文件: group.py 项目: znarthur/h5pyd
    def __setitem__(self, name, obj):
        """ Add an object to the group.  The name must not already be in use.

        The action taken depends on the type of object assigned:

        Named HDF5 object (Dataset, Group, Datatype)
            A hard link is created at "name" which points to the
            given object.

        SoftLink or ExternalLink
            Create the corresponding link.

        Numpy ndarray
            The array is converted to a dataset object, with default
            settings (contiguous storage, etc.).

        Numpy dtype
            Commit a copy of the datatype as a named datatype in the file.

        Anything else
            Attempt to convert it to an ndarray and store it.  Scalar
            values are stored as scalar datasets. Raise ValueError if we
            can't understand the resulting array dtype.

        #name, lcpl = self._e(name, lcpl=True)

        if isinstance(obj, HLObject):
            body = {'id': obj.id.uuid}
            req = "/groups/" + self.id.uuid + "/links/" + name
            self.PUT(req, body=body)

        elif isinstance(obj, SoftLink):
            body = {'h5path': obj.path}
            req = "/groups/" + self.id.uuid + "/links/" + name
            self.PUT(req, body=body)
            #self.id.links.create_soft(name, self._e(obj.path),
            #              lcpl=lcpl, lapl=self._lapl)

        elif isinstance(obj, ExternalLink):
            body = {'h5path': obj.path, 'h5domain': obj.filename}
            req = "/groups/" + self.id.uuid + "/links/" + name
            self.PUT(req, body=body)
            #self.id.links.create_external(name, self._e(obj.filename),
            #              self._e(obj.path), lcpl=lcpl, lapl=self._lapl)

        elif isinstance(obj, numpy.dtype):
            # print "create named type"

            type_json = h5json.getTypeItem(obj)
            #print "type_json:", type_json
            req = "/datatypes"

            body = {'type': type_json}
            rsp = self.POST(req, body=body)
            body['id'] = rsp['id']

            type_id = TypeID(self, body)
            req = "/groups/" + self.id.uuid + "/links/" + name
            body = {'id': type_id.uuid}
            self.PUT(req, body=body)

            #htype = h5t.py_create(obj)
            #htype.commit(self.id, name, lcpl=lcpl)

            pass  #todo
文件: attrs.py 项目: DrKenHo/h5pyd
    def create(self, name, data, shape=None, dtype=None):
        """ Create a new attribute, overwriting any existing attribute.

            Name of the new attribute (required)
            An array to initialize the attribute (required)
            Shape of the attribute.  Overrides data.shape if both are
            given, in which case the total number of points must be unchanged.
            Data type of the attribute.  Overrides data.dtype if both
            are given.

        with phil:
            # First, make sure we have a NumPy array.  We leave the data
            # type conversion for HDF5 to perform.
            data = numpy.asarray(data, order='C')
            if shape is None:
                shape = data.shape
            use_htype = None    # If a committed type is given, we must use it
                                # in the call to h5a.create.
            if isinstance(dtype, Datatype):
                use_htype = dtype.id
                dtype = dtype.dtype
            elif dtype is None:
                dtype = data.dtype
                dtype = numpy.dtype(dtype) # In case a string, e.g. 'i8' is passed
            original_dtype = dtype  # We'll need this for top-level array types

            # Where a top-level array type is requested, we have to do some
            # fiddling around to present the data as a smaller array of
            # subarrays. 
            if dtype.subdtype is not None:
                subdtype, subshape = dtype.subdtype
                # Make sure the subshape matches the last N axes' sizes.
                if shape[-len(subshape):] != subshape:
                    raise ValueError("Array dtype shape %s is incompatible with data shape %s" % (subshape, shape))

                # New "advertised" shape and dtype
                shape = shape[0:len(shape)-len(subshape)]
                dtype = subdtype
            # Not an array type; make sure to check the number of elements
            # is compatible, and reshape if needed.
                if numpy.product(shape) != numpy.product(data.shape):
                    raise ValueError("Shape of new attribute conflicts with shape of data")

                if shape != data.shape:
                    data = data.reshape(shape)

            # We need this to handle special string types.
            data = numpy.asarray(data, dtype=dtype)
            # Make HDF5 datatype and dataspace for the H5A calls
            if use_htype is None:
                type_json = h5json.getTypeItem(dtype)
                #htype = h5t.py_create(original_dtype, logical=True)
                #htype2 = h5t.py_create(original_dtype)  # Must be bit-for-bit representation rather than logical
                htype = use_htype
                htype2 = None
            #space = h5s.create_simple(shape)

            # This mess exists because you can't overwrite attributes in HDF5.
            # So we write to a temporary attribute first, and then rename.
            #tempname = uuid.uuid4().hex
            req = self._req_prefix + name
            body = {}
            body['type'] = type_json
            body['shape'] = shape
            body['value'] = data.tolist()
            self._parent.PUT(req, body=body)
def make_new_dset(parent, shape=None, dtype=None, data=None,
                 chunks=None, compression=None, shuffle=None,
                    fletcher32=None, maxshape=None, compression_opts=None,
                  fillvalue=None, scaleoffset=None, track_times=None):
    """ Return a new low-level dataset identifier

    Only creates anonymous datasets.
    # Convert data to a C-contiguous ndarray
    if data is not None:
        from . import base
        data = numpy.asarray(data, order="C", dtype=base.guess_dtype(data))

    # Validate shape
    if shape is None:
        if data is None:
            raise TypeError("Either data or shape must be specified")
        shape = data.shape
        shape = tuple(shape)
        if data is not None and (numpy.product(shape) != numpy.product(data.shape)):
            raise ValueError("Shape tuple is incompatible with data")

    tmp_shape = maxshape if maxshape is not None else shape
    # Validate chunk shape
    if isinstance(chunks, tuple) and (-numpy.array([ i>=j for i,j in zip(tmp_shape,chunks) if i is not None])).any():
        errmsg = "Chunk shape must not be greater than data shape in any dimension. "\
                 "{} is not compatible with {}".format(chunks, shape)
        raise ValueError(errmsg)

    if isinstance(dtype, Datatype):
        # Named types are used as-is
        type_json = dtype.id.type_json
        # Validate dtype
        if dtype is None and data is None:
            dtype = numpy.dtype("=f4")
        elif dtype is None and data is not None:
            dtype = data.dtype
            dtype = numpy.dtype(dtype)
        if dtype.kind == 'S' and dtype.metadata['ref']:
            type_json = {}
            type_json["class"] = "H5T_REFERENCE"
            meta_type = dtype.metadata['ref']
            if meta_type is Reference:
                type_json["base"] = "H5T_STD_REF_OBJ"
            elif meta_type is RegionReference:
                type_json["base"] = "H5T_STD_REF_DSETREG"
                errmsg = "Unexpected metadata type"
                raise ValueError(errmsg)
            type_json = h5json.getTypeItem(dtype)
            #tid = h5t.py_create(dtype, logical=1)

    # Legacy
    if any((compression, shuffle, fletcher32, maxshape,scaleoffset)) and chunks is False:
        raise ValueError("Chunked format required for given storage options")

    # Legacy
    if compression is True:
        if compression_opts is None:
            compression_opts = 4
        compression = 'gzip'

    # Legacy
    if compression in _LEGACY_GZIP_COMPRESSION_VALS:
        if compression_opts is not None:
            raise TypeError("Conflict in compression options")
        compression_opts = compression
        compression = 'gzip'

    # todo
    #dcpl = filters.generate_dcpl(shape, dtype, chunks, compression, compression_opts,
    #              shuffle, fletcher32, maxshape, scaleoffset)
    dcpl = None
    if fillvalue is not None:
        fillvalue = numpy.array(fillvalue)
    if track_times in (True, False):
    elif track_times is not None:
        raise TypeError("track_times must be either True or False")
    if maxshape is not None:
        maxshape = tuple(m if m is not None else 0 for m in maxshape)
    #sid = h5s.create_simple(shape, maxshape)

    #dset_id = h5d.create(parent.id, None, tid, sid, dcpl=dcpl)
    req = "/datasets"
    body = {'type': type_json } 
    body['shape'] = shape
    if maxshape is not None:
        body['maxdims'] = maxshape
    rsp = parent.POST(req, body=body)
    json_rep = {}
    json_rep['id'] = rsp['id']
    req = '/datasets/' + rsp['id']
    rsp = parent.GET(req)
    json_rep['shape'] = rsp['shape']
    json_rep['type'] = rsp['type']
    if 'creationProperties' in rsp:
        json_rep['creationProperties'] = rsp['creationProperties']
        json_rep['creationProperties'] = {}
    dset_id = DatasetID(parent, json_rep)

    if data is not None:
        req = "/datasets/" + dset_id.uuid + "/value"
        body = {}
        body['value'] = data.tolist()
        parent.PUT(req, body=body)
    return dset_id
文件: group.py 项目: DrKenHo/h5pyd
    def __setitem__(self, name, obj):
        """ Add an object to the group.  The name must not already be in use.

        The action taken depends on the type of object assigned:

        Named HDF5 object (Dataset, Group, Datatype)
            A hard link is created at "name" which points to the
            given object.

        SoftLink or ExternalLink
            Create the corresponding link.

        Numpy ndarray
            The array is converted to a dataset object, with default
            settings (contiguous storage, etc.).

        Numpy dtype
            Commit a copy of the datatype as a named datatype in the file.

        Anything else
            Attempt to convert it to an ndarray and store it.  Scalar
            values are stored as scalar datasets. Raise ValueError if we
            can't understand the resulting array dtype.
        #name, lcpl = self._e(name, lcpl=True)

        if isinstance(obj, HLObject):
            body = {'id': obj.id.uuid }
            req = "/groups/" + self.id.uuid + "/links/" + name
            self.PUT(req, body=body)
        elif isinstance(obj, SoftLink):
            body = {'h5path': obj.path }
            req = "/groups/" + self.id.uuid + "/links/" + name
            self.PUT(req, body=body)
            #self.id.links.create_soft(name, self._e(obj.path),
            #              lcpl=lcpl, lapl=self._lapl)

        elif isinstance(obj, ExternalLink):
            body = {'h5path': obj.path,
                    'h5domain': obj.filename }
            req = "/groups/" + self.id.uuid + "/links/" + name
            self.PUT(req, body=body)
            #self.id.links.create_external(name, self._e(obj.filename),
            #              self._e(obj.path), lcpl=lcpl, lapl=self._lapl)

        elif isinstance(obj, numpy.dtype):
            # print "create named type"
            type_json = h5json.getTypeItem(obj)
            #print "type_json:", type_json
            req = "/datatypes"
            body = {'type': type_json }
            rsp = self.POST(req, body=body)
            body['id'] = rsp['id']
            type_id = TypeID(self, body)
            req = "/groups/" + self.id.uuid + "/links/" + name
            body = {'id': type_id.uuid }
            self.PUT(req, body=body)
            #htype = h5t.py_create(obj)
            #htype.commit(self.id, name, lcpl=lcpl)

            pass #todo