 def assertValidCheckFile(self, path):
   """Tests whether a check definition has a valid configuration."""
   # Figure out the relative path of the check files.
   prefix = os.path.commonprefix(config.CONFIG["Checks.config_dir"])
   relpath = os.path.relpath(path, prefix)
   # If the config can't load fail immediately.
     configs = checks.LoadConfigsFromFile(path)
   except yaml.error.YAMLError as e:
     self.fail("File %s could not be parsed: %s\n" % (relpath, e))
   # Otherwise, check all the configs and pass/fail at the end.
   errors = collections.OrderedDict()
   for check_id, check_spec in iteritems(configs):
     check_errors = self.GetCheckErrors(check_spec)
     if check_errors:
       msg = errors.setdefault(relpath, ["check_id: %s" % check_id])
   if errors:
     message = ""
     for k, v in iteritems(errors):
       message += "File %s errors:\n" % k
       message += "  %s\n" % v[0]
       for err in v[1]:
         message += "    %s\n" % err
 def testLoadToDict(self):
   result = checks.LoadConfigsFromFile(os.path.join(CHECKS_DIR, "sshd.yaml"))
   self.assertItemsEqual(["SSHD-CHECK", "SSHD-PERMS"], result)
   # Start with basic check attributes.
   result_check = result["SSHD-CHECK"]
   self.assertEqual("SSHD-CHECK", result_check["check_id"])
   self.assertEqual("NONE", result_check["match"])
   # Now dive into the method.
   result_method = result_check["method"][0]
   self.assertEqual({"os": ["Linux", "Darwin"]}, result_method["target"])
   self.assertEqual(["ANY"], result_method["match"])
   expect_hint = {
       "problem": "Sshd allows protocol 1.",
       "format": "Configured protocols: {config.protocol}"
   self.assertDictEqual(expect_hint, result_method["hint"])
   # Now dive into the probe.
   result_probe = result_method["probe"][0]
   self.assertEqual("SshdConfigFile", result_probe["artifact"])
   self.assertEqual(["ANY"], result_probe["match"])
   # Now dive into the filters.
   expect_filters = {
       "type": "ObjectFilter",
       "expression": "config.protocol contains 1"
   result_filters = result_probe["filters"][0]
   self.assertDictEqual(expect_filters, result_filters)
   # Make sure any specified probe context is set.
   result_check = result["SSHD-PERMS"]
   probe = result_check["method"][0]["probe"][0]
   result_context = str(probe["result_context"])
   self.assertItemsEqual("RAW", result_context)
 def _LoadCheck(self, cfg_file, check_id):
   configs = checks.LoadConfigsFromFile(os.path.join(CHECKS_DIR, cfg_file))
   cfg = configs.get(check_id)
   return checks.Check(**cfg)