def add_users(self, **kwargs): """ Batch add users from a file of users. <users-file> is expected to contain a CSV with columns: username, display name, password """ branch_name = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'branch-name', None) usersfile = getOptionFrom(kwargs, '<users-file>') ld = self.Server # Configure a different server for batch if present if 'batch_server' in self.config: ld.set_server(server=self.config['batch_server'], port=self.config['port']) run_recipe_with_confirmation( 'Batch create users from file', { 'server': ld.ldap_uri, 'branch': branch_name, }, ld.add_users, branch_name, usersfile, stop_on_errors=False )
def list_users(self, **kwargs): """ Prints a list of all the users of the branch specified by <branch-name>, sorted by username You can filter the results (case insensitive) with the --filter=<text> option """ branch_name = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'branch-name', None) u_filter = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'filter', default=None) users = run_recipe_without_confirmation( self.Server.list_users, branch_name, filter=u_filter ) table = GUMTable(hrules='FRAME') table.from_dict_list( users, formatters={ 'name': highlighter(default='bold_yellow') }, titles={ 'name': 'Username', 'sn': 'SN' }) print table.sorted('name')
def add_instance(self, **kwargs): instance_name = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'instance-name') environment = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'env', default='') mountpoint = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'mpoint', default='') ldap_branch = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'ldap-branch', instance_name) allow_shared_mountpoint = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'f', False) create = False self.extra_config = {'ldap_config': getConfiguration(kwargs['--config'])['ldap']} genweb_server = self.Server if environment and mountpoint: if not genweb_server.is_mountpoint_available(environment, mountpoint, allow_shared=allow_shared_mountpoint): print "This mountpoint is unavailable" return create = True else: available_mountpoint = genweb_server.get_available_mountpoint() if available_mountpoint: environment = available_mountpoint['environment'] mountpoint = available_mountpoint['id'] create = True else: print "There's no available mountpoint in any environment" return ldap_config = getConfiguration(kwargs['--config'])['ldap'] ldap_password = ldap_config['branch_admin_password'] if create: siteid = instance_name title = siteid.capitalize() language = 'ca' env_params = genweb_server.get_environment(environment) logecho = LogEcho( env_params.ssh_user, env_params.server, '{}/zc1.log'.format(env_params.log_folder), target_lines=326, filters=['INFO'] ) run_recipe_with_confirmation( "Adding a new Genweb", { "name": siteid, "server": environment, "mountpoint": mountpoint, "ldap_branch": ldap_branch, }, genweb_server.new_instance, *[instance_name, environment, mountpoint, title, language, ldap_branch, ldap_password, logecho] )
def check_user(self, **kwargs): """ Checks existence and password of a user on the users folder of the branch specified by <branch-name> """ branch_name = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'branch-name', None) username = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'ldap-username') password = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'password', mask=True) run_recipe_without_confirmation( self.Server.check_user, branch_name, username, password)
def add_instance(self, **kwargs): """ Adds a existing max instance to the list used by utalk to know to which max route incoming messages and tweets """ step_log('Checking parameters consistency') instance_name = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'domain') hashtag = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'hashtag', '') language = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'language', 'ca') username = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'username', 'restricted') password = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'password') padded_log('Checking max server ...') max_config = getConfiguration(kwargs['--config'])['max'] maxserver = MaxServer(max_config) max_instance = maxserver.get_instance(instance_name) if not max_instance: padded_error("There's no defined max server named {}".format(instance_name)) return None padded_log('Checking oauth server ...') oauth_server_url = max_instance['oauth'] oauth_instance_name = oauth_server_url.split('/')[-1] oauth_config = getConfiguration(kwargs['--config'])['oauth'] oauthserver = OauthServer(oauth_config) oauth_instance = oauthserver.get_instance(oauth_instance_name) if not oauth_instance: padded_error("Max server {} is bound to an oauth {} that doesn't exist".format(instance_name, oauth_instance_name)) return None run_recipe_with_confirmation( 'Adding a new utalk domain', { 'server': max_instance['server']['dns'], 'name': instance_name, 'hashtag': hashtag, 'language': language, }, self.Server.add_instance, name=instance_name, oauthserver=oauth_instance, maxserver=max_instance, hashtag=hashtag, restricted_user=username, restricted_user_password=password, language=language)
def delete_user(self, **kwargs): """ Deletes a single user from the users folder of the branch specified by <branch-name> """ branch_name = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'branch-name', None) username = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'ldap-username') run_recipe_with_confirmation( "Adding a new user to branch", { "server": self.Server.ldap_uri, "branch_name": branch_name, "username": username }, self.Server.delete_user, branch_name, username)
def test(self, **kwargs): """ Tests that oauth instance is working as expected. An username and a password of an existing user has to be provided. """ instance_name = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'instance-name', default='all') username = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'username') password = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'password') oauth = self.Server run_recipe_without_confirmation( oauth.test, instance_name, username, password, stop_on_errors=False )
def add_branch(self, **kwargs): """ Adds a new branch named <branch-name> on the root of the ldap server """ branch_name = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'branch-name', None) branch_admin_password = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'password', mask=True) run_recipe_with_confirmation( "Adding a new branch", { "server": self.Server.ldap_uri, "branch_name": branch_name }, self.Server.add_branch, branch_name, branch_admin_password)
def upgrade(self, **kwargs): """ Upgrades a max server. The versions used in the upgrade will be the ones defined in the versions.cfg of the buildout used in the instance. """ instance_name = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'instance-name') maxserver = self.Server logecho = LogEcho( self.config['ssh_user'], self.config['server'], '{}/{}/var/log/buildout.log'.format(self.config['instances_root'], instance_name), filters=['Installing', 'Got', 'Updating', 'Error'], ) run_recipe_with_confirmation( 'Upgrading an existing max server', { 'name': instance_name, 'server': self.config['server'], 'running': maxserver.get_running_version(instance_name), }, maxserver.upgrade, instance_name, logecho=logecho, )
def subscribe_users(self, **kwargs): """ Subscribe users to a bunch of ulearn instance communities. User will be subscribed in the accorded roles """ step_log('Checking instance') padded_log('Loading existing instances') instances = self.Server.get_instances() instance_name = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'instance-name') environment = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'env', default='') mountpoint = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'mpoint', default='') subscriptionsfile = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'subscriptions-file') # Get all instances matching instance name matched_instances = [instance for instance in instances if instance['plonesite'].replace('bqdc', 'mediolanum') == instance_name] # Try to filter by env and mountpoint if provided if environment: matched_instances = [instance for instance in matched_instances if instance['environment'] == environment] if mountpoint: matched_instances = [instance for instance in matched_instances if instance['mountpoint'] == mountpoint] if not matched_instances: padded_error("No instance named {}".format(instance_name)) elif len(matched_instances) > 1: padded_error("More than 1 instance named {}".format(instance_name)) padded_log("Try again specifying one or both of --mpoint and --env options") instance = matched_instances[0] run_recipe_with_confirmation( 'Batch subscribe users to communities', { 'server': instance['environment'], 'mountpoint': instance['mountpoint'], 'plonesite': instance['plonesite'], 'url': instance['url'] }, self.Server.batch_subscribe_users, instance, subscriptionsfile, stop_on_errors=False )
def add_user(self, **kwargs): """ Adds a new user on the users folder of the branch specified by <branch-name> """ branch_name = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'branch-name', None) username = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'ldap-username') password = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'password', mask=True) run_recipe_with_confirmation( "Adding a new user to branch", { "server": self.Server.ldap_uri, "branch_name": branch_name, "username": username }, self.Server.add_user, branch_name, username, password)
def add_users(self, **kwargs): """ Add users from a file to a ulearn instance. User will be added to the related ldap branch and max instance. """ step_log('Checking instance') padded_log('Loading existing instances') instances = self.Server.get_instances() instance_name = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'instance-name') environment = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'env', default='') mountpoint = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'mpoint', default='') usersfile = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'users-file') # Get all instances matching instance name matched_instances = [instance for instance in instances if instance['plonesite'].replace('bqdc', 'mediolanum') == instance_name] # Try to filter by env and mountpoint if provided if environment: matched_instances = [instance for instance in matched_instances if instance['environment'] == environment] if mountpoint: matched_instances = [instance for instance in matched_instances if instance['mountpoint'] == mountpoint] if not matched_instances: padded_error("No instance named {}".format(instance_name)) elif len(matched_instances) > 1: padded_error("More than 1 instance named {}".format(instance_name)) padded_log("Try again specifying one or both of --mpoint and --env options") instance = matched_instances[0] run_recipe_with_confirmation( 'Batch create users from file', { 'server': instance['environment'], 'mountpoint': instance['mountpoint'], 'plonesite': instance['plonesite'], 'url': instance['url'] }, self.Server.batch_add_users, instance, usersfile, stop_on_errors=False )
def allow(self, **kwargs): """ Adds a new ip to the allowed to execute token-bypass endpoint. After adding the ip, nginx configuration will be tested and reloaded. """ oauthserver = self.Server instance_name = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'instance-name') allowed_ip = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'ip') run_recipe_with_confirmation( 'Add ip to allowed list ?', { 'server': self.config.nginx['server'], 'name': instance_name }, oauthserver.add_allowed_ip, instance_name, allowed_ip )
def add_instance(self, **kwargs): """ Adds a new max instance. If only <instance-name> is given, gum will pick the first available <port-index> based on the existing instances, and assume <oauth-name> named as the <instance-name>. If you want to use a specific port index or oauth instance please specify it. """ maxserver = self.Server instance_name = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'instance-name') port_index = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'port-index', maxserver.get_available_port()) instance = maxserver.instance_by_port_index(port_index) if instance: print 'The specified port index is already in use by "{}" oauth'.format(instance['name']) oauth_instance = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'oauth-instance', instance_name) logecho = LogEcho( self.config['ssh_user'], self.config['server'], '{}/{}/var/log/buildout.log'.format(self.config['instances_root'], instance_name), filters=['Installing', 'Generated', 'Got', 'Updating'], ) run_recipe_with_confirmation( 'Adding a new max server', { 'name': instance_name, 'server': self.config['server'], 'port_index': port_index, 'oauth_server': oauth_instance }, maxserver.new_instance, instance_name, port_index, logecho=logecho, oauth_instance=oauth_instance, )
def disallow(self, **kwargs): """ Removes a ip from the allowed ones to execute token-bypass endpoint. The ip must be a ip that is currently added, as this don't generate nginx deny statements, only removes the current allow statements. After adding the ip, nginx configuration will be tested and reloaded. """ oauthserver = self.Server instance_name = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'instance-name') allowed_ip = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'ip') run_recipe_with_confirmation( 'Add ip to allowed list ?', { 'server': self.config.nginx['server'], 'name': instance_name }, oauthserver.remove_allowed_ip, instance_name, allowed_ip )
def main(): try: getConfiguration() except: generate = raw_input('> Do you want to generate a sample .gum.conf on this folder to fill up? (Y,n): ') if generate.strip().upper() in ['Y', '']: # Write a copy of sample.gum.conf with comments stripped sample = open(pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, 'sample.gum.conf')).read() open('.gum.conf', 'w').write(re.sub(r'#.*?(\n|$)', r'\1', sample)) print 'Done.' print sys.exit() # Workaround to allow empty <branchname> on ldap commands sysargs = sys.argv[1:] if sysargs[1:3] in [['add', 'user'], ['add', 'users'], ['list', 'users'], ['delete', 'user'], ['check', 'user']]: sysargs.insert(1, '.') doc_with_config_options = re.sub(r'gum (\w+) (?!help)(.*)', r'gum \1 \2 [-c]', __doc__) doc_with_config_options = doc_with_config_options.replace('\n\n gum', '\n gum') arguments = docopt.docopt(doc_with_config_options, argv=sysargs, version='GUM Cli ' + pkg_resources.require("gummanager.cli")[0].version) help_mode = False if sys.argv[2] == 'help': help_mode = True arguments['help'] = False for cmd in getOptionFrom(arguments, 'command'): if cmd in arguments: arguments[cmd] = True targets = [arg_name for arg_name, arg_value in arguments.items() if arg_name in TARGETS and arg_value is True] if targets == []: print 'No such target "{}"'.format(sys.argv[1]) sys.exit(1) target_name = targets[0] config = getConfiguration(arguments['--config']) target = TARGETS[target_name](config) action_method_name = target.forge_command_from_arguments(arguments) target_method = getattr(target, action_method_name, None) if target_method is None: sys.exit('Not Implemented: {}'.format(action_method_name)) if help_mode: command_line = ' .*?'.join([a for a in ['gum'] + sys.argv[1:] if a != 'help']) command_definition ='\n\s*({}.*?)\n'.format(command_line), __doc__).groups()[0], definition=command_definition) else: target_method(**arguments)
def stop(self, **kwargs): """ Stops a max instance. Supervisord process must be running in order to use this command """ instance_name = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'instance-name') maxserver = self.Server status = maxserver.get_status(instance_name) if status['status'] == 'running': maxserver.stop(instance_name) else: padded_success("Already stopped")
def test(self, **kwargs): instance_name = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'domain') max_config = getConfiguration(kwargs['--config'])['max'] maxserver = MaxServer(max_config) oauth_config = getConfiguration(kwargs['--config'])['oauth'] oauthserver = OauthServer(oauth_config) self.extra_config = { 'max': maxserver, 'oauth': oauthserver } self.Server.test(instance_name)
def stop(self, **kwargs): """ Stops an oauth instance. Supervisord process must be running in order to use this command """ instance_name = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'instance-name') oauth = self.Server status = oauth.get_status(instance_name) if status['status'] == 'running': oauth.stop(instance_name) else: padded_success("Already stopped") if status['status'] == 'stopped': print '\nAlready stopped\n'
def start(self, **kwargs): """ Starts a max instance. If the instance is not loaded on supervisor, it will be loaded and started. In every other case the instance will be started from the prior status. Supervisord process must be running in order to use this command """ instance_name = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'instance-name') maxserver = self.Server status = maxserver.get_status(instance_name) if status['status'] == 'running': padded_success("Already running") else: maxserver.start(instance_name)
def status(self, **kwargs): """ Lists status for one or all active max instances. The status listed here is the status reported by supervisor. There's a special status 'not found'. Instances on this state are that are created, but already not loaded into supervisor. """ instance_name = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'instance-name', default='all') oauth = self.Server instances = oauth.get_instances() if instance_name != 'all': instances = [instance for instance in instances if instance['name'] == instance_name] statuses = [] for instance in instances: status = oauth.get_status(instance['name']) statuses.append(status) table = GUMTable() table.from_dict_list( statuses, formatters={ 'name': highlighter(default='bold_yellow'), 'status': highlighter(values={ 'running': 'green', 'unknown': 'red', 'down': 'red', 'backoff': 'red', 'fatal': 'red', 'not found': 'cyan', 'stopped': 'red'} ) }, titles={ 'name': 'Name', 'status': 'Status', 'pid': 'PID', 'uptime': 'Started', 'server': 'Server access' }) print table.sorted('name')
def reconfigure_nginx(self, **kwargs): """ Generates a new nginx configuration file for a domain. A copy of the current configuration will be saved locally. Also a nginx testconfig will be performed to chekc the new configuration. """ oauthserver = self.Server instance_name = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'instance-name') run_recipe_with_confirmation( 'Reconfigure nginx httpd server ?', { 'server': self.config.nginx['server'], 'name': instance_name }, oauthserver.reconfigure_nginx, instance_name )
def test(self, **kwargs): """ Tests that a max instance is working as expected. An username and a password of an existing user has to be provided. """ instance_name = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'instance-name') maxserver = self.Server instance_info = maxserver.get_instance(instance_name) oauth_config = getConfiguration(kwargs['--config'])['oauth'] oauthserver = OauthServer(**oauth_config) oauth_info = oauthserver.instance_by_dns(instance_info['oauth']) ldap_branch = oauth_info['ldap']['branch'] ldap_branch = oauth_info['ldap']['branch'] maxserver.test(instance_name, ldap_branch) print 'Test end'
def add_instance(self, **kwargs): step_log('Checking parameters consistency') instance_name = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'instance-name') environment = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'env', default='') mountpoint = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'mpoint', default='') max_instance_name = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'max', default=instance_name) padded_log('Checking max server ...') max_config = getConfiguration(kwargs['--config'])['max'] maxserver = MaxServer(max_config) max_instance = maxserver.get_instance(max_instance_name) self.extra_config = {'ldap_config': getConfiguration(kwargs['--config'])['ldap']} ulearn_server = self.Server if not max_instance: padded_error("There's no defined max server named {}".format(max_instance_name)) return None padded_log('Checking oauth server ...') oauth_server_url = max_instance['oauth'] oauth_instance_name = oauth_server_url.split('/')[-1] oauth_config = getConfiguration(kwargs['--config'])['oauth'] oauthserver = OauthServer(oauth_config) oauth_instance = oauthserver.get_instance(oauth_instance_name) if not oauth_instance: padded_error("Max server {} is bound to an oauth {} that doesn't exist".format(max_instance_name, oauth_instance_name)) return None ldap_branch ='ou=(\w+),', oauth_instance['ldap']['basedn']).groups()[0] allow_shared_mountpoint = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'f', False) create = False padded_log('Checking mountpoint ...') if environment and mountpoint: if not ulearn_server.is_mountpoint_available(environment, mountpoint, allow_shared=allow_shared_mountpoint): padded_error("This mountpoint is unavailable") return create = True else: available_mountpoint = ulearn_server.get_available_mountpoint() if available_mountpoint: environment = available_mountpoint['environment'] mountpoint = available_mountpoint['id'] create = True else: padded_error("There's no available mountpoint in any environment") return ldap_config = getConfiguration(kwargs['--config'])['ldap'] ldap_password = getOptionFrom(kwargs, 'ldappassword') if create: siteid = instance_name title = siteid.capitalize() language = 'ca' env_params = ulearn_server.get_environment(environment) logecho = LogEcho( env_params.ssh_user, env_params.server, '{}/{}.log'.format(env_params.log_folder, env_params.instance_name), target_lines=359, filters=['INFO GenericSetup'] ) run_recipe_with_confirmation( "Adding a new Ulearn", { "name": siteid, "server": environment, "mountpoint": mountpoint, "oauth_instance": max_instance['oauth'], "ldap_branch": ldap_branch, "max": max_instance['server']['dns'] }, ulearn_server.new_instance, *[instance_name, environment, mountpoint, title, language, max_instance_name, max_instance['server']['direct'], oauth_instance_name, ldap_branch, ldap_password, logecho] )