def init(self, editable, sep): """ Sets up the dual combobox after it has been initialized. """ # Create the box_layout box_layout = GL.QHBoxLayout(self) box_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) # Create two comboboxes with the provided editability # LEFT left_box = EditableComboBox() if editable[0] else GW.QComboBox() box_layout.addWidget(left_box) self.left_box = left_box # RIGHT right_box = EditableComboBox() if editable[1] else GW.QComboBox() box_layout.addWidget(right_box) self.right_box = right_box # If sep is not None, create label and add it if sep is not None: sep_label = GW.QLabel(sep) sep_label.setSizePolicy(QW.QSizePolicy.Fixed, QW.QSizePolicy.Fixed) box_layout.insertWidget(1, sep_label)
def init(self): # Create layout layout = GL.QHBoxLayout(self) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) # Create combobox combobox = GW.QComboBox() layout.addWidget(combobox) self.combobox = combobox
def func(): # Obtain the proper combobox if editable: combobox = EditableComboBox(parent=parent) else: combobox = GW.QComboBox(parent=parent) # Add items combobox.addItems(items) # Return combobox return (combobox)
def create_plots_tab(self): # Create a tab tab = GW.BaseBox() get_modified_signal(tab).connect(self.enable_apply_button) # Create layout layout = GL.QFormLayout(tab) # PLOT # Create a plot picker layout plot_layout = GL.QHBoxLayout() layout.addRow(plot_layout) # Create a label plot_label = GW.QLabel("Plot") plot_label.setSizePolicy(QW.QSizePolicy.Fixed, QW.QSizePolicy.Fixed) plot_layout.addWidget(plot_label) # Create a combobox for choosing an existing plot plot_entries = GW.QComboBox() plot_entries.setToolTip("Select the plot entry you wish to edit") plot_layout.addWidget(plot_entries) get_modified_signal(plot_entries).disconnect(tab.modified) self.plot_entries = plot_entries # Add a toolbutton for adding a new plot entry add_but = GW.QToolButton() add_but.setToolTip("Add new plot entry") get_modified_signal(add_but).connect(self.add_entry) plot_layout.addWidget(add_but) # If this theme has an 'add' icon, use it if QG.QIcon.hasThemeIcon('add'): add_but.setIcon(QG.QIcon.fromTheme('add')) # Else, use a simple plus else: add_but.setText('+') # Add a separator layout.addSeparator() # Add a stacked widget here for dividing the plots plot_pages = GW.QStackedWidget() get_modified_signal(plot_entries, int).connect(plot_pages.setCurrentIndex) layout.addRow(plot_pages) self.plot_pages = plot_pages # Return tab return (tab, "Plots")
def create_entry_layout(self): # Create layout layout = GL.QFormLayout(self) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.layout = layout # Create a name editor layout name_layout = GL.QHBoxLayout() layout.addRow('Name', name_layout) # Create entry name editor name_box = GW.QLineEdit() name_box.setToolTip("Name of this plot entry") set_box_value(name_box, get_modified_signal(name_box).connect(self.entryNameChanged) name_layout.addWidget(name_box) get_modified_signal(name_box).disconnect(self.modified) self.name_box = name_box # Add a toolbutton for deleting this plot entry del_but = GW.QToolButton() del_but.setToolTip("Delete this plot entry") get_modified_signal(del_but).connect(self.entryRemoveRequested) name_layout.addWidget(del_but) # If this theme has a 'remove' icon, use it if QG.QIcon.hasThemeIcon('remove'): del_but.setIcon(QG.QIcon.fromTheme('remove')) # Else, use a standard icon else: del_but.setIcon( QW.QStyle.SP_DialogCloseButton)) # Create a combobox for choosing a plot type plot_types = GW.QComboBox() plot_types.addItems(PLOT_TYPES['2D']) plot_types.setToolTip("Select the plot type you wish to use for this " "plot entry") set_box_value(plot_types, -1) get_modified_signal(plot_types).connect(self.set_plot_type) layout.addRow('Type', plot_types) self.plot_types = plot_types # Add a separator layout.addSeparator() # Create a dummy entry to start off self.plot_entry = GW.QWidget() layout.addRow(self.plot_entry)
def init(self): # Install event filter to catch events that should close the popup self.installEventFilter(self) # Set dialog flags self.setWindowFlags(QC.Qt.Popup | QC.Qt.FramelessWindowHint) # Create a form layout layout = GL.QFormLayout(self) # Add a label stating the base name of the column self.base_name_label = GW.QLabel("") self.base_name_label.setAlignment(QC.Qt.AlignCenter) layout.addRow(self.base_name_label) # Create a n_val label n_val_box = GW.QLabel() n_val_box.setToolTip("Number of values in this column") # Add it to the layout layout.addRow("# of values", n_val_box) self.n_val_box = n_val_box # Create a name line-edit name_box = GW.QLineEdit() name_box.setToolTip("Set a custom name for this column or leave empty " "to use its default name") get_modified_signal(name_box).connect(self.column_name_changed) # Add it to the layout layout.addRow("Name", name_box) self.name_box = name_box # Create a dtype combobox dtype_box = GW.QComboBox() dtype_box.setToolTip("Set the data type for this column") dtype_box.addItems(self.model.dtypes.values()) dtype_box.popup_hidden.connect(lambda: name_box.setFocus(True)) # Add it to the layout layout.addRow("Data type", dtype_box) self.dtype_box = dtype_box
def init(self): """ Sets up the generic value box after it has been initialized. """ # Create the box_layout box_layout = GL.QHBoxLayout(self) box_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.box_layout = box_layout # Create a combobox for the type type_box = GW.QComboBox() type_box.addItems(sorted([x.__name__ for x in self.supported_types])) type_box.setSizePolicy(QW.QSizePolicy.Fixed, QW.QSizePolicy.Fixed) set_box_value(type_box, -1) get_modified_signal(type_box).connect(self.create_value_box) box_layout.addWidget(type_box) self.type_box = type_box # Create a default value box value_box = GW.QWidget() box_layout.addWidget(value_box) self.value_box = value_box
def create_figure_tab(self): # Create a tab tab = GW.BaseBox() get_modified_signal(tab).connect(self.enable_apply_button) # Create layout layout = GL.QFormLayout(tab) # Make line edit for title title_box = GW.FigureLabelBox() title_box[0].setToolTip("Figure title") title_box[1].setToolTip("Title size") set_box_value(title_box, ('', { 'fontsize': rcParams['figure.titlesize'] })) self.add_options_entry(title_box) self.refreshing_figure.connect( lambda: self.axis.set_title(*get_box_value(title_box, str, dict))) layout.addRow("Title", title_box) self.title_box = title_box # X-AXIS # Create a group box for the X-axis x_axis_group = GW.QGroupBox("X-axis") layout.addRow(x_axis_group) x_axis_layout = GL.QFormLayout(x_axis_group) # Make a box for setting the label on the x-axis x_label_box = GW.FigureLabelBox() x_label_box[0].setToolTip("Label of the X-axis") x_label_box[1].setToolTip("Label size") set_box_value(x_label_box, ('', { 'fontsize': rcParams['axes.labelsize'] })) self.add_options_entry(x_label_box) self.refreshing_figure.connect(lambda: self.axis.set_xlabel( *get_box_value(x_label_box, str, dict))) x_axis_layout.addRow("Label", x_label_box) self.x_label_box = x_label_box # Make a box for setting the range on the x-axis # TODO: Allow for a small formula or cell range to be given instead? x_range_box = GW.DualLineEdit((float, float), r"<html>≤ X ≤</html>") x_min_box, x_max_box = x_range_box[:] x_min_box.setToolTip("Minimum value of the X-axis") x_max_box.setToolTip("Maximum value of the X-axis") set_box_value(x_range_box, self.axis.get_xlim()) # Connect signals for x_range_box self.refreshing_figure.connect( lambda: self.axis.set_xlim(*get_box_value(x_range_box), auto=None)) self.axis.callbacks.connect( 'xlim_changed', lambda x: set_box_value(x_range_box, x.get_xlim())) # Make togglebox for enabling/disabling the use of this range x_range_togglebox = GW.ToggleBox( x_range_box, tooltip="Check to manually set the X-axis range") self.add_options_entry(x_range_togglebox) x_axis_layout.addRow("Range", x_range_togglebox) # Connect signals for x_range_togglebox self.refreshing_figure.connect(lambda: self.axis.set_autoscalex_on( not get_box_value(x_range_togglebox, bool))) # Make a box for setting the scale on the x-axis x_scale_box = GW.QComboBox() x_scale_box.addItems(['linear', 'log', 'symlog', 'logit']) x_scale_box.setToolTip("Value scale of the X-axis") self.add_options_entry(x_scale_box) self.refreshing_figure.connect( lambda: self.axis.set_xscale(get_box_value(x_scale_box))) x_axis_layout.addRow("Scale", x_scale_box) # Y-AXIS # Create a group box for the Y-axis y_axis_group = GW.QGroupBox("Y-axis") layout.addRow(y_axis_group) y_axis_layout = GL.QFormLayout(y_axis_group) # Make a box for setting the label on the y-axis y_label_box = GW.FigureLabelBox() y_label_box[0].setToolTip("Label of the Y-axis") y_label_box[1].setToolTip("Label size") set_box_value(y_label_box, ('', { 'fontsize': rcParams['axes.labelsize'] })) self.add_options_entry(y_label_box) self.refreshing_figure.connect(lambda: self.axis.set_ylabel( *get_box_value(y_label_box, str, dict))) y_axis_layout.addRow("Label", y_label_box) self.y_label_box = y_label_box # Make a box for setting the range on the y-axis y_range_box = GW.DualLineEdit((float, float), r"<html>≤ Y ≤</html>") y_min_box, y_max_box = y_range_box[:] y_min_box.setToolTip("Minimum value of the Y-axis") y_max_box.setToolTip("Maximum value of the Y-axis") set_box_value(y_range_box, self.axis.get_ylim()) # Connect signals for y_range_box self.refreshing_figure.connect( lambda: self.axis.set_ylim(*get_box_value(y_range_box), auto=None)) self.axis.callbacks.connect( 'ylim_changed', lambda y: set_box_value(y_range_box, y.get_ylim())) # Make togglebox for enabling/disabling the use of this range y_range_togglebox = GW.ToggleBox( y_range_box, tooltip="Check to manually set the Y-axis range") self.add_options_entry(y_range_togglebox) y_axis_layout.addRow("Range", y_range_togglebox) # Connect signals for y_range_togglebox self.refreshing_figure.connect(lambda: self.axis.set_autoscaley_on( not get_box_value(y_range_togglebox, bool))) # Make a box for setting the scale on the y-axis y_scale_box = GW.QComboBox() y_scale_box.addItems(['linear', 'log', 'symlog', 'logit']) y_scale_box.setToolTip("Value scale of the Y-axis") self.add_options_entry(y_scale_box) self.refreshing_figure.connect( lambda: self.axis.set_yscale(get_box_value(y_scale_box))) y_axis_layout.addRow("Scale", y_scale_box) # PROPS # Create a group box for figure properties props_group = GW.QGroupBox("Properties") layout.addRow(props_group) props_layout = GL.QFormLayout(props_group) # Make a combobox for choosing the location of the legend legend_loc_box = GW.QComboBox() legend_loc_box.addItems( legend_loc_box.setToolTip("Location of the figure legend") set_box_value(legend_loc_box, rcParams['legend.loc']) # Make a togglebox for using a legend legend_togglebox = GW.ToggleBox( legend_loc_box, "Legend", tooltip="Toggle the use of a figure legend") self.add_options_entry(legend_togglebox) props_layout.addRow(legend_togglebox) self.legend_togglebox = legend_togglebox # Return tab return (tab, "Figure")