    def test_alive(self):
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([5, 5])
        NCoarseElement = np.array([20, 20])
        NFine = NWorldCoarse * NCoarseElement
        NtFine = np.prod(NFine)
        NpCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse + 1)
        NpFine = np.prod(NWorldCoarse * NCoarseElement + 1)

        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)

        IPatchGenerator = lambda i, N: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(
            i, N, NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)

        k = 5

        pglod = pg.PetrovGalerkinLOD(world, k, IPatchGenerator, 0)

        aBase = np.ones(NtFine)
                                                    NCoarseElement, aBase),

        K = pglod.assembleMsStiffnessMatrix()
        self.assertTrue(np.all(K.shape == NpCoarse))

        basisCorrectors = pglod.assembleBasisCorrectors()
        self.assertTrue(np.all(basisCorrectors.shape == (NpFine, NpCoarse)))
    def test_trivial(self):
        NPatchCoarse = np.array([3,3])
        NCoarseElement = np.array([2,2])
        NPatchFine = NPatchCoarse*NCoarseElement
        Nt = np.prod(NPatchFine)
        Np = np.prod(NPatchFine+1)
        fixed = util.boundarypIndexMap(NPatchFine)

        world = World(NPatchCoarse, NCoarseElement)
        patch = Patch(world, 3, 0)
        aFlatPatchFine = np.ones(Nt)
        ALoc = fem.localStiffnessMatrix(NPatchFine)
        APatchFull = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NPatchFine, ALoc, aFlatPatchFine)

        PPatch = fem.assembleProlongationMatrix(NPatchCoarse, NCoarseElement)

        IPatchNodal = interp.nodalPatchMatrix(patch)
        #IPatchuncL2 = interp.uncoupledL2ProjectionPatchMatrix(np.array([0, 0]), NPatchCoarse, NPatchCoarse, NCoarseElement)
        IPatchL2 = interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(patch)

        for IPatch in [IPatchNodal, IPatchL2]:
            bPatchFullList = []
            self.assertTrue(not lod.ritzProjectionToFinePatch(patch, APatchFull, bPatchFullList, IPatch))

            bPatchFullList = [np.zeros(Np)]
            projections = lod.ritzProjectionToFinePatch(patch, APatchFull, bPatchFullList, IPatch)
            self.assertEqual(len(projections), 1)
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(projections[0], 0*projections[0]))

            bPatchFull = np.random.rand(Np)
            bPatchFullList = [bPatchFull]
            projections = lod.ritzProjectionToFinePatch(patch, APatchFull, bPatchFullList, IPatch)
            self.assertTrue(np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(IPatch*projections[0]), 0))
            self.assertTrue(np.isclose(np.dot(projections[0], APatchFull*projections[0]),
                                       np.dot(projections[0], bPatchFullList[0])))

            self.assertTrue(np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(projections[0][fixed]), 0))

            bPatchFullList = [bPatchFull, -bPatchFull]
            projections = lod.ritzProjectionToFinePatch(patch, APatchFull, bPatchFullList, IPatch)
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(projections[0], -projections[1]))

            bPatchFullList = [np.random.rand(Np), np.random.rand(Np)]
            projections = lod.ritzProjectionToFinePatch(patch, APatchFull, bPatchFullList, IPatch)
            self.assertTrue(np.isclose(np.dot(projections[1], APatchFull*projections[0]),
                                       np.dot(projections[1], bPatchFullList[0])))

            bPatchFull = np.random.rand(Np)
            bPatchFullList = [bPatchFull]
            projectionCheckAgainst = lod.ritzProjectionToFinePatch(patch, APatchFull, bPatchFullList, IPatch)[0]

            for saddleSolver in [#lod.nullspaceOneLevelHierarchySolver(NPatchCoarse, NCoarseElement),
                projection = lod.ritzProjectionToFinePatch(patch, APatchFull, bPatchFullList,
                                                           IPatch, saddleSolver)[0]
                self.assertTrue(np.isclose(np.max(np.abs(projectionCheckAgainst-projection)), 0))
def computeKmsij(TInd):
    patch = Patch(world, k, TInd)
    IPatch = lambda: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(patch, boundaryConditions)
    aPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, aFine_ref)

    correctorsList = lod.computeBasisCorrectors(patch, IPatch, aPatch)
    csi = lod.computeBasisCoarseQuantities(patch, correctorsList, aPatch)
    return patch, correctorsList, csi.Kmsij, csi
def real_computeKmsij(TInd):
    print('.', end='', flush=True)
    patch = Patch(world, k, TInd)
    IPatch = lambda: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(patch, boundaryConditions)
    aPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, a_Fine_to_be_approximated)

    correctorsList = lod.computeBasisCorrectors(patch, IPatch, aPatch)
    csi = lod.computeBasisCoarseQuantities(patch, correctorsList, aPatch)
    return patch, correctorsList, csi.Kmsij, csi
def computeRmsi(TInd):
    patch = Patch(world, k, TInd)
    IPatch = lambda: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(patch, boundaryConditions)
    aPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, aFine_ref)
    MRhsList = [f_ref[util.extractElementFine(world.NWorldCoarse,

    correctorRhs = lod.computeElementCorrector(patch, IPatch, aPatch, None, MRhsList)[0]
    Rmsi = lod.computeRhsCoarseQuantities(patch, correctorRhs, aPatch)
    return patch, correctorRhs, Rmsi
    def computeKmsij(TInd, aPatch, k, boundaryConditions):
        tic = time.perf_counter()
        patch = lod_periodic.PatchPeriodic(world, k, TInd)
        if dim == 1:
            IPatch = lambda: interp.nodalPatchMatrix(patch)
            IPatch = lambda: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(
                patch, boundaryConditions)

        correctorsList = lod.computeBasisCorrectors(patch, IPatch, aPatch)
        csi = lod.computeBasisCoarseQuantities(patch, correctorsList, aPatch)
        toc = time.perf_counter()
        return patch, correctorsList, csi.Kmsij, csi.muTPrime, toc - tic
            def UpdateCorrectors(TInd):
                patch = Patch(world, ell, TInd)
                IPatch = lambda: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(
                    patch, boundaryConditions)
                aPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, aFine)
                kPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, kFine)
                k2Patch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, k2FineU)

                correctorsList = lod.computeBasisCorrectors_helmholtz(
                    patch, IPatch, aPatch, kPatch, k2Patch)
                csi = lod.computeBasisCoarseQuantities_helmholtz(
                    patch, correctorsList, aPatch, kPatch, k2Patch)
                return patch, correctorsList, csi.Kmsij, csi.Mmsij, csi.Bdmsij, csi.muTPrime
def real_computeRmsi(TInd):
    print('.', end='', flush=True)
    patch = Patch(world, k, TInd)
    IPatch = lambda: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(patch, boundaryConditions)
    aPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, a_Fine_to_be_approximated)
    MRhsList = [f_ref[util.extractElementFine(world.NWorldCoarse,

    correctorRhs = lod.computeElementCorrector(patch, IPatch, aPatch, None, MRhsList)[0]
    Rmsi, cetaTPrime = lod.computeRhsCoarseQuantities(patch, correctorRhs, aPatch, True)

    return patch, correctorRhs, Rmsi, cetaTPrime
    def test_stiffessMatrix(self):
        # Compare stiffness matrix from PG object with the one
        # computed from correctors and fine stiffness matrix
        NWorldFine = np.array([10, 10])
        NpFine = np.prod(NWorldFine + 1)
        NtFine = np.prod(NWorldFine)
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([2, 2])
        NCoarseElement = NWorldFine / NWorldCoarse
        NtCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse)
        NpCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse + 1)

        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)


        aBase = np.random.rand(NtFine)
        aCoef = coef.coefficientFine(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, aBase)

        IPatchGenerator = lambda i, N: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(
            i, N, NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)
        IWorld = IPatchGenerator(0 * NWorldCoarse, NWorldCoarse)

        k = 2
        printLevel = 0
        pglod = pg.PetrovGalerkinLOD(world, k, IPatchGenerator, 0, printLevel)

        pglod.updateCorrectors(aCoef, clearFineQuantities=False)

        KmsFull = pglod.assembleMsStiffnessMatrix()
        KFull = pglod.assembleStiffnessMatrix()

        basis = fem.assembleProlongationMatrix(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)
        basisCorrectors = pglod.assembleBasisCorrectors()

            np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(IWorld * basisCorrectors.todense()), 0))

        modifiedBasis = basis - basisCorrectors
        AFine = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NWorldFine, world.ALocFine, aBase)

        KmsRef = np.dot(basis.T, AFine * modifiedBasis)
        KRef = np.dot(basis.T, AFine * basis)

            np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(KFull.todense() - KRef.todense()), 0))
            np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(KmsFull.todense() - KmsRef.todense()),
    def test_testCsi(self):
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([4, 5, 6])
        NCoarseElement = np.array([5, 2, 3])
        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)
        d = np.size(NWorldCoarse)
        k = 1
        iElementWorldCoarse = np.array([2, 1, 2])
        ec = lod.elementCorrector(world, k, iElementWorldCoarse)
        IPatch = interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(ec.iPatchWorldCoarse, ec.NPatchCoarse, NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)

        NtPatch = np.prod(ec.NPatchCoarse*NCoarseElement)


        aPatch = np.random.rand(NtPatch)
        coefficientPatch = coef.coefficientFine(ec.NPatchCoarse, NCoarseElement, aPatch)
        ec.computeCorrectors(coefficientPatch, IPatch)

        TFinetIndexMap   = util.extractElementFine(ec.NPatchCoarse,
        TFinepIndexMap   = util.extractElementFine(ec.NPatchCoarse,
        TCoarsepIndexMap   = util.extractElementFine(ec.NPatchCoarse,

        APatchFine      = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(ec.NPatchCoarse*NCoarseElement, world.ALocFine, aPatch)
        AElementFine    = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NCoarseElement, world.ALocFine, aPatch[TFinetIndexMap])
        basisPatch      = fem.assembleProlongationMatrix(ec.NPatchCoarse, NCoarseElement)
        correctorsPatch = np.column_stack(ec.fsi.correctorsList)

        localBasis = world.localBasis

        KmsijShouldBe = -basisPatch.T*(APatchFine*(correctorsPatch))
        KmsijShouldBe[TCoarsepIndexMap,:] += np.dot(localBasis.T, AElementFine*localBasis)
        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(np.max(np.abs(ec.csi.Kmsij-KmsijShouldBe)), 0))
    def test_testCsi_Kmsij(self):
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([4, 5, 6])
        NCoarseElement = np.array([5, 2, 3])
        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)
        d = np.size(NWorldCoarse)
        k = 1
        iElementWorldCoarse = np.array([2, 1, 2])
        TInd = util.convertpCoordIndexToLinearIndex(NWorldCoarse, iElementWorldCoarse)
        patch = Patch(world, k, TInd)
        IPatch = interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(patch)
        NtPatch = patch.NtFine
        aPatch = np.random.rand(NtPatch)
        basisCorrectorsList = lod.computeBasisCorrectors(patch, IPatch, aPatch)
        csi = lod.computeBasisCoarseQuantities(patch, basisCorrectorsList, aPatch)

        TFinetIndexMap   = util.extractElementFine(patch.NPatchCoarse,
        TFinepIndexMap   = util.extractElementFine(patch.NPatchCoarse,
        TCoarsepIndexMap   = util.extractElementFine(patch.NPatchCoarse,

        APatchFine      = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(patch.NPatchFine, world.ALocFine, aPatch)
        AElementFine    = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NCoarseElement, world.ALocFine, aPatch[TFinetIndexMap])
        basisPatch      = fem.assembleProlongationMatrix(patch.NPatchCoarse, NCoarseElement)
        correctorsPatch = np.column_stack(basisCorrectorsList)

        localBasis = world.localBasis

        KmsijShouldBe = -basisPatch.T*(APatchFine*(correctorsPatch))
        KmsijShouldBe[TCoarsepIndexMap,:] += np.dot(localBasis.T, AElementFine*localBasis)
        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(np.max(np.abs(csi.Kmsij-KmsijShouldBe)), 0))
def computeRmsi(TInd):
    print('.', end='', flush=True)
    patch = Patch(world, k, TInd)
    IPatch = lambda: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(patch, boundaryConditions)
    aPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, aFine_ref)
    MRhsList = [

    correctorRhs = lod.computeElementCorrector(patch, IPatch, aPatch, None,
    Rmsi, cetaTPrime = lod.computeRhsCoarseQuantities(patch, correctorRhs,
                                                      aPatch, True)

    eft_patch = Patch(world, 1, TInd)
    a_eft_Patch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(eft_patch, aFine_ref)
    etaT = lod.computeSupremumForEf(eft_patch, a_eft_Patch)
    return patch, correctorRhs, Rmsi, cetaTPrime, etaT
def PGsolver(world, ABase, f,k):
    NWorldFine = world.NWorldFine
    NWorldCoarse = world.NWorldCoarse
    NCoarseElement = world.NCoarseElement
    boundaryConditions = world.boundaryConditions
    NpFine = np.prod(NWorldFine+1)
    NpCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse+1)
    IPatchGenerator = lambda i, N: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(i, N, NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)
    #Coefficient (need flatten form)
    aCoef = coef.coefficientFine(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, ABase)

    pglod = pg_pert.PerturbedPetrovGalerkinLOD(aCoef, world, k, IPatchGenerator, 0)

    KFull = pglod.assembleMsStiffnessMatrix()                                    
    MFull = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NWorldCoarse, world.MLocCoarse)
    free  = util.interiorpIndexMap(NWorldCoarse)                                 

    bFull = MFull*f

    KFree = KFull[free][:,free]
    bFree = bFull[free]

    xFree = sparse.linalg.spsolve(KFree, bFree)

    basis = fem.assembleProlongationMatrix(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)
    basisCorrectors = pglod.assembleBasisCorrectors()
    modifiedBasis = basis - basisCorrectors
    xFull = np.zeros(NpCoarse)
    xFull[free] = xFree
    uLodCoarse = xFull
    uLodFine = modifiedBasis*xFull
    return uLodCoarse, uLodFine
    def UpdateCorrectors(self, TInd):
        # print(" UPDATING {}".format(TInd))
        patch = Patch(self.world, self.k, TInd)
        IPatch = lambda: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(
            patch, self.boundaryConditions)
        rPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(
            patch, self.a_Fine_to_be_approximated)

        MRhsList = [

        correctorsList = lod.computeBasisCorrectors(patch, IPatch, rPatch)
        csi = lod.computeBasisCoarseQuantities(patch, correctorsList, rPatch)

        correctorRhs = lod.computeElementCorrector(patch, IPatch, rPatch, None,
        Rmsij = lod.computeRhsCoarseQuantities(patch, correctorRhs, rPatch)

        return patch, correctorsList, csi.Kmsij, Rmsij, correctorRhs
    def test_ritzProjectionToFinePatchBoundaryConditions(self):
        NPatchCoarse = np.array([4, 4])
        NCoarseElement = np.array([10, 10])
        world = World(NPatchCoarse, NCoarseElement)
        patch = Patch(world, 4, 0)
        NPatchFine = NPatchCoarse*NCoarseElement
        NpFine = np.prod(NPatchFine + 1)
        APatchFull = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NPatchCoarse*NCoarseElement, world.ALocFine)
        bPatchFullList = [np.ones(NpFine)]

        fixed = util.boundarypIndexMap(NPatchFine)
        for IPatch in [interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(patch),

            schurComplementSolver = lod.SchurComplementSolver()
            schurComplementSolution = lod.ritzProjectionToFinePatch(patch,
                                                                    APatchFull, bPatchFullList,
            self.assertTrue(np.isclose(np.max(np.abs(schurComplementSolution[fixed])), 0))
    def test_computeSingleT(self):
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([4, 5, 6])
        NCoarseElement = np.array([5, 2, 3])
        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)
        d = np.size(NWorldCoarse)
        k = 1
        iElementWorldCoarse = np.array([2, 1, 2])
        TInd = util.convertpCoordIndexToLinearIndex(NWorldCoarse, iElementWorldCoarse)
        patch = Patch(world, k, TInd)

        IPatch = interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(patch)
        NtPatch = patch.NtFine

        aPatch = np.ones(NtPatch)
        basisCorrectorsList = lod.computeBasisCorrectors(patch, IPatch, aPatch)

        correctorSum = reduce(np.add, basisCorrectorsList)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(correctorSum, 0))

        csi = lod.computeBasisCoarseQuantities(patch, basisCorrectorsList, aPatch)
        # Test that the matrices have the constants in their null space
        #self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.sum(ec.csi.LTPrimeij, axis=1), 0))
        #self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.sum(ec.csi.LTPrimeij, axis=2), 0))

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.sum(csi.Kij, axis=0), 0))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.sum(csi.Kij, axis=1), 0))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.sum(csi.Kmsij, axis=0), 0))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.sum(csi.Kmsij, axis=1), 0))

        # I had difficulties come up with test cases here. This test
        # verifies that most "energy" is in the element T.
        elementTIndex = util.convertpCoordIndexToLinearIndex(patch.NPatchCoarse-1, patch.iElementPatchCoarse)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(csi.muTPrime[elementTIndex] >= csi.muTPrime))
        self.assertTrue(not np.all(csi.muTPrime[elementTIndex+1] >= csi.muTPrime))
def helmholtz_nonlinear_adaptive(mapper, fineLvl, coarseLvl, maxit):
    fineExp = fineLvl
    NFine = np.array([2**fineLvl, 2**fineLvl])
    NpFine = np.prod(NFine + 1)
    N = 2**coarseLvl
    tolList = [2.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.0625, 0.]
    ell = 2  # localization parameter

    k = 15.  # wavenumber
    maxit_Fine = 200

    xt = util.tCoordinates(NFine)
    xp = util.pCoordinates(NFine)

    # multiscale coefficients on the scale NFine-2
    sizeK = np.size(xt[:, 0])
    nFine = NFine[0]

    # determine domain D_eps = supp(1-n) = supp(1-A) (all equal for the moment)
    indicesIn = (xt[:, 0] > 0.15) & (xt[:, 0] < 0.85) & (xt[:, 1] > 0.15) & (
        xt[:, 1] < 0.85)
    indicesInEps = (xt[:, 0] > 0.15) & (xt[:, 0] < 0.85) & (
        xt[:, 1] > 0.15) & (xt[:, 1] < 0.85)

    # coefficients
    aFine = np.ones(xt.shape[0])

    cn = .05  # lower bound on n
    Cn = 1.  # upper bound on n
    nEpsPro = coeffi(xt[:, 0], xt[:, 1], fineLvl)

    k2Fine = k**2 * np.ones(xt.shape[0])
    k2Fine[indicesIn] = k**2 * ((Cn - cn) * nEpsPro[indicesIn] + cn)
    kFine = k * np.ones(xt.shape[0])

    Ceps = 0.3  # upper bound on eps (lower bound is 0)
    epsEpsPro = np.ones(sizeK)
    epsFine = np.zeros(xt.shape[0])
    epsFine[indicesInEps] = Ceps * epsEpsPro[indicesInEps]  # 0 OR Ceps

    plotC = np.ones(sizeK)
    plotC[indicesIn] = nEpsPro[indicesIn]
    drawCoefficient(NFine, plotC)

    xC = xp[:, 0]
    yC = xp[:, 1]

    # define right-hand side and boundary condition
    def funcF(x, y):
        res = 100 * np.ones(x.shape, dtype='complex128')
        return res

    f = funcF(xC, yC)

    # reference solution
    uSol = np.zeros(NpFine, dtype='complex128')

    # boundary conditions
    boundaryConditions = np.array([[1, 1], [1, 1]])
    worldFine = World(NFine, np.array([1, 1]), boundaryConditions)

    # fine matrices
    BdFineFEM = fem.assemblePatchBoundaryMatrix(
        NFine, fem.localBoundaryMassMatrixGetter(NFine))
    MFineFEM = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NFine, fem.localMassMatrix(NFine))
    KFineFEM = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(
        NFine, fem.localStiffnessMatrix(NFine))  # , aFine)

    kBdFine = fem.assemblePatchBoundaryMatrix(
        NFine, fem.localBoundaryMassMatrixGetter(NFine), kFine)
    KFine = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NFine, fem.localStiffnessMatrix(NFine),

    print('***computing reference solution***')

    uOldFine = np.zeros(NpFine, dtype='complex128')

    for it in np.arange(maxit_Fine):
        print('-- itFine = %d' % it)
        knonlinUpreFine = np.abs(uOldFine)
        knonlinUFine = func.evaluateCQ1(NFine, knonlinUpreFine, xt)

        k2FineUfine = np.copy(k2Fine)
        k2FineUfine[indicesInEps] *= (
            1. + epsFine[indicesInEps] * knonlinUFine[indicesInEps]**2
        )  # full coefficient, including nonlinearity

        k2MFine = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(
            NFine, fem.localMassMatrix(NFine),
            k2FineUfine)  # weighted mass matrix, updated in every iteration

        nodesFine = np.arange(worldFine.NpFine)
        fixFine = util.boundarypIndexMap(NFine, boundaryConditions == 0)
        freeFine = np.setdiff1d(nodesFine, fixFine)

        # right-hand side
        fhQuad = MFineFEM * f

        # fine system
        lhsh = KFine[freeFine][:, freeFine] - k2MFine[
            freeFine][:, freeFine] + 1j * kBdFine[freeFine][:, freeFine]
        rhsh = fhQuad[freeFine]
        xFreeFine = sparse.linalg.spsolve(lhsh, rhsh)

        xFullFine = np.zeros(worldFine.NpFine, dtype='complex128')
        xFullFine[freeFine] = xFreeFine
        uOldFine = np.copy(xFullFine)

        # residual - used as stopping criterion
        knonlinU = np.abs(uOldFine)
        knonlinUFineIt = func.evaluateCQ1(NFine, knonlinU, xt)

        k2FineUfineIt = np.copy(k2Fine)
        k2FineUfineIt[indicesInEps] *= (
            1. + epsFine[indicesInEps] * knonlinUFineIt[indicesInEps]**2
        )  # update full coefficient, including nonlinearity

        k2MFineIt = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NFine, fem.localMassMatrix(NFine),
        Ares = KFine - k2MFineIt + 1j * kBdFine
        residual = np.linalg.norm(Ares * xFullFine - fhQuad) / np.linalg.norm(
            Ares * xFullFine)
        print('---- residual = %.4e' % residual)

        if residual < 1e-12:
            break  # stopping criterion

    uSol = xFullFine  # final fine reference solution

    print('***reference solution computed***\n')

    counter = 0  # for figures

    print('***computing multiscale approximations***')

    relErrEnergy = np.zeros([len(tolList), maxit])

    for tol in tolList:
        counter += 1
        print('H = %.4e, tol = %.4e' % (1. / N, tol))
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([N, N])
        NCoarseElement = NFine // NWorldCoarse
        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)
        NpCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse + 1)

        uOldUps = np.zeros(NpFine, dtype='complex128')

        for it in np.arange(maxit):
            print('-- it = %d:' % it)
            knonlinUpre = np.abs(uOldUps)
            knonlinU = func.evaluateCQ1(NFine, knonlinUpre, xt)

            k2FineU = np.copy(k2Fine)
            k2FineU[indicesInEps] *= (
                1. + epsFine[indicesInEps] * knonlinU[indicesInEps]**2)

            print('---- starting computation of correctors')

            def computeLocalContribution(TInd):
                patch = Patch(world, ell, TInd)
                IPatch = lambda: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(
                    patch, boundaryConditions)
                aPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, aFine)
                kPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, kFine)
                k2Patch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, k2FineU)

                correctorsList = lod.computeBasisCorrectors_helmholtz(
                    patch, IPatch, aPatch, kPatch,
                    k2Patch)  # adapted for Helmholtz setting
                csi = lod.computeBasisCoarseQuantities_helmholtz(
                    patch, correctorsList, aPatch, kPatch,
                    k2Patch)  # adapted for Helmholtz setting
                return patch, correctorsList, csi.Kmsij, csi.Mmsij, csi.Bdmsij, csi.muTPrime

            def computeIndicators(TInd):
                k2FineUPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(
                    patchT[TInd], k2FineU)
                k2FineUOldPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(
                    patchT[TInd], k2FineUOld)

                E_vh = lod.computeErrorIndicatorCoarse_helmholtz(
                    patchT[TInd], muTPrime[TInd], k2FineUOldPatch,
                return E_vh

            def UpdateCorrectors(TInd):
                patch = Patch(world, ell, TInd)
                IPatch = lambda: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(
                    patch, boundaryConditions)
                aPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, aFine)
                kPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, kFine)
                k2Patch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, k2FineU)

                correctorsList = lod.computeBasisCorrectors_helmholtz(
                    patch, IPatch, aPatch, kPatch, k2Patch)
                csi = lod.computeBasisCoarseQuantities_helmholtz(
                    patch, correctorsList, aPatch, kPatch,
                    k2Patch)  # adapted for Helmholtz setting
                return patch, correctorsList, csi.Kmsij, csi.Mmsij, csi.Bdmsij, csi.muTPrime

            def UpdateElements(tol, E, Kmsij_old, Mmsij_old, Bdmsij_old,
                               correctors_old, mu_old):
                print('---- apply tolerance')
                Elements_to_be_updated = []
                for (i, eps) in E.items():
                    if eps > tol * k**2:
                if len(E) > 0:
                        '---- percentage of non-zero element correctors to be updated: %.4f'
                        % (100 * np.size(Elements_to_be_updated) / len(E)),
                        '---- total percentage of element correctors to be updated: %.4f'
                        (100 * np.size(Elements_to_be_updated) / len(mu_old)),

                print('---- update local contributions')
                KmsijT_list = list(np.copy(Kmsij_old))
                MmsijT_list = list(np.copy(Mmsij_old))
                BdmsijT_list = list(np.copy(Bdmsij_old))
                muT_list = np.copy(mu_old)
                for T in np.setdiff1d(range(world.NtCoarse),
                    patch = Patch(world, ell, T)
                    aPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, aFine)
                    kPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, kFine)
                    k2Patch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, k2FineU)
                    csi = lod.computeBasisCoarseQuantities_helmholtz(
                        patch, correctors_old[T], aPatch, kPatch, k2Patch)

                    KmsijT_list[T] = csi.Kmsij
                    MmsijT_list[T] = csi.Mmsij
                    BdmsijT_list[T] = csi.Bdmsij
                    muT_list[T] = csi.muTPrime

                if np.size(Elements_to_be_updated) != 0:
                    #print('---- update correctors')
                    patchT_irrelevant, correctorsListTNew, KmsijTNew, MmsijTNew, BdmsijTNew, muTPrimeNew = zip(
                        *mapper(UpdateCorrectors, Elements_to_be_updated))

                    #print('---- update correctorsList')
                    correctorsListT_list = list(np.copy(correctors_old))
                    i = 0
                    for T in Elements_to_be_updated:
                        KmsijT_list[T] = KmsijTNew[i]
                        correctorsListT_list[T] = correctorsListTNew[i]
                        MmsijT_list[T] = MmsijTNew[i]
                        BdmsijT_list[T] = BdmsijTNew[i]
                        muT_list[T] = muTPrimeNew[i]
                        i += 1

                    KmsijT = tuple(KmsijT_list)
                    correctorsListT = tuple(correctorsListT_list)
                    MmsijT = tuple(MmsijT_list)
                    BdmsijT = tuple(BdmsijT_list)
                    muTPrime = tuple(muT_list)
                    return correctorsListT, KmsijT, MmsijT, BdmsijT, muTPrime
                    KmsijT = tuple(KmsijT_list)
                    MmsijT = tuple(MmsijT_list)
                    BdmsijT = tuple(BdmsijT_list)
                    muTPrime = tuple(muT_list)
                    return correctors_old, KmsijT, MmsijT, BdmsijT, muTPrime

            if it == 0:
                patchT, correctorsListT, KmsijT, MmsijT, BdmsijT, muTPrime = zip(
                    *mapper(computeLocalContribution, range(world.NtCoarse)))
                E_vh = list(mapper(computeIndicators, range(world.NtCoarse)))
                    '---- maximal value error estimator for basis correctors {}'
                E = {i: E_vh[i] for i in range(np.size(E_vh)) if E_vh[i] > 0}

                # loop over elements with possible recomputation of correctors
                correctorsListT, KmsijT, MmsijT, BdmsijT, muTPrime = UpdateElements(
                    tol, E, KmsijT, MmsijT, BdmsijT, correctorsListT,
                    muTPrime)  # tol scaled by maximal error indicator

            print('---- finished computation of correctors')

            KLOD = pglod.assembleMsStiffnessMatrix(
                world, patchT, KmsijT)  # ms stiffness matrix
            k2MLOD = pglod.assembleMsStiffnessMatrix(world, patchT,
                                                     MmsijT)  # ms mass matrix
            kBdLOD = pglod.assembleMsStiffnessMatrix(
                world, patchT, BdmsijT)  # ms boundary matrix
            MFEM = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NWorldCoarse, world.MLocCoarse)
            BdFEM = fem.assemblePatchBoundaryMatrix(
                NWorldCoarse, fem.localBoundaryMassMatrixGetter(NWorldCoarse))
            print('---- coarse matrices assembled')

            nodes = np.arange(world.NpCoarse)
            fix = util.boundarypIndexMap(NWorldCoarse, boundaryConditions == 0)
            free = np.setdiff1d(nodes, fix)
            assert (nodes.all() == free.all())

            # compute global interpolation matrix
            patchGlobal = Patch(world, NFine[0] + 2, 0)
            IH = interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(patchGlobal,
            assert (IH.shape[0] == NpCoarse)

            basis = fem.assembleProlongationMatrix(NWorldCoarse,

            fHQuad = basis.T * MFineFEM * f

            print('---- solving coarse system')

            # coarse system
            lhsH = KLOD[free][:, free] - k2MLOD[
                free][:, free] + 1j * kBdLOD[free][:, free]
            rhsH = fHQuad[free]
            xFree = sparse.linalg.spsolve(lhsH, rhsH)

            basisCorrectors = pglod.assembleBasisCorrectors(
                world, patchT, correctorsListT)
            modifiedBasis = basis - basisCorrectors

            xFull = np.zeros(world.NpCoarse, dtype='complex128')
            xFull[free] = xFree
            uLodCoarse = basis * xFull
            uLodFine = modifiedBasis * xFull
            uOldUps = np.copy(uLodFine)
            k2FineUOld = np.copy(k2FineU)

            Err = np.sqrt(
                np.dot((uSol - uLodFine).conj(), KFineFEM *
                       (uSol - uLodFine)) + k**2 *
                np.dot((uSol - uLodFine).conj(), MFineFEM * (uSol - uLodFine)))
            ErrEnergy = Err / np.sqrt(
                np.dot((uSol).conj(), KFineFEM *
                       (uSol)) + k**2 * np.dot((uSol).conj(), MFineFEM *
            print('---- ', np.abs(ErrEnergy),

            # save errors in arrays
            relErrEnergy[counter - 1, it] = ErrEnergy


    its = np.arange(1, maxit + 1)
        'Relative energy errors w.r.t iterations for different tolerances - Ex 3'
    plt.plot(its, relErrEnergy[0, :], 'x--', color='black', label='tol = 2')
    plt.plot(its, relErrEnergy[1, :], 'x-', color='blue', label='tol = 1')
    plt.plot(its, relErrEnergy[2, :], 'x-', color='green', label='tol = 0.5')
    plt.plot(its, relErrEnergy[3, :], 'x-', color='orange', label='tol = 0.25')
    plt.plot(its, relErrEnergy[4, :], 'x-', color='red', label='tol = 0.125')
             relErrEnergy[5, :],
             label='tol = 0.0625')
    plt.plot(its, relErrEnergy[6, :], 'x--', color='black', label='tol = 0')

def compute_perturbed_MsStiffness(world, aPert, aRef, KmsijRef, muTPrimeRef, k,
    computePatch = lambda TInd: lod_periodic.PatchPeriodic(world, k, TInd)
    patchT = list(map(computePatch, range(world.NtCoarse)))
    dim = np.size(world.NWorldFine)
    if dim == 2:
        middle = world.NWorldCoarse[1] // 2 * world.NWorldCoarse[
            0] + world.NWorldCoarse[0] // 2  #2d!!!
    elif dim == 1:
        middle = world.NWorldCoarse[0] // 2
    patchRef = lod_periodic.PatchPeriodic(world, k, middle)
    IPatch = lambda: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(patchRef)

    def computeIndicator(TInd):
        aPatch = lambda: lod_periodic.localizeCoefficient(
            patchT[TInd], aPert, periodic=True)  # true coefficient
        E_vh = lod.computeErrorIndicatorCoarseFromCoefficients(
            patchT[TInd], muTPrimeRef, aRef, aPatch)

        return E_vh

    def UpdateCorrectors(TInd):
        rPatch = lambda: lod_periodic.localizeCoefficient(
            patchT[TInd], aPert, periodic=True)

        correctorsList = lod.computeBasisCorrectors(patchT[TInd], IPatch,
        csi = lod.computeBasisCoarseQuantities(patchT[TInd], correctorsList,

        return patchT[TInd], correctorsList, csi.Kmsij

    def UpdateElements(tol, E, Kmsij_old):
        Elements_to_be_updated = []
        for (i, eps) in E.items():
            if eps > tol:

        if np.size(Elements_to_be_updated) != 0:
            patchT_irrelevant, correctorsListT_irrelevant, KmsijTNew = zip(
                *map(UpdateCorrectors, Elements_to_be_updated))

            KmsijT_list = list(np.copy(Kmsij_old))
            i = 0
            for T in Elements_to_be_updated:
                KmsijT_list[T] = np.copy(KmsijTNew[i])
                i += 1

            KmsijT = tuple(KmsijT_list)
            return KmsijT
            return Kmsij_old

    E_vh = list(map(computeIndicator, range(world.NtCoarse)))
    E = {i: E_vh[i] for i in range(np.size(E_vh)) if E_vh[i] > 0}

    # loop over elements with possible recomputation of correctors
    tol_relative = np.quantile(E_vh,
                               1. - update_percentage,
    KmsijRefList = [KmsijRef for _ in range(world.NtCoarse)
                    ]  #tile up the stiffness matrix for one element
    KmsijT = UpdateElements(tol_relative, E, KmsijRefList)

    #assembly of matrix
    KFull = lod_periodic.assembleMsStiffnessMatrix(world,

    return KFull, E_vh
    def test_2d_exactSolution(self):
        NWorldFine = np.array([30, 40])
        NpFine = np.prod(NWorldFine + 1)
        NtFine = np.prod(NWorldFine)
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([3, 4])
        NCoarseElement = NWorldFine / NWorldCoarse
        NtCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse)
        NpCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse + 1)

        boundaryConditions = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 1]])
        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)


        aBaseSquare = np.exp(5 * np.random.random_sample(NWorldFine[0]))
        aBaseCube = np.tile(aBaseSquare, [NWorldFine[1], 1])
        aBaseCube = aBaseCube[..., np.newaxis]

        aBase = aBaseCube.flatten()

        IPatchGenerator = lambda i, N: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(
            i, N, NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)

        rCoarse = np.ones(NtCoarse)
        aCoef = coef.coefficientCoarseFactor(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement,
                                             aBase, rCoarse)

        k = 4
        printLevel = 0
        epsilonTol = 0.05
        pglod = pg.PetrovGalerkinLOD(world, k, IPatchGenerator, epsilonTol,
        pglod.updateCorrectors(aCoef, clearFineQuantities=False)

        boundaryMap = boundaryConditions == 0
        fixed = util.boundarypIndexMap(NWorldCoarse, boundaryMap)
        free = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(0, NpCoarse), fixed)

        coords = util.pCoordinates(NWorldCoarse)
        xC = coords[:, 0]
        yC = coords[:, 1]
        g = 1 - xC

        firstIteration = True

        # First case is to not modify. Error should be 0
        # The other cases modify one, a few or half of the coarse elements to different degrees.
        rCoarseModPairs = [([], []), ([0], [2.]), ([10], [3.]),
                           ([4, 3, 2], [1.3, 1.5, 1.8])]
        rCoarseModPairs.append((range(NtCoarse / 2), [2] * NtCoarse))
        rCoarseModPairs.append((range(NtCoarse / 2), [0.9] * NtCoarse))
        rCoarseModPairs.append((range(NtCoarse / 2), [0.95] * NtCoarse))

        for i, rCoarseModPair in zip(count(), rCoarseModPairs):
            for ind, val in zip(rCoarseModPair[0], rCoarseModPair[1]):
                rCoarse[ind] *= val

            aCoef = coef.coefficientCoarseFactor(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement,
                                                 aBase, rCoarse)
            pglod.updateCorrectors(aCoef, clearFineQuantities=False)

            KmsFull = pglod.assembleMsStiffnessMatrix()
            bFull = -KmsFull * g

            KmsFree = KmsFull[free][:, free]

            bFree = bFull[free]
            xFree = sparse.linalg.spsolve(KmsFree, bFree)

            basis = fem.assembleProlongationMatrix(NWorldCoarse,
            basisCorrectors = pglod.assembleBasisCorrectors()
            modifiedBasis = basis - basisCorrectors

            xFull = np.zeros(NpCoarse)
            xFull[free] = xFree
            uLodFine = modifiedBasis * (xFull + g)

            gFine = basis * g
            uFineFull, AFine, MFine = femsolver.solveFine(
                world, aCoef.aFine, None, -gFine, boundaryConditions)
            uFineFull += gFine

            errorFineA = np.sqrt(
                np.dot(uFineFull - uLodFine, AFine * (uFineFull - uLodFine)))
            errorFineM = np.sqrt(
                np.dot(uFineFull - uLodFine, MFine * (uFineFull - uLodFine)))
            if firstIteration:
                self.assertTrue(np.isclose(errorFineA, 0))
                self.assertTrue(np.isclose(errorFineM, 0))

                # Also compute upscaled solution and compare with uFineFull
                uLodFineUpscaled = basis * (
                    xFull + g) - pglod.computeCorrection(ARhsFull=basis *
                                                         (xFull + g))
                self.assertTrue(np.allclose(uLodFineUpscaled, uLodFine))

                firstIteration = False
                # For this problem, it seems that
                # error < 1.1*errorTol
                self.assertTrue(errorFineA <= 1.1 * epsilonTol)
    def test_2d_flux(self):
        # Stripes perpendicular to flow direction gives effective
        # permeability as the harmonic mean of the permeabilities of
        # the stripes.
        NWorldFine = np.array([20, 20])
        NpFine = np.prod(NWorldFine + 1)
        NtFine = np.prod(NWorldFine)
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([2, 2])
        NCoarseElement = NWorldFine / NWorldCoarse
        NtCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse)
        NpCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse + 1)

        boundaryConditions = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 1]])
        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)


        aBaseSquare = np.exp(5 * np.random.random_sample(NWorldFine[1]))
        aBaseCube = np.tile(aBaseSquare[..., np.newaxis], [NWorldFine[0], 1])
        aBaseCube = aBaseCube[..., np.newaxis]

        aBase = aBaseCube.flatten()

        IPatchGenerator = lambda i, N: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(
            i, N, NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)

        aCoef = coef.coefficientFine(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, aBase)

        k = 2
        printLevel = 0
        pglod = pg.PetrovGalerkinLOD(world, k, IPatchGenerator, 0, printLevel)

        KmsFull = pglod.assembleMsStiffnessMatrix()

        coords = util.pCoordinates(NWorldCoarse)
        xC = coords[:, 0]
        g = 1 - xC
        bFull = -KmsFull * g

        boundaryMap = boundaryConditions == 0
        fixed = util.boundarypIndexMap(NWorldCoarse, boundaryMap)
        free = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(0, NpCoarse), fixed)
        KmsFree = KmsFull[free][:, free]

        bFree = bFull[free]
        xFree = sparse.linalg.spsolve(KmsFree, bFree)
        xFull = np.zeros(NpCoarse)
        xFull[free] = xFree

        MGammaLocGetter = fem.localBoundaryMassMatrixGetter(NWorldCoarse)
        MGammaFull = fem.assemblePatchBoundaryMatrix(NWorldCoarse,

        # Solve (F, w) = a(u0, w) + a(g, w) in space of fixed DoFs only
        KmsFixedFull = KmsFull[fixed]
        cFixed = KmsFixedFull * (xFull + g)
        MGammaFixed = MGammaFull[fixed][:, fixed]
        FFixed = sparse.linalg.spsolve(MGammaFixed, cFixed)
        FFull = np.zeros(NpCoarse)
        FFull[fixed] = FFixed

            np.isclose(np.mean(FFixed[FFixed > 0]), stats.hmean(aBaseSquare)))
    def test_1d_toReference(self):
        NWorldFine = np.array([200])
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([10])
        NCoarseElement = NWorldFine / NWorldCoarse
        boundaryConditions = np.array([[0, 0]])
        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)

        NpFine = np.prod(NWorldFine + 1)
        NtFine = np.prod(NWorldFine)
        NpCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse + 1)

        aBase = np.zeros(NtFine)
        aBase[:90] = 1
        aBase[90:] = 2

        k = 10

        IPatchGenerator = lambda i, N: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(
            i, N, NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)
        aCoef = coef.coefficientFine(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, aBase)

        pglod = pg.PetrovGalerkinLOD(world, k, IPatchGenerator, 0)
        pglod.updateCorrectors(aCoef, clearFineQuantities=False)

        KmsFull = pglod.assembleMsStiffnessMatrix()
        KFull = pglod.assembleStiffnessMatrix()
        MFull = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NWorldCoarse, world.MLocCoarse)

        free = util.interiorpIndexMap(NWorldCoarse)

        coords = util.pCoordinates(NWorldCoarse)
        g = 1 - coords[:, 0]
        bFull = -KmsFull * g

        KmsFree = KmsFull[free][:, free]
        bFree = bFull[free]

        xFree = sparse.linalg.spsolve(KmsFree, bFree)

        basis = fem.assembleProlongationMatrix(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)
        basisCorrectors = pglod.assembleBasisCorrectors()
        modifiedBasis = basis - basisCorrectors
        xFull = np.zeros(NpCoarse)
        xFull[free] = xFree
        uLodCoarse = basis * (xFull + g)
        uLodFine = modifiedBasis * (xFull + g)

        coordsFine = util.pCoordinates(NWorldFine)
        gFine = 1 - coordsFine[:, 0]
        uFineFull, AFine, _ = femsolver.solveFine(world, aBase, None, -gFine,
        uFineFull += gFine

        errorFine = np.sqrt(
            np.dot(uFineFull - uLodFine, AFine * (uFineFull - uLodFine)))
        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(errorFine, 0))

        # Also compute upscaled solution and compare with uFineFull
        uLodFineUpscaled = basis * (xFull + g) - pglod.computeCorrection(
            ARhsFull=basis * (xFull + g))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(uLodFineUpscaled, uLodFine))
    def test_computeCoarseErrorIndicatorFlux(self):
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([7, 7], dtype='int64')
        NCoarseElement = np.array([10, 10], dtype='int64')
        NWorldFine = NWorldCoarse * NCoarseElement
        NpWorldFine = np.prod(NWorldFine + 1)
        NpWorldCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse + 1)
        NtWorldFine = np.prod(NWorldCoarse * NCoarseElement)
        NtWorldCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse)


        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)
        d = np.size(NWorldCoarse)
        aBase = np.exp(np.random.rand(NtWorldFine))
        k = np.max(NWorldCoarse)
        iElementWorldCoarse = np.array([3, 3])

        rCoarseFirst = 1 + 3 * np.random.rand(NtWorldCoarse)
        coefFirst = coef.CoefficientCoarseFactor(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement,
                                                 aBase, rCoarseFirst)
        IPatchGenerator = lambda i, N: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(
            i, N, NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)
        ec = lod_flux.CoarseBasisElementCorrectorFlux(world, k,

        # If both rCoarseFirst and rCoarseSecond are equal, the error indicator should be zero
        rCoarseSecond = np.array(rCoarseFirst)
            np.isclose(ec.computeCoarseErrorIndicatorFlux(rCoarseSecond), 0))

        coefSecond = coef.CoefficientCoarseFactor(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement,
                                                  aBase, rCoarseSecond)

        # If rCoarseSecond is not rCoarseFirst, the error indicator should not be zero
        rCoarseSecond = 2 * np.array(rCoarseFirst)
            ec.computeCoarseErrorIndicatorFlux(rCoarseSecond) >= 0.1)

        coefSecond = coef.CoefficientCoarseFactor(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement,
                                                  aBase, rCoarseSecond)
        self.assertTrue(ec.computeErrorIndicatorFine(coefSecond) >= 0.1)

        # Fine should be smaller than coarse estimate
            ec.computeErrorIndicatorFine(coefSecond) <

        # If rCoarseSecond is different in the element itself, the error
        # indicator should be large
        elementCoarseIndex = util.convertpCoordIndexToLinearIndex(
            NWorldCoarse - 1, iElementWorldCoarse)
        rCoarseSecond = np.array(rCoarseFirst)
        rCoarseSecond[elementCoarseIndex] *= 2
        saveForNextTest = ec.computeCoarseErrorIndicatorFlux(rCoarseSecond)
        self.assertTrue(saveForNextTest >= 0.1)

        coefSecond = coef.CoefficientCoarseFactor(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement,
                                                  aBase, rCoarseSecond)
        fineResult = ec.computeErrorIndicatorFine(coefSecond)
        self.assertTrue(fineResult >= 0.1)
            ec.computeErrorIndicatorFine(coefSecond) <

        # A difference in the perifery should be smaller than in the center
        rCoarseSecond = np.array(rCoarseFirst)
        rCoarseSecond[0] *= 2
            saveForNextTest > ec.computeCoarseErrorIndicatorFlux(rCoarseSecond)

        # Again, but closer
        rCoarseSecond = np.array(rCoarseFirst)
        rCoarseSecond[elementCoarseIndex - 1] *= 2
            saveForNextTest > ec.computeCoarseErrorIndicatorFlux(rCoarseSecond)
ii = 0
for p in pList:
    if p == 0.1:
        mean_time_true = 0.
        mean_time_perturbed = 0.
        mean_time_combined = 0.

    for N in range(NSamples):
        aPert = build_coefficient.build_randomcheckerboard(
            Nepsilon, NFine, alpha, beta, p)

        #true LOD
        middle = world.NWorldCoarse[1] // 2 * world.NWorldCoarse[
            0] + world.NWorldCoarse[0] // 2
        patchRef = lod_periodic.PatchPeriodic(world, k, middle)
        IPatch = lambda: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(patchRef)
        computeKmsijT = lambda TInd: computeKmsij(TInd, aPert, IPatch)
        if p == 0.1:
            tic = time.perf_counter()
            patchT, correctorsTtrue, KmsijTtrue, _ = zip(
                *map(computeKmsijT, range(world.NtCoarse)))
            KFulltrue = lod_periodic.assembleMsStiffnessMatrix(world,
            toc = time.perf_counter()
            mean_time_true += (toc - tic)
            correctorsTtrue = tuple(correctorsTtrue)
            modbasistrue = basis - lod_periodic.assembleBasisCorrectors(
                world, patchT, correctorsTtrue, periodic=True)
    def test_1d(self):
        # Example from Peterseim, Variational Multiscale Stabilization and the Exponential Decay of correctors, p. 2
        # Two modifications: A with minus and u(here) = 1/4*u(paper).
        NFine = np.array([3200])
        NpFine = np.prod(NFine + 1)
        NList = [10, 20, 40, 80, 160]
        epsilon = 1024. / NFine
        epsilon = 1. / 320
        k = 2

        pi = np.pi

        xt = util.tCoordinates(NFine).flatten()
        xp = util.pCoordinates(NFine).flatten()
        #aFine = (2 + np.cos(2*pi*xt/epsilon))**(-1)
        aFine = (2 - np.cos(2 * pi * xt / epsilon))**(-1)

        uSol = 4 * (xp - xp**2) - 4 * epsilon * (
            1 / (4 * pi) * np.sin(2 * pi * xp / epsilon) - 1 /
            (2 * pi) * xp * np.sin(2 * pi * xp / epsilon) - epsilon /
            (4 * pi**2) * np.cos(2 * pi * xp / epsilon) + epsilon /
            (4 * pi**2))

        uSol = uSol / 4

        previousErrorCoarse = np.inf
        previousErrorFine = np.inf

        for N in NList:
            NWorldCoarse = np.array([N])
            NCoarseElement = NFine / NWorldCoarse
            boundaryConditions = np.array([[0, 0]])
            world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)

            xpCoarse = util.pCoordinates(NWorldCoarse).flatten()

            NpCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse + 1)

            IPatchGenerator = lambda i, N: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(
                i, N, NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)
            aCoef = coef.coefficientFine(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, aFine)

            pglod = pg.PetrovGalerkinLOD(world, k, IPatchGenerator, 0)
            pglod.updateCorrectors(aCoef, clearFineQuantities=False)

            KFull = pglod.assembleMsStiffnessMatrix()
            MFull = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NWorldCoarse, world.MLocCoarse)

            free = util.interiorpIndexMap(NWorldCoarse)

            f = np.ones(NpCoarse)
            bFull = MFull * f

            KFree = KFull[free][:, free]
            bFree = bFull[free]

            xFree = sparse.linalg.spsolve(KFree, bFree)

            basis = fem.assembleProlongationMatrix(NWorldCoarse,
            basisCorrectors = pglod.assembleBasisCorrectors()
            modifiedBasis = basis - basisCorrectors
            xFull = np.zeros(NpCoarse)
            xFull[free] = xFree
            uLodCoarse = basis * xFull
            uLodFine = modifiedBasis * xFull

            AFine = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NFine, world.ALocFine, aFine)
            MFine = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NFine, world.MLocFine)

            newErrorCoarse = np.sqrt(
                np.dot(uSol - uLodCoarse, MFine * (uSol - uLodCoarse)))
            newErrorFine = np.sqrt(
                np.dot(uSol - uLodFine, AFine * (uSol - uLodFine)))

            self.assertTrue(newErrorCoarse < previousErrorCoarse)
            self.assertTrue(newErrorFine < previousErrorFine)
def helmholtz_nonlinear_adaptive(mapper, fineLvl, maxCoarseLvl, maxit):
    NFine = np.array([2**fineLvl, 2**fineLvl])
    NpFine = np.prod(NFine + 1)
    NList = 2**np.arange(1, maxCoarseLvl + 1)
    ell = 2  # localization parameter

    k = 30.  # wavenumber
    maxit_Fine = 250
    tol = 0.5  # coupled to maximal error indicator

    xt = util.tCoordinates(NFine)
    xp = util.pCoordinates(NFine)

    # multiscale coefficients on the scale NFine-2
    sizeK = np.size(xt[:, 0])
    nFine = NFine[0]

    # determine domain D_eps = supp(1-n) = supp(1-A) (all equal for this experiment)
    indicesIn = (xt[:, 0] > 0.25) & (xt[:, 0] < 0.75) & (xt[:, 1] > 0.25) & (
        xt[:, 1] < 0.75)
    indicesInEps = (xt[:, 0] > 0.25) & (xt[:, 0] < 0.75) & (
        xt[:, 1] > 0.25) & (xt[:, 1] < 0.75)

    # coefficients
    cA = .2  # lower bound on A
    CA = 1.  # upper bound on A
    aEps = np.random.uniform(0, 1, sizeK // 16)
    aEpsPro = np.zeros(sizeK)
    for i in range((nFine) // 4):
        aEpsPro[4 * i * (nFine):4 * (i + 1) * (nFine)] = np.tile(
            np.repeat(aEps[i * (nFine) // 4:(i + 1) * (nFine) // 4], 4), 4)
    aFine = np.ones(xt.shape[0])
    aFine[indicesIn] = (CA - cA) * aEpsPro[indicesIn] + cA

    cn = 1.  # lower bound on n
    Cn = 1.  # upper bound on n
    nEps = np.random.uniform(0, 1, sizeK // 16)
    nEpsPro = np.zeros(sizeK)
    for i in range((nFine) // 4):
        nEpsPro[4 * i * (nFine):4 * (i + 1) * (nFine)] = np.tile(
            np.repeat(nEps[i * (nFine) // 4:(i + 1) * (nFine) // 4], 4), 4)

    k2Fine = k**2 * np.ones(xt.shape[0])
    k2Fine[indicesIn] = k**2 * ((Cn - cn) * nEpsPro[indicesIn] + cn)
    kFine = k * np.ones(xt.shape[0])

    Ceps = .85  # upper bound on eps (lower bound is 0)
    lvl = 4
    epsEps = np.random.randint(2, size=(sizeK // lvl**2))
    epsEpsPro = np.zeros(sizeK)
    for i in range((nFine) // lvl):
        epsEpsPro[lvl * i * (nFine):lvl * (i + 1) * (nFine)] = np.tile(
            np.repeat(epsEps[i * (nFine) // lvl:(i + 1) * (nFine) // lvl],
                      lvl), lvl)
    epsFine = np.zeros(xt.shape[0])
    epsFine[indicesInEps] = Ceps * epsEpsPro[indicesInEps]  #  0 OR Ceps

    drawCoefficient(NFine, epsFine)

    xC = xp[:, 0]
    yC = xp[:, 1]

    fact = 100.
    mult = .8
    a = .5
    b = .25
    k2 = 30.

    # define right-hand side and boundary condition
    def funcF(x, y):
        res = mult * (-np.exp(-1.j * k2 * (a * x - b)) *
                      (2 * a**2 * fact**2 * np.sinh(fact * (a * x - b))**2 /
                       (np.cosh(fact * (a * x - b)) + 1)**3 -
                       a**2 * fact**2 * np.cosh(fact * (a * x - b)) /
                       (np.cosh(fact * (a * x - b)) + 1)**2) +
                      a**2 * k2**2 * np.exp(-1.j * k2 * (a * x - b)) /
                      (np.cosh(fact * (a * x - b)) + 1) - 2.j * a**2 * fact *
                      k2 * np.exp(-1.j * k2 *
                                  (a * x - b)) * np.sinh(fact * (a * x - b)) /
                      (np.cosh(fact * (a * x - b)) + 1)**2 -
                      k**2 * np.exp(-1.j * k2 * (a * x - b)) /
                      (np.cosh(fact * (a * x - b)) + 1))
        return res

    f = funcF(xC, yC)

    g = np.zeros(NpFine, dtype='complex128')
    # bottom boundary
    g[0:(NFine[0] +
         1)] = mult * 1.j * k * 1. / (np.cosh(fact *
                                              (a * xC[0:(NFine[0] + 1)] - b)) +
                                      1) * np.exp(
                                          -1.j * k2 *
                                          (a * xC[0:(NFine[0] + 1)] - b))
    # top boundary
    g[(NpFine - NFine[0] -
       1):] = mult * 1.j * k * 1. / (np.cosh(fact * (a * xC[
           (NpFine - NFine[0] - 1):NpFine] - b)) + 1) * np.exp(
               -1.j * k2 * (a * xC[(NpFine - NFine[0] - 1):NpFine] - b))
    # left boundary
    g[0:(NpFine - NFine[0]):(
        NFine[0] +
        1)] = mult * 1.j * k * np.ones_like(yC[0:(NpFine - NFine[0]):(
            NFine[0] + 1)]) / (np.cosh(fact * (a * 0 - b)) + 1) * np.exp(
                -1.j * k2 * (a * 0 - b)) + mult * np.ones_like(
                    yC[0:(NpFine - NFine[0]):(NFine[0] + 1)]) * (
                        a * 1.j * k2 * np.exp(-1.j * k2 * (a * 0 - b)) /
                        (np.cosh((a * 0 - b) * fact) + 1) + a * fact * np.sinh(
                            (a * 0 - b) * fact) * np.exp(-1.j * k2 *
                                                         (a * 0 - b)) /
                        (np.cosh((a * 0 - b) * fact) + 1)**2)
    # right boundary
        NFine[0] + 1)] = mult * 1.j * k * np.ones_like(yC[NFine[0]:NpFine:(
            NFine[0] + 1)]) / (np.cosh(fact * (a * 1. - b)) + 1) * np.exp(
                -1.j * k2 * (a * 1. - b)) - mult * np.ones_like(
                    yC[NFine[0]:NpFine:(NFine[0] + 1)]) * (
                        a * 1.j * k2 * np.exp(-1.j * k2 * (a * 1. - b)) /
                            (a * 1. - b) * fact) + 1) + a * fact * np.sinh(
                                (a * 1. - b) * fact) * np.exp(-1.j * k2 *
                                                              (a * 1. - b)) /
                        (np.cosh((a * 1. - b) * fact) + 1)**2)

    # reference solution
    uSol = np.zeros(NpFine, dtype='complex128')

    # boundary conditions
    boundaryConditions = np.array([[1, 1], [1, 1]])  # Robin boundary
    worldFine = World(NFine, np.array([1, 1]), boundaryConditions)

    # fine matrices
    BdFineFEM = fem.assemblePatchBoundaryMatrix(
        NFine, fem.localBoundaryMassMatrixGetter(NFine))
    MFineFEM = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NFine, fem.localMassMatrix(NFine))
    KFineFEM = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NFine, fem.localStiffnessMatrix(NFine))

    kBdFine = fem.assemblePatchBoundaryMatrix(
        NFine, fem.localBoundaryMassMatrixGetter(NFine), kFine)
    KFine = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NFine, fem.localStiffnessMatrix(NFine),

    # incident beam
    uInc = mult / (np.cosh(fact * (a * xC - b)) + 1) * np.exp(-1.j * k2 *
                                                              (a * xC - b))

    print('***computing reference solution***')

    uOldFine = np.zeros(NpFine, dtype='complex128')

    for it in np.arange(maxit_Fine):
        print('-- itFine = %d' % it)
        knonlinUpreFine = np.abs(uOldFine)
        knonlinUFine = func.evaluateCQ1(NFine, knonlinUpreFine, xt)

        k2FineUfine = np.copy(k2Fine)
        k2FineUfine[indicesInEps] *= (
            1. + epsFine[indicesInEps] * knonlinUFine[indicesInEps]**2
        )  # full coefficient, including nonlinearity

        k2MFine = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(
            NFine, fem.localMassMatrix(NFine),
            k2FineUfine)  # weighted mass matrix, updated in every iteration

        nodesFine = np.arange(worldFine.NpFine)
        fixFine = util.boundarypIndexMap(NFine, boundaryConditions == 0)
        freeFine = np.setdiff1d(nodesFine, fixFine)

        # right-hand side (including boundary condition)
        fhQuad = MFineFEM * f + BdFineFEM * g

        # fine system
        lhsh = KFine[freeFine][:, freeFine] - k2MFine[
            freeFine][:, freeFine] + 1j * kBdFine[freeFine][:, freeFine]
        rhsh = fhQuad[freeFine]
        xFreeFine = sparse.linalg.spsolve(lhsh, rhsh)

        xFullFine = np.zeros(worldFine.NpFine, dtype='complex128')
        xFullFine[freeFine] = xFreeFine
        uOldFine = np.copy(xFullFine)

        # residual - used as stopping criterion
        knonlinU = np.abs(uOldFine)
        knonlinUFineIt = func.evaluateCQ1(NFine, knonlinU, xt)

        k2FineUfineIt = np.copy(k2Fine)
        k2FineUfineIt[indicesInEps] *= (
            1. + epsFine[indicesInEps] * knonlinUFineIt[indicesInEps]**2
        )  # update full coefficient, including nonlinearity

        k2MFineIt = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NFine, fem.localMassMatrix(NFine),
        Ares = KFine - k2MFineIt + 1j * kBdFine
        residual = np.linalg.norm(Ares * xFullFine - fhQuad) / np.linalg.norm(
            Ares * xFullFine)
        print('---- residual = %.4e' % residual)

        if residual < 1e-12:
            break  # stopping criterion

    uSol = xFullFine  # final fine reference solution

    print('***reference solution computed***\n')


    print('***computing multiscale approximations***')

    relErrEnergy = np.zeros([len(NList), maxit])

    counter = 0
    for N in NList:
        counter += 1
        print('H = %.4e' % (1. / N))
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([N, N])
        NCoarseElement = NFine // NWorldCoarse
        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)
        NpCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse + 1)

        uOldUps = np.zeros(NpFine, dtype='complex128')

        for it in np.arange(maxit):
            print('-- it = %d:' % it)
            knonlinUpre = np.abs(uOldUps)
            knonlinU = func.evaluateCQ1(NFine, knonlinUpre, xt)

            k2FineU = np.copy(k2Fine)
            k2FineU[indicesInEps] *= (
                1. + epsFine[indicesInEps] * knonlinU[indicesInEps]**2)

            print('---- starting computation of correctors')

            def computeLocalContribution(TInd):
                patch = Patch(world, ell, TInd)
                IPatch = lambda: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(
                    patch, boundaryConditions)
                aPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, aFine)
                kPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, kFine)
                k2Patch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, k2FineU)

                correctorsList = lod.computeBasisCorrectors_helmholtz(
                    patch, IPatch, aPatch, kPatch, k2Patch)
                csi = lod.computeBasisCoarseQuantities_helmholtz(
                    patch, correctorsList, aPatch, kPatch, k2Patch)
                return patch, correctorsList, csi.Kmsij, csi.Mmsij, csi.Bdmsij, csi.muTPrime

            def computeIndicators(TInd):
                k2FineUPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(
                    patchT[TInd], k2FineU)
                k2FineUOldPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(
                    patchT[TInd], k2FineUOld)

                E_vh = lod.computeErrorIndicatorCoarse_helmholtz(
                    patchT[TInd], muTPrime[TInd], k2FineUOldPatch,
                return E_vh

            def UpdateCorrectors(TInd):
                patch = Patch(world, ell, TInd)
                IPatch = lambda: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(
                    patch, boundaryConditions)
                aPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, aFine)
                kPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, kFine)
                k2Patch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, k2FineU)

                correctorsList = lod.computeBasisCorrectors_helmholtz(
                    patch, IPatch, aPatch, kPatch, k2Patch)
                csi = lod.computeBasisCoarseQuantities_helmholtz(
                    patch, correctorsList, aPatch, kPatch, k2Patch)
                return patch, correctorsList, csi.Kmsij, csi.Mmsij, csi.Bdmsij, csi.muTPrime

            def UpdateElements(tol, E, Kmsij_old, Mmsij_old, Bdmsij_old,
                               correctors_old, mu_old):
                print('---- apply tolerance')
                Elements_to_be_updated = []
                for (i, eps) in E.items():
                    if eps > tol:
                if len(E) > 0:
                        '---- total percentage of element correctors to be updated: %.4f'
                        (100 * np.size(Elements_to_be_updated) / len(mu_old)),

                print('---- update local contributions')
                KmsijT_list = list(np.copy(Kmsij_old))
                MmsijT_list = list(np.copy(Mmsij_old))
                BdmsijT_list = list(np.copy(Bdmsij_old))
                muT_list = np.copy(mu_old)
                for T in np.setdiff1d(range(world.NtCoarse),
                    patch = Patch(world, ell, T)
                    aPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, aFine)
                    kPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, kFine)
                    k2Patch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, k2FineU)
                    csi = lod.computeBasisCoarseQuantities_helmholtz(
                        patch, correctors_old[T], aPatch, kPatch, k2Patch)

                    KmsijT_list[T] = csi.Kmsij
                    MmsijT_list[T] = csi.Mmsij
                    BdmsijT_list[T] = csi.Bdmsij
                    muT_list[T] = csi.muTPrime

                if np.size(Elements_to_be_updated) != 0:
                    #print('---- update correctors')
                    patchT_irrelevant, correctorsListTNew, KmsijTNew, MmsijTNew, BdmsijTNew, muTPrimeNew = zip(
                        *mapper(UpdateCorrectors, Elements_to_be_updated))

                    #print('---- update correctorsList')
                    correctorsListT_list = list(np.copy(correctors_old))
                    i = 0
                    for T in Elements_to_be_updated:
                        KmsijT_list[T] = KmsijTNew[i]
                        correctorsListT_list[T] = correctorsListTNew[i]
                        MmsijT_list[T] = MmsijTNew[i]
                        BdmsijT_list[T] = BdmsijTNew[i]
                        muT_list[T] = muTPrimeNew[i]
                        i += 1

                    KmsijT = tuple(KmsijT_list)
                    correctorsListT = tuple(correctorsListT_list)
                    MmsijT = tuple(MmsijT_list)
                    BdmsijT = tuple(BdmsijT_list)
                    muTPrime = tuple(muT_list)
                    return correctorsListT, KmsijT, MmsijT, BdmsijT, muTPrime
                    KmsijT = tuple(KmsijT_list)
                    MmsijT = tuple(MmsijT_list)
                    BdmsijT = tuple(BdmsijT_list)
                    muTPrime = tuple(muT_list)
                    return correctors_old, KmsijT, MmsijT, BdmsijT, muTPrime

            if it == 0:
                patchT, correctorsListT, KmsijT, MmsijT, BdmsijT, muTPrime = zip(
                    *mapper(computeLocalContribution, range(world.NtCoarse)))
                E_vh = list(mapper(computeIndicators, range(world.NtCoarse)))
                    '---- maximal value error estimator for basis correctors {}'
                E = {i: E_vh[i] for i in range(np.size(E_vh)) if E_vh[i] > 0}

                # loop over elements with possible recomputation of correctors
                correctorsListT, KmsijT, MmsijT, BdmsijT, muTPrime = UpdateElements(
                    tol * np.max(E_vh), E, KmsijT, MmsijT, BdmsijT,
                    muTPrime)  # tol scaled by maximal error indicator

            print('---- finished computation of correctors')

            KLOD = pglod.assembleMsStiffnessMatrix(
                world, patchT, KmsijT)  # ms stiffness matrix
            k2MLOD = pglod.assembleMsStiffnessMatrix(world, patchT,
                                                     MmsijT)  # ms mass matrix
            kBdLOD = pglod.assembleMsStiffnessMatrix(
                world, patchT, BdmsijT)  # ms boundary matrix
            MFEM = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NWorldCoarse, world.MLocCoarse)
            BdFEM = fem.assemblePatchBoundaryMatrix(
                NWorldCoarse, fem.localBoundaryMassMatrixGetter(NWorldCoarse))
            print('---- coarse matrices assembled')

            nodes = np.arange(world.NpCoarse)
            fix = util.boundarypIndexMap(NWorldCoarse, boundaryConditions == 0)
            free = np.setdiff1d(nodes, fix)
            assert (nodes.all() == free.all())

            # compute global interpolation matrix
            patchGlobal = Patch(world, NFine[0] + 2, 0)
            IH = interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(patchGlobal,
            assert (IH.shape[0] == NpCoarse)

            basis = fem.assembleProlongationMatrix(NWorldCoarse,

            fHQuad = basis.T * MFineFEM * f + basis.T * BdFineFEM * g

            print('---- solving coarse system')

            # coarse system
            lhsH = KLOD[free][:, free] - k2MLOD[
                free][:, free] + 1j * kBdLOD[free][:, free]
            rhsH = fHQuad[free]
            xFree = sparse.linalg.spsolve(lhsH, rhsH)

            basisCorrectors = pglod.assembleBasisCorrectors(
                world, patchT, correctorsListT)
            modifiedBasis = basis - basisCorrectors

            xFull = np.zeros(world.NpCoarse, dtype='complex128')
            xFull[free] = xFree
            uLodCoarse = basis * xFull
            uLodFine = modifiedBasis * xFull
            uOldUps = np.copy(uLodFine)
            k2FineUOld = np.copy(k2FineU)

            # visualization
            if it == maxit - 1 and N == 2**4:
                grid = uLodFine.reshape(NFine + 1, order='C')

                plt.title('LOD_ad, Hlvl=4 - Ex 2')
                           extent=(xC.min(), xC.max(), yC.min(), yC.max()),

                grid2 = uSol.reshape(NFine + 1, order='C')

                plt.title('reference solution - Ex 2')
                           extent=(xC.min(), xC.max(), yC.min(), yC.max()),

                grid3 = uInc.reshape(NFine + 1, order='C')

                plt.title('incident beam - Ex 2')
                           extent=(xC.min(), xC.max(), yC.min(), yC.max()),

            Err = np.sqrt(
                np.dot((uSol - uLodFine).conj(), KFineFEM *
                       (uSol - uLodFine)) + k**2 *
                np.dot((uSol - uLodFine).conj(), MFineFEM * (uSol - uLodFine)))
            ErrEnergy = Err / np.sqrt(
                np.dot((uSol).conj(), KFineFEM *
                       (uSol)) + k**2 * np.dot((uSol).conj(), MFineFEM *
            print('---- ', np.abs(ErrEnergy),

            # save errors in arrays
            relErrEnergy[counter - 1, it] = ErrEnergy



        '***computing multiscale approximations without updates of correctors***'

    relErrEnergyNoUpdate = np.zeros([len(NList), maxit])

    counter = 0
    for N in NList:
        counter += 1
        print('H = %.4e' % (1. / N))
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([N, N])
        NCoarseElement = NFine // NWorldCoarse
        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)
        NpCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse + 1)

        uOldUps = np.zeros(NpFine, dtype='complex128')

        for it in np.arange(maxit):
            print('-- it = %d:' % it)
            knonlinUpre = np.abs(uOldUps)
            knonlinU = func.evaluateCQ1(NFine, knonlinUpre, xt)

            k2FineU = np.copy(k2Fine)
            k2FineU[indicesInEps] *= (
                1. + epsFine[indicesInEps] * knonlinU[indicesInEps]**2)

            print('---- starting computation of correctors')

            def computeLocalContribution(TInd):
                patch = Patch(world, ell, TInd)
                IPatch = lambda: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(
                    patch, boundaryConditions)
                aPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, aFine)
                kPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, kFine)
                k2Patch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, k2FineU)

                correctorsList = lod.computeBasisCorrectors_helmholtz(
                    patch, IPatch, aPatch, kPatch,
                    k2Patch)  # adapted for Helmholtz setting
                csi = lod.computeBasisCoarseQuantities_helmholtz(
                    patch, correctorsList, aPatch, kPatch,
                    k2Patch)  # adapted for Helmholtz setting
                return patch, correctorsList, csi.Kmsij, csi.Mmsij, csi.Bdmsij, csi.muTPrime

            def computeIndicators(TInd):
                k2FineUPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(
                    patchT[TInd], k2FineU)
                k2FineUOldPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(
                    patchT[TInd], k2FineUOld)

                E_vh = lod.computeErrorIndicatorCoarse_helmholtz(
                    patchT[TInd], muTPrime[TInd], k2FineUOldPatch,
                return E_vh

            def UpdateCorrectors(TInd):
                patch = Patch(world, ell, TInd)
                IPatch = lambda: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(
                    patch, boundaryConditions)
                aPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, aFine)
                kPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, kFine)
                k2Patch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, k2FineU)

                correctorsList = lod.computeBasisCorrectors_helmholtz(
                    patch, IPatch, aPatch, kPatch, k2Patch)
                csi = lod.computeBasisCoarseQuantities_helmholtz(
                    patch, correctorsList, aPatch, kPatch,
                    k2Patch)  # adapted for Helmholtz setting
                return patch, correctorsList, csi.Kmsij, csi.Mmsij, csi.Bdmsij, csi.muTPrime

            def UpdateElements(tol, E, Kmsij_old, Mmsij_old, Bdmsij_old,
                               correctors_old, mu_old):
                print('---- apply tolerance')
                Elements_to_be_updated = []
                for (i, eps) in E.items():
                    if eps > tol:
                if len(E) > 0:
                        '---- total percentage of element correctors to be updated: %.4f'
                        (100 * np.size(Elements_to_be_updated) / len(mu_old)),

                print('---- update local contributions')
                KmsijT_list = list(np.copy(Kmsij_old))
                MmsijT_list = list(np.copy(Mmsij_old))
                BdmsijT_list = list(np.copy(Bdmsij_old))
                muT_list = np.copy(mu_old)
                for T in np.setdiff1d(range(world.NtCoarse),
                    patch = Patch(world, ell, T)
                    aPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, aFine)
                    kPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, kFine)
                    k2Patch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, k2FineU)
                    csi = lod.computeBasisCoarseQuantities_helmholtz(
                        patch, correctors_old[T], aPatch, kPatch, k2Patch)

                    KmsijT_list[T] = csi.Kmsij
                    MmsijT_list[T] = csi.Mmsij
                    BdmsijT_list[T] = csi.Bdmsij
                    muT_list[T] = csi.muTPrime

                if np.size(Elements_to_be_updated) != 0:
                    #print('---- update correctors')
                    patchT_irrelevant, correctorsListTNew, KmsijTNew, MmsijTNew, BdmsijTNew, muTPrimeNew = zip(
                        *mapper(UpdateCorrectors, Elements_to_be_updated))

                    #print('---- update correctorsList')
                    correctorsListT_list = list(np.copy(correctors_old))
                    i = 0
                    for T in Elements_to_be_updated:
                        KmsijT_list[T] = KmsijTNew[i]
                        correctorsListT_list[T] = correctorsListTNew[i]
                        MmsijT_list[T] = MmsijTNew[i]
                        BdmsijT_list[T] = BdmsijTNew[i]
                        muT_list[T] = muTPrimeNew[i]
                        i += 1

                    KmsijT = tuple(KmsijT_list)
                    correctorsListT = tuple(correctorsListT_list)
                    MmsijT = tuple(MmsijT_list)
                    BdmsijT = tuple(BdmsijT_list)
                    muTPrime = tuple(muT_list)
                    return correctorsListT, KmsijT, MmsijT, BdmsijT, muTPrime
                    KmsijT = tuple(KmsijT_list)
                    MmsijT = tuple(MmsijT_list)
                    BdmsijT = tuple(BdmsijT_list)
                    muTPrime = tuple(muT_list)
                    return correctors_old, KmsijT, MmsijT, BdmsijT, muTPrime

            if it == 0:
                patchT, correctorsListT, KmsijT, MmsijT, BdmsijT, muTPrime = zip(
                    *mapper(computeLocalContribution, range(world.NtCoarse)))
                E_vh = list(mapper(computeIndicators, range(world.NtCoarse)))
                    '---- maximal value error estimator for basis correctors {}'
                E = {i: E_vh[i] for i in range(np.size(E_vh)) if E_vh[i] > 0}

                # loop over elements with possible recomputation of correctors
                correctorsListT, KmsijT, MmsijT, BdmsijT, muTPrime = UpdateElements(
                    2. * np.max(E_vh), E, KmsijT, MmsijT, BdmsijT,
                    correctorsListT, muTPrime)  # no updates

            print('---- finished computation of correctors')

            KLOD = pglod.assembleMsStiffnessMatrix(
                world, patchT, KmsijT)  # ms stiffness matrix
            k2MLOD = pglod.assembleMsStiffnessMatrix(world, patchT,
                                                     MmsijT)  # ms mass matrix
            kBdLOD = pglod.assembleMsStiffnessMatrix(
                world, patchT, BdmsijT)  # ms boundary matrix
            MFEM = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NWorldCoarse, world.MLocCoarse)
            BdFEM = fem.assemblePatchBoundaryMatrix(
                NWorldCoarse, fem.localBoundaryMassMatrixGetter(NWorldCoarse))
            print('---- coarse matrices assembled')

            nodes = np.arange(world.NpCoarse)
            fix = util.boundarypIndexMap(NWorldCoarse, boundaryConditions == 0)
            free = np.setdiff1d(nodes, fix)
            assert (nodes.all() == free.all())

            # compute global interpolation matrix
            patchGlobal = Patch(world, NFine[0] + 2, 0)
            IH = interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(patchGlobal,
            assert (IH.shape[0] == NpCoarse)

            basis = fem.assembleProlongationMatrix(NWorldCoarse,

            fHQuad = basis.T * MFineFEM * f + basis.T * BdFineFEM * g

            print('---- solving coarse system')

            # coarse system
            lhsH = KLOD[free][:, free] - k2MLOD[
                free][:, free] + 1j * kBdLOD[free][:, free]
            rhsH = fHQuad[free]
            xFree = sparse.linalg.spsolve(lhsH, rhsH)

            basisCorrectors = pglod.assembleBasisCorrectors(
                world, patchT, correctorsListT)
            modifiedBasis = basis - basisCorrectors

            xFull = np.zeros(world.NpCoarse, dtype='complex128')
            xFull[free] = xFree
            uLodCoarse = basis * xFull
            uLodFine = modifiedBasis * xFull
            uOldUps = np.copy(uLodFine)
            k2FineUOld = np.copy(k2FineU)

            # visualization
            if it == maxit - 1 and N == 2**4:
                grid = uLodFine.reshape(NFine + 1, order='C')

                plt.title('LOD_inf, Hlvl=4 - Ex 2')
                           extent=(xC.min(), xC.max(), yC.min(), yC.max()),

            Err = np.sqrt(
                np.dot((uSol - uLodFine).conj(), KFineFEM *
                       (uSol - uLodFine)) + k**2 *
                np.dot((uSol - uLodFine).conj(), MFineFEM * (uSol - uLodFine)))
            ErrEnergy = Err / np.sqrt(
                np.dot((uSol).conj(), KFineFEM *
                       (uSol)) + k**2 * np.dot((uSol).conj(), MFineFEM *
            print('---- ', np.abs(ErrEnergy),

            # save errors in arrays
            relErrEnergyNoUpdate[counter - 1, it] = ErrEnergy



        '***computing multiscale approximations where all correctors in the part of the domain with active nonlinearity are recomputed***'

    relErrEnergyFullUpdate = np.zeros([len(NList), maxit])

    counter = 0
    for N in NList:
        counter += 1
        print('H = %.4e' % (1. / N))
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([N, N])
        NCoarseElement = NFine // NWorldCoarse
        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)
        NpCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse + 1)

        uOldUps = np.zeros(NpFine, dtype='complex128')

        for it in np.arange(maxit):
            print('-- it = %d:' % it)
            knonlinUpre = np.abs(uOldUps)
            knonlinU = func.evaluateCQ1(NFine, knonlinUpre, xt)

            k2FineU = np.copy(k2Fine)
            k2FineU[indicesInEps] *= (
                1. + epsFine[indicesInEps] * knonlinU[indicesInEps]**2)

            print('---- starting computation of correctors')

            def computeLocalContribution(TInd):
                patch = Patch(world, ell, TInd)
                IPatch = lambda: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(
                    patch, boundaryConditions)
                aPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, aFine)
                kPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, kFine)
                k2Patch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, k2FineU)

                correctorsList = lod.computeBasisCorrectors_helmholtz(
                    patch, IPatch, aPatch, kPatch,
                    k2Patch)  # adapted for Helmholtz setting
                csi = lod.computeBasisCoarseQuantities_helmholtz(
                    patch, correctorsList, aPatch, kPatch,
                    k2Patch)  # adapted for Helmholtz setting
                return patch, correctorsList, csi.Kmsij, csi.Mmsij, csi.Bdmsij, csi.muTPrime

            def computeIndicators(TInd):
                k2FineUPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(
                    patchT[TInd], k2FineU)
                k2FineUOldPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(
                    patchT[TInd], k2FineUOld)

                E_vh = lod.computeErrorIndicatorCoarse_helmholtz(
                    patchT[TInd], muTPrime[TInd], k2FineUOldPatch,
                return E_vh

            def UpdateCorrectors(TInd):
                patch = Patch(world, ell, TInd)
                IPatch = lambda: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(
                    patch, boundaryConditions)
                aPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, aFine)
                kPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, kFine)
                k2Patch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, k2FineU)

                correctorsList = lod.computeBasisCorrectors_helmholtz(
                    patch, IPatch, aPatch, kPatch, k2Patch)
                csi = lod.computeBasisCoarseQuantities_helmholtz(
                    patch, correctorsList, aPatch, kPatch,
                    k2Patch)  # adapted for Helmholtz setting
                return patch, correctorsList, csi.Kmsij, csi.Mmsij, csi.Bdmsij, csi.muTPrime

            def UpdateElements(tol, E, Kmsij_old, Mmsij_old, Bdmsij_old,
                               correctors_old, mu_old):
                print('---- apply tolerance')
                Elements_to_be_updated = []
                for (i, eps) in E.items():
                    if eps > tol:
                if len(E) > 0:
                        '---- total percentage of element correctors to be updated: %.4f'
                        (100 * np.size(Elements_to_be_updated) / len(mu_old)),

                print('---- update local contributions')
                KmsijT_list = list(np.copy(Kmsij_old))
                MmsijT_list = list(np.copy(Mmsij_old))
                BdmsijT_list = list(np.copy(Bdmsij_old))
                muT_list = np.copy(mu_old)
                for T in np.setdiff1d(range(world.NtCoarse),
                    patch = Patch(world, ell, T)
                    aPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, aFine)
                    kPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, kFine)
                    k2Patch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, k2FineU)
                    csi = lod.computeBasisCoarseQuantities_helmholtz(
                        patch, correctors_old[T], aPatch, kPatch, k2Patch)

                    KmsijT_list[T] = csi.Kmsij
                    MmsijT_list[T] = csi.Mmsij
                    BdmsijT_list[T] = csi.Bdmsij
                    muT_list[T] = csi.muTPrime

                if np.size(Elements_to_be_updated) != 0:
                    #print('---- update correctors')
                    patchT_irrelevant, correctorsListTNew, KmsijTNew, MmsijTNew, BdmsijTNew, muTPrimeNew = zip(
                        *mapper(UpdateCorrectors, Elements_to_be_updated))

                    #print('---- update correctorsList')
                    correctorsListT_list = list(np.copy(correctors_old))
                    i = 0
                    for T in Elements_to_be_updated:
                        KmsijT_list[T] = KmsijTNew[i]
                        correctorsListT_list[T] = correctorsListTNew[i]
                        MmsijT_list[T] = MmsijTNew[i]
                        BdmsijT_list[T] = BdmsijTNew[i]
                        muT_list[T] = muTPrimeNew[i]
                        i += 1

                    KmsijT = tuple(KmsijT_list)
                    correctorsListT = tuple(correctorsListT_list)
                    MmsijT = tuple(MmsijT_list)
                    BdmsijT = tuple(BdmsijT_list)
                    muTPrime = tuple(muT_list)
                    return correctorsListT, KmsijT, MmsijT, BdmsijT, muTPrime
                    KmsijT = tuple(KmsijT_list)
                    MmsijT = tuple(MmsijT_list)
                    BdmsijT = tuple(BdmsijT_list)
                    muTPrime = tuple(muT_list)
                    return correctors_old, KmsijT, MmsijT, BdmsijT, muTPrime

            if it == 0:
                patchT, correctorsListT, KmsijT, MmsijT, BdmsijT, muTPrime = zip(
                    *mapper(computeLocalContribution, range(world.NtCoarse)))
                E_vh = list(mapper(computeIndicators, range(world.NtCoarse)))
                    '---- maximal value error estimator for basis correctors {}'
                E = {i: E_vh[i] for i in range(np.size(E_vh)) if E_vh[i] > 0}

                # loop over elements with possible recomputation of correctors
                correctorsListT, KmsijT, MmsijT, BdmsijT, muTPrime = UpdateElements(
                    0., E, KmsijT, MmsijT, BdmsijT, correctorsListT,
                    muTPrime)  # no updates

            print('---- finished computation of correctors')

            KLOD = pglod.assembleMsStiffnessMatrix(
                world, patchT, KmsijT)  # ms stiffness matrix
            k2MLOD = pglod.assembleMsStiffnessMatrix(world, patchT,
                                                     MmsijT)  # ms mass matrix
            kBdLOD = pglod.assembleMsStiffnessMatrix(
                world, patchT, BdmsijT)  # ms boundary matrix
            MFEM = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NWorldCoarse, world.MLocCoarse)
            BdFEM = fem.assemblePatchBoundaryMatrix(
                NWorldCoarse, fem.localBoundaryMassMatrixGetter(NWorldCoarse))
            print('---- coarse matrices assembled')

            nodes = np.arange(world.NpCoarse)
            fix = util.boundarypIndexMap(NWorldCoarse, boundaryConditions == 0)
            free = np.setdiff1d(nodes, fix)
            assert (nodes.all() == free.all())

            # compute global interpolation matrix
            patchGlobal = Patch(world, NFine[0] + 2, 0)
            IH = interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(patchGlobal,
            assert (IH.shape[0] == NpCoarse)

            basis = fem.assembleProlongationMatrix(NWorldCoarse,

            fHQuad = basis.T * MFineFEM * f + basis.T * BdFineFEM * g

            print('---- solving coarse system')

            # coarse system
            lhsH = KLOD[free][:, free] - k2MLOD[
                free][:, free] + 1j * kBdLOD[free][:, free]
            rhsH = fHQuad[free]
            xFree = sparse.linalg.spsolve(lhsH, rhsH)

            basisCorrectors = pglod.assembleBasisCorrectors(
                world, patchT, correctorsListT)
            modifiedBasis = basis - basisCorrectors

            xFull = np.zeros(world.NpCoarse, dtype='complex128')
            xFull[free] = xFree
            uLodCoarse = basis * xFull
            uLodFine = modifiedBasis * xFull
            uOldUps = np.copy(uLodFine)
            k2FineUOld = np.copy(k2FineU)

            # visualization
            if it == maxit - 1 and N == 2**4:
                grid = uLodFine.reshape(NFine + 1, order='C')

                plt.title('LOD_inf, Hlvl=4 - Ex 2')
                           extent=(xC.min(), xC.max(), yC.min(), yC.max()),

            Err = np.sqrt(
                np.dot((uSol - uLodFine).conj(), KFineFEM *
                       (uSol - uLodFine)) + k**2 *
                np.dot((uSol - uLodFine).conj(), MFineFEM * (uSol - uLodFine)))
            ErrEnergy = Err / np.sqrt(
                np.dot((uSol).conj(), KFineFEM *
                       (uSol)) + k**2 * np.dot((uSol).conj(), MFineFEM *
            print('---- ', np.abs(ErrEnergy),

            # save errors in arrays
            relErrEnergyFullUpdate[counter - 1, it] = ErrEnergy



    print('***computing FEM approximations***')

    FEMrelErrEnergy = np.zeros([len(NList), maxit])

    counter = 0
    for N in NList:
        counter += 1
        print('H = %.4e' % (1. / N))
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([N, N])
        NCoarseElement = NFine // NWorldCoarse
        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)
        NpCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse + 1)

        xT = util.tCoordinates(NWorldCoarse)
        xP = util.pCoordinates(NWorldCoarse)

        uOld = np.zeros(NpCoarse, dtype='complex128')

        # compute coarse coefficients by averaging
        NtC = np.prod(NWorldCoarse)
        aCoarse = np.zeros(NtC)
        kCoarse = k * np.ones(xT.shape[0])
        k2Coarse = np.zeros(NtC)
        epsCoarse = np.zeros(NtC)
        for Q in range(NtC):
            patch = Patch(world, 0, Q)
            aPatch = coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, aFine)
            epsPatch = coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, epsFine)
            k2Patch = coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, k2Fine)

            aCoarse[Q] = np.sum(aPatch) / (len(aPatch))
            k2Coarse[Q] = np.sum(k2Patch) / (len(k2Patch))
            epsCoarse[Q] = np.sum(epsPatch) / (len(epsPatch))

        # coarse matrices
        KFEM = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NWorldCoarse,
        kBdFEM = fem.assemblePatchBoundaryMatrix(
            NWorldCoarse, fem.localBoundaryMassMatrixGetter(NWorldCoarse),
        MFEM = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NWorldCoarse, world.MLocCoarse)
        BdFEM = fem.assemblePatchBoundaryMatrix(
            NWorldCoarse, fem.localBoundaryMassMatrixGetter(NWorldCoarse))

        for it in np.arange(maxit):
            print('-- it = %d:' % it)
            knonlinUpre = np.abs(uOld)
            knonlinU = func.evaluateCQ1(NWorldCoarse, knonlinUpre, xT)

            k2CoarseU = np.copy(k2Coarse)
            k2CoarseU *= (1. + epsCoarse * knonlinU**2)

            # update weighted mass matrix
            k2MFEM = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NWorldCoarse,

            nodes = np.arange(world.NpCoarse)
            fix = util.boundarypIndexMap(NWorldCoarse, boundaryConditions == 0)
            free = np.setdiff1d(nodes, fix)
            assert (nodes.all() == free.all())

            basis = fem.assembleProlongationMatrix(NWorldCoarse,

            fHQuad = basis.T * MFineFEM * f + basis.T * BdFineFEM * g

            print('---- solving coarse system')

            # coarse system
            lhsH = KFEM[free][:, free] - k2MFEM[
                free][:, free] + 1j * kBdFEM[free][:, free]
            rhsH = fHQuad[free]
            xFree = sparse.linalg.spsolve(lhsH, rhsH)

            xFull = np.zeros(world.NpCoarse, dtype='complex128')
            xFull[free] = xFree
            uCoarseInt = basis * xFull
            uOld = np.copy(xFull)

            # visualization
            if it == maxit - 1 and N == 2**4:
                grid = uCoarseInt.reshape(NFine + 1, order='C')

                plt.title('FEM, Hlvl=4 - Ex 2')
                           extent=(xC.min(), xC.max(), yC.min(), yC.max()),

            Err = np.sqrt(
                np.dot((uSol -
                        uCoarseInt).conj(), KFineFEM * (uSol - uCoarseInt)) +
                k**2 * np.dot(
                    (uSol - uCoarseInt).conj(), MFineFEM *
                    (uSol - uCoarseInt)))
            ErrEnergy = Err / np.sqrt(
                np.dot((uSol).conj(), KFineFEM *
                       (uSol)) + k**2 * np.dot((uSol).conj(), MFineFEM *
            print('---- ', np.abs(ErrEnergy),

            # save errors in arrays
            FEMrelErrEnergy[counter - 1, it] = ErrEnergy


    # error plots
    errLOD_2 = np.min(relErrEnergy, 1)
    errLOD0_2 = np.min(relErrEnergyNoUpdate, 1)
    errLODall_2 = np.min(relErrEnergyFullUpdate, 1)
    errFEM_2 = np.min(FEMrelErrEnergy, 1)

    Hs = 0.5**np.arange(1, maxCoarseLvl + 1)

    plt.title('Relative energy errors w.r.t H - Ex 2')
    plt.plot(Hs, errLOD_2, 'x-', color='blue', label='LOD_ad')
    plt.plot(Hs, errLOD0_2, 'x-', color='green', label='LOD_inf')
    plt.plot(Hs, errLODall_2, 'x-', color='orange', label='LOD_0')
    plt.plot(Hs, errFEM_2, 'x-', color='red', label='FEM')
    plt.plot([0.5, 0.0078125], [0.75, 0.01171875],
             label='order 1')

def IPatchGenerator(i, N):
    return interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(i, N, NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)
    def test_3d(self):
        NWorldFine = np.array([60, 220, 50])
        NpFine = np.prod(NWorldFine + 1)
        NtFine = np.prod(NWorldFine)
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([6, 22, 5])
        NCoarseElement = NWorldFine / NWorldCoarse
        NtCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse)
        NpCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse + 1)

        boundaryConditions = np.array([[1, 1], [0, 0], [1, 1]])
        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)

        aBase = np.loadtxt(
            os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) +
        #aBase = aBase[::8]

        print 'a'
        coords = util.pCoordinates(NWorldFine)
        gFine = 1 - coords[:, 1]
        uFineFull, AFine, _ = femsolver.solveFine(world, aBase, None, -gFine,
        print 'b'

        rCoarse = np.ones(NtCoarse)

        self.assertTrue(np.size(aBase) == NtFine)

        if True:
            IPatchGenerator = lambda i, N: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(
                i, N, NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)
            aCoef = coef.coefficientCoarseFactor(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement,
                                                 aBase, rCoarse)

            k = 2
            printLevel = 1
            pglod = pg.PetrovGalerkinLOD(world, k, IPatchGenerator, 1e-1,
            pglod.updateCorrectors(aCoef, clearFineQuantities=True)

            KmsFull = pglod.assembleMsStiffnessMatrix()

            coords = util.pCoordinates(NWorldCoarse)
            g = 1 - coords[:, 1]
            bFull = -KmsFull * g

            boundaryMap = boundaryConditions == 0
            fixed = util.boundarypIndexMap(NWorldCoarse, boundaryMap)
            free = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(0, NpCoarse), fixed)

            KmsFree = KmsFull[free][:, free]
            bFree = bFull[free]

            xFree = sparse.linalg.spsolve(KmsFree, bFree)

            uCoarse = np.zeros(NpCoarse)
            uCoarse[free] = xFree
            uCoarse += g
            uCube = np.reshape(uCoarse, (NWorldCoarse + 1)[::-1])
            uCube = np.ascontiguousarray(np.transpose(uCube, axes=[2, 1, 0]))

            imageToVTK("./image", pointData={"u": uCube})

        if False:
            coord = util.pCoordinates(NWorldCoarse)
            uCoarse = coord[:, 1].flatten()
            uCube = np.reshape(uCoarse, (NWorldCoarse + 1)[::-1])
            uCube = np.ascontiguousarray(np.transpose(uCube, axes=[2, 1, 0]))
            imageToVTK("./image", pointData={"u": uCube})
                                        ShapeRestriction    = True,
                                        ShapeWave           = None,
                                        Original            = True,
                                        NewShapeChange      = True)

# precompute
NWorldFine = world.NWorldFine
NWorldCoarse = world.NWorldCoarse
NCoarseElement = world.NCoarseElement

boundaryConditions = world.boundaryConditions
NpFine = np.prod(NWorldFine+1)
NpCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse+1)

IPatchGenerator = lambda i, N: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(i, N, NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)

#old Coefficient (need flatten form)
Aold = coef.coefficientFine(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, ABase)

for k in range(1,6):
    print(('<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ' + str(k) + ' >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'))
    pglod = pg_pert.PerturbedPetrovGalerkinLOD(Aold, world, k, IPatchGenerator, 1)
    #new Coefficient
    ANew = R2.flatten()
    Anew = coef.coefficientFine(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, ANew)
    # tolerance = 0
    vis, eps = pglod.updateCorrectors(Anew, 0,clearFineQuantities=False, Computing = False)
    def test_00coarseFlux(self):
        NWorldFine = np.array([20, 20])
        NpFine = np.prod(NWorldFine + 1)
        NtFine = np.prod(NWorldFine)
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([4, 4])
        NCoarseElement = NWorldFine / NWorldCoarse
        NtCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse)
        NpCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse + 1)

        boundaryConditions = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 1]])
        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)


        aBaseSquare = np.exp(5 * np.random.random_sample(NWorldFine[1]))
        aBaseCube = np.tile(aBaseSquare[..., np.newaxis], [NWorldFine[0], 1])
        aBaseCube = aBaseCube[..., np.newaxis]

        aBase = aBaseCube.flatten()

        IPatchGenerator = lambda i, N: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(
            i, N, NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)

        aCoef = coef.coefficientFine(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, aBase)

        k = 4
        printLevel = 0
        pglod = pg.PetrovGalerkinLOD(world, k, IPatchGenerator, 0, printLevel)

        KmsFull = pglod.assembleMsStiffnessMatrix()

        coords = util.pCoordinates(NWorldCoarse)
        xC = coords[:, 0]
        g = 1 - xC
        bFull = -KmsFull * g

        boundaryMap = boundaryConditions == 0
        fixed = util.boundarypIndexMap(NWorldCoarse, boundaryMap)
        free = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(0, NpCoarse), fixed)
        KmsFree = KmsFull[free][:, free]

        bFree = bFull[free]
        xFree = sparse.linalg.spsolve(KmsFree, bFree)
        xFull = np.zeros(NpCoarse)
        xFull[free] = xFree
        uFull = xFull + g

        lodFluxTF = pglod.computeFaceFluxTF(uFull)

        ## Compute fine solution
        coords = util.pCoordinates(NWorldFine)
        xF = coords[:, 0]
        gFine = 1 - xF
        uFineFull, AFine, _ = femsolver.solveFine(world, aBase, None, -gFine,
        uFineFull = uFineFull + gFine
        fineFluxTF = transport.computeHarmonicMeanFaceFlux(
            NWorldCoarse, NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, aBase, uFineFull)

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(lodFluxTF, fineFluxTF, rtol=1e-7))