class ReprojectionDialog(wx.Dialog): """ """ def __init__(self, parent, giface, data, id=wx.ID_ANY, title=_("Reprojection"), style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wx.RESIZE_BORDER): self.parent = parent # GMFrame self._giface = giface # used to add layers wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, id, title, style=style, name="MultiImportDialog") self.panel = wx.Panel(parent=self, id=wx.ID_ANY) # list of layers columns = [_('Layer id'), _('Name for output GRASS map')] self.layerBox = StaticBox(parent=self.panel, id=wx.ID_ANY) self.layerSizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(self.layerBox, wx.HORIZONTAL) self.list = GListCtrl(parent=self.panel) for i in range(len(columns)): self.list.InsertColumn(i, columns[i]) width = (65, 180) for i in range(len(width)): self.list.SetColumnWidth(col=i, width=width[i]) self.list.LoadData(data) self.list.SelectAll(True) self.labelText = StaticText( parent=self.panel, id=wx.ID_ANY, label= _("Projection of following layers do not match with projection of current location. " )) label = _("Layers to be reprojected") self.layerBox.SetLabel(" %s - %s " % (label, _("right click to (un)select all"))) # # buttons # # cancel self.btn_close = Button(parent=self.panel, id=wx.ID_CANCEL) # run self.btn_run = Button(parent=self.panel, id=wx.ID_OK, label=_("&Import && reproject")) self.btn_run.SetToolTip(_("Reproject selected layers")) self.btn_run.SetDefault() self.doLayout() def doLayout(self): """Do layout""" dialogSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) dialogSizer.Add(self.labelText, flag=wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, border=5) self.layerSizer.Add(self.list, proportion=1, flag=wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, border=5) dialogSizer.Add(self.layerSizer, proportion=1, flag=wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM | wx.EXPAND, border=5) # # buttons # btnsizer = wx.BoxSizer(orient=wx.HORIZONTAL) btnsizer.Add(self.btn_close, proportion=0, flag=wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER, border=10) btnsizer.Add(self.btn_run, proportion=0, flag=wx.RIGHT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER, border=10) dialogSizer.Add(btnsizer, proportion=0, flag=wx.BOTTOM | wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, border=10) self.panel.SetSizer(dialogSizer) dialogSizer.Fit(self.panel) self.Layout() def GetData(self, checked): return self.list.GetData(checked)
def __init__(self, parent, title, data, keyEditable=(-1, True), id=wx.ID_ANY, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wx.RESIZE_BORDER): """Dialog for inserting/updating table record :param data: a list: [(column, value)] :param keyEditable: (id, editable?) indicates if textarea for key column is editable(True) or not """ # parent -> VDigitWindow wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, id, title, style=style) self.CenterOnParent() self.keyId = keyEditable[0] box = StaticBox(parent=self, id=wx.ID_ANY) box.Hide() self.dataPanel = scrolled.ScrolledPanel(parent=self, id=wx.ID_ANY, style=wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL) self.dataPanel.SetupScrolling(scroll_x=False) # buttons self.btnCancel = Button(self, wx.ID_CANCEL) self.btnSubmit = Button(self, wx.ID_OK, _("&Submit")) self.btnSubmit.SetDefault() # data area self.widgets = [] cId = 0 self.usebox = False = None winFocus = False for column, ctype, ctypeStr, value in data: if self.keyId == cId: = int(value) if not keyEditable[1]: self.usebox = True box.SetLabel(" %s %d " % (_("Category"), box.Show() self.boxSizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(box, wx.VERTICAL) cId += 1 continue else: valueWin = SpinCtrl(parent=self.dataPanel, id=wx.ID_ANY, value=value, min=-1e9, max=1e9, size=(250, -1)) else: valueWin = TextCtrl(parent=self.dataPanel, id=wx.ID_ANY, value=value, size=(250, -1)) if ctype == int: valueWin.SetValidator(IntegerValidator()) elif ctype == float: valueWin.SetValidator(FloatValidator()) if not winFocus: wx.CallAfter(valueWin.SetFocus) winFocus = True label = StaticText(parent=self.dataPanel, id=wx.ID_ANY, label=column) ctype = StaticText(parent=self.dataPanel, id=wx.ID_ANY, label="[%s]:" % ctypeStr.lower()) self.widgets.append( (label.GetId(), ctype.GetId(), valueWin.GetId())) cId += 1 self._layout()
class ImportDialog(wx.Dialog): """Dialog for bulk import of various data (base class)""" def __init__(self, parent, giface, itype, id=wx.ID_ANY, title=_("Multiple import"), style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wx.RESIZE_BORDER): self.parent = parent # GMFrame self._giface = giface # used to add layers self.importType = itype self.options = dict() # list of options self.options_par = dict() self.commandId = -1 # id of running command wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, id, title, style=style, name="MultiImportDialog") self.panel = wx.Panel(parent=self, id=wx.ID_ANY) self.layerBox = StaticBox(parent=self.panel, id=wx.ID_ANY) if self.importType == 'gdal': label = _("List of raster layers") elif self.importType == 'ogr': label = _("List of vector layers") else: label = _("List of %s layers") % self.importType.upper() self.layerBox.SetLabel(" %s - %s " % (label, _("right click to (un)select all"))) # list of layers columns = [ _('Layer id'), _('Layer name'), _('Name for output GRASS map (editable)') ] if itype == 'ogr': columns.insert(2, _('Feature type')) columns.insert(3, _('Projection match')) elif itype == 'gdal': columns.insert(2, _('Projection match')) self.list = LayersList(parent=self.panel, columns=columns) self.list.LoadData() self.override = wx.CheckBox( parent=self.panel, id=wx.ID_ANY, label=_( "Override projection check (use current location's projection)" )) self.overwrite = wx.CheckBox( parent=self.panel, id=wx.ID_ANY, label=_("Allow output files to overwrite existing files")) self.overwrite.SetValue( UserSettings.Get(group='cmd', key='overwrite', subkey='enabled')) self.overwrite.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.OnCheckOverwrite) if UserSettings.Get(group='cmd', key='overwrite', subkey='enabled'): self.list.validate = False self.add = wx.CheckBox(parent=self.panel, id=wx.ID_ANY) self.closeOnFinish = wx.CheckBox(parent=self.panel, id=wx.ID_ANY, label=_("Close dialog on finish")) self.closeOnFinish.SetValue( UserSettings.Get(group='cmd', key='closeDlg', subkey='enabled')) # # buttons # # cancel self.btn_close = CloseButton(parent=self.panel) self.btn_close.SetToolTip(_("Close dialog")) self.btn_close.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnClose) # run self.btn_run = Button(parent=self.panel, id=wx.ID_OK, label=_("&Import")) self.btn_run.SetToolTip(_("Import selected layers")) self.btn_run.SetDefault() self.btn_run.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnRun) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, lambda evt: self.Destroy()) self.notebook = GNotebook(parent=self, style=globalvar.FNPageDStyle) self.notebook.AddPage(page=self.panel, text=_('Source settings'), name='source') self.createSettingsPage() def createSettingsPage(self): self._blackList = { 'enabled': True, 'items': { self._getCommand(): { 'params': self._getBlackListedParameters(), 'flags': self._getBlackListedFlags() } } } grass_task = gtask.parse_interface(self._getCommand(), blackList=self._blackList) self.advancedPagePanel = CmdPanel(parent=self, giface=None, task=grass_task, frame=None) self.notebook.AddPage(page=self.advancedPagePanel, text=_('Import settings'), name='settings') def doLayout(self): """Do layout""" dialogSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # dsn input dialogSizer.Add(self.dsnInput, proportion=0, flag=wx.EXPAND) # # list of DXF layers # layerSizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(self.layerBox, wx.HORIZONTAL) layerSizer.Add(self.list, proportion=1, flag=wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, border=5) dialogSizer.Add(layerSizer, proportion=1, flag=wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM | wx.EXPAND, border=5) dialogSizer.Add(self.override, proportion=0, flag=wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM, border=5) dialogSizer.Add(self.overwrite, proportion=0, flag=wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM, border=5) dialogSizer.Add(self.add, proportion=0, flag=wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM, border=5) dialogSizer.Add(self.closeOnFinish, proportion=0, flag=wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM, border=5) # # buttons # btnsizer = wx.BoxSizer(orient=wx.HORIZONTAL) btnsizer.Add(self.btn_close, proportion=0, flag=wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER, border=10) btnsizer.Add(self.btn_run, proportion=0, flag=wx.RIGHT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER, border=10) dialogSizer.Add(btnsizer, proportion=0, flag=wx.BOTTOM | wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, border=10) # dialogSizer.SetSizeHints(self.panel) self.panel.SetAutoLayout(True) self.panel.SetSizer(dialogSizer) dialogSizer.Fit(self.panel) # auto-layout seems not work here - FIXME size = wx.Size(globalvar.DIALOG_GSELECT_SIZE[0] + 322, 550) self.SetMinSize(size) self.SetSize((size.width, size.height + 100)) # width = self.GetSize()[0] # self.list.SetColumnWidth(col = 1, width = width / 2 - 50) self.Layout() def _getCommand(self): """Get command""" raise NotImplementedError() def _getBlackListedParameters(self): """Get parameters which will not be showed in Settings page""" raise NotImplementedError() def _getBlackListedFlags(self): """Get flags which will not be showed in Settings page""" raise NotImplementedError() def _nameValidationFailed(self, layers_list): """Output map name validation callback :param layers_list: LayersList class instance """ if isinstance(layers_list.output_map, list): maps = ['<{}>'.format(m) for m in layers_list.output_map] message = _("Output map names %(names)s exist. ") % { 'names': ', '.join(maps) } else: message = _("Output map name <%(name)s> exist. ") % { 'name': layers_list.output_map } GError(parent=self, message=message, caption=_("Invalid name")) def _validateOutputMapName(self): """Enable/disable output map name validation according the overwrite state""" if not self.overwrite.IsChecked(): if not self.list.GetValidator().\ Validate(win=self.list, validate_all=True): return False return True def OnClose(self, event=None): """Close dialog""" self.Close() def OnRun(self, event): """Import/Link data (each layes as separate vector map)""" pass def OnCheckOverwrite(self, event): """Check/uncheck overwrite checkbox widget""" if self.overwrite.IsChecked(): self.list.validate = False else: self.list.validate = True def AddLayers(self, returncode, cmd=None, userData=None): """Add imported/linked layers into layer tree""" if not self.add.IsChecked() or returncode != 0: return # TODO: if importing map creates more map the following does not work # * do nothing if map does not exist or # * try to determine names using regexp or # * persuade import tools to report map names self.commandId += 1 layer, output = self.list.GetLayers()[self.commandId][:2] if '@' not in output: name = output + '@' + grass.gisenv()['MAPSET'] else: name = output # add imported layers into layer tree # an alternative would be emit signal (mapCreated) and (optionally) # connect to this signal llist = self._giface.GetLayerList() if self.importType == 'gdal': if userData: nBands = int(userData.get('nbands', 1)) else: nBands = 1 if UserSettings.Get(group='rasterLayer', key='opaque', subkey='enabled'): nFlag = True else: nFlag = False for i in range(1, nBands + 1): nameOrig = name if nBands > 1: mapName, mapsetName = name.split('@') mapName += '.%d' % i name = mapName + '@' + mapsetName cmd = ['d.rast', 'map=%s' % name] if nFlag: cmd.append('-n') llist.AddLayer(ltype='raster', name=name, checked=True, cmd=cmd) name = nameOrig else: llist.AddLayer(ltype='vector', name=name, checked=True, cmd=['d.vect', 'map=%s' % name] + GetDisplayVectSettings()) self._giface.GetMapWindow().ZoomToMap() def OnAbort(self, event): """Abort running import .. todo:: not yet implemented """ pass def OnCmdDone(self, event): """Do what has to be done after importing""" pass def _getLayersToReprojetion(self, projMatch_idx, grassName_idx): """If there are layers with different projection from loation projection, show dialog to user to explicitly select layers which will be reprojected...""" differentProjLayers = [] data = self.list.GetData(checked=True) for itm in data: layerId = itm[-1] # select only layers with different projetion if self.layersData[layerId][projMatch_idx] == 0: dt = [itm[0], itm[grassName_idx]] differentProjLayers.append(tuple(dt)) layers = self.list.GetLayers() if not and \ differentProjLayers and \ not self.override.IsChecked(): # '-o' not in self.getSettingsPageCmd(): dlg = ReprojectionDialog(parent=self, giface=self._giface, data=differentProjLayers) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_OK: # do not import unchecked layers for itm in reversed(list(dlg.GetData(checked=False))): idx = itm[-1] layers.pop(idx) else: return None return layers def getSettingsPageCmd(self): return self.advancedPagePanel.createCmd(ignoreErrors=True, ignoreRequired=True)