def do_set_property(self, property, value): if == 'name': raise AttributeError, "Property 'name' cannot be changed." elif == 'label': self.label = value self.__lset = self.label != '' if not self.__lset and self.stock_id != '': _item = gtk.stock_lookup(self.stock_id) if _item is not None: self.label = _item[2] if not self.__slset: self.short_label = self.label self.notify('short-label') elif == 'tooltip': self.tooltip = value elif == 'stock-id': self.stock_id = value if not self.__lset: _item = gtk.stock_lookup(self.stock_id) if _item is not None: self.label = _item[2] else: self.label = '' self.notify('label') if not self.__slset: self.short_label = self.label self.notify('short-label') elif == 'action-group': self.action_group = value elif == 'hide-if-empty': self.hide_if_empty = value elif == 'is-important': self.is_important = value elif == 'sensitive': self.set_sensitive(value) elif == 'short-label': self.short_label = value self.__slset = self.short_label != '' if not self.__slset: self.__slset = self.label elif == 'visible': self.set_visible(value) elif == 'visible-horizontal': self.visible_horizontal = value elif == 'visible-overflow': self.visible_overflown = value elif == 'visible-vertical': self.visible_vertical = value else: raise AttributeError, "Unknown property '%s'" % property
def run_command_arg_dialog(cmd_name, help_text, run_hook): """Launch a dialog to get extra arguments for a command.""" checker_function = lambda t: True dialog, container, name_entry = get_naming_dialog(cmd_name, checker_function) dialog.set_title(cmd_name) help_label = gtk.stock_lookup(gtk.STOCK_HELP)[1].strip("_") help_button = rose.gtk.util.CustomButton( stock_id=gtk.STOCK_HELP, label=help_label, size=gtk.ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR) help_button.connect( "clicked", lambda b: rose.gtk.util.run_scrolled_dialog( help_text, title=help_label)) help_hbox = gtk.HBox() help_hbox.pack_start(help_button, expand=False, fill=False) container.pack_end(help_hbox, expand=False, fill=False) name_entry.grab_focus() dialog.connect("response", _handle_command_arg_response, run_hook, name_entry) dialog.set_modal(False)
def show_toast(self, body, icon=None, urgency="low", summary=_notifyRealm, name=None): tray_x = 0 tray_y = 0 if notifyInitialized: sleep(0.5) # FIXME: issue #43, associate the balloon with the notification icon properly. Currently, this is a hack to leave time for the tray icon to appear before getting its coordinates if self.notifier.tray: tray_x = self.notifier.tray.get_x() tray_y = self.notifier.tray.get_y() else: tray_x = 0 tray_y = 0 self.toast = pynotify.Notification(summary, body) if name: # If name is not None and exists in specto.watch_db, a button is added to the notification w = self.specto.watch_db.find_watch(name) if w != -1 and self.capabilities["actions"]: # Don't request action buttons if the notification daemon (ex: notify-osd) rejects them self.toast.add_action("clicked", gtk.stock_lookup(gtk.STOCK_JUMP_TO)[1].replace('_', ''), self.__open_watch, w) self.toast.set_urgency(self._Urgencies[urgency]) if icon: #self.toast.set_property('icon-name', icon) # We now use a pixbuf in the line below to allow themable icons self.toast.set_icon_from_pixbuf(icon) if tray_x != 0 and tray_y != 0: # grab the x and y position of the tray icon and make the balloon emerge from it self.toast.set_hint("x", tray_x) self.toast.set_hint("y", tray_y) try: except: self.specto.logger.log(_("Cannot display notification message. Make sure that libnotify and D-Bus are available on your system."), "error", self.specto)
def setup_actions(self, keymap=None): self.main_actg = G.ActionGroup('Main') for entry in self.main_act_table: self.action_states[entry[0]] = None n, lab, cb = entry[:3] if G.stock_lookup(lab) is not None: a = G.Action(n, None, None, lab) else: a = G.Action(n, lab, None, None) if cb is not None: a.connect('activate', partial(cb, self)) if keymap is not None and n in keymap and keymap[n]: self.main_actg.add_action_with_accel(a, keymap[n]) else: self.main_actg.add_action(a) self.zoom_actg = G.ActionGroup('Zoom') first_zoom_action = None for n, lab, v in self.zoom_act_table: a = G.RadioAction(n, lab, None, None, v) if first_zoom_action is None: first_zoom_action = a a.connect('changed', self.on_zoom_changed) else: a.set_group(first_zoom_action) self.zoom_actg.add_action(a) self.rotate_actg = G.ActionGroup('Rotate') first_rotate_action = None for n, lab, v in self.rotate_act_table: a = G.RadioAction(n, lab, None, None, v) if first_rotate_action is None: first_rotate_action = a a.connect('changed', self.on_rotate_changed) else: a.set_group(first_rotate_action) self.rotate_actg.add_action(a)
def __init__(self, specto, body, icon=None, x=0, y=0, urgency="low", summary=_notifyRealm, name=None): global notifyInitialized if not notifyInitialized: pynotify.init(self._notifyRealm) notifyInitialized = True self.specto=specto self.toast = pynotify.Notification(summary, body) self.timeout = specto.specto_gconf.get_entry("pop_toast_duration")*1000 if self.timeout: self.toast.set_timeout(self.timeout) if name: #If name is not None and exists in specto.watch_db, a button is added to the notification w = self.specto.find_watch(name) if w != -1: self.toast.add_action("clicked", gtk.stock_lookup(gtk.STOCK_JUMP_TO)[1].replace('_', ''), self.__open_watch, w) self.toast.set_urgency(self._Urgencies[urgency]) if icon: #self.toast.set_property('icon-name', icon)#we now use a pixbuf in the line below to allow themable icons self.toast.set_icon_from_pixbuf(icon) if x!=0 and y!=0:#grab the x and y position of the tray icon and make the balloon emerge from it self.toast.set_hint("x", x) self.toast.set_hint("y", y) if not specto.logger.log("Can't send Notification message. Check your DBUS!", "error", self.__class__)
def add_buttons(self, *args): """ add_buttons(Label0, ResponseID0, StockID1, ResponseID1, ...) """ if len(args) % 2 != 0: raise ValueError, "Not enough arguments supplied, (Button, Response,...)" i = 0 while i < len(args)-1: try: stock_info = gtk.stock_lookup(args[i]) except TypeError: stock_info = None if stock_info != None: # Stock item button = gtk.Button(stock = args[i]) else: # Label button = gtk.Button(label = args[i]) button.connect("clicked", lambda w,id: self.response(id), args[i+1]) self.buttonbox.add(button) i += 2
def get_image_from_name(name, size, fit_size = "both"): assert isinstance(name, str), "Image name must be a string" icon = None if gtk.stock_lookup(name): icon = gtk.image_new_from_stock(name, size) elif gtk.icon_theme_get_default().has_icon(name): icon = gtk.image_new_from_icon_name(name, size) else: path = os.path.join('..', os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'data', 'gfx', name+'.png') if os.path.exists(path): try: _size = gtk.icon_size_lookup(size) pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(path) heightS = max(float(_size[1])/float(pixbuf.get_height()), 1.0) widthS = max(float(_size[0])/float(pixbuf.get_width()), 1.0) if fit_size == 'both': if heightS < widthS: pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(path, _size[1]*pixbuf.get_width()/pixbuf.get_height(), _size[1]) else: pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(path, _size[0], _size[0]*pixbuf.get_height()/pixbuf.get_width()) elif fit_size == 'width': pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(path, _size[0], _size[0]*pixbuf.get_height()/pixbuf.get_widtht()) else: pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(path, _size[1]*pixbuf.get_width()/pixbuf.get_height(), _size[1]) icon = gtk.image_new_from_pixbuf(pixbuf) except Exception as e: print e icon = gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_MISSING_IMAGE, size) else: icon = gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_MISSING_IMAGE, size) return icon
def open_menu(self, menu): # always work on a copy menu = menu[:] if (menu): menu.append(MenuItem("/__separator")) menu += self.__DISPLAY_MENU mainmenu = gtk.Menu() tree = {} for entry in menu: if (not entry.label): item = gtk.SeparatorMenuItem() elif (entry.icon): if (gtk.stock_lookup(entry.icon)): item = gtk.ImageMenuItem(entry.icon) if (entry.label): item.get_children()[0].set_text_with_mnemonic(entry.label) else: item = gtk.ImageMenuItem(entry.label) try: img = Tiling() data = vfs.read_entire_file(self.get_full_path(entry.icon)) img.set_from_data(data) img.render(16, 16, 1, 1) item.set_image(img) except: import traceback; traceback.print_exc() else: item = gtk.MenuItem(entry.label) if (entry.callback): item.connect("activate", lambda src, cb, args: cb(*args), entry.callback, entry.args) if (not item.set_sensitive(False) menupath = "/".join(entry.path.split("/")[:-1]) if (menupath): parentitem = tree.get(menupath) if (not parentitem.get_submenu()): m = gtk.Menu() parentitem.set_submenu(m) else: m = parentitem.get_submenu() else: m = mainmenu m.append(item) tree["/".join(entry.path.split("/"))] = item mainmenu.popup(None, None, None, 0, 0)
def _load_stock_items(self): groups = { "a": gtk.ToolItemGroup("Stock Icons (A-F)"), "g": gtk.ToolItemGroup("Stock Icons (G-N)"), "o": gtk.ToolItemGroup("Stock Icons (O-R)"), "s": gtk.ToolItemGroup("Stock Icons (S-Z)") } group = groups["a"] for g in groups.values(): self.palette.add(g) items = gtk.stock_list_ids() items.sort() for i in items: #stock id names are in form gtk-foo, sort into one of the groups above try: group = groups[i[4]] except KeyError: pass b = gtk.ToolButton(i) b.set_tooltip_text(i) b.set_is_important(True) info = gtk.stock_lookup(i) if info: b.set_label(info[1].replace("_", "")) else: b.set_label(i) group.insert(b, -1)
def __init__(self, box): title = gtk.stock_lookup(gtk.STOCK_HELP)[1] stock.register('sweetener-help-contents', title, '<Ctrl>H', 'toolbar-help') SettingsItem.__init__(self, None, 'sweetener-help-contents') sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow() sw.set_size_request(int(gtk.gdk.screen_width() / 2.8), gtk.gdk.screen_height() - style.GRID_CELL_SIZE * 3) sw.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_NEVER, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) self._max_text_width = int(gtk.gdk.screen_width() / 3) - 20 self._vbox = gtk.VBox() self._vbox.set_homogeneous(False) hbox = gtk.HBox() hbox.pack_start(self._vbox, False, True, 0) sw.add_with_viewport(hbox) self.content = sw item = self.get_tool_item() item.show_all() separator = gtk.SeparatorToolItem() box.toolbar.insert(separator, len(box.toolbar.get_children()[:-2])) box.toolbar.insert(item, len(box.toolbar.get_children()[:-2])) for i in self.add_section(i[0]) for text, icon in i[1:]: self.add_paragraph(text, icon)
def __init__(self, label, stock=None): """An menu item with an (option) icon. you can use this in three different ways: ContextMenuItem('foo') ContextMenuItem('foo', gtk.STOCK_PASTE) ContextMenuItem(gtk.STOCK_PASTE) The first will display an label 'foo'. The second will display the same label with the paste icon, and the last will display the paste icon with the default paste label """ gtk.ImageMenuItem.__init__(self) if not stock: stock = label info = gtk.stock_lookup(label) if info: try: label = info.label # For PyGTk except AttributeError: label = info[1] lbl = gtk.AccelLabel(label) lbl.set_alignment(0, 0.5) lbl.set_use_underline(True) lbl.set_use_markup(True) self.add(lbl) image = gtk.Image() image.set_from_stock(stock, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) self.set_image(image)
def get_stock_icons(): """ Get a sorted list of all available stock icons @returns: a list of tuples; (stock_label, stock_id) """ global _stock_icons if _stock_icons: return _stock_icons icons = [] for stock_id in gtk.stock_list_ids(): # Do not list stock ids starting with gazpacho-, they # are considered private if stock_id.startswith('gazpacho-'): continue stock_info = gtk.stock_lookup(stock_id) if not stock_info: # gtk-new -> New if stock_id.startswith('gtk-'): stock_label = stock_id[4:].replace('-', ' ') else: stock_label = stock_id stock_label = stock_label.capitalize() else: stock_label = stock_info[1].replace('_', '') icons.append((stock_label, stock_id)) icons.sort() _stock_icons = icons return icons
def __init__(self, label, stock=None): """An menu item with an (option) icon. you can use this in three different ways: ContextMenuItem('foo') ContextMenuItem('foo', gtk.STOCK_PASTE) ContextMenuItem(gtk.STOCK_PASTE) The first will display an label 'foo'. The second will display the same label with the paste icon, and the last will display the paste icon with the default paste label """ # For some reason I don't know, gtk.ImageMenuItem.__init__(...) does not work. It # complains I should use __gobject_init__ instead. self.__gobject_init__() if not stock: stock = label info = gtk.stock_lookup(label) if info: label = info[1] lbl = gtk.AccelLabel(label) lbl.set_alignment(0, 0.5) lbl.set_use_underline(True) lbl.set_use_markup(True) self.add(lbl) image = gtk.Image() image.set_from_stock(stock, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) self.set_image(image)
def setup_tooltip(self): if self.tooltip: self.toolitem.set_title(self.tooltip) else: text = gtk.stock_lookup(self.stock_id)[1] self.toolitem.set_title(text.replace('_', '')) self.setup_accelerator()
def _load_stock_items(self): groups = { "a": gtk.ToolItemGroup("Stock Icons (A-F)"), "g": gtk.ToolItemGroup("Stock Icons (G-N)"), "o": gtk.ToolItemGroup("Stock Icons (O-R)"), "s": gtk.ToolItemGroup("Stock Icons (S-Z)"), } group = groups["a"] for g in groups.values(): self.palette.add(g) items = gtk.stock_list_ids() items.sort() for i in items: # stock id names are in form gtk-foo, sort into one of the groups above try: group = groups[i[4]] except KeyError: pass b = gtk.ToolButton(i) b.set_tooltip_text(i) b.set_is_important(True) info = gtk.stock_lookup(i) if info: b.set_label(info[1].replace("_", "")) else: b.set_label(i) group.insert(b, -1)
def overwrite_stock(stock_id, new_accelerator): info = list(gtk.stock_lookup(stock_id)) keyval, mask = gtk.accelerator_parse(new_accelerator) info[2] = mask info[3] = keyval logger.debug(str(info)) gtk.stock_add([(info[0], info[1], info[2], info[3], info[4])])
def add_buttons(self, *args): """ add_buttons(Label0, ResponseID0, StockID1, ResponseID1, ...) """ if len(args) % 2 != 0: raise ValueError, "Not enough arguments supplied, (Button, Response,...)" i = 0 while i < len(args) - 1: try: stock_info = gtk.stock_lookup(args[i]) except TypeError: stock_info = None if stock_info != None: # Stock item button = gtk.Button(stock=args[i]) else: # Label button = gtk.Button(label=args[i]) button.connect("clicked", lambda w, id: self.response(id), args[i + 1]) self.buttonbox.add(button) i += 2
def add_action_with_accel(self, action, accel): # print "add_action_with_accel" _keyval = None _mods = None _name = action.get_name() _path = "/".join(['<Actions>',, _name]) if accel is None: # print "accel is None" _sid = action.get_property('stock-id') if _sid != '': # print "sid = '%s'" % _sid _data = gtk.stock_lookup(_sid) if _data is not None and _data[3] != 0: # print "data: " + str(_data) _mods = _data[2] _keyval = _data[3] else: _k, _m = gtk.accelerator_parse(accel) if gtk.accelerator_valid(_k, _m): _keyval = _k _mods = _m if _keyval is not None: # print "calling gtk.accel_map_change_entry()" # print "Path: " + _path # print "Key: " + str(_keyval) # print "Mods: " + str(_mods) if not gtk.accel_map_change_entry(_path, _keyval, _mods, True): print "Failed to change accel_map for '%s'" % _path action.set_accel_path(_path) self.add_action(action)
def __update_paused(self, player, paused): menu = self.ui.get_widget("/Menu/Control/PlayPause") if paused: key = gtk.STOCK_MEDIA_PLAY else: key = gtk.STOCK_MEDIA_PAUSE text = gtk.stock_lookup(key)[1] menu.get_image().set_from_stock(key, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) menu.set_label(text) menu.set_use_underline(True)
def __create_model(self): store = gtk.ListStore( gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, gobject.TYPE_STRING) ids = gtk.stock_list_ids() ids.sort() for data in ids: info = StockItemInfo(stock_id=data) stock_item = gtk.stock_lookup(data) if stock_item: info.stock_item = stock_item else: # stock_id, label, modifier, keyval, translation_domain info.stock_item =('', '', 0, 0, '') # only show icons for stock IDs that have default icons icon_set = gtk.icon_factory_lookup_default(info.stock_id) if icon_set is None: info.small_icon = None else: # See what sizes this stock icon really exists at sizes = icon_set.get_sizes() n_sizes = len(sizes) # Use menu size if it exists, otherwise first size found size = sizes[0]; i = 0; while(i < n_sizes): if(sizes[i] == gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU): size = gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU break i += 1 info.small_icon = self.render_icon(info.stock_id, size) if(size != gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU): # Make the result the proper size for our thumbnail w, h = gtk.icon_size_lookup(gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) scaled = info.small_icon.scale_simple(w, h, 'bilinear') info.small_icon = scaled if info.stock_item[3] == 0: info.accel_str = "" else: info.accel_str = \ gtk.accelerator_name(info.stock_item[3], info.stock_item[2]) iter = store.append() store.set(iter, 0, info, 1, info.stock_id) return store
def append_toggle(self, stock, signal, accelerator = None, toggled = True): info = gtk.stock_lookup(stock) label = info[1] if info else stock menuitem = gtk.CheckMenuItem(label) menuitem.set_active(toggled) self.submenu.append(menuitem) menuitem.connect("toggled", self.activate, signal) self.install_signal(signal) if accelerator: key, mask = gtk.accelerator_parse(accelerator) menuitem.add_accelerator("toggled", self.application.bindings, key, mask, gtk.ACCEL_VISIBLE)
def autobuild_tooltips(self, toolbar): """Scan GTK Toolbar recursively and set the Buttons tooltip.""" for c in toolbar.get_children(): if hasattr(c, 'get_stock_id'): stock = c.get_stock_id() if stock is not None and not c.get_property('has-tooltip'): infos = gtk.stock_lookup(stock) if infos is not None: txt = infos[1].replace('_','') c.set_tooltip_text(txt) return
def append_toggle(self, stock, signal, accelerator=None, toggled=True): info = gtk.stock_lookup(stock) label = info[1] if info else stock menuitem = gtk.CheckMenuItem(label) menuitem.set_active(toggled) self.submenu.append(menuitem) menuitem.connect("toggled", self.activate, signal) self.install_signal(signal) if accelerator: key, mask = gtk.accelerator_parse(accelerator) menuitem.add_accelerator("toggled", self.application.bindings, key, mask, gtk.ACCEL_VISIBLE)
def __create_model(self): store = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, gobject.TYPE_STRING) ids = gtk.stock_list_ids() ids.sort() for data in ids: info = StockItemInfo(stock_id=data) stock_item = gtk.stock_lookup(data) if stock_item: info.stock_item = stock_item else: # stock_id, label, modifier, keyval, translation_domain info.stock_item = ('', '', 0, 0, '') # only show icons for stock IDs that have default icons icon_set = gtk.icon_factory_lookup_default(info.stock_id) if icon_set is None: info.small_icon = None else: # See what sizes this stock icon really exists at sizes = icon_set.get_sizes() n_sizes = len(sizes) # Use menu size if it exists, otherwise first size found size = sizes[0] i = 0 while (i < n_sizes): if (sizes[i] == gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU): size = gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU break i += 1 info.small_icon = self.render_icon(info.stock_id, size) if (size != gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU): # Make the result the proper size for our thumbnail w, h = gtk.icon_size_lookup(gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) scaled = info.small_icon.scale_simple(w, h, 'bilinear') info.small_icon = scaled if info.stock_item[3] == 0: info.accel_str = "" else: info.accel_str = \ gtk.accelerator_name(info.stock_item[3], info.stock_item[2]) iter = store.append() store.set(iter, 0, info, 1, info.stock_id) return store
def prop_set_stock_id(self, action, value): action.set_property('stock-id', value) # Set the accelerator from the stock item, but only if it's # not set already if action.get_data('accel_key'): return # FIXME: Should we print a warning if it cannot be found stock_item = gtk.stock_lookup(value) if stock_item: self._set_accel(action, stock_item[3], stock_item[2])
def create_stock_item(self, id, name, icon = None): "Creates a stock item" gtk.stock_add(((id, name, 0, 0, None), )) if icon is None: pass elif gtk.stock_lookup(icon) is not None: self.add(id, self.parent.get_style().lookup_icon_set(icon)) else: self.create_stock_icon(id, icon, ( gtk.ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR, gtk.ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU, gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON, gtk.ICON_SIZE_DIALOG, ICON_SIZE_LABEL, ICON_SIZE_HEADLINE ))
def create_item(self, p_type, p_text=None, p_stock=None, p_accel=None): """ p_type: una cadena que representa el tipo de elemento de menu a crear. 'p_type' puede ser "normal", "image", "check", "radio" o "separator". p_text: una cadena a mostrar por el elemento de menu. p_stock: una cadena que represente un 'stock de gtk' o una direccion de una imagen a mostrar por el elemento de menu. p_accel: una cadena que representa la combinacion de teclas que activa a dicho elemento de menu. 'p_accel' es lo ultimo que se muestra en el elemento de menu. Retorna: un 'gtk.MenuItem' en dependencia de los parametros dados. Crea y retorna un elemento de menu segun los parametros dados. """ if p_type == "normal": item = gtk.MenuItem() elif p_type == "image": item = gtk.ImageMenuItem() img = gtk.Image() if gtk.stock_lookup(p_stock): img.set_from_stock(p_stock, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) else: img.set_from_file(p_stock) item.set_image(img) elif p_type == "check": item = gtk.CheckMenuItem() elif p_type == "radio": pass else: return gtk.SeparatorMenuItem() hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 15) label = gtk.Label(p_text) label.set_use_underline(True) label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5) self.__size_group.add_widget(label) hbox.pack_start(label, False) if p_accel: hbox.pack_end(gtk.Label(p_accel), False) item.add(hbox) return item
def __init__(self, header, text, icon, buttons, parent=None): """ :param header: str, the header portion of the dialog :param text: str, the text body of the dialog :param icon: gtk Stock ID, a stock id for the gtk icon to display :param buttons: tuple, of gtk stock ids and responses :param parent: gtkWindow, the parent window, if None it will default to the MainWindow """ super(BaseDialog, self).__init__( title=header, parent=parent if parent else component.get('MainWindow').window, flags=gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT | gtk.DIALOG_NO_SEPARATOR, buttons=buttons, ) self.set_icon(get_deluge_icon()) self.connect('delete-event', self._on_delete_event) self.connect('response', self._on_response) # Setup all the formatting and such to make our dialog look pretty self.set_border_width(5) self.set_default_size(200, 100) hbox = gtk.HBox(spacing=5) image = gtk.Image() if not gtk.stock_lookup(icon) and ( icon.endswith('.svg') or icon.endswith('.png') ): # Hack for Windows since it doesn't support svg if icon.endswith('.svg') and windows_check(): icon = icon.rpartition('.svg')[0] + '16.png' image.set_from_pixbuf(get_pixbuf_at_size(icon, 32)) else: image.set_from_stock(icon, gtk.ICON_SIZE_DIALOG) image.set_alignment(0.5, 0.0) hbox.pack_start(image, False, False, 0) vbox = gtk.VBox(spacing=5) tlabel = gtk.Label(text) tlabel.set_use_markup(True) tlabel.set_line_wrap(True) tlabel.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5) vbox.pack_start(tlabel, False, False, 0) hbox.pack_start(vbox, False, False, 0) self.vbox.pack_start(hbox, False, False, 0) self.vbox.set_spacing(5) self.vbox.show_all()
def show_toast(self, body, icon=None, urgency="low", summary=_notifyRealm, name=None): tray_x = 0 tray_y = 0 if notifyInitialized: sleep( 0.5 ) # FIXME: issue #43, associate the balloon with the notification icon properly. Currently, this is a hack to leave time for the tray icon to appear before getting its coordinates if self.notifier.tray: tray_x = self.notifier.tray.get_x() tray_y = self.notifier.tray.get_y() else: tray_x = 0 tray_y = 0 self.toast = pynotify.Notification(summary, body) if name: # If name is not None and exists in specto.watch_db, a button is added to the notification w = self.specto.watch_db.find_watch(name) if w != -1 and self.capabilities[ "actions"]: # Don't request action buttons if the notification daemon (ex: notify-osd) rejects them self.toast.add_action( "clicked", gtk.stock_lookup(gtk.STOCK_JUMP_TO)[1].replace( '_', ''), self.__open_watch, w) self.toast.set_urgency(self._Urgencies[urgency]) if icon: #self.toast.set_property('icon-name', icon) # We now use a pixbuf in the line below to allow themable icons self.toast.set_icon_from_pixbuf(icon) if tray_x != 0 and tray_y != 0: # grab the x and y position of the tray icon and make the balloon emerge from it self.toast.set_hint("x", tray_x) self.toast.set_hint("y", tray_y) try: except: self.specto.logger.log( _("Cannot display notification message. Make sure that libnotify and D-Bus are available on your system." ), "error", self.specto)
def __init__(self, specto, body, icon=None, x=0, y=0, urgency="low", summary=_notifyRealm, name=None): global notifyInitialized if not notifyInitialized: pynotify.init(self._notifyRealm) notifyInitialized = True self.specto = specto self.toast = pynotify.Notification(summary, body) self.timeout = specto.specto_gconf.get_entry( "pop_toast_duration") * 1000 if self.timeout: self.toast.set_timeout(self.timeout) if name: #If name is not None and exists in specto.watch_db, a button is added to the notification w = self.specto.find_watch(name) if w != -1: self.toast.add_action( "clicked", gtk.stock_lookup(gtk.STOCK_JUMP_TO)[1].replace('_', ''), self.__open_watch, w) self.toast.set_urgency(self._Urgencies[urgency]) if icon: #self.toast.set_property('icon-name', icon)#we now use a pixbuf in the line below to allow themable icons self.toast.set_icon_from_pixbuf(icon) if x != 0 and y != 0: #grab the x and y position of the tray icon and make the balloon emerge from it self.toast.set_hint("x", x) self.toast.set_hint("y", y) if not specto.logger.log( "Can't send Notification message. Check your DBUS!", "error", self.__class__)
def getPixbufFromStock(iconName, size=gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU): """ @summary: Gets a pixbuf from stock. @param iconName: Name of the icon, if it is in current theme. @param size: Size of the icon. @return: Pixbuf with the icon. @raise TypeError: raise when any parameter type is not correct """ if (not isinstance(iconName, str)): __log__.error("iconName is not str") raise TypeError("iconName is not str") if (not isinstance(size, (int, int))): __log__.error("size is not (int, int)") raise TypeError("size is not (int, int)") icon = None theme = gtk.icon_theme_get_default() if (iconName != None): if (theme.has_icon(iconName)): pixelSize = gtk.icon_size_lookup(size) icon = theme.load_icon(iconName, pixelSize[0], 0) else: if (icon == None): lk = gtk.stock_lookup(iconName) if (lk != None): ctrl = gtk.MenuItem() icon = ctrl.render_icon(lk[0], size) ctrl = None elif (iconName == gtk.STOCK_FILE): icon = None elif (iconName != gtk.STOCK_MISSING_IMAGE): icon = getPixbufFromStock(gtk.STOCK_FILE) else: __log__.warning("There is not an icon with name %s" % iconName) icon = None else: __log__.warning("iconName is None.") icon = None return icon
def run_command_arg_dialog(cmd_name, help_text, run_hook): """Launch a dialog to get extra arguments for a command.""" checker_function = lambda t: True dialog, container, name_entry = get_naming_dialog(cmd_name, checker_function) dialog.set_title(cmd_name) help_label = gtk.stock_lookup(gtk.STOCK_HELP)[1].strip("_") help_button = rose.gtk.util.CustomButton(stock_id=gtk.STOCK_HELP, label=help_label, size=gtk.ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR) help_button.connect( "clicked", lambda b: run_scrolled_dialog(help_text, title=help_label)) help_hbox = gtk.HBox() help_hbox.pack_start(help_button, expand=False, fill=False) container.pack_end(help_hbox, expand=False, fill=False) name_entry.grab_focus() dialog.connect("response", _handle_command_arg_response, run_hook, name_entry) dialog.set_modal(False)
def prop_set_use_stock(self, menuitem, value): child = menuitem.child if not child: child = gtk.AccelLabel("") child.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5) menuitem.add(child) child.set_accel_widget(menuitem) value = str2bool(value) if not isinstance(child, gtk.Label) or not value: return stock_id = child.get_label() retval = gtk.stock_lookup(stock_id) if retval: _, label, modifier, keyval, _ = retval # put in the stock image next to the text. Done before # messing with the label child, so that stock_id doesn't # become invalid. if isinstance(menuitem, gtk.ImageMenuItem): image = gtk.image_new_from_stock(stock_id, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) menuitem.set_image(image) child.set_text(label) child.set_use_underline(True) if keyval: # This triggers a segfault on exit (, weird menuitem.add_accelerator('activate', self._build.ensure_accel(), keyval, modifier, gtk.ACCEL_VISIBLE) else: print "warning: could not look up stock id '%s'" % stock_id
def _load_plugin_pages(self): self._clear_children(self.plug_root) plugin_pages = [] plugin_manager = self.main.exaile.plugins for name in plugin_manager.enabled_plugins: plugin = plugin_manager.enabled_plugins[name] if hasattr(plugin, 'get_preferences_pane'): try: plugin_pages.append(plugin.get_preferences_pane()) except Exception: logger.warning('Error loading preferences pane') traceback.print_exc() import locale plugin_pages.sort(key=lambda x: locale.strxfrm( for page in plugin_pages: icon = self.default_icon if hasattr(page, 'icon'): if isinstance(page.icon, gtk.gdk.Pixbuf): icon = page.icon else: stock_id = gtk.stock_lookup(page.icon) if stock_id is not None: icon = icons.MANAGER.pixbuf_from_stock( stock_id[0], gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) else: icon = icons.MANAGER.pixbuf_from_icon_name( page.icon, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) self.model.append(self.plug_root, [page,, icon]) glib.idle_add(self.tree.expand_row, self.model.get_path(self.plug_root), False)
return '<b>%s</b>' % self._name icons = ObjectList([ Column(title='Stock Data', cells=[ Cell('stock_name', gtk.Pixmap, use_stock=True), Cell('stock_name', str), ], sorted=False), Column('name', str, 'Name', use_markup=True), ], sortable=True) for id in gtk.stock_list_ids(): lookup = gtk.stock_lookup(id) if lookup is None: continue stock_name, name = gtk.stock_lookup(id)[:2] name = name.replace('_', '') icons.append(IconInfo(stock_name, name)) scroll = gtk.ScrolledWindow() scroll.add(icons) win = gtk.Window() win.add(scroll) win.set_size_request(600, 400) win.show_all() win.connect('destroy', gtk.main_quit)
def get_label(stock, underline): text = gtk.stock_lookup(stock)[1] if underline: text = text.replace('_', '') return text
def __init__(self, parent, main): """ Initializes the preferences dialog """ self.main = main self.last_child = None self.last_page = None self.parent = parent self.settings = MANAGER self.fields = {} self.panes = {} = {} self.popup = None self.builder = gtk.Builder() self.builder.set_translation_domain('exaile') self.builder.add_from_file( xdg.get_data_path('ui', 'preferences', 'preferences_dialog.ui')) self.builder.connect_signals(self) self.window = self.builder.get_object('PreferencesDialog') self.window.set_transient_for(parent) self.window.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER_ON_PARENT) self.window.connect('delete-event', lambda *e: self.close()) = self.builder.get_object('preferences_box') self.tree = self.builder.get_object('preferences_tree') self.model = self.builder.get_object('model') title_cellrenderer = self.builder.get_object('title_cellrenderer') title_cellrenderer.props.ypad = 3 self.default_icon = icons.MANAGER.pixbuf_from_stock( gtk.STOCK_PROPERTIES, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) # sets up the default panes for page in self.PAGES: icon = self.default_icon if hasattr(page, 'icon'): if isinstance(page.icon, gtk.gdk.Pixbuf): icon = page.icon else: stock_id = gtk.stock_lookup(page.icon) if stock_id is not None: icon = icons.MANAGER.pixbuf_from_stock( stock_id[0], gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) else: icon = icons.MANAGER.pixbuf_from_icon_name( page.icon, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) self.model.append(None, [page,, icon]) # Use icon name to allow overrides plugin_icon = icons.MANAGER.pixbuf_from_icon_name( 'extension', gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) self.plug_root = self.model.append(None, [plugin, _('Plugins'), plugin_icon]) self._load_plugin_pages() selection = self.tree.get_selection() selection.connect('changed', self.switch_pane) # Disallow selection on rows with no widget to show selection.set_select_function(lambda path: self.model[path][0] is not None) glib.idle_add(selection.select_path, (0,))
def isStock(self, button): return button.get_use_stock() and gtk.stock_lookup(button.get_label()) is not None
def get_accelerator(stock): return gtk.stock_lookup(stock)[2:-1]
def cell_data2(col, render, model, iter): icon = getattr(model[iter][0], 'PLUGIN_ICON', gtk.STOCK_EXECUTE) if gtk.stock_lookup(icon): render.set_property('stock-id', icon) else: render.set_property('icon-name', icon)
def _do_layout(self): 'Builds the GUI' main_h = gtk.HBox() main_v = gtk.VBox() # Title entry title_table = gui.ESTable(1) self._title_entry = title_table.attach_entry(_("New Theme"), label=_("Theme Name")) main_v.pack_start(title_table, False, False) self._notebook = gtk.Notebook() self._notebook.connect('switch-page', self._nb_page_changed) main_v.pack_start(self._notebook, True, True, 5) ###################### # Page 1: Background # ###################### self._treeview_bgs = gtk.TreeView() self._treeview_bgs.set_reorderable(True) gtk.stock_add([('add-background-gradient',_('Add Gradient'), gtk.gdk.MOD1_MASK, 0, 'pymserv'), ('add-background-solid',_('Add Solid Color'), gtk.gdk.MOD1_MASK, 0, 'pymserv'), ('add-background-radial',_('Add Radial Gradient'), gtk.gdk.MOD1_MASK, 0, 'pymserv'), ("add-background-image",_('Add Image'), gtk.gdk.MOD1_MASK, 0, 'pymserv')]) #Background Toolbar toolbar = gtk.Toolbar() btn = gtk.ToolButton(gtk.stock_lookup('add-background-image')[0]) btn.set_tooltip_markup(_("Add a new Image Background")) btn.connect('clicked', self._on_bg_image_new) toolbar.insert(btn, -1) btn = gtk.ToolButton(gtk.stock_lookup('add-background-solid')[0]) btn.set_tooltip_markup(_("Add a new Solid Color Background")) btn.connect('clicked', self._on_bg_solid_new) toolbar.insert(btn, -1) btn = gtk.ToolButton(gtk.stock_lookup('add-background-gradient')[0]) btn.set_tooltip_markup(_("Add a new Gradient Background")) btn.connect('clicked', self._on_bg_gradient_new) toolbar.insert(btn, -1) btn = gtk.ToolButton(gtk.stock_lookup('add-background-radial')[0]) btn.set_tooltip_markup(_("Add a new Radial Gradient Background")) btn.connect('clicked', self._on_bg_radial_new) toolbar.insert(btn, -1) button = gtk.ToolButton(gtk.STOCK_DELETE) button.connect('clicked', self._on_delete_bg) toolbar.insert(button, -1) # Background Treeview Columns self._bg_model = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT) self._column_bgs = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Backgrounds")) textrend = gtk.CellRendererText() self._column_bgs.pack_start(textrend) self._column_bgs.set_cell_data_func(textrend, self._bg_get_row_text) colorrend = gtk.CellRendererText() self._column_bgs.pack_start(colorrend) self._column_bgs.set_cell_data_func(colorrend, self._bg_get_row_color) self._treeview_bgs.append_column(self._column_bgs) self._treeview_bgs.set_size_request(90,200) self._treeview_bgs.set_model(self._bg_model) self._bg_model.connect("rows-reordered", self._on_bgs_reordered) self._bg_model.connect("row-changed", self._on_bgs_reordered) self._treeview_bgs.get_selection().connect("changed", self._on_bg_changed) bg_left = gtk.VBox() gui.append_comment(bg_left, _("Backgrounds will be drawn starting with \ the first element in this list moving to the last one."), 0) bg_left.pack_start(toolbar, False, True, gui.WIDGET_SPACING) scroll = gtk.ScrolledWindow() scroll.add(self._treeview_bgs) scroll.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) bg_left.pack_start(scroll, True, True, gui.WIDGET_SPACING) self._bg_edit_table = gui.ESTable(15, row_spacing=10, auto_inc_y=True) scroll_bg_edit = gtk.ScrolledWindow() scroll_bg_edit.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) scroll_bg_edit.add_with_viewport(self._bg_edit_table) bgbox = gtk.HBox() bgbox.pack_start(bg_left, False, True, 0) bgbox.pack_start(gtk.VSeparator(), False, False, 15) bgbox.pack_start(scroll_bg_edit) self._notebook.append_page(bgbox, gtk.Label(_("Background"))) ########### Notebook Page 2: Body Text ################################# self.body_widgets = {} body_h = gtk.HBox() body_h.pack_start(self._get_section_left(self._on_body_changed, self.body_widgets)) body_h.pack_start(gtk.VSeparator()) body_h.pack_start(self._get_section_right(self._on_body_changed, self.body_widgets)) self._notebook.append_page(body_h, gtk.Label(_("Body Text"))) ############ Notebook Page 3: Footer Text ############################## self.footer_widgets = {} footer_h = gtk.HBox() footer_h.pack_start(self._get_section_left(self._on_footer_changed, self.footer_widgets)) footer_h.pack_start(gtk.VSeparator()) footer_h.pack_start(self._get_section_right(self._on_footer_changed, self.footer_widgets)) self._notebook.append_page(footer_h, gtk.Label(_("Footer Text"))) table_meta = gui.ESTable(4, auto_inc_y=True) #Key names for meta must comply with the keys in the <meta> tag in the theme file self._meta = {} self._meta['author'] = table_meta.attach_entry("", label=_("Author")) self._meta['themeurl'] = table_meta.attach_entry("", label=_("Theme URL")) self._meta['copyright'] = table_meta.attach_entry("", label=_("Copyright")) self._meta['description'] = table_meta.attach_entry("", label=_("Description")) self._meta['tags'] = table_meta.attach_entry("", label=_("Tags")) table_meta.attach_comment(_("Separate tags with commas")) self._notebook.append_page(table_meta, gtk.Label(_("Metadata"))) main_h.pack_start(main_v) ############ Preview ######################## table_right = gui.ESTable(3, auto_inc_y=True) table_right.attach_section_title(_("Preview")) self._preview = gtk.DrawingArea() self._preview.set_size_request(300, int(300*0.75)) self._preview.connect('expose-event', self._expose) table_right.attach_widget(self._preview) self._pos_expander = table_right.attach_widget(self._get_position()) self._pos_expander.set_sensitive(False) h = gtk.HBox() btn_revert = gtk.Button("", gtk.STOCK_REVERT_TO_SAVED) btn_revert.connect('clicked', self._revert_changes) btn_save = gtk.Button("", gtk.STOCK_SAVE) btn_save.connect('clicked', self._save_changes) h.pack_start(btn_revert) h.pack_start(btn_save) table_right.attach_hseparator() table_right.attach_widget(h) main_h.pack_end(table_right) self.add(main_h) self.show_all() self._set_changed(False)
def __init__(self, parent, slide): gtk.Dialog.__init__(self, _("Editing Slide"), parent, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT) # Slide Elements lstore = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT) self._tree = gtk.TreeView(lstore) for e in slide._content: lstore.append((e,)) col = gtk.TreeViewColumn( _("Slide Element") ) text = gtk.CellRendererText() text.set_property("ellipsize", pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) col.pack_start(text, True) col.set_cell_data_func(text, self._set_slide_row_text) self._tree.append_column(col) self._tree.set_headers_clickable(False) self._tree.get_selection().select_path((0,)) self.set_border_width(4) self.vbox.set_spacing(7) cancelbutton = self.add_button(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_REJECT) cancelbutton.connect("clicked", self._quit_without_save) newbutton = self.add_button(_("Save and New"), gtk.RESPONSE_APPLY) newimg = gtk.Image() newimg.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_NEW, gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON) newbutton.set_image(newimg) newbutton.connect("clicked", self._quit_with_save) okbutton = self.add_button(gtk.STOCK_OK, gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT) okbutton.connect("clicked", self._quit_with_save) hbox = gtk.HBox() hbox.set_spacing(7) vbox = gtk.VBox() vbox.set_spacing(7) self.connect("delete-event", self._quit_without_save) self.slide_title = slide.title self.slide_content = slide._content self.changed = False # Title vbox.pack_start(self._get_title_box(), False, True) # Toolbar gtk.stock_add([('add-text',_('Add Text'), gtk.gdk.MOD1_MASK, 0, 'pymserv'), ("add-image",_('Add Image'), gtk.gdk.MOD1_MASK, 0, 'pymserv')]) toolbar = gtk.Toolbar() button = gtk.ToolButton(gtk.stock_lookup('add-text')[0]) button.set_tooltip_markup(_('Add a new text element.')) button.connect('clicked', self._add_text, self._tree) toolbar.insert(button, -1) button = gtk.ToolButton(gtk.stock_lookup('add-image')[0]) button.set_tooltip_markup(_('Add a new image element.')) button.connect('clicked', self._add_image, self._tree) toolbar.insert(button, -1) button = gtk.ToolButton(gtk.STOCK_DELETE) button.connect('clicked', self._delete_row, self._tree) self._tree.get_selection().connect('changed', gui.treesel_disable_widget, button) toolbar.insert(button, -1) vbox.pack_start(toolbar, False, True) self._tree.get_selection().connect("changed", self._element_changed) scroll = gtk.ScrolledWindow() scroll.add(self._tree) scroll.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) scroll.set_size_request(280, 250) scroll.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN) vbox.pack_start(scroll, True, True) hbox.pack_start(vbox, False, True) # This will contain an editor for a `theme._RenderableSection` # It will load when an item is selected from the left. self._ctbl = gui.ESTable(4,1) hbox.pack_start(self._ctbl, True, True) self.vbox.pack_start(hbox, True, True) self.vbox.show_all() self._tree.get_selection().emit("changed")
def __init__(self, parent, main): """ Initializes the preferences dialog """ self.main = main self.last_child = None self.last_page = None self.parent = parent self.settings = MANAGER self.fields = {} self.panes = {} = {} self.popup = None self.builder = gtk.Builder() self.builder.set_translation_domain('exaile') self.builder.add_from_file( xdg.get_data_path('ui', 'preferences', 'preferences_dialog.ui')) self.builder.connect_signals(self) self.window = self.builder.get_object('PreferencesDialog') self.window.set_transient_for(parent) self.window.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER_ON_PARENT) self.window.connect('delete-event', lambda *e: self.close()) = self.builder.get_object('preferences_box') self.tree = self.builder.get_object('preferences_tree') self.model = self.builder.get_object('model') title_cellrenderer = self.builder.get_object('title_cellrenderer') title_cellrenderer.props.ypad = 3 self.default_icon = icons.MANAGER.pixbuf_from_stock( gtk.STOCK_PROPERTIES, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) # sets up the default panes for page in self.PAGES: icon = self.default_icon if hasattr(page, 'icon'): if isinstance(page.icon, gtk.gdk.Pixbuf): icon = page.icon else: stock_id = gtk.stock_lookup(page.icon) if stock_id is not None: icon = icons.MANAGER.pixbuf_from_stock( stock_id[0], gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) else: icon = icons.MANAGER.pixbuf_from_icon_name( page.icon, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) self.model.append(None, [page,, icon]) # Use icon name to allow overrides plugin_icon = icons.MANAGER.pixbuf_from_icon_name( 'extension', gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) self.plug_root = self.model.append( None, [plugin, _('Plugins'), plugin_icon]) self._load_plugin_pages() selection = self.tree.get_selection() selection.connect('changed', self.switch_pane) # Disallow selection on rows with no widget to show selection.set_select_function( lambda path: self.model[path][0] is not None) glib.idle_add(selection.select_path, (0, ))
class catfish: def __init__(self): """Create the main window.""" # Check for a desktop environment desktop = os.environ.get('DESKTOP_SESSION', os.environ.get('GDMSESSION', '')) if desktop[:4] == 'xfce': # We assume this is Xfce4 default_fileman = 'Thunar' self.open_wrapper = 'exo-open' elif desktop[:5] == 'gnome': # We assume this is Gnome default_fileman = 'Nautilus' self.open_wrapper = 'gnome-open' else: # Unknown desktop? Just see what we have then # Guess suitable fileman commands = ['Nautilus', 'Thunar', 'konqueror', 'pcmanfm'] default_fileman = '' for path in os.environ.get('PATH', '/usr/bin').split(os.pathsep): for command in commands: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, command)): default_fileman = command break commands = ['gnome-open', 'exo-open', 'xdg-open'] self.open_wrapper = '' # Guess suitable file open wrapper for path in os.environ.get('PATH', '/usr/bin').split(os.pathsep): for command in commands: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, command)): self.open_wrapper = command break # Parse command line options parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='usage: ' + app_name + ' [options] keywords', version=app_name + ' v' + app_version) parser.add_option('', '--large-icons', action='store_true' , dest='icons_large', help='Use large icons') parser.add_option('', '--thumbnails', action='store_true' , dest='thumbnails', help='Use thumbnails') parser.add_option('', '--iso-time', action='store_true' , dest='time_iso', help='Display time in iso format') parser.add_option('', '--limit', type='int', metavar='LIMIT' , dest='limit_results', help='Limit number of results') parser.add_option('', '--path', help='Search in folder PATH') parser.add_option('', '--fileman', help='Use FILEMAN as filemanager') parser.add_option('', '--wrapper', metavar='WRAPPER' , dest='open_wrapper', help='Use WRAPPER to open files') parser.add_option('', '--method', help='Use METHOD to search') parser.add_option('', '--exact', action='store_true' , help='Perform exact match') parser.add_option('', '--hidden', action='store_true' , help='Include hidden files') parser.add_option('', '--fulltext', action='store_true' , help='Perform fulltext search') parser.add_option('', '--file-action', metavar='ACTION' , dest='file_action', help='File action: "open" or "folder"') parser.add_option('', '--debug', action='store_true' , help='Show debugging messages.') parser.set_defaults(icons_large=0, thumbnails=0, time_iso=0, method='find' , limit_results=0, path='~', fileman=default_fileman, exact=0 , hidden=0, fulltext=0, file_action='open', debug=0, open_wrapper=self.open_wrapper) self.options, args = parser.parse_args() keywords = ' '.join(args) if not self.options.file_action in ('open', 'folder'): print 'Error: Invalid value for "file-action".\n' print 'Use either "open" to open files by default or' print 'use "folder" to open the containing folder.' print '(The default is "open".)' sys.exit(1) if not self.options.fileman: print 'Warning: No file manager was found or specified.' # Prepare i18n using gettext try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') gettext.bindtextdomain(app_name, 'locale') gettext.textdomain(app_name), 'locale') except Exception, msg: if self.options.debug: print 'Debug:', msg print 'Warning: Invalid locale, i18n is disabled.' # Guess location of glade file glade_file = app_name + '.glade' glade_path = os.getcwd() if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(glade_path, glade_file)): glade_path = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(glade_path, glade_file)): print 'Error: The glade file could not be found.' sys.exit() # Load interface from glade file and retrieve widgets self.load_interface(os.path.join(glade_path, glade_file)) # Fetch stock labels for the menu items manually # Note that this is needed to workaround a bug in glade for menu in self.menu_file.get_children(): if menu.child: label = menu.child.get_label() if label[:4] == 'gtk-': stock = gtk.stock_lookup(label) menu.child.set_label(stock[1]) # Add markup to labels for label in (self.label_find_type, self.label_find_method, self.label_find_folder): label.set_markup('<i>%s</i>' % label.get_text()) # Set some initial values self.icon_cache = {} self.icon_theme = gtk.icon_theme_get_default() self.tooltips = gtk.Tooltips() self.checkbox_find_exact.set_active(self.options.exact) self.checkbox_find_hidden.set_active(self.options.hidden) self.checkbox_find_fulltext.set_active(self.options.fulltext) if self.options.limit_results: self.checkbox_find_limit.set_active(1) self.checkbox_find_limit.toggled() self.spin_find_limit.set_value(self.options.limit_results) self.folder_thumbnails = os.path.expanduser('~/.thumbnails/normal/') self.options.path = os.path.abspath(self.options.path) self.button_find_folder.set_filename(os.path.expanduser(self.options.path)) try: self.link_color = self.treeview_files.style_get_property('link-color') except: self.link_color = None if self.link_color == None: self.link_color = 'blue' # Set up keywords completion completion = gtk.EntryCompletion() self.entry_find_text.set_completion(completion) listmodel = gtk.ListStore(str) completion.set_model(listmodel) completion.set_text_column(0) # Retrieve available search methods methods = ['find', 'locate', 'slocate', 'tracker', 'doodle', 'beagle'] # DBus allows us to have two more methods if 'dbus' in globals(): for method in ('strigi', 'pinot'): methods.append(method) bin_dirs = os.environ.get('PATH', '/usr/bin').split(os.pathsep) listmodel = gtk.ListStore(gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, str) method_default = -1 icon = self.get_icon_pixbuf(gtk.STOCK_EXECUTE) for method_name in methods: method_binary = self.get_find_options(method_name)[0] for path in bin_dirs: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, method_binary)): listmodel.append([icon, method_name]) if self.options.method == method_name: method_default = len(listmodel) - 1 break if method_default < 0: print 'Warning:', ('Method "%s" is not available.' % self.options.method) method_default = 0 self.combobox_find_method.set_sensitive(len(listmodel) > 1) # Prepare method combobox cell = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() cell.set_property('xalign', 0) self.combobox_find_method.pack_start(cell, True) self.combobox_find_method.add_attribute(cell, 'pixbuf', 0) cell = gtk.CellRendererText() self.combobox_find_method.pack_start(cell, True) self.combobox_find_method.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 1) self.combobox_find_method.set_model(listmodel) self.combobox_find_method.set_active(method_default) # Prepare type toolbar if 'xdg' in globals(): # This feature requires xdg for label, mime in ((_('Documents'), 'text'), (_('Images'), 'image'), (_('Music'), 'audio'), (_('Videos'), 'video')): self.toolbar_find_type.insert(self.new_toggle_button(label, mime), -1) self.toolbar_find_type.show_all() else: # If xdg is unavailable we hide the type toolbar self.label_find_type.hide() self.toolbar_find_type.hide() if self.options.icons_large or self.options.thumbnails: self.treeview_files.append_column(gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Preview'), gtk.CellRendererPixbuf(), pixbuf=0)) self.treeview_files.append_column(self.new_column(_('Filename'), 1, markup=1)) else: self.treeview_files.append_column(self.new_column(_('Filename'), 1, 'icon', 1)) self.treeview_files.append_column(self.new_column(_('Size'), 2, 'filesize')) self.treeview_files.append_column(self.new_column(_('Location'), 3, 'ellipsize')) self.treeview_files.append_column(self.new_column(_('Last modified'), 4, markup=1)) self.entry_find_text.set_text(keywords) self.button_find.activate()
def __init__(self, mailbox, label): super(Folder, self).__init__(mailbox, label) self.updating = False if label in self._labels: self.label = gtk.stock_lookup(label)[1] self.pixbuf = \ gtk.Window().render_icon(label, gtk.ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR) else: self.label = label self.pixbuf = \ gtk.Window().render_icon("folder", gtk.ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR) self.widget = gtk.VBox() self.widget.filter = self.filter self.progress = gtk.ProgressBar() self.scrolled = gtk.ScrolledWindow() self.scrolled.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_NEVER, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) self.widget.add(self.scrolled) self.list_store = gtk.ListStore(object) self.list_view = gtk.TreeView(self.list_store) self.list_view.connect("button-press-event", self._button_press) self.list_model = self.list_view.get_model() self.list_view.set_headers_visible(False) self.list_view.set_rules_hint(True) self.scrolled.add(self.list_view) self.status_renderer = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() self.status_renderer.set_property("stock-size", gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) self.status_column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(None, self.status_renderer) self.status_column.set_expand(False) self.list_view.append_column(self.status_column) self.status_column.set_cell_data_func(self.status_renderer, self._render_status) self.text_renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() self.text_renderer.props.ellipsize = pango.ELLIPSIZE_END self.text_column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(None, self.text_renderer) self.text_column.set_expand(True) self.list_view.append_column(self.text_column) self.text_column.set_cell_data_func(self.text_renderer, self._render_text, self._address) self.date_renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() self.date_column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(None, self.date_renderer) self.date_column.set_expand(False) self.list_view.append_column(self.date_column) self.date_column.set_cell_data_func(self.date_renderer, self._render_date) self.date_renderer.set_property("alignment", pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) self.date_renderer.set_property("xalign", 1) self.trash_renderer = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() self.trash_renderer.set_property("stock-id", "delete") self.trash_renderer.set_property("stock-size", gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) self.trash_column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(None, self.trash_renderer) self.trash_column.set_expand(False) self.list_view.append_column(self.trash_column) self.pretty_label = gtk.HBox() self.pretty_label.set_spacing(3) self.pretty_label.pack_start( gtk.image_new_from_pixbuf(self.pixbuf), False, False) self.pretty_label.pack_start(gtk.Label(self.label))
self._name = name @property def name(self): return '<b>%s</b>'%self._name icons = ObjectList([ Column(title='Stock Data', cells=[ Cell('stock_name', gtk.Pixmap, use_stock=True), Cell('stock_name', str), ], sorted=False), Column('name', str, 'Name', use_markup=True), ], sortable=True) for id in gtk.stock_list_ids(): lookup = gtk.stock_lookup(id) if lookup is None: continue stock_name, name = gtk.stock_lookup(id)[:2] name = name.replace('_', '') icons.append(IconInfo(stock_name, name)) scroll = gtk.ScrolledWindow() scroll.add(icons) win = gtk.Window() win.add(scroll) win.set_size_request(600, 400) win.show_all() win.connect('destroy', gtk.main_quit)