def crosscurrency_swap_rate(asset: Asset, swap_tenor: str, rateoption_type: str = None, forward_tenor: Optional[GENERIC_DATE] = None, clearing_house: tm_rates._ClearingHouse = None, location: PricingLocation = None, *, source: str = None, real_time: bool = False) -> Series: """ GS end-of-day Zero Coupon CrossCurrency Swap curves across major currencies. :param asset: asset object loaded from security master :param swap_tenor: relative date representation of expiration date e.g. 1m :param rateoption_type: benchmark type e.g. LIBOR :param forward_tenor: absolute / relative date representation of forward starting point eg: '1y' or 'Spot' for spot starting swaps, 'imm1' or 'frb1' :param clearing_house: Example - "LCH", "EUREX", "JSCC", "CME" :param location: Example - "TKO", "LDN", "NYC" :param source: name of function caller :param real_time: whether to retrieve intraday data instead of EOD :return: swap rate curve """ if asset.get_type().value == AssetType.Cross.value: pair = [under, over] = [pair[i:i + 3] for i in range(0, 6, 3)] asset1 = SecurityMaster.get_asset(under, AssetIdentifier.BLOOMBERG_ID) asset2 = SecurityMaster.get_asset(over, AssetIdentifier.BLOOMBERG_ID) elif asset.get_type().value == AssetType.Currency.value: asset1 = asset asset2 = SecurityMaster.get_asset("USD", AssetIdentifier.BLOOMBERG_ID) else: raise MqValueError('Asset type not supported ' + asset.get_type().value) df = _get_crosscurrency_swap_data(asset1=asset1, asset2=asset2, swap_tenor=swap_tenor, rateoption_type=rateoption_type, forward_tenor=forward_tenor, clearing_house=clearing_house, source=source, real_time=real_time, query_type=QueryType.XCCY_SWAP_SPREAD, location=location) series = ExtendedSeries( dtype=float) if df.empty else ExtendedSeries(df['xccySwapSpread']) series.dataset_ids = getattr(df, 'dataset_ids', ()) return series
def get(cls, id_value: str, id_type: Union[EntityIdentifier, str], entity_type: Optional[Union[EntityType, str]] = None): id_type = id_type.value if isinstance(id_type, Enum) else id_type if entity_type is None: entity_type = cls.entity_type() endpoint = cls._entity_to_endpoint[entity_type] else: entity_type = entity_type.value if isinstance( entity_type, Enum) else entity_type endpoint = cls._entity_to_endpoint[EntityType(entity_type)] if entity_type == 'asset': from import SecurityMaster, AssetIdentifier return SecurityMaster.get_asset(id_value, AssetIdentifier.MARQUEE_ID) if id_type == 'MQID': result = GsSession.current._get(f'/{endpoint}/{id_value}') else: result = get( GsSession.current._get( f'/{endpoint}?{id_type.lower()}={id_value}'), 'results.0') if result: return cls._get_entity_from_type(result, EntityType(entity_type))
def cross_to_basis(asset_id: str) -> str: try: asset = SecurityMaster.get_asset(asset_id, AssetIdentifier.MARQUEE_ID) result = convert_asset_for_rates_data_set( asset, RatesConversionType.CROSS_CURRENCY_BASIS) except TypeError: result = asset_id return result
def currency_to_inflation_benchmark_rate(asset_id: str) -> str: try: asset = SecurityMaster.get_asset(asset_id, AssetIdentifier.MARQUEE_ID) result = convert_asset_for_rates_data_set( asset, RatesConversionType.INFLATION_BENCHMARK_RATE) except TypeError: result = asset_id return result
def _reverse_cross(cross_name): if '/' not in cross_name: raise MqValueError("Name of cross does not fit expected format") else: cross = cross_name.split('/') new_name = cross[0] + cross[1] new_asset = AssetIdentifier.BLOOMBERG_ID reverse_cross = SecurityMaster.get_asset(new_name, new_asset) return reverse_cross
def cross_stored_direction_for_fx_vol( asset_spec: ASSET_SPEC) -> Union[str, Asset]: asset = _asset_from_spec(asset_spec) result = asset try: if asset.asset_class is AssetClass.FX: bbid = asset.get_identifier(AssetIdentifier.BLOOMBERG_ID) if bbid is not None: cross = _cross_stored_direction_helper(bbid) if cross != bbid: cross_asset = SecurityMaster.get_asset( cross, AssetIdentifier.BLOOMBERG_ID) result = cross_asset except TypeError: result = asset return _currencypair_to_tdapi_fxo_asset(result)
def build_eq_vol_scenario_eod( asset_name: str, source_dataset: str, ref_spot: float = None, asset_name_type: AssetIdentifier = AssetIdentifier.REUTERS_ID, vol_date: date = ) -> MarketDataVolShockScenario: asset = SecurityMaster.get_asset(asset_name, asset_name_type) vol_dataset = Dataset(source_dataset) vol_data = vol_dataset.get_data(assetId=[asset.get_marquee_id()], strikeReference='forward', startDate=vol_date, endDate=vol_date) asset_ric = asset.get_identifier(AssetIdentifier.REUTERS_ID) return MarketDataVolShockScenario.from_dataframe(asset_ric, vol_data, ref_spot)
def build_eq_vol_scenario_intraday( asset_name: str, source_dataset: str, ref_spot: float = None, asset_name_type: AssetIdentifier = AssetIdentifier.REUTERS_ID, start_time: datetime = - timedelta(hours=1), end_time: datetime = ) -> MarketDataVolShockScenario: asset = SecurityMaster.get_asset(asset_name, asset_name_type) vol_dataset = Dataset(source_dataset) vol_data = vol_dataset.get_data(assetId=[asset.get_marquee_id()], strikeReference='forward', startTime=start_time, endTime=end_time) asset_ric = asset.get_identifier(AssetIdentifier.REUTERS_ID) return MarketDataVolShockScenario.from_dataframe(asset_ric, vol_data, ref_spot)
def implied_volatility_fxvol(asset: Asset, tenor: str, strike_reference: VolReference = None, relative_strike: Real = None, location: Optional[PricingLocation] = None, legacy_implementation: bool = True, *, source: str = None, real_time: bool = False, request_id: Optional[str] = None) -> Series: """ Volatility of an asset implied by observations of market prices. :param asset: asset object loaded from security master :param tenor: relative date representation of expiration date e.g. 1m or absolute calendar strips e.g. 'Cal20', 'F20-G20' :param strike_reference: reference for strike level :param relative_strike: strike relative to reference :param location: location of the data snapshot Example - "HKG", "LDN", "NYC" :param legacy_implementation: use FX_IVOl over FX_VANILLA_OPTIONS_VOLS :param source: name of function caller :param real_time: whether to retrieve intraday data instead of EOD :param request_id: service request id, if any :return: implied volatility curve """ if legacy_implementation: return (tm.implied_volatility(asset, tenor, strike_reference, relative_strike, source=source, real_time=real_time, request_id=request_id)) bbid = asset.get_identifier(AssetIdentifier.BLOOMBERG_ID) if bbid is not None: cross = _cross_stored_direction_helper(bbid) if cross != bbid: cross_asset = SecurityMaster.get_asset( cross, AssetIdentifier.BLOOMBERG_ID) else: cross_asset = asset else: raise MqValueError('Badly setup cross ' + ref_string, relative_strike = _preprocess_implied_vol_strikes_fx( strike_reference, relative_strike) if ref_string == 'delta': if relative_strike == 0: strike = 'DN' option_type = OptionType.CALL.value else: if relative_strike > 0: strike = str(relative_strike) + 'D' option_type = OptionType.CALL.value else: strike = str(-relative_strike) + 'D' option_type = OptionType.PUT.value elif ref_string == VolReference.SPOT.value: strike = 'Spot' option_type = OptionType.CALL.value elif ref_string == VolReference.FORWARD.value: strike = 'ATMF' option_type = OptionType.CALL.value else: raise MqValueError( 'unknown strike_reference and relative_strike combination') tenor = _tenor_month_to_year(tenor) s = implied_volatility_new(cross_asset, tenor, strike, option_type, location=location) return s
# test API connectivity request_url = '' request = session.get(url=request_url) print(request.text) ''' from datetime import date from import Dataset from import SecurityMaster, AssetIdentifier from gs_quant.session import GsSession client_id = '' client_secret = '' scopes = GsSession.Scopes.get_default() GsSession.use(client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, scopes=scopes) ds = Dataset('USCANFPP_MINI') print (ds) gsids = ds.get_coverage()['gsid'].values.tolist() df = ds.get_data(date(2012, 7, 2), date(2017, 6, 30), gsid=gsids[0:5]) print (df) for idx, row in df.iterrows(): marqueeAssetId = row['assetId'] asset = SecurityMaster.get_asset(marqueeAssetId, AssetIdentifier.MARQUEE_ID) df.loc[df['assetId'] == marqueeAssetId, 'assetName'] = print (df)
print("here") scopes = GsSession.Scopes.get_default() GsSession.use(client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, scopes=scopes) ds = Dataset('USCANFPP_MINI') gsids = ds.get_coverage()['gsid'].values.tolist() id_to_names = {} localDB = [] for gsid in gsids: data = ds.get_data(gsid=gsid) localDB.append(data) if not data.empty: id = data['assetId'][0] id_to_names[gsid] = (id, SecurityMaster.get_asset( id, AssetIdentifier.MARQUEE_ID)) company_names = list(map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1].name), id_to_names.values())) def print_all(conn): with conn.cursor() as cur: cur.execute("SELECT * FROM names") rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: print([str(cell) for cell in row]) def add_name(conn, gsid, id, name): with conn.cursor() as cur: cur.execute("SELECT * FROM names WHERE name = '{}'".format(name))