def computeSunShade(n,h,d,insolname,project): strDay = str(d).zfill(3) + "/" strHour = str(h).zfill(2) + "/" ##fill null values #r.null map=insolMONTH_0_DAY_2_HOUR_13_MINUTES_40 null=-1 grass.run_command("r.null",map = insolname, null = -1) ##reclass sun to null and shade to 1 # r.mapcalc expression='shade = if(insolMONTH_0_DAY_2_HOUR_13_MINUTES_40 == -1,1,null())' --o grass.run_command("r.mapcalc",expression = 'shade = if(' + insolname + ' == -1,1 ,null() )', overwrite=True) ##set shade color map #r.colors map=shade rules=python/colorrules grass.run_command("r.colors",map="shade",rules="python/libs/colorrules") ##export to png ##pokud je dopoledne secist #pokud je poledne vyexportovat a vymazat #secist #r.mapcalc expression='shadeCumulation = shadeCumulation + shade' --o if h==12 and n==minutes[0]: print(1111666668888) exportShadeCumulation(project,d,h) grass.run_command("r.mapcalc",expression="shadeCumulation = 0",overwrite=True) grass.run_command("r.mapcalc",expression="shadeCumulation = if(isnull(shade),shadeCumulation,shadeCumulation+shade)",overwrite=True) #grass.run_command("r.mapcalc",expression="shadeCumulation = if(shadeCumulation)",overwrite=True) #grass.run_command("",map='shadeCumulation') print("cumul:") grass.run_command("r.stats",input = 'shadeCumulation',flags="c") print("shade:") grass.run_command("r.stats",input = 'shade',flags="c") shadePath = project+"/shade/" + strDay + strHour + minutesIndex[minutes.index(str(n))] #grass.run_command("r.out.gdal",flags="cf",input="shade", output = shadePath + '.tiff', type="Byte",createopt="COMPRESS=DEFLATE,PREDICTOR=2,ZLEVEL=9",overwrite=True) #grass.run_command("g.region",region="resortExtent") grass.run_command("g.region",n=grass.vector_info('inputJSONextentMask').north,s=grass.vector_info('inputJSONextentMask').south,w=grass.vector_info('inputJSONextentMask').west,e=grass.vector_info('inputJSONextentMask').east) grass.run_command("r.out.png",flags="t", input="shade", output = project+"/shade/" + strDay + strHour + minutesIndex[minutes.index(str(n))] + '.png', overwrite=True) #gdal_translate -ot Byte -of PNG C:\Users\Loukotka\Dropbox\ESA-2014\vojta\40.tiff C:/Users/Loukotka/Dropbox/ESA-2014/vojta/40png.png #gdal_translate -ot "Byte" -of "PNG" spindl3/shade/003/12/10.tiff spindl3/shade/003/12/10.png grass.run_command("g.region",rast='inputDEMraster', overwrite=True)
def computeInsolation(n, h, d, insolname, project): strDay = str(d).zfill(3) + "/" strHour = str(h).zfill(2) + "/" # run the solar model # r.sun elev=inputDEMraster asp_in=edu_raster_slope slope_in=edu_raster_aspect day=32 time=12.50 incidout=insolname --o grass.run_command("r.sun", elev="inputDEMraster", asp_in="edu_raster_slope", slope_in="edu_raster_aspect", day=d, time=str(h) + '.' + str(n), incidout=insolname, overwrite=True) # export the outputs to GTiff files # r.out.gdal -c -f --o output=compSun.tiff type=Byte input=insolname createopt="COMPRESS=DEFLATE,PREDICTOR=2,ZLEVEL=9" #grass.run_command("g.region",region="resortExtent") grass.run_command("g.region", n=grass.vector_info('inputJSONextentMask').north, s=grass.vector_info('inputJSONextentMask').south, w=grass.vector_info('inputJSONextentMask').west, e=grass.vector_info('inputJSONextentMask').east) insolPath = project + "/sun/" + strDay + strHour + minutesIndex[ minutes.index(str(n))] grass.run_command("r.out.gdal", flags="cf", input=insolname, output=insolPath + ".tiff", type="Byte", createopt="COMPRESS=DEFLATE,PREDICTOR=2,ZLEVEL=9", overwrite=True) call([ "gdal_translate", '-ot', "Byte", '-of', "PNG", insolPath + '.tiff', insolPath + '.png' ]) call(["rm", insolPath + '.tiff']) call(["rm", insolPath + '.png.aux.xml']) grass.run_command("g.region", rast='inputDEMraster')
def createRegionDefinition(project): ##start of write extent call(["mkdir", project + "/region"]) ##regionInfo = grass.run_command("g.region",flags="g") ## create extent with boundary as [project]/extent.geojson and save it under resortExtent grass.run_command("g.region", save="resortExtent", n=grass.vector_info('inputJSONextentMask').north, s=grass.vector_info('inputJSONextentMask').south, w=grass.vector_info('inputJSONextentMask').west, e=grass.vector_info('inputJSONextentMask').east) reg = grass.region() f = open(project + '/region/region.json', 'w+') print >> f, '{"n":' + str(reg.n) + ',"s":' + str(reg.s) + ',"w":' + str( reg.w) + ',"e":' + str(reg.e) + '}' f.close() grass.run_command("g.region", rast='inputDEMraster')
def computeInsolation(n,h,d,insolname,project): strDay = str(d).zfill(3) + "/" strHour = str(h).zfill(2) + "/" # run the solar model # r.sun elev=inputDEMraster asp_in=edu_raster_slope slope_in=edu_raster_aspect day=32 time=12.50 incidout=insolname --o grass.run_command("r.sun", elev = "inputDEMraster",asp_in = "edu_raster_slope",slope_in="edu_raster_aspect" ,day=d, time=str(h)+'.'+str(n) ,incidout=insolname,overwrite=True) # export the outputs to GTiff files # r.out.gdal -c -f --o output=compSun.tiff type=Byte input=insolname createopt="COMPRESS=DEFLATE,PREDICTOR=2,ZLEVEL=9" #grass.run_command("g.region",region="resortExtent") grass.run_command("g.region",n=grass.vector_info('inputJSONextentMask').north,s=grass.vector_info('inputJSONextentMask').south,w=grass.vector_info('inputJSONextentMask').west,e=grass.vector_info('inputJSONextentMask').east) insolPath = project+"/sun/" + strDay + strHour + minutesIndex[minutes.index(str(n))] grass.run_command("r.out.gdal",flags="cf",input = insolname, output = insolPath +".tiff", type="Byte", createopt="COMPRESS=DEFLATE,PREDICTOR=2,ZLEVEL=9",overwrite=True) call(["gdal_translate", '-ot', "Byte", '-of', "PNG", insolPath + '.tiff', insolPath + '.png']) call(["rm", insolPath + '.tiff']) call(["rm", insolPath + '.png.aux.xml']) grass.run_command("g.region",rast='inputDEMraster')
def write_stations_snapped(self): """Write out the stations_snapped to a vector.""" types = {'i': 'int', 'f': 'double'} # columns cols = self.stations_snapped_columns cols_dt = [' '.join([i, types[cols[i].dtype.kind]]) for i in cols.keys()] cols_fmt = '|'.join(['%'+cols[i].dtype.kind for i in cols.keys()]) data = np.column_stack(cols.values()) # create vector if needed p = grass.feed_command('', input='-', x=3, y=4, cat=1, quiet=True, columns=cols_dt, output=self.stations_snapped) np.savetxt(p.stdin, data, delimiter='|', fmt=cols_fmt) p.stdin.close() p.wait() # drop x y columns grun('v.db.dropcolumn', map=self.stations_snapped, columns='x,y') # add other columns cat = grass.vector_info(self.stations_snapped)['attribute_primary_key'] grun('g.copy', vector=self.stations+',stations__tmp', quiet=True) catother = grass.vector_info('stations__tmp')['attribute_primary_key'] grun('v.db.join', map=self.stations_snapped, column=cat, other_table='stations__tmp', other_column=catother, quiet=True) return
def createRegionDefinition(project): ##start of write extent call(["mkdir", project+"/region"]) ##regionInfo = grass.run_command("g.region",flags="g") ## create extent with boundary as [project]/extent.geojson and save it under resortExtent grass.run_command("g.region",save="resortExtent",n=grass.vector_info('inputJSONextentMask').north,s=grass.vector_info('inputJSONextentMask').south,w=grass.vector_info('inputJSONextentMask').west,e=grass.vector_info('inputJSONextentMask').east) reg = grass.region() f = open(project+'/region/region.json', 'w+') print >>f, '{"n":'+str(reg.n) + ',"s":'+str(reg.s)+',"w":'+str(reg.w) + ',"e":'+str(reg.e)+'}' f.close() grass.run_command("g.region",rast='inputDEMraster')
def main(): # Get the options input = options["input"] input_name = input.split('@')[0] output = options["output"] method = options["method"] min_cat = None max_cat = None point = None overwrite = grass.overwrite() quiet = True if grass.verbosity() > 2: quiet = False in_info = grass.vector_info(input) # check for wild mixture of vector types if in_info['points'] > 0 and in_info['boundaries'] > 0: grass.fatal(_("The input vector map contains both polygons and points," " cannot handle mixed types")) pid = os.getpid() # process points via triangulation, then exit if in_info['points'] > 0: point = True layer = 1 # hardcoded for now out_temp = '{inp}_point_tmp_{pid}'.format(inp=input_name, pid=pid) if method == 'delaunay': grass.message(_("Processing point data (%d points found)...") % in_info['points']) grass.run_command('v.delaunay', input=input, layer=layer, output=out_temp, quiet=quiet) grass.run_command('v.db.addtable', map=out_temp, quiet=True) input = out_temp in_info = grass.vector_info(input) # process areas if in_info['areas'] == 0 and in_info['boundaries'] == 0: grass.fatal(_("The input vector map does not contain polygons")) out_type = '{inp}_type_{pid}'.format(inp=input_name, pid=pid) input_tmp = '{inp}_tmp_{pid}'.format(inp=input_name, pid=pid) remove_names = "%s,%s" % (out_type, input_tmp) grass.message(_("Processing area data (%d areas found)...") % in_info['areas']) try: grass.run_command('v.category', layer="2", type='boundary', option='add', input=input, out=input_tmp, quiet=quiet) except CalledModuleError: grass.run_command('g.remove', flags='f', type='vector', name=input_tmp, quiet=quiet) grass.fatal(_("Error creating layer 2")) try: grass.run_command('v.db.addtable', map=input_tmp, layer="2", quiet=quiet) except CalledModuleError: grass.run_command('g.remove', flags='f', type='vector', name=input_tmp, quiet=quiet) grass.fatal(_("Error creating new table for layer 2")) try: grass.run_command('', map=input_tmp, option="sides", columns="left,right", layer="2", quiet=quiet) except CalledModuleError: grass.run_command('g.remove', flags='f', type='vector', name=input_tmp, quiet=quiet) grass.fatal(_("Error populating new table for layer 2")) try: grass.run_command('v.type', input=input_tmp, output=out_type, from_type='boundary', to_type='line', quiet=quiet, layer="2") except CalledModuleError: grass.run_command('g.remove', flags='f', type='vector', name=remove_names, quiet=quiet) grass.fatal(_("Error converting polygon to line")) report = grass.read_command('v.category', flags='g', input=out_type, option='report', quiet=quiet) report = decode(report).split('\n') for r in report: if r.find('centroid') != -1: min_cat = report[0].split()[-2] max_cat = report[0].split()[-1] break if min_cat and max_cat: try: grass.run_command('v.edit', map=out_type, tool='delete', type='centroid', layer=2, quiet=quiet, cats='{mi}-{ma}'.format(mi=min_cat, ma=max_cat)) except CalledModuleError: grass.run_command('g.remove', flags='f', type='vector', name=remove_names, quiet=quiet) grass.fatal(_("Error removing centroids")) try: try: # TODO: fix magic numbers for layer here and there grass.run_command('v.db.droptable', map=out_type, layer=1, flags='f', quiet=True) except CalledModuleError: grass.run_command('g.remove', flags='f', type='vector', name=remove_names, quiet=quiet) grass.fatal(_("Error removing table from layer 1")) # TODO: when this except is happaning, it seems that never, so it seems wrong except: grass.warning(_("No table for layer %d" % 1)) try: grass.run_command('v.category', input=out_type, option='transfer', output=output, layer="2,1", quiet=quiet, overwrite=overwrite) except CalledModuleError: grass.run_command('g.remove', flags='f', type='vector', name=remove_names, quiet=quiet) grass.fatal(_("Error adding categories")) grass.run_command('g.remove', flags='f', type='vector', name=remove_names, quiet=quiet) if point: grass.run_command('g.remove', flags='f', type='vector', name=out_temp, quiet=quiet)
def main(): # Get the options input = options["input"] output = options["output"] method = options["method"] min_cat = None max_cat = None point = None overwrite = grass.overwrite() quiet = True if grass.verbosity() > 2: quiet = False in_info = grass.vector_info(input) # check for wild mixture of vector types if in_info['points'] > 0 and in_info['boundaries'] > 0: grass.fatal(_("The input vector map contains both polygons and points," " cannot handle mixed types")) pid = os.getpid() # process points via triangulation, then exit if in_info['points'] > 0: point = True layer = 1 # hardcoded for now out_temp = '{inp}_point_tmp_{pid}'.format(inp=input, pid=pid) if method == 'delaunay': grass.message(_("Processing point data (%d points found)...") % in_info['points']) grass.run_command('v.delaunay', input=input, layer=layer, output=out_temp, quiet=quiet) grass.run_command('v.db.addtable', map=out_temp, quiet=True) input = out_temp in_info = grass.vector_info(input) # process areas if in_info['areas'] == 0 and in_info['boundaries'] == 0: grass.fatal(_("The input vector map does not contain polygons")) out_type = '{inp}_type_{pid}'.format(inp=input, pid=pid) input_tmp = '{inp}_tmp_{pid}'.format(inp=input, pid=pid) remove_names = "%s,%s" % (out_type, input_tmp) grass.message(_("Processing area data (%d areas found)...") % in_info['areas']) if 0 != grass.run_command('v.category', layer="2", type='boundary', option='add', input=input, out=input_tmp, quiet=quiet): grass.run_command('g.remove', flags='f', type='vect', pattern=input_tmp, quiet=quiet) grass.fatal(_("Error creating layer 2")) if 0 != grass.run_command('v.db.addtable', map=input_tmp, layer="2", columns="left integer,right integer", quiet=quiet): grass.run_command('g.remove', flags='f', type='vect', pattern=input_tmp, quiet=quiet) grass.fatal(_("Error creating new table for layer 2")) if 0 != grass.run_command('', map=input_tmp, option="sides", columns="left,right", layer="2", quiet=quiet): grass.run_command('g.remove', flags='f', type='vect', pattern=input_tmp, quiet=quiet) grass.fatal(_("Error populating new table for layer 2")) if 0 != grass.run_command('v.type', input=input_tmp, output=out_type, from_type='boundary', to_type='line', quiet=quiet, layer="2"): grass.run_command('g.remove', flags='f', type='vect', pattern=remove_names, quiet=quiet) grass.fatal(_("Error converting polygon to line")) report = grass.read_command('v.category', flags='g', input=out_type, option='report', quiet=quiet).split('\n') for r in report: if r.find('centroid') != -1: min_cat = report[0].split()[-2] max_cat = report[0].split()[-1] break if min_cat and max_cat: if 0 != grass.run_command('v.edit', map=out_type, tool='delete', type='centroid', layer=2, quiet=quiet, cats='{mi}-{ma}'.format(mi=min_cat, ma=max_cat)): grass.run_command('g.remove', flags='f', type='vect', pattern=remove_names, quiet=quiet) grass.fatal(_("Error removing centroids")) try: if 0 != grass.run_command('v.db.droptable', map=out_type, layer=1, flags='f', quiet=True): grass.run_command('g.remove', flags='f', type='vect', pattern=remove_names, quiet=quiet) grass.fatal(_("Error removing table from layer 1")) except: grass.warning(_("No table for layer %d" % 1)) if 0 != grass.run_command('v.category', input=out_type, option='transfer', output=output, layer="2,1", quiet=quiet, overwrite=overwrite): grass.run_command('g.remove', flags='f', type='vect', pattern=remove_names, quiet=quiet) grass.fatal(_("Error adding categories")) grass.run_command('g.remove', flags='f', type='vect', pattern=remove_names, quiet=quiet) if point: grass.run_command('g.remove', flags='f', type='vect', pattern=out_temp, quiet=quiet)
def StartEditing(self, mapLayer): """Start editing selected vector map layer. :param mapLayer: MapLayer to be edited """ # check if topology is available (skip for hidden - temporary # maps, see iclass for details) if ( not mapLayer.IsHidden() and grass.vector_info(mapLayer.GetName())["level"] != 2 ): dlg = wx.MessageDialog( parent=self.MapWindow, message=_( "Topology for vector map <%s> is not available. " "Topology is required by digitizer.\nDo you want to " "rebuild topology (takes some time) and open the vector map " "for editing?" ) % mapLayer.GetName(), caption=_("Digitizer error"), style=wx.YES_NO | wx.YES_DEFAULT | wx.ICON_QUESTION | wx.CENTRE, ) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES: RunCommand("", map=mapLayer.GetName()) else: return # deactive layer self.Map.ChangeLayerActive(mapLayer, False) # clean map canvas self.MapWindow.EraseMap() # unset background map if needed if mapLayer: if ( UserSettings.Get( group="vdigit", key="bgmap", subkey="value", settings_type="internal", ) == mapLayer.GetName() ): UserSettings.Set( group="vdigit", key="bgmap", subkey="value", value="", settings_type="internal", ) self.parent.SetStatusText( _("Please wait, " "opening vector map <%s> for editing...") % mapLayer.GetName(), 0, ) self.MapWindow.pdcVector = PseudoDC() self.digit = self.MapWindow.digit = self.digitClass(mapwindow=self.MapWindow) self.mapLayer = mapLayer # open vector map (assume that 'hidden' map layer is temporary vector # map) if self.digit.OpenMap(mapLayer.GetName(), tmp=mapLayer.IsHidden()) is None: self.mapLayer = None self.StopEditing() return False # check feature type (only for OGR layers) self.fType = self.digit.GetFeatureType() self.EnableAll() self.EnableUndo(False) self.EnableRedo(False) if self.fType == "point": for tool in ( self.addLine, self.addArea, self.moveVertex, self.addVertex, self.removeVertex, self.editLine, ): self.EnableTool(tool, False) elif self.fType == "linestring": for tool in (self.addPoint, self.addArea): self.EnableTool(tool, False) elif self.fType == "polygon": for tool in (self.addPoint, self.addLine): self.EnableTool(tool, False) elif self.fType: GError( parent=self, message=_( "Unsupported feature type '%(type)s'. Unable to edit " "OGR layer <%(layer)s>." ) % {"type": self.fType, "layer": mapLayer.GetName()}, ) self.digit.CloseMap() self.mapLayer = None self.StopEditing() return False # update toolbar if self.combo: self.combo.SetValue(mapLayer.GetName()) if "map" in self.parent.toolbars: self.parent.toolbars["map"].combo.SetValue(_("Vector digitizer")) # here was dead code to enable vdigit button in toolbar # with if to ignore iclass # some signal (DigitizerStarted) can be emitted here Debug.msg(4, "VDigitToolbar.StartEditing(): layer=%s" % mapLayer.GetName()) # change cursor if self.MapWindow.mouse["use"] == "pointer": self.MapWindow.SetNamedCursor("cross") if not self.MapWindow.resize: self.MapWindow.UpdateMap(render=True) # respect opacity opacity = mapLayer.GetOpacity() if opacity < 1.0: alpha = int(opacity * 255) self.digit.GetDisplay().UpdateSettings(alpha=alpha) # emit signal layerTree = self._giface.GetLayerTree() if layerTree: item = layerTree.FindItemByData("maplayer", self.mapLayer) else: item = None self.editingStarted.emit( vectMap=mapLayer.GetName(), digit=self.digit, layerItem=item ) return True
def main(): global temp_ng, temp_ncin, temp_ncout # we discard stderrs when not debugging # ideally stderrs should be printed when an exception was raised # this would be done easily with StringIO # but it doesn't work with subprocess if not grass.debug_level(): nuldev = open(os.devnull, 'w') else: nuldev = sys.stderr # Initalise temporary verctor map names temp_ng = "v_lidar_mcc_tmp_ng_" + str(os.getpid()) temp_ncin = "v_lidar_mcc_tmp_ncin_" + str(os.getpid()) temp_ncout = "v_lidar_mcc_tmp_ncout_" + str(os.getpid()) input = options['input'] g_output = options['ground'] ng_output = options['nonground'] # does map exist? if not grass.find_file(input, element='vector')['file']: grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> not found") % input) # Count points in input map n_input = grass.vector_info(input)['points'] # does map contain points ? if not (n_input > 0): grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> does not contain points") % input) flag_n = flags['n'] ### Scale domain (l) # Evans & Hudak 2007 used scale domains 1 to 3 l = int(1) l_stop = int(options['nl']) if (l_stop < 1): grass.fatal("The minimum number of scale domains is 1.") ### Curvature tolerance threshold (t) # Evans & Hudak 2007 used a t-value of 0.3 t = float(options['t']) ###Increase of curvature tolerance threshold for each ti = t / 3.0 ### Convergence threshold (j) # Evans & Hudak 2007 used a convergence threshold of 0.3 j = float(options['j']) if (j <= 0): grass.fatal("The convergence threshold has to be > 0.") ### Tension parameter (f) # Evans & Hudak 2007 used a tension parameter 1.5 f = float(options['f']) if (f <= 0): grass.fatal("The tension parameter has to be > 0.") ### Spline steps parameter (s) # Evans & Hudak 2007 used the 12 nearest neighbors # (used spline steps $res * 5 before) s = int(options['s']) if (s <= 0): grass.fatal("The spline step parameter has to be > 0.") ###Read desired resolution from region #Evans & Hudak 2007 used a desired resolution (delta) of 1.5 gregion = grass.region() x_res_fin = gregion['ewres'] y_res_fin = gregion['nsres'] # Defineresolution steps in iteration n_res_steps = (l_stop + 1) / 2 # Pass ame of input map to v.outlier nc_points = input # controls first creation of the output map before patching ng_output_exists = False # append and do not build topology vpatch_flags = 'ab' # 7.x requires topology to see z coordinate # 7.1 v.patch has flags to use z even without topology # see #2433 on Trac and r66822 in Subversion build_before_patch = True unused, gver_minor, unused = grass.version()['version'].split('.') if int(gver_minor) >= 1: build_before_patch = False # do not expect topology and expect z vpatch_flags += 'nz' # Loop through scale domaines while (l <= l_stop): i = 1 convergence = 100 if (l < ((l_stop + 1) / 2)): xres = x_res_fin / (n_res_steps - (l - 1)) yres = y_res_fin / (n_res_steps - (l - 1)) elif (l == ((l_stop + 1) / 2)): xres = x_res_fin yres = y_res_fin else: xres = x_res_fin * ((l + 1) - n_res_steps) yres = y_res_fin * ((l + 1) - n_res_steps) grass.use_temp_region() grass.run_command("g.region", s=gregion['s'], w=gregion['w'], nsres=yres, ewres=xres, flags="a") xs_s = xres * s ys_s = yres * s grass.message("Processing scale domain " + str(l) + "...") # Repeat application of v.outlier until convergence level is reached while (convergence > j): grass.verbose("Number of input points in iteration " + str(i) + ": " + str(n_input)) # Run v.outlier if not flag_n: grass.run_command('v.outlier', input=nc_points, output=temp_ncout, outlier=temp_ng, ew_step=xs_s, ns_step=ys_s, lambda_=f, threshold=t, filter='positive', overwrite=True, quiet=True, stderr=nuldev) else: grass.run_command('v.outlier', input=nc_points, output=temp_ncout, outlier=temp_ng, ew_step=xs_s, ns_step=ys_s, lambda_=f, threshold=t, filter='negative', overwrite=True, quiet=True, stderr=nuldev) # Get information about results for calculating convergence level ng = grass.vector_info(temp_ng)['points'] nc = n_input - ng n_input = nc grass.run_command('g.remove', flags='f', type='vector', name=temp_ncin, quiet=True, stderr=nuldev) grass.run_command("g.rename", vector=temp_ncout + "," + temp_ncin, quiet=True, stderr=nuldev) nc_points = temp_ncin # Give information on process status grass.verbose("Unclassified points after iteration " + str(i) + ": " + str(nc)) grass.verbose("Points classified as non ground after iteration " + str(i) + ": " + str(ng)) # Set convergence level if (nc > 0): convergence = float(float(ng) / float(nc)) if build_before_patch: grass.run_command('', map=temp_ng, stderr=nuldev) # Patch non-ground points to non-ground output map if ng_output_exists: grass.run_command('v.patch', input=temp_ng, output=ng_output, flags=vpatch_flags, overwrite=True, quiet=True, stderr=nuldev) else: grass.run_command('g.copy', vector=(temp_ng, ng_output), stderr=nuldev) ng_output_exists = True else: convergence = 0 # Give information on convergence level grass.verbose("Convergence level after run " + str(i) + " in scale domain " + str(l) + ": " + str(round(convergence, 3))) # Increase iterator i = i + 1 # Adjust curvature tolerance and reset scale domain t = t + ti l = l + 1 # Delete temporary region grass.del_temp_region() # Rename temporary map of points whichhave not been classified as non-ground to output vector map containing ground points grass.run_command("g.rename", vector=nc_points + "," + g_output, quiet=True, stderr=nuldev)
def computeSunShade(n, h, d, insolname, project): strDay = str(d).zfill(3) + "/" strHour = str(h).zfill(2) + "/" ##fill null values #r.null map=insolMONTH_0_DAY_2_HOUR_13_MINUTES_40 null=-1 grass.run_command("r.null", map=insolname, null=-1) ##reclass sun to null and shade to 1 # r.mapcalc expression='shade = if(insolMONTH_0_DAY_2_HOUR_13_MINUTES_40 == -1,1,null())' --o grass.run_command("r.mapcalc", expression='shade = if(' + insolname + ' == -1,1 ,null() )', overwrite=True) ##set shade color map #r.colors map=shade rules=python/colorrules grass.run_command("r.colors", map="shade", rules="python/libs/colorrules") ##export to png ##pokud je dopoledne secist #pokud je poledne vyexportovat a vymazat #secist #r.mapcalc expression='shadeCumulation = shadeCumulation + shade' --o if h == 12 and n == minutes[0]: print(1111666668888) exportShadeCumulation(project, d, h) grass.run_command("r.mapcalc", expression="shadeCumulation = 0", overwrite=True) grass.run_command( "r.mapcalc", expression= "shadeCumulation = if(isnull(shade),shadeCumulation,shadeCumulation+shade)", overwrite=True) #grass.run_command("r.mapcalc",expression="shadeCumulation = if(shadeCumulation)",overwrite=True) #grass.run_command("",map='shadeCumulation') print("cumul:") grass.run_command("r.stats", input='shadeCumulation', flags="c") print("shade:") grass.run_command("r.stats", input='shade', flags="c") shadePath = project + "/shade/" + strDay + strHour + minutesIndex[ minutes.index(str(n))] #grass.run_command("r.out.gdal",flags="cf",input="shade", output = shadePath + '.tiff', type="Byte",createopt="COMPRESS=DEFLATE,PREDICTOR=2,ZLEVEL=9",overwrite=True) #grass.run_command("g.region",region="resortExtent") grass.run_command("g.region", n=grass.vector_info('inputJSONextentMask').north, s=grass.vector_info('inputJSONextentMask').south, w=grass.vector_info('inputJSONextentMask').west, e=grass.vector_info('inputJSONextentMask').east) grass.run_command("r.out.png", flags="t", input="shade", output=project + "/shade/" + strDay + strHour + minutesIndex[minutes.index(str(n))] + '.png', overwrite=True) #gdal_translate -ot Byte -of PNG C:\Users\Loukotka\Dropbox\ESA-2014\vojta\40.tiff C:/Users/Loukotka/Dropbox/ESA-2014/vojta/40png.png #gdal_translate -ot "Byte" -of "PNG" spindl3/shade/003/12/10.tiff spindl3/shade/003/12/10.png grass.run_command("g.region", rast='inputDEMraster', overwrite=True)
def getStations(resourcedir='mySWIM',**datakwargs): ####### STATIONS ################################################ stationsinfo = grass.vector_info(options['stationsvect']) # get stations table try: stationstbl = grass.vector_db_select(options['stationsvect']) except: grass.fatal('Cant read the attribute table of %s, has it got one?' %options['stationsvect']) # make pandas df stationstbl = pa.DataFrame(stationstbl['values'].values(),columns=stationstbl['columns']) # check if it finds the stationidcolumn if len(options['stationidcolumn'])>0: if options['stationidcolumn'] not in stationstbl: grass.fatal('Cant find stationidcolumn %s' %options['stationidcolumn']) idcol = stationstbl[options['stationidcolumn']] elif 'stationID' in stationstbl: gm('Found stationID column in the subbasinsvect table.') idcol = stationstbl['stationID'] else: ### stationID DESIGN ################################################# gm('''Will use the order of stations in the stationvect as stationIDs and will assign these stationIDs:''') idcol = ['s%s' %s for s in range(1,len(stationstbl)+1)] gm(idcol) # make subbasinID column and upload them grun('v.db.addcolumn',map=options['stationsvect'], columns='stationID varchar(5)',quiet=True) catcol = stationstbl.icol(1) for i,s in enumerate(catcol): grun('v.db.update',map=options['stationsvect'], column='stationID', where='%s=%s' %(,s), value=idcol[i],quiet=True) # make sure the csvdata file is read without header datakwargs.update({'names':['time']+idcol,'skiprows':1}) # set as index stationstbl.index = idcol'stationID' # check if it finds the subbasinidcolumn if len(options['subbasinidcolumn'])> 0: if options['subbasinidcolumn'] not in stationstbl: grass.fatal('Cant find subbasinidcolumn %s' %options['subbasinidcolumn']) # change name of column to subbasinID stationstbl['subbasinID'] = stationstbl[options['subbasinidcolumn']] elif 'subbasinID' in stationstbl: gm('Found subbasinID column in the subbasinsvect table.') else: gm('Will upload subbasinIDs from the subbasins rast to the stationsvect table. Double check them and run the setup again if changed.') # first check if in same mapset then stationsvect if stationsinfo['mapset'] != grass.gisenv()['MAPSET']: grass.warning(' !!! Changing into mapset: %s !!!' %stationsinfo['mapset']) grun('g.mapset',mapset=stationsinfo['mapset'],quiet=True) grun('v.db.addcolumn',map=options['stationsvect'], columns='subbasinID int',quiet=True) grun('v.what.rast',map=options['stationsvect'], raster=options['subbasins'],column='subbasinID',quiet=True) subids = grass.vector_db_select(options['stationsvect'],columns='subbasinID') stationstbl['subbasinID'] = np.array(subids['values'].values()).flatten() # convert subbasinIDs to int for i,s in enumerate(stationstbl['subbasinID']): try: stationstbl['subbasinID'][i] = int(s) except: stationstbl['subbasinID'][i] = np.nan # report on found subbasinIDs gm('Found these subbasinIDs:\n%s' %stationstbl['subbasinID']) # read data gm('Attempting to read discharge data. I am expecting a header like this:') gm(','.join(['YYYY-MM-DD']+list(idcol))) data = pa.read_csv(options['csvdata'],parse_dates=0,index_col=0,**datakwargs) = 'time' # check if read properlyq # check if all cats are in csvdata as columns for s in stationstbl.index: if s not in data: grass.warning('Cant find %s in the csvdata table header. This station wont have any data.' %s) gm(stationstbl.ix[s].to_string()) data[s]=np.nan # get days per year covered peran = (~data.isnull()).astype(int).resample('a','sum') peran.index=peran.index.year # report gm('Overvations found (days per year):') for l in peran.to_string().split('\n'): gm(l) # # write individual files to resource folder # else: # path = os.path.join(resourcedir,s+'.pa') # sdat = pa.DataFrame({'Q':data[s]}) # = 'time' # sdat.to_pickle(path) # gm('Saved Q data for the station %s to %s in a python.pandas format.' %(s,path)) # gm(sdat.head().to_string()) # fpaths += [path] # # attach paths to stationstbl # stationstbl['data'] = fpaths # write out table to resourcedir path = os.path.join(resourcedir,'observations.csv') data.to_csv(path) # return as dictionary of stations stations = stationstbl.T.to_dict() return stations
def StartEditing(self, mapLayer): """Start editing selected vector map layer. :param mapLayer: MapLayer to be edited """ # check if topology is available (skip for hidden - temporary # maps, see iclass for details) if not mapLayer.IsHidden() and grass.vector_info( mapLayer.GetName())['level'] != 2: dlg = wx.MessageDialog( parent=self.MapWindow, message=_( "Topology for vector map <%s> is not available. " "Topology is required by digitizer.\nDo you want to " "rebuild topology (takes some time) and open the vector map " "for editing?") % mapLayer.GetName(), caption=_("Digitizer error"), style=wx.YES_NO | wx.YES_DEFAULT | wx.ICON_QUESTION | wx.CENTRE) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES: RunCommand('', map=mapLayer.GetName()) else: return # deactive layer self.Map.ChangeLayerActive(mapLayer, False) # clean map canvas self.MapWindow.EraseMap() # unset background map if needed if mapLayer: if UserSettings.Get( group='vdigit', key='bgmap', subkey='value', settings_type='internal') == mapLayer.GetName(): UserSettings.Set( group='vdigit', key='bgmap', subkey='value', value='', settings_type='internal') self.parent.SetStatusText(_("Please wait, " "opening vector map <%s> for editing...") % mapLayer.GetName(), 0) self.MapWindow.pdcVector = wx.PseudoDC() self.digit = self.MapWindow.digit = self.digitClass( mapwindow=self.MapWindow) self.mapLayer = mapLayer # open vector map (assume that 'hidden' map layer is temporary vector # map) if self.digit.OpenMap( mapLayer.GetName(), tmp=mapLayer.IsHidden()) is None: self.mapLayer = None self.StopEditing() return False # check feature type (only for OGR layers) self.fType = self.digit.GetFeatureType() self.EnableAll() self.EnableUndo(False) self.EnableRedo(False) if self.fType == 'point': for tool in (self.addLine, self.addArea, self.moveVertex, self.addVertex, self.removeVertex, self.editLine): self.EnableTool(tool, False) elif self.fType == 'linestring': for tool in (self.addPoint, self.addArea): self.EnableTool(tool, False) elif self.fType == 'polygon': for tool in (self.addPoint, self.addLine): self.EnableTool(tool, False) elif self.fType: GError( parent=self, message=_( "Unsupported feature type '%(type)s'. Unable to edit " "OGR layer <%(layer)s>.") % {'type': self.fType, 'layer': mapLayer.GetName()}) self.digit.CloseMap() self.mapLayer = None self.StopEditing() return False # update toolbar if self.combo: self.combo.SetValue(mapLayer.GetName()) if 'map' in self.parent.toolbars: self.parent.toolbars['map'].combo.SetValue(_('Vector digitizer')) # here was dead code to enable vdigit button in toolbar # with if to ignore iclass # some signal (DigitizerStarted) can be emitted here Debug.msg( 4, "VDigitToolbar.StartEditing(): layer=%s" % mapLayer.GetName()) # change cursor if self.MapWindow.mouse['use'] == 'pointer': self.MapWindow.SetNamedCursor('cross') if not self.MapWindow.resize: self.MapWindow.UpdateMap(render=True) # respect opacity opacity = mapLayer.GetOpacity() if opacity < 1.0: alpha = int(opacity * 255) self.digit.GetDisplay().UpdateSettings(alpha=alpha) # emit signal layerTree = self._giface.GetLayerTree() if layerTree: item = layerTree.FindItemByData('maplayer', self.mapLayer) else: item = None self.editingStarted.emit( vectMap=mapLayer.GetName(), digit=self.digit, layerItem=item) return True
def main(): # Import raster and vector Module("", input=opts['test'], layer="test", output="test", overwrite=True) info = grass.vector_info("test") print("Number of points: %s" % info['points'])
def setupPro(resourcedir='mySWIM',parfile='mySWIM/'): '''Set up all files needed for SWIM and mySWIM and write mySWIM resource dirs and parameterfile. In this function, grass input arguments are all in options without any removal of empty ones ''! ''' # collect parameters in dict p = {} # check if needed params are set for e in ['proname','prodir','stationsvect','simf','subbasins','hydrotopes', 'csvdata']: if len(options['proname'])<2: grass.fatal('%s must be set.' %e) p[e] = options[e] # change into prodir as all subsequent paths maybe relative to that os.chdir(p['prodir']) # check if in same mapset stationsinfo = grass.vector_info(options['stationsvect']) if stationsinfo['mapset']!=grass.gisenv()['MAPSET']: grass.fatal('Must be in same mapset as %s.' %(options['stationsvect'])) # find files in prodir ffiles = {'bsn':'.bsn','cod':'.cod','strf':'.str'} ffiles = dict([(e,options['proname']+ffiles[e]) for e in ffiles]) foundf = findFiles(ffiles,findin=p['prodir']) # add to pro p.update(foundf) ### check for other swim files swimfiles = {'swim':'swim', 'soilcio':'soil.cio', 'filecio':'file.cio', 'figf':p['proname']+'.fig', 'runoff':'runoff.dat', 'simf':'rvaddQ_subbasin.prn', 'conf':'swim.conf', 'clim1':'clim1.dat', 'clim2':'clim2.dat', 'cntab':'cntab.dat', 'cropd':'crop.dat', 'subcatchf':'subcatch.def', 'subcatchbsn':'subcatch.bsn', 'wgen':'wgen.dat', 'wstor':'wstor.dat'} # check for files with warning if not exists swimfiles = findFiles(swimfiles,findin=p['prodir'],fatal=False) p.update(swimfiles) # only those that were found and not double # simf p['simf']=options['simf'] if len(options['simf'])>0 or os.path.exists(options['simf']): grass.warning('Simulated discharge file %s not found or not given.' %options['simf']) # check if mySWIM already exists and if not create dir resourcedirs = {'resourcedir':os.path.join(p['prodir'],resourcedir)} for n,d in [('Qdir','Q_files'),('clusterdir','lljobs'),('pestdir','pest')]: resourcedirs[n] = os.path.join(resourcedir,d) for n,d in resourcedirs.items(): if os.path.exists(d): gm('Found the resource dir in: %s' %d) else: gm('Creating new resource dir in: %s' %d) os.makedirs(d) # attach to p p.update(resourcedirs) # climate dir p['climatedir'] = options['climatedir'] # pest parameters p['pestdir'] = os.path.join(resourcedir,'pest') p['pestexe'] = os.path.join(resourcedir,'pest/pest') p['pestinstructions'] = options['pestinstructions'] # get parameters from bsn file try: par,tmplt = swim.readBsnf(p['bsn']) except: grass.fatal('''Cant read the bsn file properly. Is it formatted like this:\n switch parameters value param value param ... _______________________________________________________________________ basin, initialisation & calibration parameters param param ... param description blabla value value ... value ... _______________________________________________________________________ CO2 EFFECT ON NET PHOTOSYNTHESIS (alpha) & TRANSPIRATION (beta) (ialpha,ibeta) = (1,0) OR (1,1) ONLY FOR SCENARIO PERIODS! ialpha ibeta C3C4crop CO2-ref CO2-scen 0/1 0/1 3/4 346 406-436 OPTIONS & RANGES 0 0 0 0 0 _______________________________________________________________________''') gm('Found these parameters in the bsn file: %s' %','.join(par.keys())) gm('Those parameters will be saved in the future!') # make parameter save formats pfmts = [(e,{True:'14.3f',False:'7.4f'}[par[e]>50]) for e in sorted(par.keys())] # check if resource files exists and if not create them rfiles = {'runsf': [('runID','04i'),('paramID','04i'),('climID','04i'), ('runTIME','26s'),('station','5s'),('NSE','+7.3f'), ('bias','+6.1f'),('start','10s'),('end','10s'), ('purpose','-12s'),('notes','-64s')], 'paramf': [('paramID','04i')]+pfmts, 'climsf': [('climID','04i'), ('title','50s'), ('start','10s'), ('end','10s'), ('notes','-64s')]} for f in rfiles: name = os.path.join(resourcedir,'%s.%s' %(p['proname'],f[:-1])) # exists? if os.path.exists(name): gm('%s file exists in: %s' %(f,name)) p[f] = name else: # create writeTxtDB(name,rfiles[f]) p[f] = name # add sqlite tables to same database as self.stations tblname = f[:-1] sqlTbl(tblname,rfiles[f]) # save sqlitedb p['sqlitedb'] = grass.vector_db(options['stationsvect'])[1]['database'] # get stations info and data p['stations'] = getStations(resourcedir=resourcedir) p['obsf'] = os.path.join(resourcedir,'observations.csv') # llcmds if options['llcmds']!='': p['llcmds'] = dict([cmd.split(':') for cmd in options['llcmds'].split(',')]) # write all in p to a parameter file parfpath = os.path.join(resourcedir,'') if os.path.exists(parfpath): pars = imp.load_source('myswim',parfpath) opars= {e:pars.__getattribute__(e) for e in dir(pars) if e not in p and not e.startswith('__')} gm('Previous myswim parameter file found! Preserved these parameter: %r' %opars) p.update(opars) # now write parf = file(parfpath,'w') parf.write('### mySWIM parameter file, saved on: %s\n' for e in sorted(p.keys()): parf.write('%s=%r\n' %(e,p[e])) gm('All set up! To proceed, uncheck the -0 flag and change into %s' %p['prodir']) return
#!/usr/bin/env python import os import grass.script as gscript # set computational region beforehand grid = 'grid' gscript.run_command('v.mkgrid', type='point', map=grid, overwrite=True) print gscript.vector_info(grid)['points'] gscript.run_command('v.out.ascii', input=grid, sep='comma', output='grid.txt', overwrite=True) template = 'grass72 -c grassdata/sonoita/{mapset} --exec python scripts/ output={out} coord={x},{y} --o && rm -r grassdata/sonoita/{mapset}\n' with open("grid.txt") as f: with open("jobs.txt", "w") as f1: for line in f: x, y, cat = line.strip().split(',') f1.write(template.format(mapset='temp_' + cat, x=x, y=y, out='out_' + cat + '.txt'))
def main(): vmap = options['map'] curr_mapset = grass.gisenv()['MAPSET'] mapset = grass.find_file(name = vmap, element = 'vector')['mapset'] # check if map exists in the current mapset if not mapset: grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> not found") % vmap) if mapset != curr_mapset: grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> not found in the current mapset") % vmap) # check for format vInfo = grass.vector_info(vmap) if vInfo['format'] != 'PostGIS,PostgreSQL': grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> is not a PG-link") % vmap) # default connection global pg_conn pg_conn = {'driver': 'pg', 'database': vInfo['pg_dbname']} # default topo schema if not options['topo_schema']: options['topo_schema'] = 'topo_%s' % options['map'] # check if topology schema already exists topo_found = False ret = grass.db_select(sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM topology.topology " "WHERE name = '%s'" % options['topo_schema'], **pg_conn) if not ret or int(ret[0][0]) == 1: topo_found = True if topo_found: if int(os.getenv('GRASS_OVERWRITE', '0')) == 1: # -> overwrite grass.warning(_("Topology schema <%s> already exists and will be overwritten") % options['topo_schema']) else: grass.fatal(_("option <%s>: <%s> exists.") % ('topo_schema', options['topo_schema'])) # drop topo schema if exists execute(sql = "SELECT topology.DropTopology('%s')" % options['topo_schema'], msg = _("Unable to remove topology schema")) # create topo schema schema, table = vInfo['pg_table'].split('.') grass.message(_("Creating new topology schema...")) execute("SELECT topology.createtopology('%s', find_srid('%s', '%s', '%s'), %s)" % (options['topo_schema'], schema, table, vInfo['geometry_column'], options['tolerance'])) # add topo column to the feature table grass.message(_("Adding new topology column...")) execute("SELECT topology.AddTopoGeometryColumn('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')" % (options['topo_schema'], schema, table, options['topo_column'], vInfo['feature_type'])) # build topology grass.message(_("Building PostGIS topology...")) execute("UPDATE %s.%s SET %s = topology.toTopoGeom(%s, '%s', 1, %s)" % (schema, table, options['topo_column'], vInfo['geometry_column'], options['topo_schema'], options['tolerance']), useSelect = False) # report summary execute("SELECT topology.TopologySummary('%s')" % options['topo_schema']) return 0
def main(): vmap = options["map"] curr_mapset = grass.gisenv()["MAPSET"] mapset = grass.find_file(name=vmap, element="vector")["mapset"] # check if map exists in the current mapset if not mapset: grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> not found") % vmap) if mapset != curr_mapset: grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> not found in the current mapset") % vmap) # check for format vInfo = grass.vector_info(vmap) if vInfo["format"] != "PostGIS,PostgreSQL": grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> is not a PG-link") % vmap) # default connection global pg_conn pg_conn = {"driver": "pg", "database": vInfo["pg_dbname"]} # default topo schema if not options["topo_schema"]: options["topo_schema"] = "topo_%s" % options["map"] # check if topology schema already exists topo_found = False ret = grass.db_select( sql="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM topology.topology " "WHERE name = '%s'" % options["topo_schema"], **pg_conn ) if not ret or int(ret[0][0]) == 1: topo_found = True if topo_found: if int(os.getenv("GRASS_OVERWRITE", "0")) == 1: # -> overwrite grass.warning( _("Topology schema <%s> already exists and will be overwritten") % options["topo_schema"] ) else: grass.fatal( _("option <%s>: <%s> exists.") % ("topo_schema", options["topo_schema"]) ) # drop topo schema if exists execute( sql="SELECT topology.DropTopology('%s')" % options["topo_schema"], msg=_("Unable to remove topology schema"), ) # create topo schema schema, table = vInfo["pg_table"].split(".") grass.message(_("Creating new topology schema...")) execute( "SELECT topology.createtopology('%s', find_srid('%s', '%s', '%s'), %s)" % ( options["topo_schema"], schema, table, vInfo["geometry_column"], options["tolerance"], ) ) # add topo column to the feature table grass.message(_("Adding new topology column...")) execute( "SELECT topology.AddTopoGeometryColumn('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')" % ( options["topo_schema"], schema, table, options["topo_column"], vInfo["feature_type"], ) ) # build topology grass.message(_("Building PostGIS topology...")) execute( "UPDATE %s.%s SET %s = topology.toTopoGeom(%s, '%s', 1, %s)" % ( schema, table, options["topo_column"], vInfo["geometry_column"], options["topo_schema"], options["tolerance"], ), useSelect=False, ) # report summary execute("SELECT topology.TopologySummary('%s')" % options["topo_schema"]) return 0
def main(): # Get the options input = options["input"] input_name = input.split("@")[0] output = options["output"] method = options["method"] min_cat = None max_cat = None point = None overwrite = grass.overwrite() quiet = True if grass.verbosity() > 2: quiet = False in_info = grass.vector_info(input) # check for wild mixture of vector types if in_info["points"] > 0 and in_info["boundaries"] > 0: grass.fatal(_("The input vector map contains both polygons and points," " cannot handle mixed types")) pid = os.getpid() # process points via triangulation, then exit if in_info["points"] > 0: point = True layer = 1 # hardcoded for now out_temp = "{inp}_point_tmp_{pid}".format(inp=input_name, pid=pid) if method == "delaunay": grass.message(_("Processing point data (%d points found)...") % in_info["points"]) grass.run_command("v.delaunay", input=input, layer=layer, output=out_temp, quiet=quiet) grass.run_command("v.db.addtable", map=out_temp, quiet=True) input = out_temp in_info = grass.vector_info(input) # process areas if in_info["areas"] == 0 and in_info["boundaries"] == 0: grass.fatal(_("The input vector map does not contain polygons")) out_type = "{inp}_type_{pid}".format(inp=input_name, pid=pid) input_tmp = "{inp}_tmp_{pid}".format(inp=input_name, pid=pid) remove_names = "%s,%s" % (out_type, input_tmp) grass.message(_("Processing area data (%d areas found)...") % in_info["areas"]) try: grass.run_command( "v.category", layer="2", type="boundary", option="add", input=input, out=input_tmp, quiet=quiet ) except CalledModuleError: grass.run_command("g.remove", flags="f", type="vector", name=input_tmp, quiet=quiet) grass.fatal(_("Error creating layer 2")) try: grass.run_command("v.db.addtable", map=input_tmp, layer="2", columns="left integer,right integer", quiet=quiet) except CalledModuleError: grass.run_command("g.remove", flags="f", type="vector", name=input_tmp, quiet=quiet) grass.fatal(_("Error creating new table for layer 2")) try: grass.run_command("", map=input_tmp, option="sides", columns="left,right", layer="2", quiet=quiet) except CalledModuleError: grass.run_command("g.remove", flags="f", type="vector", name=input_tmp, quiet=quiet) grass.fatal(_("Error populating new table for layer 2")) try: grass.run_command( "v.type", input=input_tmp, output=out_type, from_type="boundary", to_type="line", quiet=quiet, layer="2" ) except CalledModuleError: grass.run_command("g.remove", flags="f", type="vector", name=remove_names, quiet=quiet) grass.fatal(_("Error converting polygon to line")) report = grass.read_command("v.category", flags="g", input=out_type, option="report", quiet=quiet).split("\n") for r in report: if r.find("centroid") != -1: min_cat = report[0].split()[-2] max_cat = report[0].split()[-1] break if min_cat and max_cat: try: grass.run_command( "v.edit", map=out_type, tool="delete", type="centroid", layer=2, quiet=quiet, cats="{mi}-{ma}".format(mi=min_cat, ma=max_cat), ) except CalledModuleError: grass.run_command("g.remove", flags="f", type="vector", name=remove_names, quiet=quiet) grass.fatal(_("Error removing centroids")) try: try: # TODO: fix magic numbers for layer here and there grass.run_command("v.db.droptable", map=out_type, layer=1, flags="f", quiet=True) except CalledModuleError: grass.run_command("g.remove", flags="f", type="vector", name=remove_names, quiet=quiet) grass.fatal(_("Error removing table from layer 1")) # TODO: when this except is happaning, it seems that never, so it seems wrong except: grass.warning(_("No table for layer %d" % 1)) try: grass.run_command( "v.category", input=out_type, option="transfer", output=output, layer="2,1", quiet=quiet, overwrite=overwrite, ) except CalledModuleError: grass.run_command("g.remove", flags="f", type="vector", name=remove_names, quiet=quiet) grass.fatal(_("Error adding categories")) grass.run_command("g.remove", flags="f", type="vector", name=remove_names, quiet=quiet) if point: grass.run_command("g.remove", flags="f", type="vector", name=out_temp, quiet=quiet)