def loadlocalmaps(infiles, windower, *args, **kwargs):
	Invoke findmaps(*args, **kwargs) to identify a map from file names for
	WaveformMap serializations to desired keys for that file, then load
	each file and extract the subset of the contained WaveformMap
	corresponding to those keys.

	If window is not None, it should be a callable that will be applied to
	each Waveform before it is added to the map.
    wmap = WaveformMap()
    for f, pairs in findmaps(infiles, *args, **kwargs).items():
        # Define a filter to only load locally assigned keys
        for key, wave in WaveformMap.generate(f):
            if key not in pairs: continue
            if windower: wave = windower(wave)
            wmap[key] = wave

    return wmap
def procmessages(sendreqs, recvreqs, recvbufs):
	Enter a loop to process incoming messages and close out pending sends,
	yielding (t, r) pairs and Waveform records as they are received.

	The arguments sendreqs and recvreqs are, respectively, lists send and
	receive requests as prepared by postmessages. The argument recvbufs is
	a map from source ranks to lists of BytesIO buffers that will be
	populated with the incoming messages associated with recvreqs.

	No action is taken when send requests are ready, except to wait for
	their completion.
    # Track the number of receive requests to differentiate sends and receives
    nrecvs = len(recvreqs)

    # Lump all requests together for processing
    requests = recvreqs + sendreqs

    # Begin processing messages
    status = MPI.Status()
    while True:
        # Wait until a message can be processed
        idx = MPI.Request.Waitany(requests, status)
        if idx == MPI.UNDEFINED: break

        # Figure out the rank, tag and size of this message
        tag = status.tag

        if 0 <= idx < nrecvs:
            # Parse the incoming WaveformMap stream
            bstr = recvbufs[status.source][tag]
            # Yield the keys and waveforms in turn
            yield from WaveformMap.generate(bstr)
            # Free buffer by closing the stream
        elif idx < 0 or idx >= len(requests):
            raise ValueError(f'Unexpected MPI request index {idx}')
def findmaps(infiles, start=0, stride=1):
	Parse all of the WaveformMap instances encapsulated in infiles (a list
	of files or globs) to identify for each file a set of all keys (t, r)
	in that file.

	If (start, stride) is other than (0, 1), the keys in each file will be
	pared to only sorted(keys)[start::stride].

	A map from file names to the (optionally strided) set of pairs for each
	file is returned.
    pairmaps = {}
    for f in infiles:
        # Build the key generator
        keys = WaveformMap.generate(f, keys_only=True)
        if (start, stride) != (0, 1):
            # Sort for striding, if desired
            keys = sorted(keys)[start::stride]
        # Convert to set and store if nonempty
        keys = set(keys)
        if keys: pairmaps[f] = keys

    return pairmaps