    #randomise RA and Dec between 0,2pi and -pi/2, pi/2 respectively
    ##adjusted to smaller ranges to see if improves results
    sourcealpha[i] = 2*np.pi*(r.uniform(0,1))
    sourcedelta[i] = np.arccos(2*(r.uniform(0,1))-1)-np.pi/2
    #performs barycentring functions for source i
    emit = get_bary_in_loop(tGPS, detector,[sourcealpha[i], sourcedelta[i]], Eephem, Sephem) 

    #creates training vectors of time difference
    [emitdt, emitte, emitdd, emitR, emitER, emitE, emitS] = emit
    TS[i]= np.reshape(emitdt, wl)

    ## normalises training vectors
    TS[i] /= np.sqrt(np.abs(greedy.dot_product(dt, TS[i], TS[i])))

# tolerance for stopping algorithm
tol = 1e-12

#forms normalised basis vectors, except happens far too quickly to be right
RB = greedy.greedy(TS, dt, tol)

##### Test this RB can span all random points
sourcealpha2 = np.zeros(10)
sourcedelta2 = np.zeros(10)
def greedy_bary(detector, tssize, wl, source, tGPS, Eephem, Sephem, dt):
    Generates emitdt data for sources and detector input. Creates Reduced Basis 
    for this using modified Gram-Schmidt process.  
    detector should be case insensitive string matching one of the below abbreviations
    NARRABRI CS08 = 'NA'
    Hobart, Tasmania = 'HO'
    DSS 43 XYZ = 'TD'
    PARKES  XYZ (JER) = 'PK'
    GB 300FT = 'G3'
    GB 140FT = 'G1RAD' (changed to distinguish it from GEO)
    VLA XYZ = 'VL'
    Nancay = 'NC'
    Effelsberg = 'EF'
    GW telescopes):
    LIGO Hanford = 'LHO', 'H1', 'H2'
    LIGO Livingston = 'LLO', 'L1'
    GEO 600 = 'GEO', 'G1'
    VIRGO = 'V1', 'VIRGO'
    TAMA = 'T1', 'TAMA'
    Earth geocentre = 'GEOCENTER'
    tssize is number of training sets, integer
    wl is length of training set, integer
    source = [sourcealpha, sourcedelta], 
    sourcealpha 1d array of right ascension, length wl
    sourcedelta 1d array of declination, length wl
    tGPS is array of linearly spaced time values within 630720013 and 1261872018
    of length wl
    Eephem & Sephem contain ephemeris data for the Earth and Sun respectively
    dt = tGPS[1]-tGPS[0]
    #initialises training sets
    TS = np.zeros((tssize, wl))
    for i in range(tssize):
        #performs barycentring functions for source i
        emit = get_bary_in_loop(tGPS, detector,[source[0][i], source[1][i]], Eephem, Sephem) 
        #creates training vectors of time difference
        [emitdt, emitte, emitdd, emitR, emitER, emitE, emitS] = emit
        TS[i]= np.reshape(emitdt, wl)
        ## normalises training vectors
        TS[i] /= np.sqrt(np.abs(greedy.dot_product(dt, TS[i], TS[i])))
    # tolerance for stopping algorithm
    tol = 1e-12
    #forms normalised basis vectors
    RB = greedy.greedy(TS, dt, tol)
    return RB