    def test_computeConservativeFlux_1d(self):
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([4])
        NCoarseElement = np.array([2])

        boundaryConditions = np.array([[0, 0]])
        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)

        fluxTF = np.array([[-1, 1],
                           [-1, 1],
                           [-1, 1],
                           [-1, 1]])
        conservativeFluxTF = transport.computeConservativeFlux(world, fluxTF)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(conservativeFluxTF, fluxTF))

        fluxTF = np.array([[-1, 2],
                           [-2, 1],
                           [-1, 1],
                           [-1, 1]])
        conservativeFluxTF = transport.computeConservativeFlux(world, fluxTF)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.sum(conservativeFluxTF, axis=1), 0))

        fluxTF = np.array([[-1, 2],
                           [-2, 3],
                           [-3, 2],
                           [-1, 1]])
        conservativeFluxTF = transport.computeConservativeFlux(world, fluxTF)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.sum(conservativeFluxTF, axis=1), 0))
    def test_alive(self):
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([5, 5])
        NCoarseElement = np.array([20, 20])
        NFine = NWorldCoarse * NCoarseElement
        NtFine = np.prod(NFine)
        NpCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse + 1)
        NpFine = np.prod(NWorldCoarse * NCoarseElement + 1)

        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)

        IPatchGenerator = lambda i, N: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(
            i, N, NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)

        k = 5

        pglod = pg.PetrovGalerkinLOD(world, k, IPatchGenerator, 0)

        aBase = np.ones(NtFine)
                                                    NCoarseElement, aBase),

        K = pglod.assembleMsStiffnessMatrix()
        self.assertTrue(np.all(K.shape == NpCoarse))

        basisCorrectors = pglod.assembleBasisCorrectors()
        self.assertTrue(np.all(basisCorrectors.shape == (NpFine, NpCoarse)))
    def test_init(self):
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([4, 4])
        NCoarseElement = np.array([2,2])
        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)

        k = 1

        iElementWorldCoarse = np.array([0, 0])
        ec = lod.elementCorrector(world, k, iElementWorldCoarse)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(ec.NPatchCoarse == [2, 2]))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(ec.iElementPatchCoarse == [0, 0]))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(ec.iPatchWorldCoarse == [0, 0]))
        iElementWorldCoarse = np.array([0, 3])
        ec = lod.elementCorrector(world, k, iElementWorldCoarse)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(ec.NPatchCoarse == [2, 2]))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(ec.iElementPatchCoarse == [0, 1]))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(ec.iPatchWorldCoarse == [0, 2]))

        iElementWorldCoarse = np.array([0, 2])
        ec = lod.elementCorrector(world, k, iElementWorldCoarse)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(ec.NPatchCoarse == [2, 3]))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(ec.iElementPatchCoarse == [0, 1]))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(ec.iPatchWorldCoarse == [0, 1]))

        iElementWorldCoarse = np.array([1, 2])
        ec = lod.elementCorrector(world, k, iElementWorldCoarse)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(ec.NPatchCoarse == [3, 3]))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(ec.iElementPatchCoarse == [1, 1]))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(ec.iPatchWorldCoarse == [0, 1]))
    def test_computeSingleT(self):
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([4, 5, 6])
        NCoarseElement = np.array([5, 2, 3])
        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)
        d = np.size(NWorldCoarse)
        k = 1
        iElementWorldCoarse = np.array([2, 1, 2])
        ec = lod.elementCorrector(world, k, iElementWorldCoarse)
        IPatch = interp.nodalPatchMatrix(ec.iPatchWorldCoarse, ec.NPatchCoarse, NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)

        NtPatch = np.prod(ec.NPatchCoarse*NCoarseElement)
        coefficientPatch = coef.coefficientFine(ec.NPatchCoarse, NCoarseElement, np.ones(NtPatch))
        ec.computeCorrectors(coefficientPatch, IPatch)

        correctorSum = reduce(np.add, ec.fsi.correctorsList)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(correctorSum, 0))

        # Test that the matrices have the constants in their null space
        #self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.sum(ec.csi.LTPrimeij, axis=1), 0))
        #self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.sum(ec.csi.LTPrimeij, axis=2), 0))

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.sum(ec.csi.Kij, axis=0), 0))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.sum(ec.csi.Kij, axis=1), 0))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.sum(ec.csi.Kmsij, axis=0), 0))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.sum(ec.csi.Kmsij, axis=1), 0))

        # I had difficulties come up with test cases here. This test
        # verifies that most "energy" is in the element T.
        elementTIndex = util.convertpCoordinateToIndex(ec.NPatchCoarse-1, ec.iElementPatchCoarse)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(ec.csi.muTPrime[elementTIndex] >= ec.csi.muTPrime))
        self.assertTrue(not np.all(ec.csi.muTPrime[elementTIndex+1] >= ec.csi.muTPrime))
    def test_Patch(self):
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([4, 4])
        NCoarseElement = np.array([2, 2])
        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)

        k = 1

        TInd = 0
        patch = Patch(world, k, TInd)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(patch.NPatchCoarse == [2, 2]))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(patch.iElementPatchCoarse == [0, 0]))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(patch.iPatchWorldCoarse == [0, 0]))

        TInd = 12
        patch = Patch(world, k, TInd)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(patch.NPatchCoarse == [2, 2]))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(patch.iElementPatchCoarse == [0, 1]))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(patch.iPatchWorldCoarse == [0, 2]))

        TInd = 8
        patch = Patch(world, k, TInd)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(patch.NPatchCoarse == [2, 3]))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(patch.iElementPatchCoarse == [0, 1]))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(patch.iPatchWorldCoarse == [0, 1]))

        TInd = 9
        patch = Patch(world, k, TInd)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(patch.NPatchCoarse == [3, 3]))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(patch.iElementPatchCoarse == [1, 1]))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(patch.iPatchWorldCoarse == [0, 1]))
    def test_trivial(self):
        NPatchCoarse = np.array([3,3])
        NCoarseElement = np.array([2,2])
        NPatchFine = NPatchCoarse*NCoarseElement
        Nt = np.prod(NPatchFine)
        Np = np.prod(NPatchFine+1)
        fixed = util.boundarypIndexMap(NPatchFine)

        world = World(NPatchCoarse, NCoarseElement)
        patch = Patch(world, 3, 0)
        aFlatPatchFine = np.ones(Nt)
        ALoc = fem.localStiffnessMatrix(NPatchFine)
        APatchFull = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NPatchFine, ALoc, aFlatPatchFine)

        PPatch = fem.assembleProlongationMatrix(NPatchCoarse, NCoarseElement)

        IPatchNodal = interp.nodalPatchMatrix(patch)
        #IPatchuncL2 = interp.uncoupledL2ProjectionPatchMatrix(np.array([0, 0]), NPatchCoarse, NPatchCoarse, NCoarseElement)
        IPatchL2 = interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(patch)

        for IPatch in [IPatchNodal, IPatchL2]:
            bPatchFullList = []
            self.assertTrue(not lod.ritzProjectionToFinePatch(patch, APatchFull, bPatchFullList, IPatch))

            bPatchFullList = [np.zeros(Np)]
            projections = lod.ritzProjectionToFinePatch(patch, APatchFull, bPatchFullList, IPatch)
            self.assertEqual(len(projections), 1)
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(projections[0], 0*projections[0]))

            bPatchFull = np.random.rand(Np)
            bPatchFullList = [bPatchFull]
            projections = lod.ritzProjectionToFinePatch(patch, APatchFull, bPatchFullList, IPatch)
            self.assertTrue(np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(IPatch*projections[0]), 0))
            self.assertTrue(np.isclose(np.dot(projections[0], APatchFull*projections[0]),
                                       np.dot(projections[0], bPatchFullList[0])))

            self.assertTrue(np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(projections[0][fixed]), 0))

            bPatchFullList = [bPatchFull, -bPatchFull]
            projections = lod.ritzProjectionToFinePatch(patch, APatchFull, bPatchFullList, IPatch)
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(projections[0], -projections[1]))

            bPatchFullList = [np.random.rand(Np), np.random.rand(Np)]
            projections = lod.ritzProjectionToFinePatch(patch, APatchFull, bPatchFullList, IPatch)
            self.assertTrue(np.isclose(np.dot(projections[1], APatchFull*projections[0]),
                                       np.dot(projections[1], bPatchFullList[0])))

            bPatchFull = np.random.rand(Np)
            bPatchFullList = [bPatchFull]
            projectionCheckAgainst = lod.ritzProjectionToFinePatch(patch, APatchFull, bPatchFullList, IPatch)[0]

            for saddleSolver in [#lod.nullspaceOneLevelHierarchySolver(NPatchCoarse, NCoarseElement),
                projection = lod.ritzProjectionToFinePatch(patch, APatchFull, bPatchFullList,
                                                           IPatch, saddleSolver)[0]
                self.assertTrue(np.isclose(np.max(np.abs(projectionCheckAgainst-projection)), 0))
    def test_computeFullDomain(self):
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([2, 3, 4], dtype='int64')
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([1, 1, 1], dtype='int64')
        NCoarseElement = np.array([4, 2, 3], dtype='int64')
        NWorldFine = NWorldCoarse*NCoarseElement
        NpWorldFine = np.prod(NWorldFine+1)
        NpWorldCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse+1)
        NtWorldFine = np.prod(NWorldCoarse*NCoarseElement)


        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)
        d = np.size(NWorldCoarse)
        IWorld = interp.nodalPatchMatrix(0*NWorldCoarse, NWorldCoarse, NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)
        aWorld = np.exp(np.random.rand(NtWorldFine))
        coefficientWorld = coef.coefficientFine(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, aWorld)
        k = np.max(NWorldCoarse)

        elementpIndexMap = util.lowerLeftpIndexMap(np.ones_like(NWorldCoarse), NWorldCoarse)
        elementpIndexMapFine = util.lowerLeftpIndexMap(NCoarseElement, NWorldFine)
        coarsepBasis = util.linearpIndexBasis(NWorldCoarse)
        finepBasis = util.linearpIndexBasis(NWorldFine)

        correctors = np.zeros((NpWorldFine, NpWorldCoarse))
        basis = np.zeros((NpWorldFine, NpWorldCoarse))
        for iElementWorldCoarse in it.product(*[np.arange(n, dtype='int64') for n in NWorldCoarse]):
            iElementWorldCoarse = np.array(iElementWorldCoarse)
            ec = lod.elementCorrector(world, k, iElementWorldCoarse)
            ec.computeCorrectors(coefficientWorld, IWorld)
            worldpIndices = np.dot(coarsepBasis, iElementWorldCoarse) + elementpIndexMap
            correctors[:,worldpIndices] += np.column_stack(ec.fsi.correctorsList)

            worldpFineIndices = np.dot(finepBasis, iElementWorldCoarse*NCoarseElement) + elementpIndexMapFine
            basis[np.ix_(worldpFineIndices, worldpIndices)] = world.localBasis

        AGlob = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NWorldFine, world.ALocFine, aWorld)

        alpha = np.random.rand(NpWorldCoarse)
        vH  = np.dot(basis, alpha)
        QvH = np.dot(correctors, alpha)

        # Check norm inequality
        self.assertTrue(np.dot(QvH.T, AGlob*QvH) <= np.dot(vH.T, AGlob*vH))

        # Check that correctors are really fine functions
        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(IWorld*correctors, ord=np.inf), 0))

        v = np.random.rand(NpWorldFine, NpWorldCoarse)
        v[util.boundarypIndexMap(NWorldFine)] = 0
        # The chosen interpolation operator doesn't ruin the boundary conditions.
        vf = v-np.dot(basis, IWorld*v)
        vf = vf/np.sqrt(np.sum(vf*(AGlob*vf), axis=0))
        # Check orthogonality
        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(np.dot(vf.T, AGlob*(correctors - basis)), ord=np.inf), 0))
    def test_testCsi_muTPrime(self):
        # 3D world
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([6, 5, 4])
        NCoarseElement = np.array([5, 2, 3])
        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)

        # Full patch
        TInd = 0
        k = 6
        patch = Patch(world, k, TInd)

        # Let functions = [x1]
        def computeFunctions():
            pc = util.pCoordinates(world.NWorldFine)
            x1 = pc[:,0]
            x2 = pc[:,1]
            return [x1]

        elementFinepIndexMap = util.extractElementFine(NWorldCoarse,
        elementFinetIndexMap = util.extractElementFine(NWorldCoarse,
        # Let lambdas = functions
        lambdasList = [f[elementFinepIndexMap] for f in computeFunctions()]

        ## Case
        # aPatch = 1
        # Let corrector Q = functions
        # Expect: muTPrime for first element T is 0, the others 1
        correctorsList = computeFunctions()
        aPatch = np.ones(world.NpFine)
        csi = lod.computeCoarseQuantities(patch, lambdasList, correctorsList, aPatch)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(np.sum(csi.muTPrime), 6*5*4-1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(csi.muTPrime[0], 0)
        ## Case
        # aPatch = 1
        # Let corrector Q = 2*functions
        # Expect: muTPrime is 1 for first element and 4 for all others
        correctorsList = [2*f for f in computeFunctions()]
        aPatch = np.ones(world.NpFine)
        csi = lod.computeCoarseQuantities(patch, lambdasList, correctorsList, aPatch)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(np.sum(csi.muTPrime), 4*(6*5*4-1)+1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(csi.muTPrime[0], 1)
    def test_computeConservativeFlux_2d_a(self):
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([2, 2])
        NCoarseElement = np.array([1, 1])

        boundaryConditions = np.array([[0, 0],
                                       [1, 1]])
        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)

        fluxTF = np.array([[-1., 2,  0, 0],
                           [-2 , 2,  0, 0],
                           [-2 , 3,  0, 0],
                           [-3 , 2,  0, 0]])
        conservativeFluxTF = transport.computeConservativeFlux(world, fluxTF)
        print conservativeFluxTF
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.sum(conservativeFluxTF, axis=1), 0))
    def test_nodalPatchMatrix(self):
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([1, 1, 1])
        NCoarseElement = np.array([1, 1, 1])
        patch = Patch(World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement), 1, 0)
        INodalPatch = interp.nodalPatchMatrix(patch)
            sparse.linalg.onenormest(INodalPatch -
                                     sparse.eye(np.size(INodalPatch, 0))) == 0)

        NWorldCoarse = np.array([1, 1, 1])
        NCoarseElement = np.array([2, 1, 1])
        patch = Patch(World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement), 1, 0)
        INodalPatch = interp.nodalPatchMatrix(patch)
                np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                          [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                          [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                          [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                          [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                          [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
                          [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
                          [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]])))
    def test_stiffessMatrix(self):
        # Compare stiffness matrix from PG object with the one
        # computed from correctors and fine stiffness matrix
        NWorldFine = np.array([10, 10])
        NpFine = np.prod(NWorldFine + 1)
        NtFine = np.prod(NWorldFine)
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([2, 2])
        NCoarseElement = NWorldFine / NWorldCoarse
        NtCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse)
        NpCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse + 1)

        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)


        aBase = np.random.rand(NtFine)
        aCoef = coef.coefficientFine(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, aBase)

        IPatchGenerator = lambda i, N: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(
            i, N, NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)
        IWorld = IPatchGenerator(0 * NWorldCoarse, NWorldCoarse)

        k = 2
        printLevel = 0
        pglod = pg.PetrovGalerkinLOD(world, k, IPatchGenerator, 0, printLevel)

        pglod.updateCorrectors(aCoef, clearFineQuantities=False)

        KmsFull = pglod.assembleMsStiffnessMatrix()
        KFull = pglod.assembleStiffnessMatrix()

        basis = fem.assembleProlongationMatrix(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)
        basisCorrectors = pglod.assembleBasisCorrectors()

            np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(IWorld * basisCorrectors.todense()), 0))

        modifiedBasis = basis - basisCorrectors
        AFine = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NWorldFine, world.ALocFine, aBase)

        KmsRef = np.dot(basis.T, AFine * modifiedBasis)
        KRef = np.dot(basis.T, AFine * basis)

            np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(KFull.todense() - KRef.todense()), 0))
            np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(KmsFull.todense() - KmsRef.todense()),
def standard_fem(world, N, fine, tau, tot_time_steps, aFine, bFine, f):
    # mesh parameters
    NWorldCoarse = np.array([N, N])
    NFine = np.array([fine, fine])
    NCoarseElement = NFine // NWorldCoarse
    NWorldFine = world.NWorldCoarse * world.NCoarseElement
    bc = world.boundaryConditions
    world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, bc)

    NpCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse + 1)    
    basis = fem.assembleProlongationMatrix(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)
    Uo = np.zeros(NpCoarse)

    # coarse v^(-1) and v^0
    V = [Uo]

    # compute ms matrices
    S = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NWorldFine, world.ALocFine, aFine)
    K = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NWorldFine, world.ALocFine, bFine)
    M = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NWorldFine, world.MLocFine)

    free = util.interiorpIndexMap(NWorldCoarse)

    SmsFree = (basis.T * S * basis)[free][:, free]
    KmsFree = (basis.T * K * basis)[free][:, free]
    MmsFree = (basis.T * M * basis)[free][:, free]
    LmsFree = (basis.T * M * f)[free]

    for i in range(tot_time_steps):
        n = i + 1

        # linear system
        A = (1. / (tau ** 2)) * MmsFree + (1. / tau) * SmsFree + KmsFree
        b = LmsFree + (1. / tau) * SmsFree * V[n][free] + (2. / (tau ** 2)) * MmsFree * V[n][free] \
            - (1. / (tau ** 2)) * MmsFree * V[n - 1][free]

        # solve system
        VFree = linalg.linSolve(A, b)
        VFull = np.zeros(NpCoarse)
        VFull[free] = VFree

        # append solution for current time step
    return basis * V[-1]
    def test_testCsi(self):
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([4, 5, 6])
        NCoarseElement = np.array([5, 2, 3])
        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)
        d = np.size(NWorldCoarse)
        k = 1
        iElementWorldCoarse = np.array([2, 1, 2])
        ec = lod.elementCorrector(world, k, iElementWorldCoarse)
        IPatch = interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(ec.iPatchWorldCoarse, ec.NPatchCoarse, NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)

        NtPatch = np.prod(ec.NPatchCoarse*NCoarseElement)


        aPatch = np.random.rand(NtPatch)
        coefficientPatch = coef.coefficientFine(ec.NPatchCoarse, NCoarseElement, aPatch)
        ec.computeCorrectors(coefficientPatch, IPatch)

        TFinetIndexMap   = util.extractElementFine(ec.NPatchCoarse,
        TFinepIndexMap   = util.extractElementFine(ec.NPatchCoarse,
        TCoarsepIndexMap   = util.extractElementFine(ec.NPatchCoarse,

        APatchFine      = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(ec.NPatchCoarse*NCoarseElement, world.ALocFine, aPatch)
        AElementFine    = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NCoarseElement, world.ALocFine, aPatch[TFinetIndexMap])
        basisPatch      = fem.assembleProlongationMatrix(ec.NPatchCoarse, NCoarseElement)
        correctorsPatch = np.column_stack(ec.fsi.correctorsList)

        localBasis = world.localBasis

        KmsijShouldBe = -basisPatch.T*(APatchFine*(correctorsPatch))
        KmsijShouldBe[TCoarsepIndexMap,:] += np.dot(localBasis.T, AElementFine*localBasis)
        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(np.max(np.abs(ec.csi.Kmsij-KmsijShouldBe)), 0))
    def test_testCsi_Kmsij(self):
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([4, 5, 6])
        NCoarseElement = np.array([5, 2, 3])
        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)
        d = np.size(NWorldCoarse)
        k = 1
        iElementWorldCoarse = np.array([2, 1, 2])
        TInd = util.convertpCoordIndexToLinearIndex(NWorldCoarse, iElementWorldCoarse)
        patch = Patch(world, k, TInd)
        IPatch = interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(patch)
        NtPatch = patch.NtFine
        aPatch = np.random.rand(NtPatch)
        basisCorrectorsList = lod.computeBasisCorrectors(patch, IPatch, aPatch)
        csi = lod.computeBasisCoarseQuantities(patch, basisCorrectorsList, aPatch)

        TFinetIndexMap   = util.extractElementFine(patch.NPatchCoarse,
        TFinepIndexMap   = util.extractElementFine(patch.NPatchCoarse,
        TCoarsepIndexMap   = util.extractElementFine(patch.NPatchCoarse,

        APatchFine      = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(patch.NPatchFine, world.ALocFine, aPatch)
        AElementFine    = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NCoarseElement, world.ALocFine, aPatch[TFinetIndexMap])
        basisPatch      = fem.assembleProlongationMatrix(patch.NPatchCoarse, NCoarseElement)
        correctorsPatch = np.column_stack(basisCorrectorsList)

        localBasis = world.localBasis

        KmsijShouldBe = -basisPatch.T*(APatchFine*(correctorsPatch))
        KmsijShouldBe[TCoarsepIndexMap,:] += np.dot(localBasis.T, AElementFine*localBasis)
        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(np.max(np.abs(csi.Kmsij-KmsijShouldBe)), 0))
    def test_fullPatch(self):
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([3,3])
        NCoarseElement = np.array([2,2])

        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)
        k = 3
        patchT = [Patch(world, k, TInd) for TInd in range(world.NtCoarse)]
        basisCorrectorsListT = [[np.zeros(world.NpFine),
                                 np.zeros(world.NpFine)] for i in range(world.NtCoarse)]

        # Set first and last corrector to constant 1 and 2
        basisCorrectorsListT[0][0][:] = 1
        basisCorrectorsListT[-1][-1][:] = 2
        basisCorrectors = pglod.assembleBasisCorrectors(world, patchT, basisCorrectorsListT)

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(basisCorrectors.todense()[:,0], 1))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(basisCorrectors.todense()[:,-1], 2))
        def computeAvgVelocitiesTF(NFluxElement):
            fluxWorld = World(NWorldFine / NFluxElement, NFluxElement,

            if True:
                avgFluxTF = transport.computeHarmonicMeanFaceFlux(
                    fluxWorld.NWorldCoarse, fluxWorld.NWorldCoarse,
                    NFluxElement, aBase, uFull)
                avgFluxTF = transport.computeAverageFaceFlux(
                    fluxWorld.NWorldCoarse, avgFluxTF)
                conservativeFluxTF = transport.computeConservativeFlux(
                    fluxWorld, avgFluxTF)

            if False:
                avgFluxTF = transport.computeElementFaceFlux(
                    fluxWorld.NWorldCoarse, fluxWorld.NWorldCoarse,
                    NFluxElement, aBase, uFull)
                avgFluxTF = transport.computeAverageFaceFlux(
                    fluxWorld.NWorldCoarse, avgFluxTF)

            return avgFluxTF, conservativeFluxTF
    def test_ritzProjectionToFinePatchBoundaryConditions(self):
        NPatchCoarse = np.array([4, 4])
        NCoarseElement = np.array([10, 10])
        world = World(NPatchCoarse, NCoarseElement)
        patch = Patch(world, 4, 0)
        NPatchFine = NPatchCoarse*NCoarseElement
        NpFine = np.prod(NPatchFine + 1)
        APatchFull = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NPatchCoarse*NCoarseElement, world.ALocFine)
        bPatchFullList = [np.ones(NpFine)]

        fixed = util.boundarypIndexMap(NPatchFine)
        for IPatch in [interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(patch),

            schurComplementSolver = lod.SchurComplementSolver()
            schurComplementSolution = lod.ritzProjectionToFinePatch(patch,
                                                                    APatchFull, bPatchFullList,
            self.assertTrue(np.isclose(np.max(np.abs(schurComplementSolution[fixed])), 0))
    def test_smallPatch(self):
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([3,3])
        NCoarseElement = np.array([2,2])

        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)
        k = 0
        patchT = [Patch(world, k, TInd) for TInd in range(world.NtCoarse)]
        basisCorrectorsListT = [[np.zeros(patchT[0].NpFine),
                                 np.zeros(patchT[0].NpFine)] for i in range(world.NtCoarse)]

        # Set first and last corrector to constant 1 and 2
        basisCorrectorsListT[0][0][:] = 1
        basisCorrectorsListT[-1][-1][:] = 2
        basisCorrectors = pglod.assembleBasisCorrectors(world, patchT, basisCorrectorsListT)

        firstBasisCorrectorShouldBe = np.array([1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                                1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                                1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])

        lastBasisCorrectorShouldBe = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                               0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                               0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                               0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                               0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2,
                                               0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2,
                                               0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2])

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(basisCorrectors.todense()[:,0].squeeze(), firstBasisCorrectorShouldBe))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(basisCorrectors.todense()[:,-1].squeeze(), lastBasisCorrectorShouldBe))
    def test_computeSingleT(self):
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([4, 5, 6])
        NCoarseElement = np.array([5, 2, 3])
        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)
        d = np.size(NWorldCoarse)
        k = 1
        iElementWorldCoarse = np.array([2, 1, 2])
        TInd = util.convertpCoordIndexToLinearIndex(NWorldCoarse, iElementWorldCoarse)
        patch = Patch(world, k, TInd)

        IPatch = interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(patch)
        NtPatch = patch.NtFine

        aPatch = np.ones(NtPatch)
        basisCorrectorsList = lod.computeBasisCorrectors(patch, IPatch, aPatch)

        correctorSum = reduce(np.add, basisCorrectorsList)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(correctorSum, 0))

        csi = lod.computeBasisCoarseQuantities(patch, basisCorrectorsList, aPatch)
        # Test that the matrices have the constants in their null space
        #self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.sum(ec.csi.LTPrimeij, axis=1), 0))
        #self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.sum(ec.csi.LTPrimeij, axis=2), 0))

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.sum(csi.Kij, axis=0), 0))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.sum(csi.Kij, axis=1), 0))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.sum(csi.Kmsij, axis=0), 0))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.sum(csi.Kmsij, axis=1), 0))

        # I had difficulties come up with test cases here. This test
        # verifies that most "energy" is in the element T.
        elementTIndex = util.convertpCoordIndexToLinearIndex(patch.NPatchCoarse-1, patch.iElementPatchCoarse)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(csi.muTPrime[elementTIndex] >= csi.muTPrime))
        self.assertTrue(not np.all(csi.muTPrime[elementTIndex+1] >= csi.muTPrime))
def standard_method(world, N, fine, tau, tot_time_steps, k, aFine, bFine, f):
    # coarse mesh parameters
    NWorldCoarse = np.array([N, N])
    NFine = np.array([fine, fine])
    NpFine = np.prod(NFine + 1)
    NCoarseElement = NFine // NWorldCoarse
    NWorldFine = world.NWorldCoarse * world.NCoarseElement
    bc = world.boundaryConditions
    world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, bc)

    NpCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse + 1)

    def IPatchGenerator(i, N):
        return interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(i, N, NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, bc)

    b_coef = coef.coefficientFine(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, bFine)
    a_coef = coef.coefficientFine(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, aFine / tau)

    # compute basis correctors
    lod = lod_wave.LodWave(b_coef, world, k, IPatchGenerator, a_coef)

    # compute ms basis
    basis = fem.assembleProlongationMatrix(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)
    basis_correctors = lod.assembleBasisCorrectors()
    ms_basis = basis - basis_correctors

    # compute finescale solution correctors
    prev_fs_sol = ms_basis
    fs_solutions_new = []
    for i in range(tot_time_steps):
        print('Calculating correction at N = %d, i = %d' % (N, i))

        # solve localized system
        lod = lod_wave.LodWave(b_coef, world, k, IPatchGenerator, a_coef, prev_fs_sol)

        # store sparse solution
        prev_fs_sol = sparse.csc_matrix(np.array(np.column_stack(lod.fs_list)))

    # initial value
    Uo = np.zeros(NpCoarse)

    # coarse v^(-1) and v^0
    V = [Uo]

    # compute ms matrices
    S = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NWorldFine, world.ALocFine, aFine)
    K = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NWorldFine, world.ALocFine, bFine)
    M = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NWorldFine, world.MLocFine)

    free = util.interiorpIndexMap(NWorldCoarse)

    SmsFree = (ms_basis.T * S * ms_basis)[free][:, free]
    KmsFree = (ms_basis.T * K * ms_basis)[free][:, free]
    MmsFree = (ms_basis.T * M * ms_basis)[free][:, free]

    # load vector
    f = np.ones(NpFine)
    LmsFree = (ms_basis.T * M * f)[free]

    RmsFreeList = []
    for i in range(tot_time_steps):
        n = i + 1

        # linear system
        A = (1. / (tau ** 2)) * MmsFree + (1. / tau) * SmsFree + KmsFree
        b = LmsFree + (1. / tau) * SmsFree * V[n][free] + (2. / (tau ** 2)) * MmsFree * V[n][free] \
            - (1. / (tau ** 2)) * MmsFree * V[n - 1][free]

        # store ms matrix R^{ms',h}_{H,i,k}
        RmsFull = ms_basis.T * S * sparse.csc_matrix(fs_solutions_new[i])
        RmsFree = RmsFull[free][:, free]

        # add sum to linear system
        if i != 0:
            for j in range(i):
                b += (1. / tau) * RmsFreeList[j] * V[n - 1 - j][free]

        # solve system
        VFree = linalg.linSolve(A, b)
        VFull = np.zeros(NpCoarse)
        VFull[free] = VFree

        # append solution for current time step
    VFine = ms_basis * V[-1]

    WFine = 0
    for j in range(tot_time_steps):
        WFine += sparse.csc_matrix(fs_solutions_new[j]) * V[n - j]

    return VFine + WFine, ms_basis * Uo
def standard_lod(world, N, fine, tau, tot_time_steps, k, aFine, bFine, f, damp_corr=False, both_coef=False):
    # mesh parameters
    NWorldCoarse = np.array([N, N])
    NFine = np.array([fine, fine])
    NCoarseElement = NFine // NWorldCoarse
    NWorldFine = world.NWorldCoarse * world.NCoarseElement
    bc = world.boundaryConditions
    world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, bc)

    def IPatchGenerator(i, N):
        return interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(i, N, NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, bc)

    b_coef = coef.coefficientFine(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, bFine)
    a_coef = coef.coefficientFine(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, aFine / tau)

    NpCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse + 1)    
    basis = fem.assembleProlongationMatrix(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)

    # compute basis correctors
    if damp_corr:
        b_coef = coef.coefficientFine(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, np.zeros_like(bFine))
        a_coef = coef.coefficientFine(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, aFine / tau)
    elif both_coef:
        b_coef = coef.coefficientFine(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, bFine)
        a_coef = coef.coefficientFine(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, aFine)
        a_coef = coef.coefficientFine(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, np.zeros_like(aFine))
        b_coef = coef.coefficientFine(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, bFine)
    lod = lod_wave.LodWave(b_coef, world, k, IPatchGenerator, a_coef)

    # compute ms basis
    basis = fem.assembleProlongationMatrix(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)
    basis_correctors = lod.assembleBasisCorrectors()
    mod_basis = basis - basis_correctors

    Uo = np.zeros(NpCoarse)

    # coarse v^(-1) and v^0
    V = [Uo]

    # compute ms matrices
    S = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NWorldFine, world.ALocFine, aFine)
    K = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NWorldFine, world.ALocFine, bFine)
    M = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NWorldFine, world.MLocFine)

    free = util.interiorpIndexMap(NWorldCoarse)

    SmsFree = (mod_basis.T * S * mod_basis)[free][:, free]
    KmsFree = (mod_basis.T * K * mod_basis)[free][:, free]
    MmsFree = (mod_basis.T * M * mod_basis)[free][:, free]
    LmsFree = (mod_basis.T * M * f)[free]

    for i in range(tot_time_steps):
        n = i + 1

        # linear system
        A = (1. / (tau ** 2)) * MmsFree + (1. / tau) * SmsFree + KmsFree
        b = LmsFree + (1. / tau) * SmsFree * V[n][free] + (2. / (tau ** 2)) * MmsFree * V[n][free] \
            - (1. / (tau ** 2)) * MmsFree * V[n - 1][free]

        # solve system
        VFree = linalg.linSolve(A, b)
        VFull = np.zeros(NpCoarse)
        VFull[free] = VFree

        # append solution for current time step
    return mod_basis * V[-1]
    def test_pgtransport(self):
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([16, 16])
        NCoarseElement = np.array([8, 8])
        NWorldFine = NWorldCoarse * NCoarseElement
        boundaryConditions = np.array([[1, 1], [0, 0]])

        d = 2

        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)

        # Load coefficient
        aLogBase = np.loadtxt(
            os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) +
        #aBase = np.loadtxt(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/data/upperness_x.txt')
        #aBase = aBase[:60*220]
        #aLogBase = np.random.rand(128*128)
        aBase = np.exp(3 * aLogBase)

        drawCoefficient(NWorldFine, aBase)

        # Compute coordinates
        coordsFine = util.pCoordinates(NWorldFine)
        xFine = coordsFine[:, 0]
        yFine = coordsFine[:, 1]

        # Compute fixed and free dofs
        allDofs = np.arange(world.NpFine)
        fixed = util.boundarypIndexMap(NWorldFine, boundaryConditions == 0)
        free = np.setdiff1d(allDofs, fixed)

        # Compute matrices
        AFull = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NWorldFine, world.ALocFine, aBase)
        A = AFull[free][:, free]

        # Compute rhs
        gFine = 1 - yFine
        bFull = -AFull * gFine
        b = bFull[free]

        # Solve fine system
        u0Free = sparse.linalg.spsolve(A, b)
        u0Full = np.zeros(world.NpFine)
        u0Full[free] = u0Free

        uFull = u0Full + gFine

        ## First, compute flux on fine mesh
        def computeAvgVelocitiesTF(NFluxElement):
            fluxWorld = World(NWorldFine / NFluxElement, NFluxElement,

            if True:
                avgFluxTF = transport.computeHarmonicMeanFaceFlux(
                    fluxWorld.NWorldCoarse, fluxWorld.NWorldCoarse,
                    NFluxElement, aBase, uFull)
                avgFluxTF = transport.computeAverageFaceFlux(
                    fluxWorld.NWorldCoarse, avgFluxTF)
                conservativeFluxTF = transport.computeConservativeFlux(
                    fluxWorld, avgFluxTF)

            if False:
                avgFluxTF = transport.computeElementFaceFlux(
                    fluxWorld.NWorldCoarse, fluxWorld.NWorldCoarse,
                    NFluxElement, aBase, uFull)
                avgFluxTF = transport.computeAverageFaceFlux(
                    fluxWorld.NWorldCoarse, avgFluxTF)

            return avgFluxTF, conservativeFluxTF

        avgFluxTF, conservativeFluxTF = computeAvgVelocitiesTF(NCoarseElement)
        avgFluxtf, conservativeFluxtf = computeAvgVelocitiesTF(

        def fractionalFlow(s):
            return s**3

        boundarys = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0]])

        sT = np.zeros(world.NtCoarse)
        st = np.zeros(world.NtFine)

        nTime = 1e5
        endTime = 1
        dTime = endTime / float(nTime)
        volt = np.prod(1. / world.NWorldFine)
        volT = np.prod(1. / world.NWorldCoarse)

        h1 = plt.gcf().number
        h2 = plt.gcf().number
        h3 = plt.gcf().number

        for timeStep in np.arange(nTime):

            def computeElementNetFluxT(NFluxElement, avgFluxTF, sT):
                fluxWorld = World(NWorldFine / NFluxElement, NFluxElement,
                netFluxT = transport.computeElementNetFlux(
                    fluxWorld, avgFluxTF, sT, boundarys, fractionalFlow)
                return netFluxT

            netFluxT = computeElementNetFluxT(NCoarseElement,
                                              conservativeFluxTF, sT)
            netFluxt = computeElementNetFluxT(np.ones_like(NCoarseElement),
                                              conservativeFluxtf, st)

            sT = sT + dTime / volT * netFluxT
            #sT[sT > 1] = 1.
            #sT[sT < 0] = 0.

            st = st + dTime / volt * netFluxt
            #st[st > 1] = 1.
            #st[st < 0] = 0.

            if timeStep % 1000 == 0 or timeStep == nTime - 1:
                drawSaturation(NWorldCoarse, sT)

                drawSaturation(NWorldFine, st)

                stProjected = projectSaturation(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement,
                drawSaturation(NWorldCoarse, stProjected)
                plt.title('st projected')

                print np.sqrt(np.mean((stProjected - sT)**2))

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sparse
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from gridlod import util, fem, coef, interp
from gridlod.world import World
import lod_wave

# fine mesh parameters
fine = 1024
NFine = np.array([fine])
NpFine = np.prod(NFine + 1)
boundaryConditions = np.array([[0, 0]])
world = World(NFine, NFine // NFine, boundaryConditions)
NWorldFine = world.NWorldCoarse * world.NCoarseElement

# fine grid elements and nodes
xt = util.tCoordinates(NFine).flatten()
xp = util.pCoordinates(NFine).flatten()

# time step parameters
tau = 0.1
numTimeSteps = 10

# ms coefficients
epsA = 2 ** (-4)
epsB = 2 ** (-6)
aFine = (2 - np.sin(2 * np.pi * xt / epsA)) ** (-1)
bFine = (2 - np.cos(2 * np.pi * xt / epsB)) ** (-1)

k_0 = np.inf
k_1 = k_0
    def test_computeCoarseErrorIndicatorFlux(self):
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([7, 7], dtype='int64')
        NCoarseElement = np.array([10, 10], dtype='int64')
        NWorldFine = NWorldCoarse * NCoarseElement
        NpWorldFine = np.prod(NWorldFine + 1)
        NpWorldCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse + 1)
        NtWorldFine = np.prod(NWorldCoarse * NCoarseElement)
        NtWorldCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse)


        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)
        d = np.size(NWorldCoarse)
        aBase = np.exp(np.random.rand(NtWorldFine))
        k = np.max(NWorldCoarse)
        iElementWorldCoarse = np.array([3, 3])

        rCoarseFirst = 1 + 3 * np.random.rand(NtWorldCoarse)
        coefFirst = coef.CoefficientCoarseFactor(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement,
                                                 aBase, rCoarseFirst)
        IPatchGenerator = lambda i, N: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(
            i, N, NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)
        ec = lod_flux.CoarseBasisElementCorrectorFlux(world, k,

        # If both rCoarseFirst and rCoarseSecond are equal, the error indicator should be zero
        rCoarseSecond = np.array(rCoarseFirst)
            np.isclose(ec.computeCoarseErrorIndicatorFlux(rCoarseSecond), 0))

        coefSecond = coef.CoefficientCoarseFactor(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement,
                                                  aBase, rCoarseSecond)

        # If rCoarseSecond is not rCoarseFirst, the error indicator should not be zero
        rCoarseSecond = 2 * np.array(rCoarseFirst)
            ec.computeCoarseErrorIndicatorFlux(rCoarseSecond) >= 0.1)

        coefSecond = coef.CoefficientCoarseFactor(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement,
                                                  aBase, rCoarseSecond)
        self.assertTrue(ec.computeErrorIndicatorFine(coefSecond) >= 0.1)

        # Fine should be smaller than coarse estimate
            ec.computeErrorIndicatorFine(coefSecond) <

        # If rCoarseSecond is different in the element itself, the error
        # indicator should be large
        elementCoarseIndex = util.convertpCoordIndexToLinearIndex(
            NWorldCoarse - 1, iElementWorldCoarse)
        rCoarseSecond = np.array(rCoarseFirst)
        rCoarseSecond[elementCoarseIndex] *= 2
        saveForNextTest = ec.computeCoarseErrorIndicatorFlux(rCoarseSecond)
        self.assertTrue(saveForNextTest >= 0.1)

        coefSecond = coef.CoefficientCoarseFactor(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement,
                                                  aBase, rCoarseSecond)
        fineResult = ec.computeErrorIndicatorFine(coefSecond)
        self.assertTrue(fineResult >= 0.1)
            ec.computeErrorIndicatorFine(coefSecond) <

        # A difference in the perifery should be smaller than in the center
        rCoarseSecond = np.array(rCoarseFirst)
        rCoarseSecond[0] *= 2
            saveForNextTest > ec.computeCoarseErrorIndicatorFlux(rCoarseSecond)

        # Again, but closer
        rCoarseSecond = np.array(rCoarseFirst)
        rCoarseSecond[elementCoarseIndex - 1] *= 2
            saveForNextTest > ec.computeCoarseErrorIndicatorFlux(rCoarseSecond)
文件: plot4.py 项目: ollema/lod-wave
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from gridlod.world import World
from math import log
from methods import reference_sol, rb_method_sparse_stop

# fine mesh set up
fine = 256
NFine = np.array([fine, fine])
NpFine = np.prod(NFine + 1)
boundaryConditions = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0]])
world = World(NFine, NFine // NFine, boundaryConditions)

# parameters
tau = 0.02
Nlist = [64]
tot_time_steps = 50
n = 2
no_rb_vecs = tot_time_steps


# ms coefficient A
A = np.kron(
    np.random.rand(fine // n, fine // n) * 999.9 + 0.1, np.ones((n, n)))
aFine = A.flatten()

# ms coefficient B
B = np.kron(
    np.random.rand(fine // n, fine // n) * 999.9 + 0.1, np.ones((n, n)))
bFine = B.flatten()
def rb_method_sparse_stop(world, N, fine, tau, tot_time_steps, k, aFine, bFine, f, no_rb_vecs, TOL=None):

    # coarse mesh parameters
    NWorldCoarse = np.array([N, N])
    NFine = np.array([fine, fine])
    NpFine = np.prod(NFine + 1)
    NCoarseElement = NFine // NWorldCoarse
    NWorldFine = world.NWorldCoarse * world.NCoarseElement
    bc = world.boundaryConditions
    world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, bc)

    if TOL is None:
        TOL = 1e-6

    NpCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse + 1)

    def IPatchGenerator(i, N):
        return interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(i, N, NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, bc)

    b_coef = coef.coefficientFine(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, bFine)
    a_coef = coef.coefficientFine(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, aFine / tau)

    # compute basis correctors
    lod = lod_wave.LodWave(b_coef, world, k, IPatchGenerator, a_coef)

    # compute ms basis
    basis = fem.assembleProlongationMatrix(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)
    basis_correctors = lod.assembleBasisCorrectors()
    ms_basis = basis - basis_correctors

    fs_solutions_new = [sparse.csc_matrix(np.zeros_like(ms_basis.toarray())) for i in range(tot_time_steps)]
    for node in range(NpCoarse):
        prev_fs_sol_new = ms_basis[:, node]
        snapshots = []
        for time_step in range(no_rb_vecs):
            print('Calculating correction at N = %d, node = %d/%d, time_step = %d' % (N, node, NpCoarse, time_step))
            node_index_arr = compute_2d_node(world.NWorldCoarse, node)
            ecT = lod_node.nodeCorrector(world, k, node_index_arr)

            b_patch = b_coef.localize(ecT.iPatchWorldCoarse, ecT.NPatchCoarse)
            a_patch = a_coef.localize(ecT.iPatchWorldCoarse, ecT.NPatchCoarse)

            IPatch = IPatchGenerator(ecT.iPatchWorldCoarse, ecT.NPatchCoarse)

            fs_list = ecT.compute_localized_node_correction_test(b_patch, a_patch, IPatch, prev_fs_sol_new, node)
            prev_fs_sol_new = sparse.csr_matrix(fs_list).T
            fs_solutions_new[time_step][:, node] = prev_fs_sol_new

            V = sparse.csc_matrix(gram_schmidt_rb(snapshots, TOL))
            if V.get_shape()[0] == time_step:

        for i in range(time_step + 1, tot_time_steps):
            fs_solutions_new[i][:, node] = sparse.csc_matrix(V.T * ecT.compute_rb_node_correction_test(b_patch, a_patch, IPatch, fs_solutions_new[i-1][:, node], V)).T

    # initial value
    Uo = np.zeros(NpCoarse)

    # coarse v^(-1) and v^0
    V = [Uo]

    # compute ms matrices
    S = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NWorldFine, world.ALocFine, aFine)
    K = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NWorldFine, world.ALocFine, bFine)
    M = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NWorldFine, world.MLocFine)

    free = util.interiorpIndexMap(NWorldCoarse)

    SmsFree = (ms_basis.T * S * ms_basis)[free][:, free]
    KmsFree = (ms_basis.T * K * ms_basis)[free][:, free]
    MmsFree = (ms_basis.T * M * ms_basis)[free][:, free]

    # load vector
    f = np.ones(NpFine)
    LmsFree = (ms_basis.T * M * f)[free]

    RmsFreeList = []
    for i in range(tot_time_steps):
        n = i + 1

        # linear system
        A = (1. / (tau ** 2)) * MmsFree + (1. / tau) * SmsFree + KmsFree
        b = LmsFree + (1. / tau) * SmsFree * V[n][free] + (2. / (tau ** 2)) * MmsFree * V[n][free] \
            - (1. / (tau ** 2)) * MmsFree * V[n - 1][free]

        # store ms matrix R^{ms',h}_{H,i,k}
        RmsFull = ms_basis.T * S * sparse.csc_matrix(fs_solutions_new[i])
        RmsFree = RmsFull[free][:, free]

        # add sum to linear system
        if i != 0:
            for j in range(i):
                b += (1. / tau) * RmsFreeList[j] * V[n - 1 - j][free]

        # solve system
        VFree = linalg.linSolve(A, b)
        VFull = np.zeros(NpCoarse)
        VFull[free] = VFree

        # append solution for current time step
    VFine = ms_basis * V[-1]

    WFine = 0
    for j in range(tot_time_steps):
        WFine += sparse.csc_matrix(fs_solutions_new[j]) * V[n - j]

    return VFine + WFine, ms_basis * Uo
import scipy.sparse as sparse
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from gridlod import util, fem, coef, interp, linalg
from gridlod.world import World
import lod_wave


# fine mesh parameters
fine = 256
NFine = np.array([fine])
NpFine = np.prod(NFine + 1)
boundaryConditions = np.array([[0, 0]])
world = World(np.array([fine]), NFine / np.array([fine]), boundaryConditions)
NWorldFine = world.NWorldCoarse * world.NCoarseElement

# fine grid elements and nodes
xt = util.tCoordinates(NFine).flatten()
xp = util.pCoordinates(NFine).flatten()

# time step parameters
tau = 0.01
numTimeSteps = 100

# ms coefficients
epsA = 2 ** (-5)
epsB = 2 ** (-5)
aFine = (2 - np.sin(2 * np.pi * xt / epsA)) ** (-1)
bFine = (2 - np.cos(2 * np.pi * xt / epsB)) ** (-1)
    def test_computeErrorIndicatorFine_zeroT(self):
        ## Setup
        # 2D, variables x0 and x1
        NCoarse = np.array([4, 3])
        NCoarseElement = np.array([2, 3])
        world = World(NCoarse, NCoarseElement)
        patch = Patch(world, 4, 0)
        NFine = NCoarse*NCoarseElement

        # Let functions = [x1, 2*x2]
        def computeFunctions():
            pc = util.pCoordinates(NFine)
            x1 = pc[:,0]
            x2 = pc[:,1]
            return [x1, 2*x2]

        # Mock corrector Q = functions
        correctorsList = computeFunctions()

        elementFinepIndexMap = util.extractElementFine(NCoarse,
        elementFinetIndexMap = util.extractElementFine(NCoarse,

        # Let lambdas = functions too
        lambdasList = [f[elementFinepIndexMap] for f in computeFunctions()]
        ## Case
        # AOld = ANew = scalar 1
        # Expect: Error indicator should be zero

        aOld = np.ones(world.NtFine, dtype=np.float64)
        aNew = aOld
        self.assertEqual(lod.computeErrorIndicatorFine(patch, lambdasList, correctorsList, aOld, aNew), 0)
        ## Case
        # AOld = scalar 1
        # ANew = scalar 10
        # Expect: Error indicator is sqrt of integral over 11 elements with value (10-1)**2/10**2

        aOld = np.ones(world.NtFine, dtype=np.float64)
        aNew = 10*aOld

        self.assertAlmostEqual(lod.computeErrorIndicatorFine(patch, lambdasList, correctorsList, aOld, aNew),
        ## Case
        # AOld = scalar 1
        # ANew = scalar 10 except in T where ANew = 1000
        # Expect: Error indicator is like in previous case, but /10

        aOld = np.ones(world.NtFine, dtype=np.float64)
        aNew = 10*aOld
        aNew[elementFinetIndexMap] = 1000

        self.assertAlmostEqual(lod.computeErrorIndicatorFine(patch, lambdasList, correctorsList, aOld, aNew),
#fine World
NWorldFine = np.array([256, 256])
NpFine = np.prod(NWorldFine+1)                                                                               

#coarse World
NWorldCoarse = np.array([16,16])
NpCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse+1)

#ratio between Fine and Coarse
NCoarseElement = NWorldFine//NWorldCoarse

boundaryConditions = np.array([[0, 0],
                               [0, 0]])

world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)

f = np.ones(NpCoarse)

CoefClass = buildcoef2d.Coefficient2d(NWorldFine, 
                                    bg                  = 0.05, 
                                    val                 = 1, 
                                    length              = 8, 
                                    thick               = 8, 
                                    space               = 8, 
                                    probfactor          = 1, 
                                    right               = 1, 
                                    down                = 0, 
                                    diagr1              = 0, 
    def test_computeErrorIndicatorCoarseFromCoefficients(self):
        ## Setup
        # 2D, variables x0 and x1
        NCoarse = np.array([4, 3])
        NCoarseElement = np.array([2, 3])
        world = World(NCoarse, NCoarseElement)
        patch = Patch(world, 4, 0)
        NFine = NCoarse*NCoarseElement
        NtCoarse = world.NtCoarse
        # muTPrime = 1, ..., NtCoarse
        muTPrime = np.arange(NtCoarse) + 1

        ## Case
        # aOld = aNew = 1
        # Expect: 0 error indicator
        aOld = np.ones(world.NtFine, dtype=np.float64)
        aNew = aOld

        self.assertAlmostEqual(lod.computeErrorIndicatorCoarseFromCoefficients(patch, muTPrime, aOld, aNew), 0)

        #### Same test for Matrix valued ####
        Aeye = np.tile(np.eye(2), [np.prod(NFine), 1, 1])
        aNew = np.einsum('tji, t -> tji', Aeye, aNew)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(lod.computeErrorIndicatorCoarseFromCoefficients(patch, muTPrime, aOld, aNew), 0)

        ## Case
        # aOld = 1
        # aNew = 10
        # Expect: sqrt(1/10 * 1/10*(10-1)**2*1 * (NtCoarse)*(NtCoarse+1)/2)
        aOld = np.ones(world.NtFine, dtype=np.float64)
        aNew = 10*aOld

        self.assertAlmostEqual(lod.computeErrorIndicatorCoarseFromCoefficients(patch, muTPrime, aOld, aNew),
                               np.sqrt(1/10 * 1/10*(10-1)**2*1 * (NtCoarse)*(NtCoarse+1)/2))

        #### Same test for Matrix valued ####
        aNew = np.einsum('tji, t -> tji', Aeye, aNew)
        aOld = np.einsum('tji, t-> tji', Aeye, aOld)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(lod.computeErrorIndicatorCoarseFromCoefficients(patch, muTPrime, aOld, aNew),
                               np.sqrt(1/10 * 1/10*(10-1)**2*1 * (NtCoarse)*(NtCoarse+1)/2))
        ## Case
        # aOld = 1
        # aNew = 1 except in TInd=2 (where muTPrime == 3), where it is 10
        # Expect: sqrt(1 * 1/10*(10-1)**2*1 * 3)
        aOld = np.ones(world.NtFine, dtype=np.float64)
        aNew = np.ones(world.NtFine, dtype=np.float64)
        elementFinetIndexMap = util.extractElementFine(NCoarse,
                                                       np.array([2, 0]),
        aNew[elementFinetIndexMap] = 10

        self.assertAlmostEqual(lod.computeErrorIndicatorCoarseFromCoefficients(patch, muTPrime, aOld, aNew),
                               np.sqrt(1 * 1/10*(10-1)**2*1 * 3))

        #### Same test for Matrix valued ####
        aOld = np.einsum('tji, t-> tji', Aeye, aOld)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(lod.computeErrorIndicatorCoarseFromCoefficients(patch, muTPrime, aOld, aNew),
                               np.sqrt(1 * 1/10*(10-1)**2*1 * 3))