def test_syncdb_error_handling(): """Test syncdb code error handling""" def raising_run(*_args, capture_output, check, text): raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(1, 'cmd') patch_run = patch.object(subprocess, 'run', raising_run) with patch_run: ret = gssgitlab_main(['syncdb']) assert ret == 1
def test_syndb(tempdir): """ Test syndb PATH is patched so the test does not require real gitlab installation """ tempenv = deepcopy(os.environ) tempenv['PATH'] = './tests:' + tempenv['PATH'] patch_environ = patch.object(os, 'environ', tempenv) with patch_environ: ret = gssgitlab_main(['--gitlab_home', tempdir, 'syncdb']) assert ret == 0 with open(f'{tempdir}/.k5login') as ftmp: assert 'principal1@REALM' in with open(f'{tempdir}/.k5keys') as ftmp: assert 'principal2@REALM key-2' in