	# read snapshot and find number of subfiles
	snapshot_root = '%s/output/'%run
	snapshot = snapshot_root + 'snapdir_%03d/snap_%03d'%(snapnum,snapnum)
	header   = rs.snapshot_header(snapshot)
	redshift = header.redshift
	h        = header.hubble

	if halo_num is not(None):
		xmin = x_max = y_min = y_max = z_min = z_max = None

	# only master reads halo catalogue
	if myrank==0:
		# read number of particles in halos and subhalos and number of subhalos
		print '\nReading halo catalogue...'
		halos = groupcat.loadHalos(snapshot_root, snapnum, 
		halo_pos  = halos['GroupPos']/1e3          #Mpc/h
		halo_R    = halos['Group_R_TopHat200']/1e3 #Mpc/h
		halo_mass = halos['GroupMass']*1e10        #Msun/h
		del halos

		# find the coordinates of the region
		if halo_num is not (None):
			x_max, y_max, z_max = halo_pos[halo_num] + BoxSize_image/2.0
			x_min, y_min, z_min = halo_pos[halo_num] - BoxSize_image/2.0
			print 'M_halo = %.3e Msun/h'%(halo_mass[halo_num])
			print 'R_halo = %.3e Mpc/h\n'%(halo_R[halo_num])

		print '%6.3f < X < %6.3f'%(x_min, x_max)
		print '%6.3f < Y < %6.3f'%(y_min, y_max)
		print '%6.3f < Z < %6.3f'%(z_min, z_max)
    filenum  = header.filenum
    Omega_m  = header.omega0
    Omega_L  = header.omegaL
    h        = header.hubble

    print '\n'
    print 'BoxSize         = %.3f Mpc/h'%BoxSize
    print 'Number of files = %d'%filenum
    print 'Omega_m         = %.3f'%Omega_m
    print 'Omega_l         = %.3f'%Omega_L
    print 'redshift        = %.3f'%redshift

    if os.path.exists(fout[:-4]+'_z=%.3f.hdf5'%redshift):  continue

    # read number of particles in halos and subhalos and number of subhalos
    halos = groupcat.loadHalos(snapshot_root, num, 
    halo_len = halos['GroupLenType'][:,0]  
    halo_vel = halos['GroupVel']*(1.0+redshift) #km/s 
    del halos

    # read HI bulk velocity of halos
    f = h5py.File('../HI_bulk_velocity/V_HI_75_1820_z=%d.hdf5'%round(redshift),
    V_HI = f['V_HI'][:] #km/s
    V_HI = V_HI.astype(np.float32)

    # define the M_HI and sigma_HI array
    M_HI      = np.zeros(len(halo_len), dtype=np.float64)
    sigma2_HI = np.zeros(len(halo_len), dtype=np.float64)
Omega_m = 0.3089
Omega_l = 0.6911
h       = 0.6774
z       = 1.0

H0 = 100.0 #km/s/(Mpc/h)
Hz = 100.0*np.sqrt(Omega_m*(1.0+z)**3 + Omega_l)

V_cell = BoxSize**3*(5.0/BoxSize)/dims**2 #(Mpc/h)^3

print '\nReading halo catalogue...'
snapshot_root = '%s/output/'%run
halos = groupcat.loadHalos(snapshot_root, snapnum, 
halo_pos  = halos['GroupPos']/1e3     #Mpc/h
halo_vel  = halos['GroupVel']*(1.0+z) #km/s
halo_mass = halos['GroupMass']*1e10   #Msun/h
del halos

# move halo positions to redshift-space                  
RSL.pos_redshift_space(halo_pos, halo_vel, BoxSize, Hz, z, axis)

print np.min(halo_pos[:,0]),np.max(halo_pos[:,0])
print np.min(halo_pos[:,1]),np.max(halo_pos[:,1])
print np.min(halo_pos[:,2]),np.max(halo_pos[:,2])

indexes = np.where((halo_pos[:,2]>=0.0) & (halo_pos[:,2]<5.0))[0]
    ratio = np.sqrt(np.dot(V1,V1)/np.dot(V2,V2))

    return cos_a,ratio

############################## INPUT ########################################
run = '/n/hernquistfs3/IllustrisTNG/Runs/L75n1820TNG'

snapshot_root = '%s/output/'%run

snapnum = 17

z_dict = {99:0, 17:5}

FoF = groupcat.loadHalos(snapshot_root, snapnum, 
halo_len   = FoF['GroupLenType'][:,0]  
Nsubs = FoF['GroupNsubs']
halo_vel = FoF['GroupVel']*(1.0+z_dict[snapnum])
first_sub = FoF['GroupFirstSub']
halo_mass = FoF['GroupMass']*1e10 #Msun/h

subhalos = groupcat.loadSubhalos(snapshot_root, snapnum, 
sub_FoF  = subhalos['SubhaloGrNr'][:]
sub_mass = subhalos['SubhaloMass'][:]*1e10 #Msun/h
sub_vel  = subhalos['SubhaloVel'][:]
del subhalos
if myrank==0:
    print '\nBoxSize         = %.1f Mpc/h'%BoxSize
    print 'Number of files = %d'%filenum
    print 'Omega_m         = %.3f'%Omega_m
    print 'Omega_l         = %.3f'%Omega_L
    print 'redshift        = %.3f'%redshift

# find the output name
fout1 = 'HI_profiles_%.1e-%.1e_%d_z=%.2f.hdf5'%(Mmin,Mmax,bins,redshift)
fout2 = 'HI_profile_new_%.1e-%.1e-z=%.1f.txt'%(Mmin,Mmax,redshift)

# read number of particles in halos and subhalos and number of subhalos
if myrank==0:  print '\nReading halo catalogue...'
halos = groupcat.loadHalos(snapshot_root, snapnum, 
halo_pos  = halos['GroupPos']/1e3           #Mpc/h
halo_R    = halos['Group_R_TopHat200']/1e3  #Mpc/h
halo_mass = halos['Group_M_TopHat200']*1e10 #Msun/h
#halo_mass = halos['GroupMass']*1e10        #Msun/h
del halos

# consider only halos in the mass range and with R>0
indexes   = np.where((halo_mass>Mmin) & (halo_mass<Mmax) & (halo_R>0.0))[0]
halo_pos  = halo_pos[indexes]
halo_R    = halo_R[indexes]
halo_mass = halo_mass[indexes]

if myrank==0:
    print 'Found %d halos with masses %.2e < M < %.2e'\
    def __init__(self, snapshot_root, snapnum, halo_number, TREECOOL_file,

        # read header
        snapshot = snapshot_root + 'snapdir_%03d/snap_%03d'%(snapnum, snapnum)
        f            = h5py.File(snapshot+'.0.hdf5', 'r')
        scale_factor = f['Header'].attrs[u'Time']
        redshift     = f['Header'].attrs[u'Redshift']
        BoxSize      = f['Header'].attrs[u'BoxSize']/1e3  #Mpc/h    
        filenum      = f['Header'].attrs[u'NumFilesPerSnapshot']
        Omega_m      = f['Header'].attrs[u'Omega0']
        Omega_L      = f['Header'].attrs[u'OmegaLambda']
        h            = f['Header'].attrs[u'HubbleParam']
        Masses       = f['Header'].attrs[u'MassTable']*1e10  #Msun/h     

        print '\nBoxSize         = %.1f Mpc/h'%BoxSize
        print 'Number of files = %d'%filenum
        print 'Omega_m         = %.3f'%Omega_m
        print 'Omega_l         = %.3f'%Omega_L
        print 'redshift        = %.3f'%redshift

        # read number of particles in halos and subhalos and number of subhalos
        halos = groupcat.loadHalos(snapshot_root, snapnum, 
        halo_len  = halos['GroupLenType'][:,ptype]  
        halo_pos  = halos['GroupPos']/1e3
        halo_mass = halos['GroupMass']*1e10
        del halos

        # find where the halo starts and ends in the file
        begin = np.sum(halo_len[:halo_number], dtype=np.int64)
        end   = begin + halo_len[halo_number]
        length = end-begin
        print begin,end

        self.pos = np.zeros((length,3), dtype=np.float32)
        self.vel = np.zeros((length,3), dtype=np.float32)
        if ptype==0:
            self.M_HI = np.zeros(length, dtype=np.float32)

        begin_subfile, particles = 0, 0
        for i in xrange(filenum):

            # find subfile name and read the number of particles in it
            snapshot = snapshot_root + 'snapdir_%03d/snap_%03d.%d.hdf5'%(snapnum, snapnum, i)
            f     = h5py.File(snapshot, 'r')
            npart = f['Header'].attrs[u'NumPart_ThisFile']

            end_subfile = begin_subfile + npart[ptype]

            # if all particles in the halo has been read exit loop
            if end<begin_subfile:  break

            # if the subfile does not contain any particle move to next subfile
            if begin>end_subfile:
                begin_subfile = end_subfile;  continue

            print i
            f     = h5py.File(snapshot, 'r')
            print 'Working with subfile %03d'%i
            pos_i = (f['PartType%d/Coordinates'%ptype][:]/1e3).astype(np.float32)
            vel_i = f['PartType%d/Velocities'%ptype][:]*np.sqrt(scale_factor)

            if ptype==0:
                pos_i, M_HI_i = HIL.HI_mass_from_Illustris_snap(snapshot, TREECOOL_file)

            # find the indexes of current subfile that contribute to halo
            begin_array = begin - begin_subfile
            end_array   = begin_array + length

            if end>end_subfile:
                end_array = end_subfile - begin_subfile
                begin     = end_subfile

            length_array = end_array-begin_array
            self.pos[particles:particles+length_array]  = pos_i[begin_array:end_array]
            self.vel[particles:particles+length_array]  = vel_i[begin_array:end_array]
            if ptype==0:
                self.M_HI[particles:particles+length_array] = M_HI_i[begin_array:end_array]

            particles = particles+length_array
            begin_subfile = end_subfile

        print 'Halo mass = %.3e'%halo_mass[halo_number]
        print 'Halo pos  =',halo_pos[halo_number]
        print 'Number of particles in the halo = %ld'%particles
import groupcat as GC
import sublink as SL
import numpy as np
import lhalotree as LH
import h5py
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

basePath = '/home/illustris/Desktop/trabajo/Illustris-3lht'
GroupFirstSub = GC.loadHalos(basePath, 135, fields=['GroupFirstSub'])
Halos = GC.loadHalos(basePath,
                     fields=['Group_M_Crit200', 'GroupPos', 'GroupNsubs'])
GroupNsubs = GC.loadHalos(basePath, 135, fields=['GroupNsubs'])
Halo_mass = Halos['Group_M_Crit200']
Halo_Pos = Halos['GroupPos']


fields = ['SnapNum', 'Group_M_Crit200']
start = 0

for i in range(start, start + 5):
    #if GroupNsubs[i] == 0:
    #       continue
    tree = LH.loadTree(basePath,

import numpy as np
import sys, os, h5py
import groupcat
import HI_library as HIL

################################ INPUT ######################################
snapshot_root = '/n/hernquistfs3/IllustrisTNG/Runs/L75n1820TNG/output/'
TREECOOL_file = '/n/home09/fvillaescusa/Illustris/HI/TREECOOL_fg_dec11'

for snapnum in [99, 50, 33, 25, 21, 17]:

    # read number of particles in halos and subhalos and number of subhalos
    print '\nReading halo catalogue...'
    halos = groupcat.loadHalos(
        fields=['GroupPos', 'GroupMass', 'GroupLenType'])
    halo_pos = halos['GroupPos'] / 1e3  #Mpc/h
    halo_mass = halos['GroupMass'] * 1e10  #Msun/h
    halo_len = halos['GroupLenType'][:, 0]
    del halos

    Nparticles = np.sum(halo_len)
    print 'Number of halos = %d' % len(halo_pos)
    print 'Number of particles in all halos = %d' % Nparticles

    # read snapshot header
    snapshot = '%s/snapdir_%03d/snap_%03d.0.hdf5'\
        %(snapshot_root, snapnum, snapnum)
    f = h5py.File(snapshot, 'r')
    redshift = f['Header'].attrs[u'Redshift']
z_dict = {99: 0.000, 50: 0.997, 33: 2.002, 25: 3.008, 21: 4.008, 17: 4.996}

for snapnum in [17, 21, 25, 33, 50, 99]:

    # read header
    snapshot = root + 'snapdir_%03d/snap_%03d' % (snapnum, snapnum)
    header = readgadget.header(snapshot)
    BoxSize = header.boxsize / 1e3  #Mpc/h
    redshift = header.redshift

    print 'L = %.1f Mpc/h' % BoxSize
    print 'z = %.1f' % redshift

    halos = groupcat.loadHalos(
        fields=['GroupMassType', 'GroupMass', 'Group_R_TopHat200'])
    halo_mass = halos['GroupMassType'][:] * 1e10  #Msun/h
    Mass = halos['GroupMass'][:] * 1e10  #Msun/h
    R = halos['Group_R_TopHat200'][:] / 1e3  #Mpc/h

    f = h5py.File(
        '../HI_mass/HI_FoF_galaxies/M_HI_new_75_1820_z=%.3f.hdf5' %
        z_dict[snapnum], 'r')
    M_HI = f['M_HI'][:]

    indexes = np.where((R > 0.0) & (halo_mass[:, 0] > 0.0))[0]
    halo_mass = halo_mass[indexes]
    Mass = Mass[indexes]
    M_HI = M_HI[indexes]
import groupcat as GC
import sublink as SL
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

basePath = '/media/ycamargo/ILLUSTRIS-3/Illustris-2'
GroupFirstSub = GC.loadHalos(basePath, 135, fields=['GroupFirstSub'])

fields = ['SubhaloMass', 'SubfindID', 'SnapNum']
start = 0
for i in range(start, start + 5):
    tree = SL.loadTree(basePath,


def find_formation_time(sublinktree):
    final_mass = sublinktree['SubhaloMass'][0]
    initial_mass = sublinktree['SubhaloMass'][-1]
    n_points = len(sublinktree['SubhaloMass'])
    formation_snap = -1
    for i in range(n_points - 1, -1, -1):
        if sublinktree['SubhaloMass'][i] > final_mass / 2.0:
            formation_snap = sublinktree['SnapNum'][i]
#fout = 'ratio_g_75Mpc_1820_UVB'

for snapnum in [17,21,25,33,50,99]:

    # read header
    snapshot = root + 'snapdir_%03d/snap_%03d'%(snapnum,snapnum)
    header = readgadget.header(snapshot)
    BoxSize = header.boxsize/1e3 #Mpc/h
    redshift = header.redshift

    print 'L = %.1f Mpc/h'%BoxSize
    print 'z = %.1f'%redshift

    halos = groupcat.loadHalos(root, snapnum,
    halo_mass = halos['GroupMassType'][:]*1e10    #Msun/h
    Mass      = halos['GroupMass'][:]*1e10        #Msun/h
    R         = halos['Group_R_TopHat200'][:]/1e3 #Mpc/h

    indexes = np.where(R>0.0)[0]
    halo_mass = halo_mass[indexes]
    Mass      = Mass[indexes]

    #ratio = (halo_mass[:,0]+halo_mass[:,4]+halo_mass[:,5])/Mass
    ratio = (halo_mass[:,0])/Mass

    M_bins = np.logspace(np.log10(Mmin), np.log10(Mmax), bins+1)
    M_mean = 10**(0.5*(np.log10(M_bins[1:]) + np.log10(M_bins[:-1])))
    h = header.hubble

    if myrank == 0:
        print '\n'
        print 'BoxSize         = %.3f Mpc/h' % BoxSize
        print 'Number of files = %d' % filenum
        print 'Omega_m         = %.3f' % Omega_m
        print 'Omega_l         = %.3f' % Omega_L
        print 'redshift        = %.3f' % redshift

    if os.path.exists(fout[:-4] + '_z=%.3f.hdf5' % redshift):

    # read number of particles in halos and subhalos and number of subhalos
    halos = groupcat.loadHalos(snapshot_root,
                               fields=['GroupLenType', 'GroupNsubs'])
    halo_len = halos['GroupLenType'][:, 0]
    gal_in_halo = halos['GroupNsubs']
    subhalos = groupcat.loadSubhalos(
        snapshot_root, num, fields=['SubhaloLenType', 'SubhaloMassType'])
    gal_len = subhalos['SubhaloLenType'][:, 0]
    mass_ratio = subhalos['SubhaloMassType'][:] * 1e10  #Msun/h
    total_mass = np.sum(mass_ratio, axis=1)  #M_matter
    mass_ratio = mass_ratio[:, 1] / total_mass  #M_CDM / M_matter
    del halos, subhalos

    # define the M_HI array
    M_HI = np.zeros(len(halo_len), dtype=np.float64)
    M_HI_gal = np.zeros(len(halo_len), dtype=np.float64)
    M_HI_cen = np.zeros(len(halo_len), dtype=np.float64)
dims = 64

num = {0:99, 1:50, 2:33, 3:25, 4:21, 5:17}

snapshot_root = '%s/output/'%run

bins_histo = np.logspace(-3,3,100)
dbins      = bins_histo[1:] - bins_histo[:-1]
bins_mean  = 10**(0.5*(np.log10(bins_histo[1:]) + np.log10(bins_histo[:-1])))

for z in [0,1,2,3,4,5]:

    # read number of particles in halos and subhalos and number of subhalos
    halos = groupcat.loadHalos(snapshot_root, num[z],
    halo_mass = halos['GroupMass'][:]*1e10 #Msun/h
    halo_pos  = halos['GroupPos'][:]/1e3   #Mpc/h
    del halos

    if z==0:
        alpha, M0, Mmin = 0.24, 4.3e10, 2e12
    elif z==1:
        alpha, M0, Mmin = 0.53, 1.5e10, 6e11
    elif z==2:
        alpha, M0, Mmin = 0.60, 1.3e10, 3.6e11
    elif z==3:
        alpha, M0, Mmin = 0.76, 2.9e9, 6.7e10
    elif z==4:
        alpha, M0, Mmin = 0.79, 1.4e9, 2.1e10
    elif z==5:
def Illustris_halo(snapshot_root,

    # find snapshot name and read header
    snapshot = snapshot_root + 'snapdir_%03d/snap_%03d' % (snapnum, snapnum)
    header = rs.snapshot_header(snapshot)
    redshift = header.redshift
    BoxSize = header.boxsize / 1e3  #Mpc/h
    filenum = header.filenum
    Omega_m = header.omega0
    Omega_L = header.omegaL
    h = header.hubble
    massarr = header.massarr * 1e10  #Msun/h

    print '\nBoxSize         = %.1f Mpc/h' % BoxSize
    print 'Number of files = %d' % filenum
    print 'Omega_m         = %.3f' % Omega_m
    print 'Omega_l         = %.3f' % Omega_L
    print 'redshift        = %.3f' % redshift

    # read number of particles in halos and subhalos and number of subhalos
    halos = groupcat.loadHalos(
        fields=['GroupLenType', 'GroupPos', 'GroupMass'])
    halo_len = halos['GroupLenType'][:, ptype]
    halo_pos = halos['GroupPos'] / 1e3
    halo_mass = halos['GroupMass'] * 1e10
    del halos

    # find where the halo starts and ends in the file
    begin = np.sum(halo_len[:halo_number], dtype=np.int64)
    end = begin + halo_len[halo_number]
    print begin, end

    # do a loop over all snapshot subfiles
    f = h5py.File(fout, 'w')
    pos_f = f.create_dataset('pos', (0, 3), maxshape=(None, 3))
    vel_f = f.create_dataset('vel', (0, 3), maxshape=(None, 3))
    if ptype == 0:
        mass_f = f.create_dataset('mass', (0, ), maxshape=(None, ))
        MHI_f = f.create_dataset('M_HI', (0, ), maxshape=(None, ))
        radii_f = f.create_dataset('radii', (0, ), maxshape=(None, ))
    if ptype == 1:
        radii_f = f.create_dataset('radii', (0, ), maxshape=(None, ))
        mass_f = f.create_dataset('mass_c', (0, ), maxshape=(None, ))

    begin_subfile, particles = 0, 0
    for i in xrange(filenum):

        # find subfile name and read the number of particles in it
        snapshot = snapshot_root + 'snapdir_%03d/snap_%03d.%d' % (snapnum,
                                                                  snapnum, i)
        header = rs.snapshot_header(snapshot)
        npart = header.npart

        end_subfile = begin_subfile + npart[ptype]

        # if all particles in the halo has been read exit loop
        if end < begin_subfile: break

        # if the subfile does not contain any particle move to next subfile
        if begin > end_subfile:
            begin_subfile = end_subfile

        print 'Working with subfile %03d' % i
        pos = rs.read_block(snapshot, 'POS ', parttype=ptype,
                            verbose=False) / 1e3
        pos = pos.astype(np.float32)
        vel = rs.read_block(snapshot, 'VEL ', parttype=ptype,
                            verbose=False) / np.sqrt(1.0 + redshift)  #km/s

        if ptype == 0:
            MHI = rs.read_block(snapshot, 'NH  ', parttype=0,
                                verbose=False)  #HI/H
            mass = rs.read_block(snapshot, 'MASS', parttype=0,
                                 verbose=False) * 1e10
            SFR = rs.read_block(snapshot, 'SFR ', parttype=0, verbose=False)
            indexes = np.where(SFR > 0.0)[0]
            del SFR

            # find the metallicity of star-forming particles
            metals = rs.read_block(snapshot, 'GZ  ', parttype=0, verbose=False)
            metals = metals[indexes] / 0.0127

            # find densities of star-forming particles: units of h^2 Msun/Mpc^3
            rho = rs.read_block(snapshot, 'RHO ', parttype=0,
                                verbose=False) * 1e19
            Volume = mass / rho  #(Mpc/h)^3
            radii = (Volume / (4.0 * np.pi / 3.0))**(1.0 / 3.0)  #Mpc/h

            # find density and radius of star-forming particles
            radii_SFR = radii[indexes]
            rho = rho[indexes]

            # find HI/H fraction for star-forming particles
            MHI[indexes] = HIL.Rahmati_HI_Illustris(rho,
                                                    correct_H2=True)  #HI/H
            MHI *= (0.76 * mass)

        if ptype == 1:
            radii = rs.read_block(snapshot, 'SFHS', parttype=1,
                                  verbose=False) / 1e3  #Mpc/h
            mass = np.ones(len(radii)) * massarr[1]

        # find the indexes of current subfile that contribute to halo
        begin_array = begin - begin_subfile
        end_array = begin_array + (end - begin)

        if end > end_subfile:
            end_array = end_subfile - begin_subfile
            begin = end_subfile

        new_size = particles + (end_array - begin_array)

        pos_f.resize((new_size, 3))
        pos_f[particles:] = pos[begin_array:end_array]
        vel_f.resize((new_size, 3))
        vel_f[particles:] = vel[begin_array:end_array]

        if ptype == 0:
            mass_f.resize((new_size, ))
            mass_f[particles:] = mass[begin_array:end_array]

            MHI_f.resize((new_size, ))
            MHI_f[particles:] = MHI[begin_array:end_array]

            radii_f.resize((new_size, ))
            radii_f[particles:] = radii[begin_array:end_array]

        if ptype == 1:
            radii_f.resize((new_size, ))
            radii_f[particles:] = radii[begin_array:end_array]

            mass_f.resize((new_size, ))
            mass_f[particles:] = mass[begin_array:end_array]

        particles = new_size
        begin_subfile = end_subfile

    print 'Halo mass = %.3e' % halo_mass[halo_number]
    print 'Halo pos  =', halo_pos[halo_number]
    print 'Number of particles in the halo = %ld' % particles
dims = 64

num = {0: 99, 1: 50, 2: 33, 3: 25, 4: 21, 5: 17}

snapshot_root = '%s/output/' % run

bins_histo = np.logspace(-3, 3, 100)
dbins = bins_histo[1:] - bins_histo[:-1]
bins_mean = 10**(0.5 * (np.log10(bins_histo[1:]) + np.log10(bins_histo[:-1])))

for z in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:

    # read number of particles in halos and subhalos and number of subhalos
    halos = groupcat.loadHalos(snapshot_root,
                               fields=['GroupMass', 'GroupPos'])
    halo_mass = halos['GroupMass'][:] * 1e10  #Msun/h
    halo_pos = halos['GroupPos'][:] / 1e3  #Mpc/h
    del halos

    if z == 0:
        alpha, M0, Mmin = 0.24, 4.3e10, 2e12
    elif z == 1:
        alpha, M0, Mmin = 0.53, 1.5e10, 6e11
    elif z == 2:
        alpha, M0, Mmin = 0.60, 1.3e10, 3.6e11
    elif z == 3:
        alpha, M0, Mmin = 0.76, 2.9e9, 6.7e10
    elif z == 4:
        alpha, M0, Mmin = 0.79, 1.4e9, 2.1e10
    def __init__(self, snapshot_root, snapnum, halo_number, TREECOOL_file,

        # read header
        snapshot = snapshot_root + 'snapdir_%03d/snap_%03d' % (snapnum,
        f = h5py.File(snapshot + '.0.hdf5', 'r')
        scale_factor = f['Header'].attrs[u'Time']
        redshift = f['Header'].attrs[u'Redshift']
        BoxSize = f['Header'].attrs[u'BoxSize'] / 1e3  #Mpc/h
        filenum = f['Header'].attrs[u'NumFilesPerSnapshot']
        Omega_m = f['Header'].attrs[u'Omega0']
        Omega_L = f['Header'].attrs[u'OmegaLambda']
        h = f['Header'].attrs[u'HubbleParam']
        Masses = f['Header'].attrs[u'MassTable'] * 1e10  #Msun/h

        print '\nBoxSize         = %.1f Mpc/h' % BoxSize
        print 'Number of files = %d' % filenum
        print 'Omega_m         = %.3f' % Omega_m
        print 'Omega_l         = %.3f' % Omega_L
        print 'redshift        = %.3f' % redshift

        # read number of particles in halos and subhalos and number of subhalos
        halos = groupcat.loadHalos(
            fields=['GroupLenType', 'GroupPos', 'GroupMass'])
        halo_len = halos['GroupLenType'][:, ptype]
        halo_pos = halos['GroupPos'] / 1e3
        halo_mass = halos['GroupMass'] * 1e10
        del halos

        # find where the halo starts and ends in the file
        begin = np.sum(halo_len[:halo_number], dtype=np.int64)
        end = begin + halo_len[halo_number]
        length = end - begin
        print begin, end

        self.pos = np.zeros((length, 3), dtype=np.float32)
        self.vel = np.zeros((length, 3), dtype=np.float32)

        if ptype == 0:
            self.M_HI = np.zeros(length, dtype=np.float32)

        begin_subfile, particles = 0, 0
        for i in xrange(filenum):

            # find subfile name and read the number of particles in it
            snapshot = snapshot_root + 'snapdir_%03d/snap_%03d.%d.hdf5' % (
                snapnum, snapnum, i)
            f = h5py.File(snapshot, 'r')
            npart = f['Header'].attrs[u'NumPart_ThisFile']

            end_subfile = begin_subfile + npart[ptype]

            # if all particles in the halo has been read exit loop
            if end < begin_subfile: break

            # if the subfile does not contain any particle move to next subfile
            if begin > end_subfile:
                begin_subfile = end_subfile

            print i
            f = h5py.File(snapshot, 'r')
            print 'Working with subfile %03d' % i
            pos_i = (f['PartType%d/Coordinates' % ptype][:] / 1e3).astype(
            vel_i = f['PartType%d/Velocities' %
                      ptype][:] * np.sqrt(scale_factor)

            if ptype == 0:
                pos_i, M_HI_i = HIL.HI_mass_from_Illustris_snap(
                    snapshot, TREECOOL_file)

            # find the indexes of current subfile that contribute to halo
            begin_array = begin - begin_subfile
            end_array = begin_array + length

            if end > end_subfile:
                end_array = end_subfile - begin_subfile
                begin = end_subfile

            length_array = end_array - begin_array

            self.pos[particles:particles +
                     length_array] = pos_i[begin_array:end_array]
            self.vel[particles:particles +
                     length_array] = vel_i[begin_array:end_array]
            if ptype == 0:
                self.M_HI[particles:particles +
                          length_array] = M_HI_i[begin_array:end_array]

            particles = particles + length_array
            begin_subfile = end_subfile

        print 'Halo mass = %.3e' % halo_mass[halo_number]
        print 'Halo pos  =', halo_pos[halo_number]
        print 'Number of particles in the halo = %ld' % particles
# find output name
if R_field=='Group_R_Crit200':
    M_field = 'Group_M_Crit200'
    fout    = 'M_HI_SO_Crit200_z=%.1f.hdf5'%redshift
elif R_field=='Group_R_TopHat200':
    M_field = 'Group_M_TopHat200'
    fout    = 'M_HI_SO_TopHat200_z=%.1f.hdf5'%redshift
elif R_field=='Group_R_Mean200':
    M_field = 'Group_M_Mean200'
    fout    = 'M_HI_SO_Mean200_z=%.1f.hdf5'%redshift
else:  raise Exception("%s not allowed!"%R_field)

# read number of particles in halos and subhalos and number of subhalos
if myrank==0:  print '\nReading halo catalogue...'
halos = groupcat.loadHalos(snapshot_root, snapnum, 
                                   R_field, M_field])
halo_pos   = halos['GroupPos']/1e3          #Mpc/h
halo_R     = halos[R_field]/1e3             #Mpc/h
halo_mass  = halos['GroupMass']*1e10        #Msun/h
halo_mass2 = halos[M_field]*1e10            #Msun/h 
del halos

####### CAUTION ######
#halo_R = halo_R*1.7

# consider only halos with radii larger than 0
indexes    = np.where(halo_R>0.0)[0]
halo_pos   = halo_pos[indexes]
halo_R     = halo_R[indexes]
    Omega_L  = header.omegaL
    h        = header.hubble

    if myrank==0:
        print '\n'
        print 'BoxSize         = %.3f Mpc/h'%BoxSize
        print 'Number of files = %d'%filenum
        print 'Omega_m         = %.3f'%Omega_m
        print 'Omega_l         = %.3f'%Omega_L
        print 'redshift        = %.3f'%redshift

    if os.path.exists(fout[:-4]+'_z=%.3f.hdf5'%redshift):

    # read number of particles in halos and subhalos and number of subhalos
    halos = groupcat.loadHalos(snapshot_root, num, 
    halo_len   = halos['GroupLenType'][:,0]  
    gal_in_halo = halos['GroupNsubs']
    subhalos = groupcat.loadSubhalos(snapshot_root, num, 
    gal_len    = subhalos['SubhaloLenType'][:,0]
    mass_ratio = subhalos['SubhaloMassType'][:]*1e10 #Msun/h
    total_mass = np.sum(mass_ratio, axis=1) #M_matter
    mass_ratio = mass_ratio[:,1]/total_mass #M_CDM / M_matter
    del halos, subhalos

    # define the M_HI array
    M_HI     = np.zeros(len(halo_len), dtype=np.float64)
    M_HI_gal = np.zeros(len(halo_len), dtype=np.float64)
    M_HI_cen = np.zeros(len(halo_len), dtype=np.float64)
    M_HI_sat = np.zeros(len(halo_len), dtype=np.float64)
basePath = '../../data/illustris_3'

ssNumber = 99 # snapshotnumber
zl = 0.6
zs = 2.0

''' cosmopara '''
class cosmopara:
	h = 0.704
	OM = 0.27

mlow = 1e12
mhigh = 1e14

GroupFirstSub = groupcat.loadHalos(basePath,ssNumber,fields = ['GroupFirstSub'])
GroupMass = groupcat.loadHalos(basePath,ssNumber,fields = ['GroupMass'])*1e10/cosmopara.h

GroupFirstSub = GroupFirstSub[GroupMass>mlow]
GroupMass = GroupMass[GroupMass>mlow]

GroupFirstSub = GroupFirstSub[GroupMass<mhigh]

#SubhaloMass = groupcat.loadSubhalos(basePath,ssNumber,fields = ['SubhaloMass'])
SubhaloVelDisp = groupcat.loadSubhalos(basePath,ssNumber,fields = ['SubhaloVelDisp'])

#mass_msun = np.zeros(len(GroupFirstSub))
sigma = np.zeros(len(GroupFirstSub))

j = 0
for i in GroupFirstSub:
import sys,os,h5py
import groupcat

############################### INPUT ######################################
run = '/n/hernquistfs3/IllustrisTNG/Runs/L75n1820TNG'

bins = 35

snapshot_root = '%s/output/'%run

for snapnum,z in zip([17,21,25,33,50,99],[4.996,4.008,3.008,2.002,0.997,0.000]):

    # read number of particles in halos and subhalos and number of subhalos
    halos = groupcat.loadHalos(snapshot_root, snapnum, 
    halo_len = halos['GroupLenType'][:,1]  
    halo_mass = halos['GroupMass']*1e10 #Msun/h
    del halos

    f_HI = 'sigma_HI_75_1820_z=%.3f.hdf5'%z
    f_m  = 'sigma_matter_75_1820_z=%.3f.hdf5'%z

    f = h5py.File(f_HI, 'r')
    M_HI = f['M_HI'][:]
    sigma2_HI = f['sigma2_HI'][:]

    # only consider halos with HI masses above 1e5
    indexes   = np.where(M_HI>1e5)[0]
    M_HI      = M_HI[indexes]
def Illustris_halo(snapshot_root, snapnum, halo_number, TREECOOL_file, fout,

    # find snapshot name and read header
    snapshot = snapshot_root + 'snapdir_%03d/snap_%03d'%(snapnum, snapnum)
    header   = rs.snapshot_header(snapshot)
    redshift = header.redshift
    BoxSize  = header.boxsize/1e3 #Mpc/h
    filenum  = header.filenum
    Omega_m  = header.omega0
    Omega_L  = header.omegaL
    h        = header.hubble
    massarr  = header.massarr*1e10 #Msun/h

    print '\nBoxSize         = %.1f Mpc/h'%BoxSize
    print 'Number of files = %d'%filenum
    print 'Omega_m         = %.3f'%Omega_m
    print 'Omega_l         = %.3f'%Omega_L
    print 'redshift        = %.3f'%redshift

    # read number of particles in halos and subhalos and number of subhalos
    halos = groupcat.loadHalos(snapshot_root, snapnum, 
    halo_len  = halos['GroupLenType'][:,ptype]  
    halo_pos  = halos['GroupPos']/1e3
    halo_mass = halos['GroupMass']*1e10
    del halos

    # find where the halo starts and ends in the file
    begin = np.sum(halo_len[:halo_number], dtype=np.int64)
    end   = begin + halo_len[halo_number]
    print begin,end

    # do a loop over all snapshot subfiles
    f = h5py.File(fout,'w')
    pos_f   = f.create_dataset('pos',   (0,3),  maxshape=(None,3))
    vel_f   = f.create_dataset('vel',   (0,3),  maxshape=(None,3))
    if ptype==0:
        mass_f  = f.create_dataset('mass',  (0,),   maxshape=(None,))
        MHI_f   = f.create_dataset('M_HI',  (0,),   maxshape=(None,))
        radii_f = f.create_dataset('radii', (0,),   maxshape=(None,))
    if ptype==1:
        radii_f = f.create_dataset('radii',  (0,),   maxshape=(None,))
        mass_f  = f.create_dataset('mass_c', (0,),   maxshape=(None,))

    begin_subfile, particles = 0, 0
    for i in xrange(filenum):

        # find subfile name and read the number of particles in it
        snapshot = snapshot_root + 'snapdir_%03d/snap_%03d.%d'%(snapnum, snapnum, i)
        header = rs.snapshot_header(snapshot)
        npart  = header.npart 

        end_subfile = begin_subfile + npart[ptype]

        # if all particles in the halo has been read exit loop
        if end<begin_subfile:  break

        # if the subfile does not contain any particle move to next subfile
        if begin>end_subfile:
            begin_subfile = end_subfile;  continue

        print 'Working with subfile %03d'%i
        pos  = rs.read_block(snapshot, 'POS ', parttype=ptype, 
        pos  = pos.astype(np.float32)
        vel  = rs.read_block(snapshot, 'VEL ', parttype=ptype, 
                             verbose=False)/np.sqrt(1.0+redshift) #km/s

        if ptype==0:
            MHI  = rs.read_block(snapshot, 'NH  ', parttype=0,
            mass = rs.read_block(snapshot, 'MASS', parttype=0,
            SFR  = rs.read_block(snapshot, 'SFR ', parttype=0,
            indexes = np.where(SFR>0.0)[0];  del SFR

            # find the metallicity of star-forming particles
            metals = rs.read_block(snapshot, 'GZ  ', parttype=0, verbose=False)
            metals = metals[indexes]/0.0127

            # find densities of star-forming particles: units of h^2 Msun/Mpc^3
            rho = rs.read_block(snapshot, 'RHO ', parttype=0, 
            Volume = mass/rho                            #(Mpc/h)^3
            radii  = (Volume/(4.0*np.pi/3.0))**(1.0/3.0) #Mpc/h 

            # find density and radius of star-forming particles
            radii_SFR = radii[indexes]    
            rho       = rho[indexes]

            # find HI/H fraction for star-forming particles
            MHI[indexes] = HIL.Rahmati_HI_Illustris(rho, radii_SFR, metals,
                                                    redshift, h, TREECOOL_file,
                                                    Gamma=None, fac=1,
                                                    correct_H2=True) #HI/H
            MHI *= (0.76*mass)
        if ptype==1:
            radii = rs.read_block(snapshot, 'SFHS', parttype=1,
                                  verbose=False)/1e3 #Mpc/h
            mass = np.ones(len(radii))*massarr[1]

        # find the indexes of current subfile that contribute to halo
        begin_array = begin - begin_subfile
        end_array   = begin_array + (end-begin)

        if end>end_subfile:
            end_array = end_subfile - begin_subfile
            begin     = end_subfile

        new_size = particles + (end_array - begin_array)

        pos_f[particles:] = pos[begin_array:end_array]
        vel_f[particles:] = vel[begin_array:end_array]

        if ptype==0:
            mass_f[particles:] = mass[begin_array:end_array]

            MHI_f[particles:] = MHI[begin_array:end_array]

            radii_f[particles:] = radii[begin_array:end_array]

        if ptype==1:
            radii_f[particles:] = radii[begin_array:end_array]

            mass_f[particles:] = mass[begin_array:end_array]

        particles = new_size
        begin_subfile = end_subfile

    print 'Halo mass = %.3e'%halo_mass[halo_number]
    print 'Halo pos  =',halo_pos[halo_number]
    print 'Number of particles in the halo = %ld'%particles