def __init__(self): # Initialize superclass QMainWindow.__init__(self) self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(':/icon/icons/app.ico')) # Setup the UI defined in Qt Designer self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) # Generate the grid that will be interacted with self.numRows = 29 # Odd so that starting points are vertically centered self.numCols = 60 self._setupGrid() # Define the start and end nodes self.start = Node.GRID[round(self.numRows / 2)][8] self.end = Node.GRID[round(self.numRows / 2)][-8] self.setStartNode(self.start) self.setEndNode(self.end) # -- User interaction variables -- # Click & dragging self.changingStart = False # Changing start node self.changingEnd = False # Changing end node self.drawingWall = False # Drawing a new wall self.erasingWall = False # Deleting walls # Connecting button signals to functions self.connectSignals() self.ui.speedSlider.setValue(29) VisualizerWindow.instance = self
def __init__(self): super(MainWindow, self).__init__() self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.connectSignalsSlots() self.model = '' self.imageFile = '' self.remote = '' self.folderName = '' self.Failed = False
class VisualizerWindow(QMainWindow): """ The main window of this application """ instance = None def __init__(self): # Initialize superclass QMainWindow.__init__(self) self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(':/icon/icons/app.ico')) # Setup the UI defined in Qt Designer self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) # Generate the grid that will be interacted with self.numRows = 29 # Odd so that starting points are vertically centered self.numCols = 60 self._setupGrid() # Define the start and end nodes self.start = Node.GRID[round(self.numRows / 2)][8] self.end = Node.GRID[round(self.numRows / 2)][-8] self.setStartNode(self.start) self.setEndNode(self.end) # -- User interaction variables -- # Click & dragging self.changingStart = False # Changing start node self.changingEnd = False # Changing end node self.drawingWall = False # Drawing a new wall self.erasingWall = False # Deleting walls # Connecting button signals to functions self.connectSignals() self.ui.speedSlider.setValue(29) VisualizerWindow.instance = self def reset(self): """ Resets the grid to its original state """ for x in range(self.numRows): for y in range(self.numCols): cell = Node.GRID[x][y].cell cell.clear() cell.setWall(False) self.start.cell.clear() self.end.cell.clear() self.start.isStart = False self.end.isEnd = False self.start = Node.GRID[round(self.numRows / 2)][8] self.end = Node.GRID[round(self.numRows / 2)][-8] self.setStartNode(self.start) self.setEndNode(self.end) def _setupGrid(self): """ Generates the grid of Cells along with the underlying Nodes that are used to visualize the selected algorithm """ # First, generate the grid for x in range(self.numRows): for y in range(self.numCols): # Make the visual Cell representing the Node at x, y, then add it visually at those coordinates cell = Cell(Node(x, y), self) self.ui.gridLayout.addWidget(cell, x, y) # Then reiterate and populate the neighbors, with diagonals enabled by default self.populateNeighbors() def populateNeighbors(self, withDiagonals: bool = True): """ Populates all Nodes' neighbors """ for x in range(self.numRows): for y in range(self.numCols): Node.GRID[x][y].populateNeighbors(withDiagonals) def setStartNode(self, node: Node): """ Sets node as the start node and updates the GUI with it too """ if not node.isEnd: self.start.isStart = False node.isStart = True self.start.cell.draw(Cell.EMPTY) self.start = node node.cell.setStart() def setEndNode(self, node: Node): """ Sets node as the end node and updates the GUI with it too """ if not node.isStart: self.end.isEnd = False node.isEnd = True self.end.cell.draw(Cell.EMPTY) self.end = node node.cell.setEnd() def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): """ Performs the actions necessary depending on what the user was doing with their click. NOTE: The mouse press events are handled by the Cells """ cell = self.childAt( event.pos()) # Not guaranteed that this is actually a cell yet if self.changingStart: QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() self.changingStart = False # Check that it is a cell and that it isn't either of the start or end nodes if isinstance(cell, Cell) and not (cell.node.isEnd or cell.node.isStart): cell.setWall(False) self.setStartNode(cell.node) else: self.setStartNode(self.start) elif self.changingEnd: QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() self.changingEnd = False # Check that it is a cell and that it isn't either of the start or end nodes if isinstance(cell, Cell) and not (cell.node.isEnd or cell.node.isStart): cell.setWall(False) self.setEndNode(cell.node) else: self.setEndNode(self.end) elif self.erasingWall: self.erasingWall = False elif self.drawingWall: self.drawingWall = False def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): """ Determines if the dragging is to make a wall or to remove it """ if self.drawingWall: # Get widget at that position cell = self.childAt(event.pos()) # Check that it is a cell and that it isn't either of the start or end nodes if isinstance(cell, Cell) and not (cell.node.isEnd or cell.node.isStart): cell.setWall(True) elif self.erasingWall: # Similar to above cell = self.childAt(event.pos()) if isinstance(cell, Cell) and not (cell.node.isEnd or cell.node.isStart): cell.setWall(False) def clearPastVisual(self): """ Clears the visual that was last run """ for x in range(self.numRows): for y in range(self.numCols): node = Node.GRID[x][y] # A* node.f = node.g = node.h = None if node.wall: continue node.cell.draw(Cell.EMPTY) if node.isStart: node.cell.setStart() elif node.isEnd: node.cell.setEnd() def connectSignals(self): """ Connects all necessary signals from GUI elements to their respective functions """ self.ui.resetButton.clicked.connect(self.reset) self.ui.allowDiagonals.toggled.connect(self.populateNeighbors) def changeSpeed(val): # val ranges from 0 to 99. at 99, slowdown is .001, and at 0, .1 algs.slowdown = .5 / (val + 1) self.ui.speedSlider.valueChanged.connect(changeSpeed) def runAStar(): self.clearPastVisual() pathFound = algs.aStar(self.start, self.end) if not pathFound: QMessageBox.warning(self, 'No Path Found', 'No paths were found.') self.ui.goButton.clicked.connect(runAStar)
class MainWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super(MainWindow, self).__init__() self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.connectSignalsSlots() self.model = '' self.imageFile = '' self.remote = '' self.folderName = '' self.Failed = False def connectSignalsSlots(self): self.ui.browseFilesButton.clicked.connect(self.bbrowseFiles) self.ui.predictButton.clicked.connect(self.getPrediction) self.ui.fileList.itemSelectionChanged.connect(self.showImage) self.ui.actionExit.triggered.connect(self.quit) def quit(self): sys.exit(0) def connect(self): self.remote = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: self.remote.connect(('', 50022)) except ConnectionRefusedError: self.ui.txtOutput.append("Connection refused") self.failed = True response = server.getReply(self.remote) if response == "?": self.ui.txtOutput.append("Connected to server") return True else: return False def showImage(self): selectedImage = [ item.text() for item in self.ui.fileList.selectedItems() ] self.imageFile = self.folderName + "/" + selectedImage[0] pixmap = QPixmap(self.imageFile) self.ui.picView.setPixmap( pixmap.scaled(self.ui.picView.width(), self.ui.picView.height())) def bbrowseFiles(self): self.folderName = file.browseFiles() self.ui.lblFilename.setText(self.folderName) images = file.addAllPngFiles(self.folderName) for item in images: self.ui.fileList.addItem(item) def sendModels(self): self.ui.txtOutput.append(f"Sending model: {self.model}") self.model = str(self.ui.modelList.currentText()) reply = server.sendModel(self.model, self.remote) def getPrediction(self): connected = self.connect() if connected: self.ui.txtOutput.append(f"Sending image file: {self.imageFile}") server.sendImage(self.imageFile, self.remote) self.sendModels() self.ui.txtOutput.append("Waiting for prediction") pred = server.receivePred(self.remote) self.ui.txtOutput.append(f"got prediction {pred}") if pred == "P": pred = "Pneumonia" else: pred = "Normal" self.ui.lblPredict.setText(pred)
def __init__(self, setting: Setting): super(MainWindow, self).__init__() self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.setting = setting self.click_event()
class MainWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self, setting: Setting): super(MainWindow, self).__init__() self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.setting = setting self.click_event() def init_attr(self): # 初始化属性 last_time = QDateTime.fromString( self.setting.get(Group.dynamic, Key.last_time), Qt.ISODate) self.ui.dateTimeEdit.setDateTime(last_time) # 初始化网页限制数 self.ui.limitNum.setRange(-1, 200) self.ui.limitNum.setValue( int(self.setting.get(Group.dynamic, Key.limit_num))) def click_event(self): # 点击事件 self.ui.openBtn.clicked.connect(self.open_dynamic_click) self.ui.scanBtn.clicked.connect(self.scan_dynamic_click) def open_dynamic_click(self): # 一键打开动态按钮 # last_time = self.ui.dateTimeEdit.dateTime().toPython() # limit = self.ui.limitNum.value() # self.ui.detailTable.l # 打开链接 url_list = [ DYNAMIC_URL + item['bvid'] for item in self.wait_open_url_list ] open_myself_dynamic(url_list) # 页面更新最近一次扫描时间 self.ui.dateTimeEdit.setDateTime( QDateTime.fromSecsSinceEpoch(self.last_time.timestamp())) # 保持最近一次扫描时间 self.setting.set(Group.dynamic, Key.last_time, self.last_time.isoformat()) self.setting.set(Group.dynamic, Key.limit_num, str(self.ui.limitNum.value())) def scan_dynamic_click(self): # 扫描动态 limit = self.ui.limitNum.value() self.wait_open_url_list = to_obtain_dynamic_list( self.ui.dateTimeEdit.dateTime().toPython(), limit) # 将扫描结果显示在表格控件中 self.scan_rst_view_table(self.wait_open_url_list) # 修改最后扫描时间 self.last_time = def scan_rst_view_table(self, wait_open_url_list): detail_table_model = DetailTableModel(self.ui.detailTable) for item in wait_open_url_list: item['is_open'] = True detail_table_model.add_data(wait_open_url_list) # model = QStandardItemModel(0, 4, self.ui.detailTable) # # model.setHorizontalHeaderItem(0, QStandardItem("bvid")) # model.setHorizontalHeaderItem(1, QStandardItem("up")) # model.setHorizontalHeaderItem(2, QStandardItem("更新时间")) # model.setHorizontalHeaderItem(3, QStandardItem("是否打开")) # # for i in range(len(wait_open_url_list)): # item = wait_open_url_list[i] # c_index = 0 # for k_, v_ in item.items(): # model.setItem(i, c_index, QStandardItem(str(v_))) # c_index += 1 # a = QStandardItem() # a.setCheckable(True) # a.setCheckState() # model.setItem(i, 3, a) self.ui.detailTable.setModel(detail_table_model.get_model()) self.ui.detailTable.setAlternatingRowColors(True)