    def get_addon_ini(addon):
        # If the INI is the main GunGame INI, return the path to the INI
        if addon == "gungame":
            return get_game_dir("addons/eventscripts/gungame51/gungame.ini")

        # The INI must be either included or custom at this point
        from gungame51.core.addons.valid import ValidAddons

        # Get the addon type
        addon_type = ValidAddons.get_addon_type(addon)

        # Return the path to the addon INI
        return get_game_dir("addons/eventscripts/gungame51/scripts/" +
            "%s/%s/%s.ini" % (addon_type, addon, addon))
    def get_addon_ini(addon):
        # If the INI is the main GunGame INI, return the path to the INI
        if addon == "gungame":
            return get_game_dir("addons/eventscripts/gungame51/gungame.ini")

        # The INI must be either included or custom at this point
        from gungame51.core.addons.valid import ValidAddons

        # Get the addon type
        addon_type = ValidAddons.get_addon_type(addon)

        # Return the path to the addon INI
        return get_game_dir("addons/eventscripts/gungame51/scripts/" +
                            "%s/%s/%s.ini" % (addon_type, addon, addon))
    def __getitem__(self, item):
        '''Verify that the given item is a config file instance and store it'''

        # Is the item already in the dictionary?
        if item in self:

            # Return the item
            return super(_LoadedConfigs, self).__getitem__(item)

        # Get the path if the item is an addon
        addon = item.replace('_config', '')

        # Is the item a Valid Addon?
        if addon in ValidAddons.all:

            # Set the path to import
            import_path = 'gungame51.scripts.%s.%s.%s' % (
                ValidAddons.get_addon_type(addon), addon, item)

        # Is the item a base config?
        elif _base_configs.joinpath(item + '.py').isfile():

            # Set the path to import
            import_path = 'gungame51.core.cfg.files.%s' % item

        # Is the given item neither a Valid Addon nor a base config?

            # Raise an error
            raise ValueError('"%s" is an invalid config file' % item)

        # Import the config file
        config = self[item] = __import__(import_path, globals(), locals(),

        # Reload the config file

        # Does the config have a load function?
        if 'load' in config.__dict__:

            # Execute the load function

        # Return the imported config file
        return config
    def __getitem__(self, item):
        '''Verify that the given item is a config file instance and store it'''

        # Is the item already in the dictionary?
        if item in self:

            # Return the item
            return super(_LoadedConfigs, self).__getitem__(item)

        # Get the path if the item is an addon
        addon = item.replace('_config', '')

        # Is the item a Valid Addon?
        if addon in ValidAddons.all:

            # Set the path to import
            import_path = 'gungame51.scripts.%s.%s.%s' % (
                ValidAddons.get_addon_type(addon), addon, item)

        # Is the item a base config?
        elif _base_configs.joinpath(item + '.py').isfile():

            # Set the path to import
            import_path = 'gungame51.core.cfg.files.%s' % item

        # Is the given item neither a Valid Addon nor a base config?

            # Raise an error
            raise ValueError('"%s" is an invalid config file' % item)

        # Import the config file
        config = self[item] = __import__(
            import_path, globals(), locals(), [''])

        # Reload the config file

        # Does the config have a load function?
        if 'load' in config.__dict__:

            # Execute the load function

        # Return the imported config file
        return config