文件: tocUtil.py 项目: robot-1/h5serv
def addTocEntry(domain, filePath, userid=None):
    Helper method - update TOC when a domain is created
    If userid is provide, the acl will be checked to ensure userid has permissions
    to modify the object.
    log = logging.getLogger("h5serv")
    hdf5_ext = config.get('hdf5_ext')
    dataPath = config.get('datapath')
    log.info("addTocEntry - domain: " + domain + " filePath: " + filePath)
    if not filePath.startswith(dataPath):
        log.error("unexpected filepath: " + filePath)
        raise HTTPError(500)
    filePath = fileUtil.getUserFilePath(filePath)
    tocFile = fileUtil.getTocFilePathForDomain(domain)
    log.info("tocFile: " + tocFile)
    acl = None

        with Hdf5db(tocFile, app_logger=log) as db:
            group_uuid = db.getUUIDByPath('/')
            pathNames = filePath.split('/')
            for linkName in pathNames:
                if not linkName:
                if linkName.endswith(hdf5_ext):
                    linkName = linkName[:-(len(hdf5_ext))]
                    print("linkName:", linkName)
                    if userid is not None:
                        acl = db.getAcl(group_uuid, userid)
                        if not acl['create']:
                            self.log.info("unauthorized access to group:" +
                            raise IOError(errno.EACCES)  # unauthorized
                        "createExternalLink -- uuid %s, domain: %s, linkName: %s",
                        group_uuid, domain, linkName)
                    db.createExternalLink(group_uuid, domain, '/', linkName)
                    subgroup_uuid = getSubgroupId(db, group_uuid, linkName)
                    if subgroup_uuid is None:
                        if userid is not None:
                            acl = db.getAcl(group_uuid, userid)
                            if not acl['create']:
                                self.log.info("unauthorized access to group:" +
                                raise IOError(errno.EACCES)  # unauthorized
                        # create subgroup and link to parent group
                        subgroup_uuid = db.createGroup()
                        # link the new group
                            "linkObject -- uuid: %s, subgroup_uuid: %s, linkName: %s",
                            group_uuid, subgroup_uuid, linkName)
                        db.linkObject(group_uuid, subgroup_uuid, linkName)
                    group_uuid = subgroup_uuid

    except IOError as e:
        log.info("IOError: " + str(e.errno) + " " + e.strerror)
        raise e
文件: tocUtil.py 项目: robot-1/h5serv
def isTocFilePath(filePath):
    datapath = config.get('datapath')
    toc_file_path = fileUtil.join(datapath, config.get('toc_name'))
    if filePath == toc_file_path:
        isTocFilePath = True
        isTocFilePath = False
    return isTocFilePath
文件: tocUtil.py 项目: robot-1/h5serv
def getTocFilePath(user=None):
    datapath = config.get('datapath')
    if user is None:
        #print("get default toc")
        toc_file_path = fileUtil.join(datapath, config.get('toc_name'))
        #print("get user toc")
        toc_file_path = fileUtil.join(datapath, config.get('home_dir'))
        toc_file_path = fileUtil.join(toc_file_path, config.get('toc_name'))

    return toc_file_path
def getUserFilePath(file_path):
    data_path = config.get('datapath')
    file_path = file_path[len(data_path):]  # strip off base data path
    if len(file_path) > 1 and file_path[0] == '/':
        file_path = file_path[
            1:]  # don't include first slash if preseent- messes up the split
    path_names = file_path.split('/')

    if path_names[0] == config.get('home_dir') and len(path_names) > 1:
        # return a path relative to user's base dir
        file_path = '/'
        path_names = path_names[2:]  # skip home, userid
        for path_name in path_names:
            file_path = op.join(file_path, path_name)

    return file_path
 def __init__(self, mongouri):
     self.log = logging.getLogger("h5serv")
     self.log.info("AuthMongo class init(" + mongouri + ")")
     self.client = MongoClient(mongouri)
     db_name = config.get('mongo_dbname')
     self.db = self.client[db_name]
     self.username_cache = {}
     self.userid_cache = {}
def getDomain(file_path, base_domain=None):
    # Get domain given a file path

    data_path = op.normpath(
        config.get('datapath'))  # base path for data directory
    data_path = posixpath(data_path)
    file_path = posixpath(file_path)
    hdf5_ext = config.get("hdf5_ext")
    if op.isabs(file_path):
        # compare with absolute path if we're given an absolute path
        data_path = posixpath(op.abspath(data_path))

    if file_path == data_path:
        return config.get('domain')

    if file_path.endswith(hdf5_ext):
        domain = op.basename(file_path)[:-(len(hdf5_ext))]
        domain = op.basename(file_path)

    # replace dots with %2E in basename
    domain = domain.replace('.', '%2E')

    dirname = op.dirname(file_path)

    while len(dirname) > 1 and dirname != data_path:
        domain += '.'
        domain += op.basename(dirname)
        if len(op.dirname(dirname)) >= len(dirname):
        dirname = op.dirname(dirname)

    domain += '.'
    if base_domain:
        domain += base_domain
        domain += config.get('domain')

    return domain
文件: tocUtil.py 项目: robot-1/h5serv
def removeTocEntry(domain, filePath, userid=None):
    log = logging.getLogger("h5serv")
    hdf5_ext = config.get('hdf5_ext')
    dataPath = config.get('datapath')

    if not filePath.startswith(dataPath):
        log.error("unexpected filepath: " + filePath)
        raise HTTPError(500)
    filePath = fileUtil.getUserFilePath(filePath)
    tocFile = fileUtil.getTocFilePathForDomain(domain)
    log.info("removeTocEntry - domain: " + domain + " filePath: " + filePath +
             " tocfile: " + tocFile)
    pathNames = filePath.split('/')
    log.info("pathNames: " + str(pathNames))

        with Hdf5db(tocFile, app_logger=log) as db:
            group_uuid = db.getUUIDByPath('/')
            log.info("group_uuid:" + group_uuid)

            for linkName in pathNames:
                if not linkName:
                log.info("linkName:" + linkName)
                if linkName.endswith(hdf5_ext):
                    linkName = linkName[:-(len(hdf5_ext))]
                    log.info("unklink " + group_uuid + ", " + linkName)
                    db.unlinkItem(group_uuid, linkName)
                    subgroup_uuid = getSubgroupId(db, group_uuid, linkName)
                    if subgroup_uuid is None:
                        msg = "Didn't find expected subgroup: " + group_uuid
                        raise HTTPError(500, reason=msg)
                    group_uuid = subgroup_uuid

    except IOError as e:
        log.info("IOError: " + str(e.errno) + " " + e.strerror)
        raise e
def getAuthClient():
    log = logging.getLogger("h5serv")
    password_uri = config.get("password_uri")
    log.info("password_uri:" + password_uri)

    auth = None
    if password_uri.startswith("mongo"):
        # use mongodb user db
        from h5serv.authMongo import AuthClient
        auth = AuthClient(password_uri)
        # use HDF5 file-based user db
        from h5serv.authFile import AuthClient
        auth = AuthClient(password_uri)

    return auth
def getFilePath(host_value, auth=None):
    # logging.info('getFilePath[' + host_value + ']')
    # strip off port specifier (if present)
    npos = host_value.rfind(':')
    if npos > 0:
        host = host_value[:npos]
        host = host_value

    topdomain = config.get('domain')

    # check to see if this is an ip address
    if isIPAddress(host):
        host = topdomain  # use topdomain

    if host.lower() == topdomain:
        # if host is the same as topdomain, return toc path
        # filePath = getTocFilePath()
        filePath = config.get('datapath')
        filePath = join(filePath, config.get('toc_name'))
        return filePath
    print("host:", host, "topdomain:", topdomain)
    if len(host) <= len(
            topdomain) or host[-len(topdomain):].lower() != topdomain:
        msg = "top-level domain is not valid"
        raise HTTPError(403, message=msg)

    if host[-(len(topdomain) + 1)] != '.':
        # there needs to be a dot separator
        raise HTTPError(400, message='domain name is not valid')

    host = host[:-(len(topdomain) + 1)]  # strip off top domain part

    if len(host) == 0 or host[0] == '.' or host[-1] == '.':
        # needs a least one character (which can't be '.', or have '.' as first or last char)
        raise HTTPError(400, message='domain name is not valid')

    dns_path = host.split('.')
    dns_path.reverse()  # flip to filesystem ordering
    filePath = config.get('datapath')
    num_parts = 0
    for field in dns_path:
        if len(field) == 0:
            raise HTTPError(400)  # Bad syntax

        filePath = join(filePath, field)
        num_parts += 1

    # check to see if this is the user's home domain
    if num_parts == 2 and dns_path[0] == config.get('home_dir'):
        if auth is None:
            auth = getAuthClient
        user_info = auth.getUserInfo(dns_path[1])
        if user_info is None:
            raise HTTPError(404)  # not found
        makeDirs(filePath)  # add user directory if it doesn't exist
        filePath = join(filePath, config.get('toc_name'))
        filePath += config.get('hdf5_ext')  # add extension

    #print('getFilePath[' + host + '] -> "' + filePath + '"')

    return filePath
def getTocFilePathForDomain(host_value, auth=None):
    """ Return toc file path for given domain value.
        Will return path "../data/.toc.h5" for public domains or
        "../data/home/<user>/.toc.h5" for user domains.
    # logging.info('getFilePath[' + host_value + ']')
    # strip off port specifier (if present)
    npos = host_value.rfind(':')
    if npos > 0:
        host = host_value[:npos]
        host = host_value

    topdomain = config.get('domain')

    # check to see if this is an ip address
    if isIPAddress(host):
        host = topdomain  # use topdomain

    if host.lower() == topdomain:
        # if host is the same as topdomain, return toc path
        # filePath = getTocFilePath()
        filePath = config.get('datapath')
        filePath = join(filePath, config.get('toc_name'))
        return filePath

    if len(host) <= len(
            topdomain) or host[-len(topdomain):].lower() != topdomain:
        host = topdomain  # use topdomain
        if host[-(len(topdomain) + 1)] != '.':
            # there needs to be a dot separator
            raise HTTPError(400, message='domain name is not valid')

        host = host[:-(len(topdomain) + 1)]  # strip off top domain part

        if len(host) == 0 or host[0] == '.' or host[-1] == '.':
            # needs a least one character (which can't be '.', or have '.' as first or last char)
            raise HTTPError(400, message='domain name is not valid')

    dns_path = host.split('.')
    dns_path.reverse()  # flip to filesystem ordering
    filePath = config.get('datapath')

    if dns_path[0] == config.get('home_dir'):
        filePath = join(filePath, config.get('home_dir'))
        filePath = join(filePath, dns_path[1])
        if auth is None:
            auth = getAuthClient()
        user_info = auth.getUserInfo(dns_path[1])
        if user_info is None:
            raise HTTPError(404)  # not found
        makeDirs(filePath)  # add user directory if it doesn't exist
        filePath = join(filePath, config.get('toc_name'))
        #print("return user toc filepath")
        # not home dir, just return top-level toc
        filePath = join(filePath, config.get('toc_name'))
        #print("return default toc filepath")

    return filePath
文件: tocUtil.py 项目: robot-1/h5serv
def createTocFile(datapath):
    log = logging.getLogger("h5serv")
    log.info("createTocFile(" + datapath + ")")
    data_dir = fileUtil.posixpath(op.normpath(config.get('datapath')))
    home_dir = fileUtil.join(data_dir, config.get("home_dir"))
    log.info("home dir: " + home_dir)
    if datapath.startswith(home_dir):
        log.info("user toc")
        user_toc = True
        log.info("system toc")
        user_toc = False

    if datapath.endswith(config.get('toc_name')):
        toc_dir = fileUtil.posixpath(op.normpath(op.dirname(datapath)))
        toc_file = datapath
        toc_dir = fileUtil.posixpath(op.normpath(datapath))
        toc_file = fileUtil.join(toc_dir, config.get("toc_name"))

    log.info("toc_dir:[" + toc_dir + "]")
    log.info("data_dir:[" + data_dir + "]")
    log.info("home_dir:[" + home_dir + "]")
    log.info("check toc with path: " + toc_file)
    if op.exists(toc_file):
        msg = "toc file already exists"
        raise IOError(msg)

    base_domain = fileUtil.getDomain(toc_dir)
    log.info("base domain: " + base_domain)

    #if os.name == 'nt':
    #    toc_dir = toc_dir.replace('\\', '/')  # use unix style to map to HDF5 convention

    hdf5_ext = config.get('hdf5_ext')

    f = h5py.File(toc_file, 'w')

    for root, subdirs, files in os.walk(toc_dir):
        root = fileUtil.posixpath(root)
        log.info("toc walk: " + root)

        if toc_dir == data_dir:
            log.info(fileUtil.join(toc_dir, home_dir))
            if root.startswith(home_dir):
                log.info("skipping home dir")

        grppath = root[len(toc_dir):]
        if not grppath:
            grppath = '/'
        if grppath[-1] == '.':
            grppath = grppath[:-1]
        log.info("grppath: " + grppath)

        if os.name == 'nt':
            grppath = grppath.replace('\\', '/')  # match HDF5 convention
        grp = None
        if grppath == '/':
            grp = f['/']  # use root group

        domainpath = fileUtil.getDomain(grppath, base_domain=base_domain)
        log.info("grppath: " + grppath)
        log.info("base_domain: " + base_domain)
        log.info("domainpath: " + domainpath)
        for filename in os.listdir(root):
            log.info("walk, file: " + filename)
            if filename[0] == '.':
                log.info("skip hidden")
                continue  # skip 'hidden' files

            filepath = fileUtil.join(root, filename)
            log.info("walk, filepath: " + filepath)
            link_target = '/'

            if op.islink(filepath):
                log.info("symlink: " + filepath)
                # todo - quick hack for now to set a symlink with to sub-folder of data dir
                # todo - revamp to use os.readlink and do the proper thing with the link value
                filedomain = config.get('domain')
                link_target += filename
                log.info("setting symbolic link domainpath to: " + filedomain +
                         " target: /" + filename)
                ext_len = len(hdf5_ext)
                if len(filename) < ext_len or filename[-ext_len:] != hdf5_ext:
                    log.info("skip non-hdf5 extension")
                if not h5py.is_hdf5(filepath):
                    log.info("skip non-hdf5 file")
                filename = filename[:-ext_len]
                # replace any dots with '%2E' to disambiguate from domain seperators
                filename_encoded = filename.replace('.', '%2E')
                log.info("filename (noext): " + filename)
                if domainpath[0] == '.':
                    filedomain = filename_encoded + domainpath
                    filedomain = filename_encoded + '.' + domainpath

            # create the grp at grppath if it doesn't exist
            if not grp:
                log.info("tocfile - create_group: " + grppath)
                grp = f.create_group(grppath)

            # verify that we can convert the domain back to a file path
            log.info("filedomain: " + filedomain)
                # ok - add the external link
                log.info("tocFile - ExternalLink: " + domainpath)
                grp[filename] = h5py.ExternalLink(filedomain, link_target)
            except HTTPError:
                log.info("file path: [" + filepath +
                         "] is not valid dns name, ignoring")