def _parse_index(
    index: Optional[Union[int, list, tuple, slice, str]] = None
) -> Optional[Union[int, slice]]:
    if index is None:
        return None
    elif isinstance(index, (int, slice)):
        return index
    elif isinstance(index, (list, tuple)):
        if len(index) > 3:
            raise ge_exceptions.PartitionQueryError(
                f"""The number of partition_index slice components must be between 1 and 3 (the given number is
        if len(index) == 1:
            return index[0]
        if len(index) == 2:
            return slice(index[0], index[1], None)
        if len(index) == 3:
            return slice(index[0], index[1], index[2])
    elif isinstance(index, str):
        if is_int(value=index):
            return _parse_index(index=int(index))
        return _parse_index(
            index=[int(idx_str) for idx_str in index.split(":")])
        raise ge_exceptions.PartitionQueryError(
            f"""The type of a partition_index must be an integer (Python "int"), or a list (Python "list") or a tuple
(Python "tuple"), or a Python "slice" object, or a string that has the format of a single integer or a slice argument.
The type given is "{str(type(index))}", which is illegal.
def build_partition_query(partition_request_dict: Optional[Dict[
    str, Optional[Union[int, list, tuple, slice, str,
                        Union[Dict, PartitionDefinitionSubset],
                        Callable, ]], ]] = None):
    if not partition_request_dict:
        return PartitionQuery(
    partition_request_keys: set = set(partition_request_dict.keys())
    if not partition_request_keys <= PartitionQuery.RECOGNIZED_KEYS:
        raise ge_exceptions.PartitionQueryError(
            f"""Unrecognized partition_request key(s):
"{str(partition_request_keys - PartitionQuery.RECOGNIZED_KEYS)}" detected.
    custom_filter_function: Callable = partition_request_dict.get(
    if custom_filter_function and not isinstance(custom_filter_function,
        raise ge_exceptions.PartitionQueryError(
            f"""The type of a custom_filter must be a function (Python "Callable").  The type given is
"{str(type(custom_filter_function))}", which is illegal.
    partition_identifiers: Optional[dict] = partition_request_dict.get(
    if partition_identifiers:
        if not isinstance(partition_identifiers, dict):
            raise ge_exceptions.PartitionQueryError(
                f"""The type of a partition_identifiers must be a dictionary (Python "dict").  The type given is
"{str(type(partition_identifiers))}", which is illegal.
        if not all(
            [isinstance(key, str) for key in partition_identifiers.keys()]):
            raise ge_exceptions.PartitionQueryError(
                'All partition_definition keys must strings (Python "str").')
    if partition_identifiers is not None:
        partition_identifiers: PartitionDefinitionSubset = PartitionDefinitionSubset(
    index: Optional[Union[int, list, tuple, slice,
                          str]] = partition_request_dict.get("index")
    limit: Optional[int] = partition_request_dict.get("limit")
    if limit and (not isinstance(limit, int) or limit < 0):
        raise ge_exceptions.PartitionQueryError(
            f"""The type of a limit must be an integer (Python "int") that is greater than or equal to 0.  The
type and value given are "{str(type(limit))}" and "{limit}", respectively, which is illegal.
    if index is not None and limit is not None:
        raise ge_exceptions.PartitionQueryError(
            "Only one of partition_index or limit, but not both, can be specified (specifying both is illegal)."
    index = _parse_index(index=index)
    return PartitionQuery(