def initialize(self): self.titletext = typefaces.prepare_title("Prepare for the Onslaught",colour=(255,255,255)) self.scenery = chromographs.obtain("background.png") self.indicate_lot = True self.current_edge = None self.current_lot = None self.townplanner = grid.TownPlanningOffice() self.finished = False self.result = "Onslaught" situation = self.situation self.new_inventions() self.build_menu = BuildMenu(situation) self.statusbar = StatusBar() situation.update_status_bar(self.statusbar) self.statusbar.push_messages( "Hit Space bar or Return key to begin the Onslaught!", "Be sure to build cannons and deploy soldiers!", "Left click to repeat the previous build", "Right click to open build menu", ) if self.situation.chapter == 0: self.statusbar.flash(80) for inst in situation.installations[:]: if inst.destroyed(): situation.installations.remove(inst) for unit in situation.get_units(): unit.damage = 0 # repair units automatically unit.attacking = 0 unit.animation_frame = 1 unit.image = unit.obtain_frame() phonographs.orchestrate("intromusic.ogg")
class PreparationMode(ModeOfOperation): """ The mode in which one invests in construction of defenses against impending assault by reptiles. """ def operate(self, current_situation): self.situation = current_situation self.initialize() while not self.finished: ms = self.clock.tick(30) self.respond_to_the_will_of_the_operator() if self.indicate_lot: x,y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() edge = self.townplanner.nearest_edge(x,y) if edge: self.current_edge = edge self.current_lot = None else: lot = self.townplanner.nearest_lot(x,y) if lot: self.current_lot = lot self.current_edge = None self.render() return self.result def on_keydown(self, e): if e.key in [K_SPACE,K_RETURN]: self.finished = True def on_quit(self, e): self.result = None self.finished = True def on_mousebuttondown(self, e): if self.build_menu.is_open: choice = self.build_menu.mouse_event(e) if choice: if choice == "REPAIR": self.repair_facility(self.build_menu.repairable) else: self.build_a_thing(choice) self.close_build_menu() else: edge = self.current_edge lot = self.current_lot if e.button == 1: thing = self.situation.last_build built = False if thing: fence = bool(thing.obstruance & grid.obstruance("fence")) if (edge and fence) or (lot and not fence): self.build_a_thing(thing) built = True if not built: self.open_build_menu(e.pos) elif e.button == 3: self.open_build_menu(e.pos) def on_mousemotion(self, e): if self.build_menu.is_open: self.build_menu.mouse_event(e) def open_build_menu(self,position): fac = self.get_hovered_facility(position) self.build_menu.open_menu(position,repairable=fac,edge=bool(self.current_edge)) self.indicate_lot = False def close_build_menu(self): self.build_menu.close_menu() self.indicate_lot = True def get_hovered_facility(self,pos): choices = [] facilities = self.situation.get_facilities() for f in facilities: rect = f.image.get_rect() rect.midbottom = f.rect.midbottom if rect.collidepoint(pos): choices.append(f) if choices: choices.sort(key=lambda x: x.rect.bottom, reverse=True) fac = choices[0] return fac return None def repair_facility(self, facility): cost = int((float(facility.damage)/facility.durability) *facility.cost) if cost <= self.situation.wealth: self.situation.wealth -= cost self.situation.update_status_bar(self.statusbar) def build_a_thing(self,thingclass): if self.situation.can_afford_a(thingclass): place = self.current_edge if self.current_edge else self.current_lot if place: self.situation.add_installation_if_possible(thingclass, place, charge=True) if hasattr(thingclass,"placement_phonograph"): self.situation.last_build = thingclass self.situation.update_status_bar(self.statusbar) def initialize(self): self.titletext = typefaces.prepare_title("Prepare for the Onslaught",colour=(255,255,255)) self.scenery = chromographs.obtain("background.png") self.indicate_lot = True self.current_edge = None self.current_lot = None self.townplanner = grid.TownPlanningOffice() self.finished = False self.result = "Onslaught" situation = self.situation self.new_inventions() self.build_menu = BuildMenu(situation) self.statusbar = StatusBar() situation.update_status_bar(self.statusbar) self.statusbar.push_messages( "Hit Space bar or Return key to begin the Onslaught!", "Be sure to build cannons and deploy soldiers!", "Left click to repeat the previous build", "Right click to open build menu", ) if self.situation.chapter == 0: self.statusbar.flash(80) for inst in situation.installations[:]: if inst.destroyed(): situation.installations.remove(inst) for unit in situation.get_units(): unit.damage = 0 # repair units automatically unit.attacking = 0 unit.animation_frame = 1 unit.image = unit.obtain_frame() phonographs.orchestrate("intromusic.ogg") def new_inventions(self): situation = self.situation chapter = chapters.open_chapter(situation.chapter) for name in chapter.inventions: if name not in situation.unit_plans: situation.unit_plans.append(name) for name in chapter.fences: if name not in situation.fence_plans: situation.fence_plans.append(name) for name in chapter.facilities: if name not in situation.facility_plans: situation.facility_plans.append(name) def render(self): self.clear_screen(image=self.scenery) self.screen.blit(self.titletext,(10,10)) if self.indicate_lot: if self.current_edge: pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, EDGE_COLOUR, self.current_edge, 1) elif self.current_lot: lot = self.current_lot pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, LOT_COLOUR, lot, 1) for p in [lot.midtop,lot.midbottom,lot.midleft,lot.midright]:, EDGE_COLOUR, p, EDGE_HANDLE_RADIUS, 1) def render_a_thing(that): image = that.image position = image.get_rect() position.midbottom = that.rect.midbottom self.screen.blit(image, position) # render flat land first for that in self.situation.installations: if that.is_flat: render_a_thing(that) # render things that lie upon the land for that in self.situation.installations: if that.is_flat: continue # already done render_a_thing(that) self.statusbar.render(self.screen) if self.build_menu.is_open: self.build_menu.render(self.screen) pygame.display.flip()