def UpdateSkin(self): mode = self.SplitMode if mode == wx.SPLIT_HORIZONTAL: splitskin = skinget('HorizontalSizerBar', None) else: splitskin = skinget('VerticalSizerBar', None) if splitskin is None: splitskin = skinget('HorizontalSizerBar', None) if splitskin is None or (isinstance(splitskin, basestring) and splitskin.lower().strip() == 'native') or not hasattr(splitskin, 'get'): self.SetSashSize(-1) self.SetNative(True) return try: sash_size = int(splitskin.thickness) except: sash_size = -1 syscol = GetColour(SYS_COLOUR_WINDOW) bgs = splitskin.get('backgrounds', {}) normal = bgs.get('normal', syscol) active = bgs.get('active', syscol) hover = bgs.get('hover', syscol) if not isinstance(normal, Colour): normal = syscol if not isinstance(active, Colour): active = syscol if not isinstance(hover, Colour): hover = syscol self.SetSashSize(sash_size) self.SetSplitterColors(normal, active, hover) self.SetNative(False)
def UpdateSkin(self): UControl.UpdateSkin(self) if skinget('Button.Native', False): self.Native = True else: self.bgs = skinget('Button.Backgrounds') self.ChooseBG() font = skinget('Button.Font', None) if isinstance(font, wx.Font): self.Font = font
def __init__(self, parent = None): wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, -1, _('Digsby Announcement'), size = (400, 330)) self.SetFrameIcon(skinget('AppDefaults.TaskbarIcon')) self.message_area = MessageArea(self, header_enabled = False, prevent_align_to_bottom=True) self.inited = False self.CenterOnScreen()
def setup_from_accts(self): # add an "Add" menu containing each email account type self.addList = addList = SimpleMenu(, 'simplemenu') for emailtype in emailprotocols.keys(): addList.Append([ skinget('serviceicons.%s' % emailtype).Resized(16), protocols[emailtype].name ], method=lambda item, emailtype=emailtype: add_email_account(emailtype)) # link to creating an email account from gui.pref import prefsdialog self.accounts_item = SimpleMenuItem( _('Accounts...'), method=lambda *a:'accounts')) # watch the email list for changes pass self._obs_link = profile.emailaccounts.add_list_observer( self.on_email_accounts_changed, self.on_email_accounts_changed, 'enabled') self.tocombo.Bind(EVT_WINDOW_DESTROY, lambda e: (e.Skip(), self.unregister_observers()))
def main2(): a = testapp('../../..') f = wx.Frame(None) from import get as skinget icons = skinget('serviceicons') services = 'digsby aim icq jabber gtalk yahoo'.split() f.imgsize = 0 def paint(e): dc = wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC(f) dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN) dc.SetBrush(wx.BLACK_BRUSH) dc.DrawRectangleRect(f.ClientRect) drawbitmap = dc.DrawBitmap sizes = [(32, 32), (16, 16), (100, 100)] diff = f.imgsize y = 0 for size in sizes: x = 0 for srv in services: icon = icons[srv].Resized((size[0] + diff, size[1] + diff)) drawbitmap(icon, x, y, True) x += size[0] + diff y += size[1] + diff f.SetBackgroundStyle(wx.BG_STYLE_CUSTOM) f.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, paint) sl = wx.Slider(f, minValue = -10, maxValue = 50, value = 0) def onslide(e): f.imgsize = sl.Value f.Refresh() f.SetTitle(str(sl.Value)) sl.Bind(wx.EVT_SLIDER, onslide) f.Sizer = s = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) s.AddStretchSpacer(1) s.Add(sl, 0, wx.EXPAND) f.Show() a.MainLoop()
def setup_from_accts(self): # add an "Add" menu containing each email account type self.addList = addList = SimpleMenu(, 'simplemenu') for emailtype in emailprotocols.keys(): addList.Append([skinget('serviceicons.%s' % emailtype).Resized(16), protocols[emailtype].name], method = lambda item, emailtype=emailtype: add_email_account(emailtype)) # link to creating an email account from gui.pref import prefsdialog self.accounts_item = SimpleMenuItem(_('Accounts...'), method = lambda *a:'accounts')) # watch the email list for changes pass self._obs_link = profile.emailaccounts.add_list_observer(self.on_email_accounts_changed, self.on_email_accounts_changed, 'enabled') self.tocombo.Bind(EVT_WINDOW_DESTROY, lambda e: (e.Skip(), self.unregister_observers()))
def main(): a = testapp('../../..') f = wx.Frame(None, style = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE | wx.FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE) from import get as skinget icons = skinget('serviceicons') def paint(e): dc = wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC(f) dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN) dc.SetBrush(wx.BLACK_BRUSH) dc.DrawRectangleRect(f.ClientRect) dc.DrawBitmap(, 0, 0, True) dc.DrawBitmap(draw_tiny_text(, 'test').WXB, 0, 40, True) f.SetBackgroundStyle(wx.BG_STYLE_CUSTOM) f.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, paint) f.Show() a.MainLoop()
def UpdateSkin(self): self.typing_icons = { 'typing': skinget('statusicons.typing'), 'typed': skinget('statusicons.typed'), } wx.CallAfter(wx.CallAfter, self.Layout)
self.From = self.capsbar.cfrom for delegate_name, attrs in self.delegation.iteritems(): delegate = getattr(self, delegate_name) for attr in attrs: setattr(self, attr, getattr(delegate, attr)) delegation = {'capsbar': ('GetButton',)} ToFromShown = property(lambda self: self.capsbar.ToFromShown) def budicon(bud): from gui.buddylist.renderers import get_buddy_icon return get_buddy_icon(bud, round_size = False, meta_lookup=True) icons = dict(buddy = budicon, status = lambda bud: skinget('statusicons.' + bud.status_orb), service = lambda bud: bud.serviceicon) # maps "modes" to the GUI panels they use modectrls = {'info': 'infopanel', 'im': 'messagepanel', 'email': 'emailpanel', 'sms': 'messagepanel'} MSGSPLIT_FLAGS = wx.SP_NOBORDER | wx.SP_LIVE_UPDATE
def buddy_menucontent(buddy): return [skinget("statusicons.%s" % buddy.status_orb), buddy.serviceicon.Resized(tofromIconSize()), buddy.nice_name]
self.fromcombo.SetItems(items) if accts: try: i = accts.index(getattr(self, 'acct', None)) except ValueError: i = 0 sel(fitems[i], accts[i]) else: self.fromcombo.ChangeValue('') self.OnEmailAccountChanged(None) tofromIconSize = lambda: int(skinget('capabilities.tofrom.iconsize', 16)) def buddy_menucontent(buddy): return [skinget("statusicons.%s" % buddy.status_orb), buddy.serviceicon.Resized(tofromIconSize()), buddy.nice_name] def buddy_menu_item(buddy): 'Return a menu item object for a "To" buddy.' return SimpleMenuItem(buddy_menucontent(buddy)) def account_menucontent(acct): 'Returns the menu content for a "from" account.' return [acct.serviceicon.Resized(tofromIconSize()),
def buddy_menucontent(buddy): return [ skinget("statusicons.%s" % buddy.status_orb), buddy.serviceicon.Resized(tofromIconSize()), buddy.nice_name ]
self.fromcombo.SetCallbacks(None, None) self.fromcombo.SetItems(items) if accts: try: i = accts.index(getattr(self, 'acct', None)) except ValueError: i = 0 sel(fitems[i], accts[i]) else: self.fromcombo.ChangeValue('') self.OnEmailAccountChanged(None) tofromIconSize = lambda: int(skinget('capabilities.tofrom.iconsize', 16)) def buddy_menucontent(buddy): return [ skinget("statusicons.%s" % buddy.status_orb), buddy.serviceicon.Resized(tofromIconSize()), buddy.nice_name ] def buddy_menu_item(buddy): 'Return a menu item object for a "To" buddy.' return SimpleMenuItem(buddy_menucontent(buddy))
def UpdateSkin(self): = skinget(self.skinkey) self.Padding = wx.Size(*skinget(self.skinkey + '.Padding', (0, 0))) self.SetMargins(skinget(self.skinkey + '.Margins', lambda: Margins((0, 0, 0, 0))))