def createEditor(self, parent, option, index): """ Creates different editors for different types of data """ leafNode = index.internalPointer() if VERBOSE_CONFIG: print('\n\n') print('[DELEGATE] newEditor for %s at %s' % (leafNode, qindexstr(index))) if leafNode is not None and leafNode.is_combo: import guitool options = leafNode.valid_values curent_value = index.model().data(index) if VERBOSE_CONFIG: print('[DELEGATE] * current_value = %r' % (curent_value, )) editor = guitool.newComboBox(parent, options, default=curent_value) editor.currentIndexChanged['int'].connect(self.currentIndexChanged) editor.setAutoFillBackground(True) return editor elif leafNode is not None and leafNode.type_ is float: editor = QtGui.QDoubleSpinBox(parent) # TODO: min / max if False: editor.setMinimum(0.0) editor.setMaximum(1.0) editor.setSingleStep(0.1) editor.setAutoFillBackground(True) editor.setHidden(False) return editor elif leafNode is not None and leafNode.type_ is int: # TODO: Find a way for the user to enter a None into int boxes editor = QtGui.QSpinBox(parent) editor.setMinimum(-int(2**29)) editor.setMaximum(int(2**29)) if False: editor.setMinimum(0) editor.setMaximum(1) editor.setSingleStep(1) editor.setAutoFillBackground(True) editor.setHidden(False) return editor else: editor = super(ConfigValueDelegate, self).createEditor(parent, option, index) editor.setAutoFillBackground(True) return editor
def createEditor(self, parent, option, index): combo = QtGui.QComboBox(parent) combo.addItems(['option1', 'option2', 'option3']) #self.connect(combo.currentIndexChanged, self.currentIndexChanged) # FIXME: Change to newstyle signal slot self.connect(combo, QtCore.SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(int)"), self, QtCore.SLOT("currentIndexChanged()")) return combo
def get_monitor_geometries(): ensure_app_is_running() monitor_geometries = {} desktop = QtGui.QDesktopWidget() for screenx in range(desktop.numScreens()): rect = desktop.availableGeometry(screen=screenx) geom = (rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height()) monitor_geometries[screenx] = geom return monitor_geometries
def _init_components(ibswgt): """ Defines gui components """ # Layout ibswgt.vlayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(ibswgt) # Create models and views ibswgt.view = IBEISTableView(parent=ibswgt) ibswgt.model = IBEISStripeModel(parent=ibswgt.view) ibswgt.proxy = StripeProxyModel(numduplicates=3) #ibswgt.proxy = QtGui.QIdentityProxyModel() ibswgt.proxy.setSourceModel(ibswgt.model) ibswgt.view.setModel(ibswgt.model)
def _add_imageset_tab(widget, imageset_id, imageset_name): if imageset_id not in widget.imageset_id_list: tab_name = str(imageset_id) + ' - ' + str(imageset_name) widget.addTab(QtGui.QWidget(), tab_name) widget.imageset_id_list.append(imageset_id) index = len(widget.imageset_id_list) - 1 else: index = widget.imageset_id_list.index(imageset_id) widget.setCurrentIndex(index) widget._on_change(index)
def newFileDialog(directory_, other_sidebar_dpaths=[], use_sidebar_cwd=True): qdlg = QtGui.QFileDialog() sidebar_urls = qdlg.sidebarUrls()[:] if use_sidebar_cwd: sidebar_urls.append(QtCore.QUrl.fromLocalFile(os.getcwd())) if directory_ is not None: sidebar_urls.append(QtCore.QUrl.fromLocalFile(directory_)) sidebar_urls.extend( list(map(QtCore.QUrl.fromUserInput, other_sidebar_dpaths))) sidebar_urls = ut.unique(sidebar_urls) #print('sidebar_urls = %r' % (sidebar_urls,)) qdlg.setSidebarUrls(sidebar_urls) return qdlg
def paint(self, painter, option, index): # This method will be called every time a particular cell is # in view and that view is changed in some way. We ask the # delegates parent (in this case a table view) if the index # in question (the table cell) already has a widget associated # with it. If not, create one with the text for this index and # connect its clicked signal to a slot in the parent view so # we are notified when its used and can do something. if not self.parent().indexWidget(index): self.parent().setIndexWidget( index, QtGui.QPushButton(, self.parent(), clicked=self.parent().cellButtonClicked))
def paint_button(painter, option, text='button', pressed=True, bgcolor=None, fgcolor=None, clicked=None, button=None, view=None): # opt = QtGui.QStyleOptionButton() opt.text = text opt.rect = option.rect opt.palette = option.palette if pressed: opt.state = QtGui.QStyle.State_Enabled | QtGui.QStyle.State_Sunken else: opt.state = QtGui.QStyle.State_Enabled | QtGui.QStyle.State_Raised #style = QtGui.Q style = style.drawControl(QtGui.QStyle.CE_PushButton, opt, painter, button)
def data(model, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole): """ Returns the data to display """ if not index.isValid(): return None flags = model.flags(index) if role == Qt.TextAlignmentRole: return model.get_column_alignment(index.column()) if role == Qt.BackgroundRole and (flags & Qt.ItemIsEditable or flags & Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable): return QtCore.QVariant(QtGui.QColor(250, 240, 240)) if role == Qt.DisplayRole or role == Qt.CheckStateRole: data = model.get_data(index) var = qtype.cast_into_qt(data, role, flags) return var else: return QtCore.QVariant()
def get_resolution_info(monitor_num=0): r""" Args: monitor_num (int): (default = 0) Returns: dict: info CommandLine: python -m plottool.screeninfo get_resolution_info --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from plottool.screeninfo import * # NOQA >>> monitor_num = 0 >>> info = get_resolution_info(monitor_num) >>> print('info = %s' % (ut.repr2(info, nl=True),)) >>> info = get_resolution_info(1) >>> print('info = %s' % (ut.repr2(info, nl=True),)) """ ensure_app_is_running() desktop = QtGui.QDesktopWidget() screen = desktop.screen(monitor_num) ppi_x = screen.logicalDpiX() ppi_y = screen.logicalDpiY() dpi_x = screen.physicalDpiX() dpi_y = screen.physicalDpiY() rect = desktop.availableGeometry(screen=monitor_num) pixels_w = rect.width() pixels_h = rect.height() inches_w = (pixels_w / dpi_x) inches_h = (pixels_h / dpi_y) #pixel_density = dpi_x / ppi_x info = { 'monitor_num': monitor_num, 'ppi_x': ppi_x, 'ppi_y': ppi_y, 'dpi_x': dpi_x, 'dpi_y': dpi_y, #'pixel_density': pixel_density, 'inches_w': inches_w, 'inches_h': inches_h, 'pixels_w': pixels_w, 'pixels_h': pixels_h, } return info
def _newMsgBox(msg='', title='', parent=None, options=None, cache_reply=False, resizable=False): if resizable: msgbox = ResizableMessageBox(parent) else: msgbox = QtGui.QMessageBox(parent) #msgbox.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) #std_buts = QtGui.QMessageBox.Close #std_buts = QtGui.QMessageBox.NoButton std_buts = QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel msgbox.setStandardButtons(std_buts) msgbox.setWindowTitle(title) msgbox.setText(msg) msgbox.setModal(parent is not None) return msgbox
def __init__(co_wgt, ibs, gid_list, parent=None, hack=False): print('[co_gui] Initializing') print('[co_gui] gid_list = %r' % (gid_list,)) QtGui.QWidget.__init__(co_wgt, parent=parent) co_wgt.fnum = next_fnum() co_wgt.main_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(co_wgt) co_wgt.text_layout = guitool.newWidget(co_wgt, orientation=Qt.Vertical, verticalStretch=10) co_wgt.main_layout.addWidget(co_wgt.text_layout) co_wgt.control_layout = guitool.newWidget(co_wgt, orientation=Qt.Vertical, verticalSizePolicy=QtGui.QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding) co_wgt.main_layout.addWidget(co_wgt.control_layout) co_wgt.button_layout = guitool.newWidget(co_wgt, orientation=Qt.Horizontal) co_wgt.control_layout.addWidget(co_wgt.button_layout) co_wgt.combo_layout = guitool.newWidget(co_wgt, orientation=Qt.Horizontal) co_wgt.control_layout.addWidget(co_wgt.combo_layout) co_wgt.hack = hack # hack for edting the time of a single image co_wgt.imfig = None co_wgt.imax = None co_wgt.dtime = None co_wgt.ibs = ibs co_wgt.gid_list = gid_list co_wgt.current_gindex = 0 co_wgt.offset = 0 # Set image datetime with first image co_wgt.get_image_datetime() co_wgt.add_label() co_wgt.add_combo_boxes() co_wgt.add_buttons() co_wgt.update_ui()
def __init__(cltw, col_data_list=None, col_name_list=None, niceheader_list=None, col_type_list=None, col_edit_list=None, display_indices=False, col_sort_index=None, parent=None): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(cltw, parent) # Create vertical layout for the table to go into cltw.vert_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(cltw) # Instansiate the AbstractItemModel cltw.model = ColumnListItemModel(parent=cltw) # Create a ColumnListTableView for the AbstractItemModel cltw.view = ColumnListTableView(cltw) cltw.view.setModel(cltw.model) cltw.vert_layout.addWidget(cltw.view) # Make sure we don't call a childs method ColumnListTableWidget.change_data(cltw, col_data_list, col_name_list, niceheader_list, col_type_list, col_edit_list, display_indices, col_sort_index)
def __init__(widget, headers=None, parent=None, model_class=APIItemModel, view_class=APITableView, tblnice='APIItemWidget'): WIDGET_BASE.__init__(widget, parent) # Create vertical layout for the table to go into widget.vert_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(widget) # Create a ColumnListTableView for the AbstractItemModel widget.view = view_class(parent=widget) # Instantiate the AbstractItemModel # FIXME: It is very bad to give the model a view. # Only the view should have a model widget.model = model_class(parent=widget.view) widget.view.setModel(widget.model) widget.vert_layout.addWidget(widget.view) widget.tblnice = tblnice if headers is not None: # Make sure we don't call a subclass method APIItemWidget.change_headers(widget, headers) widget.connect_signals() widget.api = None
def get_monitor_geom(monitor_num=0): r""" Args: monitor_num (int): (default = 0) Returns: tuple: geom CommandLine: python -m plottool.screeninfo get_monitor_geom --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from plottool.screeninfo import * # NOQA >>> monitor_num = 0 >>> geom = get_monitor_geom(monitor_num) >>> result = ('geom = %s' % (ut.repr2(geom),)) >>> print(result) """ ensure_app_is_running() desktop = QtGui.QDesktopWidget() rect = desktop.availableGeometry(screen=monitor_num) geom = (rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height()) return geom
def read_thumb_as_qimg(thumb_path): r""" Args: thumb_path (?): Returns: tuple: (qimg, width, height) CommandLine: python -m guitool.api_thumb_delegate --test-read_thumb_as_qimg --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from guitool.api_thumb_delegate import * # NOQA >>> import guitool >>> # build test data >>> thumb_path = ut.grab_test_imgpath('carl.jpg') >>> # execute function >>> guitool.ensure_qtapp() >>> (qimg) = ut.memprof(read_thumb_as_qimg)(thumb_path) >>> if ut.show_was_requested(): >>> lbl = test_show_qimg(qimg) >>> guitool.qtapp_loop() >>> # verify results >>> print(qimg) Timeit:: %timeit np.dstack((npimg, np.full(npimg.shape[0:2], 255, dtype=np.uint8))) %timeit cv2.cvtColor(npimg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2BGRA) npimg1 = np.dstack((npimg, np.full(npimg.shape[0:2], 255, dtype=np.uint8))) # seems to be memory leak in cvtColor? npimg2 = cv2.cvtColor(npimg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2BGRA) """ if VERBOSE_THUMB: print('[ThumbDelegate] Reading thumb as qimg. thumb_path=%r' % (thumb_path,)) # Read thumbnail image and convert to 32bit aligned for Qt #if False: # data = np.dstack((npimg, np.full(npimg.shape[0:2], 255, dtype=np.uint8))) #if False: # # Reading the npimage and then handing it off to Qt causes a memory # # leak. The numpy array probably is never unallocated because qt doesn't # # own it and it never loses its reference count # #npimg = vt.imread(thumb_path, delete_if_corrupted=True) # #print('npimg.dtype = %r, %r' % (npimg.shape, npimg.dtype)) # #npimg = cv2.cvtColor(npimg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2BGRA) # #format_ = QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32 # ## #data = npimg.astype(np.uint8) # ## #npimg = np.dstack((npimg[:, :, 3], npimg[:, :, 0:2])) # ## #data = npimg.astype(np.uint8) # ##else: # ## Memory seems to be no freed by the QImage? # ##data = np.ascontiguousarray(npimg[:, :, ::-1].astype(np.uint8), dtype=np.uint8) # ##data = np.ascontiguousarray(npimg[:, :, :].astype(np.uint8), dtype=np.uint8) # #data = npimg # ##format_ = QtGui.QImage.Format_RGB888 # #(height, width) = data.shape[0:2] # #qimg = QtGui.QImage(data, width, height, format_) # #del npimg # #del data #else: #format_ = QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32 #qimg = QtGui.QImage(thumb_path, format_) qimg = QtGui.QImage(thumb_path) return qimg
def test_show_qimg(qimg): qpixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(qimg) lbl = QtGui.QLabel() lbl.setPixmap(qpixmap) # show label with qim image return lbl
def _cacheReply(msgbox): dontPrompt = QtGui.QCheckBox('dont ask me again', parent=msgbox) dontPrompt.blockSignals(True) msgbox.addButton(dontPrompt, QtGui.QMessageBox.ActionRole) return dontPrompt
def user_option(parent=None, msg='msg', title='user_option', options=['Yes', 'No'], use_cache=False, default=None, detailed_msg=None): """ Prompts user with several options with ability to save decision Args: parent (None): msg (str): title (str): options (list): use_cache (bool): default (str): default option Returns: str: reply CommandLine: python -m guitool.guitool_dialogs --test-user_option Example: >>> # GUI_DOCTEST >>> from guitool.guitool_dialogs import * # NOQA >>> import guitool >>> guitool.ensure_qtapp() >>> parent = None >>> msg = 'msg' >>> title = 'user_option' >>> options = ['Yes', 'No'] >>> use_cache = False >>> default = 'Yes' >>> # execute function >>> detailed_msg = 'hi' >>> reply = user_option(parent, msg, title, options, use_cache, default, detailed_msg) >>> result = str(reply) >>> print(result) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> #guitool.guitool_main.qtapp_loop() """ if ut.VERBOSE: print('[gt] user_option:\n %r: %s' % (title, msg)) # Recall decision cache_id = title + msg if use_cache: reply = _guitool_cache_read(cache_id, default=None) if reply is not None: return reply # Create message box msgbox = _newMsgBox(msg, title, parent, resizable=detailed_msg is not None) # _addOptions(msgbox, options) # def _addOptions(msgbox, options): #msgbox.addButton(QtGui.QMessageBox.Close) options = list(options)[::-1] for opt in options: role = QtGui.QMessageBox.ApplyRole msgbox.addButton(QtGui.QPushButton(opt), role) # Set default button if default is not None: assert default in options, ('default=%r is not in options=%r' % (default, options)) for qbutton in msgbox.buttons(): if default == qbutton.text(): msgbox.setDefaultButton(qbutton) if use_cache: # Add a remember me option if caching is on dontPrompt = _cacheReply(msgbox) if detailed_msg is not None: msgbox.setDetailedText(detailed_msg) # Wait for output optx = msgbox.exec_() if optx == QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel: # User Canceled return None try: # User Selected an option reply = options[optx] except KeyError as ex: # This should be unreachable code. print('[gt] USER OPTION EXCEPTION !') print('[gt] optx = %r' % optx) print('[gt] options = %r' % options) print('[gt] ex = %r' % ex) raise # Remember decision if caching is on if use_cache and dontPrompt.isChecked(): _guitool_cache_write(cache_id, reply) # Close the message box del msgbox return reply
def data(model, qtindex, role=Qt.DisplayRole, **kwargs): """ Depending on the role, returns either data or how to display data Returns the data stored under the given role for the item referred to by the index. Note: If you do not have a value to return, return None """ if not qtindex.isValid(): return None flags = model.flags(qtindex) #row = qtindex.row() col = qtindex.column() node = qtindex.internalPointer() if model.col_level_list[col] != node.get_level(): return QVariantHack() type_ = model._get_type(col) #if row >= model.rowCount(): # # Yuck. # print('[item_model] Yuck. row=%r excedes rowCount=%r' % # (row, model.rowCount())) # return QVariantHack() #if role == Qt.SizeHintRole: # #printDBG('REQUEST QSIZE FOR: ' + qtype.ItemDataRoles[role]) # return QtCore.QSize(64, 64) # # Specify Text Alignment Role if role == Qt.TextAlignmentRole: if type_ in qtype.QT_IMAGE_TYPES: value = Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter elif type_ in qtype.QT_BUTTON_TYPES: value = Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter elif type_ in ut.VALID_FLOAT_TYPES: value = Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter else: value = Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter return value # # Specify Background Rule elif role == Qt.BackgroundRole: value = model._get_bgrole_value(qtindex) if value is not None: return value if flags & Qt.ItemIsEditable: # Editable fields are colored return QVariantHack(model.EditableItemColor) elif flags & Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable: # Checkable color depends on the truth value data = model._get_data(qtindex, **kwargs) if data: return QVariantHack(model.TrueItemColor) else: return QVariantHack(model.FalseItemColor) else: pass # # Specify Foreground Role elif role == Qt.ForegroundRole: if flags & Qt.ItemIsEditable: return QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0)) # Specify Decoration Role (superceded by thumbdelegate) # elif role == Qt.DecorationRole and type_ in qtype.QT_IMAGE_TYPES: # Specify CheckState Role: if role == Qt.CheckStateRole: if flags & Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable: data = model._get_data(qtindex, **kwargs) return Qt.Checked if data else Qt.Unchecked # # Return the data to edit or display elif role in (Qt.DisplayRole, Qt.EditRole): # For types displayed with custom delegates do not cast data into a # qvariant. This includes PIXMAP, BUTTON, and COMBO if type_ in qtype.QT_DELEGATE_TYPES: data = model._get_data(qtindex, **kwargs) #print(data) return data else: # Display data with default delegate by casting to a qvariant data = model._get_data(qtindex, **kwargs) value = qtype.cast_into_qt(data) return value else: #import builtins #role_name = qtype.ItemDataRoles[role] #builtins.print('UNHANDLED ROLE=%r' % role_name) pass # else return None return QVariantHack()
def numpy_to_qicon(npimg): qpixmap = numpy_to_qpixmap(npimg) qicon = QtGui.QIcon(qpixmap) return qicon
def rgb_to_qcolor(rgb): return QtGui.QColor(*rgb[0:3])
def paint(self, painter, option, index): # Get Item Data # value =[0] leafNode = index.internalPointer() if (VERBOSE_CONFIG and False): print('[DELEGATE] * painting editor for %s at %s' % (leafNode, qindexstr(index))) if leafNode.is_combo: #print('[DELEGATE] * painting editor for %s at %s' % (leafNode, qindexstr(index))) curent_value = six.text_type(index.model().data(index)) # fill style options with item data app = QtCore.QCoreApplication.instance() #print('app = %r' % (app,)) #print('style = %r' % (style,)) style = #style = opt = QtGui.QStyleOptionComboBox() opt.currentText = curent_value opt.rect = option.rect #opt.rect.setWidth(400) #print('opt.rect = %r' % (opt.rect,)) opt.editable = False #style.State style.StateFlag style.State_NoChange style.State_Sibling #style.State_Active style.State_FocusAtBorder style.State_None #style.State_Small style.State_AutoRaise style.State_HasFocus #style.State_Off style.State_Sunken style.State_Bottom #style.State_Horizontal style.State_On style.State_Top #style.State_Children style.State_Item style.State_Open #style.State_UpArrow style.State_DownArrow #style.State_KeyboardFocusChange style.State_Raised style.State_Window #style.State_Editing style.State_Mini style.State_ReadOnly #style.State_Enabled style.State_MouseOver style.State_Selected #opt.state |= style.State_Raised #opt.state |= style.State_UpArrow #opt.state |= style.State_AutoRaise #opt.state |= style.State_Active #opt.state |= style.State_Editing #opt.state |= style.State_Enabled #opt.state |= style.State_On #opt.state |= style.State_Open #opt.state |= style.State_HasFocus #opt.state |= style.State_FocusAtBorder #opt.state |= style.State_Selected #painter.drawText(option.rect, Qt.AlignLeft, "FOOBAR") #print('opt.state = %r' % (opt.state,)) if leafNode.qt_is_editable(): opt.state |= style.State_On opt.state |= style.State_Enabled opt.state = style.State_Enabled | style.State_Active #else: #opt.state = style.State_Enabled | style.State_Active #self.initStyleOption(opt) #'currentIcon': <PyQt4.QtGui.QIcon object at 0x7fb19681b8a0>, #'currentText': '', #'direction': 0, #'editable': False, #'frame': True, #'iconSize': PyQt4.QtCore.QSize(-1, -1), #'palette': <PyQt4.QtGui.QPalette object at 0x7fb1959666e0>, #'popupRect': PyQt4.QtCore.QRect(), #'rect': PyQt4.QtCore.QRect(), #'state': <PyQt4.QtGui.State object at 0x7fb195966848>, #'activeSubControls': <PyQt4.QtGui.SubControls object at 0x7fb195966578>, #'subControls': <PyQt4.QtGui.SubControls object at 0x7fb1959668c0>, opt.subControls = QtGui.QStyle.SC_All #print('QtGui.QStyle.SC_All = %r' % (QtGui.QStyle.SC_All,)) #print('opt.subControls = %r' % (opt.subControls,)) # draw item data as ComboBox #element = QtGui.QStyle.CE_ItemViewItem element = QtGui.QStyle.CE_ComboBoxLabel control = QtGui.QStyle.CC_ComboBox #QtGui.QStyle.SC_ComboBoxArrow #QtGui.QStyle.SC_ComboBoxEditField #QtGui.QStyle.SC_ComboBoxFrame #QtGui.QStyle.SC_ComboBoxListBoxPopup #style.drawPrimitive(QtGui.QStyle.PE_PanelButtonBevel, opt, painter) # Do I need to draw sub controls? style.drawControl(element, opt, painter) style.drawComplexControl(control, opt, painter) #self.drawDisplay(painter, opt, opt.rect, opt.currentText) #self.drawFocus(painter, opt, opt.rect) #QtGui.QItemDelegate #painter.restore() #return super(ConfigValueDelegate, self).paint(painter, option, index) #elif leafNode is not None and leafNode.type_ is int: # curent_value = six.text_type(index.model().data(index)) # # fill style options with item data # style = # opt = QtGui.QStyleOptionSpinBox() # opt.currentText = curent_value # opt.rect = option.rect # #opt.editable = False # if leafNode.qt_is_editable(): # opt.state |= style.State_Enabled # element = QtGui.QStyle.CE_ItemViewItem # control = QtGui.QStyle.CC_SpinBox # style.drawControl(element, opt, painter) # style.drawComplexControl(control, opt, painter) else: return super(ConfigValueDelegate, self).paint(painter, option, index)
widget.vlayout.addWidget(widget._imageset_view) def _change_imageset(widget, imageset_id): widget._image_view._change_imageset(imageset_id) def _add_imageset_tab(widget, imageset_id, imageset_name): widget._tab_widget._add_imageset_tab(imageset_id, imageset_name) def _update_imageset_tab_name(widget, imageset_id, imageset_name): widget._tab_widget._update_imageset_tab_name(imageset_id, imageset_name) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys import signal import guitool def _on_ctrl_c(signal, frame): print('Caught ctrl+c') sys.exit(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, _on_ctrl_c) app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) widget = DummyWidget() widget.timer = guitool.ping_python_interpreter() widget.raise_() sys.exit(app.exec_()) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) # reset ctrl+c behavior
def rgb_to_qbrush(rgb): return QtGui.QBrush(rgb_to_qcolor(rgb))
class APIItemModel(API_MODEL_BASE): """ Item model for displaying a list of columns Attributes: iders (list) : functions that return ids for setters and getters col_name_list (list) : keys or SQL-like name for column to reference abstracted data storage using getters and setters col_type_list (list) : column value (Python) types col_nice_list (list) : well-formatted names of the columns col_edit_list (list) : booleans for if column should be editable col_setter_list (list) : setter functions col_getter_list (list) : getter functions col_sort_index (int) : index into col_name_list for sorting col_sort_reverse (bool) : flag to reverse the sort ordering """ _rows_updated = signal_(str, int) EditableItemColor = QtGui.QColor(242, 242, 255) #EditableItemColor = QtGui.QColor(200, 200, 255) TrueItemColor = QtGui.QColor(230, 250, 230) FalseItemColor = QtGui.QColor(250, 230, 230) def _set_context_id(self, id_): self._context_id = id_ def _get_context_id(self): return self._context_id def _set_changeblocked(self, changeblocked_): self._changeblocked = changeblocked_ def _get_changeblocked(self): return self._changeblocked # # Non-Qt Init Functions def __init__(model, headers=None, parent=None): if VERBOSE: print('[APIItemModel] __init__') model.view = parent API_MODEL_BASE.__init__(model, parent=parent) # Internal Flags model._abouttochange = False model._context_id = None model._haschanged = True model._changeblocked = False # Model Data And Accessors = 'None' model.nice = 'None' model.iders = [lambda: []] model.col_visible_list = [] model.col_name_list = [] model.col_type_list = [] model.col_nice_list = [] model.col_edit_list = [] model.col_setter_list = [] model.col_getter_list = [] model.col_level_list = [] model.col_bgrole_getter_list = None model.col_sort_index = None model.col_sort_reverse = False model.level_index_list = [] model.cache = None # FIXME: This is not sustainable model.scope_hack_list = [] model.root_node = _atn.TreeNode(-1, None, -1) # Initialize member variables #model._about_to_change() model.headers = headers # save the headers model.ider_filters = None model.lazy_updater = None if headers is not None: model._update_headers(**headers) def set_ider_filters(model, ider_filters): """ Used to induce a filter on the rows, needs call of udpate rows after """ model.ider_filters = ider_filters def get_iders(model): #def filtfun_test(x_list): # return [x for x in x_list if x % 2 == 0] == 'annotations' #if len(model.iders) == 1: # model.ider_filters = [filtfun_test] if model.ider_filters is None: ider_list = model.iders else: assert len(model.ider_filters) == len(model.iders), 'bad filters' #ider_list = [lambda: filtfn(ider()) for filtfn, ider in zip(model.ider_filters, model.iders)] #with ut.embed_on_exception_context: def wrap_ider(ider, filtfn): def wrapped_ider(*args, **kwargs): return filtfn(ider(*args, **kwargs)) return wrapped_ider ider_list = [ #ider wrap_ider(ider, filtfn) #lambda *args: filtfn(ider(*args)) for filtfn, ider in zip(model.ider_filters, model.iders) ] return ider_list #@profile @updater def _update_headers(model, **headers): if VERBOSE: print('[APIItemModel] _update_headers') iders = headers.get('iders', None) name = headers.get('name', None) nice = headers.get('nice', None) #print('[api_model] UPDATE HEADERS: %r' % (name,)) col_name_list = headers.get('col_name_list', None) col_type_list = headers.get('col_type_list', None) col_nice_list = headers.get('col_nice_list', None) col_edit_list = headers.get('col_edit_list', None) col_setter_list = headers.get('col_setter_list', None) col_getter_list = headers.get('col_getter_list', None) col_level_list = headers.get('col_level_list', None) #col_sort_index = headers.get('col_sort_index', -1) col_sort_index = headers.get('col_sort_index', 0) col_sort_reverse = headers.get('col_sort_reverse', False) # New for dynamically getting non-data roles for each row col_bgrole_getter_list = headers.get('col_bgrole_getter_list', None) col_visible_list = headers.get('col_visible_list', None) model.cache = {} # FIXME: This is not sustainable = str(name) model.nice = str(nice) # Initialize class model._set_iders(iders) model._set_col_name_type(col_name_list, col_type_list) model._set_col_nice(col_nice_list) model._set_col_edit(col_edit_list) model._set_col_setter(col_setter_list) model._set_col_getter(col_getter_list) model._set_col_bgrole_getter(col_bgrole_getter_list) model._set_col_visible_list(col_visible_list) model._set_col_level(col_level_list) # calls model._update_rows() model._set_sort(col_sort_index, col_sort_reverse, rebuild_structure=True) #@profile @updater def _update_rows(model, rebuild_structure=True): """ Uses the current ider and col_sort_index to create row_indices """ if VERBOSE: print('[APIItemModel] +-----------') print('[APIItemModel] _update_rows') # this is not slow #with ut.Timer('update_rows'): #printDBG('UPDATE ROWS!') #print('UPDATE ROWS!') #print('num_rows=%r' % len(model.col_level_list)) #print('UPDATE model(%s) rows' % #print('[api_model] UPDATE ROWS: %r' % (,)) #print(ut.get_caller_name(range(4, 12))) if len(model.col_level_list) == 0: return #old_root = model.root_node # NOQA if rebuild_structure: #with ut.Timer('[%s] _update_rows: %r' % # ('cyth' if _atn.CYTHONIZED else 'pyth', #,), newline=False): model.root_node = _atn.build_internal_structure(model) #print('-----') #def lazy_update_rows(): # with ut.Timer('lazy updater: %r' % (,)): # printDBG('[model] calling lazy updater: %r' % (,)) # REMOVING LAZY FUNCTION BECAUSE IT MIGHT HAVE CAUSED PROBLEMS #with ut.Timer('[%s] _update_rows2: %r' % # ('cyth' if _atn.CYTHONIZED else 'pyth', #,), newline=False): if VERBOSE: print('[APIItemModel] lazy_update_rows') model.level_index_list = [] sort_index = 0 if model.col_sort_index is None else model.col_sort_index #print('[item_model] sort_index=%r' % (sort_index,)) children = model.root_node.get_children() # THIS IS THE LINE THAT TAKES FOREVER id_list = [child.get_id() for child in children] #print('ids_ generated') nodes = [] if len(id_list) != 0: if VERBOSE: print('[APIItemModel] lazy_update_rows len(id_list) = %r' % (len(id_list))) # start sort if model.col_sort_index is not None: type_ = model.col_type_list[sort_index] getter = model.col_getter_list[sort_index] values = getter(id_list) if type_ == 'PIXMAP': # TODO: find a better sorting metric for pixmaps values = ut.get_list_column(values, 0) #print('values got') else: type_ = int values = id_list reverse = model.col_sort_reverse #ut.embed() # <NUMPY MULTIARRAY SORT> #with ut.embed_on_exception_context: if type_ is float: values = np.array(ut.replace_nones(values, np.nan)) #values = np.array(values) values[np.isnan(values)] = -np.inf # Force nan to be the smallest number import vtool as vt sortx = vt.argsort_records([values, id_list], reverse=reverse) #sorting_records = np.rec.fromarrays([values, id_list]) #sort_stride = (-reverse * 2) + 1 #sortx = sorting_records.argsort()[::sort_stride] # </NUMPY MULTIARRAY SORT> nodes = ut.take(children, sortx) #sorted_pairs = sorted(zip(values, id_list, children), reverse=reverse) #nodes = [child for (value, id_, child) in sorted_pairs] level = model.col_level_list[sort_index] #print("row_indices sorted") if level == 0: model.root_node.set_children(nodes) # end sort if ut.USE_ASSERT: assert nodes is not None, 'no indices' model.level_index_list = nodes #if VERBOSE: # print('[APIItemModel] lazy_update_rows emmiting _rows_updated') # EMIT THE NUMERR OF ROWS AND THE NAME OF FOR THE VIEW TO DISPLAY model._rows_updated.emit(, len(model.level_index_list)) # lazy method didn't work. Eagerly evaluate #lazy_update_rows() # HACK TO MAKE SURE TREE NODES DONT DELETE THEMSELVES #if VERBOSE: # print('[APIItemModel] build_scope_hack_list') # SCOPE HACK SEEMS TO HAVE NOT HALPED #model.scope_hack_list = [] #_atn.build_scope_hack_list(model.root_node, model.scope_hack_list) #model.lazy_updater = lazy_update_rows #print("Rows updated") if VERBOSE: print('[APIItemModel] finished _update_rows') print('[APIItemModel] L__________') #del old_root #@profile def lazy_checks(model): if model.lazy_updater is not None: print('[model] lazy update %r caller %r: ' % (, ut.get_caller_name(N=range(4)))) model.lazy_updater() model.lazy_updater = None @updater def _set_iders(model, iders=None): """ sets iders """ if VERBOSE: print('[APIItemModel] _set_iders') if iders is None: iders = [] if ut.USE_ASSERT: assert ut.is_list(iders), 'bad type: %r' % type(iders) for index, ider in enumerate(iders): assert ut.is_funclike(ider), 'bad type at index %r: %r' % (index, type(ider)) #printDBG('NEW IDER') model.iders = iders @updater def _set_col_name_type(model, col_name_list=None, col_type_list=None): if VERBOSE: print('[APIItemModel] _set_col_name_type') if col_name_list is None: col_name_list = [] if col_type_list is None: col_type_list = [] if ut.USE_ASSERT: assert len(col_name_list) == len(col_type_list), \ 'inconsistent colnametype' model.col_name_list = col_name_list model.col_type_list = col_type_list @updater def _set_col_nice(model, col_nice_list=None): if col_nice_list is None: col_nice_list = model.col_name_list[:] if ut.USE_ASSERT: assert len(model.col_name_list) == len(col_nice_list), \ 'inconsistent colnice' model.col_nice_list = col_nice_list @default_method_decorator def _set_col_edit(model, col_edit_list=None): if col_edit_list is None: col_edit_list = [False] * len(model.col_name_list) if ut.USE_ASSERT: assert len(model.col_name_list) == len(col_edit_list), \ 'inconsistent coledit' model.col_edit_list = col_edit_list @default_method_decorator def _set_col_setter(model, col_setter_list=None): if VERBOSE: print('[APIItemModel] _set_col_setter') if col_setter_list is None: col_setter_list = [] if ut.USE_ASSERT: assert len(model.col_name_list) == len(col_setter_list), \ 'inconsistent colsetter' model.col_setter_list = col_setter_list @default_method_decorator def _set_col_getter(model, col_getter_list=None): if VERBOSE: print('[APIItemModel] _set_col_getter') if col_getter_list is None: col_getter_list = [] if ut.USE_ASSERT: assert len(model.col_name_list) == len(col_getter_list), \ 'inconsistent colgetter' model.col_getter_list = col_getter_list @default_method_decorator def _set_col_bgrole_getter(model, col_bgrole_getter_list=None): """ background rolegetter will be used for metadata like column color """ if col_bgrole_getter_list is None: model.col_bgrole_getter_list = [None] * len(model.col_name_list) else: if ut.USE_ASSERT: assert len(col_bgrole_getter_list) == len(model.col_name_list), \ 'inconsistent col_bgrole_getter_list' model.col_bgrole_getter_list = col_bgrole_getter_list @default_method_decorator def _set_col_visible_list(model, col_visible_list=None): """ used to turn columns off dynamically """ if col_visible_list is None: model.col_visible_list = [True] * len(model.col_name_list) else: if ut.USE_ASSERT: assert len(col_visible_list) == len(model.col_name_list), \ 'inconsistent col_visible_list' model.col_visible_list = col_visible_list @default_method_decorator def _set_col_level(model, col_level_list=None): if VERBOSE: print('[APIItemModel] _set_col_level') if col_level_list is None: col_level_list = [0] * len(model.col_name_list) if ut.USE_ASSERT: assert len(model.col_name_list) == len(col_level_list), \ 'inconsistent collevel' model.col_level_list = col_level_list @updater def _set_sort(model, col_sort_index, col_sort_reverse=False, rebuild_structure=False): if VERBOSE: print('[APIItemModel] _set_sort, index=%r reverse=%r, rebuild=%r' % (col_sort_index, col_sort_reverse, rebuild_structure,)) #with ut.Timer('set_sort'): #printDBG('SET SORT') if len(model.col_name_list) > 0: if ut.USE_ASSERT: assert isinstance(col_sort_index, int) and col_sort_index < len(model.col_name_list), \ 'sort index out of bounds by: %r' % col_sort_index model.col_sort_index = col_sort_index model.col_sort_reverse = col_sort_reverse # Update the row-id order model._update_rows(rebuild_structure=rebuild_structure) #------------------------------------ # --- Data maintainence functions --- #------------------------------------ @default_method_decorator def _about_to_change(model, force=False): #N = range(0, 10) # NOQA if force or (not model._abouttochange and not model._changeblocked): #printDBG('ABOUT TO CHANGE: %r' % (,)) #printDBG('caller=%r' % (ut.get_caller_name(N=N))) model._abouttochange = True model.layoutAboutToBeChanged.emit() return True else: #printDBG('NOT ABOUT TO CHANGE') return False @default_method_decorator def _change(model, force=False): #N = range(0, 10) # NOQA if force or (model._abouttochange and not model._changeblocked): #printDBG('LAYOUT CHANGED: %r' % (,)) #printDBG('caller=%r' % (ut.get_caller_name(N=N))) #model._abouttochange = False model._abouttochange = False #printDBG('CHANGE: CACHE INVALIDATED!') model.cache = {} model.layoutChanged.emit() return True else: #printDBG('NOT CHANGING') #print('NOT LAYOU CHANGED: %r, caller=%r' % (, ut.get_caller_name(N=N))) return False @default_method_decorator def _update(model, newrows=False): #if newrows: model._update_rows() #printDBG('UPDATE: CACHE INVALIDATED!') model.cache = {} #def _use_ider(model, level): # if level == 0: # return model.iders[level]() # else: # return model.iders[level](model._use_ider(level - 1)) def _use_ider(model, level=0): if level == 0: return model.iders[level]() else: parent_ids = model._use_ider(level - 1) level_ider = model.iders[level] return level_ider(parent_ids) def get_row_from_id(model, _id): r""" returns the row if an _id from the iders list Args: _id (int): sqlrowid Returns: int: row """ row = model.root_node.find_row_from_id(_id) return row def get_row_and_qtindex_from_id(model, _id): """ uses an sqlrowid (from iders) to get a qtindex """ row = model.get_row_from_id(_id) qtindex = model.index(row, 0) if row is not None else None return qtindex, row #---------------------------------- # --- API Convineince Functions --- #---------------------------------- @default_method_decorator def get_header_data(model, colname, qtindex): """ Use _get_data if the column number is known """ # <HACK> # Hacked to only work on tables. Should be in terms of qtindex row = qtindex.row() if ut.USE_ASSERT: assert max(model.col_level_list) == 0, "Must be a table. Input is a tree" col = model.col_name_list.index(colname) id_ = model.root_node[row].get_id() getter = model.col_getter_list[col] value = getter(id_) return value # </HACK> @default_method_decorator def get_header_name(model, column): # TODO: use qtindex? colname = model.col_name_list[column] return colname @default_method_decorator def _get_level(model, qtindex): node = qtindex.internalPointer() if node is None: return -1 level = node.get_level() #level = model.col_level_list[column] return level #-------------------------------- # --- API Interface Functions --- #-------------------------------- @default_method_decorator def _get_col_align(model, col): if ut.USE_ASSERT: assert col is not None, 'bad column' raise NotImplementedError('_get_col_align') @default_method_decorator def _get_row_id(model, qtindex=QtCore.QModelIndex()): """ returns the id (specified by iders i.e. an ibeis rowid) from qtindex """ if qtindex.isValid(): node = qtindex.internalPointer() if ut.USE_ASSERT: try: assert isinstance(node, _atn.TreeNode), 'type(node)=%r, node=%r' % (type(node), node) except AssertionError as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'error in _get_row_id', keys=['model', 'qtindex', 'node']) raise try: id_ = node.get_id() except AttributeError as ex: ut.printex(ex, key_list=['node', 'model', 'qtindex']) raise return id_ @default_method_decorator def _get_adjacent_qtindex(model, qtindex=QtCore.QModelIndex(), offset=1): # check qtindex if not qtindex.isValid(): return None node = qtindex.internalPointer() # check node try: if ut.USE_ASSERT: assert isinstance(node, _atn.TreeNode), type(node) except AssertionError as ex: ut.printex(ex, key_list=['node'], pad_stdout=True) raise # get node parent try: node_parent = node.get_parent() except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex, key_list=['node'], reraise=False, pad_stdout=True) raise # parent_node check if node_parent is None: print('[model._get_adjacent_qtindex] node_parent is None!') return None # Offset to find the next qtindex next_index = node_parent.child_index(node) + offset nChildren = node_parent.get_num_children() # check next index validitiy if next_index >= 0 and next_index < nChildren: next_node = node_parent.get_child(next_index) next_level = next_node.get_level() col = model.col_level_list.index(next_level) row = next_node.get_row() # Create qtindex for the adjacent note parent_qtindex = model.parent(qtindex) next_qtindex = model.index(row, col, parent_qtindex) return next_qtindex else: # There is no adjacent node return None @default_method_decorator def _get_type(model, col): return model.col_type_list[col] @default_method_decorator def _get_bgrole_value(model, qtindex): """ Gets the background role if specified """ col = qtindex.column() bgrole_getter = model.col_bgrole_getter_list[col] if bgrole_getter is None: return None row_id = model._get_row_id(qtindex) # row_id w.r.t. to sorting color = bgrole_getter(row_id) if color is None: return None val = qtype.to_qcolor(color) return val @default_method_decorator def _get_data(model, qtindex, **kwargs): #row = qtindex.row() col = qtindex.column() row_id = model._get_row_id(qtindex) # row_id w.r.t. to sorting getter = model.col_getter_list[col] # getter for this column # Using this getter may not be thread safe try: # Should this work around decorators? #data = getter((row_id,), **kwargs)[0] data = getter(row_id, **kwargs) except Exception as ex: ut.printex( ex, '[api_item_model] problem getting in column %r' % (col,), keys=['', 'getter', 'row_id', 'col', 'qtindex']) #getting from: %r' % ut.util_str.get_callable_name(getter)) raise # <HACK: MODEL_CACHE> #cachekey = (row_id, col) #try: # if True: # Cache is disabled # raise KeyError('') # #data = model.cache[cachekey] #except KeyError: # data = getter(row_id) # #model.cache[cachekey] = data # </HACK: MODEL_CACHE> return data @default_method_decorator def _set_data(model, qtindex, value): """ The setter function should be of the following format def setter(column_name, row_id, value) column_name is the key or SQL-like name for the column row_id is the corresponding row key or SQL-like id that the row call back returned value is the value that needs to be stored The setter function should return a boolean, if setting the value was successfull or not """ col = qtindex.column() row_id = model._get_row_id(qtindex) # <HACK: MODEL_CACHE> #cachekey = (row_id, col) #try: # del model.cache[cachekey] #except KeyError: # pass # </HACK: MODEL_CACHE> setter = model.col_setter_list[col] if VERBOSE: print('[model] Setting data: row_id=%r, setter=%r' % (row_id, setter)) try: return setter(row_id, value) except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'ERROR: setting data: row_id=%r, setter=%r' % (row_id, setter)) raise #------------------------ # --- QtGui Functions --- #------------------------ @default_method_decorator def parent(model, qindex): """ A common convention used in models that expose tree data structures is that only items in the first column have children. For that case, when reimplementing this function in a subclass the column of the returned QModelIndex would be 0. When reimplementing this function in a subclass, be careful to avoid calling QModelIndex member functions, such as QModelIndex.parent(), since indexes belonging to your model will simply call your implementation, leading to infinite recursion. Returns: the parent of the model item with the given index. If the item has no parent, an invalid QModelIndex is returned. """ model.lazy_checks() if qindex.isValid(): node = qindex.internalPointer() #<HACK> if not isinstance(node, _atn.TreeNode): print("WARNING: tried to access parent of %r type object" % type(node)) return QtCore.QModelIndex() #assert node.__dict__, "node.__dict__=%r" % node.__dict__ #</HACK> parent_node = node.get_parent() parent_id = parent_node.get_id() if parent_id == -1 or parent_id is None: return QtCore.QModelIndex() row = parent_node.get_row() col = model.col_level_list.index(parent_node.get_level()) return model.createIndex(row, col, parent_node) return QtCore.QModelIndex() @default_method_decorator def index(model, row, column, parent=QtCore.QModelIndex()): """ Qt Override Returns: the index of the item in the model specified by the given row, column and parent index. When reimplementing this function in a subclass, call createIndex() to generate model indexes that other components can use to refer to items in your model. NOTE: Object must be specified to sort delegates. """ model.lazy_checks() if not parent.isValid(): # This is a top level == 0 index #print('[model.index] ROOT: row=%r, col=%r' % (row, column)) if row >= model.root_node.get_num_children(): return QtCore.QModelIndex() #import traceback #traceback.print_stack() node = model.root_node[row] if model.col_level_list[column] != node.get_level(): return QtCore.QModelIndex() qtindex = model.createIndex(row, column, object=node) return qtindex else: # This is a child level > 0 index parent_node = parent.internalPointer() node = parent_node[row] if ut.USE_ASSERT: assert isinstance(parent_node, _atn.TreeNode), type(parent_node) assert isinstance(node, _atn.TreeNode), type(node) return model.createIndex(row, column, object=node) def _get_level_row_count(model, qtindex): return model.rowCount(qtindex.parent()) def _get_level_row_index(model, qtindex): node = qtindex.internalPointer() return node.get_row() @default_method_decorator def rowCount(model, parent=QtCore.QModelIndex()): """ Qt Override """ #model.lazy_checks() if not parent.isValid(): # Root row count if len(model.level_index_list) == 0: return 0 nRows = len(model.level_index_list) #print('* nRows=%r' % nRows) return nRows else: node = parent.internalPointer() nRows = node.get_num_children() #print('+ nRows=%r' % nRows) return nRows @default_method_decorator def columnCount(model, parent=QtCore.QModelIndex()): """ Qt Override """ # FOR NOW THE COLUMN COUNT IS CONSTANT model.lazy_checks() return len(model.col_name_list) @default_method_decorator def data(model, qtindex, role=Qt.DisplayRole, **kwargs): """ Depending on the role, returns either data or how to display data Returns the data stored under the given role for the item referred to by the index. Note: If you do not have a value to return, return None """ if not qtindex.isValid(): return None flags = model.flags(qtindex) #row = qtindex.row() col = qtindex.column() node = qtindex.internalPointer() if model.col_level_list[col] != node.get_level(): return QVariantHack() type_ = model._get_type(col) #if row >= model.rowCount(): # # Yuck. # print('[item_model] Yuck. row=%r excedes rowCount=%r' % # (row, model.rowCount())) # return QVariantHack() #if role == Qt.SizeHintRole: # #printDBG('REQUEST QSIZE FOR: ' + qtype.ItemDataRoles[role]) # return QtCore.QSize(64, 64) # # Specify Text Alignment Role if role == Qt.TextAlignmentRole: if type_ in qtype.QT_IMAGE_TYPES: value = Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter elif type_ in qtype.QT_BUTTON_TYPES: value = Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter elif type_ in ut.VALID_FLOAT_TYPES: value = Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter else: value = Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter return value # # Specify Background Rule elif role == Qt.BackgroundRole: value = model._get_bgrole_value(qtindex) if value is not None: return value if flags & Qt.ItemIsEditable: # Editable fields are colored return QVariantHack(model.EditableItemColor) elif flags & Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable: # Checkable color depends on the truth value data = model._get_data(qtindex, **kwargs) if data: return QVariantHack(model.TrueItemColor) else: return QVariantHack(model.FalseItemColor) else: pass # # Specify Foreground Role elif role == Qt.ForegroundRole: if flags & Qt.ItemIsEditable: return QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0)) # Specify Decoration Role (superceded by thumbdelegate) # elif role == Qt.DecorationRole and type_ in qtype.QT_IMAGE_TYPES: # Specify CheckState Role: if role == Qt.CheckStateRole: if flags & Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable: data = model._get_data(qtindex, **kwargs) return Qt.Checked if data else Qt.Unchecked # # Return the data to edit or display elif role in (Qt.DisplayRole, Qt.EditRole): # For types displayed with custom delegates do not cast data into a # qvariant. This includes PIXMAP, BUTTON, and COMBO if type_ in qtype.QT_DELEGATE_TYPES: data = model._get_data(qtindex, **kwargs) #print(data) return data else: # Display data with default delegate by casting to a qvariant data = model._get_data(qtindex, **kwargs) value = qtype.cast_into_qt(data) return value else: #import builtins #role_name = qtype.ItemDataRoles[role] #builtins.print('UNHANDLED ROLE=%r' % role_name) pass # else return None return QVariantHack() @default_method_decorator def setData(model, qtindex, value, role=Qt.EditRole): """ Sets the role data for the item at qtindex to value. value is a QVariant (called data in documentation) Returns a map with values for all predefined roles in the model for the item at the given index. Reimplement this function if you want to extend the default behavior of this function to include custom roles in the map. """ try: if not qtindex.isValid(): return None flags = model.flags(qtindex) #row = qtindex.row() col = qtindex.column() if not (flags & Qt.ItemIsEditable or flags & Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable): return None if role == Qt.CheckStateRole: type_ = 'QtCheckState' data = (value == Qt.Checked) elif role != Qt.EditRole: return False else: # Cast value into datatype type_ = model.col_type_list[col] data = qtype.cast_from_qt(value, type_) # Do actual setting of data old_data = model._get_data(qtindex) if old_data != data: model._set_data(qtindex, data) # This may not work with PyQt5 # # Emit that data was changed and return succcess model.dataChanged.emit(qtindex, qtindex) return True except Exception as ex: #value = str(value.toString()) # NOQA ut.printex(ex, 'ignoring setData', '[model]', tb=True, key_list=['value'], iswarning=True) return False @default_method_decorator def headerData(model, section, orientation, role=Qt.DisplayRole): """ Qt Override Returns: the data for the given role and section in the header with the specified orientation. For horizontal headers, the section number corresponds to the column number. Similarly, for vertical headers, the section number corresponds to the row number. """ model.lazy_checks() if orientation == Qt.Horizontal and role == Qt.DisplayRole: column = section if column >= len(model.col_nice_list): return [] return model.col_nice_list[column] #if orientation == Qt.Vertical and role == Qt.DisplayRole: # row = section # rowid = model._get_row_id(row) # return rowid return QVariantHack() @updater def sort(model, column, order): """ Qt Override """ model.lazy_checks() reverse = (order == QtCore.Qt.DescendingOrder) model._set_sort(column, reverse) @default_method_decorator def flags(model, qtindex): """ Qt Override Returns: Qt::ItemFlag:: 0: 'NoItemFlags' # It does not have any properties set. 1: 'ItemIsSelectable' # It can be selected. 2: 'ItemIsEditable' # It can be edited. 4: 'ItemIsDragEnabled' # It can be dragged. 8: 'ItemIsDropEnabled' # It can be used as a drop target. 16: 'ItemIsUserCheckable' # It can be checked or unchecked by the user. 32: 'ItemIsEnabled' # The user can interact with the item. 64: 'ItemIsTristate' # The item is checkable with three separate states. """ # Return flags based on column properties (like type, and editable) col = qtindex.column() type_ = model._get_type(col) editable = model.col_edit_list[col] and model._get_level(qtindex) == model.col_level_list[col] if type_ in qtype.QT_IMAGE_TYPES: #return Qt.NoItemFlags return Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable elif not editable: return Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable elif type_ in ut.VALID_BOOL_TYPES: return Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable else: return Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsEditable | Qt.ItemIsSelectable
def to_qcolor(color): qcolor = QtGui.QColor(*color[0:3]) return qcolor