class PyLintSelectDataSet(DataSet): def cb_run_button(self, item, value, parent=None): print("\nitem: ", item, "\nvalue:", value) if self.results is None: self.results = '' self.results += str(value) + '\n' print("results:", self.results) #return value def cb_run_files(self, item, value): print("\nitem: ", item, "\nvalue:", value) #self.dictitem.set_default('files', []) if self.openfiles is not None: self.dictitem['files'].extend(self.openfiles) else: self.dictitem['files'].extend([]) # #if self.dictitem is None: # self.dictitem = {} #for i,v in enumerate(value): # self.dictitem[i] = v print(self.dictitem) openfiles = FilesOpenItem('lint files', formats='py', check=True).set_prop('display', callback=cb_run_files) opendirectory = DirectoryItem('lint_directory', default='/Users/kristen/PycharmProjects/proj/lintful/lintful') run_button = ButtonItem('run_linter', callback =cb_run_button, default = False) #run_button.bind(ResponsiveDataSet) #ditem = DataItem('data', True) results = TextItem("Results") dictitem = DictItem('dictionary', default = {'files': []}).set_prop("display", active=True)
class TestParameters(DataSet): _bg = BeginGroup("R/W Commands") readcmd = FileOpenItem("Read command", "exe", "") writecmd = FileOpenItem("Write command", "exe", "") _eg = EndGroup("R/W Commands") _bg = BeginGroup("Channels") ch1n = IntItem("Channel #1", default=3, min=1, max=4) ach1n = EvalStringItem("K1", default="1").set_pos(col=1) ch2n = IntItem("Channel #2", default=4, min=1, max=4) ach2n = EvalStringItem("K2", default="1").set_pos(col=1) _eg = EndGroup("Channels") _bg = BeginGroup("Pulse") period = FloatItem("Period", min=0.5, default=1.0, help="Time between two sequential clock pulse") duration = FloatItem("Duration", min=0.5, max=period, default=0.7, help="Duaration of the clock pulse") syncch = IntItem("#Sync channel", default=1, min=1, max=2, help="The sync DAC channel") _eg = EndGroup("Pulse") _bg = BeginGroup("Save raw channels data") raw_savedir = DirectoryItem("Directory", os.getcwd() + "\\tmp") raw_fileprefix = StringItem("File Name", default="raw_") _eg = EndGroup("Save raw channels data")
class DefaultParameters(DataSet): """ Settings Instructions 'comment': <br>Plain text or <b>rich text</b> are both supported. """ data_dir = DirectoryItem("Directory",'D:\\Users\\thomas\\Data\\CloudStation\\Projects\\IMUs\\Jansenberger\\data') _bg = BeginGroup("Time View") acc_limit = FloatItem("Limit [Accelerometer]", default=0.5, min=0, max=3, step=0.01, slider=True) gyr_limit = FloatItem("Limit [Gyroscope]", default=300, min=100, max=1000, step=1, slider=True) init_channel = ChoiceItem("Initial Channel", [(16, "acc"), (32, "gyr")], radio=True) _eg = EndGroup("Time View") _bcolor = BeginGroup("Traffic Light") color_top = ColorItem("Top", default="red") color_middle = ColorItem("Middle", default="#ffaa00") color_bottom = ColorItem("Bottom", default="#00aa00") upper_thresh = FloatItem("Upper Threshold", default=0.7, min=0, max=2, step=0.01, slider=True) lower_thresh = FloatItem("Lower Threshold", default=0.3, min=0.1, max=1, step=0.01, slider=True) _ecolor = EndGroup("Colors") opening_view = ChoiceItem("Initial View", [(16, 'Time-View'), (32, "xy-View"), (64, 'TrafficLight-View')], radio=True)
class Controlwidget(DataSet): Directory = DirectoryItem("Directory", default=os.path.abspath("../data/")) _bt = BeginGroup("Frequency and time").set_pos(col=0) Frequency = FloatItem("Frequency", default=142.175, unit="GHz").set_prop("display", format="%3.1f") IntegrationTime = FloatItem("Integration time", default=5., unit="s").set_prop("display", format="%3.1f") BlankTime = IntItem("Blank time", default=5, unit="ms") _et = EndGroup("Frequency and time") _bs = BeginGroup("Sweep").set_pos(col=1) Sweep = ChoiceItem("Sweep", ["Off", "On"], default=False) FrequencyStep = FloatItem("Frequency step", default=.2, unit="GHz").set_prop("display", format="%3.1f") Offset = FloatItem("Offset", default=6., unit="GHz").set_prop("display", format="%3.1f") SweepStep = FloatItem("Sweep step", default=10., unit="GHz").set_prop("display", format="%3.1f") _es = EndGroup("Sweep") _bo = BeginGroup("Other").set_pos(col=2) Chopper = ChoiceItem("Chopper", ["Cold", "Hot", "Antenna", "Reference"], default=0) Antenna = IntItem("Antenna offset", default=1000, unit="") NSpec = IntItem("Spectra per file", default=7000, unit="") Format = ChoiceItem("File format", ["e", "a"], default=0) _eo = EndGroup("Other")
class RemoteParameters(ActivableDataSet): #Sequence parameters #read database to know default directory db = SqliteDB.DBReader() directoryPath = DirectoryItem("Seq. dir.", default=db.DefaultDirectory) first_holo_seq = IntItem(_("First hologram"), default=0, min=0) #last holo seq is defined with framesNumberProp that is modified when a new directory is choose last_holo_seq = IntItem(_("Last hologram"), default=framesNumberprop) saveAllStack = ChoiceItem(_("Save All stacks"), [(True, 'Yes'), (False, 'False')], default=False)
class Controlset(DataSet): Directory = DirectoryItem("Directory", default=os.path.abspath("../../data/")) _bt = BeginGroup("Configuration").set_pos(col=0) Frequency = FloatItem("Frequency", default=21.1, unit="GHz").set_prop("display", format="%3.1f") IntegrationTime = FloatItem("Integration time", default=5., unit="s").set_prop("display", format="%3.1f") BlankTime = IntItem("Blank time", default=5, unit="ms") Antenna = IntItem("Antenna offset", default=1000, unit="") NSpec = IntItem("Spectra per file", default=7000, unit="") _et = EndGroup("Configuration")
class RemoteParameters(ActivableDataSet): #Sequence parameters # read database to know default directory db = SqliteDB.DBReader() directoryPath = DirectoryItem("Seq. dir.", default=db.DefaultDirectory) first_holo_seq = IntItem(_("First hologram"), default=0, min=0) # last holo seq is defined with framesNumberProp that is modified when a # new directory is choose last_holo_seq = IntItem(_("Last hologram"), default=0, min=0) # saveAllStack = ChoiceItem(_("Save All stacks"), [(True, 'Yes'), # (False, 'False')], default=False) #create list of choice from database db = SqliteDB.DBReader() choice = db.choiceItemDB() MODB = ChoiceItem(_("Magnification"), choice).set_prop("display", callback=None)
class ExampleMultiGroupDataSet(DataSet): param0 = ChoiceItem("Choice", ['deazdazk', 'aeazee', '87575757']) param1 = FloatItem("Foobar 1", default=0, min=0) t_group = BeginTabGroup("T group") a_group = BeginGroup("A group") param2 = FloatItem("Foobar 2", default=.93) dir1 = DirectoryItem("Directory 1") file1 = FileOpenItem("File 1") _a_group = EndGroup("A group") b_group = BeginGroup("B group") param3 = FloatItem("Foobar 3", default=123) _b_group = EndGroup("B group") c_group = BeginGroup("C group") param4 = FloatItem("Foobar 4", default=250) _c_group = EndGroup("C group") _t_group = EndTabGroup("T group")
class AppSettings( DataSet ): serialports = list_serial_ports() ports = [] for s in serialports: # windows port is only a number if isinstance(s,int): port = s label = 'COM%d' % (port+1) else: port = label = s ports.append( (port, '%s' % label) ) use_virtual_serial = BoolItem(u"Enable virtual serial", help=u"If enabled, data from the testdata directory are used.", default=False) # 'ports' must be a tuble, like (0,'COM1') for windows serialport = ChoiceItem("Serial Port", ports) bh_packets = MultipleChoiceItem("Enable BioHarness Packets", ["RR Data", "Breathing", "ECG", "Summary Packets", "Accelerometer (not implemented yet)"], [0,1]).vertical(1).set_pos(col=0) timedsession = ChoiceItem("Timed Session", [(5, "5 minutes"), (10, "10 minutes"), (15, "15 minutes"), (20, "20 minutes"), (30, "30 minutes")] ) g1 = BeginGroup("Data Storage") # Database storage: enable_database = BoolItem(u"Enable InfluxDB storage", help=u"If disabled, the following parameters will be ignored", default=False).set_prop("display", store=DataStorage_database) db_url = StringItem(u"URL", notempty=True).set_prop("display", active=DataStorage_database) db_port = StringItem(u"Port", notempty=True).set_prop("display", active=DataStorage_database) db_user = StringItem(u"User", notempty=True).set_prop("display", active=DataStorage_database) db_pwd = StringItem(u"Password", notempty=True).set_prop("display", active=DataStorage_database) db_dbname = StringItem(u"Database", notempty=True).set_prop("display", active=DataStorage_database) # Files storage enable_files = BoolItem(u"Enable files storage", help=u"If disabled, the following parameters will be ignored", default=False).set_prop("display", store=DataStorage_files) directory_storage = DirectoryItem("Directory").set_prop("display", active=DataStorage_files) _g1 = EndGroup("Data Storage")
class TestParameters(DataSet): """ DataSet test The following text is the DataSet 'comment': <br>Plain text or <b>rich text<sup>2</sup></b> are both supported, as well as special characters (α, β, γ, δ, ...) """ dir = DirectoryItem("Directory", TEMPDIR) fname = FileOpenItem("Open file", ("csv", "eta"), fnames = FilesOpenItem("Open files", "csv", fname_s = FileSaveItem("Save file", "eta", string = StringItem("String") text = TextItem("Text") float_slider = FloatItem("Float (with slider)", default=0.5, min=0, max=1, step=0.01, slider=True) integer = IntItem("Integer", default=5, min=3, max=16, slider=True).set_pos(col=1) dtime = DateTimeItem("Date/time", default=datetime.datetime(2010, 10, 10)) date = DateItem("Date",, 10, 10)).set_pos(col=1) bool1 = BoolItem("Boolean option without label") bool2 = BoolItem("Boolean option with label", "Label") _bg = BeginGroup("A sub group") color = ColorItem("Color", default="red") choice = ChoiceItem("Single choice 1", [('16', "first choice"), ('32', "second choice"), ('64', "third choice")]) mchoice2 = ImageChoiceItem("Single choice 2", [("rect", "first choice", "gif.png"), ("ell", "second choice", "txt.png"), ("qcq", "third choice", "file.png")]) _eg = EndGroup("A sub group") floatarray = FloatArrayItem("Float array", default=np.ones((50, 5), float), format=" %.2e ").set_pos(col=1) mchoice3 = MultipleChoiceItem("MC type 1", [str(i) for i in range(12)]).horizontal(4) mchoice1 = MultipleChoiceItem( "MC type 2", ["first choice", "second choice", "third choice" ]).vertical(1).set_pos(col=1)
class TestParameters(DataSet): """ PPT Converter Choose according to your function """ #fname = FileOpenItem("Open file", "ppt", #_eg = StartGroup("Convert_Mode") PPTnames = FilesOpenItem("Open_files", ("ppt", "pptx"), help="Input your PPT file") ##list outpath = DirectoryItem("OutDirectory", default=PPTnames._props["data"]["basedir"], help="default is the PPt path") outname = StringItem('Outlabel', help="default is the ppt name ") dtime = DateTimeItem("Date/time", default=datetime.datetime( 2017, 10, 10)) #text = TextItem("Text") g1 = BeginGroup("Convert_Mode") # outMode = MultipleChoiceItem("", # ["Raw", "Resized", # ],help="(default concated)",default=(1,)).horizontal(1)#.set_pos(col=1) raw = BoolItem("Raw", default=False, help="normal mode").set_pos(col=0) _prop = GetAttrProp("resize") #choice = ChoiceItem('Choice', choices).set_prop("display", store=_prop) resize = BoolItem("Resized", default=True, help="normal mode").set_pos(col=1).set_prop("display", store=_prop) newsize = IntItem("NewSize(width_dpi)", default=709, min=0, help="if changed,dpi", max=2160, slider=True).set_pos(col=2).set_prop( "display", active=FuncProp(_prop, lambda x: x)).set_pos(col=2) _g1 = EndGroup("Convert_Mode") outFormat = MultipleChoiceItem( "OuterForm", ["Pngs", "Con_Pngs", "PDF", "HTML", "XML"], help="(default all)", default=(0, 1, 2, 3, 4), ).horizontal(1)
class SubDataSet(DataSet): dir = DirectoryItem("Directory", TEMPDIR) fname = FileOpenItem("Single file (open)", ("csv", "eta"), fnames = FilesOpenItem("Multiple files", "csv", fname_s = FileSaveItem("Single file (save)", "eta",
class SubDataSet(DataSet): dir = DirectoryItem("Directory", TEMPDIR) #fname = FileOpenItem("Single file (open)", ("xlsm", "eta"), fnames = FilesOpenItem("Multiple_files", "xlsm",
class TestParameters(DataSet): """ PPT_Converter:Based on Glance Choose according to your demond """ def updatedir(self, item, value): print("\nitem: ", item, "\nvalue:", value) if self.PPTnames and value[0]: self.outpath = os.path.split(value[0])[0] print(os.path.split(value[0])) if len(value) > 0: #如果只是选择了单个文件 self.outprefix = os.path.basename(value[0]).split('.')[0] else: #选了多个文件 self.outpath = os.getcwdu() self.outprefix = None self.WebTitle = self.outprefix print("\nitem: ", self.outpath, "\nvalue:", self.WebTitle) #self.ImagesDirName=str(self.newsize) # self.htmlTitle=self.outprefix #fname = FileOpenItem("Open file", "ppt", #_eg = StartGroup("Convert_Mode") g0 = BeginGroup("Select Your PPTs to Manipulate") PPTnames = FilesOpenItem("OpenPPTs", ("ppt", "pptx"), help="Select your PPT files", all_files_first=True).set_prop( 'display', callback=updatedir) ##list outpath = DirectoryItem( "OutPath", help= "Select the output path.\nDefault is the path where you choose your PPT" ).set_prop('display', active=True) WebTitle = StringItem( 'HTML/XML Title\n(Glance)', help= "The Title of the generated html/xml file.\nDefault is the PPT's filename" ).set_prop('display', active=True) outprefix = StringItem( 'OutFilePrefix', help="The prefix of generated file .\nDefault is the ppt name " ).set_prop('display', active=True) _g0 = EndGroup("Select Your PPTs to Manipulate") g1 = BeginGroup("Select Your Convert_Mode") # outMode = MultipleChoiceItem("", # ["Raw", "Resized", # ],help="(default concated)",default=(1,)).horizontal(1)#.set_pos(col=1) raw = BoolItem( "Raw", default=False, help= "Those Generated Files will Use Pngs Exported from PPT Slides Without any Crop or Resize" ).set_pos(col=0) _prop = GetAttrProp("resize") #choice = ChoiceItem('Choice', choices).set_prop("display", store=_prop) resize = BoolItem( "Resized", default=True, help= "Means You Want to Resize those Raw Pngs Before Use Them In Your Final Formats\ " ).set_pos(col=1).set_prop("display", store=_prop) newsize = IntItem("NewSize\n(width_dpi)", default=709, min=0, help="The Value Must be lower than the raw png's Width!", max=2160, slider=True).set_prop("display", active=FuncProp( _prop, lambda x: x)) ImagesDirName = StringItem( 'ImagesDirName', help= "The DirName of Resized Pngs used in Html/Xml/LongPng file.\nDefault is the Png wideth size If You Leave It Empty" ).set_prop('display', active=FuncProp(_prop, lambda x: x)) _g1 = EndGroup("Select Your Convert_Mode") g2 = BeginGroup("Which Format Do U Want To Generate") must = BoolItem( "Pngs", default=True, help="You Cannot Remove Pngs If You Want to Get Other Types." ).set_prop("display", active=0).set_pos(col=0) outFormat = MultipleChoiceItem( "Optional", ["Long_Png", "PDF", "HTML", "XML"], help= "(Default all,But I won't give U the Long_Png with Raw Pngs.\nAnd the 1st choice('Pngs') is default to generate.)", default=(1, 2, 3)).horizontal(1).set_pos(col=1) _g2 = EndGroup("Which Format Do U Want To Generate")