def reset(self): self._destroy_actors() self.collision_info = {} self.collision_hist = [] self.time_step = 0 self._set_synchronous_mode(False) if self.config['verbose']: print(colored("setting actors", "white")) # set actors ego_vehicle, _ = self.set_ego() self.ego = ego_vehicle self.last_position = get_pos(ego_vehicle) self.last_steer = 0 rgb_camera = self.set_camera(ego_vehicle, sensor_width=self.sensor_width, sensor_height=self.sensor_height, fov=110) collision_sensor = self.set_collision_sensor(ego_vehicle) obstacle_detector = self.set_obstacle_detector(ego_vehicle) sp_vehicles, sp_walkers, sp_walker_controllers = self.set_actors( vehicles=self.config['vehicles'], walkers=self.config['walkers']) # we need to store the pointers to avoid "out of scope" errors self.to_clean = dict( vehicles=[ego_vehicle, *sp_vehicles, *sp_walkers], sensors=[collision_sensor, rgb_camera, obstacle_detector], controllers=sp_walker_controllers) if self.config['verbose']: print( colored( f"spawned {len(sp_vehicles)} vehicles and {len(sp_walkers)} walkers", "green")) # attaching handlers weak_self = weakref.ref(self) rgb_camera.listen(lambda data: get_camera_img(weak_self, data)) collision_sensor.listen( lambda event: get_collision_hist(weak_self, event)) obstacle_detector.listen( lambda event: get_obstacle_hist(weak_self, event)) self._set_synchronous_mode(True) self.route_planner = RoutePlanner(ego_vehicle, self.config['max_waypt']) self.waypoints, self.red_light, self.distance_to_traffic_light, \ self.is_vehicle_hazard, self.vehicle_front, self.road_option = self.route_planner.run_step() return self._step([0, 0, 0])
class CarlaEnv(gym.Env): """An OpenAI gym wrapper for CARLA simulator.""" def __init__(self, params): # parameters self.display_size = params['display_size'] # rendering screen size self.max_past_step = params['max_past_step'] self.number_of_vehicles = params['number_of_vehicles'] self.number_of_walkers = params['number_of_walkers'] self.dt = params['dt'] self.task_mode = params['task_mode'] self.max_time_episode = params['max_time_episode'] self.max_waypt = params['max_waypt'] self.obs_range = params['obs_range'] self.lidar_bin = params['lidar_bin'] self.d_behind = params['d_behind'] self.obs_size = int(self.obs_range / self.lidar_bin) self.out_lane_thres = params['out_lane_thres'] self.desired_speed = params['desired_speed'] self.max_ego_spawn_times = params['max_ego_spawn_times'] self.display_route = params['display_route'] if 'pixor' in params.keys(): self.pixor = params['pixor'] self.pixor_size = params['pixor_size'] else: self.pixor = False # Terminal condition if 'terminal_condition' in params: self.terminal_condition = params['terminal_condition'] else: self.terminal_condition = 'all' # Destination if params['task_mode'] == 'roundabout': self.dests = [[4.46, -61.46, 0], [-49.53, -2.89, 0], [-6.48, 55.47, 0], [35.96, 3.33, 0]] else: self.dests = None # action and observation spaces self.discrete = params['discrete'] self.discrete_act = [params['discrete_acc'], params['discrete_steer']] # acc, steer self.n_acc = len(self.discrete_act[0]) self.n_steer = len(self.discrete_act[1]) if self.discrete: self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(self.n_acc * self.n_steer) else: self.action_space = spaces.Box( np.array([ params['continuous_accel_range'][0], params['continuous_steer_range'][0] ]), np.array([ params['continuous_accel_range'][1], params['continuous_steer_range'][1] ]), dtype=np.float32) # acc, steer observation_space_dict = { 'camera': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'lidar': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'birdeye': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'state': spaces.Box(np.array([-2, -1, -5, 0]), np.array([2, 1, 30, 1]), dtype=np.float32) } if self.pixor: observation_space_dict.update({ 'roadmap': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'vh_clas': spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(self.pixor_size, self.pixor_size, 1), dtype=np.float32), 'vh_regr': spaces.Box(low=-5, high=5, shape=(self.pixor_size, self.pixor_size, 6), dtype=np.float32), 'pixor_state': spaces.Box(np.array([-1000, -1000, -1, -1, -5]), np.array([1000, 1000, 1, 1, 20]), dtype=np.float32) }) self.observation_space = spaces.Dict(observation_space_dict) # Connect to carla server and get world object print('connecting to Carla server...') client = carla.Client('localhost', params['port']) client.set_timeout(10.0) = client.load_world(params['town']) print('Carla server connected!') # Set weather # Get spawn points self.vehicle_spawn_points = list( self.walker_spawn_points = [] for i in range(self.number_of_walkers): spawn_point = carla.Transform() loc = if (loc != None): spawn_point.location = loc self.walker_spawn_points.append(spawn_point) # Create the ego vehicle blueprint self.ego_bp = self._create_vehicle_bluepprint( params['ego_vehicle_filter'], color='49,8,8') # Collision sensor self.collision_hist = [] # The collision history self.collision_hist_l = 1 # collision history length self.collision_bp = 'sensor.other.collision') # Lidar sensor self.lidar_data = None self.lidar_height = 2.1 self.lidar_trans = carla.Transform( carla.Location(x=0.0, z=self.lidar_height)) self.lidar_bp = 'sensor.lidar.ray_cast') self.lidar_bp.set_attribute('channels', '32') self.lidar_bp.set_attribute('range', '5000') # Camera sensor self.camera_img = np.zeros((self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8) self.camera_trans = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=0.8, z=1.7)) self.camera_bp = '') # Modify the attributes of the blueprint to set image resolution and field of view. self.camera_bp.set_attribute('image_size_x', str(self.obs_size)) self.camera_bp.set_attribute('image_size_y', str(self.obs_size)) self.camera_bp.set_attribute('fov', '110') # Set the time in seconds between sensor captures self.camera_bp.set_attribute('sensor_tick', '0.02') # Set fixed simulation step for synchronous mode self.settings = self.settings.fixed_delta_seconds = self.dt # Record the time of total steps and resetting steps self.reset_step = 0 self.total_step = 0 # Initialize the renderer self._init_renderer() # Get pixel grid points if self.pixor: x, y = np.meshgrid( np.arange(self.pixor_size), np.arange(self.pixor_size)) # make a canvas with coordinates x, y = x.flatten(), y.flatten() self.pixel_grid = np.vstack((x, y)).T def reset(self): # Clear sensor objects self.collision_sensor = None self.lidar_sensor = None self.camera_sensor = None # Delete sensors, vehicles and walkers self._clear_all_actors([ 'sensor.other.collision', 'sensor.lidar.ray_cast', '', 'vehicle.*', '', 'walker.*' ]) # Disable sync mode self._set_synchronous_mode(False) # Spawn surrounding vehicles random.shuffle(self.vehicle_spawn_points) count = self.number_of_vehicles if count > 0: for spawn_point in self.vehicle_spawn_points: if self._try_spawn_random_vehicle_at(spawn_point, number_of_wheels=[4]): count -= 1 if count <= 0: break while count > 0: if self._try_spawn_random_vehicle_at(random.choice( self.vehicle_spawn_points), number_of_wheels=[4]): count -= 1 # Spawn pedestrians random.shuffle(self.walker_spawn_points) count = self.number_of_walkers if count > 0: for spawn_point in self.walker_spawn_points: if self._try_spawn_random_walker_at(spawn_point): count -= 1 if count <= 0: break while count > 0: if self._try_spawn_random_walker_at( random.choice(self.walker_spawn_points)): count -= 1 # Get actors polygon list self.vehicle_polygons = [] vehicle_poly_dict = self._get_actor_polygons('vehicle.*') self.vehicle_polygons.append(vehicle_poly_dict) self.walker_polygons = [] walker_poly_dict = self._get_actor_polygons('walker.*') self.walker_polygons.append(walker_poly_dict) # Spawn the ego vehicle ego_spawn_times = 0 while True: if ego_spawn_times > self.max_ego_spawn_times: self.reset() if self.task_mode == 'random': transform = random.choice(self.vehicle_spawn_points) if self.task_mode == 'roundabout': self.start = [52.1 + np.random.uniform(-5, 5), -4.2, 178.66] # random # self.start=[52.1,-4.2, 178.66] # static transform = set_carla_transform(self.start) if self._try_spawn_ego_vehicle_at(transform): break else: ego_spawn_times += 1 time.sleep(0.1) # Add collision sensor self.collision_sensor =, carla.Transform(), attach_to=self.ego) self.collision_sensor.listen(lambda event: get_collision_hist(event)) def get_collision_hist(event): impulse = event.normal_impulse intensity = np.sqrt(impulse.x**2 + impulse.y**2 + impulse.z**2) self.collision_hist.append(intensity) if len(self.collision_hist) > self.collision_hist_l: self.collision_hist.pop(0) self.collision_hist = [] # Add lidar sensor self.lidar_sensor =, self.lidar_trans, attach_to=self.ego) self.lidar_sensor.listen(lambda data: get_lidar_data(data)) def get_lidar_data(data): self.lidar_data = data # Add camera sensor self.camera_sensor =, self.camera_trans, attach_to=self.ego) self.camera_sensor.listen(lambda data: get_camera_img(data)) def get_camera_img(data): array = np.frombuffer(data.raw_data, dtype=np.dtype("uint8")) array = np.reshape(array, (data.height, data.width, 4)) array = array[:, :, :3] array = array[:, :, ::-1] self.camera_img = array # Update timesteps self.time_step = 0 self.reset_step += 1 # Enable sync mode self.settings.synchronous_mode = True self.routeplanner = RoutePlanner(self.ego, self.max_waypt) self.waypoints, _, self.vehicle_front = self.routeplanner.run_step() # Set ego information for render self.birdeye_render.set_hero(self.ego, return self._get_obs() def step(self, action): # Calculate acceleration and steering if self.discrete: acc = self.discrete_act[0][action // self.n_steer] steer = self.discrete_act[1][action % self.n_steer] else: acc = action[0] steer = action[1] # Convert acceleration to throttle and brake if acc > 0: throttle = np.clip(acc / 3, 0, 1) brake = 0 else: throttle = 0 brake = np.clip(-acc / 8, 0, 1) # Apply control act = carla.VehicleControl(throttle=float(throttle), steer=float(-steer), brake=float(brake)) self.ego.apply_control(act) # Append actors polygon list vehicle_poly_dict = self._get_actor_polygons('vehicle.*') self.vehicle_polygons.append(vehicle_poly_dict) while len(self.vehicle_polygons) > self.max_past_step: self.vehicle_polygons.pop(0) walker_poly_dict = self._get_actor_polygons('walker.*') self.walker_polygons.append(walker_poly_dict) while len(self.walker_polygons) > self.max_past_step: self.walker_polygons.pop(0) # route planner self.waypoints, _, self.vehicle_front = self.routeplanner.run_step() # state information info = { 'waypoints': self.waypoints, 'vehicle_front': self.vehicle_front } # Update timesteps self.time_step += 1 self.total_step += 1 return (self._get_obs(), self._get_reward(), self._terminal(), copy.deepcopy(info)) def seed(self, seed=None): self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed) return [seed] def render(self, mode): pass def _create_vehicle_bluepprint(self, actor_filter, color=None, number_of_wheels=[4]): """Create the blueprint for a specific actor type. Args: actor_filter: a string indicating the actor type, e.g, '*'. Returns: bp: the blueprint object of carla. """ blueprints = blueprint_library = [] for nw in number_of_wheels: blueprint_library = blueprint_library + [ x for x in blueprints if int(x.get_attribute('number_of_wheels')) == nw ] bp = random.choice(blueprint_library) if bp.has_attribute('color'): if not color: color = random.choice( bp.get_attribute('color').recommended_values) bp.set_attribute('color', color) return bp def _init_renderer(self): """Initialize the birdeye view renderer. """ pygame.init() self.display = pygame.display.set_mode( (self.display_size * 3, self.display_size), pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF) pixels_per_meter = self.display_size / self.obs_range pixels_ahead_vehicle = (self.obs_range / 2 - self.d_behind) * pixels_per_meter birdeye_params = { 'screen_size': [self.display_size, self.display_size], 'pixels_per_meter': pixels_per_meter, 'pixels_ahead_vehicle': pixels_ahead_vehicle } self.birdeye_render = BirdeyeRender(, birdeye_params) def _set_synchronous_mode(self, synchronous=True): """Set whether to use the synchronous mode. """ self.settings.synchronous_mode = synchronous def _try_spawn_random_vehicle_at(self, transform, number_of_wheels=[4]): """Try to spawn a surrounding vehicle at specific transform with random bluprint. Args: transform: the carla transform object. Returns: Bool indicating whether the spawn is successful. """ blueprint = self._create_vehicle_bluepprint( 'vehicle.*', number_of_wheels=number_of_wheels) blueprint.set_attribute('role_name', 'autopilot') vehicle =, transform) if vehicle is not None: vehicle.set_autopilot() return True return False def _try_spawn_random_walker_at(self, transform): """Try to spawn a walker at specific transform with random bluprint. Args: transform: the carla transform object. Returns: Bool indicating whether the spawn is successful. """ walker_bp = random.choice('walker.*')) # set as not invencible if walker_bp.has_attribute('is_invincible'): walker_bp.set_attribute('is_invincible', 'false') walker_actor =, transform) if walker_actor is not None: walker_controller_bp = '') walker_controller_actor = walker_controller_bp, carla.Transform(), walker_actor) # start walker walker_controller_actor.start() # set walk to random point walker_controller_actor.go_to_location( # random max speed walker_controller_actor.set_max_speed( 1 + random.random() ) # max speed between 1 and 2 (default is 1.4 m/s) return True return False def _try_spawn_ego_vehicle_at(self, transform): """Try to spawn the ego vehicle at specific transform. Args: transform: the carla transform object. Returns: Bool indicating whether the spawn is successful. """ vehicle = None # Check if ego position overlaps with surrounding vehicles overlap = False for idx, poly in self.vehicle_polygons[-1].items(): poly_center = np.mean(poly, axis=0) ego_center = np.array([transform.location.x, transform.location.y]) dis = np.linalg.norm(poly_center - ego_center) if dis > 8: continue else: overlap = True break if not overlap: vehicle =, transform) if vehicle is not None: self.ego = vehicle return True return False def _get_actor_polygons(self, filt): """Get the bounding box polygon of actors. Args: filt: the filter indicating what type of actors we'll look at. Returns: actor_poly_dict: a dictionary containing the bounding boxes of specific actors. """ actor_poly_dict = {} for actor in # Get x, y and yaw of the actor trans = actor.get_transform() x = trans.location.x y = trans.location.y yaw = trans.rotation.yaw / 180 * np.pi # Get length and width bb = actor.bounding_box l = bb.extent.x w = bb.extent.y # Get bounding box polygon in the actor's local coordinate poly_local = np.array([[l, w], [l, -w], [-l, -w], [-l, w]]).transpose() # Get rotation matrix to transform to global coordinate R = np.array([[np.cos(yaw), -np.sin(yaw)], [np.sin(yaw), np.cos(yaw)]]) # Get global bounding box polygon poly = np.matmul(R, poly_local).transpose() + np.repeat( [[x, y]], 4, axis=0) actor_poly_dict[] = poly return actor_poly_dict def _get_obs(self): """Get the observations.""" ## Birdeye rendering self.birdeye_render.vehicle_polygons = self.vehicle_polygons self.birdeye_render.walker_polygons = self.walker_polygons self.birdeye_render.waypoints = self.waypoints # birdeye view with roadmap and actors birdeye_render_types = ['roadmap', 'actors'] if self.display_route: birdeye_render_types.append('waypoints') self.birdeye_render.render(self.display, birdeye_render_types) birdeye = pygame.surfarray.array3d(self.display) birdeye = birdeye[0:self.display_size, :, :] birdeye = display_to_rgb(birdeye, self.obs_size) # Roadmap if self.pixor: roadmap_render_types = ['roadmap'] if self.display_route: roadmap_render_types.append('waypoints') self.birdeye_render.render(self.display, roadmap_render_types) roadmap = pygame.surfarray.array3d(self.display) roadmap = roadmap[0:self.display_size, :, :] roadmap = display_to_rgb(roadmap, self.obs_size) # Add ego vehicle for i in range(self.obs_size): for j in range(self.obs_size): if abs(birdeye[i, j, 0] - 255) < 20 and abs( birdeye[i, j, 1] - 0) < 20 and abs(birdeye[i, j, 0] - 255) < 20: roadmap[i, j, :] = birdeye[i, j, :] # Display birdeye image birdeye_surface = rgb_to_display_surface(birdeye, self.display_size) self.display.blit(birdeye_surface, (0, 0)) ## Lidar image generation point_cloud = [] # Get point cloud data for location in self.lidar_data: point_cloud.append([location.x, location.y, -location.z]) point_cloud = np.array(point_cloud) # Separate the 3D space to bins for point cloud, x and y is set according to self.lidar_bin, # and z is set to be two bins. y_bins = np.arange(-(self.obs_range - self.d_behind), self.d_behind + self.lidar_bin, self.lidar_bin) x_bins = np.arange(-self.obs_range / 2, self.obs_range / 2 + self.lidar_bin, self.lidar_bin) z_bins = [-self.lidar_height - 1, -self.lidar_height + 0.25, 1] # Get lidar image according to the bins lidar, _ = np.histogramdd(point_cloud, bins=(x_bins, y_bins, z_bins)) lidar[:, :, 0] = np.array(lidar[:, :, 0] > 0, dtype=np.uint8) lidar[:, :, 1] = np.array(lidar[:, :, 1] > 0, dtype=np.uint8) # Add the waypoints to lidar image if self.display_route: wayptimg = (birdeye[:, :, 0] <= 10) * (birdeye[:, :, 1] <= 10) * ( birdeye[:, :, 2] >= 240) else: wayptimg = birdeye[:, :, 0] < 0 # Equal to a zero matrix wayptimg = np.expand_dims(wayptimg, axis=2) wayptimg = np.fliplr(np.rot90(wayptimg, 3)) # Get the final lidar image lidar = np.concatenate((lidar, wayptimg), axis=2) lidar = np.flip(lidar, axis=1) lidar = np.rot90(lidar, 1) lidar = lidar * 255 # Display lidar image lidar_surface = rgb_to_display_surface(lidar, self.display_size) self.display.blit(lidar_surface, (self.display_size, 0)) ## Display camera image camera = resize(self.camera_img, (self.obs_size, self.obs_size)) * 255 camera_surface = rgb_to_display_surface(camera, self.display_size) self.display.blit(camera_surface, (self.display_size * 2, 0)) # Display on pygame pygame.display.flip() # State observation ego_trans = self.ego.get_transform() ego_x = ego_trans.location.x ego_y = ego_trans.location.y ego_yaw = ego_trans.rotation.yaw / 180 * np.pi lateral_dis, w = get_preview_lane_dis(self.waypoints, ego_x, ego_y) delta_yaw = np.arcsin( np.cross(w, np.array(np.array([np.cos(ego_yaw), np.sin(ego_yaw)])))) v = self.ego.get_velocity() speed = np.sqrt(v.x**2 + v.y**2) state = np.array([lateral_dis, -delta_yaw, speed, self.vehicle_front]) if self.pixor: ## Vehicle classification and regression maps (requires further normalization) vh_clas = np.zeros((self.pixor_size, self.pixor_size)) vh_regr = np.zeros((self.pixor_size, self.pixor_size, 6)) # Generate the PIXOR image. Note in CARLA it is using left-hand coordinate # Get the 6-dim geom parametrization in PIXOR, here we use pixel coordinate for actor in'vehicle.*'): x, y, yaw, l, w = get_info(actor) x_local, y_local, yaw_local = get_local_pose( (x, y, yaw), (ego_x, ego_y, ego_yaw)) if != if abs( y_local ) < self.obs_range / 2 + 1 and x_local < self.obs_range - self.d_behind + 1 and x_local > -self.d_behind - 1: x_pixel, y_pixel, yaw_pixel, l_pixel, w_pixel = get_pixel_info( local_info=(x_local, y_local, yaw_local, l, w), d_behind=self.d_behind, obs_range=self.obs_range, image_size=self.pixor_size) cos_t = np.cos(yaw_pixel) sin_t = np.sin(yaw_pixel) logw = np.log(w_pixel) logl = np.log(l_pixel) pixels = get_pixels_inside_vehicle( pixel_info=(x_pixel, y_pixel, yaw_pixel, l_pixel, w_pixel), pixel_grid=self.pixel_grid) for pixel in pixels: vh_clas[pixel[0], pixel[1]] = 1 dx = x_pixel - pixel[0] dy = y_pixel - pixel[1] vh_regr[pixel[0], pixel[1], :] = np.array( [cos_t, sin_t, dx, dy, logw, logl]) # Flip the image matrix so that the origin is at the left-bottom vh_clas = np.flip(vh_clas, axis=0) vh_regr = np.flip(vh_regr, axis=0) # Pixor state, [x, y, cos(yaw), sin(yaw), speed] pixor_state = [ ego_x, ego_y, np.cos(ego_yaw), np.sin(ego_yaw), speed ] obs = { 'camera': camera.astype(np.uint8), 'lidar': lidar.astype(np.uint8), 'birdeye': birdeye.astype(np.uint8), 'state': state, } if self.pixor: obs.update({ 'roadmap': roadmap.astype(np.uint8), 'vh_clas': np.expand_dims(vh_clas, -1).astype(np.float32), 'vh_regr': vh_regr.astype(np.float32), 'pixor_state': pixor_state, }) return obs def _get_reward(self): """Calculate the step reward.""" # reward for speed tracking v = self.ego.get_velocity() speed = np.sqrt(v.x**2 + v.y**2) r_speed = -abs(speed - self.desired_speed) # reward for collision r_collision = 0 if len(self.collision_hist) > 0: r_collision = -1 # reward for steering: r_steer = -self.ego.get_control().steer**2 # reward for out of lane ego_x, ego_y = get_pos(self.ego) dis, w = get_lane_dis(self.waypoints, ego_x, ego_y) r_out = 0 if abs(dis) > self.out_lane_thres: r_out = -1 # longitudinal speed lspeed = np.array([v.x, v.y]) lspeed_lon =, w) # cost for too fast r_fast = 0 if lspeed_lon > self.desired_speed: r_fast = -1 # cost for lateral acceleration r_lat = -abs(self.ego.get_control().steer) * lspeed_lon**2 r = 200 * r_collision + 1 * lspeed_lon + 10 * r_fast + 1 * r_out + r_steer * 5 + 0.2 * r_lat - 0.1 return r # def _terminal(self): # """Calculate whether to terminate the current episode.""" # # Get ego state # ego_x, ego_y = get_pos(self.ego) # # If collides # if len(self.collision_hist)>0: # return True # # If reach maximum timestep # if self.time_step>self.max_time_episode: # return True # # If at destination # if self.dests is not None: # If at destination # for dest in self.dests: # if np.sqrt((ego_x-dest[0])**2+(ego_y-dest[1])**2)<4: # return True # # If out of lane # dis, _ = get_lane_dis(self.waypoints, ego_x, ego_y) # if abs(dis) > self.out_lane_thres: # return True # return False def _terminal(self): """ Calculate whether to terminate the current episode with own condition Add the terminal condition into 'terminal_condition' parameters: Collision: if Collision happen Step: maximum step Destination: if ego reach the destination Distence: if ego is out of lane """ # get ego state ego_x, ego_y = get_pos(self.ego) # If collides if len(self.collision_hist) > 0 and ( 'Collision' in self.terminal_condition or self.terminal_condition == 'all'): return True # If reach maximum timestep if self.time_step > self.max_time_episode and ( 'Step' in self.terminal_condition or self.terminal_condition == 'all'): return True # If at destination if self.dests is not None and ('Destination' in self.terminal_condition or self.terminal_condition == 'all'): # If at destination for dest in self.dests: if np.sqrt((ego_x - dest[0])**2 + (ego_y - dest[1])**2) < 4: return True # If out of lane dis, _ = get_lane_dis(self.waypoints, ego_x, ego_y) if abs(dis) > self.out_lane_thres and ( 'Distence' in self.terminal_condition or self.terminal_condition == 'all'): return True return False def _clear_all_actors(self, actor_filters): """Clear specific actors.""" for actor_filter in actor_filters: for actor in if actor.is_alive: if actor.type_id == '': actor.stop() actor.destroy()
def reset(self): # Clear sensor objects self.collision_sensor = None self.lidar_sensor = None self.camera_sensor = None # Delete sensors, vehicles and walkers self._clear_all_actors([ 'sensor.other.collision', 'sensor.lidar.ray_cast', '', 'vehicle.*', '', 'walker.*' ]) # Disable sync mode self._set_synchronous_mode(False) # Spawn surrounding vehicles random.shuffle(self.vehicle_spawn_points) count = self.number_of_vehicles if count > 0: for spawn_point in self.vehicle_spawn_points: if self._try_spawn_random_vehicle_at(spawn_point, number_of_wheels=[4]): count -= 1 if count <= 0: break while count > 0: if self._try_spawn_random_vehicle_at(random.choice( self.vehicle_spawn_points), number_of_wheels=[4]): count -= 1 # Spawn pedestrians random.shuffle(self.walker_spawn_points) count = self.number_of_walkers if count > 0: for spawn_point in self.walker_spawn_points: if self._try_spawn_random_walker_at(spawn_point): count -= 1 if count <= 0: break while count > 0: if self._try_spawn_random_walker_at( random.choice(self.walker_spawn_points)): count -= 1 # Get actors polygon list self.vehicle_polygons = [] vehicle_poly_dict = self._get_actor_polygons('vehicle.*') self.vehicle_polygons.append(vehicle_poly_dict) self.walker_polygons = [] walker_poly_dict = self._get_actor_polygons('walker.*') self.walker_polygons.append(walker_poly_dict) # Spawn the ego vehicle ego_spawn_times = 0 while True: if ego_spawn_times > self.max_ego_spawn_times: self.reset() if self.task_mode == 'random': transform = random.choice(self.vehicle_spawn_points) if self.task_mode == 'roundabout': self.start = [52.1 + np.random.uniform(-5, 5), -4.2, 178.66] # random # self.start=[52.1,-4.2, 178.66] # static transform = set_carla_transform(self.start) if self._try_spawn_ego_vehicle_at(transform): break else: ego_spawn_times += 1 time.sleep(0.1) # Add collision sensor self.collision_sensor =, carla.Transform(), attach_to=self.ego) self.collision_sensor.listen(lambda event: get_collision_hist(event)) def get_collision_hist(event): impulse = event.normal_impulse intensity = np.sqrt(impulse.x**2 + impulse.y**2 + impulse.z**2) self.collision_hist.append(intensity) if len(self.collision_hist) > self.collision_hist_l: self.collision_hist.pop(0) self.collision_hist = [] # Add lidar sensor self.lidar_sensor =, self.lidar_trans, attach_to=self.ego) self.lidar_sensor.listen(lambda data: get_lidar_data(data)) def get_lidar_data(data): self.lidar_data = data # Add camera sensor self.camera_sensor =, self.camera_trans, attach_to=self.ego) self.camera_sensor.listen(lambda data: get_camera_img(data)) def get_camera_img(data): array = np.frombuffer(data.raw_data, dtype=np.dtype("uint8")) array = np.reshape(array, (data.height, data.width, 4)) array = array[:, :, :3] array = array[:, :, ::-1] self.camera_img = array # Update timesteps self.time_step = 0 self.reset_step += 1 # Enable sync mode self.settings.synchronous_mode = True self.routeplanner = RoutePlanner(self.ego, self.max_waypt) self.waypoints, _, self.vehicle_front = self.routeplanner.run_step() # Set ego information for render self.birdeye_render.set_hero(self.ego, return self._get_obs()
class CarlaEnv(gym.Env): """An OpenAI gym wrapper for CARLA simulator.""" def __init__(self, params): # parameters self.display_size = params['display_size'] # rendering screen size self.max_past_step = params['max_past_step'] self.number_of_vehicles = params['number_of_vehicles'] self.number_of_walkers = params['number_of_walkers'] self.dt = params['dt'] self.task_mode = params['task_mode'] self.max_time_episode = params['max_time_episode'] self.max_waypt = params['max_waypt'] self.obs_range = params['obs_range'] self.lidar_bin = params['lidar_bin'] self.d_behind = params['d_behind'] self.obs_size = int(self.obs_range / self.lidar_bin) self.image_height = params['image_height'] self.image_width = params['image_width'] self.out_lane_thres = params['out_lane_thres'] self.desired_speed = params['desired_speed'] self.max_ego_spawn_times = params['max_ego_spawn_times'] self.display_route = params['display_route'] if 'pixor' in params.keys(): self.pixor = params['pixor'] self.pixor_size = params['pixor_size'] else: self.pixor = False if 'image_xform' in params.keys(): self.xform = True else: self.xform = False self.step_rewards = [] self.step_actions = [] self.step_steering = [] self.max_distance = 2.0 # Destination if params['task_mode'] == 'roundabout': self.dests = [[4.46, -61.46, 0], [-49.53, -2.89, 0], [-6.48, 55.47, 0], [35.96, 3.33, 0]] else: self.dests = None # action and observation spaces self.discrete = params['discrete'] self.discrete_act = [params['discrete_acc'], params['discrete_steer']] # acc, steer self.n_acc = len(self.discrete_act[0]) self.n_steer = len(self.discrete_act[1]) if self.discrete: self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(self.n_acc * self.n_steer) else: self.action_space = spaces.Box( np.array([ params['continuous_accel_range'][0], params['continuous_steer_range'][0] ]), np.array([ params['continuous_accel_range'][1], params['continuous_steer_range'][1] ]), dtype=np.float32) # acc, steer observation_space_dict = { 'orig_camera': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.image_height, self.image_width, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'camera': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'lidar': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'birdeye': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'state': spaces.Box(np.array([-2, -1, -5, 0]), np.array([2, 1, 30, 1]), dtype=np.float32) } if self.pixor: observation_space_dict.update({ 'roadmap': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'vh_clas': spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(self.pixor_size, self.pixor_size, 1), dtype=np.float32), 'vh_regr': spaces.Box(low=-5, high=5, shape=(self.pixor_size, self.pixor_size, 6), dtype=np.float32), 'pixor_state': spaces.Box(np.array([-1000, -1000, -1, -1, -5]), np.array([1000, 1000, 1, 1, 20]), dtype=np.float32) }) self.observation_space = spaces.Dict(observation_space_dict) # Connect to carla server and get world object print('connecting to Carla server...') client = carla.Client('localhost', params['port']) client.set_timeout(10.0) self.client = client = client.load_world(params['town']) print('Carla server connected!') self.birdview_producer = BirdViewProducer( self.client, # carla.Client target_size=PixelDimensions(width=self.image_width, height=self.image_height), pixels_per_meter=4, crop_type=BirdViewCropType.FRONT_AND_REAR_AREA) # Set weather # Get spawn points self.vehicle_spawn_points = list( self.walker_spawn_points = [] for i in range(self.number_of_walkers): spawn_point = carla.Transform() loc = if (loc != None): spawn_point.location = loc self.walker_spawn_points.append(spawn_point) # Create the ego vehicle blueprint self.ego_bp = self._create_vehicle_bluepprint( params['ego_vehicle_filter'], color='49,8,8') # Collision sensor self.collision_hist = [] # The collision history self.collision_hist_l = 1 # collision history length self.collision_bp = 'sensor.other.collision') # Lidar sensor self.lidar_data = None self.lidar_height = 2.1 self.lidar_trans = carla.Transform( carla.Location(x=0.0, z=self.lidar_height)) self.lidar_bp = 'sensor.lidar.ray_cast') self.lidar_bp.set_attribute('channels', '32') self.lidar_bp.set_attribute('range', '5000') # Camera sensor self.camera_img = np.zeros((self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8) self.original_camera_image = np.zeros( (self.image_height, self.image_width, 3), dtype=np.uint8) self.speed = np.zeros((1), dtype=np.uint8) self.camera_trans = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=0.8, z=1.7)) self.camera_bp = '') # Modify the attributes of the blueprint to set image resolution and field of view. self.camera_bp.set_attribute('image_size_x', str(self.obs_size)) self.camera_bp.set_attribute('image_size_y', str(self.obs_size)) self.camera_bp.set_attribute('fov', '110') # Set the time in seconds between sensor captures self.camera_bp.set_attribute('sensor_tick', '0.02') # Set fixed simulation step for synchronous mode self.settings = self.settings.fixed_delta_seconds = self.dt # Record the time of total steps and resetting steps self.reset_step = 0 self.total_step = 0 # Initialize the renderer self._init_renderer() self.current_waypoint_index = 0 self.auto_pilot_mode = False # Get pixel grid points if self.pixor: x, y = np.meshgrid( np.arange(self.pixor_size), np.arange(self.pixor_size)) # make a canvas with coordinates x, y = x.flatten(), y.flatten() self.pixel_grid = np.vstack((x, y)).T def get_client(self): return self.client def get_car(self): return self.ego def get_speed(self): v = self.ego.get_velocity() speed_kmh = 3.6 * np.sqrt(v.x**2 + v.y**2 + v.z**2) return speed_kmh def reset(self): # Clear sensor objects self.collision_sensor = None self.lidar_sensor = None self.camera_sensor = None self.step_rewards = [] self.step_actions = [] self.step_steering = [] self.birdview_producer = BirdViewProducer( self.client, # carla.Client target_size=PixelDimensions(width=self.image_width, height=self.image_height), pixels_per_meter=4, crop_type=BirdViewCropType.FRONT_AND_REAR_AREA) # Delete sensors, vehicles and walkers self._clear_all_actors([ 'sensor.other.collision', 'sensor.lidar.ray_cast', '', 'vehicle.*', '', 'walker.*' ]) # Disable sync mode self._set_synchronous_mode(False) # Spawn surrounding vehicles random.shuffle(self.vehicle_spawn_points) count = self.number_of_vehicles if count > 0: for spawn_point in self.vehicle_spawn_points: if self._try_spawn_random_vehicle_at(spawn_point, number_of_wheels=[4]): count -= 1 if count <= 0: break while count > 0: if self._try_spawn_random_vehicle_at(random.choice( self.vehicle_spawn_points), number_of_wheels=[4]): count -= 1 # Spawn pedestrians random.shuffle(self.walker_spawn_points) count = self.number_of_walkers if count > 0: for spawn_point in self.walker_spawn_points: if self._try_spawn_random_walker_at(spawn_point): count -= 1 if count <= 0: break while count > 0: if self._try_spawn_random_walker_at( random.choice(self.walker_spawn_points)): count -= 1 # Get actors polygon list self.vehicle_polygons = [] vehicle_poly_dict = self._get_actor_polygons('vehicle.*') self.vehicle_polygons.append(vehicle_poly_dict) self.walker_polygons = [] walker_poly_dict = self._get_actor_polygons('walker.*') self.walker_polygons.append(walker_poly_dict) # Spawn the ego vehicle ego_spawn_times = 0 while True: if ego_spawn_times > self.max_ego_spawn_times: self.reset() if self.task_mode == 'random': transform = random.choice(self.vehicle_spawn_points) if self.task_mode == 'roundabout': self.start = [52.1 + np.random.uniform(-5, 5), -4.2, 178.66] # random # self.start=[52.1,-4.2, 178.66] # static transform = set_carla_transform(self.start) if self._try_spawn_ego_vehicle_at(transform): break else: ego_spawn_times += 1 time.sleep(0.1) # Add collision sensor self.collision_sensor =, carla.Transform(), attach_to=self.ego) self.collision_sensor.listen(lambda event: get_collision_hist(event)) def get_collision_hist(event): impulse = event.normal_impulse intensity = np.sqrt(impulse.x**2 + impulse.y**2 + impulse.z**2) self.collision_hist.append(intensity) if len(self.collision_hist) > self.collision_hist_l: self.collision_hist.pop(0) self.collision_hist = [] # Add lidar sensor self.lidar_sensor =, self.lidar_trans, attach_to=self.ego) self.lidar_sensor.listen(lambda data: get_lidar_data(data)) def get_lidar_data(data): self.lidar_data = data # Add camera sensor self.camera_sensor =, self.camera_trans, attach_to=self.ego) self.camera_sensor.listen(lambda data: get_camera_img(data)) def get_camera_img(data): array = np.frombuffer(data.raw_data, dtype=np.dtype("uint8")) array = np.reshape(array, (data.height, data.width, 4)) array = array[:, :, :3] i3 = (array) / 255. array = array[:, :, ::-1] self.camera_img = array self.original_camera_image = i3 # Update timesteps self.time_step = 0 self.reset_step += 1 # Enable sync mode self.settings.synchronous_mode = True self.routeplanner = RoutePlanner(self.ego, self.max_waypt) self.waypoints, _, self.vehicle_front = self.routeplanner.run_step() # get all the route waypoints self.route_waypoints = self.routeplanner._get_waypoints_data() #print(" Route waypoints : {} ".format(len(self.route_waypoints))) # Set ego information for render self.birdeye_render.set_hero(self.ego, self.current_waypoint_index = 0 self.step_start_location = self.ego.get_location() self.step_last_location = self.step_start_location return self._get_obs() def dump(self): print("Step throttle : {} ".format(self.step_actions)) print("Step steering : {} ".format(self.step_steering)) print("Step rewards : {} ".format(self.step_rewards)) def get_steering_angle(self): physics_control = self.ego.get_physics_control() for wheel in physics_control.wheels: print(wheel.max_steer_angle) def auto(self, value): self.auto_pilot_mode = value self.ego.set_autopilot(value) def isauto(self): return self.auto_pilot_mode def move(self): return self._get_obs() def get_action_auto(self): control = self.ego.get_control() return control.throttle, control.steer def move_auto(self): # Keep track of closest waypoint on the route transform = self.ego.get_transform() waypoint_index = self.current_waypoint_index for _ in range(len(self.waypoints)): # Check if we passed the next waypoint along the route next_waypoint_index = waypoint_index + 1 wp = self.route_waypoints[next_waypoint_index % len(self.waypoints)] dot = vector(wp.transform.get_forward_vector())[:2], vector(transform.location - wp.transform.location)[:2]) if dot > 0.0: # Did we pass the waypoint? waypoint_index += 1 # Go to next waypoint self.current_waypoint_index = waypoint_index v_transform = self.ego.get_transform() current_waypoint = self.route_waypoints[self.current_waypoint_index % len(self.waypoints)] next_waypoint = self.route_waypoints[(self.current_waypoint_index + 1) % len(self.waypoints)] self.distance_from_center = distance_to_line( vector(current_waypoint.transform.location), vector(next_waypoint.transform.location), vector(v_transform.location)) self.current_waypoint = current_waypoint self.next_waypoint = next_waypoint control = self.ego.get_control() isdone, isout = self._terminal() reward = self.get_reward_speed(isdone, control.steer, isout) return self._get_obs(), control.throttle, control.steer, reward, isdone def step(self, action): # Calculate acceleration and steering self.throttle = 0 self.steer = 0 if self.discrete: #acc = self.discrete_act[0][action//self.n_steer] #steer = self.discrete_act[1][action%self.n_steer] #acc = self.discrete_act[0][action] #steer = self.discrete_act[1][action%self.n_steer] acc = action[0] steer = action[1] else: acc = action[0] steer = action[1] # Keep track of closest waypoint on the route transform = self.ego.get_transform() waypoint_index = self.current_waypoint_index for _ in range(len(self.waypoints)): # Check if we passed the next waypoint along the route next_waypoint_index = waypoint_index + 1 wp = self.route_waypoints[next_waypoint_index % len(self.waypoints)] dot = vector(wp.transform.get_forward_vector())[:2], vector(transform.location - wp.transform.location)[:2]) if dot > 0.0: # Did we pass the waypoint? waypoint_index += 1 # Go to next waypoint self.current_waypoint_index = waypoint_index v_transform = self.ego.get_transform() current_waypoint = self.route_waypoints[self.current_waypoint_index % len(self.waypoints)] next_waypoint = self.route_waypoints[(self.current_waypoint_index + 1) % len(self.waypoints)] self.distance_from_center = distance_to_line( vector(current_waypoint.transform.location), vector(next_waypoint.transform.location), vector(v_transform.location)) self.current_waypoint = current_waypoint self.next_waypoint = next_waypoint #print("current way point idx {} ".format(self.current_waypoint_index)) # Convert acceleration to throttle and brake if acc > 0: #throttle = np.clip(acc/3,0,1) #throttle = np.clip(acc,0,1) #throttle = acc #brake = 0 throttle = acc brake = 0 else: throttle = 0 brake = 0 #brake = np.clip(-acc/8,0,1) #brake = np.clip(-acc,0,1) self.throttle = throttle self.steer = steer # Apply control if self.auto_pilot_mode: else: act = carla.VehicleControl(throttle=float(throttle), steer=float(steer), brake=float(brake)) self.ego.apply_control(act) # Append actors polygon list vehicle_poly_dict = self._get_actor_polygons('vehicle.*') self.vehicle_polygons.append(vehicle_poly_dict) while len(self.vehicle_polygons) > self.max_past_step: self.vehicle_polygons.pop(0) walker_poly_dict = self._get_actor_polygons('walker.*') self.walker_polygons.append(walker_poly_dict) while len(self.walker_polygons) > self.max_past_step: self.walker_polygons.pop(0) # route planner self.waypoints, _, self.vehicle_front = self.routeplanner.run_step() # get all the route waypoints self.route_waypoints = self.routeplanner._get_waypoints_data() # state information info = { 'waypoints': self.waypoints, 'vehicle_front': self.vehicle_front } # Update timesteps self.time_step += 1 self.total_step += 1 isdone, isout = self._terminal() self.step_end_location = self.ego.get_location() #reward , centre , coll, out = self._get_reward_speed_centering(isdone) reward = self.get_reward_speed(isdone, steer, isout) self.step_actions.append(throttle) self.step_steering.append(steer) self.step_rewards.append(reward) if isdone: print("Final Speed reward : {}".format(reward)) return (self._get_obs(), reward, isdone, copy.deepcopy(info)) def seed(self, seed=None): self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed) return [seed] def render(self, mode): pass def _create_vehicle_bluepprint(self, actor_filter, color=None, number_of_wheels=[4]): """Create the blueprint for a specific actor type. Args: actor_filter: a string indicating the actor type, e.g, '*'. Returns: bp: the blueprint object of carla. """ blueprints = blueprint_library = [] for nw in number_of_wheels: blueprint_library = blueprint_library + [ x for x in blueprints if int(x.get_attribute('number_of_wheels')) == nw ] bp = random.choice(blueprint_library) if bp.has_attribute('color'): if not color: color = random.choice( bp.get_attribute('color').recommended_values) bp.set_attribute('color', color) return bp def _init_renderer(self): """Initialize the birdeye view renderer. """ pygame.init() self.display = pygame.display.set_mode( (self.display_size * 3, self.display_size), pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF) pixels_per_meter = self.display_size / self.obs_range pixels_ahead_vehicle = (self.obs_range / 2 - self.d_behind) * pixels_per_meter birdeye_params = { 'screen_size': [self.display_size, self.display_size], 'pixels_per_meter': pixels_per_meter, 'pixels_ahead_vehicle': pixels_ahead_vehicle } self.birdeye_render = BirdeyeRender(, birdeye_params) def _set_synchronous_mode(self, synchronous=True): """Set whether to use the synchronous mode. """ self.settings.synchronous_mode = synchronous def _try_spawn_random_vehicle_at(self, transform, number_of_wheels=[4]): """Try to spawn a surrounding vehicle at specific transform with random bluprint. Args: transform: the carla transform object. Returns: Bool indicating whether the spawn is successful. """ blueprint = self._create_vehicle_bluepprint( 'vehicle.*', number_of_wheels=number_of_wheels) blueprint.set_attribute('role_name', 'autopilot') vehicle =, transform) if vehicle is not None: vehicle.set_autopilot() return True return False def _try_spawn_random_walker_at(self, transform): """Try to spawn a walker at specific transform with random bluprint. Args: transform: the carla transform object. Returns: Bool indicating whether the spawn is successful. """ walker_bp = random.choice('walker.*')) # set as not invencible if walker_bp.has_attribute('is_invincible'): walker_bp.set_attribute('is_invincible', 'false') walker_actor =, transform) if walker_actor is not None: walker_controller_bp = '') walker_controller_actor = walker_controller_bp, carla.Transform(), walker_actor) # start walker walker_controller_actor.start() # set walk to random point walker_controller_actor.go_to_location( # random max speed walker_controller_actor.set_max_speed( 1 + random.random() ) # max speed between 1 and 2 (default is 1.4 m/s) return True return False def _try_spawn_ego_vehicle_at(self, transform): """Try to spawn the ego vehicle at specific transform. Args: transform: the carla transform object. Returns: Bool indicating whether the spawn is successful. """ vehicle = None # Check if ego position overlaps with surrounding vehicles overlap = False for idx, poly in self.vehicle_polygons[-1].items(): poly_center = np.mean(poly, axis=0) ego_center = np.array([transform.location.x, transform.location.y]) dis = np.linalg.norm(poly_center - ego_center) if dis > 8: continue else: overlap = True break if not overlap: vehicle =, transform) if vehicle is not None: vehicle.set_simulate_physics(True) self.ego = vehicle return True return False def _get_actor_polygons(self, filt): """Get the bounding box polygon of actors. Args: filt: the filter indicating what type of actors we'll look at. Returns: actor_poly_dict: a dictionary containing the bounding boxes of specific actors. """ actor_poly_dict = {} for actor in # Get x, y and yaw of the actor trans = actor.get_transform() x = trans.location.x y = trans.location.y yaw = trans.rotation.yaw / 180 * np.pi # Get length and width bb = actor.bounding_box l = bb.extent.x w = bb.extent.y # Get bounding box polygon in the actor's local coordinate poly_local = np.array([[l, w], [l, -w], [-l, -w], [-l, w]]).transpose() # Get rotation matrix to transform to global coordinate R = np.array([[np.cos(yaw), -np.sin(yaw)], [np.sin(yaw), np.cos(yaw)]]) # Get global bounding box polygon poly = np.matmul(R, poly_local).transpose() + np.repeat( [[x, y]], 4, axis=0) actor_poly_dict[] = poly return actor_poly_dict def _get_obs(self): """Get the observations.""" ## Birdeye rendering self.birdeye_render.vehicle_polygons = self.vehicle_polygons self.birdeye_render.walker_polygons = self.walker_polygons self.birdeye_render.waypoints = self.waypoints # birdeye view with roadmap and actors birdeye_render_types = ['roadmap', 'actors'] if self.display_route: birdeye_render_types.append('waypoints') self.birdeye_render.render(self.display, birdeye_render_types) birdeye = pygame.surfarray.array3d(self.display) birdeye = birdeye[0:self.display_size, :, :] birdeye = display_to_rgb(birdeye, self.obs_size) # Roadmap if self.pixor: roadmap_render_types = ['roadmap'] if self.display_route: roadmap_render_types.append('waypoints') self.birdeye_render.render(self.display, roadmap_render_types) roadmap = pygame.surfarray.array3d(self.display) roadmap = roadmap[0:self.display_size, :, :] roadmap = display_to_rgb(roadmap, self.obs_size) # Add ego vehicle for i in range(self.obs_size): for j in range(self.obs_size): if abs(birdeye[i, j, 0] - 255) < 20 and abs( birdeye[i, j, 1] - 0) < 20 and abs(birdeye[i, j, 0] - 255) < 20: roadmap[i, j, :] = birdeye[i, j, :] # Display birdeye image birdeye_surface = rgb_to_display_surface(birdeye, self.display_size) self.display.blit(birdeye_surface, (0, 0)) ## Lidar image generation point_cloud = [] # Get point cloud data for location in self.lidar_data: point_cloud.append([location.x, location.y, -location.z]) point_cloud = np.array(point_cloud) # Separate the 3D space to bins for point cloud, x and y is set according to self.lidar_bin, # and z is set to be two bins. y_bins = np.arange(-(self.obs_range - self.d_behind), self.d_behind + self.lidar_bin, self.lidar_bin) x_bins = np.arange(-self.obs_range / 2, self.obs_range / 2 + self.lidar_bin, self.lidar_bin) z_bins = [-self.lidar_height - 1, -self.lidar_height + 0.25, 1] # Get lidar image according to the bins lidar, _ = np.histogramdd(point_cloud, bins=(x_bins, y_bins, z_bins)) lidar[:, :, 0] = np.array(lidar[:, :, 0] > 0, dtype=np.uint8) lidar[:, :, 1] = np.array(lidar[:, :, 1] > 0, dtype=np.uint8) # Add the waypoints to lidar image if self.display_route: wayptimg = (birdeye[:, :, 0] <= 10) * (birdeye[:, :, 1] <= 10) * ( birdeye[:, :, 2] >= 240) else: wayptimg = birdeye[:, :, 0] < 0 # Equal to a zero matrix wayptimg = np.expand_dims(wayptimg, axis=2) wayptimg = np.fliplr(np.rot90(wayptimg, 3)) # Get the final lidar image lidar = np.concatenate((lidar, wayptimg), axis=2) lidar = np.flip(lidar, axis=1) lidar = np.rot90(lidar, 1) lidar = lidar * 255 # Display lidar image lidar_surface = rgb_to_display_surface(lidar, self.display_size) self.display.blit(lidar_surface, (self.display_size, 0)) ## Display camera image camera = resize(self.camera_img, (self.obs_size, self.obs_size)) * 255 camera_surface = rgb_to_display_surface(camera, self.display_size) self.display.blit(camera_surface, (self.display_size * 2, 0)) ## Display processed camera image original_camera = resize(self.original_camera_image, (self.image_height, self.image_width)) #print("original camera : {}".format(original_camera)) o_camera_surface = rgb_to_display_surface(camera, self.display_size) self.display.blit(o_camera_surface, (self.display_size * 2, 0)) # Display on pygame pygame.display.flip() # State observation ego_trans = self.ego.get_transform() ego_x = ego_trans.location.x ego_y = ego_trans.location.y ego_yaw = ego_trans.rotation.yaw / 180 * np.pi lateral_dis, w = get_preview_lane_dis(self.waypoints, ego_x, ego_y) delta_yaw = np.arcsin( np.cross(w, np.array(np.array([np.cos(ego_yaw), np.sin(ego_yaw)])))) v = self.ego.get_velocity() speed = np.sqrt(v.x**2 + v.y**2) state = np.array([lateral_dis, -delta_yaw, speed, self.vehicle_front]) if self.pixor: ## Vehicle classification and regression maps (requires further normalization) vh_clas = np.zeros((self.pixor_size, self.pixor_size)) vh_regr = np.zeros((self.pixor_size, self.pixor_size, 6)) # Generate the PIXOR image. Note in CARLA it is using left-hand coordinate # Get the 6-dim geom parametrization in PIXOR, here we use pixel coordinate for actor in'vehicle.*'): x, y, yaw, l, w = get_info(actor) x_local, y_local, yaw_local = get_local_pose( (x, y, yaw), (ego_x, ego_y, ego_yaw)) if != if abs( y_local ) < self.obs_range / 2 + 1 and x_local < self.obs_range - self.d_behind + 1 and x_local > -self.d_behind - 1: x_pixel, y_pixel, yaw_pixel, l_pixel, w_pixel = get_pixel_info( local_info=(x_local, y_local, yaw_local, l, w), d_behind=self.d_behind, obs_range=self.obs_range, image_size=self.pixor_size) cos_t = np.cos(yaw_pixel) sin_t = np.sin(yaw_pixel) logw = np.log(w_pixel) logl = np.log(l_pixel) pixels = get_pixels_inside_vehicle( pixel_info=(x_pixel, y_pixel, yaw_pixel, l_pixel, w_pixel), pixel_grid=self.pixel_grid) for pixel in pixels: vh_clas[pixel[0], pixel[1]] = 1 dx = x_pixel - pixel[0] dy = y_pixel - pixel[1] vh_regr[pixel[0], pixel[1], :] = np.array( [cos_t, sin_t, dx, dy, logw, logl]) # Flip the image matrix so that the origin is at the left-bottom vh_clas = np.flip(vh_clas, axis=0) vh_regr = np.flip(vh_regr, axis=0) # Pixor state, [x, y, cos(yaw), sin(yaw), speed] pixor_state = [ ego_x, ego_y, np.cos(ego_yaw), np.sin(ego_yaw), speed ] birdview: BirdView = self.birdview_producer.produce( agent_vehicle=self.ego) bgr = cv2.cvtColor(BirdViewProducer.as_rgb(birdview), cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB) v = self.ego.get_velocity() speed_kmh = 3.6 * np.sqrt(v.x**2 + v.y**2 + v.z**2) speed_kmh = np.array([speed_kmh]) obs = { 'original_camera': original_camera.astype(np.uint8), 'speed': speed_kmh.astype(np.uint8), 'camera': camera.astype(np.uint8), 'lidar': lidar.astype(np.uint8), 'birdeye': birdeye.astype(np.uint8), 'driving_image': bgr.astype(np.uint8), 'state': state, } if self.pixor: obs.update({ 'roadmap': roadmap.astype(np.uint8), 'vh_clas': np.expand_dims(vh_clas, -1).astype(np.float32), 'vh_regr': vh_regr.astype(np.float32), 'pixor_state': pixor_state, }) return obs def get_reward_speed(self, isdone, steer, isout): v = self.ego.get_velocity() speed_kmh = 3.6 * np.sqrt(v.x**2 + v.y**2 + v.z**2) if speed_kmh <= min_speed: r_speed = speed_kmh elif speed_kmh > max_speed: r_speed = max_speed - speed_kmh else: r_speed = speed_kmh r_steer = -(steer * steer) r_collision = 0 if len(self.collision_hist) > 0: r_collision = -10.0 r_out = 0 if isout: r_out = -1 reward_t = r_speed + r_steer + r_collision + r_out - 0.1 if math.isnan(reward_t): print("Reward is Nan") print("r_speed : {} ".format(r_speed)) print("r_steer : {} ".format(r_steer)) print("steer : {} ".format(steer)) if reward_t == 0: print("Reward is 0") return reward_t def _get_reward_speed_centering(self, isdone): """ reward = Positive speed reward for being close to target speed, however, quick decline in reward beyond target speed * centering factor (1 when centered, 0 when not) * angle factor (1 when aligned with the road, 0 when more than 20 degress off) """ v = self.ego.get_velocity() fwd = vector(v) #wp = #wp_fwd = vector(wp.transform.rotation.get_forward_vector()) wp_fwd = vector( self.current_waypoint.transform.rotation.get_forward_vector()) angle = angle_diff(fwd, wp_fwd) speed_kmh = 3.6 * np.sqrt(v.x**2 + v.y**2 + v.z**2) if self.throttle <= 0: #if throttle is negative we can not move speed_reward = -10.0 else: if speed_kmh < min_speed: # When speed is in [0, min_speed] range speed_reward = speed_kmh elif speed_kmh >= min_speed and speed_kmh <= target_speed: speed_reward = speed_kmh elif speed_kmh > target_speed: speed_reward = min_speed # only give min speed reward collision_reward = 0 if len(self.collision_hist) > 0: collision_reward = -1 current_location = self.ego.get_location() start = self.step_last_location dist = current_location.distance(start) # in meteres dist_reward = dist print("Distance reward = {} * Speed rewards {} , throttle {} ".format( dist_reward, speed_reward, self.throttle)) # update last location self.step_last_location = current_location # Interpolated from 1 when centered to 0 when 3 m from center centering_factor = max( 1.0 - self.distance_from_center / self.max_distance, 0.0) centering_reward = max(self.distance_from_center / self.max_distance, 0.0) # Interpolated from 1 when aligned with the road to 0 when +/- 20 degress of road angle_factor = max(1.0 - abs(angle / np.deg2rad(20)), 0.0) # reward for out of lane ego_x, ego_y = get_pos(self.ego) dis, w = get_lane_dis(self.waypoints, ego_x, ego_y) r_out = 0 if abs(dis) > self.out_lane_thres: r_out = -1 # Final reward reward = dist_reward + centering_factor + 10 * collision_reward #print("Dist reward {} * centering_factor {} ".format(dist_reward, centering_factor)) return reward, centering_factor, 10 * collision_reward, r_out def _get_reward(self): """Calculate the step reward.""" # reward for speed tracking v = self.ego.get_velocity() speed = np.sqrt(v.x**2 + v.y**2) r_speed = -abs(speed - self.desired_speed) # reward for collision r_collision = 0 if len(self.collision_hist) > 0: r_collision = -1 # reward for steering: r_steer = -self.ego.get_control().steer**2 # reward for out of lane ego_x, ego_y = get_pos(self.ego) dis, w = get_lane_dis(self.waypoints, ego_x, ego_y) r_out = 0 if abs(dis) > self.out_lane_thres: r_out = -1 # reward for not being in the centre of the lane # get the way point to the centre of the road waypoint =, project_to_road=True) ways = np.array([[ waypoint.transform.location.x, waypoint.transform.location.y, waypoint.transform.rotation.yaw ]]) dis, w = get_preview_lane_dis(ways, ego_x, ego_y, 0) if (np.isnan(dis)): r_centre = 2.383e-07 print("Car centre distance is nan , rcenter = {}", r_centre) else: r_centre = abs(dis) #print("Car centre distance : {}".format(r_centre)) # longitudinal speed lspeed = np.array([v.x, v.y]) lspeed_lon =, w) # cost for too fast r_fast = 0 if lspeed_lon > self.desired_speed: r_fast = -1 # cost for lateral acceleration r_lat = -abs(self.ego.get_control().steer) * lspeed_lon**2 #r = 200*r_collision + 1*lspeed_lon + 10*r_fast + 1*r_out + r_steer*5 + 0.2*r_lat - 0.1 #r = 300*r_collision + 1*lspeed_lon + 10*r_fast + 200*r_out + r_steer*5 + 0.2*r_lat - 0.1 r = 200 * r_collision + 1 * lspeed_lon + 10 * r_fast + 70 * r_out + r_steer * 5 + 0.2 * r_lat - 120 * r_centre - 0.1 return r, (-120 * r_centre), (200 * r_collision), (70 * r_out) def _terminal(self): """Calculate whether to terminate the current episode.""" # Get ego state ego_x, ego_y = get_pos(self.ego) # If collides if len(self.collision_hist) > 0: return True, False # If reach maximum timestep if self.time_step > self.max_time_episode: return True, False # If at destination if self.dests is not None: # If at destination for dest in self.dests: if np.sqrt((ego_x - dest[0])**2 + (ego_y - dest[1])**2) < 4: return True, False # Stop if distance from center > max distance if self.distance_from_center > self.max_distance: print("End : Distance from center more than max distance : {} ". format(self.distance_from_center)) return True, True # If out of lane dis, _ = get_lane_dis(self.waypoints, ego_x, ego_y) if abs(dis) > self.out_lane_thres: print("End : Out of Lane , distance : {} ".format(dis)) return True, True # Speed is too fast v = self.ego.get_velocity() speed_kmh = 3.6 * np.sqrt(v.x**2 + v.y**2 + v.z**2) if max_speed > 0 and speed_kmh > max_speed: print("End : Too fast {} ".format(speed_kmh)) return True, False return False, False def _clear_all_actors(self, actor_filters): """Clear specific actors.""" for actor_filter in actor_filters: for actor in if actor.is_alive: if actor.type_id == '': actor.stop() actor.destroy() print("Destroy : {} ".format(actor.type_id)) else: print("Not Destroyed : {} ".format(actor.type_id))
class CarlaEnv(gym.Env): """An OpenAI gym wrapper for CARLA simulator.""" def __init__(self, params): # parameters self.display_size = params['display_size'] # rendering screen size self.max_past_step = params['max_past_step'] self.number_of_vehicles = params['number_of_vehicles'] self.number_of_walkers = params['number_of_walkers'] self.dt = params['dt'] self.task_mode = params['task_mode'] self.max_time_episode = params['max_time_episode'] self.max_waypt = params['max_waypt'] self.obs_range = params['obs_range'] self.lidar_bin = params['lidar_bin'] self.d_behind = params['d_behind'] self.obs_size = int(self.obs_range/self.lidar_bin) self.out_lane_thres = params['out_lane_thres'] self.desired_speed = params['desired_speed'] self.max_ego_spawn_times = params['max_ego_spawn_times'] self.display_route = params['display_route'] self.pixor_size = params['pixor_size'] # Destination if params['task_mode'] == 'roundabout': self.dests = [[4.46, -61.46, 0], [-49.53, -2.89, 0], [-6.48, 55.47, 0], [35.96, 3.33, 0]] else: self.dests = None # action and observation spaces self.discrete = params['discrete'] self.discrete_act = [params['discrete_acc'], params['discrete_steer']] # acc, steer self.n_acc = len(self.discrete_act[0]) self.n_steer = len(self.discrete_act[1]) if self.discrete: self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(self.n_acc*self.n_steer) else: self.action_space = spaces.Box(np.array([params['continuous_accel_range'][0], params['continuous_steer_range'][0]]), np.array([params['continuous_accel_range'][1], params['continuous_steer_range'][1]]), dtype=np.float32) # acc, steer self.observation_space = spaces.Dict({'birdeye': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'lidar': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'camera': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'roadmap': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'vh_clas': spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(self.pixor_size, self.pixor_size, 1), dtype=np.float32), 'vh_regr': spaces.Box(low=-5, high=5, shape=(self.pixor_size, self.pixor_size, 6), dtype=np.float32), 'state': spaces.Box(np.array([-2, -1, -5, 0]), np.array([2, 1, 30, 1]), dtype=np.float32), 'pixor_state': spaces.Box(np.array([-1000, -1000, -1, -1, -5]), np.array([1000, 1000, 1, 1, 20]), dtype=np.float32), 'costmap': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 1), dtype=np.uint8)}) #costmap should be a 2d array # Connect to carla server and get world object print('connecting to Carla server...') client = carla.Client('localhost', params['port']) client.set_timeout(10.0) = client.load_world(params['town']) print('Carla server connected!') # Set weather # Get spawn points self.vehicle_spawn_points = list( self.walker_spawn_points = [] for i in range(self.number_of_walkers): spawn_point = carla.Transform() loc = if (loc != None): spawn_point.location = loc self.walker_spawn_points.append(spawn_point) # Create the ego vehicle blueprint self.ego_bp = self._create_vehicle_bluepprint(params['ego_vehicle_filter'], color='49,8,8') # Collision sensor self.collision_hist = [] # The collision history self.collision_hist_l = 1 # collision history length self.collision_bp ='sensor.other.collision') # Lidar sensor self.lidar_data = None self.lidar_height = 2.1 self.lidar_trans = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=0.0, z=self.lidar_height)) self.lidar_bp ='sensor.lidar.ray_cast') self.lidar_bp.set_attribute('channels', '32') self.lidar_bp.set_attribute('range', '5000') # Camera sensor self.camera_img = np.zeros((self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8) self.camera_trans = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=0.8, z=1.7)) self.camera_bp ='') # Modify the attributes of the blueprint to set image resolution and field of view. self.camera_bp.set_attribute('image_size_x', str(self.obs_size)) self.camera_bp.set_attribute('image_size_y', str(self.obs_size)) self.camera_bp.set_attribute('fov', '110') # Set the time in seconds between sensor captures self.camera_bp.set_attribute('sensor_tick', '0.02') # Set fixed simulation step for synchronous mode self.settings = self.settings.fixed_delta_seconds = self.dt # Record the time of total steps and resetting steps self.reset_step = 0 self.total_step = 0 # Initialize the renderer self._init_renderer() # Get pixel grid points x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(self.pixor_size), np.arange(self.pixor_size)) # make a canvas with coordinates x, y = x.flatten(), y.flatten() self.pixel_grid = np.vstack((x,y)).T def reset(self): # Clear sensor objects self.collision_sensor = None self.lidar_sensor = None self.camera_sensor = None # Delete sensors, vehicles and walkers self._clear_all_actors(['sensor.other.collision', 'sensor.lidar.ray_cast', '', 'vehicle.*', '', 'walker.*']) # Disable sync mode self._set_synchronous_mode(False) # Spawn surrounding vehicles random.shuffle(self.vehicle_spawn_points) count = self.number_of_vehicles if count > 0: for spawn_point in self.vehicle_spawn_points: if self._try_spawn_random_vehicle_at(spawn_point, number_of_wheels=[4]): count -= 1 if count <= 0: break while count > 0: if self._try_spawn_random_vehicle_at(random.choice(self.vehicle_spawn_points), number_of_wheels=[4]): count -= 1 # Spawn pedestrians random.shuffle(self.walker_spawn_points) count = self.number_of_walkers if count > 0: for spawn_point in self.walker_spawn_points: if self._try_spawn_random_walker_at(spawn_point): count -= 1 if count <= 0: break while count > 0: if self._try_spawn_random_walker_at(random.choice(self.walker_spawn_points)): count -= 1 # Get actors polygon list self.vehicle_polygons = [] vehicle_poly_dict = self._get_actor_polygons('vehicle.*') self.vehicle_polygons.append(vehicle_poly_dict) self.walker_polygons = [] walker_poly_dict = self._get_actor_polygons('walker.*') self.walker_polygons.append(walker_poly_dict) # Spawn the ego vehicle ego_spawn_times = 0 while True: if ego_spawn_times > self.max_ego_spawn_times: self.reset() if self.task_mode == 'random': #transform = random.choice(self.vehicle_spawn_points) transform = self.vehicle_spawn_points[0] #transform.rotation.yaw = 0 tup = (transform.location.x, transform.location.y, transform.rotation.yaw) print("Transform: " + str(tup)) if self.task_mode == 'roundabout': self.start=[52.1+np.random.uniform(-5,5),-4.2, 178.66] # random # self.start=[52.1,-4.2, 178.66] # static transform = self._set_carla_transform(self.start) if self._try_spawn_ego_vehicle_at(transform): break else: ego_spawn_times += 1 time.sleep(0.1) # Add collision sensor self.collision_sensor =, carla.Transform(), attach_to=self.ego) self.collision_sensor.listen(lambda event: get_collision_hist(event)) def get_collision_hist(event): impulse = event.normal_impulse intensity = np.sqrt(impulse.x**2 + impulse.y**2 + impulse.z**2) self.collision_hist.append(intensity) if len(self.collision_hist)>self.collision_hist_l: self.collision_hist.pop(0) self.collision_hist = [] # Add lidar sensor self.lidar_sensor =, self.lidar_trans, attach_to=self.ego) self.lidar_sensor.listen(lambda data: get_lidar_data(data)) def get_lidar_data(data): self.lidar_data = data # Add camera sensor self.camera_sensor =, self.camera_trans, attach_to=self.ego) self.camera_sensor.listen(lambda data: get_camera_img(data)) def get_camera_img(data): array = np.frombuffer(data.raw_data, dtype = np.dtype("uint8")) array = np.reshape(array, (data.height, data.width, 4)) array = array[:, :, :3] array = array[:, :, ::-1] self.camera_img = array # Update timesteps self.time_step=0 self.reset_step+=1 # Enable sync mode self.settings.synchronous_mode = True self.routeplanner = RoutePlanner(self.ego, self.max_waypt) self.waypoints, _, self.vehicle_front = self.routeplanner.run_step() # Set ego information for render self.birdeye_render.set_hero(self.ego, return self._get_obs() def step(self, action): # Calculate acceleration and steering if self.discrete: acc = self.discrete_act[0][action//self.n_steer] steer = self.discrete_act[1][action%self.n_steer] else: acc = action[0] steer = action[1] # Convert acceleration to throttle and brake if acc > 0: throttle = np.clip(acc/3,0,1) brake = 0 else: throttle = 0 brake = np.clip(-acc/8,0,1) # Apply control act = carla.VehicleControl(throttle=float(throttle), steer=float(-steer), brake=float(brake)) self.ego.apply_control(act) # Append actors polygon list vehicle_poly_dict = self._get_actor_polygons('vehicle.*') self.vehicle_polygons.append(vehicle_poly_dict) while len(self.vehicle_polygons) > self.max_past_step: self.vehicle_polygons.pop(0) walker_poly_dict = self._get_actor_polygons('walker.*') self.walker_polygons.append(walker_poly_dict) while len(self.walker_polygons) > self.max_past_step: self.walker_polygons.pop(0) # route planner self.waypoints, _, self.vehicle_front = self.routeplanner.run_step() # state information info = { 'waypoints': self.waypoints, 'vehicle_front': self.vehicle_front } # Update timesteps self.time_step += 1 self.total_step += 1 return (self._get_obs(), self._get_reward(), self._terminal(), copy.deepcopy(info)) def seed(self, seed=None): self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed) return [seed] def render(self, mode): pass def _create_vehicle_bluepprint(self, actor_filter, color=None, number_of_wheels=[4]): """Create the blueprint for a specific actor type. Args: actor_filter: a string indicating the actor type, e.g, '*'. Returns: bp: the blueprint object of carla. """ blueprints = blueprint_library = [] for nw in number_of_wheels: blueprint_library = blueprint_library + [x for x in blueprints if int(x.get_attribute('number_of_wheels')) == nw] bp = random.choice(blueprint_library) if bp.has_attribute('color'): if not color: color = random.choice(bp.get_attribute('color').recommended_values) bp.set_attribute('color', color) return bp def _init_renderer(self): """Initialize the birdeye view renderer. """ pygame.init() self.display = pygame.display.set_mode( (self.display_size * 4, self.display_size), pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF) pixels_per_meter = self.display_size / self.obs_range pixels_ahead_vehicle = (self.obs_range/2 - self.d_behind) * pixels_per_meter birdeye_params = { 'screen_size': [self.display_size, self.display_size], 'pixels_per_meter': pixels_per_meter, 'pixels_ahead_vehicle': pixels_ahead_vehicle } self.birdeye_render = BirdeyeRender(, birdeye_params) def _set_synchronous_mode(self, synchronous = True): """Set whether to use the synchronous mode. """ self.settings.synchronous_mode = synchronous def _try_spawn_random_vehicle_at(self, transform, number_of_wheels=[4]): """Try to spawn a surrounding vehicle at specific transform with random bluprint. Args: transform: the carla transform object. Returns: Bool indicating whether the spawn is successful. """ blueprint = self._create_vehicle_bluepprint('vehicle.*', number_of_wheels=number_of_wheels) blueprint.set_attribute('role_name', 'autopilot') vehicle =, transform) if vehicle is not None: vehicle.set_autopilot() return True return False def _try_spawn_random_walker_at(self, transform): """Try to spawn a walker at specific transform with random bluprint. Args: transform: the carla transform object. Returns: Bool indicating whether the spawn is successful. """ walker_bp = random.choice('walker.*')) # set as not invencible if walker_bp.has_attribute('is_invincible'): walker_bp.set_attribute('is_invincible', 'false') walker_actor =, transform) if walker_actor is not None: walker_controller_bp ='') walker_controller_actor =, carla.Transform(), walker_actor) # start walker walker_controller_actor.start() # set walk to random point walker_controller_actor.go_to_location( # random max speed walker_controller_actor.set_max_speed(1 + random.random()) # max speed between 1 and 2 (default is 1.4 m/s) return True return False def _try_spawn_ego_vehicle_at(self, transform): """Try to spawn the ego vehicle at specific transform. Args: transform: the carla transform object. Returns: Bool indicating whether the spawn is successful. """ vehicle = None # Check if ego position overlaps with surrounding vehicles overlap = False for idx, poly in self.vehicle_polygons[0].items(): poly_center = np.mean(poly, axis=0) ego_center = np.array([transform.location.x, transform.location.y]) dis = np.linalg.norm(poly_center - ego_center) if dis > 8: continue else: overlap = True break if not overlap: vehicle =, transform) if vehicle is not None: self.ego=vehicle return True return False def _set_carla_transform(self, pose): """Get a carla tranform object given pose. Args: pose: [x, y, yaw]. Returns: transform: the carla transform object """ transform = carla.Transform() transform.location.x = pose[0] transform.location.y = pose[1] transform.rotation.yaw = pose[2] return transform def _get_actor_polygons(self, filt): """Get the bounding box polygon of actors. Args: filt: the filter indicating what type of actors we'll look at. Returns: actor_poly_dict: a dictionary containing the bounding boxes of specific actors. """ actor_poly_dict={} for actor in # Get x, y and yaw of the actor trans=actor.get_transform() x=trans.location.x y=trans.location.y yaw=trans.rotation.yaw/180*np.pi # Get length and width bb=actor.bounding_box l=bb.extent.x w=bb.extent.y # Get bounding box polygon in the actor's local coordinate poly_local=np.array([[l,w],[l,-w],[-l,-w],[-l,w]]).transpose() # Get rotation matrix to transform to global coordinate R=np.array([[np.cos(yaw),-np.sin(yaw)],[np.sin(yaw),np.cos(yaw)]]) # Get global bounding box polygon poly=np.matmul(R,poly_local).transpose()+np.repeat([[x,y]],4,axis=0) actor_poly_dict[]=poly return actor_poly_dict def _get_ego(self): """ Get the ego vehicle object """ return self.ego def _display_to_rgb(self, display): """ Transform image grabbed from pygame display to an rgb image uint8 matrix """ rgb = np.fliplr(np.rot90(display, 3)) # flip to regular view rgb = resize(rgb, (self.obs_size, self.obs_size)) # resize rgb = rgb * 255 return rgb def _rgb_to_display_surface(self, rgb): """ Generate pygame surface given an rgb image uint8 matrix """ surface = pygame.Surface((self.display_size, self.display_size)).convert() display = resize(rgb, (self.display_size, self.display_size)) display = np.flip(display, axis=1) display = np.rot90(display, 1) pygame.surfarray.blit_array(surface, display) return surface def _get_obs(self): """Get the observations.""" ## Birdeye rendering self.birdeye_render.vehicle_polygons = self.vehicle_polygons self.birdeye_render.walker_polygons = self.walker_polygons self.birdeye_render.waypoints = self.waypoints # birdeye view with roadmap and actors birdeye_render_types = ['roadmap', 'actors'] if self.display_route: birdeye_render_types.append('waypoints') self.birdeye_render.render(self.display, birdeye_render_types) birdeye = pygame.surfarray.array3d(self.display) birdeye = birdeye[0:self.display_size, :, :] birdeye = self._display_to_rgb(birdeye) # Roadmap roadmap_render_types = ['roadmap'] if self.display_route: roadmap_render_types.append('waypoints') self.birdeye_render.render(self.display, roadmap_render_types) roadmap = pygame.surfarray.array3d(self.display) roadmap = roadmap[0:self.display_size, :, :] roadmap = self._display_to_rgb(roadmap) # Add ego vehicle for i in range(self.obs_size): for j in range(self.obs_size): if abs(birdeye[i, j, 0] - 255)<20 and abs(birdeye[i, j, 1] - 0)<20 and abs(birdeye[i, j, 0] - 255)<20: roadmap[i, j, :] = birdeye[i, j, :] # Display birdeye image birdeye_surface = self._rgb_to_display_surface(birdeye) self.display.blit(birdeye_surface, (0, 0)) ## Lidar image generation point_cloud = [] # Get point cloud data for location in self.lidar_data: point_cloud.append([location.x, location.y, -location.z]) point_cloud = np.array(point_cloud) # Separate the 3D space to bins for point cloud, x and y is set according to self.lidar_bin, # and z is set to be two bins. y_bins = np.arange(-(self.obs_range - self.d_behind), self.d_behind+self.lidar_bin, self.lidar_bin) x_bins = np.arange(-self.obs_range/2, self.obs_range/2+self.lidar_bin, self.lidar_bin) z_bins = [-self.lidar_height-1, -self.lidar_height+0.25, 1] # Get lidar image according to the bins lidar, _ = np.histogramdd(point_cloud, bins=(x_bins, y_bins, z_bins)) lidar[:,:,0] = np.array(lidar[:,:,0]>0, dtype=np.uint8) lidar[:,:,1] = np.array(lidar[:,:,1]>0, dtype=np.uint8) # Add the waypoints to lidar image if self.display_route: wayptimg = (birdeye[:,:,0] <= 10) * (birdeye[:,:,1] <= 10) * (birdeye[:,:,2] >= 240) else: wayptimg = birdeye[:,:,0] < 0 # Equal to a zero matrix wayptimg = np.expand_dims(wayptimg, axis=2) wayptimg = np.fliplr(np.rot90(wayptimg, 3)) # Get the final lidar image lidar = np.concatenate((lidar, wayptimg), axis=2) lidar = np.flip(lidar, axis=1) lidar = np.rot90(lidar, 1) lidar = lidar * 255 # Display lidar image lidar_surface = self._rgb_to_display_surface(lidar) self.display.blit(lidar_surface, (self.display_size, 0)) ## Display camera image camera = resize(self.camera_img, (self.obs_size, self.obs_size)) * 255 camera_surface = self._rgb_to_display_surface(camera) self.display.blit(camera_surface, (self.display_size * 2, 0)) ## Display roadmap image # roadmap_surface = self._rgb_to_display_surface(roadmap) # self.display.blit(roadmap_surface, (self.display_size * 3, 0)) ## Vehicle classification and regression maps (requires further normalization) vh_clas = np.zeros((self.pixor_size, self.pixor_size)) vh_regr = np.zeros((self.pixor_size, self.pixor_size, 6)) # Generate the PIXOR image. Note in CARLA it is using left-hand coordinate def get_actor_info(actor): trans=actor.get_transform() x=trans.location.x y=trans.location.y yaw=trans.rotation.yaw/180*np.pi # Get length and width bb=actor.bounding_box l=bb.extent.x # half the length w=bb.extent.y # half the width return (x, y, yaw, l, w) def global_to_local_pose(pose, ego_pose): x, y, yaw = pose ego_x, ego_y, ego_yaw = ego_pose R = np.array([[np.cos(ego_yaw), np.sin(ego_yaw)], [-np.sin(ego_yaw), np.cos(ego_yaw)]]) vec_local =[x - ego_x, y - ego_y])) yaw_local = yaw - ego_yaw return (vec_local[0], vec_local[1], yaw_local) def local_to_pixel_info(info): """Here the ego local coordinate is left-handed, the pixel coordinate is also left-handed, with its origin at the left bottom. """ x, y, yaw, l, w = info x_pixel = (x + self.d_behind)/self.obs_range*self.pixor_size y_pixel = y/self.obs_range*self.pixor_size + self.pixor_size/2 yaw_pixel = yaw l_pixel = l/self.obs_range*self.pixor_size w_pixel = w/self.obs_range*self.pixor_size return (x_pixel, y_pixel, yaw_pixel, l_pixel, w_pixel) def get_pixels_from_info(info): """Get pixels from information in pixel coordinate, which the origin is at the left bottom. """ poly = get_poly_from_info(info) p = Path(poly) # make a polygon grid = p.contains_points(self.pixel_grid) isinPoly = np.where(grid==True) pixels = np.take(self.pixel_grid, isinPoly, axis=0)[0] return pixels def get_poly_from_info(info): x, y, yaw, l, w = info poly_local=np.array([[l,w],[l,-w],[-l,-w],[-l,w]]).transpose() # Get rotation matrix to transform to the coordinate R=np.array([[np.cos(yaw),-np.sin(yaw)],[np.sin(yaw),np.cos(yaw)]]) # Get bounding box polygon poly=np.matmul(R,poly_local).transpose()+np.repeat([[x,y]],4,axis=0) return poly # Get the 6-dim geom parametrization in PIXOR, here we use pixel coordinate # for convenience ego_trans = self.ego.get_transform() ego_x = ego_trans.location.x ego_y = ego_trans.location.y ego_yaw = ego_trans.rotation.yaw/180*np.pi for actor in'vehicle.*'): x, y, yaw, l, w = get_actor_info(actor) x_local, y_local, yaw_local = global_to_local_pose( (x, y, yaw), (ego_x, ego_y, ego_yaw)) if != and np.sqrt(x_local**2 + y_local**2) < self.obs_range**1.5: x_pixel, y_pixel, yaw_pixel, l_pixel, w_pixel = local_to_pixel_info( (x_local, y_local, yaw_local, l, w)) cos_t = np.cos(yaw_pixel) sin_t = np.sin(yaw_pixel) logw = np.log(w_pixel) logl = np.log(l_pixel) pixels = get_pixels_from_info((x_pixel, y_pixel, yaw_pixel, l_pixel, w_pixel)) for pixel in pixels: vh_clas[pixel[0], pixel[1]] = 1 dx = x_pixel - pixel[0] dy = y_pixel - pixel[1] # dx = (x_pixel - pixel[0])/self.obs_size*self.obs_range # dy = (y_pixel - pixel[1])/self.obs_size*self.obs_range vh_regr[pixel[0], pixel[1], :] = np.array( [cos_t, sin_t, dx, dy, logw, logl]) # Flip the image matrix so that the origin is at the left-bottom vh_clas = np.flip(vh_clas, axis=0) vh_regr = np.flip(vh_regr, axis=0) ## Display pixor images # vh_clas_display = np.stack([vh_clas, vh_clas, vh_clas], axis=2) * 255 # vh_clas_surface = self._rgb_to_display_surface(vh_clas_display) # self.display.blit(vh_clas_surface, (self.display_size * 4, 0)) # vh_regr1 = vh_regr[:, :, 0:3] # vh_regr2 = vh_regr[:, :, 3:6] # vh_regr1_surface = self._rgb_to_display_surface(vh_regr1) # self.display.blit(vh_regr1_surface, (self.display_size * 5, 0)) # vh_regr2_surface = self._rgb_to_display_surface(vh_regr2) # self.display.blit(vh_regr2_surface, (self.display_size * 6, 0)) # Display on pygame pygame.display.flip() # State observation lateral_dis, w = self._get_preview_lane_dis(self.waypoints, ego_x, ego_y) delta_yaw = np.arcsin(np.cross(w, np.array(np.array([np.cos(ego_yaw), np.sin(ego_yaw)])))) v = self.ego.get_velocity() speed = np.sqrt(v.x**2 + v.y**2) state = np.array([lateral_dis, - delta_yaw, speed, self.vehicle_front]) # Pixor state, [x, y, cos(yaw), sin(yaw), speed] pixor_state = [ego_x, ego_y, np.cos(ego_yaw), np.sin(ego_yaw), speed] """ Explanation of how my costmap implementation works: First we get a list of all of the waypoints from the current position. We iterate through this list in pairs so that there is a current waypoint and a previous waypoint. These along with parameter cost are passed into _get_costmap which returns a costmap only relevant to the lane defined by the line between the two points. This costmap is summed with the global costmap. This profess is repeated for the left and right lanes of the current waypoint if they exist and are in the same direction. """ def _get_perp_dis(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3): """ Computes the perpindicular distance between a point (x3,y3) and a line segment defined by points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2). If the point doesn't have a perpincicular line within the line segment, the distance is inf """ x = np.array([x3, y3]) p = np.array([x1, y1]) q = np.array([x2, y2]) lamb = - p), (q - p)) / - p), (q - p)) #lamb checks if point is within line segment if lamb <= 1 and lamb >= 0: s = p + (lamb * (q - p)) return np.linalg.norm(x - s) return float('inf') ego_y = ego_y - 2 #shift the cost map down because originally it was too high def _get_costmap(pWaypoint, cWaypoint, cost): """ Generates a costmap for a current waypoint cWaypoint and its preceding waypoint pWaypoint using cost. I refer a lot to global vs local frame. Global means the xy coordinate in the Carla coordinates Local is the coordinate in the costmap matrix. Also the letters x and y are swapped when referring to the local frame but it works """ single_costmap = np.zeros((self.obs_size, self.obs_size)) #Definitions for the waypoints' x and y coordinates in the global frame laneWidth = pWaypoint.lane_width cX = cWaypoint.transform.location.x cY = cWaypoint.transform.location.y pX = pWaypoint.transform.location.x pY = pWaypoint.transform.location.y #If we draw a square around the center of the ego vehicle (length is determined by range), this is the bottom left corner in global coords corner_x = ego_x - (self.obs_range / 2) corner_y = ego_y - (self.obs_range / 2) #Here we create two matrices with the same dimensions as the costmap. One represents the x coordinate and one represents the y coordinate in the local frame. y_array, x_array = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, self.obs_size), np.arange(0, self.obs_size)) #y_array is [[0 1 2 ... 255] [0 1 2 ... 255] ...] #x_array is [[0 0 0 .... 0] [1 1 1 .... 1]... [255 255 ... 255]] rotated_x_array = (2 * ego_x) - ((x_array * self.lidar_bin) + corner_x) rotated_y_array = (y_array * self.lidar_bin) + corner_y c = np.cos(ego_yaw) s = np.sin(ego_yaw) global_x_array = (c * (rotated_x_array - ego_x)) - (s * (rotated_y_array - ego_y)) + ego_x #for each point in our matrix, we have their global coordinates global_y_array = (s * (rotated_x_array - ego_x)) + (c * (rotated_y_array - ego_y)) + ego_y p = np.array([pX, pY]) q = np.array([cX, cY]) q_dif = q - p lamb_array= (((global_x_array - pX) * (cX - pX)) + ((global_y_array - pY) * (cY - pY ))) /, (q_dif)) sX = pX + (lamb_array * (cX - pX)) sY = pY + (lamb_array * (cY - pY)) distanceMap = np.sqrt(np.square(global_x_array - sX) + np.square(global_y_array - sY)) penal = (laneWidth / 2) * (-cost) / abs(cost) distanceMap = np.where((lamb_array <=1) & (lamb_array >= 0) & (distanceMap <= laneWidth / 2), distanceMap, penal) #will have perpDistance in the spot if its within the lane single_costmap = distanceMap * (abs(cost / (laneWidth / 2))) + cost return single_costmap #Generate list of waypoints. Previously, we relied on self.routeplanner._actualWaypoints #there is way to save space for this. Instead of recalculating all waypoints, we can reuse most of them. #we can do this for each neighboring lane ego_waypoints = [] #make current ego position into a waypoint current_dir= ego_waypoints[0].lane_id #positive or negative integer depending on which direction the lane is going in left_lane = ego_waypoints[0].get_left_lane() right_lane = ego_waypoints[0].get_right_lane() waypoints_threshold = 5 #this is how many waypoints to keep sampling_radius = 5 #how many meters away to sample for the next waypoint if left_lane and left_lane.lane_type == carla.LaneType.Driving and left_lane.lane_id * current_dir >= 0: #check if neighboring lane exists, is drivable, and in same direction ego_waypoints.append(left_lane) if right_lane and right_lane.lane_type == carla.LaneType.Driving and right_lane.lane_id * current_dir >= 0: ego_waypoints.append(right_lane) dir_list = [] #list of lists of waypoints. each list inside represents a possible path #we loop through ego_waypoints for the center, left, and right lanes for current_waypoint in ego_waypoints: #current_waypoint = current_waypoints = [current_waypoint] lane_end = False #did we reach the end of the lane ctr = 0 #counter to make sure we don't pass the waypoints threshold next_waypoints = [] #these represents all the other directions we have to go in after the current waypoint. TODO contains a tuple of starting waypoint and list of lists while (not lane_end) and ctr < waypoints_threshold: sample_waypoint = current_waypoints[-1] ctr += 1 next_waypoint = # if (sample_waypoint.is_junction): # junc = sample_waypoint.get_junction().get_waypoints(carla.LaneType.Driving) # print("Sample", sample_waypoint) # print("Junc", junc) # for tup in junc: # if tup[0] == sample_waypoint: # next_waypoints.append([tup[0], tup[1]]) #TODO so that we don't just stop when there's multiple directions but instead stop when the lane ends if (len(next_waypoint) != 1): #if there is more than 1 waypoint to go to we stop because we have to explore those directions lane_end = True #print("Testing if the last means in junction", sample_waypoint.is_junction) else: current_waypoints.append(next_waypoint[0]) #if there's only one direction just append it to the current array last_waypoint = current_waypoints[-1] #this will be the starting waypoint for all the diverging lanes dir_list.append(current_waypoints) if lane_end: #this means the lane changes direction so we have to compute the new lanes for the junction #print("last waypoint coming up") next_waypoints = #print(next_waypoints) for new_direction in next_waypoints: #we append some points new_waypoints = [last_waypoint, new_direction] ctr = 0 lane_end = False while not lane_end and ctr < waypoints_threshold + 5: ctr += 1 sample_waypoint = new_waypoints[-1] next_waypoint = if (len(next_waypoint) > 1): lane_end = True else: new_waypoints.append(next_waypoint[0]) #print('ctr', ctr) #print("new_waypoints", new_waypoints) dir_list.append(new_waypoints) #listofWaypoints = self.routeplanner._actualWaypoints cost = -10 costmap = np.zeros((self.obs_size, self.obs_size)) for listofWaypoints in dir_list: if len(listofWaypoints) < 1: print("Not enough waypoints to form costmap") else: pWaypoint = listofWaypoints[0] for cWaypoint in listofWaypoints[1:]: currentDirection = cWaypoint.lane_id #positive or negative integer depending on which direction the lane is going in costmap = costmap + _get_costmap(pWaypoint, cWaypoint, cost) #The current implementation of left and right lanes is contingent on whether the current lane has a left/right lane AND the previous lane has a left/right lane pleftWaypoint = pWaypoint.get_left_lane() prightWaypoint = pWaypoint.get_right_lane() cleftWaypoint = cWaypoint.get_left_lane() crightWaypoint = cWaypoint.get_right_lane() pWaypoint = cWaypoint # if pleftWaypoint and (pleftWaypoint.lane_id * currentDirection >= 0): #check if left waypoint exists for the previous waypoint and it goes in the same direction # if cleftWaypoint and (cleftWaypoint.lane_id * currentDirection >= 0): #check if the left waypoint exists for the current waypoint and it goes in the same direction # costmap = costmap + _get_costmap(pleftWaypoint, cleftWaypoint, cost) # if prightWaypoint and (prightWaypoint.lane_id * currentDirection >= 0): # if crightWaypoint and (crightWaypoint.lane_id * currentDirection >= 0): # costmap = costmap + _get_costmap(prightWaypoint, crightWaypoint, cost) #Here we convert the cost map which ranges from -cost to 0 (low cost to high cost) to a displayable costmap that has values from 0 to 255 costmap = np.clip(costmap, cost, 0) costmap = (costmap - cost) * 255 / abs(cost) costmap_surface = self._rgb_to_display_surface(np.moveaxis(np.array([costmap, costmap, costmap]), 0, -1)) self.display.blit(costmap_surface, (self.display_size * 3, 0)) obs = {} obs.update({ 'birdeye':birdeye.astype(np.uint8), 'lidar':lidar.astype(np.uint8), 'camera':camera.astype(np.uint8), 'roadmap':roadmap.astype(np.uint8), 'vh_clas':np.expand_dims(vh_clas, -1).astype(np.float32), 'vh_regr':vh_regr.astype(np.float32), 'state': state, 'pixor_state': pixor_state, 'costmap' : costmap }) return obs def _get_reward(self): """Calculate the step reward.""" # reward for speed tracking v = self.ego.get_velocity() speed = np.sqrt(v.x**2 + v.y**2) r_speed = -abs(speed - self.desired_speed) # reward for collision r_collision = 0 if len(self.collision_hist) > 0: r_collision = -1 # reward for steering: r_steer = -self.ego.get_control().steer**2 # reward for out of lane ego_x, ego_y = self._get_ego_pos() dis, w = self._get_lane_dis(self.waypoints, ego_x, ego_y) r_out = 0 if abs(dis) > self.out_lane_thres: r_out = -1 # longitudinal speed lspeed = np.array([v.x, v.y]) lspeed_lon =, w) # cost for too fast r_fast = 0 if lspeed_lon > self.desired_speed: r_fast = -1 # cost for lateral acceleration r_lat = - abs(self.ego.get_control().steer) * lspeed_lon**2 r = 200*r_collision + 1*lspeed_lon + 10*r_fast + 1*r_out + r_steer*5 + 0.2*r_lat - 0.1 return r def _get_ego_pos(self): """Get the ego vehicle pose (x, y).""" ego_trans = self.ego.get_transform() ego_x = ego_trans.location.x ego_y = ego_trans.location.y return ego_x, ego_y def _get_lane_dis(self, waypoints, x, y): """Calculate distance from (x, y) to waypoints.""" dis_min = 1000 for pt in waypoints: d = np.sqrt((x-pt[0])**2 + (y-pt[1])**2) if d < dis_min: dis_min = d waypt=pt vec = np.array([x - waypt[0],y - waypt[1]]) lv = np.linalg.norm(np.array(vec)) w = np.array([np.cos(waypt[2]/180*np.pi), np.sin(waypt[2]/180*np.pi)]) cross = np.cross(w, vec/lv) dis = - lv * cross return dis, w def _get_preview_lane_dis(self, waypoints, x, y, idx=2): """Calculate distance from (x, y) to waypoints.""" dis_min = 1000 waypt = waypoints[idx] vec = np.array([x - waypt[0],y - waypt[1]]) lv = np.linalg.norm(np.array(vec)) w = np.array([np.cos(waypt[2]/180*np.pi), np.sin(waypt[2]/180*np.pi)]) cross = np.cross(w, vec/lv) dis = - lv * cross return dis, w def _terminal(self): """Calculate whether to terminate the current episode.""" # Get ego state ego_x, ego_y = self._get_ego_pos() # If collides if len(self.collision_hist)>0: return True # If reach maximum timestep if self.time_step>self.max_time_episode: return True # If at destination if self.dests is not None: # If at destination for dest in self.dests: if np.sqrt((ego_x-dest[0])**2+(ego_y-dest[1])**2)<4: return True # If out of lane dis, _ = self._get_lane_dis(self.waypoints, ego_x, ego_y) if abs(dis) > self.out_lane_thres: return True return False def _clear_all_actors(self, actor_filters): """Clear specific actors.""" for actor_filter in actor_filters: for actor in if actor.is_alive: if actor.type_id == '': actor.stop() actor.destroy()
class CarlaEnv(gym.Env): """An OpenAI gym wrapper for CARLA simulator.""" def __init__(self, params): self.config = params # Destination self.dests = None # action and observation spaces assert "continuous_throttle_range" in params.keys( ), "You need to specify the continuous_throttle_range" assert "continuous_brake_range" in params.keys( ), "You need to specify the continuous_brake_range" assert "continuous_steer_range" in params.keys( ), "You need to specify the continuous_steer_range" self.action_space = spaces.Box( np.array([ params['continuous_throttle_range'][0], params['continuous_brake_range'][0], params['continuous_steer_range'][0] ]), np.array([ params['continuous_throttle_range'][1], params['continuous_brake_range'][1], params['continuous_steer_range'][1] ]), dtype=np.float64) # acc, steer self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=np.zeros(15), high=np.ones(15), dtype=np.float64) self._normalized_input = bool( "normalized_input" in params.keys()) and params['normalized_input'] tm_port = params[ 'traffic_manager_port'] if "traffic_manager_port" in params.keys( ) else 1234 print(colored("Connecting to CARLA...", "white")) self.client = carla.Client(self.config['host'], self.config['port']) self.client.set_timeout(20.0) self.client.load_world(self.config['town']) = self.config['town'] = self.client.get_world() self.blueprint_library = self.settings = = = self.client.get_trafficmanager(port=tm_port) self.tm_port = print( colored( f"Successfully connected to CARLA at {self.config['host']}:{self.config['port']}", "green")) # parameters that come from the config dictionary self.sensor_width, self.sensor_height = self.config[ 'obs_size'], self.config['obs_size'] self.fps = int(1 / self.config['dt']) self.max_steps = self.config['max_time_episode'] self.target_step_distance = self.config['desired_speed'] * self.config[ 'dt'] self.weaken_terminals = self.config['weaken_terminals'] or False self._proximity_threshold = 15 # local state vars self.ego = None self.route_planner = None self.waypoints = None self.vehicle_front = None self.red_light = None self.road_option = None self.camera_img = None self.last_position = None self.distance_to_traffic_light = None self.is_vehicle_hazard = None self.last_steer = None self.last_action = None self.time_step = 0 self.total_step = 0 self.to_clean = {} self.collision_info = {} self.collision_hist = [] def reconect(self): print(colored("Connecting to CARLA...", "white")) self.client = carla.Client(self.config['host'], self.config['port']) self.client.set_timeout(20.0) self.client.load_world(self.config['town']) = self.config['town'] = self.client.get_world() self.blueprint_library = self.settings = = = self.client.get_trafficmanager(port=self.tm_port) self.tm_port = print( colored( f"Successfully connected to CARLA at {self.config['host']}:{self.config['port']}", "green")) # local state vars self.ego = None self.route_planner = None self.waypoints = None self.vehicle_front = None self.red_light = None self.road_option = None self.camera_img = None self.last_position = None self.distance_to_traffic_light = None self.is_vehicle_hazard = None self.last_steer = None self.last_action = None self.time_step = 0 self.total_step = 0 self.to_clean = {} self.collision_info = {} self.collision_hist = [] def set_weather(self, weather_option): weather = carla.WeatherParameters(*weather_option) def reset(self): self._destroy_actors() self.collision_info = {} self.collision_hist = [] self.time_step = 0 self._set_synchronous_mode(False) if self.config['verbose']: print(colored("setting actors", "white")) # set actors ego_vehicle, _ = self.set_ego() self.ego = ego_vehicle self.last_position = get_pos(ego_vehicle) self.last_steer = 0 rgb_camera = self.set_camera(ego_vehicle, sensor_width=self.sensor_width, sensor_height=self.sensor_height, fov=110) collision_sensor = self.set_collision_sensor(ego_vehicle) obstacle_detector = self.set_obstacle_detector(ego_vehicle) sp_vehicles, sp_walkers, sp_walker_controllers = self.set_actors( vehicles=self.config['vehicles'], walkers=self.config['walkers']) # we need to store the pointers to avoid "out of scope" errors self.to_clean = dict( vehicles=[ego_vehicle, *sp_vehicles, *sp_walkers], sensors=[collision_sensor, rgb_camera, obstacle_detector], controllers=sp_walker_controllers) if self.config['verbose']: print( colored( f"spawned {len(sp_vehicles)} vehicles and {len(sp_walkers)} walkers", "green")) # attaching handlers weak_self = weakref.ref(self) rgb_camera.listen(lambda data: get_camera_img(weak_self, data)) collision_sensor.listen( lambda event: get_collision_hist(weak_self, event)) obstacle_detector.listen( lambda event: get_obstacle_hist(weak_self, event)) self._set_synchronous_mode(True) self.route_planner = RoutePlanner(ego_vehicle, self.config['max_waypt']) self.waypoints, self.red_light, self.distance_to_traffic_light, \ self.is_vehicle_hazard, self.vehicle_front, self.road_option = self.route_planner.run_step() return self._step([0, 0, 0]) def render(self, mode='human'): pass def _step(self, action: list): """ Performs a simulation step. @param action: List with control signals: [throttle, brake, action]. """ # Action unnormalization if self._normalized_input: action = unnormalize_action(action) if self.last_action is None: soft_action = action else: soft_action = list( np.array(self.last_action) * 0.98 + np.array(action)) # Apply control act = carla.VehicleControl(throttle=float(soft_action[0]), brake=float(soft_action[1]), steer=float(soft_action[2])) self.ego.apply_control(act) self.update_spectator(self.ego) # route planner self.waypoints, self.red_light, self.distance_to_traffic_light,\ self.is_vehicle_hazard, self.vehicle_front, self.road_option = self.route_planner.run_step() # state information step_reward, reward_info = self._get_reward(act) obs, obs_info = self._get_obs() self.last_steer = float(action[2]) self.last_position = get_pos(self.ego) info = {'waypoints': self.waypoints, 'road_option': self.road_option} info.update(reward_info) info.update(obs_info) return obs, step_reward, self._terminal(), copy.deepcopy(info) def _get_obs(self): """Get the observations.""" # State observation ego_trans = self.ego.get_transform() ego_v = self.ego.get_velocity() ego_loc = self.ego.get_location() ego_control = self.ego.get_control() traffic_light_state = self.red_light distance_to_traffic_light = self.distance_to_traffic_light front_vehicle_distance = 15 front_vehicle_velocity = speed_proto(x=10, y=10, z=10) if self.vehicle_front is not None: front_vehicle_location = self.vehicle_front.get_location() front_vehicle_distance = np.array([ ego_loc.x - front_vehicle_location.x, ego_loc.y - front_vehicle_location.y, ego_loc.z - front_vehicle_location.z ]) front_vehicle_distance = np.linalg.norm(front_vehicle_distance) front_vehicle_velocity = self.vehicle_front.get_velocity() # calculate distance and orientation ego_yaw = ego_trans.rotation.yaw / 180 * np.pi lateral_dis, w = get_lane_dis(self.waypoints, ego_loc.x, ego_loc.y) delta_yaw = -np.arcsin( np.cross(w, np.array(np.array([np.cos(ego_yaw), np.sin(ego_yaw)])))) average_delta_yaw = get_average_delta_yaw(self.waypoints, ego_yaw) # affordance vector construction velocity_norm_factor = 15.0 affordances = np.array([ 1 if traffic_light_state else 0, distance_to_traffic_light / 80.0, 1 if self.is_vehicle_hazard else 0, front_vehicle_distance / 15.0, front_vehicle_velocity.x / velocity_norm_factor, # x front_vehicle_velocity.y / velocity_norm_factor, # y front_vehicle_velocity.z / velocity_norm_factor, # z lateral_dis / 2.0, delta_yaw, ego_v.x / velocity_norm_factor, ego_v.y / velocity_norm_factor, ego_v.z / velocity_norm_factor, ego_control.steer, self.last_steer, average_delta_yaw ]) obs = { 'camera': self.camera_img, 'affordances': affordances, 'speed': np.array([ego_v.x, ego_v.y, ego_v.z]), 'hlc': int(self.road_option.value) - 1 } obs_info = dict(lateral_dis=lateral_dis, delta_yaw=delta_yaw, average_delta_yaw=average_delta_yaw) return obs, obs_info def step(self, action): for _ in range(3): self._step(action) self.time_step += 1 return self._step(action) def _get_reward(self, control): """Calculate the step reward.""" info = { 'colision': False, 'colision_actor': None, 'out_of_lane': False, 'rewards': {}, } steer = control.steer command = v = self.ego.get_velocity() ego_trans = self.ego.get_transform() ego_loc = ego_trans.location ego_yaw = ego_trans.rotation.yaw / 180 * np.pi collision = self.collision_info speed = np.sqrt(v.x**2 + v.y**2) distance, w = get_lane_dis(self.waypoints, ego_loc.x, ego_loc.y) delta_yaw = -np.arcsin( np.cross(w, np.array(np.array([np.cos(ego_yaw), np.sin(ego_yaw)])))) speed_red = self.config['speed_reduction_at_intersection'] # speed and steer behavior if command in ['RIGHT', 'LEFT']: r_a = 2 - np.abs(speed_red * self.config['desired_speed'] - speed) / speed_red * self.config['desired_speed'] is_opposite = steer > 0 and command == 'LEFT' or steer < 0 and command == 'RIGHT' r_a -= steer**2 if is_opposite else 0 elif command == 'STRAIGHT': r_a = 1 - np.abs(speed_red * self.config['desired_speed'] - speed) / speed_red * self.config['desired_speed'] # follow lane else: r_a = 1 - np.abs(self.config['desired_speed'] - speed) / self.config['desired_speed'] # Out of lane r_d = 0 out_of_lane = self.is_out_of_lane() if out_of_lane: info['out_of_lane'] = True r_d = -100 # collision r_c = 0 if collision and not out_of_lane: r_c = -100 info['colision'] = True info['colision_actor'] = collision['other_actor'] if str(collision['other_actor']).startswith('vehicle'): r_c = -100 # distance to center r_dist = 1 - int(distance > 1) * np.abs(distance / 2) # penalize alignment r_yaw = (1 - (delta_yaw / 0.2)**2) r_steer = (1 - (steer / 0.2)**2) info['speed'] = speed info['rewards']['r_a'] = r_a info['rewards']['r_c'] = r_c info['rewards']['r_dist'] = r_dist info['rewards']['r_d'] = r_d info['rewards']['r_yaw'] = r_yaw info['rewards']['r_steer'] = r_steer return r_a + r_c + r_dist + r_d + r_yaw + r_steer, info def _terminal(self): """Calculate whether to terminate the current episode.""" # Get ego state ego_x, ego_y = get_pos(self.ego) # If collides if len(self.collision_hist) > 0: return True # If reach maximum timestep if self.time_step > self.max_steps: return True if not self.weaken_terminals: # If at destination if self.dests is not None: # If at destination for dest in self.dests: if np.sqrt((ego_x - dest[0])**2 + (ego_y - dest[1])**2) < 4: if self.config['verbose']: print(colored("reached destination", "red")) return True # If out of lane dis, _ = get_lane_dis(self.waypoints, ego_x, ego_y) if abs(dis) > self.config['out_lane_thres']: if self.config['verbose']: print(colored("out of lane", "red")) return True return False def is_out_of_lane(self): ego_x, ego_y = get_pos(self.ego) dis, _ = get_lane_dis(self.waypoints, ego_x, ego_y) if abs(dis) > self.config['out_lane_thres']: if self.config['verbose']: print(colored("out of lane", "red")) return True return False def _destroy_actors(self): # destroy sensors, ego vehicle and social actors if 'sensors' in self.to_clean.keys(): if self.config['verbose']: print(colored("destroying sensors", "white")) for sensor in self.to_clean['sensors']: if sensor.is_listening: sensor.stop() if sensor.is_alive: sensor.destroy() if 'controllers' in self.to_clean.keys(): if self.config['verbose']: print(colored("destroying controllers", "white")) for controller in self.to_clean['controllers']: controller.stop() if controller.is_alive: controller.destroy() if 'vehicles' in self.to_clean.keys(): if self.config['verbose']: print(colored("destroying vehicles and walkers", "white")) for actor in self.to_clean['vehicles']: if actor.is_alive: actor.destroy() def _set_synchronous_mode(self, state: bool): self.settings.fixed_delta_seconds = None if state: self.settings.fixed_delta_seconds = self.config['dt'] self.settings.synchronous_mode = state def _create_vehicle_blueprint(self, actor_filter, color=None, number_of_wheels=None): """Create the blueprint for a specific actor type. Args: actor_filter: a string indicating the actor type, e.g, '*'. Returns: bp: the blueprint object of carla. """ if number_of_wheels is None: number_of_wheels = [4] blueprints = self.blueprint_library.filter(actor_filter) blueprint_library = [] for nw in number_of_wheels: blueprint_library = blueprint_library + [ x for x in blueprints if int(x.get_attribute('number_of_wheels')) == nw ] bp = random.choice(blueprint_library) if bp.has_attribute('color'): if not color: color = random.choice( bp.get_attribute('color').recommended_values) bp.set_attribute('color', color) return bp def _try_spawn_random_vehicle_at(self, transform): """Try to spawn a surrounding vehicle at specific transform with random blueprint. Args: transform: the carla transform object. Returns: Bool indicating whether the spawn is successful. """ blueprint = self._create_vehicle_blueprint('vehicle.*', number_of_wheels=[4]) blueprint.set_attribute('role_name', 'autopilot') vehicle =, transform) return vehicle def _try_spawn_random_walker_at(self, transform): """Try to spawn a walker at specific transform with random blueprint. Args: transform: the carla transform object. Returns: Bool indicating whether the spawn is successful. """ walker_bp = random.choice('walker.*')) # set as not invencible if walker_bp.has_attribute('is_invincible'): walker_bp.set_attribute('is_invincible', 'false') walker_actor =, transform) walker_controller_actor = None if walker_actor is not None: walker_controller_bp = '') walker_controller_actor = walker_controller_bp, carla.Transform(), walker_actor) # start walker walker_controller_actor.start() # set walk to random point walker_controller_actor.go_to_location( # random max speed walker_controller_actor.set_max_speed( 1 + random.random() ) # max speed between 1 and 2 (default is 1.4 m/s) return walker_actor, walker_controller_actor def set_actors(self, vehicles: int, walkers: int): spawned_vehicles, spawned_walkers, spawned_walker_controllers = [], [], [] vehicle_spawn_points = list( if self.config['verbose']: print(colored("spawning vehicles", "white")) # Spawn surrounding vehicles count = vehicles max_tries = count * 2 while max_tries > 0: random_vehicle = self._try_spawn_random_vehicle_at( random.choice(vehicle_spawn_points)) if random_vehicle: spawned_vehicles.append(random_vehicle) count -= 1 if count <= 0: break max_tries -= 1 if self.config['verbose']: print(colored("spawning walkers", "white")) # Spawn pedestrians walker_spawn_points = [] for i in range(walkers): spawn_point = carla.Transform() loc = if loc: spawn_point.location = loc walker_spawn_points.append(spawn_point) count = walkers max_tries = count * 2 while max_tries > 0: random_walker, random_walker_controller = self._try_spawn_random_walker_at( random.choice(walker_spawn_points)) if random_walker and random_walker_controller: spawned_walkers.append(random_walker) spawned_walker_controllers.append(random_walker_controller) count -= 1 if count <= 0: break max_tries -= 1 if self.config['verbose']: print(colored("activating autopilots", "white")) # set autopilot for all the vehicles for v in spawned_vehicles: v.set_autopilot(True, self.tm_port) return spawned_vehicles, spawned_walkers, spawned_walker_controllers def set_camera(self, vehicle, sensor_width: int, sensor_height: int, fov: int): bp = self.blueprint_library.find('') bp.set_attribute('image_size_x', f'{sensor_width}') bp.set_attribute('image_size_y', f'{sensor_height}') bp.set_attribute('fov', f'{fov}') # Adjust sensor relative position to the vehicle spawn_point = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=1.0, z=2.0)) rgb_camera =, spawn_point, attach_to=vehicle) rgb_camera.blur_amount = 0.0 rgb_camera.motion_blur_intensity = 0 rgb_camera.motion_max_distortion = 0 # Camera calibration calibration = np.identity(3) calibration[0, 2] = sensor_width / 2.0 calibration[1, 2] = sensor_height / 2.0 calibration[0, 0] = calibration[ 1, 1] = sensor_width / (2.0 * np.tan(fov * np.pi / 360.0)) return rgb_camera def set_collision_sensor(self, vehicle): """ In case of collision, this sensor will update the 'collision_info' attribute with a dictionary that contains the following keys: ["frame", "actor_id", "other_actor"]. """ bp = self.blueprint_library.find('sensor.other.collision') collision_sensor =, carla.Transform(), attach_to=vehicle) return collision_sensor def set_obstacle_detector(self, vehicle): """ Obstacle detector, sensor will update 'collision_info' attribute when an actor is very close to the agent """ bp = self.blueprint_library.find('sensor.other.obstacle') collision_sensor =, carla.Transform(), attach_to=vehicle) return collision_sensor def update_spectator(self, vehicle): """ The following code would move the spectator actor, to point the view towards a desired vehicle. """ spectator = transform = vehicle.get_transform() spectator.set_transform( carla.Transform(transform.location + carla.Location(z=50), carla.Rotation(pitch=-90))) def set_ego(self): """ Add ego agent to the simulation. Return an Carla.Vehicle object. :return: The ego agent and ego vehicle if it was added successfully. Otherwise returns None. """ # These vehicles are not considered because # the cameras get occluded without changing their absolute position info = {} ego_vehicle_bp = self.blueprint_library.find("") spawn_points = random.shuffle(spawn_points) ego_vehicle = self.try_spawn_ego(ego_vehicle_bp, spawn_points) if ego_vehicle is None: print(colored("Couldn't spawn ego vehicle", "red")) return None info['vehicle'] = ego_vehicle.type_id info['id'] = self.update_spectator(vehicle=ego_vehicle) for v in"vehicle.*"): if != v.set_autopilot(True) return ego_vehicle, info def try_spawn_ego(self, ego_vehicle_bp, spawn_points): ego_vehicle = None for p in spawn_points: ego_vehicle =, p) if ego_vehicle: ego_vehicle.set_autopilot(False) return ego_vehicle return ego_vehicle
class CarlaEnv(gym.Env): """An OpenAI gym wrapper for CARLA simulator.""" def __init__(self, params): # parameters self.display_size = params['display_size'] # rendering screen size self.max_past_step = params['max_past_step'] self.number_of_vehicles = params['number_of_vehicles'] self.number_of_walkers = params['number_of_walkers'] self.dt = params['dt'] self.task_mode = params['task_mode'] self.max_time_episode = params['max_time_episode'] self.max_waypt = params['max_waypt'] self.obs_range = params['obs_range'] self.lidar_bin = params['lidar_bin'] self.d_behind = params['d_behind'] self.obs_size = int(self.obs_range / self.lidar_bin) self.out_lane_thres = params['out_lane_thres'] self.desired_speed = params['desired_speed'] # Destination if params['task_mode'] == 'roundabout': self.dests = [[4.46, -61.46, 0], [-49.53, -2.89, 0], [-6.48, 55.47, 0], [35.96, 3.33, 0]] else: self.dests = None # action and observation spaces self.discrete = params['discrete'] self.discrete_act = [params['discrete_acc'], params['discrete_steer']] # acc, steer self.n_acc = len(self.discrete_act[0]) self.n_steer = len(self.discrete_act[1]) if self.discrete: self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(self.n_acc * self.n_steer) else: self.action_space = spaces.Box( np.array([ params['continuous_accel_range'][0], params['continuous_steer_range'][0] ]), np.array([ params['continuous_accel_range'][1], params['continuous_steer_range'][1] ]), dtype=np.float32) # acc, steer self.observation_space = spaces.Dict({ 'birdeye': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'lidar': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'camera': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8) }) # Connect to carla server and get world object print('connecting to Carla server...') client = carla.Client('localhost', params['port']) client.set_timeout(10.0) = client.load_world(params['town']) print('Carla server connected!') # Set weather # Get spawn points self.vehicle_spawn_points = list( self.walker_spawn_points = [] for i in range(self.number_of_walkers): spawn_point = carla.Transform() loc = if (loc != None): spawn_point.location = loc self.walker_spawn_points.append(spawn_point) # Create the ego vehicle blueprint self.ego_bp = self._create_vehicle_bluepprint( params['ego_vehicle_filter'], color='49,8,8') # Collision sensor self.collision_hist = [] # The collision history self.collision_hist_l = 1 # collision history length self.collision_bp = 'sensor.other.collision') # Lidar sensor self.lidar_data = None self.lidar_height = 2.1 self.lidar_trans = carla.Transform( carla.Location(x=0.0, z=self.lidar_height)) self.lidar_bp = 'sensor.lidar.ray_cast') self.lidar_bp.set_attribute('channels', '32') self.lidar_bp.set_attribute('range', '5000') # Camera sensor self.camera_img = np.zeros((self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8) self.camera_trans = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=0.8, z=1.7)) self.camera_bp = '') # Modify the attributes of the blueprint to set image resolution and field of view. self.camera_bp.set_attribute('image_size_x', str(self.obs_size)) self.camera_bp.set_attribute('image_size_y', str(self.obs_size)) self.camera_bp.set_attribute('fov', '110') # Set the time in seconds between sensor captures self.camera_bp.set_attribute('sensor_tick', '0.02') # Set fixed simulation step for synchronous mode self.settings = self.settings.fixed_delta_seconds = self.dt # Record the time of total steps and resetting steps self.reset_step = 0 self.total_step = 0 # Initialize the renderer self._init_renderer() def reset(self): # Clear sensor objects self.collision_sensor = None self.lidar_sensor = None self.camera_sensor = None # Delete sensors, vehicles and walkers self._clear_all_actors([ 'sensor.other.collision', 'sensor.lidar.ray_cast', '', 'vehicle.*', '', 'walker.*' ]) # Disable sync mode self._set_synchronous_mode(False) # Spawn surrounding vehicles random.shuffle(self.vehicle_spawn_points) count = self.number_of_vehicles if count > 0: for spawn_point in self.vehicle_spawn_points: if self._try_spawn_random_vehicle_at(spawn_point, number_of_wheels=[4]): count -= 1 if count <= 0: break while count > 0: if self._try_spawn_random_vehicle_at(random.choice( self.vehicle_spawn_points), number_of_wheels=[4]): count -= 1 # Spawn the ego vehicle while True: if self.task_mode == 'random': transform = random.choice(self.vehicle_spawn_points) if self.task_mode == 'roundabout': self.start = [52.1 + np.random.uniform(-5, 5), -4.2, 178.66] # random transform = self._set_carla_transform(self.start) if self._try_spawn_ego_vehicle_at(transform): break # Spawn pedestrians random.shuffle(self.walker_spawn_points) count = self.number_of_walkers if count > 0: for spawn_point in self.walker_spawn_points: if self._try_spawn_random_walker_at(spawn_point): count -= 1 if count <= 0: break while count > 0: if self._try_spawn_random_walker_at( random.choice(self.walker_spawn_points)): count -= 1 # Get actors polygon list self.vehicle_polygons = [] vehicle_poly_dict = self._get_actor_polygons('vehicle.*') self.vehicle_polygons.append(vehicle_poly_dict) self.walker_polygons = [] walker_poly_dict = self._get_actor_polygons('walker.*') self.walker_polygons.append(walker_poly_dict) # Add collision sensor self.collision_sensor =, carla.Transform(), attach_to=self.ego) self.collision_sensor.listen(lambda event: get_collision_hist(event)) def get_collision_hist(event): impulse = event.normal_impulse intensity = np.sqrt(impulse.x**2 + impulse.y**2 + impulse.z**2) self.collision_hist.append(intensity) if len(self.collision_hist) > self.collision_hist_l: self.collision_hist.pop(0) self.collision_hist = [] # Add lidar sensor self.lidar_sensor =, self.lidar_trans, attach_to=self.ego) self.lidar_sensor.listen(lambda data: get_lidar_data(data)) def get_lidar_data(data): self.lidar_data = data # Add camera sensor self.camera_sensor =, self.camera_trans, attach_to=self.ego) self.camera_sensor.listen(lambda data: get_camera_img(data)) def get_camera_img(data): array = np.frombuffer(data.raw_data, dtype=np.dtype("uint8")) array = np.reshape(array, (data.height, data.width, 4)) array = array[:, :, :3] array = array[:, :, ::-1] self.camera_img = array # Update timesteps self.time_step = 0 self.reset_step += 1 # Enable sync mode self.settings.synchronous_mode = True self.routeplanner = RoutePlanner(self.ego, self.max_waypt) self.waypoints, _, self.vehicle_front = self.routeplanner.run_step() # Set ego information for render self.birdeye_render.set_hero(self.ego, return self._get_obs() def step(self, action): # Calculate acceleration and steering if self.discrete: acc = self.discrete_act[0][action // self.n_steer] steer = self.discrete_act[1][action % self.n_steer] else: acc = action[0] steer = action[1] # Convert acceleration to throttle and brake if acc > 0: throttle = np.clip(acc / 3, 0, 1) brake = 0 else: throttle = 0 brake = np.clip(-acc / 8, 0, 1) # Apply control act = carla.VehicleControl(throttle=float(throttle), steer=float(steer), brake=float(brake)) self.ego.apply_control(act) # Append actors polygon list vehicle_poly_dict = self._get_actor_polygons('vehicle.*') self.vehicle_polygons.append(vehicle_poly_dict) while len(self.vehicle_polygons) > self.max_past_step: self.vehicle_polygons.pop(0) walker_poly_dict = self._get_actor_polygons('walker.*') self.walker_polygons.append(walker_poly_dict) while len(self.walker_polygons) > self.max_past_step: self.walker_polygons.pop(0) # route planner self.waypoints, _, self.vehicle_front = self.routeplanner.run_step() # state information info = { 'waypoints': self.waypoints, 'vehicle_front': self.vehicle_front } # Update timesteps self.time_step += 1 self.total_step += 1 return (self._get_obs(), self._get_reward(), self._terminal(), copy.deepcopy(info)) def seed(self, seed=None): self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed) return [seed] def render(self, mode): pass def _create_vehicle_bluepprint(self, actor_filter, color=None, number_of_wheels=[4]): """Create the blueprint for a specific actor type. Args: actor_filter: a string indicating the actor type, e.g, '*'. Returns: bp: the blueprint object of carla. """ blueprints = blueprint_library = [] for nw in number_of_wheels: blueprint_library = blueprint_library + [ x for x in blueprints if int(x.get_attribute('number_of_wheels')) == nw ] bp = random.choice(blueprint_library) if bp.has_attribute('color'): if not color: color = random.choice( bp.get_attribute('color').recommended_values) bp.set_attribute('color', color) return bp def _init_renderer(self): """Initialize the birdeye view renderer. """ pygame.init() self.display = pygame.display.set_mode( (self.display_size * 3, self.display_size), pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF) pixels_per_meter = self.display_size / self.obs_range pixels_ahead_vehicle = (self.obs_range / 2 - self.d_behind) * pixels_per_meter birdeye_params = { 'screen_size': [self.display_size, self.display_size], 'pixels_per_meter': pixels_per_meter, 'pixels_ahead_vehicle': pixels_ahead_vehicle } self.birdeye_render = BirdeyeRender(, birdeye_params) def _set_synchronous_mode(self, synchronous=True): """Set whether to use the synchronous mode. """ self.settings.synchronous_mode = synchronous def _try_spawn_random_vehicle_at(self, transform, number_of_wheels=[4]): """Try to spawn a surrounding vehicle at specific transform with random bluprint. Args: transform: the carla transform object. Returns: Bool indicating whether the spawn is successful. """ blueprint = self._create_vehicle_bluepprint( 'vehicle.*', number_of_wheels=number_of_wheels) blueprint.set_attribute('role_name', 'autopilot') vehicle =, transform) if vehicle is not None: vehicle.set_autopilot() return True return False def _try_spawn_random_walker_at(self, transform): """Try to spawn a walker at specific transform with random bluprint. Args: transform: the carla transform object. Returns: Bool indicating whether the spawn is successful. """ walker_bp = random.choice('walker.*')) # set as not invencible if walker_bp.has_attribute('is_invincible'): walker_bp.set_attribute('is_invincible', 'false') walker_actor =, transform) if walker_actor is not None: walker_controller_bp = '') walker_controller_actor = walker_controller_bp, carla.Transform(), walker_actor) # start walker walker_controller_actor.start() # set walk to random point walker_controller_actor.go_to_location( # random max speed walker_controller_actor.set_max_speed( 1 + random.random() ) # max speed between 1 and 2 (default is 1.4 m/s) return True return False def _try_spawn_ego_vehicle_at(self, transform): """Try to spawn the ego vehicle at specific transform. Args: transform: the carla transform object. Returns: Bool indicating whether the spawn is successful. """ vehicle =, transform) if vehicle is not None: self.ego = vehicle return True return False def _set_carla_transform(self, pose): """Get a carla tranform object given pose. Args: pose: [x, y, yaw]. Returns: transform: the carla transform object """ transform = carla.Transform() transform.location.x = pose[0] transform.location.y = pose[1] transform.rotation.yaw = pose[2] return transform def _get_actor_polygons(self, filt): """Get the bounding box polygon of actors. Args: filt: the filter indicating what type of actors we'll look at. Returns: actor_poly_dict: a dictionary containing the bounding boxes of specific actors. """ actor_poly_dict = {} for actor in # Get x, y and yaw of the actor trans = actor.get_transform() x = trans.location.x y = trans.location.y yaw = trans.rotation.yaw / 180 * np.pi # Get length and width bb = actor.bounding_box l = bb.extent.x w = bb.extent.y # Get bounding box polygon in the actor's local coordinate poly_local = np.array([[l, w], [l, -w], [-l, -w], [-l, w]]).transpose() # Get rotation matrix to transform to global coordinate R = np.array([[np.cos(yaw), -np.sin(yaw)], [np.sin(yaw), np.cos(yaw)]]) # Get global bounding box polygon poly = np.matmul(R, poly_local).transpose() + np.repeat( [[x, y]], 4, axis=0) actor_poly_dict[] = poly return actor_poly_dict def _get_ego(self): """ Get the ego vehicle object """ return self.ego def _get_obs(self): """Get the observations.""" ## Birdeye rendering self.birdeye_render.vehicle_polygons = self.vehicle_polygons self.birdeye_render.walker_polygons = self.walker_polygons self.birdeye_render.waypoints = self.waypoints self.birdeye_render.render(self.display) # pygame.display.flip() birdeye = pygame.surfarray.array3d(self.display) birdeye = birdeye[0:self.display_size, :, :] birdeye = np.fliplr(np.rot90(birdeye, 3)) # flip to regular view birdeye = resize(birdeye, (self.obs_size, self.obs_size)) # resize birdeye = birdeye * 255 birdeye.astype(np.uint8) ## Lidar image generation point_cloud = [] # Get point cloud data for location in self.lidar_data: point_cloud.append([location.x, location.y, -location.z]) point_cloud = np.array(point_cloud) # Separate the 3D space to bins for point cloud, x and y is set according to self.lidar_bin, # and z is set to be two bins. y_bins = np.arange(-(self.obs_range - self.d_behind), self.d_behind + self.lidar_bin, self.lidar_bin) x_bins = np.arange(-self.obs_range / 2, self.obs_range / 2 + self.lidar_bin, self.lidar_bin) z_bins = [-self.lidar_height - 1, -self.lidar_height + 0.25, 1] # Get lidar image according to the bins lidar, _ = np.histogramdd(point_cloud, bins=(x_bins, y_bins, z_bins)) lidar[:, :, 0] = np.array(lidar[:, :, 0] > 0, dtype=np.uint8) lidar[:, :, 1] = np.array(lidar[:, :, 1] > 0, dtype=np.uint8) # Add the waypoints to lidar image wayptimg = (birdeye[:, :, 0] == 0) * (birdeye[:, :, 1] == 0) * (birdeye[:, :, 2] == 255) wayptimg = np.expand_dims(wayptimg, axis=2) wayptimg = np.fliplr(np.rot90(wayptimg, 3)) wayptimg.astype(np.uint8) # Get the final lidar image lidar = np.concatenate((lidar, wayptimg), axis=2) lidar = np.flip(lidar, axis=1) lidar = np.rot90(lidar, 1) lidar = lidar * 255 # Display lidar image lidar_surface = pygame.Surface( (self.display_size, self.display_size)).convert() lidar_display = resize(lidar, (self.display_size, self.display_size)) lidar_display = np.flip(lidar_display, axis=1) lidar_display = np.rot90(lidar_display, 1) pygame.surfarray.blit_array(lidar_surface, lidar_display) self.display.blit(lidar_surface, (self.display_size, 0)) # Display camera image camera_surface = pygame.Surface( (self.display_size, self.display_size)).convert() camera_display = resize(self.camera_img, (self.display_size, self.display_size)) camera_display = np.flip(camera_display, axis=1) camera_display = np.rot90(camera_display, 1) camera_display = camera_display * 255 pygame.surfarray.blit_array(camera_surface, camera_display) self.display.blit(camera_surface, (self.display_size * 2, 0)) camera = pygame.surfarray.array3d(self.display) camera = camera[2 * self.display_size:, :, :] camera = np.fliplr(np.rot90(camera, 3)) # flip to regular view camera = resize(camera, (self.obs_size, self.obs_size)) # resize camera = camera * 255 camera.astype(np.uint8) # Display on pygame pygame.display.flip() obs = {'birdeye': birdeye, 'lidar': lidar, 'camera': camera} return obs def _get_reward(self): """Calculate the step reward.""" # reward for speed tracking v = self.ego.get_velocity() speed = np.sqrt(v.x**2 + v.y**2) r_speed = -abs(speed - self.desired_speed) # reward for collision r_collision = 0 if len(self.collision_hist) > 0: r_collision = -1 # reward for steering: r_steer = -self.ego.get_control().steer**2 # reward for out of lane ego_x, ego_y = self._get_ego_pos() dis, w = self._get_lane_dis(self.waypoints, ego_x, ego_y) r_out = 0 if dis > self.out_lane_thres: r_out = -1 # longitudinal speed lspeed = np.array([v.x, v.y]) lspeed_lon =, w) # cost for too fast r_fast = 0 if lspeed_lon > self.desired_speed: r_fast = -1 # cost for lateral acceleration r_lat = -abs(self.ego.get_control().steer) * lspeed_lon**2 r = 200 * r_collision + 1 * lspeed_lon + 10 * r_fast + 1 * r_out + r_steer * 5 + 0.2 * r_lat - 0.1 return r def _get_ego_pos(self): """Get the ego vehicle pose (x, y).""" ego_trans = self.ego.get_transform() ego_x = ego_trans.location.x ego_y = ego_trans.location.y return ego_x, ego_y def _get_lane_dis(self, waypoints, x, y): """Calculate distance from (x, y) to waypoints.""" dis_min = 1000 for pt in waypoints: d = np.sqrt((x - pt[0])**2 + (y - pt[1])**2) if d < dis_min: dis_min = d waypt = pt vec = np.array([x - waypt[0], y - waypt[1]]) lv = np.linalg.norm(np.array(vec)) w = np.array( [np.cos(waypt[2] / 180 * np.pi), np.sin(waypt[2] / 180 * np.pi)]) costh = / lv, w) sinth = np.sqrt(1 - costh**2) dis = lv * sinth return dis, w def _terminal(self): """Calculate whether to terminate the current episode.""" # Get ego state ego_x, ego_y = self._get_ego_pos() # If collides if len(self.collision_hist) > 0: return True # If reach maximum timestep if self.time_step > self.max_time_episode: return True # If at destination if self.dests is not None: # If at destination for dest in self.dests: if np.sqrt((ego_x - dest[0])**2 + (ego_y - dest[1])**2) < 4: return True # If out of lane dis, _ = self._get_lane_dis(self.waypoints, ego_x, ego_y) if dis > self.out_lane_thres: return True return False def _clear_all_actors(self, actor_filters): """Clear specific actors.""" for actor_filter in actor_filters: for actor in if actor.is_alive: if actor.type_id == '': actor.stop() actor.destroy()
class CarlaEnv(gym.Env): """An OpenAI gym wrapper for CARLA simulator.""" def __init__(self, params): # parameters print('init mai hai ham') action_params = params['action_params'] self.path_params = params['path_params'] self.display_size = params['display_size'] # rendering screen size self.max_past_step = params['max_past_step'] self.number_of_vehicles = params['number_of_vehicles'] self.number_of_walkers = params['number_of_walkers'] self.task_mode = params['task_mode'] self.max_time_episode = params['max_time_episode'] self.max_waypt = params['max_waypt'] self.obs_range = params['obs_range'] self.lidar_bin = params['lidar_bin'] self.d_behind = params['d_behind'] self.obs_size = int(self.obs_range / self.lidar_bin) self.out_lane_thres = params['out_lane_thres'] self.desired_speed = params['desired_speed'] self.max_ego_spawn_times = params['max_ego_spawn_times'] self.display_route = params['display_route'] control_params = params['control_params'] self.args_lateral_dict = control_params['args_lateral_dict'] self.args_longitudinal_dict = control_params['args_longitudinal_dict'] D_T_S = action_params['d_t_s'] N_S_SAMPLE = action_params['n_s_sample'] MINT = action_params['mint'] MAXT = action_params['maxt'] MAX_ROAD_WIDTH = action_params['max_road_width'] MAX_LAT_VEL = action_params['max_lat_vel'] TARGET_SPEED = self.path_params['TARGET_SPEED'] self.dt = self.path_params['DT'] # time interval between 2 frames if 'pixor' in params.keys(): self.pixor = params['pixor'] self.pixor_size = params['pixor_size'] else: self.pixor = False # Destination if params['task_mode'] == 'roundabout': self.dests = [[4.46, -61.46, 0], [-49.53, -2.89, 0], [-6.48, 55.47, 0], [35.96, 3.33, 0]] else: self.dests = None # action and observation spaces self.discrete = params['discrete'] self.discrete_act = [params['discrete_acc'], params['discrete_steer']] # acc, steer self.n_acc = len(self.discrete_act[0]) self.n_steer = len(self.discrete_act[1]) if self.discrete: self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(self.n_acc * self.n_steer) else: self.action_space = spaces.Box( low=np.array([ TARGET_SPEED - D_T_S * N_S_SAMPLE, MINT, -MAX_ROAD_WIDTH, -MAX_LAT_VEL ]), high=np.array([ TARGET_SPEED + D_T_S * N_S_SAMPLE, MAXT, MAX_ROAD_WIDTH, MAX_LAT_VEL ]), dtype=np.float32) observation_space_dict = { 'camera': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'lidar': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'birdeye': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'state': spaces.Box(np.array([-2, -1, -5, 0]), np.array([2, 1, 30, 1]), dtype=np.float32) } if self.pixor: # dont change observation_space_dict.update({ 'roadmap': spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8), 'vh_clas': spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(self.pixor_size, self.pixor_size, 1), dtype=np.float32), 'vh_regr': spaces.Box(low=-5, high=5, shape=(self.pixor_size, self.pixor_size, 6), dtype=np.float32), 'pixor_state': spaces.Box(np.array([-1000, -1000, -1, -1, -5]), np.array([1000, 1000, 1, 1, 20]), dtype=np.float32) }) self.observation_space = spaces.Dict(observation_space_dict) self.observation_space = spaces.Box( low=-1, high=1, shape=(self.obs_size * self.obs_size * 3 + 4, 1), dtype=np.float32) # Connect to carla server and get world object print('connecting to Carla server...') client = carla.Client('localhost', params['port']) client.set_timeout(10.0) = client.load_world(params['town']) print('Carla server connected!') # Set weather # Get spawn points self.vehicle_spawn_points = list( self.walker_spawn_points = [] for i in range(self.number_of_walkers): spawn_point = carla.Transform() loc = if (loc != None): spawn_point.location = loc self.walker_spawn_points.append(spawn_point) # Create the ego vehicle blueprint self.ego_bp = self._create_vehicle_bluepprint( params['ego_vehicle_filter'], color='49,8,8') # Collision sensor self.collision_hist = [] # The collision history self.collision_hist_l = 1 # collision history length self.collision_bp = 'sensor.other.collision') # Lidar sensor self.lidar_data = None self.lidar_height = 2.1 # Note : HEIGHT OF LIDAR self.lidar_trans = carla.Transform( carla.Location(x=0.0, z=self.lidar_height)) self.lidar_bp = 'sensor.lidar.ray_cast') self.lidar_bp.set_attribute('channels', '32') self.lidar_bp.set_attribute('range', '5000') # Camera sensor self.camera_img = np.zeros((self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8) self.camera_trans = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=0.8, z=1.7)) self.camera_bp = '') # Modify the attributes of the blueprint to set image resolution and field of view. self.camera_bp.set_attribute('image_size_x', str(self.obs_size)) self.camera_bp.set_attribute('image_size_y', str(self.obs_size)) self.camera_bp.set_attribute('fov', '110') # Set the time in seconds between sensor captures self.camera_bp.set_attribute('sensor_tick', '0.02') # Set fixed simulation step for synchronous mode self.settings = self.settings.fixed_delta_seconds = self.dt # Record the time of total steps and resetting steps self.reset_step = 0 self.total_step = 0 # Initialize the renderer self._init_renderer() # Get pixel grid points if self.pixor: x, y = np.meshgrid( np.arange(self.pixor_size), np.arange(self.pixor_size)) # make a canvas with coordinates x, y = x.flatten(), y.flatten() self.pixel_grid = np.vstack((x, y)).T def reset(self): # Clear sensor objects print('reset') self.collision_sensor = None self.lidar_sensor = None self.camera_sensor = None # Delete sensors, vehicles and walkers self._clear_all_actors([ 'sensor.other.collision', 'sensor.lidar.ray_cast', '', 'vehicle.*', '', 'walker.*' ]) # Disable sync mode self._set_synchronous_mode(False) # Spawn surrounding vehicles random.shuffle(self.vehicle_spawn_points) count = self.number_of_vehicles if count > 0: for spawn_point in self.vehicle_spawn_points: if self._try_spawn_random_vehicle_at(spawn_point, number_of_wheels=[4]): count -= 1 if count <= 0: break while count > 0: if self._try_spawn_random_vehicle_at(random.choice( self.vehicle_spawn_points), number_of_wheels=[4]): count -= 1 # Spawn pedestrians random.shuffle(self.walker_spawn_points) count = self.number_of_walkers if count > 0: for spawn_point in self.walker_spawn_points: if self._try_spawn_random_walker_at(spawn_point): count -= 1 if count <= 0: break while count > 0: if self._try_spawn_random_walker_at( random.choice(self.walker_spawn_points)): count -= 1 # Get actors polygon list self.vehicle_polygons = [] vehicle_poly_dict = self._get_actor_polygons('vehicle.*') self.vehicle_polygons.append(vehicle_poly_dict) self.walker_polygons = [] walker_poly_dict = self._get_actor_polygons('walker.*') self.walker_polygons.append(walker_poly_dict) # Spawn the ego vehicle ego_spawn_times = 0 while True: if ego_spawn_times > self.max_ego_spawn_times: self.reset() if self.task_mode == 'random': transform = random.choice(self.vehicle_spawn_points) if self.task_mode == 'roundabout': self.start = [52.1 + np.random.uniform(-5, 5), -4.2, 178.66] # random # self.start=[52.1,-4.2, 178.66] # static transform = set_carla_transform(self.start) if self.task_mode == 'debug': self.start = [88.71, -237, 4] # static transform = set_carla_transform(self.start) if self._try_spawn_ego_vehicle_at(transform): break else: ego_spawn_times += 1 time.sleep(0.1) # Initializing Controller (Requires ego vehicle spawn) self._vehicle_controller = VehiclePIDController( self.ego, args_lateral=self.args_lateral_dict, args_longitudinal=self.args_longitudinal_dict) # Add collision sensor self.collision_sensor =, carla.Transform(), attach_to=self.ego) self.collision_sensor.listen(lambda event: get_collision_hist(event)) def get_collision_hist(event): impulse = event.normal_impulse intensity = np.sqrt(impulse.x**2 + impulse.y**2 + impulse.z**2) self.collision_hist.append(intensity) if len(self.collision_hist) > self.collision_hist_l: self.collision_hist.pop(0) self.collision_hist = [] # Add lidar sensor self.lidar_sensor =, self.lidar_trans, attach_to=self.ego) self.lidar_sensor.listen(lambda data: get_lidar_data(data)) def get_lidar_data(data): self.lidar_data = data # Add camera sensor self.camera_sensor =, self.camera_trans, attach_to=self.ego) self.camera_sensor.listen(lambda data: get_camera_img(data)) def get_camera_img(data): array = np.frombuffer(data.raw_data, dtype=np.dtype("uint8")) array = np.reshape(array, (data.height, data.width, 4)) array = array[:, :, :3] array = array[:, :, ::-1] self.camera_img = array # Update timesteps self.time_step = 0 self.reset_step += 1 # Enable sync mode self.settings.synchronous_mode = True # =================================================================================== self.routeplanner = RoutePlanner(self.ego, self.max_waypt) self.waypoints, _, self.vehicle_front = self.routeplanner.run_step() # =================================================================================== W_X_0 = [t[0] for t in self.waypoints] W_Y_0 = [t[1] for t in self.waypoints] self.tx, self.ty, self.tyaw,, self.csp = frenet_optimal_trajectory.generate_target_course( W_X_0, W_Y_0) self.birdeye_render.set_hero(self.ego, return self._get_obs() def step(self, action): # Get target speed, target_waypoint print('step mai hai ham') ego_trans = self.ego.get_transform() ego_z = ego_trans.location.z # act = carla.VehicleControl(throttle=float(throttle), steer=float(-steer), brake=float(brake)) Ti = action[1] di = action[2] di_d = action[3] tv = action[0] # Initial Conditions s0, c_speed, c_d, c_d_d, c_d_dd = self.initial_conditions() # Generate Frenet Path path = frenet_optimal_trajectory.frenet_optimal_planning( self.csp, s0, c_speed, c_d, c_d_d, c_d_dd, Ti, di, di_d, tv, self.path_params) self.target_waypoint = [path.x[1], path.y[1], ego_z] # sqrt(pow(1 - rk[1]*c_d, 2)*pow(c_speed, 2) + pow(c_d_d, 2)) # To be given in Km/h self._target_speed = ((((1 -[1])**2) * ((path.s_d[1])**2) + ((path.d_d[1])**2))**0.5) * 3.6 # Apply control control = self._vehicle_controller.run_step(self._target_speed, self.target_waypoint) self.ego.apply_control(control) # Append actors polygon list vehicle_poly_dict = self._get_actor_polygons('vehicle.*') self.vehicle_polygons.append(vehicle_poly_dict) while len(self.vehicle_polygons) > self.max_past_step: self.vehicle_polygons.pop(0) walker_poly_dict = self._get_actor_polygons('walker.*') self.walker_polygons.append(walker_poly_dict) while len(self.walker_polygons) > self.max_past_step: self.walker_polygons.pop(0) # route planner self.waypoints, _, self.vehicle_front = self.routeplanner.run_step() # state information info = { 'waypoints': self.waypoints, 'vehicle_front': self.vehicle_front } # Update timesteps self.time_step += 1 self.total_step += 1 return (self._get_obs(), self._get_reward(), self._terminal(), copy.deepcopy(info)) def initial_conditions(self): print('initial_conditions mai hai ham') vel = self.ego.get_velocity() ego_trans = self.ego.get_transform() ego_x, ego_y = get_pos(self.ego) v = ((vel.x**2) + (vel.y**2))**0.5 min_id, c_d = self.find_nearest_in_global_path() vec1 = [ego_x - self.tx[min_id], ego_y - self.ty[min_id]] vec2 = [ self.tx[min_id] - self.tx[min_id + 1], self.tx[min_id] - self.ty[min_id + 1] ] curl = vec1[0] * vec2[1] - vec1[1] * vec2[0] if (curl < 0): c_d = c_d * (-1) s0 = self.calc_s(min_id) ego_yaw = ego_trans.rotation.yaw / 180 * np.pi global_path_yaw = self.tyaw[min_id] delta_theta = ego_yaw - global_path_yaw c_d_d = v * math.sin(delta_theta) k_r =[min_id] c_speed = v * math.cos(delta_theta) / (1 - k_r * c_d) c_d_dd = 0 return s0, c_speed, c_d, c_d_d, c_d_dd def find_nearest_in_global_path(self): print('find nearest in global path') ego_x, ego_y = get_pos(self.ego) tx = np.asarray(self.tx, dtype=np.float32) ty = np.asarray(self.ty, dtype=np.float32) temp = (tx - ego_x)**2 + (ty - ego_y)**2 temp = np.sqrt(temp) min_id = np.argmin(temp) min_dist = np.min(temp) return min_id, min_dist def calc_s(self, min_id): print('calcs mai hai ham') tx = np.asarray(self.tx, dtype=np.float32) ty = np.asarray(self.ty, dtype=np.float32) to_stop = min_id + 1 tx_cut = tx[:to_stop] ty_cut = ty[:to_stop] tx_cut_2 = np.hstack((tx_cut[0], tx_cut)) ty_cut_2 = np.hstack((ty_cut[0], ty_cut)) tx_cut_2 = tx_cut_2[:to_stop] ty_cut_2 = ty_cut_2[:to_stop] s = np.sum(np.sqrt((tx_cut - tx_cut_2)**2 + (ty_cut - ty_cut_2)**2)) return s def seed(self, seed=None): print('seed') self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed) return [seed] def render(self, mode): pass def _create_vehicle_bluepprint(self, actor_filter, color=None, number_of_wheels=[4]): print('create vehicale blyeprint') """Create the blueprint for a specific actor type. Args: actor_filter: a string indicating the actor type, e.g, '*'. Returns: bp: the blueprint object of carla. """ blueprints = blueprint_library = [] for nw in number_of_wheels: blueprint_library = blueprint_library + \ [x for x in blueprints if int( x.get_attribute('number_of_wheels')) == nw] bp = random.choice(blueprint_library) if bp.has_attribute('color'): if not color: color = random.choice( bp.get_attribute('color').recommended_values) bp.set_attribute('color', color) return bp def _init_renderer(self): """Initialize the birdeye view renderer. """ print('init renderer mai hai ham') pygame.init() self.display = pygame.display.set_mode( (self.display_size * 3, self.display_size), pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF) pixels_per_meter = self.display_size / self.obs_range pixels_ahead_vehicle = (self.obs_range / 2 - self.d_behind) * pixels_per_meter birdeye_params = { 'screen_size': [self.display_size, self.display_size], 'pixels_per_meter': pixels_per_meter, 'pixels_ahead_vehicle': pixels_ahead_vehicle } self.birdeye_render = BirdeyeRender(, birdeye_params) def _set_synchronous_mode(self, synchronous=True): """Set whether to use the synchronous mode. """ print('set synchrounous mode mai hai ham') self.settings.synchronous_mode = synchronous def _try_spawn_random_vehicle_at(self, transform, number_of_wheels=[4]): """Try to spawn a surrounding vehicle at specific transform with random bluprint. Args: transform: the carla transform object. Returns: Bool indicating whether the spawn is successful. """ print('try spawn rnadom vehicle mai hai ham') blueprint = self._create_vehicle_bluepprint( 'vehicle.*', number_of_wheels=number_of_wheels) blueprint.set_attribute('role_name', 'autopilot') vehicle =, transform) if vehicle is not None: vehicle.set_autopilot() return True return False def _try_spawn_random_walker_at(self, transform): """Try to spawn a walker at specific transform with random bluprint. Args: transform: the carla transform object. Returns: Bool indicating whether the spawn is successful. """ print('try spawn random walker mai hai ham') walker_bp = random.choice('walker.*')) # set as not invencible if walker_bp.has_attribute('is_invincible'): walker_bp.set_attribute('is_invincible', 'false') walker_actor =, transform) if walker_actor is not None: walker_controller_bp = '') walker_controller_actor = walker_controller_bp, carla.Transform(), walker_actor) # start walker walker_controller_actor.start() # set walk to random point walker_controller_actor.go_to_location( # random max speed # max speed between 1 and 2 (default is 1.4 m/s) walker_controller_actor.set_max_speed(1 + random.random()) return True return False def _try_spawn_ego_vehicle_at(self, transform): """Try to spawn the ego vehicle at specific transform. Args: transform: the carla transform object. Returns: Bool indicating whether the spawn is successful. """ print('try spawn ego vehicle at mai hai ham') vehicle = None # Check if ego position overlaps with surrounding vehicles overlap = False for idx, poly in self.vehicle_polygons[-1].items(): poly_center = np.mean(poly, axis=0) ego_center = np.array([transform.location.x, transform.location.y]) dis = np.linalg.norm(poly_center - ego_center) if dis > 8: continue else: overlap = True break if not overlap: vehicle =, transform) if vehicle is not None: self.ego = vehicle return True return False def _get_actor_polygons(self, filt): """Get the bounding box polygon of actors. Args: filt: the filter indicating what type of actors we'll look at. Returns: actor_poly_dict: a dictionary containing the bounding boxes of specific actors. """ print('get actor polygons mai hai ham') actor_poly_dict = {} for actor in # Get x, y and yaw of the actor trans = actor.get_transform() x = trans.location.x y = trans.location.y yaw = trans.rotation.yaw / 180 * np.pi # Get length and width bb = actor.bounding_box l = bb.extent.x w = bb.extent.y # Get bounding box polygon in the actor's local coordinate poly_local = np.array([[l, w], [l, -w], [-l, -w], [-l, w]]).transpose() # Get rotation matrix to transform to global coordinate R = np.array([[np.cos(yaw), -np.sin(yaw)], [np.sin(yaw), np.cos(yaw)]]) # Get global bounding box polygon poly = np.matmul(R, poly_local).transpose() + \ np.repeat([[x, y]], 4, axis=0) actor_poly_dict[] = poly return actor_poly_dict def _get_obs(self): """Get the observations.""" # Birdeye rendering print('get obs mai hai ham') self.birdeye_render.vehicle_polygons = self.vehicle_polygons self.birdeye_render.walker_polygons = self.walker_polygons self.birdeye_render.waypoints = self.waypoints # birdeye view with roadmap and actors birdeye_render_types = ['roadmap', 'actors'] if self.display_route: birdeye_render_types.append('waypoints') self.birdeye_render.render(self.display, birdeye_render_types) birdeye = pygame.surfarray.array3d(self.display) birdeye = birdeye[0:self.display_size, :, :] birdeye = display_to_rgb(birdeye, self.obs_size) # Roadmap if self.pixor: roadmap_render_types = ['roadmap'] if self.display_route: roadmap_render_types.append('waypoints') self.birdeye_render.render(self.display, roadmap_render_types) roadmap = pygame.surfarray.array3d(self.display) roadmap = roadmap[0:self.display_size, :, :] roadmap = display_to_rgb(roadmap, self.obs_size) # Add ego vehicle for i in range(self.obs_size): for j in range(self.obs_size): if abs(birdeye[i, j, 0] - 255) < 20 and abs( birdeye[i, j, 1] - 0) < 20 and abs(birdeye[i, j, 0] - 255) < 20: roadmap[i, j, :] = birdeye[i, j, :] # Display birdeye image birdeye_surface = rgb_to_display_surface(birdeye, self.display_size) self.display.blit(birdeye_surface, (0, 0)) # Lidar image generation point_cloud = [] # Get point cloud data for location in self.lidar_data: point_cloud.append([location.x, location.y, -location.z]) point_cloud = np.array(point_cloud) # Separate the 3D space to bins for point cloud, x and y is set according to self.lidar_bin, # and z is set to be two bins. y_bins = np.arange(-(self.obs_range - self.d_behind), self.d_behind + self.lidar_bin, self.lidar_bin) x_bins = np.arange(-self.obs_range / 2, self.obs_range / 2 + self.lidar_bin, self.lidar_bin) z_bins = [-self.lidar_height - 1, -self.lidar_height + 0.25, 1] # Get lidar image according to the bins lidar, _ = np.histogramdd(point_cloud, bins=(x_bins, y_bins, z_bins)) # Only 2 bins in z-direction. Taking positive values. lidar[:, :, 0] = np.array(lidar[:, :, 0] > 0, dtype=np.uint8) lidar[:, :, 1] = np.array(lidar[:, :, 1] > 0, dtype=np.uint8) # Add the waypoints to lidar image if self.display_route: wayptimg = (birdeye[:, :, 0] <= 10) * \ (birdeye[:, :, 1] <= 10) * (birdeye[:, :, 2] >= 240) else: wayptimg = birdeye[:, :, 0] < 0 # Equal to a zero matrix wayptimg = np.expand_dims(wayptimg, axis=2) wayptimg = np.fliplr(np.rot90(wayptimg, 3)) # Get the final lidar image lidar = np.concatenate((lidar, wayptimg), axis=2) lidar = np.flip(lidar, axis=1) lidar = np.rot90(lidar, 1) lidar = lidar * 255 # Display lidar image lidar_surface = rgb_to_display_surface(lidar, self.display_size) self.display.blit(lidar_surface, (self.display_size, 0)) # Display camera image camera = resize(self.camera_img, (self.obs_size, self.obs_size)) * 255 camera_surface = rgb_to_display_surface(camera, self.display_size) self.display.blit(camera_surface, (self.display_size * 2, 0)) # Display on pygame pygame.display.flip() # State observation ego_trans = self.ego.get_transform() ego_x = ego_trans.location.x ego_y = ego_trans.location.y ego_yaw = ego_trans.rotation.yaw / 180 * np.pi # in Radians lateral_dis, w = get_preview_lane_dis(self.waypoints, ego_x, ego_y) delta_yaw = np.arcsin( np.cross(w, np.array(np.array([np.cos(ego_yaw), np.sin(ego_yaw)])))) v = self.ego.get_velocity() ang_v = self.ego.get_angular_velocity() speed = np.sqrt(v.x**2 + v.y**2) # state = np.array([lateral_dis, - delta_yaw, speed,ang_v.z, self.vehicle_front]) state = np.array([lateral_dis, -delta_yaw, speed, ang_v.z]) # state.reshape((4, 1)) if self.pixor: # Vehicle classification and regression maps (requires further normalization) vh_clas = np.zeros((self.pixor_size, self.pixor_size)) vh_regr = np.zeros((self.pixor_size, self.pixor_size, 6)) # Generate the PIXOR image. Note in CARLA it is using left-hand coordinate # Get the 6-dim geom parametrization in PIXOR, here we use pixel coordinate for actor in'vehicle.*'): x, y, yaw, l, w = get_info(actor) x_local, y_local, yaw_local = get_local_pose( (x, y, yaw), (ego_x, ego_y, ego_yaw)) if != if abs( y_local ) < self.obs_range / 2 + 1 and x_local < self.obs_range - self.d_behind + 1 and x_local > -self.d_behind - 1: x_pixel, y_pixel, yaw_pixel, l_pixel, w_pixel = get_pixel_info( local_info=(x_local, y_local, yaw_local, l, w), d_behind=self.d_behind, obs_range=self.obs_range, image_size=self.pixor_size) cos_t = np.cos(yaw_pixel) sin_t = np.sin(yaw_pixel) logw = np.log(w_pixel) logl = np.log(l_pixel) pixels = get_pixels_inside_vehicle( pixel_info=(x_pixel, y_pixel, yaw_pixel, l_pixel, w_pixel), pixel_grid=self.pixel_grid) for pixel in pixels: vh_clas[pixel[0], pixel[1]] = 1 dx = x_pixel - pixel[0] dy = y_pixel - pixel[1] vh_regr[pixel[0], pixel[1], :] = np.array( [cos_t, sin_t, dx, dy, logw, logl]) # Flip the image matrix so that the origin is at the left-bottom vh_clas = np.flip(vh_clas, axis=0) vh_regr = np.flip(vh_regr, axis=0) # Pixor state, [x, y, cos(yaw), sin(yaw), speed] pixor_state = [ ego_x, ego_y, np.cos(ego_yaw), np.sin(ego_yaw), speed ] obs = { 'camera': camera.astype(np.uint8), 'lidar': lidar.astype(np.uint8), 'birdeye': birdeye.astype(np.uint8), 'state': state } if self.pixor: obs.update({ 'roadmap': roadmap.astype(np.uint8), 'vh_clas': np.expand_dims(vh_clas, -1).astype(np.float32), 'vh_regr': vh_regr.astype(np.float32), 'pixor_state': pixor_state, }) print(camera.shape) print(lidar.shape) print(birdeye.shape) print(state.shape) # float32 mai likhna hai temp = lidar.flatten() print(temp.shape) print("hello") temp = np.concatenate((temp, state)) temp = temp.reshape((temp.shape[0], 1)) temp = scale(temp, -1, 1) print(temp.shape) return temp def _get_reward(self): """Calculate the step reward.""" print('get reward mai hai ham') # reward for speed tracking v = self.ego.get_velocity() speed = np.sqrt(v.x**2 + v.y**2) r_speed = -abs(speed - self.desired_speed) # reward for collision r_collision = 0 if len(self.collision_hist) > 0: r_collision = -1 # reward for steering: r_steer = -self.ego.get_control().steer**2 # reward for out of lane ego_x, ego_y = get_pos(self.ego) dis, w = get_lane_dis(self.waypoints, ego_x, ego_y) r_out = 0 if abs(dis) > self.out_lane_thres: r_out = -1 # longitudinal speed lspeed = np.array([v.x, v.y]) lspeed_lon =, w) # cost for too fast r_fast = 0 if lspeed_lon > self.desired_speed: r_fast = -1 # cost for lateral acceleration r_lat = -abs(self.ego.get_control().steer) * lspeed_lon**2 r = 200*r_collision + 1*lspeed_lon + 10 * \ r_fast + 1*r_out + r_steer*5 + 0.2*r_lat - 0.1 return r def _terminal(self): """Calculate whether to terminate the current episode.""" print('terminal mai hai ham') # Get ego state ego_x, ego_y = get_pos(self.ego) # If collides if len(self.collision_hist) > 0: return True # If reach maximum timestep if self.time_step > self.max_time_episode: return True # If at destination if self.dests is not None: # If at destination for dest in self.dests: if np.sqrt((ego_x - dest[0])**2 + (ego_y - dest[1])**2) < 4: return True # If out of lane dis, _ = get_lane_dis(self.waypoints, ego_x, ego_y) if abs(dis) > self.out_lane_thres: return True return False def _clear_all_actors(self, actor_filters): """Clear specific actors.""" print('clear all mai hai ham') for actor_filter in actor_filters: for actor in if actor.is_alive: if actor.type_id == '': actor.stop() actor.destroy()
class CarlaEnv(gym.Env): """An OpenAI gym wrapper for CARLA simulator.""" def __init__(self, params): # parameters self.display_size = params['display_size'] # rendering screen size self.max_past_step = params['max_past_step'] self.number_of_vehicles = params['number_of_vehicles'] self.number_of_walkers = params['number_of_walkers'] self.dt = params['dt'] self.task_mode = params['task_mode'] self.max_time_episode = params['max_time_episode'] self.max_waypt = params['max_waypt'] self.obs_range = params['obs_range'] self.lidar_bin = params['lidar_bin'] self.d_behind = params['d_behind'] self.obs_size = int(self.obs_range / self.lidar_bin) self.out_lane_thres = params['out_lane_thres'] self.desired_speed = params['desired_speed'] self.max_ego_spawn_times = params['max_ego_spawn_times'] self.display_route = params['display_route'] self.use_rgb_camera = params['RGB_cam'] self.traffic_vehicles = [] #self.discrete_acc = [-1,-0.5,0.0,0.5,1.0] # discrete actions for throttle self.discrete_vel = [-5.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 5.0] # discrete actions for velocity self.discrete_actions = params[ 'discrete'] # boolean to use discrete or continoius action space self.cur_action = None self.pedal_pid = PID(0.7, 0.01, 0.0) self.pedal_pid.output_limits = (-1, 1) self.rl_speed = 0.0 self.pedal_pid.setpoint = 0.0 self.dist_to_lead = -1 # Destination if params['task_mode'] == 'acc_1': self.dests = [[592.1, 244.7, 0]] # stopping condition in Town 06 else: self.dests = None self.idle_timesteps = 0 # action and observation spaces # self.action_space = spaces.Box(np.array([params['continuous_accel_range'][0]], dtype=np.float32), np.array([params['continuous_accel_range'][1]], dtype=np.float32)) # acc #self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(len(self.discrete_acc)) if self.discrete_actions: self.action_space = spaces.Discrete( 5) # slow down -5, slowdown -1 m/s, do nothing, speed up 1 m/s else: self.action_space = spaces.Box(np.array([0.0]), np.array( [30.0])) # speed is continous from 0 m.s to 30 m.s self.observation_space = spaces.Box(np.array([0, 0, -1.0]), np.array([40, 40, 100]), dtype=np.float32) # Connect to carla server and get world object print('connecting to Carla server...') self.client = carla.Client('localhost', params['port']) self.client.set_timeout(10.0) = self.client.load_world(params['town']) print('Carla server connected!') = = self.client.get_trafficmanager(int(8000)) self.tm_port = #print('Traffic Manager Port ' + self.tm_port) # Set weather # Get spawn points self.vehicle_spawn_points = list( self.walker_spawn_points = [] for i in range(self.number_of_walkers): spawn_point = carla.Transform() loc = if (loc != None): spawn_point.location = loc self.walker_spawn_points.append(spawn_point) # Create the ego vehicle blueprint self.ego_bp = self._create_vehicle_bluepprint( params['ego_vehicle_filter'], color='49,8,8') # Collision sensor self.collision_hist = [] # The collision history self.collision_hist_l = 1 # collision history length self.collision_bp = 'sensor.other.collision') # Camera sensor self.camera_img = np.zeros((self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8) self.camera_trans = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=0.8, z=1.7)) self.camera_bp = '') # Modify the attributes of the blueprint to set image resolution and field of view. self.camera_bp.set_attribute('image_size_x', str(self.obs_size)) self.camera_bp.set_attribute('image_size_y', str(self.obs_size)) self.camera_bp.set_attribute('fov', '110') # Set the time in seconds between sensor captures self.camera_bp.set_attribute('sensor_tick', '0.02') # Set fixed simulation step for synchronous mode self.settings = self.settings.fixed_delta_seconds = self.dt # Record the time of total steps and resetting steps self.reset_step = 0 self.total_step = 0 # Initialize the renderer self._init_renderer() def reset(self): # Clear sensor objects self._clear_all_sensors() self.collision_sensor = None self.camera_sensor = None self.idle_timesteps = 0 # Delete sensors, vehicles and walkers self._clear_all_actors([ 'sensor.other.collision', 'sensor.lidar.ray_cast', '', 'vehicle.*', '', 'walker.*' ]) # Disable sync mode self._set_synchronous_mode(False) # Spawn vehicles in same lane as ego vehicle and ahead ego_vehicle_traffic_spawns_1 = get_spawn_points_for_traffic( 40, [-7, -6, -5, -4],, self.number_of_vehicles) ego_vehicle_traffic_spawns_2 = get_spawn_points_for_traffic( 39, [-7, -6, -5, -4],, self.number_of_vehicles, start=15) ego_vehicle_traffic_spawns = ego_vehicle_traffic_spawns_1 + ego_vehicle_traffic_spawns_2 random.shuffle(ego_vehicle_traffic_spawns) count = self.number_of_vehicles if count > 0: for spawn_point in ego_vehicle_traffic_spawns: if self._try_spawn_random_vehicle_at(spawn_point, number_of_wheels=[4]): count -= 1 if count <= 0: break while count > 0: if self._try_spawn_random_vehicle_at( random.choice(ego_vehicle_traffic_spawns), number_of_wheels=[4]): count -= 1 # set autopilot for all traffic vehicles: batch = [] for vehicle in self.traffic_vehicles: batch.append(carla.command.SetAutopilot(vehicle, True)) self.client.apply_batch_sync(batch) # Get actors polygon list self.vehicle_polygons = [] vehicle_poly_dict = self._get_actor_polygons('vehicle.*') self.vehicle_polygons.append(vehicle_poly_dict) self.walker_polygons = [] walker_poly_dict = self._get_actor_polygons('walker.*') self.walker_polygons.append(walker_poly_dict) # Spawn the ego vehicle ego_spawn_times = 0 while True: if ego_spawn_times > self.max_ego_spawn_times: self.reset() if self.task_mode == 'acc_1': wpt1 = get_waypoint_for_ego_spawn(road_id=39, lane_id=-5, s=0, transform = wpt1.transform transform.location.z += 2.0 if self._try_spawn_ego_vehicle_at(transform): break else: print('trying to spawn %d' % ego_spawn_times) ego_spawn_times += 1 time.sleep(0.1) # Add collision sensor self.collision_sensor =, carla.Transform(), attach_to=self.ego) self.collision_sensor.listen(lambda event: get_collision_hist(event)) def get_collision_hist(event): impulse = event.normal_impulse intensity = np.sqrt(impulse.x**2 + impulse.y**2 + impulse.z**2) self.collision_hist.append(intensity) if len(self.collision_hist) > self.collision_hist_l: self.collision_hist.pop(0) self.collision_hist = [] # Add camera sensor if self.use_rgb_camera: self.camera_sensor =, self.camera_trans, attach_to=self.ego) self.camera_sensor.listen(lambda data: get_camera_img(data)) def get_camera_img(data): array = np.frombuffer(data.raw_data, dtype=np.dtype("uint8")) array = np.reshape(array, (data.height, data.width, 4)) array = array[:, :, :3] array = array[:, :, ::-1] self.camera_img = array # Update timesteps self.time_step = 0 self.reset_step += 1 # Enable sync mode self.settings.synchronous_mode = False if not self.use_rgb_camera: self.settings.no_rendering_mode = True self.routeplanner = RoutePlanner(self.ego, self.max_waypt) self.waypoints, _, self.vehicle_hazards = self.routeplanner.run_step() # Set ego information for render self.birdeye_render.set_hero(self.ego, return self._get_obs() def step(self, action): # Calculate acceleration and steering #acc = self.discrete_acc[action] v = self.ego.get_velocity() speed = np.sqrt(v.x**2 + v.y**2) if speed < 1e-1: self.idle_timesteps += 1 else: self.idle_timesteps = 0 if self.discrete_actions: self.rl_speed += self.discrete_vel[action] # [-1.0 0.0, 1.0] else: self.rl_speed = action # range from 0 to 30 self.rl_speed = np.clip(self.rl_speed, 0.0, 30.0) pid = self.pedal_pid(-(self.rl_speed - speed)) acc = pid # acc = self.pedal_pid(speed) # Convert acceleration to throttle and brake if acc > 0: throttle = np.clip(acc, 0, 1) brake = 0 else: throttle = 0 brake = np.clip(-acc, 0, 1) #print(acc,speed,self.desired_speed-speed) #print("rl-speed %.2f, pid %.2f, acc %.2f" % (self.rl_speed , pid, acc) ) # Apply control act = carla.VehicleControl(throttle=float(throttle), steer=0.0, brake=float(brake)) self.ego.apply_control(act) # Append actors polygon list vehicle_poly_dict = self._get_actor_polygons('vehicle.*') self.vehicle_polygons.append(vehicle_poly_dict) while len(self.vehicle_polygons) > self.max_past_step: self.vehicle_polygons.pop(0) walker_poly_dict = self._get_actor_polygons('walker.*') self.walker_polygons.append(walker_poly_dict) while len(self.walker_polygons) > self.max_past_step: self.walker_polygons.pop(0) # route planner self.waypoints, _, self.vehicle_hazards = self.routeplanner.run_step() #print(self.vehicle_hazards) # state information info = { 'waypoints': self.waypoints, } # Update timesteps self.time_step += 1 self.total_step += 1 return (self._get_obs(), self._get_reward(), self._terminal(), copy.deepcopy(info)) def seed(self, seed=None): self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed) return [seed] def render(self, mode): pass def _create_vehicle_bluepprint(self, actor_filter, color=None, number_of_wheels=[4]): """Create the blueprint for a specific actor type. Args: actor_filter: a string indicating the actor type, e.g, '*'. Returns: bp: the blueprint object of carla. """ blueprints = blueprint_library = [] for nw in number_of_wheels: blueprint_library = blueprint_library + [ x for x in blueprints if int(x.get_attribute('number_of_wheels')) == nw ] bp = random.choice(blueprint_library) if bp.has_attribute('color'): if not color: color = random.choice( bp.get_attribute('color').recommended_values) bp.set_attribute('color', color) return bp def _init_renderer(self): """Initialize the birdeye view renderer. """ pygame.init() self.pyfont = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 22) self.display = pygame.display.set_mode( (self.display_size * 3, self.display_size), pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF) pixels_per_meter = self.display_size / self.obs_range pixels_ahead_vehicle = (self.obs_range / 2 - self.d_behind) * pixels_per_meter birdeye_params = { 'screen_size': [self.display_size, self.display_size], 'pixels_per_meter': pixels_per_meter, 'pixels_ahead_vehicle': pixels_ahead_vehicle } self.birdeye_render = BirdeyeRender(, birdeye_params) def _set_synchronous_mode(self, synchronous=True): """Set whether to use the synchronous mode. """ self.settings.synchronous_mode = synchronous def _try_spawn_random_vehicle_at(self, transform, number_of_wheels=[4]): """Try to spawn a surrounding vehicle at specific transform with random bluprint. Args: transform: the carla transform object. Returns: Bool indicating whether the spawn is successful. """ blueprint = self._create_vehicle_bluepprint( 'vehicle.*', number_of_wheels=number_of_wheels) blueprint.set_attribute('role_name', 'autopilot') vehicle =, transform) if vehicle is not None: self.traffic_vehicles.append(vehicle) #vehicle.set_autopilot() # batch = [] # batch.append(carla.command.SetAutopilot(vehicle,True)) # self.client.apply_batch_sync(batch) # not how this is supposed to be done but oh well #vehicle.enable_constant_velocity(np.random.uniform(low=18.0,high=30.0)) vehicle.set_autopilot(True, self.tm_port), False) high = np.random.uniform(low=-20, high=0) low = np.random.uniform(low=-20, high=0) vehicle, random.choice([high, low]) ) # percentage difference between posted speed and vehicle speed. Negative is greater return True return False def _try_spawn_ego_vehicle_at(self, transform): """Try to spawn the ego vehicle at specific transform. Args: transform: the carla transform object. Returns: Bool indicating whether the spawn is successful. """ vehicle = None # Check if ego position overlaps with surrounding vehicles overlap = False for idx, poly in self.vehicle_polygons[-1].items(): poly_center = np.mean(poly, axis=0) ego_center = np.array([transform.location.x, transform.location.y]) dis = np.linalg.norm(poly_center - ego_center) if dis > 8: continue else: overlap = True print('overlapping vehicle when trying to spawn') break if not overlap: vehicle =, transform) if vehicle is not None: self.ego = vehicle # batch = [] # batch.append(carla.command.SetAutopilot(self.ego,False)) # self.client.apply_batch_sync(batch) #,-30),20.0) #,False) return True print('could not spawn vehicle') return False def _get_actor_polygons(self, filt): """Get the bounding box polygon of actors. Args: filt: the filter indicating what type of actors we'll look at. Returns: actor_poly_dict: a dictionary containing the bounding boxes of specific actors. """ actor_poly_dict = {} for actor in # Get x, y and yaw of the actor trans = actor.get_transform() x = trans.location.x y = trans.location.y yaw = trans.rotation.yaw / 180 * np.pi # Get length and width bb = actor.bounding_box l = bb.extent.x w = bb.extent.y # Get bounding box polygon in the actor's local coordinate poly_local = np.array([[l, w], [l, -w], [-l, -w], [-l, w]]).transpose() # Get rotation matrix to transform to global coordinate R = np.array([[np.cos(yaw), -np.sin(yaw)], [np.sin(yaw), np.cos(yaw)]]) # Get global bounding box polygon poly = np.matmul(R, poly_local).transpose() + np.repeat( [[x, y]], 4, axis=0) actor_poly_dict[] = poly return actor_poly_dict def _get_obs(self): """Get the observations.""" ## Birdeye rendering self.birdeye_render.vehicle_polygons = self.vehicle_polygons self.birdeye_render.walker_polygons = self.walker_polygons self.birdeye_render.waypoints = self.waypoints # birdeye view with roadmap and actors birdeye_render_types = ['roadmap', 'actors'] if self.display_route: birdeye_render_types.append('waypoints') self.birdeye_render.render(self.display, birdeye_render_types) birdeye = pygame.surfarray.array3d(self.display) birdeye = birdeye[0:self.display_size, :, :] birdeye = display_to_rgb(birdeye, self.obs_size) # State observation ego_trans = self.ego.get_transform() ego_x = ego_trans.location.x ego_y = ego_trans.location.y ego_yaw = ego_trans.rotation.yaw / 180 * np.pi lateral_dis, w = get_preview_lane_dis(self.waypoints, ego_x, ego_y) delta_yaw = np.arcsin( np.cross(w, np.array(np.array([np.cos(ego_yaw), np.sin(ego_yaw)])))) v = self.ego.get_velocity() speed = np.sqrt(v.x**2 + v.y**2) lead_vehicle = None if len(self.vehicle_hazards) > 0: dist_to_lead = 100 for i in range(len(self.vehicle_hazards)): hazard_loc = self.vehicle_hazards[i].get_transform() dist_to_lead_ = ((hazard_loc.location.x - ego_x)**2 + (hazard_loc.location.y - ego_y)**2)**(1 / 2) if dist_to_lead_ < dist_to_lead: dist_to_lead = dist_to_lead_ lead_vehicle = self.vehicle_hazards[i] else: dist_to_lead = -1 self.dist_to_lead = dist_to_lead if lead_vehicle is not None: lead_v = lead_vehicle.get_velocity() lead_speed = np.sqrt(lead_v.x**2 + lead_v.y**2) else: lead_speed = -1 state = np.array([speed, lead_speed, dist_to_lead]) ## Get leading vehicle info ## Display camera image if self.use_rgb_camera: camera = resize(self.camera_img, (self.obs_size, self.obs_size)) * 255 camera_surface = rgb_to_display_surface(camera, self.display_size) self.display.blit(camera_surface, (self.display_size * 2, 0)) else: camera = np.zeros((self.obs_size, self.obs_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8) ## Display info statistics self.display.blit( self.pyfont.render('speed ' + str(round(speed, 1)) + ' m/s', True, (255, 0, 0)), (self.display_size * 1, 80)) self.display.blit( self.pyfont.render( 'lead_dist ' + str(round(dist_to_lead, 1)) + ' m', True, (255, 255, 0)), (self.display_size * 1, 120)) self.display.blit( self.pyfont.render('lead_v ' + str(round(lead_speed, 1)) + ' m/s', True, (255, 255, 0)), (self.display_size * 1, 100)) # Display on pygame pygame.display.flip() return state def _get_reward(self): """Calculate the step reward.""" # reward for speed tracking v = self.ego.get_velocity() speed = np.sqrt(v.x**2 + v.y**2) r_speed = -abs(speed - self.desired_speed) # reward for collision r_collision = 0 if len(self.collision_hist) > 0: r_collision = -1 # reward for steering: # reward for out of lane ego_x, ego_y = get_pos(self.ego) dis, w = get_lane_dis(self.waypoints, ego_x, ego_y) r_out = 0 # if abs(dis) > self.out_lane_thres: # r_out = -1 # longitudinal speed lspeed = np.array([v.x, v.y]) lspeed_lon =, w) # cost for too fast r_fast = 0 if lspeed_lon > self.desired_speed: r_fast = -1 # cost for too slow # cost for too fast r_slow = 0 if lspeed_lon < self.desired_speed: r_slow = -1 # cost for lateral acceleration r_lat = -abs(self.ego.get_control().steer) * lspeed_lon**2 # cost for idling r_idle = -1 * self.idle_timesteps # cost for too close following distance: r_space = 0 if self.dist_to_lead > 0 and self.dist_to_lead <= 35.0: r_space = -(45.0 - self.dist_to_lead) * 15 r = 200 * r_collision + 1 * lspeed_lon + 10 * r_fast + 5 * r_slow + r_idle + 12 * r_speed + r_space print( 'reward [collision %.2f] [distance %.2f] [overspeed %.2f] [underspeed %.2f] [idle %f] [speed mismatch %.2f] [too close %.2f]' % (200 * r_collision, 1 * lspeed_lon, 10 * r_fast, 5 * r_slow, r_idle, 12 * r_speed, r_space)) return r def _terminal(self): """Calculate whether to terminate the current episode.""" # Get ego state ego_x, ego_y = get_pos(self.ego) # If collides if len(self.collision_hist) > 0: return True # If reach maximum timestep if self.time_step > self.max_time_episode: return True # If at destination if self.dests is not None: # If at destination for dest in self.dests: if np.sqrt((ego_x - dest[0])**2 + (ego_y - dest[1])**2) < 4: return True # If out of lane dis, _ = get_lane_dis(self.waypoints, ego_x, ego_y) if abs(dis) > self.out_lane_thres: return True # if stopped for a vehicle ahead # TODO if self.idle_timesteps > 500: print('terminal due to too many idle timesteps') return True return False def _clear_all_actors(self, actor_filters): """Clear specific actors.""" for actor_filter in actor_filters: for actor in if actor.is_alive: if actor.type_id == '': actor.stop() actor.destroy() def _clear_all_sensors(self): try: self.collision_sensor.destroy() self.camera_sensor.destroy() except: pass
def reset(self): # Clear sensor objects self._clear_all_sensors() self.collision_sensor = None self.camera_sensor = None self.idle_timesteps = 0 # Delete sensors, vehicles and walkers self._clear_all_actors([ 'sensor.other.collision', 'sensor.lidar.ray_cast', '', 'vehicle.*', '', 'walker.*' ]) # Disable sync mode self._set_synchronous_mode(False) # Spawn vehicles in same lane as ego vehicle and ahead ego_vehicle_traffic_spawns_1 = get_spawn_points_for_traffic( 40, [-7, -6, -5, -4],, self.number_of_vehicles) ego_vehicle_traffic_spawns_2 = get_spawn_points_for_traffic( 39, [-7, -6, -5, -4],, self.number_of_vehicles, start=15) ego_vehicle_traffic_spawns = ego_vehicle_traffic_spawns_1 + ego_vehicle_traffic_spawns_2 random.shuffle(ego_vehicle_traffic_spawns) count = self.number_of_vehicles if count > 0: for spawn_point in ego_vehicle_traffic_spawns: if self._try_spawn_random_vehicle_at(spawn_point, number_of_wheels=[4]): count -= 1 if count <= 0: break while count > 0: if self._try_spawn_random_vehicle_at( random.choice(ego_vehicle_traffic_spawns), number_of_wheels=[4]): count -= 1 # set autopilot for all traffic vehicles: batch = [] for vehicle in self.traffic_vehicles: batch.append(carla.command.SetAutopilot(vehicle, True)) self.client.apply_batch_sync(batch) # Get actors polygon list self.vehicle_polygons = [] vehicle_poly_dict = self._get_actor_polygons('vehicle.*') self.vehicle_polygons.append(vehicle_poly_dict) self.walker_polygons = [] walker_poly_dict = self._get_actor_polygons('walker.*') self.walker_polygons.append(walker_poly_dict) # Spawn the ego vehicle ego_spawn_times = 0 while True: if ego_spawn_times > self.max_ego_spawn_times: self.reset() if self.task_mode == 'acc_1': wpt1 = get_waypoint_for_ego_spawn(road_id=39, lane_id=-5, s=0, transform = wpt1.transform transform.location.z += 2.0 if self._try_spawn_ego_vehicle_at(transform): break else: print('trying to spawn %d' % ego_spawn_times) ego_spawn_times += 1 time.sleep(0.1) # Add collision sensor self.collision_sensor =, carla.Transform(), attach_to=self.ego) self.collision_sensor.listen(lambda event: get_collision_hist(event)) def get_collision_hist(event): impulse = event.normal_impulse intensity = np.sqrt(impulse.x**2 + impulse.y**2 + impulse.z**2) self.collision_hist.append(intensity) if len(self.collision_hist) > self.collision_hist_l: self.collision_hist.pop(0) self.collision_hist = [] # Add camera sensor if self.use_rgb_camera: self.camera_sensor =, self.camera_trans, attach_to=self.ego) self.camera_sensor.listen(lambda data: get_camera_img(data)) def get_camera_img(data): array = np.frombuffer(data.raw_data, dtype=np.dtype("uint8")) array = np.reshape(array, (data.height, data.width, 4)) array = array[:, :, :3] array = array[:, :, ::-1] self.camera_img = array # Update timesteps self.time_step = 0 self.reset_step += 1 # Enable sync mode self.settings.synchronous_mode = False if not self.use_rgb_camera: self.settings.no_rendering_mode = True self.routeplanner = RoutePlanner(self.ego, self.max_waypt) self.waypoints, _, self.vehicle_hazards = self.routeplanner.run_step() # Set ego information for render self.birdeye_render.set_hero(self.ego, return self._get_obs()