文件: sensor.py 项目: uon-hci/G54MRT
 def read(self):
     if self.type == 'accelerometer':
         data = {}
         data['orientation'] = grove6axis.getOrientation()
         data['acceleration'] = grove6axis.getAccel()
         data['magnitude'] = grove6axis.getMag()
         return data
         return None
import grovepi
import grove6axis
import time
while True:
    #read from 6-Axis Accelerometer&Compass sensor on input I1
    grove6axis.init6Axis()  # start it up
    i1 = grove6axis.getOrientation()  # returns orientation as yaw,pitch,roll
    i2 = grove6axis.getAccel()  # get acceleration values
    i3 = grove6axis.getMag()  # get magnetometer values
    print('Orientation', i1)
    print('Accel', i2)
    print('Mag', i3)

    #read from Tilt sensor on input D4
    #d4= grovepi.digitalRead(4)

    #read from Ultrasonic sensor on input D3
    d3 = grovepi.ultrasonicRead(3)
    #output the data
    print("Ultrasonic_Distance:", d3)
    # Read roughly 10 times a second
    #  - n.b. analog read takes time to do also
    #  set the time for 1s to display data
        calibrationPasses -= 1
        a0Fix = a0 - a0Cal
        a1Fix = a1 - a1Cal

        # Calculate the absolute difference between a0 and a1
        aDiff = a1Fix / a0Fix

        # Apply a low-pass filter to this difference
        aDiffLo = loPass(aDiff, aDiffLo)

        # Read the first value of the 3-tuple returned by getOrientation()
        # This value will be in radians, with flat on its back being 0
        # The 3-axis sensor should be positioned with the cable port on the bottom
        # Due to prototyping constraints the yaw value is used
        lean = grove6axis.getOrientation()[1]

        # Apply a low-pass filter to this
        leanLo = loPass(lean, leanLo)

        # Output the data
        if aDiffLo > 1.2:  # If the difference is more than 200
            t += 0.1  # Increase the time by 0.1
            if t > problemTime:  # If that time is more than 200 (should be ~20s)
                    "You have been looking at the screen for too long, please look away now"
            else:  # Else we have a look at how much the user's leaning
                if abs(
                ) < problemAngle:  # If the LP'd lean value is within bounds...
typeAcceleration = '%f'
sensorVariables = [typeTime, typeDistance, typeLoudness, typeLoudness, typeTouch, typeOrientation, typeOrientation, typeOrientation, typeAcceleration, typeAcceleration, typeAcceleration]
header = 'time, distance, loudness, loudness2, touch, orientationX, orientationY, orientationZ, accelerationX, accelerationY, accelerationZ'
rowFormatString = ','.join(sensorVariables)

waitTime = 0.1

    timestamp = time.time()
    distance = grovepi.ultrasonicRead(inputPortDistance)
    loudness = grovepi.analogRead(inputPortLoudness)
    loudness2 = grovepi.analogRead(inputPortLoudness2)
    touch = grovepi.digitalRead(inputPortTouch)

    orientation = grove6axis.getOrientation()
    orientationX = orientation[0]
    orientationY = orientation[1]
    orientationZ = orientation[2]

    acceleration = grove6axis.getAccel()
    accelerationX = acceleration[0]
    accelerationY = acceleration[1]
    accelerationZ = acceleration[2]

    print(rowFormatString % (timestamp, distance, loudness, loudness2, touch, orientationX, orientationY, orientationZ, accelerationX, accelerationY, accelerationZ))

    # print(rowFormatString % (timestamp, distance, loudness, orientationX, orientationY, orientationZ, accelerationX, accelerationY, accelerationZ))
    # if distance < nearDistanceThreshold:
    #     print('%d: near!', distance)
    # else:
import grovepi
import time
import grove6axis
import math

# get a timestamp so we know when it happened
timestamp = time.time()

print ('time,ori,accel')
while True:
 #read from 6-Axis Accelerometer&Compass sensor on input I1
 grove6axis.init6Axis()  # start it up
 print (grove6axis.getOrientation())  # returns orientation as yaw,pitch,roll print (grove6axis.getAccel()) # get acceleration values
 print (grove6axis.getMag())  # get magnetometer values
 # returns orientation as yaw,pitch,roll
 # ori_list = list(ori)
 yaw = ori_list[3] * 180.0 / math.pi
 # pitch = ori_list[2] * 180.0 / math.pi
 # roll =  ori_list[3] * 180.0 / math.pi