文件: td_cc2.py 项目: gkc1000/potato
def cc_gf_ao (nimp, freqs, delta, cc, mo_coeff):
    gf = greens_function.greens_function()
    # Calculate full (p,q) GF matrix in AO basis
    g_ip = gf.solve_ip_ao(cc, range(nimp), \
                          freqs.conj(), mo_coeff, delta).conj()
    g_ea = gf.solve_ea_ao(cc, range(nimp), \
                          freqs, mo_coeff, delta)

    return g_ip + g_ea
文件: dmft.py 项目: gkc1000/potato
def tdcc_gf(freqs, delta, cc, mo_coeff, ti=0, tf=40, nobs=800, tmax0=10000, tol=1.e-5):
    I think tf should something like ~2pi * energy width. For example
    if U=8, then tf=40 works well.

    tf/nobs defines the smallest frequency. Usually I choose nobs = ~10*tf
    tmax0 should be left as a large number, I think 10000 must be large enough
    n = mo_coeff.shape[0]

    times = np.linspace(ti,tf,nobs)
    deltat = float(tf - ti) / nobs

    # predict out to long times
    # note ntotal must be 2**n+1 since
    # we use romberg integration to do fourier transform integral
    ntotal0 = tmax0 / deltat

    nbase2 = np.int(np.log(ntotal0)/np.log(2))
    ntotal = 2**nbase2+1
    gf = greens_function.greens_function()
    gip = -gf.td_ip(cc, range(n), range(n),
                    times, re_im="re", tol=tol)

    gea = -gf.td_ea(cc, range(n), range(n),
                    times, re_im="re", tol=tol)

    PREDICT = True
    if PREDICT:
        # 2*pi/tmax gives a minimum oscillation frequency, so
        # graph will wiggle at least on this scale
        print "Total propagation time: ", ntotal * deltat
        predicted_gf_ip = tools.predict_gf(gip, ntotal)
        predicted_gf_ea = tools.predict_gf(gea, ntotal)
        gret = -1j * (predicted_gf_ip + predicted_gf_ea)
        gret_ao = np.einsum("pi,ijt,jq->pqt", mo_coeff, gret, mo_coeff.T)
        extrapolated_times = np.array([deltat*i for i in range(ntotal)])
        tmax = extrapolated_times[-1]
        gf_w = tools.get_gfw(gret_ao, extrapolated_times,
                             freqs, delta)
        gret = -1j * (gip + gea)
        gret_ao = np.einsum("pi,ijt,jq->pqt", mo_coeff, gret, mo_coeff.T)

        gf_w = tools.get_gfw(gret_ao, times,
                             freqs, delta)

    return gf_w
文件: dmft_ao.py 项目: gkc1000/potato
def cc_gf_ao (nimp, freqs, delta, cc, mo_coeff):
    n = mo_coeff.shape[0]
    nw = len(freqs)
    #gip = np.zeros((n,n,nw), np.complex128)
    #gea = np.zeros((n,n,nw), np.complex128)
    gf = greens_function.greens_function()
    # Calculate full (p,q) GF matrix in MO basis
    g_ip = gf.solve_ip_ao(cc, range(nimp), \
                          freqs.conj(), mo_coeff, delta).conj()
    g_ea = gf.solve_ea_ao(cc, range(nimp), \
                          freqs, mo_coeff, delta)

    return g_ip + g_ea
文件: td_cc2.py 项目: gkc1000/potato
def cc_gf (freqs, delta, cc, mo_coeff):
    n = mo_coeff.shape[0]
    nw = len(freqs)
    gf = greens_function.greens_function()
    # Calculate full (p,q) GF matrix in MO basis
    g_ip = gf.solve_ip(cc, range(n), range(n), \
                       freqs.conj(), delta).conj()
    g_ea = gf.solve_ea(cc, range(n), range(n), \
                       freqs, delta)

    # Change basis from MO to AO
    gf = np.zeros([n, n, nw], np.complex128)
    for iw, w in enumerate(freqs):
        g_ip_ = np.dot(mo_coeff, np.dot(g_ip[:,:,iw], mo_coeff.T))
        g_ea_ = np.dot(mo_coeff, np.dot(g_ea[:,:,iw], mo_coeff.T))
        gf[:,:,iw] = g_ip_+g_ea_
    return gf
def tdcc_gf_ao(nimp,
    See tdcc_gf.
    n = mo_coeff.shape[0]

    times = np.linspace(ti, tf, nobs)
    deltat = float(tf - ti) / nobs

    # predict out to long times
    # note ntotal must be 2**n+1 since
    # we use romberg integration to do fourier transform integral
    ntotal0 = tmax0 / deltat

    nbase2 = np.int(np.log(ntotal0) / np.log(2))
    ntotal = 2**nbase2 + 1

    gf = greens_function.greens_function()
    gip = -gf.td_ip_ao(cc, range(nimp), times, mo_coeff, re_im="re", tol=tol)

    gea = -gf.td_ea_ao(cc, range(nimp), times, mo_coeff, re_im="re", tol=tol)

    # 2*pi/tmax gives a minimum oscillation frequency, so
    # graph will wiggle at least on this scale
    print "Total propagation time: ", ntotal * deltat
    predicted_gf_ip = tools.predict_gf(gip, ntotal)
    predicted_gf_ea = tools.predict_gf(gea, ntotal)

    gret_ao = -1j * (predicted_gf_ip + predicted_gf_ea)

    extrapolated_times = np.array([deltat * i for i in range(ntotal)])
    tmax = extrapolated_times[-1]
    gf_w = tools.get_gfw(gret_ao, extrapolated_times, freqs, delta)

    return gf_w
def cc_gf(freqs, delta, cc, mo_coeff):
    n = mo_coeff.shape[0]
    nw = len(freqs)
    #gip = np.zeros((n,n,nw), np.complex128)
    #gea = np.zeros((n,n,nw), np.complex128)
    gf = greens_function.greens_function()
    # Calculate full (p,q) GF matrix in MO basis
    g_ip = gf.solve_ip(cc, range(n), range(n), \
                       freqs.conj(), delta).conj()
    g_ea = gf.solve_ea(cc, range(n), range(n), \
                       freqs, delta)

    # Change basis from MO to AO
    gf = np.zeros([n, n, nw], np.complex128)
    for iw, w in enumerate(freqs):
        g_ip_ = np.dot(mo_coeff, np.dot(g_ip[:, :, iw], mo_coeff.T))
        g_ea_ = np.dot(mo_coeff, np.dot(g_ea[:, :, iw], mo_coeff.T))
        gf[:, :, iw] = g_ip_ + g_ea_
    return gf
文件: dmft_ao.py 项目: gkc1000/potato
def tdcc_gf_ao(nimp, freqs, delta, cc, mo_coeff, ti=0, tf=40, nobs=800, tmax0=10000, tol=1.e-5):
    See tdcc_gf.
    n = mo_coeff.shape[0]

    times = np.linspace(ti,tf,nobs)
    deltat = float(tf - ti) / nobs

    # predict out to long times
    # note ntotal must be 2**n+1 since
    # we use romberg integration to do fourier transform integral
    ntotal0 = tmax0 / deltat

    nbase2 = np.int(np.log(ntotal0)/np.log(2))
    ntotal = 2**nbase2+1
    gf = greens_function.greens_function()
    gip = -gf.td_ip_ao(cc, range(nimp), 
                       times, mo_coeff, re_im="re", tol=tol)

    gea = -gf.td_ea_ao(cc, range(nimp), 
                       times, mo_coeff, re_im="re", tol=tol)

    # 2*pi/tmax gives a minimum oscillation frequency, so
    # graph will wiggle at least on this scale
    print "Total propagation time: ", ntotal * deltat
    predicted_gf_ip = tools.predict_gf(gip, ntotal)
    predicted_gf_ea = tools.predict_gf(gea, ntotal)
    gret_ao = -1j * (predicted_gf_ip + predicted_gf_ea)
    extrapolated_times = np.array([deltat*i for i in range(ntotal)])
    tmax = extrapolated_times[-1]
    gf_w = tools.get_gfw(gret_ao, extrapolated_times,
                         freqs, delta)

    return gf_w
def get_ea_ao(cc, norbs, times, mo_coeff, tol):
    gf = greens_function.greens_function()
    # - sign determined empirically
    return -gf.td_ea_ao(cc, range(norbs), times, mo_coeff, re_im="re", tol=tol)
文件: td_cc2.py 项目: gkc1000/potato
def get_ea_ao(cc, norbs, times, mo_coeff, tol):
    gf = greens_function.greens_function()
    # - sign determined empirically
    return -gf.td_ea_ao(cc, range(norbs), 
                        times, mo_coeff,
                        re_im="re", tol=tol)
def get_ea(cc, norbs, times, tol):
    gf = greens_function.greens_function()
    # - sign determined empirically
    return -gf.td_ea(cc, range(norbs), range(norbs), times, tol)
def main():
    args = sys.argv[1:]
    if len(args) == 2:
        U = int(args[0])
        eta = float(args[1])
        print "Usage: U/t eta[au]"
        return -1

    nbath = 8
    ncorr = 2
    nelectron = ncorr + nbath
    nbas = ncorr + nbath

    if U == 1:
        filename = "params/u1.00_6th.mak"
    elif U == 2:
        filename = "params/u2.00_10th.mak"
    elif U == 3:
        filename = "params/u3.00_13th.mak"
    elif U == 4:
        filename = "params/u4.00_12th.mak"
    elif U == 5:
        filename = "params/u5.00_11th.mak"
    elif U == 7:
        filename = "params/u7.00_10th.mak"
    elif U == 9:
        filename = "params/u9.00_12th.mak"
        print "U not coded -- quitting."
        return -1

    U, t, bath_onsite, bath_v = read_hubbard_params(nbath, ncorr, filename)

    h1 = np.zeros((nbas, nbas))
    # Filling in the correlated orbital matrix elements
    h1[0, 0] = h1[1, 1] = -U / 2.
    h1[0, 1] = h1[1, 0] = -t

    # Filling in the bath orbital matrix elements
    for i in range(nbath):
        index = ncorr + i
        h1[index, index] = bath_onsite[i]
        for j in range(ncorr):
            h1[j, index] = bath_v[j, i]
            h1[index, j] = h1[j, index]

    numpy.set_printoptions(threshold=100, precision=6, linewidth=120)

    for i in range(-1, nbas):
        for j in range(nbas):
            if i == -1:
                if j < ncorr:
                    print "%7s" % "corr",
                    print "%7s" % "bath",
                print "%7.4f" % h1[i, j],
        print ""
    print ""

    eri = numpy.zeros((nbas, nbas, nbas, nbas))
    for i in range(ncorr):
        eri[i, i, i, i] = U

    # Interfacing with pyscf
    # ----------------------
    mol = gto.M()
    mol.nelectron = nelectron
    mol.incore_anyway = True

    mf = scf.RHF(mol)
    mf.get_hcore = lambda *args: h1
    mf.get_ovlp = lambda *args: numpy.eye(nbas)
    mf._eri = ao2mo.restore(8, eri, nbas)

    mf.init_guess = '1e'
    escf = mf.scf()
    print "# pyscf HF evals = ", mf.mo_energy
    print "# pyscf HF evecs = "
    print mf.mo_coeff

    cc = pyscf.cc.CCSD(mf)
    print "cc.mo_energy =", cc.mo_energy
    ecc, t1, t2 = cc.ccsd()
    print "CCSD corr   : %.15f" % ecc
    print "CCSD energy : %.15f" % (ecc + escf)

    print "Solving lambda equations..."
    conv, l1, l2 = cc.solve_lambda()

    # Interfacing with EOM pyscf
    # ----------------------
    print "Repeating with EOM CCSD"
    cc_eom = pyscf.cc.rccsd_eom.RCCSD(mf)

    def my_ao2mofn(mol, bas, compact):
        return change_basis_2el(eri, mf.mo_coeff)

    # Give _ERIS class the eris in the MO basis
    eris = pyscf.cc.rccsd_eom._ERIS(cc_eom, ao2mofn=my_ao2mofn)
    ecc_eom, t1_eom, t2_eom = cc_eom.ccsd(eris=eris)
    print "EOM-CCSD corr   : %.15f" % ecc_eom
    print "EOM-CCSD energy : %.15f" % (ecc_eom + escf)

    #cc_eom.t1 = cc.t1
    #cc_eom.t2 = cc.t2
    cc_eom.l1 = cc.l1
    cc_eom.l2 = cc.l2

    if CISD == True:
        cc_eom.t1 *= 1e-5
        cc_eom.t2 *= 1e-5
        cc_eom.l1 *= 1e-5
        cc_eom.l2 *= 1e-5

    dw = 0.03
    wmin = -8.0
    wmax = 8.0
    nw = int((wmax - wmin) / dw) + 1
    omegas = numpy.linspace(wmin, wmax, nw)
    gip = np.zeros((nbas, nbas, len(omegas)), np.complex)
    gea = np.zeros((nbas, nbas, len(omegas)), np.complex)
    gf = greens_function.greens_function()
    # Calculate full (p,q) GF matrix in MO basis
    gip, gea = gf.solve_gf(cc_eom, range(nbas), range(nbas), omegas, eta)

    # Change basis from MO to AO
    gip_ao = np.einsum('ip,pqw,qj->ijw', mf.mo_coeff, gip, mf.mo_coeff.T)
    gea_ao = np.einsum('ip,pqw,qj->ijw', mf.mo_coeff, gea, mf.mo_coeff.T)

    # Save the local GF for the "correlated" impurity orbitals
    for i in range(ncorr):
            "gf_U-%.1f_ao-%d%d.dat" % (U, i, i),
                omegas, gip_ao[i, i, :].real, gip_ao[i, i, :].imag,
                gea_ao[i, i, :].real, gea_ao[i, i, :].imag

    # Make G0 for sigma
    nocc = nelectron / 2
    e, c = eig(h1)
    #e,c = mf.mo_energy.copy(), mf.mo_coeff.copy()
    g0ip = np.zeros_like(gip)
    g0ea = np.zeros_like(gea)
    for iw, w in enumerate(omegas):
        for i in range(nocc):
            g0ip[i, i, iw] = 1. / (w - e[i] - 1j * eta)
        for a in range(nocc, nbas):
            g0ea[a, a, iw] = 1. / (w - e[a] + 1j * eta)
    # Change basis from MO to AO
    g0ip_ao = np.einsum('ip,pqw,qj->ijw', c, g0ip, c.T)
    g0ea_ao = np.einsum('ip,pqw,qj->ijw', c, g0ea, c.T)

    for i in range(1):
        #for i in range(ncorr):
            "gf0_U-%.1f_ao-%d%d.dat" % (U, i, i),
                omegas, g0ip_ao[i, i, :].real, g0ip_ao[i, i, :].imag,
                g0ea_ao[i, i, :].real, g0ea_ao[i, i, :].imag

    g0_ret_ao = g0ip_ao.conj() + g0ea_ao
    g_ret_ao = gip_ao.conj() + gea_ao
    sigma = np.zeros_like(g_ret_ao)
    for iw, w in enumerate(omegas):
        sigma[:, :, iw] = np.linalg.inv(g0_ret_ao[:, :, iw]) - np.linalg.inv(
            g_ret_ao[:, :, iw])

    for i in range(1):
        #for i in range(ncorr):
            "sigma_U-%.1f_ao-%d%d.dat" % (U, i, i),
                [omegas, sigma[i, i, :].real, sigma[i, i, :].imag]))
文件: td_cc.py 项目: gkc1000/potato
def get_ea(cc, norbs, times, tol):
    gf = greens_function.greens_function()
    # - sign determined empirically
    return -gf.td_ea(cc, range(norbs), range(norbs),
                     times, tol)
文件: driver.py 项目: gkc1000/potato
def main():
    args = sys.argv[1:]
    if len(args) == 2:
        U = int(args[0])
        eta = float(args[1])
        print "Usage: U/t eta[au]"
        return -1

    nbath = 8
    ncorr = 2
    nelectron = ncorr + nbath
    nbas = ncorr + nbath

    if U == 1:
        filename = "params/u1.00_6th.mak"
    elif U == 2:
        filename = "params/u2.00_10th.mak"
    elif U == 3:
        filename = "params/u3.00_13th.mak"
    elif U == 4:
        filename = "params/u4.00_12th.mak"
    elif U == 5:
        filename = "params/u5.00_11th.mak"
    elif U == 7:
        filename = "params/u7.00_10th.mak"
    elif U == 9:
        filename = "params/u9.00_12th.mak"
        print "U not coded -- quitting."
        return -1

    U, t, bath_onsite, bath_v = read_hubbard_params(nbath, ncorr, filename)

    h1 = np.zeros((nbas,nbas))
    # Filling in the correlated orbital matrix elements
    h1[0,0] = h1[1,1] = -U/2.
    h1[0,1] = h1[1,0] = -t

    # Filling in the bath orbital matrix elements
    for i in range(nbath):
        index = ncorr + i
        h1[index,index] = bath_onsite[i]
        for j in range(ncorr):
            h1[j,index] = bath_v[j,i]
            h1[index,j] = h1[j,index]


    for i in range(-1,nbas):
        for j in range(nbas):
            if i == -1:
                if j < ncorr:
                    print "%7s" % "corr",
                    print "%7s" % "bath",
                print "%7.4f" % h1[i,j],
        print ""
    print ""

    eri = numpy.zeros((nbas,nbas,nbas,nbas))
    for i in range(ncorr):
        eri[i,i,i,i] = U

    # Interfacing with pyscf
    # ----------------------
    mol = gto.M()
    mol.nelectron = nelectron
    mol.incore_anyway = True

    mf = scf.RHF(mol)
    mf.get_hcore = lambda *args: h1
    mf.get_ovlp = lambda *args: numpy.eye(nbas)
    mf._eri = ao2mo.restore(8, eri, nbas)

    mf.init_guess = '1e'
    escf = mf.scf()
    print "# pyscf HF evals = ", mf.mo_energy
    print "# pyscf HF evecs = "
    print mf.mo_coeff

    cc = pyscf.cc.CCSD(mf)
    print "cc.mo_energy =", cc.mo_energy
    ecc,t1,t2 = cc.ccsd()
    print "CCSD corr   : %.15f" % ecc
    print "CCSD energy : %.15f" % (ecc+escf)

    print "Solving lambda equations..."
    conv,l1,l2 = cc.solve_lambda()

    # Interfacing with EOM pyscf
    # ----------------------
    print "Repeating with EOM CCSD"
    cc_eom = pyscf.cc.rccsd_eom.RCCSD(mf) 
    def my_ao2mofn(mol, bas, compact):
        return change_basis_2el(eri, mf.mo_coeff)
    # Give _ERIS class the eris in the MO basis
    eris = pyscf.cc.rccsd_eom._ERIS(cc_eom, ao2mofn=my_ao2mofn)
    ecc_eom, t1_eom, t2_eom = cc_eom.ccsd(eris=eris)
    print "EOM-CCSD corr   : %.15f" % ecc_eom
    print "EOM-CCSD energy : %.15f" % (ecc_eom+escf)

    #cc_eom.t1 = cc.t1
    #cc_eom.t2 = cc.t2
    cc_eom.l1 = cc.l1
    cc_eom.l2 = cc.l2

    if CISD == True:
        cc_eom.t1 *= 1e-5
        cc_eom.t2 *= 1e-5
        cc_eom.l1 *= 1e-5
        cc_eom.l2 *= 1e-5

    dw = 0.03
    wmin = -8.0
    wmax = 8.0
    nw = int((wmax-wmin)/dw) + 1
    omegas = numpy.linspace(wmin, wmax, nw)
    gip = np.zeros((nbas,nbas,len(omegas)),np.complex)
    gea = np.zeros((nbas,nbas,len(omegas)),np.complex)
    gf = greens_function.greens_function()
    # Calculate full (p,q) GF matrix in MO basis
    gip, gea = gf.solve_gf(cc_eom,range(nbas),range(nbas),omegas,eta)

    # Change basis from MO to AO
    gip_ao = np.einsum('ip,pqw,qj->ijw',mf.mo_coeff,gip,mf.mo_coeff.T)
    gea_ao = np.einsum('ip,pqw,qj->ijw',mf.mo_coeff,gea,mf.mo_coeff.T)

    # Save the local GF for the "correlated" impurity orbitals
    for i in range(ncorr):
                                gip_ao[i,i,:].real, gip_ao[i,i,:].imag,
                                gea_ao[i,i,:].real, gea_ao[i,i,:].imag]))

    # Make G0 for sigma
    nocc = nelectron/2
    e,c = eig(h1)
    #e,c = mf.mo_energy.copy(), mf.mo_coeff.copy()
    g0ip = np.zeros_like(gip)
    g0ea = np.zeros_like(gea)
    for iw,w in enumerate(omegas):
        for i in range(nocc):
            g0ip[i,i,iw] = 1./(w-e[i]-1j*eta)
        for a in range(nocc,nbas):
            g0ea[a,a,iw] = 1./(w-e[a]+1j*eta)
    # Change basis from MO to AO
    g0ip_ao = np.einsum('ip,pqw,qj->ijw',c,g0ip,c.T)
    g0ea_ao = np.einsum('ip,pqw,qj->ijw',c,g0ea,c.T)

    for i in range(1):
    #for i in range(ncorr):
                                g0ip_ao[i,i,:].real, g0ip_ao[i,i,:].imag,
                                g0ea_ao[i,i,:].real, g0ea_ao[i,i,:].imag]))

    g0_ret_ao = g0ip_ao.conj() + g0ea_ao
    g_ret_ao = gip_ao.conj() + gea_ao
    sigma = np.zeros_like(g_ret_ao)
    for iw,w in enumerate(omegas):
        sigma[:,:,iw] = np.linalg.inv(g0_ret_ao[:,:,iw]) - np.linalg.inv(g_ret_ao[:,:,iw]) 

    for i in range(1):
    #for i in range(ncorr):
            numpy.column_stack([omegas, sigma[i,i,:].real, sigma[i,i,:].imag]))