_cost_dist".format(dist_prefix, edge_id) #corridor_list.append(corridor) mc_expression = "{prefix}_corridor_{CON_ID}_cost_dist=if( \ ({prefix}_patch_{FROM_P}_cost_dist+ \ {prefix}_patch_{TO_P}_cost_dist) - \ (({prefix}_patch_{FROM_P}_cost_dist+ \ {prefix}_patch_{TO_P}_cost_dist) * \ {cor_tolerance}/100.0)<= \ ({prefix}_patch_{FROM_P}_cost_dist + \ {prefix}_patch_{TO_P}_cost_dist), \ ({prefix}_patch_{FROM_P}_cost_dist+ \ {prefix}_patch_{TO_P}_cost_dist), \ null())".format(prefix=dist_prefix, CON_ID=edge['con_id_u'], FROM_P=edge['from_p'], TO_P=edge['to_p'], cor_tolerance=corridor_tolerance) else: corridor = "{}_corridor_{}".format(dist_prefix, edge['con_id_u']) #corridor_list.append(corridor) # Create mapcalculator expressions for cost distance # corridors, assigning connection IDs for reclassification mc_expression = "{prefix}_corridor_{CON_ID}=if( \ ({prefix}_patch_{FROM_P}_cost_dist+ \ {prefix}_patch_{TO_P}_cost_dist)- \ (({prefix}_patch_{FROM_P}_cost_dist+ \ {prefix}_patch_{TO_P}_cost_dist)* \ {cor_tolerance}/100.0)<={CD}, \ {CON_ID}, null())".format(prefix=dist_prefix, CON_ID=edge['con_id_u'], FROM_P=edge['from_p'], TO_P=edge['to_p'], CD=edge['cd_u'], cor_tolerance=corridor_tolerance) corridor_list.append(corridor) #print(corridor) #print(corridormaps) if r_flag or corridor not in corridormaps[corridor_base]: new_mapcalc = copy.deepcopy(mapcalc) if cores > 1: calc = new_mapcalc(expression=mc_expression) mapcalc_queue.put(calc) else: calc = new_mapcalc(expression=mc_expression, region='intersect') for weight in weights: if r_flag or corridor not in corridormaps[weight]: in_map = corridor out_map = '{}_{}'.format(in_map, weight) if in_columns[weight]['type'] == 'INTEGER': new_reclass = copy.deepcopy(reclass) reclass_rule = "{} = {}".format(edge['con_id_u'], edge[weight]) rcl = new_reclass(input=in_map, output=out_map, stdin_=reclass_rule) if cores > 1: reclass_queue.put(rcl) else: if in_columns[weight]['type'] in ['REAL', 'DOUBLE PRECISION']: new_recode = copy.deepcopy(recode) recode_rule = "{0}:{0}:{1}:{1}".format( edge['con_id_u'], edge[weight]) rco = new_recode(input=in_map, output=out_map, stdin_=recode_rule) if cores > 1: recode_queue.put(rco) else: if cores > 1: mapcalc_queue.wait() if 'INTEGER' in weight_types: reclass_queue.wait() if 'REAL' in weight_types or 'DOUBLE PRECISION' in weight_types: recode_queue.wait() grass.verbose('Aggregating corridor maps...') if d_flag: grass.run_command('r.series', flags=z_flag, quiet=True, input=','.join(corridor_list), output='{}_corridors_min_cost_dist_{}'.format( dist_prefix, suffix), method='minimum') else: #Summarize corridors if not weights: print(','.join(corridor_list)) output_map = '{}_corridors_count_{}'.format(dist_prefix, suffix) grass.run_command('r.series', flags=z_flag, quiet=True, input=','.join(corridor_list), output=output_map, method='count') write_raster_history(output_map) else: #Weight corridors according to user requested weights for weight in weights: # Generate corridor map list corridor_map_list = (cm + '_{}'.format(weight) for cm in corridor_list) output_map = '{}_corridors_{}_sum_{}'.format( dist_prefix, weight, suffix) #Summarize corridors using r.series grass.run_command('r.series', flags=z_flag, quiet=True, input=corridor_map_list, output=output_map, method='sum') write_raster_history(output_map)
def main(): # user specified variables dem = options["elevation"] slope = options["slope"] aspect = options["aspect"] neighborhood_size = options["size"] output = options["output"] nprocs = int(options["nprocs"]) exponent = float(options["exponent"]) # check for valid neighborhood sizes neighborhood_size = neighborhood_size.split(",") neighborhood_size = [int(i) for i in neighborhood_size] if any([True for i in neighborhood_size if i % 2 == 0]): gs.fatal( "Invalid size - neighborhood sizes have to consist of odd numbers") if min(neighborhood_size) == 1: gs.fatal("Neighborhood sizes have to be > 1") # determine nprocs if nprocs < 0: n_cores = mp.cpu_count() nprocs = n_cores - (nprocs + 1) # temporary raster map names for slope, aspect, x, y, z components if slope == "": slope_raster = create_tempname("tmpSlope_") else: slope_raster = slope if aspect == "": aspect_raster = create_tempname("tmpAspect_") else: aspect_raster = aspect z_raster = create_tempname("tmpzRaster_") x_raster = create_tempname("tmpxRaster_") y_raster = create_tempname("tmpyRaster_") # create slope and aspect rasters if slope == "" or aspect == "": gs.message("Calculating slope and aspect...") gr.slope_aspect( elevation=dem, slope=slope_raster, aspect=aspect_raster, format="degrees", precision="FCELL", zscale=1.0, min_slope=0.0, quiet=True, ) # calculate x y and z rasters # note - GRASS sin/cos functions differ from ArcGIS which expects input grid in radians # whereas GRASS functions expect degrees # no need to convert slope and aspect to radians as in the original ArcGIS script x_expr = "{x} = float( sin({a}) * sin({b}) )".format(x=x_raster, a=aspect_raster, b=slope_raster) y_expr = "{y} = float( cos({a}) * sin({b}) )".format(y=y_raster, a=aspect_raster, b=slope_raster) z_expr = "{z} = float( cos({a}) )".format(z=z_raster, a=slope_raster) # calculate x, y, z components (parallel) gs.message("Calculating x, y, and z rasters...") mapcalc = Module("r.mapcalc", run_=False) queue = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=nprocs) mapcalc1 = copy.deepcopy(mapcalc) m = mapcalc1(expression=x_expr) queue.put(m) mapcalc2 = copy.deepcopy(mapcalc) m = mapcalc2(expression=y_expr) queue.put(m) mapcalc3 = copy.deepcopy(mapcalc) m = mapcalc3(expression=z_expr) queue.put(m) queue.wait() # calculate x, y, z neighborhood sums (parallel) gs.message( "Calculating sums of x, y, and z rasters in selected neighborhoods...") x_sum_list = [] y_sum_list = [] z_sum_list = [] neighbors = Module("r.neighbors", overwrite=True, run_=False) queue = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=nprocs) for size in neighborhood_size: # create temporary raster names for neighborhood x, y, z sums x_sum_raster = create_tempname("tmpxSumRaster_") x_sum_list.append(x_sum_raster) y_sum_raster = create_tempname("tmpySumRaster_") y_sum_list.append(y_sum_raster) z_sum_raster = create_tempname("tmpzSumRaster_") z_sum_list.append(z_sum_raster) # create weights mat = idw_weights(size, exponent) # queue jobs for x, y, z neighborhood sums neighbors_xsum = copy.deepcopy(neighbors) n = neighbors_xsum( input=x_raster, output=x_sum_raster, method="average", size=size, weight=mat, stdin=mat, ) queue.put(n) neighbors_ysum = copy.deepcopy(neighbors) n = neighbors_ysum( input=y_raster, output=y_sum_raster, method="average", size=size, weight=mat, ) queue.put(n) neighbors_zsum = copy.deepcopy(neighbors) n = neighbors_zsum( input=z_raster, output=z_sum_raster, method="average", size=size, weight=mat, ) queue.put(n) queue.wait() # calculate the resultant vector and final ruggedness raster # modified from the original script to multiple each SumRaster by the n neighborhood # cells to get the sum gs.message("Calculating the final ruggedness rasters...") mapcalc = Module("r.mapcalc", run_=False) queue = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=nprocs) vrm_list = [] for x_sum_raster, y_sum_raster, z_sum_raster, size in zip( x_sum_list, y_sum_list, z_sum_list, neighborhood_size): if len(neighborhood_size) > 1: vrm_name = "_".join([output, str(size)]) else: vrm_name = output vrm_list.append(vrm_name) vrm_expr = "{x} = float(1-( (sqrt(({a}*{d})^2 + ({b}*{d})^2 + ({c}*{d})^2) / {d})))".format( x=vrm_name, a=x_sum_raster, b=y_sum_raster, c=z_sum_raster, d=int(size) * int(size), ) mapcalc1 = copy.deepcopy(mapcalc) m = mapcalc1(expression=vrm_expr) queue.put(m) queue.wait() # set colors gr.colors(flags="e", map=vrm_list, color="ryb") # set metadata for vrm, size in zip(vrm_list, neighborhood_size): title = "Vector Ruggedness Measure (size={size})".format(size=size), title=title) return 0
def main(): global rm_regions, rm_rasters, rm_vectors, tmpfolder # parameters strds = options['input'] strdsout = options['output_clouds'] threshold = float(options['threshold']) test_nprocs() # test if necessary GRASS GIS addons are installed if not grass.find_program('i.sentinel.mask', '--help'): grass.fatal( _("The 'i.sentinel.mask' module was not found, install it first:") + "\n" + "g.extension i.sentinel") if not grass.find_program('i.sentinel.mask.worker', '--help'): grass.fatal( _("The 'i.sentinel.mask.worker' module was not found, install it first:" ) + "\n" + "g.extension i.sentinel.mask.worker url=...") strdsrasters = [ x.split('|')[0] for x in grass.parse_command('t.rast.list', input=strds, flags='u') ] times = [ x.split('|')[2] for x in grass.parse_command('t.rast.list', input=strds, flags='u') ] s2_scenes = dict() for strdsrast, time in zip(strdsrasters, times): # check if strdsrast has data, skip otherwise stats = grass.parse_command("", map=strdsrast, flags="r") if stats["min"] == "NULL" and stats["max"] == "NULL": grass.warning( _("Raster {} only consists of NULL() in current " "region. Cloud/shadow detection " "is skipped.").format(strdsrast)) continue parts = strdsrast.split('_') name = "%s_%s" % (parts[0], parts[1]) band = parts[2] if name not in s2_scenes: s2_scene = { 'B02': None, 'B03': None, 'B04': None, 'B08': None, 'B8A': None, 'B11': None, 'B12': None, 'date': None } s2_scene['clouds'] = "%s_clouds" % name if options['output_shadows']: s2_scene['shadows'] = "%s_shadows" % name s2_scene['shadows'] = "%s_shadows" % name if threshold > 0 or options['output_shadows']: if options['metadata'] == 'default': env = grass.gisenv() json_standard_folder = os.path.join( env['GISDBASE'], env['LOCATION_NAME'], env['MAPSET'], 'cell_misc') s2_scene['metadata'] = os.path.join( json_standard_folder, strdsrast, "description.json") elif options['metadata']: json_standard_folder = options['metadata'] s2_scene['metadata'] = os.path.join( json_standard_folder, strdsrast, "description.json") s2_scenes[name] = s2_scene s2_scenes[name][band] = strdsrast if not s2_scenes[name]['date']: if '.' in time: dateformat = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f' else: dateformat = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' s2_scenes[name]['date'] = datetime.strptime(time, dateformat) # check if all input bands are in strds for key in s2_scenes: if any([val is None for key2, val in s2_scenes[key].items()]): grass.fatal(_("Not all needed bands are given")) grass.message(_("Find clouds (and shadows) in Sentinel scenes ...")) env = grass.gisenv() start_gisdbase = env['GISDBASE'] start_location = env['LOCATION_NAME'] start_cur_mapset = env['MAPSET'] queue = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=options['nprocs']) bands = ['B02', 'B03', 'B04', 'B08', 'B8A', 'B11', 'B12'] number_of_scenes = len(s2_scenes) number = 0 for s2_scene_name in s2_scenes: s2_scene = s2_scenes[s2_scene_name] number += 1 grass.message( _("Processing %d of %d scenes") % (number, number_of_scenes)) if threshold > 0: with open(s2_scene['metadata'], 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) if threshold > float(data['CLOUDY_PIXEL_PERCENTAGE']): computingClouds = False else: computingClouds = True else: computingClouds = True for band in bands: rm_rasters.append("%s_double" % s2_scene[band]) if computingClouds: kwargs = dict() if options['output_shadows']: kwargs['shadow_raster'] = s2_scene['shadows'] kwargs['metadata'] = s2_scene['metadata'] kwargs['shadow_threshold'] = 1000 flags = 's' else: flags = 'sc' newmapset = s2_scene['clouds'] # grass.run_command( i_sentinel_mask = Module( 'i.sentinel.mask.worker', blue="%s@%s" % (s2_scene['B02'], start_cur_mapset), green="%s@%s" % (s2_scene['B03'], start_cur_mapset), red="%s@%s" % (s2_scene['B04'], start_cur_mapset), nir="%s@%s" % (s2_scene['B08'], start_cur_mapset), nir8a="%s@%s" % (s2_scene['B8A'], start_cur_mapset), swir11="%s@%s" % (s2_scene['B11'], start_cur_mapset), swir12="%s@%s" % (s2_scene['B12'], start_cur_mapset), flags=flags, cloud_raster=s2_scene['clouds'], newmapset=newmapset, quiet=True, run_=False, **kwargs) queue.put(i_sentinel_mask) queue.wait() # verify that switching the mapset worked env = grass.gisenv() gisdbase = env['GISDBASE'] location = env['LOCATION_NAME'] cur_mapset = env['MAPSET'] if cur_mapset != start_cur_mapset: grass.fatal("New mapset is <%s>, but should be <%s>" % (cur_mapset, start_cur_mapset)) # copy maps to current mapset for s2_scene_name in s2_scenes: s2_scene = s2_scenes[s2_scene_name] newmapset = s2_scene['clouds'] if grass.find_file(s2_scene['clouds'], element='raster', mapset=newmapset)['file']: if options['min_size_clouds']: try: grass.run_command('r.reclass.area', input="%s@%s" % (s2_scene['clouds'], newmapset), output=s2_scene['clouds'], value=options['min_size_clouds'], mode='greater', quiet=True) except Exception as e: # todo: remove workaround once r.reclass.area is updated grass.message( _('No clouds larger than %s ha detected. Image is considered cloudfree.' % options['min_size_clouds'])) exp_null = '%s = null()' % s2_scene['clouds'] grass.run_command('r.mapcalc', expression=exp_null, quiet=True) else: grass.run_command( 'g.copy', raster="%s@%s,%s" % (s2_scene['clouds'], newmapset, s2_scene['clouds'])) else: grass.run_command('r.mapcalc', expression="%s = null()" % s2_scene['clouds']) if options['output_shadows']: if grass.find_file(s2_scene['shadows'], element='raster', mapset=newmapset)['file']: if options['min_size_shadows']: try: grass.run_command('r.reclass.area', input="%s@%s" % (s2_scene['shadows'], newmapset), output=s2_scene['shadows'], value=options['min_size_shadows'], mode='greater', quiet=True) except Exception as e: # todo: remove workaround once r.reclass.area is updated grass.message( _('No shadows larger than %s ha detected. Image is considered shadowfree.' % options['min_size_shadows'])) exp_null = '%s = null()' % s2_scene['shadows'] grass.run_command('r.mapcalc', expression=exp_null, quiet=True) else: grass.run_command( 'g.copy', raster="%s@%s,%s" % (s2_scene['shadows'], newmapset, s2_scene['shadows'])) else: grass.run_command('r.mapcalc', expression="%s = null()" % s2_scene['shadows']) grass.utils.try_rmdir(os.path.join(gisdbase, location, newmapset)) # patch together clouds (and shadows) if they have the same date all_dates = [] dates_scenes = [] for s2_scene in s2_scenes: all_dates.append(s2_scenes[s2_scene]['date']) unique_dates = list(set(all_dates)) for date in unique_dates: tempdict = {} tempdict['date'] = date scenelist = [] cloudlist = [] shadowlist = [] for s2_scene in s2_scenes: if s2_scenes[s2_scene]['date'] == date: scenelist.append(s2_scene) cloudlist.append(s2_scenes[s2_scene]['clouds']) if options['output_shadows']: shadowlist.append(s2_scenes[s2_scene]['shadows']) tempdict['scenes'] = scenelist tempdict['clouds'] = cloudlist tempdict['shadows'] = shadowlist dates_scenes.append(tempdict) for date_scenes in dates_scenes: if len(date_scenes['scenes']) > 1: cloud_patch = 'clouds_patched_{}'.format( date_scenes['date'].strftime('%Y%m%d')) rm_rasters.extend(date_scenes['clouds']) grass.run_command('r.patch', input=date_scenes['clouds'], output=cloud_patch, quiet=True) if options['output_shadows']: shadow_patch = 'shadows_patched_{}'.format( date_scenes['date'].strftime('%Y%m%d')) rm_rasters.extend(date_scenes['shadows']) grass.run_command('r.patch', input=date_scenes['shadows'], output=shadow_patch, quiet=True) for scene in date_scenes['scenes']: s2_scenes[scene]['clouds'] = cloud_patch if options['output_shadows']: s2_scenes[scene]['shadows'] = shadow_patch grass.message(_("Create space time raster data set of clouds ...")) grass.run_command('t.create', output=strdsout, title="Sentinel-2 cloud mask", desc="Sentinel-2 cloud mask", quiet=True) # create register file registerfile = grass.tempfile() file = open(registerfile, 'w') clouds_registered = [] for s2_scene_name in s2_scenes: s2_scene = s2_scenes[s2_scene_name] clouds = s2_scene['clouds'] if clouds not in clouds_registered: file.write( "%s|%s\n" % (clouds, s2_scene['date'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) clouds_registered.append(clouds) file.close() grass.run_command('t.register', input=strdsout, file=registerfile, quiet=True) # remove registerfile grass.try_remove(registerfile) if options['output_shadows']: grass.message(_("Create space time raster data set of shadows ...")) grass.run_command('t.create', output=options['output_shadows'], title="Sentinel-2 shadow mask", desc="Sentinel-2 shadow mask", quiet=True) # create register file registerfile = grass.tempfile() file = open(registerfile, 'w') shadows_registered = [] for s2_scene_name in s2_scenes: s2_scene = s2_scenes[s2_scene_name] shadows = s2_scene['shadows'] if shadows not in shadows_registered: file.write( "%s|%s\n" % (shadows, s2_scene['date'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) shadows_registered.append(shadows) file.close() grass.run_command('t.register', input=options['output_shadows'], file=registerfile, quiet=True) # remove registerfile grass.try_remove(registerfile)
def import2grass(files, args, datefmt="%Y%m", mapset_fmt="%Y_%m", raster_fmt="%Y_%m", input_fmt="NETCDF:{input_file}", **kwargs): # old variables nprocs = args.nprocs gisdbase = args.grassdata location = args.location mapset = args.mapset rename = args.rename convert = args.convert outs = {} env = os.environ.copy() mset_envs = {} mset_rasters = {} if nprocs > 1: queue = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=nprocs) for fdir, fil in files: base, date = extract_date(fil, datefmt=datefmt) if base not in outs.keys(): outs[base] = [] else: outs[base].append(date) if mapset_fmt: mset_name = date.strftime(mapset_fmt) mset_path = os.path.join(gisdbase, location, mset_name) if not os.path.exists(mset_path): gs.grass_create(gs.GRASSBIN, mset_path, create_opts="") try: os.makedirs(os.path.join(mset_path, '.tmp')) os.makedirs(os.path.join(mset_path, '.tmp', socket.gethostname())) except: # ignore error in creating the pass try: menv = mset_envs[mset_name] rasters = mset_rasters[mset_name] except KeyError: menv = gs.grass_init(gs.GISBASE, gisdbase, location, mset_name, env=env.copy()) mset_envs[mset_name] = menv mset = Mapset(mset_name, location=location, gisdbase=gisdbase) rasters = set(mset.glist("raster")) mset_rasters[mset_name] = rasters else: menv = gs.grass_init(gs.GISBASE, gisdbase, location, mapset, env=env.copy()) mset = Mapset(mapset, location=location, gisdbase=gisdbase) rasters = set(mset.glist("raster")) rast_name = "{ba}_{da}".format(ba=base, da=date.strftime(raster_fmt)) if rast_name + '.1' not in rasters or rast_name + '.6' not in rasters: ifile = os.path.join(fdir, fil) mod = Module("", quiet=True, input=input_fmt.format(input_file=ifile), output=rast_name, run_=False, **kwargs) if nprocs > 1: mod.env_ = menv #time.sleep(0.2) # sllep otherwise there is a problem in creating queue.put(mod) else: if convert: convert_maps(base, date, log=args.log) if rename: rename_maps(base, date, log=args.log) if nprocs > 1: queue.wait() return outs
def reproject(igisdbase, ilocation, olocation, mset_pat, rast_pat, datefmt="%Y%m%d_%H", mapset_fmt="r%Y_%m", raster_fmt="T{elev:03d}m_%Y%m%d_%H", nprocs=4, ogisdbase=None, **kwargs): env = os.environ.copy() ogisdbase = igisdbase if ogisdbase is None else ogisdbase mset_envs = {} mset_rasters = {} queue = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=nprocs) iloc = Location(location=ilocation, gisdbase=igisdbase) # oloc = Location(location=olocation, gisdbase=ogisdbase) #import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() for imset_name in iloc.mapsets(pattern=mset_pat): for rname in iloc[imset_name].glist("raster", pattern=rast_pat): base, date, elev = extract_date(rname, datefmt=datefmt) rast_name = date.strftime(raster_fmt.format(elev=elev)) mset_name = date.strftime(mapset_fmt) mset_path = os.path.join(ogisdbase, olocation, mset_name) if not os.path.exists(mset_path): gs.grass_create(gs.GRASSBIN, mset_path, create_opts="") try: os.makedirs(os.path.join(mset_path, '.tmp')) os.makedirs( os.path.join(mset_path, '.tmp', socket.gethostname())) except: # ignore error in creating the pass try: menv = mset_envs[mset_name] rasters = mset_rasters[mset_name] except KeyError: menv = gs.grass_init(gs.GISBASE, ogisdbase, olocation, mset_name, env=env.copy()) mset_envs[mset_name] = menv mset = Mapset(mset_name, location=olocation, gisdbase=ogisdbase) rasters = set(mset.glist("raster")) mset_rasters[mset_name] = rasters # set region for the mapset sregion = read_command("r.proj", location=ilocation, dbase=igisdbase, mapset=imset_name, input=rname, output=rast_name, flags="g", env=menv) #import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() kregion = dict([tuple(s.split('=')) for s in sregion.split()]) run_command("g.region", save=mset_name, env=menv, overwrite=True, **kregion) menv["WIND_OVERRIDE"] = mset_name if rast_name not in rasters: mod = Module("r.proj", location=ilocation, dbase=igisdbase, mapset=imset_name, input=rname, output=rast_name, run_=False, **kwargs) mod.env_ = menv print(rast_name) #time.sleep(0.2) # sllep otherwise there is a problem in creating queue.put(mod) queue.wait()
def main(): settings = options['settings'] scene_names = options['scene_name'].split(',') output = options['output'] nprocs = int(options['nprocs']) clouds = int(options['clouds']) producttype = options['producttype'] start = options['start'] end = options['end'] datasource = options['datasource'] use_scenenames = flags['s'] ind_folder = flags['f'] if datasource == "USGS_EE" and producttype != "S2MSI1C": grass.fatal( _('Download from USGS Earth Explorer only supports ' 'Sentinel-2 Level 1C data (S2MSI1C)')) # check if we have the + i.sentinel.import addons if not grass.find_program('', '--help'): grass.fatal( _("The '' module was not found, " "install it first: \n g.extension i.sentinel")) # Test if all required data are there if not os.path.isfile(settings): grass.fatal(_("Settings file <{}> not found").format(settings)) # set some common environmental variables, like: os.environ.update( dict(GRASS_COMPRESS_NULLS='1', GRASS_COMPRESSOR='ZSTD', GRASS_MESSAGE_FORMAT='plain')) # test nprocs Settings if nprocs > mp.cpu_count(): grass.warning( _("Using {} parallel processes but only {} CPUs available." 'Setting nprocs to {}').format(nprocs, mp.cpu_count(), mp.cpu_count() - 1)) nprocs = mp.cpu_cound() - 1 # sentinelsat allows only three parallel downloads elif nprocs > 2 and options['datasource'] == 'ESA_COAH': grass.message( _("Maximum number of parallel processes for Downloading" " fixed to 2 due to sentinelsat API restrictions")) nprocs = 2 # usgs allows maximum 10 parallel downloads elif nprocs > 10 and options['dataseource'] == 'USGS_EE': grass.message( _("Maximum number of parallel processes for Downloading" " fixed to 10 due to Earth Explorer restrictions")) nprocs = 10 if use_scenenames: scenenames = scene_names # check if the filename is valid # usgs scenename format will be checked in if datasource == "ESA_COAH": for scene in scenenames: if len(scene) < 10 or not scene.startswith('S2'): grass.fatal( _("Please provide scenenames in the format" " S2X_LLLLLL_YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS_" "NYYYY_RZZZ_TUUUUU_YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS.SAFE")) else: # get a list of scenenames to download download_args = { 'settings': settings, 'producttype': producttype, 'start': start, 'end': end, 'clouds': clouds, 'datasource': datasource, 'flags': 'l' } if options['limit']: download_args['limit'] = options['limit'] i_sentinel_download_string = grass.parse_command( '', **download_args) i_sentinel_keys = i_sentinel_download_string.keys() scenenames = [item.split(' ')[1] for item in i_sentinel_keys] # parallelize download grass.message(_("Downloading Sentinel-2 data...")) # adapt nprocs to number of scenes nprocs_final = min(len(scenenames), nprocs) queue_download = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=nprocs_final) for idx, scenename in enumerate(scenenames): producttype, start_date, end_date, query_string = scenename_split( scenename, datasource, flags['e']) # output into separate folders, easier to import in a parallel way: if ind_folder: outpath = os.path.join(output, 'dl_s2_%s' % str(idx + 1)) else: outpath = output i_sentinel_download = Module('', settings=settings, start=start_date, end=end_date, producttype=producttype, query=query_string, output=outpath, datasource=datasource, run_=False) queue_download.put(i_sentinel_download) queue_download.wait()
def main(): settings = options['settings'] scene_names = options['scene_name'].split(',') output = options['output'] nprocs = int(options['nprocs']) clouds = int(options['clouds']) producttype = options['producttype'] start = options['start'] end = options['end'] use_scenenames = flags['s'] ind_folder = flags['f'] ### check if we have the + i.sentinel.import addons if not grass.find_program('', '--help'): grass.fatal( _("The '' module was not found, install it first:" ) + "\n" + "g.extension i.sentinel") ### Test if all required data are there if not os.path.isfile(settings): grass.fatal(_("Settings file <%s> not found" % (settings))) ### set some common environmental variables, like: os.environ.update( dict(GRASS_COMPRESS_NULLS='1', GRASS_COMPRESSOR='ZSTD', GRASS_MESSAGE_FORMAT='plain')) ### test nprocs Settings if nprocs > mp.cpu_count(): grass.fatal("Using %d parallel processes but only %d CPUs available." % (nprocs, mp.cpu_count())) ### sentinelsat allows only three parallel downloads elif nprocs > 2: grass.message("Maximum number of parallel processes for Downloading" + " fixed to 2 due to sentinelsat API restrictions") nprocs = 2 if use_scenenames: scenenames = scene_names ### check if the filename is valid ### TODO: refine check, it's currently a very lazy check if len(scenenames[0]) < 10: grass.fatal( "No scene names indicated. Please provide scenenames in \ the format S2A_MSIL1C_20180822T155901_N0206_R097_T17SPV_20180822T212023.SAFE" ) else: ### get a list of scenenames to download i_sentinel_download_string = grass.parse_command( '', settings=settings, producttype=producttype, start=start, end=end, clouds=clouds, flags='l') i_sentinel_keys = i_sentinel_download_string.keys() scenenames = [item.split(' ')[1] for item in i_sentinel_keys] ### parallelize download grass.message(_("Downloading Sentinel-2 data...")) ### adapt nprocs to number of scenes if len(scenenames) == 1: nprocs = 1 queue_download = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=nprocs) for idx, scenename in enumerate(scenenames): producttype, start_date, end_date, query_string = scenename_split( scenename) ### output into separate folders, easier to import in a parallel way: if ind_folder: outpath = os.path.join(output, 'dl_s2_%s' % str(idx + 1)) else: outpath = output i_sentinel_download = Module('', settings=settings, start=start_date, end=end_date, producttype=producttype, query=query_string, output=outpath, run_=False) queue_download.put(i_sentinel_download) queue_download.wait()
def main(): elev = options["input"] output = options["output"] n_dir = int(options["ndir"]) notParallel = flags["p"] global TMP_NAME, CLEANUP if options["basename"]: TMP_NAME = options["basename"] CLEANUP = False colorized_output = options["colorized_output"] colorize_color = options["color_table"] if colorized_output: color_raster_tmp = TMP_NAME + "_color_raster" else: color_raster_tmp = None color_raster_type = options["color_source"] color_input = options["color_input"] if color_raster_type == "color_input" and not color_input: gcore.fatal(_("Provide raster name in color_input option")) if color_raster_type != "color_input" and color_input: gcore.fatal( _( "The option color_input is not needed" " when not using it as source for color" ) ) # this would be needed only when no value would allowed if not color_raster_type and color_input: color_raster_type = "color_input" # enable for convenience if ( color_raster_type == "aspect" and colorize_color and colorize_color not in ["default", "aspectcolr"] ): gcore.warning( _( "Using possibly inappropriate color table <{}>" " for aspect".format(colorize_color) ) ) horizon_step = 360.0 / n_dir horizon_intervals = np.arange(0, 360, horizon_step) msgr = get_msgr() # checks if there are already some maps old_maps = _get_horizon_maps() if old_maps: if not gcore.overwrite(): CLEANUP = False msgr.fatal( _( "You have to first check overwrite flag or remove" " the following maps:\n" "{names}" ).format(names=",".join(old_maps)) ) else: msgr.warning( _("The following maps will be overwritten: {names}").format( names=",".join(old_maps) ) ) if not gcore.overwrite() and color_raster_tmp: check_map_name(color_raster_tmp) try: if notParallel is False: if options["maxdistance"]: maxdistance = float(options["maxdistance"]) else: maxdistance = None r_horizon = Module( "r.horizon", elevation=elev, maxdistance=maxdistance, flags="d", run_=False, ) queue = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=int(options["processes"])) for d in horizon_intervals: r_horizon_prc = deepcopy(r_horizon) r_horizon_prc.inputs.direction = d r_horizon_prc.outputs.output = TMP_NAME queue.put(r_horizon_prc) queue.wait() else: params = {} if options["maxdistance"]: params["maxdistance"] = options["maxdistance"] gcore.run_command( "r.horizon", elevation=elev, step=horizon_step, output=TMP_NAME, flags="d", **params ) new_maps = _get_horizon_maps() if flags["o"]: msgr.message(_("Computing openness ...")) expr = "{out} = 1 - (sin({first}) ".format(first=new_maps[0], out=output) for horizon in new_maps[1:]: expr += "+ sin({name}) ".format(name=horizon) expr += ") / {n}.".format(n=len(new_maps)) else: msgr.message(_("Computing skyview factor ...")) expr = "{out} = 1 - (sin( if({first} < 0, 0, {first}) ) ".format( first=new_maps[0], out=output ) for horizon in new_maps[1:]: expr += "+ sin( if({name} < 0, 0, {name}) ) ".format(name=horizon) expr += ") / {n}.".format(n=len(new_maps)) grast.mapcalc(exp=expr) gcore.run_command("r.colors", map=output, color="grey") except CalledModuleError: msgr.fatal( _( "r.horizon failed to compute horizon elevation " "angle maps. Please report this problem to developers." ) ) return 1 if colorized_output: if color_raster_type == "slope": gcore.run_command("r.slope.aspect", elevation=elev, slope=color_raster_tmp) elif color_raster_type == "aspect": gcore.run_command("r.slope.aspect", elevation=elev, aspect=color_raster_tmp) elif color_raster_type == "dxy": gcore.run_command("r.slope.aspect", elevation=elev, dxy=color_raster_tmp) elif color_raster_type == "color_input": color_raster_tmp = color_input else: color_raster_tmp = elev # don't modify user's color table for inputs if colorize_color and color_raster_type not in ["input", "color_input"]: rcolors_flags = "" if flags["n"]: rcolors_flags += "n" gcore.run_command( "r.colors", map=color_raster_tmp, color=colorize_color, flags=rcolors_flags, ) gcore.run_command( "r.shade", shade=output, color=color_raster_tmp, output=colorized_output ) grast.raster_history(colorized_output) grast.raster_history(output) return 0
def main(): global rm_regions, rm_rasters, rm_vectors, tmpfolder # parameters s2names = options['s2names'].split(',') tmpdirectory = options['directory'] test_nprocs_memory() grass.message(_("Downloading Sentinel scenes ...")) if not grass.find_program('', '--help'): grass.fatal(_("The '' module was not found, install it first:") + "\n" + "g.extension i.sentinel") if not grass.find_program('i.sentinel.import', '--help'): grass.fatal(_("The 'i.sentinel.import' module was not found, install it first:") + "\n" + "g.extension i.sentinel") if not grass.find_program('', '--help'): grass.fatal(_("The '' module was not found, install it first:") + "\n" + "g.extension i.sentinel") # create temporary directory to download data if tmpdirectory: if not os.path.isdir(tmpdirectory): try: os.makedirs(tmpdirectory) except: grass.fatal(_("Unable to create temp dir")) else: tmpdirectory = grass.tempdir() tmpfolder = tmpdirectory if os.path.isfile(s2names[0]): with open(s2names[0], 'r') as f: s2namesstr = else: s2namesstr = ','.join(s2names) grass.run_command( '', settings=options['settings'], scene_name=s2namesstr, nprocs=options['nprocs'], output=tmpdirectory, flags="fs", quiet=True) grass.message(_("Importing Sentinel scenes ...")) env = grass.gisenv() start_gisdbase = env['GISDBASE'] start_location = env['LOCATION_NAME'] start_cur_mapset = env['MAPSET'] if len(s2namesstr.split(',')) < int(options['nprocs']): procs_import = len(s2namesstr.split(',')) else: procs_import = int(options['nprocs']) ### save current region id = str(os.getpid()) currentregion = 'tmp_region_' + id grass.run_command('g.region', save=currentregion, flags='p') queue_import = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=procs_import) memory_per_proc = round(float(options['memory'])/procs_import) mapsetids = [] importflag = 'r' if flags['i']: importflag += 'i' if flags['c']: importflag += 'c' json_standard_folder = os.path.join(env['GISDBASE'], env['LOCATION_NAME'], env['MAPSET'], 'cell_misc') if not os.path.isdir(json_standard_folder): os.makedirs(json_standard_folder) for idx,subfolder in enumerate(os.listdir(tmpdirectory)): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(tmpdirectory, subfolder)): mapsetid = 'S2_import_%s' %(str(idx+1)) mapsetids.append(mapsetid) directory = os.path.join(tmpdirectory, subfolder) i_sentinel_import = Module( 'i.sentinel.import.worker', input=directory, mapsetid=mapsetid, memory=memory_per_proc, pattern=options['pattern'], flags=importflag, region=currentregion, metadata=json_standard_folder, run_=False ) queue_import.put(i_sentinel_import) queue_import.wait() grass.run_command('g.remove', type='region', name=currentregion, flags='f') # verify that switching the mapset worked env = grass.gisenv() gisdbase = env['GISDBASE'] location = env['LOCATION_NAME'] cur_mapset = env['MAPSET'] if cur_mapset != start_cur_mapset: grass.fatal("New mapset is <%s>, but should be <%s>" % (cur_mapset, start_cur_mapset)) # copy maps to current mapset maplist = [] cloudlist = [] for new_mapset in mapsetids: for vect in grass.parse_command('g.list', type='vector', mapset=new_mapset): cloudlist.append(vect) grass.run_command('g.copy', vector=vect + '@' + new_mapset + ',' + vect) for rast in grass.parse_command('g.list', type='raster', mapset=new_mapset): maplist.append(rast) grass.run_command('g.copy', raster=rast + '@' + new_mapset + ',' + rast) # set nulls grass.run_command('i.zero2null', map=rast, quiet=True) grass.utils.try_rmdir(os.path.join(gisdbase, location, new_mapset)) # space time dataset grass.message(_("Creating STRDS of Sentinel scenes ...")) if options['strds_output']: strds = options['strds_output'] grass.run_command( 't.create', output=strds, title="Sentinel-2", desc="Sentinel-2", quiet=True) # create register file registerfile = grass.tempfile() file = open(registerfile, 'w') for imp_rast in list(set(maplist)): date_str1 = imp_rast.split('_')[1].split('T')[0] date_str2 = "%s-%s-%s" % (date_str1[:4], date_str1[4:6], date_str1[6:]) time_str = imp_rast.split('_')[1].split('T')[1] clock_str2 = "%s:%s:%s" % (time_str[:2], time_str[2:4], time_str[4:]) file.write("%s|%s %s\n" % (imp_rast, date_str2, clock_str2)) file.close() grass.run_command('t.register', input=strds, file=registerfile, quiet=True) # remove registerfile grass.try_remove(registerfile) if flags['c']: stvdsclouds = strds + '_clouds' grass.run_command( 't.create', output=stvdsclouds, title="Sentinel-2 clouds", desc="Sentinel-2 clouds", quiet=True, type='stvds') registerfileclouds = grass.tempfile() fileclouds = open(registerfileclouds, 'w') for imp_clouds in cloudlist: date_str1 = imp_clouds.split('_')[1].split('T')[0] date_str2 = "%s-%s-%s" % (date_str1[:4], date_str1[4:6], date_str1[6:]) time_str = imp_clouds.split('_')[1].split('T')[1] clock_str2 = "%s:%s:%s" % (time_str[:2], time_str[2:4], time_str[4:]) fileclouds.write("%s|%s %s\n" % (imp_clouds, date_str2, clock_str2)) fileclouds.close() grass.run_command( 't.register', type='vector', input=stvdsclouds, file=registerfileclouds, quiet=True) grass.message("<%s> is created" % (stvdsclouds)) # remove registerfile grass.try_remove(registerfileclouds) # extract strds for each band bands = [] pattern = options['pattern'] if "(" in pattern: global beforebrackets, afterbrackets beforebrackets = re.findall(r"(.*?)\(", pattern)[0] inbrackets = re.findall(r"\((.*?)\)", pattern)[0] afterbrackets = re.findall(r"\)(.*)", pattern)[0] bands = ["%s%s%s" % (beforebrackets, x, afterbrackets) for x in inbrackets.split('|')] else: bands = pattern.split('|') for band in bands: if flags['i'] and ('20' in band or '60' in band): band.replace('20', '10').replace('60', '10') grass.run_command('t.rast.extract', input=strds, where="name like '%" + band + "%'", output="%s_%s" % (strds, band), quiet=True) grass.message("<%s_%s> is created" % (strds, band))
def main(): global rm_regions, rm_rasters, rm_vectors, tmpfolder # parameters strds = options['input'] strdsout = options['output_clouds'] threshold = float(options['threshold']) test_nprocs() # test if necessary GRASS GIS addons are installed if not grass.find_program('i.sentinel.mask', '--help'): grass.fatal( _("The 'i.sentinel.mask' module was not found, install it first:") + "\n" + "g.extension i.sentinel") if not grass.find_program('i.sentinel.mask.worker', '--help'): grass.fatal( _("The 'i.sentinel.mask.worker' module was not found, install it first:" ) + "\n" + "g.extension i.sentinel.mask.worker url=...") strdsrasters = [ x.split('|')[0] for x in grass.parse_command('t.rast.list', input=strds, flags='u') ] times = [ x.split('|')[2] for x in grass.parse_command('t.rast.list', input=strds, flags='u') ] s2_scenes = dict() for strdsrast, time in zip(strdsrasters, times): parts = strdsrast.split('_') name = "%s_%s" % (parts[0], parts[1]) band = parts[2] if name not in s2_scenes: s2_scene = { 'B02': None, 'B03': None, 'B04': None, 'B08': None, 'B8A': None, 'B11': None, 'B12': None, 'date': None } s2_scene['clouds'] = "%s_clouds" % name if options['output_shadows']: s2_scene['shadows'] = "%s_shadows" % name s2_scene['shadows'] = "%s_shadows" % name if threshold > 0 or options['output_shadows']: if options['metadata'] == 'default': env = grass.gisenv() json_standard_folder = os.path.join( env['GISDBASE'], env['LOCATION_NAME'], env['MAPSET'], 'cell_misc') s2_scene['metadata'] = os.path.join( json_standard_folder, strdsrast, "description.json") elif options['metadata']: json_standard_folder = options['metadata'] s2_scene['metadata'] = os.path.join( json_standard_folder, strdsrast, "description.json") s2_scenes[name] = s2_scene s2_scenes[name][band] = strdsrast if not s2_scenes[name]['date']: if '.' in time: dateformat = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f' else: dateformat = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' s2_scenes[name]['date'] = datetime.strptime(time, dateformat) # check if all input bands are in strds for key in s2_scenes: if any([val is None for key2, val in s2_scenes[key].items()]): grass.fatal(_("Not all needed bands are given")) grass.message(_("Find clouds (and shadows) in Sentinel scenes ...")) env = grass.gisenv() start_gisdbase = env['GISDBASE'] start_location = env['LOCATION_NAME'] start_cur_mapset = env['MAPSET'] queue = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=options['nprocs']) bands = ['B02', 'B03', 'B04', 'B08', 'B8A', 'B11', 'B12'] number_of_scenes = len(s2_scenes) number = 0 for s2_scene_name in s2_scenes: s2_scene = s2_scenes[s2_scene_name] number += 1 grass.message( _("Processing %d of %d scenes") % (number, number_of_scenes)) if threshold > 0: with open(s2_scene['metadata'], 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) if threshold > float(data['CLOUDY_PIXEL_PERCENTAGE']): computingClouds = False else: computingClouds = True else: computingClouds = True for band in bands: rm_rasters.append("%s_double" % s2_scene[band]) if computingClouds: kwargs = dict() if options['output_shadows']: kwargs['shadow_raster'] = s2_scene['shadows'] kwargs['metadata'] = s2_scene['metadata'] kwargs['shadow_threshold'] = 1000 flags = 's' else: flags = 'sc' newmapset = s2_scene['clouds'] # grass.run_command( i_sentinel_mask = Module( 'i.sentinel.mask.worker', blue="%s@%s" % (s2_scene['B02'], start_cur_mapset), green="%s@%s" % (s2_scene['B03'], start_cur_mapset), red="%s@%s" % (s2_scene['B04'], start_cur_mapset), nir="%s@%s" % (s2_scene['B08'], start_cur_mapset), nir8a="%s@%s" % (s2_scene['B8A'], start_cur_mapset), swir11="%s@%s" % (s2_scene['B11'], start_cur_mapset), swir12="%s@%s" % (s2_scene['B12'], start_cur_mapset), flags=flags, cloud_raster=s2_scene['clouds'], newmapset=newmapset, quiet=True, run_=False, **kwargs) queue.put(i_sentinel_mask) queue.wait() # verify that switching the mapset worked env = grass.gisenv() gisdbase = env['GISDBASE'] location = env['LOCATION_NAME'] cur_mapset = env['MAPSET'] if cur_mapset != start_cur_mapset: grass.fatal("New mapset is <%s>, but should be <%s>" % (cur_mapset, start_cur_mapset)) # copy maps to current mapset for s2_scene_name in s2_scenes: s2_scene = s2_scenes[s2_scene_name] newmapset = s2_scene['clouds'] if grass.find_file(s2_scene['clouds'], element='raster', mapset=newmapset)['file']: grass.run_command( 'g.copy', raster="%s@%s,%s" % (s2_scene['clouds'], newmapset, s2_scene['clouds'])) else: grass.run_command('r.mapcalc', expression="%s = null()" % s2_scene['clouds']) if options['output_shadows']: if grass.find_file(s2_scene['shadows'], element='raster', mapset=newmapset)['file']: grass.run_command( 'g.copy', raster="%s@%s,%s" % (s2_scene['shadows'], newmapset, s2_scene['shadows'])) else: grass.run_command('r.mapcalc', expression="%s = null()" % s2_scene['shadows']) grass.utils.try_rmdir(os.path.join(gisdbase, location, newmapset)) grass.message(_("Create space time raster data set of clouds ...")) grass.run_command('t.create', output=strdsout, title="Sentinel-2 cloud mask", desc="Sentinel-2 cloud mask", quiet=True) # create register file registerfile = grass.tempfile() file = open(registerfile, 'w') for s2_scene_name in s2_scenes: s2_scene = s2_scenes[s2_scene_name] file.write("%s|%s\n" % (s2_scene['clouds'], s2_scene['date'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) file.close() grass.run_command('t.register', input=strdsout, file=registerfile, quiet=True) # remove registerfile grass.try_remove(registerfile) if options['output_shadows']: grass.message(_("Create space time raster data set of shadows ...")) grass.run_command('t.create', output=options['output_shadows'], title="Sentinel-2 shadow mask", desc="Sentinel-2 shadow mask", quiet=True) # create register file registerfile = grass.tempfile() file = open(registerfile, 'w') for s2_scene_name in s2_scenes: s2_scene = s2_scenes[s2_scene_name] file.write("%s|%s\n" % (s2_scene['shadows'], s2_scene['date'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) file.close() grass.run_command('t.register', input=options['output_shadows'], file=registerfile, quiet=True) # remove registerfile grass.try_remove(registerfile)
def main(): # User specified variables dem = options['elevation'] neighborhood_size = options['size'] OutRaster = options['output'] notparallel = flags['p'] # Internal raster map names SlopeRaster = 'tmpSlope_' + ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for n in xrange(8)]) AspectRaster = 'tmpAspect_' + ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for n in xrange(8)]) xyRaster = 'tmpxyRaster_' + ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for n in xrange(8)]) zRaster = 'tmpzRaster_' + ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for n in xrange(8)]) xRaster = 'tmpxRaster_' + ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for n in xrange(8)]) yRaster = 'tmpyRaster_' + ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for n in xrange(8)]) xSumRaster = 'tmpxSumRaster_' + ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for n in xrange(8)]) ySumRaster = 'tmpySumRaster_' + ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for n in xrange(8)]) zSumRaster = 'tmpzSumRaster_' + ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for n in xrange(8)]) tmp_rast.append(SlopeRaster) tmp_rast.append(AspectRaster) tmp_rast.append(xyRaster) tmp_rast.append(zRaster) tmp_rast.append(xRaster) tmp_rast.append(yRaster) tmp_rast.append(xSumRaster) tmp_rast.append(ySumRaster) tmp_rast.append(zSumRaster) # Create Slope and Aspect rasters grass.message("Calculating slope and aspect...") grass.run_command("r.slope.aspect", elevation = dem, slope = SlopeRaster, aspect = AspectRaster, format = "degrees", precision = "FCELL", zscale = 1.0, min_slope = 0.0, quiet = True) # Calculate x y and z rasters # Note - GRASS sin/cos functions differ from ArcGIS which expects input grid in radians, whereas GRASS functions expect degrees # No need to convert slope and aspect to radians as in the original ArcGIS script if notparallel == False: # parallel version grass.message("Calculating x, y, and z rasters...") # calculate xy and z rasters using two parallel processes mapcalc_list = [] mapcalc = Module("r.mapcalc", run_=False) queue = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=2) mapcalc1 = copy.deepcopy(mapcalc) mapcalc_list.append(mapcalc1) m = mapcalc1(expression='{x} = float(sin({a}))'.format(x=xyRaster, a=SlopeRaster)) queue.put(m) mapcalc2 = copy.deepcopy(mapcalc) mapcalc_list.append(mapcalc2) m = mapcalc2(expression='{x} = float(cos({a}))'.format(x=zRaster, a=SlopeRaster)) queue.put(m) queue.wait() # calculate x and y rasters using two parallel processes mapcalc_list = [] mapcalc = Module("r.mapcalc", run_=False) queue = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=2) mapcalc1 = copy.deepcopy(mapcalc) mapcalc_list.append(mapcalc1) m = mapcalc1(expression='{x} = float(sin({a}) * {b})'.format(x=xRaster, a=AspectRaster, b=xyRaster)) queue.put(m) mapcalc2 = copy.deepcopy(mapcalc) mapcalc_list.append(mapcalc2) m = mapcalc2(expression='{x} = float(cos({a}) * {b})'.format(x=yRaster, a=AspectRaster, b=xyRaster)) queue.put(m) queue.wait() else: grass.mapcalc('{x} = float(sin({a}))'.format(x=xyRaster, a=SlopeRaster)) grass.mapcalc('{x} = float(cos({a}))'.format(x=zRaster, a=SlopeRaster)) grass.mapcalc('{x} = float(sin({a}) * {b})'.format(x=xRaster, a=AspectRaster, b=xyRaster)) grass.mapcalc('{x} = float(cos({a}) * {b})'.format(x=yRaster, a=AspectRaster, b=xyRaster)) # Calculate sums of x, y, and z rasters for selected neighborhood size if notparallel == False: # parallel version using three parallel processes grass.message("Calculating sums of x, y, and z rasters in selected neighborhood...") n_list = [] neighbors = Module("r.neighbors", overwrite=True, run_=False) queue = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=3) n1 = copy.deepcopy(neighbors) n_list.append(n1) n = n1(input = xRaster, output = xSumRaster, method = "average", size = neighborhood_size) queue.put(n1) n2 = copy.deepcopy(neighbors) n_list.append(n2) n = n2(input = yRaster, output = ySumRaster, method = "average", size = neighborhood_size) queue.put(n2) n3 = copy.deepcopy(neighbors) n_list.append(n3) n = n3(input = zRaster, output = zSumRaster, method = "average", size = neighborhood_size) queue.put(n3) queue.wait() else: grass.run_command("r.neighbors", input = xRaster, output = xSumRaster, method = "average", size = neighborhood_size) grass.run_command("r.neighbors", input = yRaster, output = ySumRaster, method = "average", size = neighborhood_size) grass.run_command("r.neighbors", input = zRaster, output = zSumRaster, method = "average", size = neighborhood_size) # Calculate the resultant vector and final ruggedness raster # Modified from the original script to multiple each SumRaster by the n neighborhood cells to get the sum grass.message("Calculating the final ruggedness raster...") maxValue = int(neighborhood_size) * int(neighborhood_size) grass.mapcalc('{x} = float(1-( (sqrt(({a}*{d})^2 + ({b}*{d})^2 + ({c}*{d})^2) / {e})))'.format(x=OutRaster, a=xSumRaster, b=ySumRaster, c=zSumRaster, d=maxValue, e=maxValue)) # Set the default color table grass.run_command("r.colors", flags = 'e', map = OutRaster, color = "ryb") return 0
def main(): options, flags = gscript.parser() input_dir = options['input'] sizeMovingWindow = options['size'] distance = options['distance'] numCategories = options['categories'] recode = flags['r'] use_dem = flags['d'] start_time = time.time() try: # Validate parameters if (int(sizeMovingWindow) % 2 == 0) or (int(sizeMovingWindow) < 2) or \ (int(distance) >= int(sizeMovingWindow)) or (int(numCategories) > 255): raise except: print "Size of moving windows must be odd and >=3." print "The distance must be smaller than the size of the moving window." print "The raster map cannot have more than 255 categories." else: gscript.run_command('g.mapset', mapset='PERMANENT') # r=root, d=directories, f = files for r, d, f in os.walk(input_dir): print "Checking directory: ", r count = 1 for file in f: # Import bands and set the region full_path = os.path.join(r, file) if (full_path[-8:-4] == "_reg") and (not use_dem): gscript.run_command('g.proj', flags='c', georef=full_path) gscript.run_command('', flags='k', input=full_path, output='region_raster', overwrite=True) gscript.run_command('g.region', raster='region_raster', overwrite=True) if (full_path[-8:-4] == "_dem") and (use_dem): print "DEM: ", full_path gscript.run_command('g.proj', flags='c', georef=full_path) gscript.run_command('', flags='k', input=full_path, output='inputBands.1', overwrite=True) ## Manages the boundary definitions for the geographic region. gscript.run_command('g.region', raster='inputBands.1') output_file = full_path[:-4] + "_text.tif" print "Output File to be created: ", output_file count += 1 if (full_path[-9:-5] == "band") and (not use_dem): if (count == 1): output_file = full_path[:-10] + "_text.tif" print "Output File to be created: ", output_file gscript.run_command('', flags='k', input=full_path, output='inputBands.{}'.format(count), overwrite=True) count += 1 if (count == 8) or (count == 2): bandCount = count - 1 rasterName = [] inputRescale = "inputBands.{}" outputRescale = "bandsRescale.{}" # Quantize image so textures can be perfom if recode == False: for band in range(1, bandCount + 1): rules = gscript.read_command( 'r.quantile', flags='r', input=inputRescale.format(band), quantiles=numCategories, overwrite=True, quiet=True) print "Recoding raster map {}".format(band) gscript.write_command( 'r.recode', input=inputRescale.format(band), output=outputRescale.format(band), rules='-', overwrite=True, stdin=rules) else: for band in range(1, bandCount + 1): gscript.run_command('r.rescale', input=inputRescale.format(band), output=outputRescale.format(band), to='1,' + numCategories, overwrite=True) outputTexture = "band.{}" # Calculate textures using parallel jobs queue = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=4) texture = Module( 'r.texture', flags='n', method=['asm', 'contrast', 'var', 'idm', 'entr'], size=sizeMovingWindow, distance=distance, overwrite=True, run_=False) for band in range(1, bandCount + 1): m = deepcopy(texture)(input=outputRescale.format(band), output=outputTexture.format(band)) queue.put(m) queue.wait() # Generate group to export the tiff image. This is required to stack all the bands in the same file. for band in range(1, bandCount + 1): rasterName.extend([ outputTexture.format(band) + '_ASM', outputTexture.format(band) + '_Contr', outputTexture.format(band) + '_Var', outputTexture.format(band) + '_IDM', outputTexture.format(band) + '_Entr' ]) groupInput = (outputTexture.format(band) + '_ASM,' + outputTexture.format(band) + '_Contr,' + outputTexture.format(band) + '_Var,' + outputTexture.format(band) + '_IDM,' + outputTexture.format(band) + '_Entr') gscript.run_command('', group='outFileBands', input=groupInput, quiet=True) # Create the output tiff image gscript.run_command('r.out.gdal', flags='cm', input='outFileBands', output=output_file, format='GTiff', type='Float32', overwrite=True, verbose=True) print "Finished creating features" # Edit metadata to give a name to each band print "Renaming raster bands" src_ds = gdal.Open(output_file) for band in range(src_ds.RasterCount): band += 1 src_ds.GetRasterBand(band).SetDescription(rasterName[band - 1]) elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time print "Finished in: ", elapsed_time, " seconds"