class SogalDialog(SogalForm): ''' A dialog that derived from SogalForm (Which contains a DirectDialog) ''' def __init__( self, enableMask=True, #NOTE THAT IT IS TRUE BY DEFAULT autoDestroy=True, sortType=0, #0 for horizontal, 1 for vertical margin=0.2, textList=['OK', 'Cancel'], enablesList=None, command=None, frameSize=(-0.6, 0.6, -0.45, 0.45), buttonSize=BUTTON_SIZE, text='', textPos=(0, 0.2), startPos=(-0.4, 0, -0.2), extraArgs=[], style=None, fadeScreen=0.5, backgroundColor=None, **kwargs): if backgroundColor: bgColor = backgroundColor elif fadeScreen is not None: bgColor = (0, 0, 0, fadeScreen) else: bgColor = None SogalForm.__init__(self, enableMask=enableMask, backgroundColor=bgColor, **kwargs) if enableMask: self.reparentTo(aspect2d, sort=1000) if not style: self.__style = base.getStyle() else: self.__style = color_themes.styles[style] self.__frame = DirectFrame(parent=self, frameSize=frameSize, **self.__style['hardframe']) self.__buttonList = [] #DirectButton(parent = self, s) self.__text = OnscreenText(parent=self, text=text, pos=textPos, **self.__style['text']) self.__command = command self.__autoDestroy = autoDestroy self._extraArgs = extraArgs if sortType == 0: self.__box = HLayout(margin=margin) else: self.__box = VLayout(margin=margin) self.__box.reparentTo(self) self.__box.setPos(startPos) for i in range(len(textList)): btn = DirectButton(text=textList[i], command=self.buttonCommand(i), frameSize=buttonSize, **self.__style['button']) self.__buttonList.append(btn) self.__box.append(btn) if enablesList: for i in range(len(enablesList)): if i >= len(self.__buttonList): break if enablesList[i]: self.__buttonList[i]['state'] = DGG.NORMAL else: self.__buttonList[i]['state'] = DGG.DISABLED def buttonCommand(self, i): commandindex = i def process(): if self.__command: self.__command(commandindex, *self._extraArgs) if self.__autoDestroy: self.close() return process def close(self): for btn in self.__buttonList: btn['state'] = DGG.DISABLED if self._getFading(): seq = Sequence( Func(self.hide), Wait(self._getFadingDuration() + 2), Func(self.destroy), ) seq.start() else: self.destroy() def destroy(self): for btn in self.__buttonList: btn.destroy() self.__frame.destroy() self.__box.removeNode() SogalForm.destroy(self)
class MainMenu(SogalForm): ''' main menu class ''' def __init__(self, entry = 'ifselectionjumptest'): ''' Constructor ''' self.entry = entry self.closed = True SogalForm.__init__(self, fading = True, fading_duration = 1.0, backgroundImage = None, backgroundColor = (0,0,0,1), enableMask = True, hiddenFunc = self.closedFunc, shownFunc = self.openedFunc) self.addButtonBar() self.fadinglock = Lock() #This lock is to prevent open or close failure when the main menu is on fading def addButtonBar(self): = VLayout(margin= 0.1) def addButtons(self): ''' override this if you want custom buttons ''' #TODO:Continue Button 注意继续的位置可能是从硬盘上读入的也可能是从游戏中返回标题画面的 也有可能是在游戏正常结束之后所以没有Continue数据 self.addButton(text = 'New Game', state = DGG.NORMAL, command = self._startGame) self.addButton(text = 'Load', state = DGG.NORMAL, command = self._load) self.addButton(text = 'Options', state = DGG.NORMAL, command = self._config) #TODO:Gallery Button self.addButton(text = 'Exit', state = DGG.NORMAL, command = self._exit) def close(self): '''Called by SogalBase. Do something and hide, you will need it if you want a more complex main menu''' self.fadinglock.acquire() if self.closed: return SogalForm.hide(self) self.closed = True if for btn in btn['state'] = DGG.DISABLED def open(self): '''Called by SogalBase. Do something and show, you will need it if you want a more complex main menu''' self.fadinglock.acquire() if not self.closed: return self.addButtons() self.closed = False def show(self): #redirect show/hide to open/close def hide(self): #redirect show/hide to open/close self.close() def closedFunc(self): self.cleanup() self.fadinglock.release() def cleanup(self): for btn in btn.destroy() self.addButtonBar() def openedFunc(self): self.fadinglock.release() def addButton(self,**args): '''Add a button and return it''' btn = DirectButton(**dict(base.getStyle()['mainMenuButton'], frameSize = BUTTON_SIZE,**args)) # @UndefinedVariable #self.vbox.pack(btn) return btn def _startGame(self, scene = None): if self.closed: return if not scene: messenger.send('start_game', [self.entry]) else: messenger.send('start_game', [scene]) def _load(self): if self.closed: return messenger.send('load_game') def _exit(self): if self.closed: return messenger.send('exit_game') def _config(self): messenger.send('config_form')
class MainMenu(SogalForm): ''' main menu class ''' def __init__(self, entry='ifselectionjumptest'): ''' Constructor ''' self.entry = entry self.closed = True SogalForm.__init__(self, fading=True, fading_duration=1.0, backgroundImage=None, backgroundColor=(0, 0, 0, 1), enableMask=True, hiddenFunc=self.closedFunc, shownFunc=self.openedFunc) self.addButtonBar() self.fadinglock = Lock( ) #This lock is to prevent open or close failure when the main menu is on fading def addButtonBar(self): = VLayout(margin=0.1) def addButtons(self): ''' override this if you want custom buttons ''' #TODO:Continue Button 注意继续的位置可能是从硬盘上读入的也可能是从游戏中返回标题画面的 也有可能是在游戏正常结束之后所以没有Continue数据 self.addButton(text='New Game', state=DGG.NORMAL, command=self._startGame) self.addButton(text='Load', state=DGG.NORMAL, command=self._load) self.addButton(text='Options', state=DGG.NORMAL, command=self._config) #TODO:Gallery Button self.addButton(text='Exit', state=DGG.NORMAL, command=self._exit) def close(self): '''Called by SogalBase. Do something and hide, you will need it if you want a more complex main menu''' self.fadinglock.acquire() if self.closed: return SogalForm.hide(self) self.closed = True if for btn in btn['state'] = DGG.DISABLED def open(self): '''Called by SogalBase. Do something and show, you will need it if you want a more complex main menu''' self.fadinglock.acquire() if not self.closed: return self.addButtons() self.closed = False def show(self): #redirect show/hide to open/close def hide(self): #redirect show/hide to open/close self.close() def closedFunc(self): self.cleanup() self.fadinglock.release() def cleanup(self): for btn in btn.destroy() self.addButtonBar() def openedFunc(self): self.fadinglock.release() def addButton(self, **args): '''Add a button and return it''' btn = DirectButton(**dict(base.getStyle()['mainMenuButton'], frameSize=BUTTON_SIZE, **args)) # @UndefinedVariable #self.vbox.pack(btn) return btn def _startGame(self, scene=None): if self.closed: return if not scene: messenger.send('start_game', [self.entry]) else: messenger.send('start_game', [scene]) def _load(self): if self.closed: return messenger.send('load_game') def _exit(self): if self.closed: return messenger.send('exit_game') def _config(self): messenger.send('config_form')
class SogalDialog(SogalForm): ''' A dialog that derived from SogalForm (Which contains a DirectDialog) ''' def __init__(self, enableMask = True, #NOTE THAT IT IS TRUE BY DEFAULT autoDestroy = True, sortType = 0, #0 for horizontal, 1 for vertical margin = 0.2, textList = ['OK','Cancel'], enablesList = None, command = None, frameSize = (-0.6,0.6,-0.45,0.45), buttonSize = BUTTON_SIZE, text = '', textPos = (0,0.2), startPos = (-0.4,0,-0.2), extraArgs = [], style = None, fadeScreen = 0.5, backgroundColor = None, **kwargs): if backgroundColor: bgColor = backgroundColor elif fadeScreen is not None: bgColor = (0,0,0,fadeScreen) else: bgColor = None SogalForm.__init__(self,enableMask = enableMask,backgroundColor=bgColor, **kwargs) if enableMask: self.reparentTo(aspect2d, sort = 1000) if not style: self.__style = base.getStyle() else: self.__style = color_themes.styles[style] self.__frame = DirectFrame(parent = self,frameSize = frameSize,**self.__style['hardframe']) self.__buttonList = []#DirectButton(parent = self, s) self.__text = OnscreenText(parent = self,text = text ,pos = textPos, **self.__style['text']) self.__command = command self.__autoDestroy = autoDestroy self._extraArgs = extraArgs if sortType == 0: self.__box = HLayout(margin = margin) else: self.__box = VLayout(margin = margin) self.__box.reparentTo(self) self.__box.setPos(startPos) for i in range(len(textList)): btn = DirectButton(text = textList[i], command = self.buttonCommand(i),frameSize = buttonSize, **self.__style['button']) self.__buttonList.append(btn) self.__box.append(btn) if enablesList: for i in range(len(enablesList)): if i >= len(self.__buttonList): break if enablesList[i]: self.__buttonList[i]['state'] = DGG.NORMAL else: self.__buttonList[i]['state'] = DGG.DISABLED def buttonCommand(self, i): commandindex = i def process(): if self.__command: self.__command(commandindex, *self._extraArgs) if self.__autoDestroy: self.close() return process def close(self): for btn in self.__buttonList: btn['state'] = DGG.DISABLED if self._getFading(): seq = Sequence(Func(self.hide), Wait(self._getFadingDuration()+2), Func(self.destroy), ) seq.start() else: self.destroy() def destroy(self): for btn in self.__buttonList: btn.destroy() self.__frame.destroy() self.__box.removeNode() SogalForm.destroy(self)