def build_lyx(target, source, env):
    '''Compile a pdf from a LyX file

    This function is a SCons builder that compiles a .lyx file
    as a pdf and places it at the path specified by target. 

    target: string or list 
        The target of the SCons command. This should be the path
        of the pdf that the builder is instructed to compile. 
    source: string or list
        The source of the SCons command. This should
        be the .lyx file that the function will compile as a PDF.
    env: SCons construction environment, see SCons user guide 7.2

    # Prelims
    source = misc.make_list_if_string(source)
    target = misc.make_list_if_string(target)

    source_file = str(source[0])
    misc.check_code_extension(source_file, '.lyx')

    # Set up target file and log file
    newpdf = source_file[:-4] + '.pdf'
    target_file = str(target[0])
    target_dir = misc.get_directory(target_file)

    start_time = misc.current_time()

    misc.check_code_extension(source_file, 'lyx')
    newpdf = source_file.replace('.lyx', '.pdf')
        log_ext = '_%s' % env['log_ext']
    except KeyError:
        log_ext = ''
    log_file = os.path.join(target_dir, ('sconscript%s.log' % log_ext))

    # System call
        command = 'lyx -e pdf2 %s > %s' % (source_file, log_file)
        subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
        # Move rendered pdf to the target
        shutil.move(newpdf, target_file)
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
        message = misc.command_error_msg("lyx", command)
        raise ExecCallError(message)

    # Close log
    end_time = misc.current_time()
    log_timestamp(start_time, end_time, log_file)

    return None
def build_stata(target, source, env):
    '''Build targets with a Stata command
    This function executes a Stata script to build objects specified
    by target using the objects specified by source.

    target: string or list 
        The target(s) of the SCons command.
    source: string or list
        The source(s) of the SCons command. The first source specified
        should be the Stata .do script that the builder is intended to execute. 
    env: SCons construction environment, see SCons user guide 7.2

    # Prelims
    source = misc.make_list_if_string(source)
    target = misc.make_list_if_string(target)
    start_time = misc.current_time()

    # Set up source file and the original location of the log
    source_file = str(source[0])
    misc.check_code_extension(source_file, '.do')
    loc_log = os.path.basename(source_file).replace('.do', '.log')

    # Set up log file destination
    target_file = str(target[0])
    target_dir = misc.get_directory(target_file)
        log_ext = '_%s' % env['log_ext']
    except KeyError:
        log_ext = ''
    log_file = os.path.join(target_dir, ('sconscript%s.log' % log_ext))

    # Set up command line arguments
    cl_arg = misc.command_line_args(env)

    executable = misc.get_stata_executable(env)
    command_skeleton = misc.get_stata_command(executable)

        command = command_skeleton % (source_file, cl_arg)
        subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
        message = misc.command_error_msg("Stata", command)
        raise ExecCallError(message)

    shutil.move(loc_log, log_file)
    end_time = misc.current_time()
    log_timestamp(start_time, end_time, log_file)

    return None
def build_r(target, source, env):
    '''Build SCons targets using an R script

    This function executes an R script to build objects specified
    by target using the objects specified by source.

    target: string or list 
        The target(s) of the SCons command.
    source: string or list
        The source(s) of the SCons command. The first source specified
        should be the R script that the builder is intended to execute. 
    env: SCons construction environment, see SCons user guide 7.2
    # Prelims
    source = misc.make_list_if_string(source)
    target = misc.make_list_if_string(target)
    source_file = str(source[0])
    target_file = str(target[0])
    target_dir = misc.get_directory(target_file)

    start_time = misc.current_time()

    misc.check_code_extension(source_file, 'r')
        log_ext = '_%s' % env['log_ext']
    except KeyError:
        log_ext = ''
    log_file = os.path.join(target_dir, ('sconscript%s.log' % log_ext))

    cl_arg = misc.command_line_args(env)

    if cl_arg != '':
        if misc.is_unix():  # R has platform-specific cl_arg syntax
            cl_arg = "'--args %s'" % cl_arg
            cl_arg = "\"--args %s\"" % cl_arg

    # System call
        command = 'R CMD BATCH --no-save %s %s %s' % (cl_arg, source_file,
        subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
        message = misc.command_error_msg("R", command)
        raise ExecCallError(message)

    end_time = misc.current_time()
    log_timestamp(start_time, end_time, log_file)

    return None
 def raise_system_call_exception(self, command='', traceback=''):
     Create and raise an informative error message from failed system call.
     if not command:
         command = self.system_call
     traceback = str(traceback)
     traceback = '%s%s' % ('\n' * bool(traceback), traceback)
     message = '%s did not run successfully. ' \
               'Please check that the executable, source, and target files are correctly specified. ' \
               'Check %s and sconstruct.log for errors. ' \
               '\nCommand tried: %s%s' % (self.name, self.log_file, command, traceback)
     raise ExecCallError(message)
     return None
def build_python(target, source, env):
    '''Build SCons targets using a Python script

    This function executes a Python script to build objects specified
    by target using the objects specified by source.

    target: string or list 
        The target(s) of the SCons command.
    source: string or list
        The source(s) of the SCons command. The first source specified
        should be the Python script that the builder is intended to execute. 
    env: SCons construction environment, see SCons user guide 7.2

    # Prelims
    source = misc.make_list_if_string(source)
    target = misc.make_list_if_string(target)
    source_file = str(source[0])
    target_file = str(target[0])
    target_dir = misc.get_directory(target_file)

    start_time = misc.current_time()

    misc.check_code_extension(source_file, '.py')
        log_ext = '_%s' % env['log_ext']
    except KeyError:
        log_ext = ''
    log_file = os.path.join(target_dir, ('sconscript%s.log' % log_ext))

    cl_arg = misc.command_line_args(env)

    # System call
        command = 'python %s %s > %s' % (source_file, cl_arg, log_file)
        subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex:
        message = misc.command_error_msg("Python", command)
        raise ExecCallError('%s\n%s' % (message, ex.output))

    # Close log
    end_time = misc.current_time()
    log_timestamp(start_time, end_time, log_file)

    return None
def build_matlab(target, source, env):
    '''Build targets with a MATLAB command
    This function executes a MATLAB function to build objects 
    specified by target using the objects specified by source.
    It requires MATLAB to be callable from the command line 
    via `matlab`.

    Accessing command line arguments from within matlab is 
    possible via the `command_line_arg = getenv('CL_ARG')`. 

    target: string or list 
        The target(s) of the SCons command.
    source: string or list
        The source(s) of the SCons command. The first source specified
        should be the MATLAB .M script that the builder is intended to execute. 
    env: SCons construction environment, see SCons user guide 7.2

    if misc.is_unix():
        options = '-nosplash -nodesktop'
    elif sys.platform == 'win32':
        options = '-nosplash -minimize -wait'
        raise PrerequisiteError("Unsupported OS")

    source = misc.make_list_if_string(source)
    target = misc.make_list_if_string(target)
    source_file = str(source[0])
    target_file = str(target[0])
    target_dir = misc.get_directory(target_file)

    start_time = misc.current_time()

    misc.check_code_extension(source_file, '.m')
        log_ext = '_%s' % env['log_ext']
    except KeyError:
        log_ext = ''
    log_file = os.path.join(target_dir, ('sconscript%s.log' % log_ext))

    # Set up command line arguments
    cl_arg = misc.command_line_args(env)
    os.environ['CL_ARG'] = cl_arg

    # Run MATLAB on source file
    shutil.copy(source_file, 'source.m')
        command = 'matlab %s -r source > %s' % (options, log_file)
        subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
        message = misc.command_error_msg("Matlab", command)
        raise ExecCallError(message)

    end_time = misc.current_time()
    log_timestamp(start_time, end_time, log_file)

    return None
def build_tables(target, source, env):
    '''Build a SCons target by filling a table

    This function uses the tablefill function from gslab_fill to produced a 
    filled table from (i) an empty table in a LyX/Tex file and (ii) text files 
    containing data to be used in filling the table. 

    target: string or list 
        The target(s) of the SCons command.
    source: string or list
        The source(s) of the SCons command. The first source specified
        should be the LyX/Tex file specifying the table format. The subsequent 
        sources should be the text files containing the data with which the
        tables are to be filled. 
    env: SCons construction environment, see SCons user guide 7.2
    # Prelims
    source = misc.make_list_if_string(source)
    target = misc.make_list_if_string(target)

    start_time = misc.current_time()

    # Set up source file (table format)
    source_file = str(source[0])
    misc.check_code_extension(source_file, ['.lyx', '.tex'])

    # Set up input string (list of data tables)
    input_string = ' '.join([str(i) for i in source[1:]])

    # Set up target file (filled table)
    target_file = str(target[0])
    target_dir = misc.get_directory(target_file)
    misc.check_code_extension(target_file, ['.lyx', '.tex'])
        log_ext = '_%s' % env['log_ext']
    except KeyError:
        log_ext = ''
    log_file = os.path.join(target_dir, ('sconscript%s.log' % log_ext))

    # Command call
    output = tablefill(input=input_string,

    with open(log_file, 'wb') as f:

    # Close log
    if "traceback" in str.lower(output):  # if tablefill.py returns an error
        command = """tablefill(input    = %s, 
                         template = %s, 
                         output   = %s)""" % (input_string, source_file,
        message = misc.command_error_msg("tablefill.py", command)
        raise ExecCallError(message)

    end_time = misc.current_time()
    log_timestamp(start_time, end_time, log_file)

    return None