def test_getters_setters(): a = App() s = Slider(a) assert s.value == 0 s.value = 10 assert s.value == 10 a.destroy()
def GUI(): app = App(title="Distance", width=230, height=70, layout="grid") Text(app, text="Rate (ms) :", grid=[0, 0], align="left") slider = Slider(app, command=RepeatMeasure, start=50, end=2000, grid=[1, 0], align="left") slider.value = "100" Text(app, text="Distance (cm) : ", grid=[0, 1], align="left") global txt txt = Text(app, text="Dist", grid=[1, 1], align="left") RepeatMeasure(100) app.display()
def setup_gui(): """ Create the GUI for controlling the STS-Pi Rover. """ global app, statusWaffle, roverChoice, connectButton, exitButton global forwardButton, stopButton, backwardButton, spdSlider, durationSlider global spinRightButton, spinLeftButton, photoButton, videoButton global buttonWaffle # Declare the GUI application app = App("STS Controller", layout="grid") # Bluetooth connection status waffle. Single cell, blue=connected, red=not. statusWaffle = Waffle(app, 1, 4, 10, 10, grid=[0, 0]) if connected: statusWaffle.set_pixel(0, 0, "blue") statusWaffle.set_pixel(1, 0, "white") statusWaffle.set_pixel(2, 0, "white") statusWaffle.set_pixel(3, 0, "white") # Choice of STS-PI Rover roverChoice = ButtonGroup(app, options=["STS-Pi 2", "STS-Pi 3"], selected="STS-Pi 2", grid=[1, 0]) # Reconnect button for when the Bluetooth connection has been lost or reset connectButton = PushButton(app, connect, text="Connect", grid=[2, 0]) #Create forwards and backwards buttons forwardButton = PushButton(app, forwards, text="Forwards", grid=[1, 1]) #Create spin left and right buttons spinLeftButton = PushButton(app, spinAntiClockwise, text="Spin Left", grid=[0, 2]) #Button to stop the STS-PI in an emergency stopButton = PushButton(app, stop, text="STOP", grid=[1, 2]) spinRightButton = PushButton(app, spinClockwise, text="Spin Right", grid=[2, 2]) backwardButton = PushButton(app, backwards, text="Backwards", grid=[1, 3]) #Create a slider to set the speed. speedTitle = Text(app, "Speed %", grid=[0, 4]) spdSlider = Slider(app, command=changeSpeed, grid=[1, 4, 3, 1]) spdSlider.value = 15 #Create a slider to set the duration of the next movement durationTitle = Text( app, "Duration (secs)", grid=[0, 5], ) durationSlider = Slider(app, command=changeDuration, start=1, end=10, grid=[1, 5, 3, 1]) durationSlider.value = 1 #Buttons to take videos and photos. photoButton = PushButton(app, takePhoto, text="Photo", grid=[0, 6]) videoButton = PushButton(app, takeVideo, text="Video", grid=[2, 6]) #Waffle to display button presses buttonWaffle = Waffle(app, 1, 8, grid=[0, 7, 3, 2]) # Ids for the buttons on the STS-PI rover buttonIds = Text(app, "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ", grid=[0, 9, 3, 1]) # This spacer text increases the gap below the controls and the exit button. spacer = Text(app, "", grid=[0, 10]) # Button to quit the application exitButton = PushButton(app, closeDown, text="Exit", grid=[1, 11])
from guizero import App, PushButton, Slider, info def resize(): button.width = width.value button.height = height.value app = App() button = PushButton(app, image="guizero.gif", command=info, args=["button", "you push the button"]) width = Slider(app, start = 10, end = button.width, command = resize) width.value = button.width height = Slider(app, start = 10, end = button.height, command = resize) height.value = button.height app.display() pantilthat.pan(0) pantilthat.tilt(-20) exit() # GUI Setings app = App(bg ="lightgrey", title="Pimoroni Interactive Cam V1.5", width=1050, height=400, layout="grid") pan_txt = Text(app, text="R Pan L", width=17, grid=[1,0], align="left") pan_txt.text_color="blue" position_txt = Text(app, text="Postition", width=10, color="blue", grid=[0,1], align="left") pan_set = Slider(app, command=set_pan_tilt, start=-90, end=90, width=150, height=15, grid=[1,1], align="left") # sets pan value pan_set.value = 0"yellow" reset_position = PushButton(app, command=position_reset, text="Position Reset", width=14, grid=[2,1], align="left") reset_position.text_color="blue" tilt_txt = Text(app, text="U Tilt D", width=17, grid=[3,0], align="left") tilt_txt.text_color="blue" tilt_set = Slider(app, command=set_pan_tilt, start=-90, end=90, width=150, height=15, grid=[3,1], align="left") # sets tilt value tilt_set.value = -20"yellow" lights_txt = Text(app, text="Lighting", width=10, color="blue", grid=[0,4], align="left") red_txt = Text(app, text=" RED", width=10, grid=[1,3], align="left") #
from guizero import App, Slider, Picture def resize(): picture.width = width.value picture.height = height.value app = App(layout="grid", width=550, height=200) picture = Picture(app, image="guizero.gif", grid=[0, 1]) width = Slider(app, command=resize, grid=[0, 0], start=1, end=picture.width) width.width = picture.width width.value = picture.width height = Slider(app, command=resize, horizontal=False, grid=[1, 1], start=1, end=picture.height) height.height = picture.height height.value = picture.height app.display()
backwardButton = PushButton(app, backwards, text="Backwards", grid=[1, 2]) #Create spin left and right buttons spinLeftButton = PushButton(app, spinAntiClockwise, text="Spin Left", grid=[0, 1]) spinRightButton = PushButton(app, spinClockwise, text="Spin Right", grid=[2, 1]) #Create a slider to set the speed. speedTitle = Text(app, "Speed %", grid=[0, 3]) spdSlider = Slider(app, command=changeSpeed, grid=[1, 3, 3, 1]) spdSlider.value = 10 #Create a slider to set the duration of the next movement durationTitle = Text(app, "Duration (secs)", grid=[0, 4]) durationSlider = Slider(app, command=changeDuration, grid=[1, 4, 3, 1]) durationSlider.value = 1 #Button to stop the STS-PI in an emergency stopButton = PushButton(app, setStopTime, [0], text="STOP", grid=[1, 1]) #Buttons to take videos and photos. photoButton = PushButton(app, takePhoto, text="Photo", grid=[0, 5]) videoButton = PushButton(app, takeVideo, text="Video", grid=[2, 5]) #Waffle to display button presses buttonWaffle = Waffle(app, 1, 8, grid=[0, 6, 3, 2])
from guizero import App, Box, Waffle, Slider, Text def change_dim(slider): print("Changing size to {}x{} ".format(g_width.value, g_height.value)) grid.width = g_width.value grid.height = g_height.value app = App("Changing size") grid = Waffle(app, width=4, height=4) controls = Box(app, layout="grid") # Width width_text = Text(controls, text="Width", grid=[0, 0]) g_width = Slider(controls, start=0, end=20, command=change_dim, grid=[1, 0]) g_width.value = 4 # Height height_text = Text(controls, text="Height", grid=[0, 1]) g_height = Slider(controls, start=0, end=20, command=change_dim, grid=[1, 1]) g_height.value = 4 app.display()
#gpiozero play_btn.when_pressed = play_track stop_btn.when_pressed = stop_track pause_btn.when_pressed = pause_track next_btn.when_pressed = next_track previous_btn.when_pressed = previous_track shuffle_btn.when_pressed = shuffle_tracks #pot monitoring volume_monitor = Thread(target=monitor_volume_pot) volume_monitor.start() position_monitor = Thread(target=monitor_position_pot) position_monitor.start() #SenseHat show track show_track = Thread(target=show_track_name) show_track.start() ##Set the volume to 1/2 and Load a track and pause volume.value = "50" progress.text_size = 0 #Load up a track play_track() #update the text for which track is playing each second playing.repeat(3000, check_progress) #run the app app.display()
PINS = ["BOARD7", "BOARD8", "BOARD12", "BOARD11"] SERVO_CTL = [] for i, name in enumerate(NAMES): def func(position): ''' slider call function ''' servo_control(position, i) SERVO_CTL.append(func) def servo_control(position, channel): ''' control server position ''' MY_SERVO[channel].angle = int(position) APP = App(height=90*len(PINS)) MY_SERVO = [] for i, pin in enumerate(PINS): text = Text(APP, text=NAMES[i]) slide = Slider(APP, start=SERVO_MIN, end=SERVO_MAX, height='fill', width='fill', command=SERVO_CTL[i]) slide.value = ((SERVO_MAX-SERVO_MIN)/2)+SERVO_MIN MY_SERVO.append( AngularServo( pin, initial_angle=((SERVO_MAX-SERVO_MIN)/2)+SERVO_MIN, min_angle=SERVO_MIN, max_angle=SERVO_MAX)) APP.display() #End
def __init__(self, app): Window.__init__(self, app, title="Scanner", layout="grid")"-fullscreen", True) self.hide() # Components Text(self, text="Scanner", grid=[0, 0, 3, 1]) Text(self, text="Empty", grid=[0, 1]) p1 = Picture(self, image="data/empty.jpg", grid=[0, 2]) p1.height = 194 p1.width = 259 def update_empty(): database.save_empty() p1.value = "data/empty.jpg" PushButton(self, command=update_empty, text="Retake Empty", grid=[0, 7]) Text(self, text="Scan", grid=[1, 1, 2, 1]) p2 = Picture(self, image="data/testpic.jpg", grid=[1, 2]) p2.height = 194 p2.width = 259 p3 = Picture(self, image="data/testscan.jpg", grid=[2, 2]) p3.height = 135 p3.width = 184 m1 = Text(self, text="Card:", grid=[1, 6]) def update_scan(): global last_scan out = scanner.scan_card(img=last_scan) last_scan = out[0] if out[1] is not None: if len(out[1]) > 0: cv2.drawContours(last_scan, out[1], -1, (0, 255, 0), 2) if out[2] is not None: cv2.drawContours(last_scan, [out[2]], -1, (255, 0, 0), 2) cv2.imwrite("data/testpic.jpg", last_scan) p2.value = "data/testpic.jpg" if out[3] is not None: cv2.imwrite("data/testscan.jpg", out[3]) p3.value = "data/testscan.jpg" card = database.get_card(out[3]) if card is None: m1.value = "Card: Not Found" else: m1.value = "Card: " + def update_lower(): scanner.lower = s1.value update_scan() s1 = Slider(self, command=update_lower, start=0, end=255, grid=[1, 3]) s1.value = scanner.lower s1.width = 259 def update_upper(): scanner.upper = s2.value update_scan() s2 = Slider(self, command=update_upper, start=0, end=255, grid=[2, 3]) s2.value = scanner.upper s2.width = 259 def update_width_min(): scanner.width_min = s3.value update_scan() s3 = Slider(self, command=update_width_min, start=0, end=1500, grid=[1, 4]) s3.value = scanner.width_min s3.width = 259 def update_width_max(): scanner.width_max = s4.value update_scan() s4 = Slider(self, command=update_width_max, start=0, end=1500, grid=[2, 4]) s4.value = scanner.width_max s4.width = 259 def update_height_min(): scanner.height_min = s5.value update_scan() s5 = Slider(self, command=update_height_min, start=0, end=1500, grid=[1, 5]) s5.value = scanner.height_min s5.width = 259 def test_scanner(): out = scanner.scan_card() global last_scan last_scan = out[0] if out[1] is not None: if len(out[1]) > 0: cv2.drawContours(last_scan, out[1], -1, (0, 255, 0), 2) if out[2] is not None: cv2.drawContours(last_scan, [out[2]], -1, (255, 0, 0), 2) cv2.imwrite("data/testpic.jpg", last_scan) p2.value = "data/testpic.jpg" if out[3] is not None: cv2.imwrite("data/testscan.jpg", out[3]) p3.value = "data/testscan.jpg" card = database.get_card(out[3]) if card is None: m1.value = "Card: Not Found" else: m1.value = "Card: " + PushButton(self, command=test_scanner, text="Scan", grid=[1, 7]) def close_scanner(): self.hide() PushButton(self, command=close_scanner, text="Exit", grid=[0, 8, 2, 1])
x = randint(0, 7) y = randint(0, 7) r = randint(0, rs.value) g = randint(0, gs.value) b = randint(0, bs.value) return x, y, r, g, b def update_display(): while True: sense.set_pixel(*values()) low = 1 high = 255 Text(app, "R", grid=[0, 0]) rs = Slider(app, start=low, end=high, grid=[0, 1], horizontal=False) rs.value = high Text(app, "G", grid=[1, 0]) gs = Slider(app, start=low, end=high, grid=[1, 1], horizontal=False) gs.value = high Text(app, "B", grid=[2, 0]) bs = Slider(app, start=low, end=high, grid=[2, 1], horizontal=False) bs.value = high t = Thread(target=update_display) t.start() app.display()
def __init__(self, app, cd): Window.__init__(self, app, title="Scanner", layout="grid") CD = cd"-fullscreen", True) self.hide() # Scanner page title Text(self, text="Scanner", grid=[0, 0, 3, 1]) # Empty column 0 Text(self, text="Empty", grid=[0, 1]) p1 = Picture(self, image="data/empty.jpg", grid=[0, 2]) p1.height = 194 p1.width = 259 def update_empty(): cd.save_empty() p1.value = "data/empty.jpg" PushButton(self, command=update_empty, text="Retake Empty", grid=[0, 7]) # Scan columns 1 & 2 Text(self, text="Scan", grid=[1, 1, 2, 1]) p2 = Picture(self, image="data/testpic.jpg", grid=[1, 2]) p2.height = 194 p2.width = 259 p3 = Picture(self, image="data/testscan.jpg", grid=[2, 2]) p3.height = 135 p3.width = 184 m1 = Text(self, text="Card: Tragic Arrogance", grid=[1, 3, 2, 1]) # Scan parameter sliders def update_width_min(): scanner.width_min = s1.value s1 = Slider(self, command=update_width_min, start=0, end=1500, grid=[1, 4, 2, 1]) s1.value = scanner.width_min def update_width_max(): scanner.width_max = s2.value s2 = Slider(self, command=update_width_max, start=0, end=1500, grid=[1, 5, 2, 1]) s2.value = scanner.width_max def update_height_min(): scanner.height_min = s3.value s3 = Slider(self, command=update_height_min, start=0, end=1500, grid=[1, 6, 2, 1]) s3.value = scanner.height_min # Scan button def test_scanner(): # use scanner to scan card and set last_scan as image taken out = scanner.scan_card() global last_scan last_scan = out[0] # draw contours of left boundary and min-max width x min height box # in red within image dimensions 2592 x 1944 lb = scanner.left_boundary hb = (1944 - scanner.height_min) / 2 ht = 1944 - hb wnb = (2592 - scanner.width_min) / 2 wnt = 2592 - wnb wxb = (2592 - scanner.width_max) / 2 wxt = 2592 - wxb red = [ np.array([[[lb, 0]], [[lb, 0]], [[lb, 1943]], [[lb, 1943]]], dtype=np.int32), np.array([[[wnb, hb]], [[wnt, hb]], [[wnt, ht]], [[wnb, ht]]], dtype=np.int32), np.array([[[wxb, hb]], [[wxt, hb]], [[wxt, ht]], [[wxb, ht]]], dtype=np.int32) ] cv2.drawContours(last_scan, red, -1, (0, 0, 255), 2) # if any contours were detected, draw them in green if out[1] is not None: if len(out[1]) > 0: cv2.drawContours(last_scan, out[1], -1, (0, 255, 0), 3) # if artwork contour was detected, draw it in blue if out[2] is not None: cv2.drawContours(last_scan, [out[2]], -1, (255, 0, 0), 4) # save last_scan cv2.imwrite("data/testpic.jpg", last_scan) p2.value = "data/testpic.jpg" # if artwork image was detected, save it and display the # corresponding card name if one is found if out[3] is not None: cv2.imwrite("data/testscan.jpg", out[3]) p3.value = "data/testscan.jpg" card = CD.get_card(out[3]) if card is None: m1.value = "Card: Not Found" else: m1.value = "Card: " + PushButton(self, command=test_scanner, text="Scan", grid=[1, 7, 2, 1]) # Exit button def close_scanner(): self.hide() PushButton(self, command=close_scanner, text="Exit", grid=[0, 8, 3, 1])